Malaysian unity, not ketuanan Melayu please

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor


Michael Jackson was the ‘king of pop’ and his music and artistry won him accolades from the peoples of the world, old and young and of all races. He was a black American but to the people race was never a consideration, because of his creative art. This is a healthy development, and the lesson is that in a modern world there is no room for racialism or racial politics. The world recognises and praise the man because of the achievements and merits of the man, and not by the colour of his skin. This is a world trend.


The correct way for Malaysia to progress and prosper is for Malaysians to unite and strive to be competitive through merit, transparency and discipline.

In recent days, there has been a revival of fears among the Malay community, that with globalisation and the victories of March 8th, 2008 for the opposition, their future is under threat. This provoked Umno to propose the concept of ketuanan Melayu, and they called for malays to unite as their political and economic future was under threat.

The fears also inspired the call for unity talks between Umno and Pas leaders to find solutions for the perceived predicament of the Malays.

It is fair for Malay Malaysians to strive for a rightful place in the country, and this goes for Chinese and Indian Malaysians as well. But calling for Malay unity and unity talks will not solve the problem of securing prosperity and progress.

History if full of examples where racial supremacy or ketuanan Melayu have fallen into disrepute and rejected by the people.


Hitler wanted a greater Germany and propounded the doctrine of the Aryan race meaning the Germans. He considered the Jews to be outcasts and killed many of them – genocide. Hitler was proved wrong because Germany lost the war, and the Aryan race supremacy died with him.

In America, white supremacy was practised and blacks were imported to work as slaves in the plantations. But slavery was condemned by President Lincoln. He won the civil war and slavery was abolished. However, the blacks continued to be ostracised and mistreated especially by white supremists. The blacks persisted and continued their struggle to be equal with the whites. In the course of time, many blacks went into college and many have outshone themselves as research scientists, congressmen, artists, businesmen and world class athletes.

Tiger Woods is the greatest golf champion in the world. Michael Jackson died recently and memorial services were held around the world. CNN estimated that there were 1 billion mourners attended the memorial services.

But the event which marked the end of white supremacy in America was the election of Obama as the first black President of The United States of America .

Umno and all those who support the idea of ketuanan Melayu or Malay supremacy should learn from history. Follow the world trend towards equlity of races and freedom of expression and assembly.

The way to go is to the nation to follow a policy of Malaysians unite and work together as one people for progress and prosperity.

PM Najib Razak. This is one reform you should recommend as soon as possible. No more Malay supremacy. Just give us Malaysian unity.

70 Replies to “Malaysian unity, not ketuanan Melayu please”

  1. One group is lazy and want to grab everything for themselves, while the rest are hard-working and systematically make their fortune here and take them out for safe-keeping. Eventually, the economy will collapse. In the meantime, the ruling party will continue to siphon as much as they can under the pretext of protecting the wealth from being abused by the opposition in case they are voted into power. So more cronies are being created, and even more nominees are being used to keep the stolen cash. This has been going on ever since the days of TDM. That is why the ringgit will soon become banana money S$1 = RM 1,000 or more!

  2. Population Education by V.K. Rao says: “Some of the arboreal primates, such as the gibbon and the howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) have an advanced vocal pattern which conveys information about the position of the group and indicates that the territory is occupied… Territorialism is common among many higher invertebrates (crustacea, insects, spiders, etc.) and throughout all vertebrate classes. Territorialism can be found in fish, amphibia, reptiles, birds and mammals… Although this is true, it must not obscure the fact that there are many animals which do not show territorialism.”

    But what does the Qur’an actually says? Does it advocate territorialism like howler monkeys and thereby engage in racial discrimination, or does it preaches universalism where all men are descendants of Adam and Eve, and therefore all Malaysians are pendatangs originating from the Garden of Eden?

  3. When John Lennon wrote “Imagine” was a powerful song to unite the world…and he was shot dead. Before that..he suffered alot of insults too.
    Micheal Jackson…have few songs touching the hearts of all humans…asking us to looks into the mirror…to see who we heal the world…and tell gangsters to beat it.
    This got racialists and people who do not want to unite the world..mad..for MJ is very influential.
    Something must be done to him.
    So the labels and accusations came non stop.
    He never grew up…and love to play and joke with children. I will not be surprised…he even taught.. some dirty jokes too…and the power of disunity group took and painted him..what he wa not…so successfully…and convincingly……that it chased him away from USA for awhile…making him gave up Christianity to become a Muslim.
    Now this genius is gone….and the last speech by his daughter should bury all rumors.
    May he rest in peace.

  4. George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) wrote a very perceptive statement: “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” Is that not what UMNO is hoping for to continue to govern Malaysia and rape it of its coffers. When the oil, minerals, forests, and other natural resources are exhausted, they will probably be more willing to give up and sing a different tune. By then, the Malays may be so far behind when they find themselves without crutches that Malaysia by then have to depend solely on the non-Malays to sustain the economy.

  5. According to the Fed Cons, Malaysian Malaysia is still bias to Malay.

    So we have to amend the FC before we can truly said it is anything near 1Malaysia if what Najib wants his words not becoming void.

    pw: excerpt truckloads

  6. Please remember that Michael Jackson died as a Muslim, and that is another reason he deserved so much respects after he died. For Malaysia, there will never be unity if the discrimination and biasness towards the Malays are not eradicated. The Malay has been enduring the prejudiced view that they are inherently incapable and lazy for many years and this is still happening now. A lot of less educated Malays have been suppressed in the community but no one understand how they feel. The notion of Ketuanan Melayu is to help gain back our self esteem among other races. Ketuanan Melayu is not something used to threaten the survival of other races but a very important concerpt to help remind other races of the importance of the Malay race and to protect the Malay from being marginalised.

  7. Kasim Amat…Please do not patronize your religion as the best in the world in blogging.
    All religions are as great as Islam…and even greater…if you can understand…. comparative religion.
    We are not trained to promote how great our beliefs are.
    MJ became a Muslim…that’s his choice….and if you notice…he was actually given a Christian way of life farewell ceremony.
    He is not buried yet…and that is also going against Muslim rites.
    So please..stop babbling and rambling….unity in Malaysia depends solely only Islamic laws.
    Which Islamic politics do you support….PAS or UMNO?
    Do you encourage Islamic religion.. to be in politics?
    I can go on and on…but waste of time….it you behave like an Islamic fanatic.

  8. The fastest way to make them stop talking about ketuanan Melayu, it is to let Malaysia go bankrupt as soon as possible.

    All these people talk ketuanan Melayu because Malaysia is too rich, they have rights to rob easily to get more money, no worry money, too much money to spend, nothing much to do so pass time is to make noisy.

    Only bankrupt can make them awake and panic.

  9. “Survival of the fittest” … You cannot continue to depend on hand-outs, because after a few generations of being spoon-fed and living on cluthches, you will naturally end up = PERMANENTLY HANDICAPPED, and this is what you can expect to see, but who cares, so long as they can continue to rob and to rape the economy dry. NEP is slowly but surely destroying the recipients in the long run, and it is already too late to do anything, because they are left far behind, and they are weak and helpless until their last day.

  10. As long as we have not achieved our target, we will not give up fighting. Our old generations have sacrificed their lives for the independence of Malaysia. We allow other races to stay here and become citizens. They did not thank us but consider we are thieves….. We will not allow anyone to challenge Ketuanan Melayu. This is our basic rights.

  11. Kasim Amat made interesting but quite unintelligible points. May be he cares to explain the basis he formed the opinions.

    1. Kasim Amat Says:
    July 9th, 2009 at 20: 34.24
    ///Please remember that Michael Jackson died as a Muslim, and that is another reason he deserved so much respects after he died.///–Kasim Amat

    Is dying a Muslim a class above other dead, and how so?

    /// For Malaysia, there will never be unity if the discrimination and biasness towards the Malays are not eradicated.///–Kasim Amat

    How can there be unity when the government institutionalises discrimination against non-Malays. How can those who are discriminated not harbour bias dislike against the groups which use their numerical strength to make institutionalised discrimination possible? The ordinary non-Malay citizens cannot discriminate against Malays; they have not the legitimate authority to do so.

    /// The Malay has been enduring the prejudiced view that they are inherently incapable and lazy for many years and this is still happening now.///– Kasim Amat

    It is said that one earns his respect and one deserves to be looked down on one’s action. Only those who have self respect would be able to live their life for themselves rather than for the thought of others. Why be bothered about what other thinks if one does not believe what are in their thought?

    /// A lot of less educated Malays have been suppressed in the community but no one understand how they feel.///– Kasim Amat

    If it means Malays are suppressed by Malays within the community, then that is not a religious thing for the community to do. Or has NEP made new rich Malays looking down on poor old Malays?

    /// The notion of Ketuanan Melayu is to help gain back our self esteem among other races. ///- – Kasim Amat

    Is it the correct way to boost self esteem by having numerical strength to bully through government policy, just like to gain vicarious enjoyment just because one sees a Malay tycoon and imagine that in the dream he can be like the tycoon? Or one feels proud to be Malays just because the Rulers are Malays? Should not self esteem be something one can be proud of having achieved by his own efforts, no matter how little those achievement was?

    ///Ketuanan Melayu is not something used to threaten the survival of other races but a very important concerpt to help remind other races of the importance of the Malay race and to protect the Malay from being marginalised.///-Kasim Amat

    The term marginalisation has been popularised by a Malay politician who claimed that Malays in Penang were marginalised. Malays may be said to be marginalised if the head of departments of government services find no Malay at all. But the fact is there are no Chinese or Indian serving as head of department in government services or as Vice Chancellor in the universities in Malaysia. So the Chinese and the Indians are marginalised in these two areas, and may be more, such as in the police force, and the armed forces.

    The personnel in government institutions are to serve the nation and the citizens to the best of their ability. There are not there so that the community they belong could feel proud. The policy and implementation thereof are affecting the lives of the millions of the citizens and hence it is important that people of the right calibre are appointed to the important positions. The IGP has a huge responsibility in safeguarding the safety of the citizens. Would Malays care to insist on Malay holding the position if he was incapable of doing so when there could be a non-Malay candidate? It would be easier to answer the question if one suffers on the results of the choice.

    Everybody leads his own life. No Malays would share his purse with the others, even if he is rich as Daim Zainuddin. So what does collective wealth of Malays mean to a Malay individual? One has the sense of empathy and one feels the pains to see the suffering of others. It is politics in Malaysia context that people start asking the race of the person who suffers. Raced-based politics are rendering people less humane than their natural self. The concept of ketuanan and marginalisation is alien to human life but politicians gain popularity as racists.

  12. What rights you have?

    Before Chinese and Indian coming here.

    This land is just jungle, the Malays just a fishmen catch enough fish to feed themselve only near the seaside.

    After Western arrived here, then development the jungle with Chinese hardwork in tin and indian in rubber estate while the Malay is hanging easy life in office and easy fishing in sea few days a week.

    Without Chinese and Indian hardwork generate income, these land is just jungle and no money to develope.

    Without Chinese, indian and others here, this land long gone take over under indonesia republic.

    What rights? Many indonesian immigrants/emigrants entered though Johor before Malaya indepedent.

    Before indepedent, any muslim practise Malay custom is Malay.

    Malay is not a race, it is a category name before indepedent by British government.

  13. BN claims that the NEP target has not yet been reached. NEP was supposed to run from 1970-1990, an overrun from the initial 15 years from 1957-1972. Now is 2008, i.e. 18 years after the NEP was supposed to end and 36 years after the proposed review. If NEP target is not reached, who should be kicked in the butt? Is it normal practice to extend the deadline forever? Can any CEO asked for extension if their revenue targets are not met? BN doesn’t know what is “shame”. Their skins are thicker than the rhinoceros. They are admitting that they are damn bloody hopeless, or are they pretending to be stupid so that they can continue to enjoy the benefits? Sincerity and fair play is what they lack, and they profess to be errr… what religion did they say they profess to?

  14. Really cant take their altitute anymore.

    With all the protection and money support, they cant even manage the PROTON corporation well and it is going bankrupt soon if no help.

    An indian corporation AirAsia now nearly have trible their size in few years without full protection from government and no tax money support.

    We trying to show a way to make Malaysia better but they still demand their stupid handicapped special position rights blocking our way to full utitlize Malaysians.

    The only way to stop them demanding is let Malaysia go bankrupt as soon as possible.

    Let them know understand the money don’t simply drop from the sky without hardwork.

    When Malaysia go bankrupt let them knock the door oversea to beg for help and let them talk to oversea about their special rights to those they seek for help. Who know maybe they tell the USA their grandfathers own the USA.

  15. Who know maybe they tell the CHINA their grandfathers own the CHINA.

    So they have special rights in the CHINA.

    There is what they good at. Right?

    If I am not mistake Orang Asli was here Malaya earlier than anyone else.

  16. Hi Loh,you are great.You dealt pretty well against this Kasim Amat, statement by statement.I really appreciated it .Should you not,I would have taken the same line of action on this fanatic guy who I think is coming all out to create disunity among the muslim and non muslim.Do you realise,this kasim amat is pretty cunning and is using a kind of reverse thinking methodology to instigate the malays to hate the non malays.This is what he’s insinuating all the time in this blog. What I am saying here is that all what kasim amat said about what is happening to the malays……being looked down and maginalised is actually what the Umno government has been treating the non malays since some two or three decades ago.Since medeka,the muslim/malays are being treated as special 1st class citizen at the expend of others,kasim amat knows it pretty well and yet what he said in this blog did not reflext all at what the malays have enjoyed through the various affirmative policy of the Umno government. we hope this will put the record right.

  17. Hi kasim amat,you and your own kind,particularly Umnoputras,Umnowarlords are the real suppressors of the less fortunate malays.If Umno is sincere to all muslim/malays,how come after more than five decades of rule,the ordinary malays are still poor and less educated whereas Umnoputras and warlords have become millionaires,muli-millionaires,billionaires and multi-billionaires.All these filty mega rich malays have huge houses or palaces fill with atleast half dozens of luxurious cars .Don’t these evidences prove that You and Umno are the real culprits of the malay race and its religion ?.You tell me why are so many ordinary malays still remain less or not properly educated like you said ? Whereas those of yours and Umno putras’s children are send to popular universities in the UK,Australia,and the United States of America.Kasim amat please tell me why you guys are doing all these and yet you have the cheek to say the non-malays are the suppressors.If you are truly what you said you are a muslim,please admit it.Again kasim amat you talked about target for muslim/malays.Please what target you talking about for them,other than your own and those of Umnoputras and warlords.After a half century of rule,you and your bosses have achieved far more beyond your target but you guys are so filty greedy,you only leave some peanuts to your own race and religion and blame it on to us the non-malays/muslim.May God have mercy and forgive you and all your greedy bosses.

  18. Kassim Amat speaks like an orang hutan…with a Muslim Tarzan.
    Ignore his empty threats and challenges.
    This useless lazy racialist..small fut wants to pick a fight.
    Jungle man do behave like alot with no substance.

  19. a2a understands history of race and Malaysia well.
    Particularly…how the race.. “malay” came into existence.
    He should make sure thousands who does not blog…understand that too.
    Can we teach an orang hutan …like Kassim go back to the jungle and leave us alone?
    How nice…no need to work..just eat and sleep.
    What say you..Kassim Amat?
    That’s Kassim Amat Malaysia….back to the racialist fanatic.

  20. a2a says: “The fastest way to make them stop talking about ketuanan Melayu, it is to let Malaysia go bankrupt as soon as possible…. Only bankrupt can make them awake and panic.”

    Without capacity-building for its human resources, Malaysia is definitely heading for trouble, once its natural resources run out. Then, we can start talking about Ketualan Melayu. Beats me that a historically backward race can claim to be superior.

  21. If you think deeply and clearly…you will not put all the blame on Kassim Amat
    UMNO is the true evil one..the master and the teacher….and Kassim is the good student…for UMNO’s plans …to rule forever.
    It started vigorously by divide and rule…to keep his race as half past sixes..No need to think..just listen and follow….go take bribes…go get rich…use your imaginations..government will close both eyes..all will be taken cared off …by UMNO..their savior..their protector of the land they claim to own.
    But one by one…we must gun them down with debates and speeches…not being lured into a physical fight.
    Not that we are afraid of physical fights..but Malaysia is a developed country…developed through natural process….and by other races and foreigners…never by UMNO buggers…by evolution process.
    With that…we do not need to fight it out in combats.
    We need to be calm…and let them break every rule for the whole world to see.
    Pushed to the corner where our love ones may die like files ..we will fight with sticks and stones…to see who wins…where UMNO does not have USAor any powerful country to help them.
    They can plan…we can plan.
    So far…non violence with total disobedience is working fine.
    They continue to fool Malaysians..with acting and giving false hopes.
    Let it be. Malaysians are mostly… enlightened.

  22. In the musical world, MJ is indisputable no. 1 in his own way.

    In the spiritual world, where is he now?

    Did he use any ketuanan to achieve that? He was black and trying to make it white – a grave mistake on tolls of his life.

    Did he make it while his family is sort of Christian?

    Why did he convert to another one and die the way he died – skin and bone only?

    It is very obvious he went through self destruction of sort and that is a very familiar symbol of a sort of religion.

    What should be our ketuanan today of the human race? What is the majority of the world today? Majority in whatever region is not important to God – the creator. Ketuanan of whatever without God would be futile.

    pw: lone Mehrbero,

  23. Now we know why kassim is like that! Inferiority complex. And in order to overcome that complex he said malays had to create the ketuanan platform to stand on and speak from.


    First thing. The complex lies in your head and not on your skin.

    Second thing. The platform is an island no matter how large umno builds it. You can stay up there for as long as you want and for as long as you able to. But the moment you climb down from that platform pls remember that you will as sure as night follows day meet a whole load of other people – some nice ones, some less nice ones and some outright nasty ones. You just have to deal with them and their ways. And you must. Then sooner than you thought, you will be able to find your way around in the crowd and move amongst them. Believe me (if not then at least believe in yourself) that you will have friends and that thing in your head will then vanish. That is the only way to survive in the diverse crowd of strangers. Remaining on the platform will get you no where. Remaining on the platform will only enhance the insecurity feeling that is now beseiging you.

    Third thing to note. That platform was created by politicians for the purpose of preserving their power. Like the monsters in the Monster World who harness the screams of a human child for energy, umno and umnoputras harness your insecurity and use it as fuel for their political power.

    So climb down my friend from that platform. Do not be afraid. Dont hide. Join us. Monsterball may speak monster language but once you are down here in the crowd you may find monster language funny and even acceptable. Ask your friends and relatives to come along as well.

  24. In the U, racial unity can be more easily achieved because religion is not a big issue there, unlike in our country. In Thailand, where native Thais and immigrant Chinese share the same religion. Thus, a Black American Obama has risen to become President, the previous and current Thai Premiers are ethnic Chinese. So were former Philippines President Corazon Aquino, and former Burmese leader General Ne Win. In reality, the ethnicity of a leader is not important.
    But sadly in our country, the leaders never cease to use racial and religious cards to stay in power. That they can still use racial and religious issues to frighten the voters into voting for them is clear proof that the education level of the people is not that high. Dr. Chen, given our country’s diversity, change will take place but at a slower pace.
    There is hope. Personally, I see people such as the late Sudirman Arshad, Siti Nurhaliza, Lee Chong Wei, Lee Lam Thye, Nicol Ann David, Misbun brothers, TV programme presenter Jamaluddin, Joseph Pairin, etc, as Malaysians through and through.

  25. Self-esteem is more psychological than it could actually be! If that is what “ketuanan Melayu” is for, then, it is more for the curing of “inferiority” than a Normal and Healthy Politics! The Basic of the latter is to enable EVERY ONE in the Society to be Independent and Contributory towards the Society through Educations and Promotion of Fairness with Respect to others. NOT to rely on Privilege and Inherited!! Special allowances are only to be available to those PROVED to be less fortunate and not by a General Category of being Malay!!

    One of the symptom of Inferiority is the Dependent of Others, Boasting of Wealth, Size, Quantity and NOT Quality or Mentality.

    Malay under the Constitution is for those Aboriginal and not just anyone who speak Malay and practicing Muslim. Inferiority to a great extent is the incapable of communicating with others, such as by isolation of language, religion or race.

    MHT has used “Malay” for politics and “marginalized” the Malay as being one Needs to be provided with Special Terms so that Huge Resources had been allocated. But, did “Malay” get an even share of those allocation? NO ONE doubted, the Majority of those Special allocation had gone into Corruption!! Therefore, after 30 years or more, Kasim Amat still needs to fight for Malay!! Go and take a look of Malaysia by figures on allocation to “Malay” for the past 30 or more years, then, NO ONE should doubted that UMNO has marginalized EVERY Malaysian, except those within their crones!!

    The use of Race and Religion is just their tool in getting their Political Power! With uncontrolled or promoted growth of population, can anyone expect a better welfare from the Government, even if it was corruption free? At the end, those having more populated but depending on the mercy of the Government or the others will be marginalized.

    Kasim Amat! Malay had been marginalized by those crooked Politicians and those who had been dependent on Privilege and those who had corrupted on Government funding. IF you see the picture clearly, you will be in the mainstream of MOST Malaysians asking for Equality and not Special Terms and not falling into the Trap of “ketuanan Melayu”. WORK FOR MALAYSIAN and NOT for Malay!!

  26. If Melayu is so great, why is it necessary to send Lee Chong Wei, a Chinese to the Olympics in Beijing with Misbun accompanying him only? Let Misbun fight for the silver himself lah!!!!!! If Lee had not considered himself as a MALAYSIAN, would he have fought so hard for the country? If Lee was a PENDATANG as claimed by AHMAD ISMAIL, why should he put in all he had during the matches, as evidenced by all from the television live broadcast? Are we now talking about MALAYSIA BOLEH? or MELAYU BOLEH? or MALAYSIANS BOLEH??????

  27. One European country practised “Ketuanan Aryan” and this is what happened:

    During World War II, 7.5 million Germans had been killed, roughly 11 percent of the population. At the Potsdam conference, the victorious allies ceded 25% of Germany’s pre-war territory to Poland and the Soviet Union.

  28. Loh Says:
    July 9th, 2009 at 22: 27.31

    Kasim Amat made interesting but quite unintelligible points. May be he cares to explain the basis he formed the opinions.


    /// The Malay has been enduring the prejudiced view that they are inherently incapable and lazy for many years and this is still happening now.///– Kasim Amat

    It is said that one earns his respect and one deserves to be looked down on one’s action.

    /// The notion of Ketuanan Melayu is to help gain back our self esteem among other races. ///- – Kasim Amat

    Is it the correct way to boost self esteem by having numerical strength to bully through government policy, just like to gain vicarious enjoyment just because one sees a Malay tycoon and imagine that in the dream he can be like the tycoon?



    I cannot see how making unintelligible statements and running for cover when challenged to a proper debate is a boost to one’s self esteem. If you have any self esteem, you either defend and argue your point or admit your mistake.

    Likewise, I cannot see how getting continual preferential treatment and assistance from the Govt is the way to boost self esteem.

  29. Kasim Amat Says:
    July 9th, 2009 at 20: 34.24

    Please remember that Michael Jackson died as a Muslim, and that is another reason he deserved so much respects after he died.


    What has this got to do with Malaysian Unity or lack of?

  30. 0nly in Malaysia…orang hutan man like Kasim Amat can claim Tarzan is a Muslim.
    UMNO is using the religion…to brainwash…to hypnotize Kassim for his vote.
    “…orrrr….eee..orrr”……only Kassim Amat knows what that’s all about.
    City folks just enjoy the call and acting…hollow threats..from hollow man.
    Today….Kassim Amat’s actions are to instigate and challenge us..with gajahs and buayas waiting…to eat us alive.
    We plenty take the bait…..but fark Kassim …we must.
    This Tarzan…..Kassim’s Lord.of the jungle…is a Muslim….first Tarzan with a religion label.
    So powerful….so tricky…yet do not work…Kasim is farked up!
    Must not disappoint “taking” commentator…..hahahahahahahaha

  31. ‘Talking” la….not “taking”.
    Where is Kassim Amat?
    Gone to Friday prayers?
    Can we guess what will he be praying for?
    By the way he wrote..we can presume he is dreaming of 72

  32. I feel sorry for those who are permanently handicapped due to the addiction of consuming NEP drugs. Their hope of survival in a globalized world has been robbed by UMNO, and their future generations will be completely wiped out. So let them shout “Ketuanan” for the limited life span left.

  33. /// The notion of Ketuanan Melayu is to help gain back our self esteem among other races. ///- – Kasim Amat
    Kepada Saudara Kasim:Sudah lebih 50 tahun Merdeka dengan kelebihan DEB dan banyak lagi kenikmatan bangsa Melayu di Malaysia masih belum cukup self esteem? Malu saya sebagai warga Malaysia terutamanya bangsa Melayu membuat warga and bangsa lain memahami pendapat saudara. Adakah saudara pernah fikir pasal keperitan dan kesengsaraan bukan bumiputra semenjak kemerdekaan? Macam mana ni?
    Siapa tau??

  34. As long as we have not achieved our target, we will not give up fighting. Our old generations have sacrificed their lives for the independence of Malaysia. We allow other races to stay here and become citizens. They did not thank us but consider we are thieves….. We will not allow anyone to challenge Ketuanan Melayu. This is our basic rights By Kasim Amat

    Kepada saudara Kasim: Kemerdekaan Malaysia adalah usaha semua kaum, bangsa dan agama semenjak koloni british. Tolong la baca sikit itu sejarah asal (bukan buku sejarah sekarang di sekolah).
    Di bumi Malaysia sekarang, kesemua kaum dan bangsa Cina, India, dan Sikh yang lahir di Malaysia adalah warga Malaysia yang sah dan membayar taksiran yang saksama.

    Mereka ini walaupun sudah lebih 50thn hanya dapat melihat kenikmatan DEB yang kebanyakan dirasai oleh bumiputra. Tak patut kah sekarang semua yang bergelar Bangsa Malaysia layak menikmati kebaikan secara saksama?

    Pada pendapat hamba, saudara patut meminta penjelasan daripada pihak BN, kenapa selama lebih 50thn bumiputra masih ketinggalan tapi ada segolongan bumiputra yang memang hidup mewah sungguh. Dan adakah golongan ini yang akan semakin mewah atas naungan DEB and golongan lain semakin ketinggalan? Saudara Kasim, golongan mana anda berada?


  35. siapatau Says: As long as we have not achieved our target, we will not give up fighting.”

    Hi Siapatau, does it means that you can take your own sweet time to achieve the target? No pressure to achieve then. What kind of logic is that?

  36. ///ekompute Says:

    July 10th, 2009 at 21: 59.54
    siapatau Says: As long as we have not achieved our target, we will not give up fighting.”///


    Those words you quoted were from Kasim Amat, reproduced by siapatau. Just to set the record right.

  37. Thanks for setting the record right, Mr Loh.

    I was just wondering how backward the Malay race actually is. I have seen many Chinese laborers and workers catching up with the rest of the more affluent Chinese after one generation, with their children going to universities without any governmental assistance. While we do not expect that the Malays can do this without government assistance, we do need to assess how backward the race is to be better able to assess when they can catch up or not at all. In other words, they can keep shouting Ketuanan Melayu until the cows come home but they will never catch up with non-Malays.

  38. Saudara ekompute, lain kali baca baik-baik dulu sebelum lu bikin itu kesimpulan. Hamba kurang setuju dengan pendapat saudara yang Melayu mundur. Saudara boleh lihat sendiri ramai Melayu yang sudah keluar dari tempurung dan berdikari. Saudara Zaid Ibrahim, RPK dan ramai lagi yang mempunyai pendapat rakyat Msia jelata.
    Cuma ada segolongan melayu yang mempunyai pendapat yang mundur. Hamba percaya cina, india dan bangsa lain juga ada golongan yang mundur. Pentingnya, kita sebagai Bangsa Msia mesti bantu semua tak kira bangsa dan agama untuk maju bersama. Hidup Bangsa Msia!!!

    Saudara Loh, terima kasih kerana mata mu yang tajam.

  39. “As long as we have not achieved our target, we will not give up fighting. Our old generations have sacrificed their lives for the independence of Malaysia. We allow other races to stay here and become citizens. They did not thank us but consider we are thieves….. We will not allow anyone to challenge Ketuanan Melayu. This is our basic rights.” Dari Saudara Kasim Amat

    Kepada saudara Kasim: Diharap saudara baca blog RPK untuk mengetahui sejarah silam msia dulu dulu and sejarah kemerdekaan.
    Diharap pembacaan ini akan memberi satu dimensi dan persepsi yang betul. Artikal RPK agak panjang tapi cukup padat dan patut dibaca oleh semua rakyat Msia.

    Saudara a2a: sama-sama kasih. Hamba tak tahu saudara Loh tak erti bahasa.

  40. “The notion of Ketuanan Melayu is to help gain back our self esteem among other races. Ketuanan Melayu is not something used to threaten the survival of other races but a very important concept to help remind other races of the importance of the Malay race and to protect the Malay from being marginalised.” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,
    Thank you for sharing the noble concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” with the readers of this blog.

    I sometimes overheard some friends of mine talking about the wrongful stereotype impressions about several races of Malaysia:
    “Orang India pandai pusing;
    Orang China pandai tipu dacing;
    Orang Melayu pandai bising!
    Orang Melayu pandai bising
    kerana di atas kepala orang lain
    belum dapat lagi dia orang buang air kencing!”

    Kasim Amat, shall we all come together to promote the noble concept of “Ketuanan China di Malaysia” and “Ketuanan India di Malaysia” together with “Ketuanan Melayu di Malaysia” in order to change the stereotype thinking of men-on-the-street about different races in Malaysia. Together let’s come in the united effort to build up the self-esteem of all Malaysian people, whether they are Malays, Chinese, or Indians!

  41. “Saudara ekompute, lain kali baca baik-baik dulu sebelum lu bikin itu kesimpulan. Hamba kurang setuju dengan pendapat saudara yang Melayu mundur. Saudara boleh lihat sendiri ramai Melayu yang sudah keluar dari tempurung dan berdikari. Saudara Zaid Ibrahim, RPK dan ramai lagi yang mempunyai pendapat rakyat Msia jelata.
    Cuma ada segolongan melayu yang mempunyai pendapat yang mundur. Hamba percaya cina, india dan bangsa lain juga ada golongan yang mundur. Pentingnya, kita sebagai Bangsa Msia mesti bantu semua tak kira bangsa dan agama untuk maju bersama. Hidup Bangsa Msia!!!”

    So you feel that there is no cause for discriminative policies? Actually sometimes I wonder what is the cutoff date when one becomes a pendatang in Malaysia. Is it after Parameswara landed in Melaka in circa 1400 from Indonesia and formed the first Sultanate? Or is it just before the first wave of Chinese immigrants came to then Malaya? What do you think is the cut-off date?

  42. Experts to talk and twist….exactly like “1 Malaysia”…one for all and all for one…yet…to each his own….and then.. back to square one.
    Onlooker Politics can hero worship Kasim Amat…the only commentator.. praising and agreeing with Kasim.
    Hope he is not from another race….carrying the balls of an UMNO Malay supporter.
    Onlooker Politics..can sell his balls and soul to UMNO.
    Let see…how many Malaysians will be like him.
    People’s Power is 100% against these two.
    Can we say millions despise Onlooker Politics and Kasim Amat?
    Pro UMNO and MCA love to keep this post on race unity by diversity..alive. They love to talk race issues…twisting all are Malaysians..but of different races.
    So true…yet down right …not real..not practical…as it can never unite all a one.
    To unit…it must be a Malaysian Malaysia..first ….and indenify your roots..last…by discarding the 53 years bad habits.. calling themselves… Chinese..Malay and Indian Malaysians.
    They must only be Malaysians.
    UMNO buggers know how to unite …but they choose to disunite by uniting as three…and call it one.
    Three is always there and never can be one.
    Onlooker Politic is cunning and thinks he is very smart to agree with Kasim Amat.
    This is perhaps a city dweller….who love jungle life…jungle laws…and depends on UMNO for a living.
    He is another racialist….disguising himself….a true Malaysian..when he loves his race more than being a true Malaysian.
    If he hero worship himself as a Chinese…let him go to China and see how the Chinese treats him.
    Chinese hates hypocrites and balls carriers.
    We have UMNO Muslim hypocrites…and we have many agreeing to be second class citizens…to the Malays.
    To patriotic Malaysians…there is no such thing as Malays…Chinese or Indians… with ….who is more powerful than the other race….and one… has the right to claim as lord of the jungle.
    If you read Kasim Amat ad Onlooker Politics messages..they are saying…..UMNO should rule forever…as Muslim dictators…and MCA .MIC..Gerakan..better toe the line ..or else……….???
    These two are the scums of all Malaysians…no principles in life…no total loyalty to the country..only total loyalty to themselves…selfishly.. and to his race.
    One orang hutan talk like an idiot…with the other smart racialist…I suspect is a Chinese…..praised and agree with Kassim Amat….because he needs to survives by carrying UMNO balls.

  43. ///a2a Says:

    July 10th, 2009 at 23: 20.37
    Hey Loh, where are you.

    You must say ’sama-sama’ in return to siapatau lah.///

    Setuju. Terima kasih.

    Siapatau is quite right. I have to translate BM not only with the brain but also with dictionary.

  44. Monsterball says: “He is another racialist….disguising himself….a true Malaysian..when he loves his race more than being a true Malaysian.”

    I don’t know who Sai Baba actually is but there is something I like about his philosophy: “There is but one race, the human race, and there is but one religion, the religion of the heart”. If we Malaysians can practise that, we will have a better nation. I believe Islam preaches the same thing too but alas, even though we pour billions of ringgits into building mosques, the Muslim Malays are missing the point… blinded by materialism and a free ride, so to speak. What then is the use of building more mosques, sometimes I wonder, if they don’t even understand their own religion or don’t want to. Being Muslim is more than just abstaining from pork and fasting every Ramadan. You can pray 20 times a day but what is the use if you don’t practise the essence of the religion. What is the so-called Malay race, anyway, but just a hotchpotch of diverse people, held loosely together by a single religion to make up the numbers…. a cocktail of Javanese, Minangkabaus, Acehnese, Bugis, Sumatrans, Thais, Arabs, Mamaks, and what have you, on top of the original Melayu from Jambi in Sumatra. Which race is the world ever lost their membership to the race when they drop their religion?

  45. Non-Malay have done great jobs to this country Malaysia.

    If there are not here in Malaya before indepedent, Malaya was long lost taken by indonesia republic and overthown the Sultans.

    Before independent there two Malay parties in the Election one is lead by Tuanku Abdul Rahman, one is lead by people very related to indonesia. Without chinese and indian here, this country Malaya those indonesian immgirants/emigrants here already outnumber local Malays and have the indonesia party elected.

    The stories would be very much difference under republic.

  46. Are we not tired of talking KETUANAN MELAYU all these while? Actually, if Najis is to introduce 1 MALAYSIA, Ketuanan Melayu must go! Besides, who made these guys TUAN anyway? Did anyone admit inferiority so that they can become superior? SUPERIORITY and INFERIORITY are comparatives! As long as no one admits INFERIORITY, there can NEVER be SUPERIORITY!

  47. Saudara saudari sekalian,
    Sudah tiba masanya kita bersama sama menperjuangkan hak asasi manusia yang saksama. Tanpa kira melayu, cina, india, sikh, iban, kadazan dll. Semua rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya mempunyai keistimewaan and hak yang sama. Sebabnya cuma satu, kita Warga Malaysia.

    Jangan kita biarkan segelintir golongan saja yang kaya raya yang lain menderita. Hidup Bangsa Malaysia!

  48. Inilah Rukun Negara Kita:

    BAHAWASANYA NEGARA KITA MALAYSIA mendukung cita-cita hendak :

    mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya ;
    memelihara satu cara hidup demokratik ;
    mencipta satu masyarakat adil di mana kemakmuran Negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama ;
    menjamin satu cara liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai corak ; dan
    membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden.
    MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut :


    [edit] Literal translation
    WHEREAS OUR COUNTRY MALAYSIA nurtures the ambitions of:

    achieving a more perfect unity amongst the whole of her society;
    preserving a democratic way of life;
    creating a just society where the prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner;
    guaranteeing a liberal approach towards her rich and varied cultural traditions; and
    building a progressive society that will make use of science and modern technology.
    NOW THEREFORE WE, the people of Malaysia, pledge to concentrate the whole of our energy and efforts to achieve these ambitions based on the following principles:


  49. selamat tengahari yb..

    pertama sekali saya nak tergelak biler baca artikel nie,termasuk komen2 dari pembaca yang tak khatam sejarah TANAH MELAYU,terutamanya manusia yang tulis artikel nie (Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor)..mamat nie kompom tergolong dari keturunan pendatang yang dibawa dengan tongkang suatu ketika dahulu untuk menumpang mencari makan diTANAH MELAYU,tetapi akhirnya bila dah senang TAK RETI KENANG BUDI!!saya nasihatkan beliau dan sesiapa sahaja yang mahu mengungkit KETUANNAN MELAYU agar MERAMBUS dari TANAH MELAYU nie..korang semua datang TIDAK DIJEMPUT So dipersilakan merambus jika tidak suka lagi duduk disini….
    sepatutnya anda bersyukur dapat bersama-sama mencari rezeki tanpa diganggu gugat oleh bangsa lain sehinggakan anda boleh hidup senang lenang disini.saya cabar anda pulang Ke TANAHAIR ASAL USUL ANDA sekarang,saya pasti anda semua tidak akan berani kerana anda tahu ,disana belum pasti anda akan hidup senang seperti DITANAH MELAYU ini…

    dari pemerhatian saya Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor juga tidak khatam sejarah dunia..segala fakta yang diberikan diatas,secara TOTALNYA adalah FAKTA YANG TIDAK BENAR.anda boleh menipu orang yang jahil macam anda,tapi ingat!!! SEJARAH TIDAK PERNAH MENIPU,HANYA MANUSIA JAHIL SAHAJA YANG SELALU MEMANUPULASIKAN SEJARAH..hehehehe..

    zaman sekarang kebanyakkan manusia sudah mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas dalam bidang sejarah…jadi HENTIKANLAH PROPAGANDA ANDA INI SEBELUM IA MEMAKAN DIRI SENDIRI….


  50. ekompute :
    Imagine a Malaysia without non-Malays. Would it not be another Africa?

    I imagined Malay without non-Malays helps. Hmm, i saw Malacca Empire. u know, if there are no non-Malays, Malay still could survive only maybe would take A LOT of time to recover from war because we have been dominant and strong before. U ALL ARE LUCKY BECAUSE THOSE DAMN BRITISH DID GIVE CHINESE GOOD EDUCATION AND THEY LET MALAY STAY IN THE FARM BECAUSE THEY KNOW MALAY COULD GET REVENGE IF WE WERE WELL EDUCATED. THAT IS WHAT THEY WERE AFRAID OF. I also strongly believe in the unity of Malaysia. All races under same roof. But DON’T UNDERESTIMATE US. DID U EVER THINK HOW COULD MALAY COULD BUILD A GREAT EMPIRE BEFORE? DON’T UNDERESTIMATE US. Only a Malay know what is the secret stands within their inner ability to survive.

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