Police Escort for Wedding Car?

by Ganesh

It would be good for you to investigate an incident I saw. I was in Suabng Jaya, next to Taylor’s college roundabout this weekend, when I saw a wedding car pass by. What was ironic is that it had police escorts. They stopped traffic to let the wedding car pass by. In another car, there was a cameraman who was filming the wedding car.

I am quite shocked at this. The police got time to escort and give VIP treatment to a wedding car?

I do not know whose wedding it was but I am very sure it was not a Royal wedding, which is the only wedding that deserves a Police escort.

Here I am worried about my personal safety and my house getting robbed and suddenly I see several police outriders escorting a wedding car instead of patrolling my neighbourhood.

Whose wedding was this to deserve special police escort?

38 Replies to “Police Escort for Wedding Car?”

  1. Ganesh … welcome to Malaysia! Hahahahahaa … this is what abuse is all about. Darn wedding also need police escort. Too bad you did not take a photo and send to The Star to win RM50, that would have been a great one!

  2. This is what they meant by not enough police personal in the force to keep check on the every increasing crime rate.

    Their safety comes first, we the rakyat regardless of race and religion come second.

  3. The police escort and VIP treatment given to a wedding car is due to the fact that it is far safer and easier than going after armed criminals. And big angpaus given by the wedding couple too.

    And don’t bother complaining to the MACC, if they can’t see the hugeToyol Palace, they won’t be able to see the police escort for the tiny wedding car.

  4. Yes, it sure is better to do escort service and getting big angpaus than to fight armed criminals!

    Other than wedding escorts, doing funeral escorts are getting “pai-paus” too !

  5. Not Surprised with this Special Arrangement.

    You can book Traffic Police escort for Funerals.You just need to spend some extra money for them provide the personal services.
    They will help you to clear the traffic & blocked others.
    please check with any undertakers,they will tell you no problem.

    Duit ada semua Boleh….

    Malaysia Polis boleh….

  6. Lodge a complaint with the IGP and also lodge a report with MACC.

    It is sure that corruption and abuse of public fund are involved.

    Better still if there are photo-evidences to be accompanied with the report.

  7. Yes it is so sad and really true too. All you need is to approach any traffic policemen and ask him if he or his friend is free to provide personal escort service for any function you have in mind and they’ll be able to \quote\ you their charges.

    I think it is about RM300 plus angpows. Damn sad, policemen doing side business using government vehicles and uniforms.

    Whenever I work for local travel agents here we arrange for these traffic policemen to provide escorts for tour busses for groups of tourist that are willing to pay a little premium to experience this VIP treatment. Very often these tourist are very surprised that such a thing can be allowed to happen!

    Malaysia Boleh!!

    Visit Malaysia Facts for quick facts and interesting information about Malaysia.

  8. Dear Ganesh,

    Don’t be surprised, very soon you will have to pay the police to patrol your neighborhood!

    A friend of mine once told the police face to face these words, “I really envy you guys. If you haven’t got money, just put on your uniform, money will keep rolling in!”

  9. to ganesh and other malaysians:

    i think the polis are paid handsomely for this service. so if u want, pay them ….PLEASE DON’T FEEL ANGRY OR JEALOUS!!!!

    polis are humans too…they recognise the importance of Agung’s face on a piece of paper JUST LIKE U AND ME!!! i wonder this is good conscience of them to go beyond this line of duty and is it acceptable by their religion.

    if i’m a polis, i rather lay low and don’t do 100% risking my life to catch criminals who are more ‘animals’ and have weapons with them. instead, its better for me to at the end of the day, GET MY PAY as i pun have my own people to feed. luckily, i FAILED to become a polis. if not, there will be so much of back bad talkings from people like ganesh.

  10. if polis no takut and is SINCERE in their work, you will many of them around your area but i don’t think you do. so where are they??? well, i guess they go hiding somewhere enjoyable and only come out to punch card for the day and get gaji at the end of the month.

    i still say, THEY ARE HUMANS !!! i pun takut mati. we need people like SpeakUp is he’s brave enough to face ‘death’ in the line of duty….GO JOIN THE SQUAD N YOUR LIFE MAY CHANGE.

  11. The Butterworth police traffic police officer warned that it would be an offence to divert or direct traffic.

    The people hope that the IGP, Musa will spell out the procedure for the public to apply for police escort for wedding car. If not, this is one of the reasons why there should be a new IGP.

  12. Sorry for the typing error, it should be “The Butterworth Traffic Police Officer”.

    Police Escort for Wedding Car:-
    1. Can we classify this case as a nuisane to public interest and order?
    2. Is someone abusing his power to obtain police escort for wedding car?
    3. Can the police personnel escorting the wedding car be bogus police personnel?
    4. Can the person, who was using the police escort, come out openly to admit it?

  13. should be najib married 2nd wife…….go tell IGP..he will tell u that there are still lack in numbers of police to control the crime rates in the country…..what a laughing stock of the world…

  14. If I was not wrong the escort was from the Karak Highway and heading toward KL. I saw the car follow was with ribbon just like the wedding car. But it should not be surprise It is POLICE ON HIRE thing like that. You know. Time is bad let them have second job as far as that did not affect their efficiency.


  16. It looks like anything is possible in Malaysia under the rule of Umnoputra and the Utusans.

    Nothing is impossible ! Nothing is inconceivable.

    There are many unknown impossibilities waiting to happen/uncover.

  17. Here we go again!! Our PIG ooppps..sorry IGP used to say for umpteen times we have not enough personnel to patrol the streets etc….. And here we have all his ever “efficient” guys eagerly protecting a “wedding” car instead of doing their job. Really amazing indeed. Everday we have ambulances carrying people to hospital under emergency circumstances and need help from the police. Where are they?????

  18. Can anyone tell us who the bride and bridegroom were? I hope not related to some party leader who told the Chinese press that the wedding was ‘low-key’. Only around 100 tables! Low key?

  19. Hi guys,if you “tukut”,please don’t become a policeman or policewoman. Once you become one,there’s no excuse for being “tukut” That’s the most important factor why not all “so & so ” can become a mata mata.Talking about poiice’s escort,it’s pretty common to see them escorting furneral possession but I’m quite surprise by Ganesh who reported seeing police escorting wedding possession.You know guys,I attended a good relative’s furneral lately and you know how much each of these four traffic cops received…..a handsome RM 300,00 ringgit for just less than 2 hours job. I wonder how much ,Ganesh these cops get from the “Towkay” for the escort service rended to his son’s or daugther’s wedding possession ?.

  20. hmmm guys n gals, pls dont get jealous lah, next ge vote for bn lor, then your familys wedding can asccot via MY Police force, i think the PM n The 1st lady might sit on big red table with you too. ooo almost forget, tun ma will go too. hahahah MAcc n PAC will help you collect red packets from guest, hahaha IPG will be the MC at stage, cos he like to stand.Ministry KPUI will take care of the program. hahaha

  21. I believe that this service is available to the public but not sure if you need to pay or know whom to ask.
    I have attended funerals where there are usually 2 police escorts to do a good job of traffic management.
    It hepls to ease the burden of the bereaved family.

  22. Yes I had a similar experience too. It was in PJ and early in the day. I should have noticed the row of cars with ribbons tied to the car door handles. And and the policemen on motorcycles ahead escorting them. I joined that stream of vehicles as a lane crasher (if that is an appropriate expression). That chap in the car behind actually had the cheek to honk and flash at me. I ignored him of course since I have done nothing wrong. And when I discovered the excort and the line of cars I was hell bent on staying in the line.

  23. This is so common.
    The even block whole road to throw wedding parties.
    Most of these acts.are by police high racking officers..in Subang Jaya..all stay in bangalows with expensive cars.
    You want to talk of ex MB of Selangore …Toyo?
    There are thousands like him.
    Recall the big mansion in Klang…belong to a satay seller?
    But poor chap died of heart attack recently.
    Nevertheless…did he not behave like Toyo?

  24. Welcome to Malaysia..

    Anything can be done with $$$$.

    Let’s us all shout out Malaysia Boleh….

    Maybe if you guys next time want to have such kind of VIP services,can ask our Taiko Taiko with metal horse.For sure they all happy to help you.Our police would always like to help people mah.They’re doing their jobs to make the situation more safe…

    Please stop blaming them,susah nak jadi polis like this days…

  25. YB Lim,

    I welcome you to the ranks of the Man-on- the- Street. Our leaders are all out of touch. This has been going on for some time. By the way they also provide pilot services for funerals even when VIPs are not involved.Money Controls All (MCA)

  26. And what about policemen who like to stand at traffic junctions blowing away their whistles to let cars “go” on red light and “stop” on green? Isn’t this breaking the basic traffic laws????? What are “COMPUTERIZED” traffic lights for???? Do they want to revert to the fifties when traffic policemen stand on oil drums in the middle of traffic junctions blowing away whistles (minus traffic lights, not to mention computerized ones!!)

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