3-point formula to resolve the Kedah Pakatan Rakyat crisis – resolution of outstanding complaints by Kedahans, a committee headed by Dr. Goh Cheng Teik to resolve abbatoir problem and a PR trouble-shooting state mechanism

Yesterday, I had a 90-minute meeting with the Kedah DAP State Committee followed by a two-hour dialogue with the people of Kedah in the Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall, with overflowing capacity crowd, over the Kedah DAP State Committee’s decision on Wednesday to pull out of the Pakatan Rakyat Kedah state government.

I had my hands full in Parliament on Wednesday, with a host of burning issues such as the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone scandal; the urgent need to have a new Inspector-General of Police to provide new police leadership and vision to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service which is regarded as friend and protector of the people and capable of performing the three core functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights; and Parliament becoming a kangaroo court to punish eight Pakatan Rakyat MPs when the subject is the punishment of Umno Youth leaders who had obstructed and threatened wheelchair-bound DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh from discharging his parliamentary duties in the precincts of Parliament on February 26, 2009.

I was shocked when I heard the news about the Kedah DAP State Committee decision to pull out of the Pakatan Rakyat Kedah state government, subject to the final decision of the DAP Central Executive Committee.

At that time, it was alleged that Kedah DAP had acted very irresponsibly in pulling out of the PR Kedah state government over a trivial issue of pigs and the demolition of the abbatoir in Alor Star.

I would agree that Kedah DAP State would have acted most irresponsibly, heedless of the far-reaching impact of such a decision not only in Kedah but also nation-wide when Malaysians are expectantly waiting for Pakatan Rakyat to spearhead political changes in the country particularly in the next general election, if its harsh decision was just over an abbatoir and pigs.

From my 90-minute meeting with the Kedah DAP State Committee and two-hour dialogue with the people of Kedah last evening, I have been able to get a fuller picture of the reasons for the harsh decision for the pullout from Pakatan Rakyat Kedah state government –as the abbatoir issue was just “the last straw that broke the camel’s back”.

There was a host of issues over which the DAP Kedah state committee felt frustrated and marginalized in unable to get their views taken seriously by the state government, which is reflected by deep-seated grievances among the people of Kedah including those who had fully supported and voted for the Pakatan Rakyat parties in the general election last year.

I do not want DAP Kedah to pullout of Pakatan Rakyat Kedah state government for it would affect Pakatan Rakyat’s credibility nation-wide. However, if the legitimate grouses of DAP Kedah and the people of Kedah are not addressed, resulting not only in an ineffective DAP Kedah but also discontented Kedah electorate, this will also impact far and wide outside Kedah.

The Pakatan Rakyat Kedah crisis is best resolved at the Kedah state level, which is why I said at the public dialogue last night that I propose to meet with the Kedah Mentri Besar, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak and that I was even prepared to meet with him today. This had been communicated to Azizan last night.

I have in mind a three-point formula to resolve the Pakatan Rakyat Kedah crisis:

• resolution of outstanding complaints by Kedahans such as the 50% housing quota for bumiputras, Kedah Buddhist centre controversy, pork selling in the Alor Star market, temple demolitions, etc.

• a committee headed Dr. Goh Cheng Teik to resolve the abbatoir problem. Dr. Goh was formerly Deputy Agriculture Minister and had considerable experience in resolving problems in this field when holding this portfolio. I have spoken to Dr. Goh and he is prepared to help if such a state committee is set up by the state government.

• a Pakatan Rakyat trouble-shooting state mechanism to resolve all emerging issues, problems and controversies in Kedah.

Barisan Nasional parties particularly Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC are hoping that the Pakatan Rakyat Kedah crisis is the beginning of the end for Pakatan Rakyat and it is incumbent on everyone in Pakatan Rakyat, whether national or state, to prove Barisan Nasional wrong.

93 Replies to “3-point formula to resolve the Kedah Pakatan Rakyat crisis – resolution of outstanding complaints by Kedahans, a committee headed by Dr. Goh Cheng Teik to resolve abbatoir problem and a PR trouble-shooting state mechanism”

  1. That’s the problem with few standing for elections..won and are actually intelligent hard working honest good guys….want to do a job…hate to be useless or facing so much difficulties to move forward ..with no support.
    So he gets very frustrated and resigned..without thinking of party…the after effect or reactions.
    He needs more practical experiences ….who PR are facing…what disadvantages already built in..by UMNO for oppositions.
    He should learn to consult..discuss with superior officers in DAP.
    I hope…everything can be solved..in the interest of Malaysians and country…and for PR strength..not weaken it..and not for his personal interest of likes and dislikes…and do as he likes.
    The moment you are elected…you are no more yourself.
    If you act…think and do things based on your likes and dislikes….then get out of politics.
    Malaysia is not ready for such noble straight forwards politicians..
    We are dealing with crooks and snakes that have immunity to almost everything….and PR positions is getting better and better..with People’s Power solidly behind them.
    Please do not spoil it.
    By not consulting and act as he likes…this Kedah DAP man seems not cut out for politics at all.
    Lets hope he learn and change…..or else DAP force him to resign..and have another by-election.
    Win or loose is immaterial.
    It’s a message to others….that’s most important.

  2. I just could not understand why the politician want to make use of the PORK issue and subsequently turn it into a race issue. Life is not just about who eat and who did not eat pork. While the pork issue may be the trigger point but sure it can be resolve amicably.

    There are many more issues that really affect the living. PAS should also should be sensitive to all issues that affect not only one group or the other, it should work out a solution rather than quarrel in the public and BN is most happy to capitalized on it.

    As it was reported PORK is not the only issue but it is always easy to turn it into an issue. PR should maintain it cool head and the people does not want them to break out just because of PORK eating or not. PR is look forward by many as an alternative and it should disappointed the people who has voted them in and prepared in another round in the next coming GE.

  3. Allan … its called having spoilt brats for politicians on both sides. The abattoir is illegal and all the crap washes down to the nearby villagers, I am sure none of us will allow that to happen in our neighbourhood.

  4. ShutUP @ SpeakUP,
    We all want to live in a clean and healthy environment. Why must an abattoir be filthy and dirty? Who is not doing the job? It is a fact that all town councils including the one in Alor Star are archaic, lazy, corrupt and inefficient. It is easy to push the responsibility to others when one is not doing his job.

    Second, if the abattoir is illegal, let’s get a legal one. Has it ever occurred to you why a pig abattoir is an illegal abattoir for the last thirty years? And let me ask you why only Kedah DAP is responsible for finding an alternative site for this abattoir? Is finding a legal pig abattoir not the responsibility of Alor Star town council and ultimately the MB of Kedah?

    If a person or a party is racist, they don’t have to go around shouting that they are racist. The events unfolding in Kedah is enough manifestation of racism, no more and no less.

  5. Lim … let me put it this way: It is ILLEGAL AND DIRTY BECAUSE THE OWNERS ARE SELFISH PEOPLE! Get that? Get that right! Those Chinese owners could not care less. Why? Because can make BIG BIG profits.

    DO NOT blame the Kedah government for not FINDING proper sites, DO NOT blame the Kedah government for not providing technology to keep it clean. The people who own the farm are under a LEGAL duty to ensure that it is a properly set up farm. Stop being such a simpleton ok.

    The only corruption I can see at the moment is the government’s failure to shut it down LONG AGO.

  6. Hello shutUP, you think you are so smart. Tell me who is not selfish in this world. You mean only the Chinese or those who eat pork are selfish?

    Do you know there is such a thing known as enforcement? If the town councils are lazy, corrupt and archaic, then of course nothing gets done. If you find a pork eating Chinese violating the law, then enforce it. But do they? No, I don’t think so, because they are corrupt, lazy and inefficient.

    Simpleton, just look at the double parking, the illegal parking, the indiscriminate throwing of rubbish, and the filthy eating places – whose fault is it? Sure, it is the individuals who did all these. But surely everybody wants their own convenience and comfort and who cares about traffic obstruction, stench and diseases if not for the authorities to enforce the laws and regulations. Look, don’t try to imitate me. I don’t call you a loose canon and a simpleton for nothing.

    If the local site is no longer suitable, I agree that it be shut down. But do you shut it down without giving others the alternative. It is common sense and good governance to give others the alternative before a decision is taken and enforced. Why so zealous or shall I say fanatical, simpleton?

  7. for goodness sake, as a national leader, you should keep all information up-to-date. how come a leader like you is so ill-informed about the current situation?

    1. the abattoir has been operation illegally for 30 years. the rakyat esp in kg berjaya and those staying/working around the area have been complaining to MBAS for years, but due to whatever reason (? rasuah), no action was taken. the operators were told to relocate 15 years ago. they were given extension time to find a suitable site a year ago but THEY DID NOTHING. they were given further extension time for another month and THEY DID NOTHING AGAIN!!! six sites were suggested but they were all close to community areas. why did they suggested those sites? they knew their proposals will be rejected if they build the sites near the community areas (try to build a site next to your house and see how long you can stand it). were they trying to buy time and delay the whole process? HOW ON EARTH DID YOU SUPPORT THE PEOPLE WHO BROKE THE RULES AND REGULATIONS? any reasons for supporting them? skin colour?

    you are more concern about 20 odd abattoir operators rather than the well-being of 10,000 plus people living around the FILTHY, ILLEGAL site. what kind of leader are you? is it because the 20 odd operators are chinese and the 10,000 plus people are mainly malays and indians, so you chose to side the operators, eventhough they are at fault? where is your “rule of law”? remember that kota darul aman guy only won 800+ majority in 2008. you can only imagine what will happen if the non-chinese vote against him in 2012.

    2. the 50% quota is not for all types of land. this rule only involves the malay reserve land. listen again and bury this in your head… THE RULE ONLY INVOLVES THE MALAY RESERVE LAND!!! YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS MR LIM KIT SIANG. you should be grateful that the PAS-led government in kedah opened up 50% ownership on the malay reserve land. technically, a malay reserve land should have a 100% malay quota. what else do you want? 100% quota for non-malays on malay reserve land, then only you would be happy?

    3. demolition of temples/tokongs in alor star? if the MB himself and SUK are not aware of such direction, how on earth did this thomas su guy is so well aware about this? is he a BN mole in pakatan, trying to break the alliance in kedah and subsequently in malaysia? you should investigate this guy mr lim kit siang

  8. Yes … you shut down something ILLEGAL without giving them an alternative site! That is the law. Are you too blind to see it? You will compromise all principles just to justify your own arguments. You are not one of principal but only of convenience. Read your posting and its clear that you are that sort of a person.

  9. It’s not the piggy issue, its the whole issue of cooperation with PAS. There’s a very relevant letter in Malaysiakini which i reproduce below:

    Remove your top two Kedah leaders, PAS
    Shocked Kedah Citizen

    It is time for the PAS Kedah to consider letting their top two leaders gracefully step down from the state administration if PAS Kedah is intending to continue with the state’s administration through to the next elections.

    Too many damages and hardships have been caused to the state and its people due to the total lack of the modern administrative and management skills and farsightedness by these top two leaders.

    Number One has been sickly even before becoming menteri besar. His health is worsening. Number Two is deemed to be unfriendly, dictatorial and controversial even within his own party.

    Clear circumstantial evidence all points to the fact that he is the mastermind behind the extreme, controversial and damaging policies made by the present state government.

    Among these policies were the:
    * the 50% bumi housing quota as a state housing policy in October 2008,

    * the ‘secret’ instruction to the PTG to arm-twist the developers to ‘voluntarily’ sign agreements to request the bumi quota to be converted to Malay reserve lots in exchange for approval for new housing projects,

    * the rejection of the Kedah Buddhist Association’s building plan,

    * the compulsory use of Jawi for all new signboards in the state,

    * the recent proposal of demolishing a Hindu temple in Jalan Pegawai, Alor Star and the latest daredevil

    * move of demolishing the only pig abattoir in the state

    All the above fall under the portfolio of he No Two in state as he is the executive councillor in charge of housing and local government.

    It is open secret that a certain amount of profit would have to go to a private well-known company here in Kedah before investors can hope to obtain any approval from the state government for their projects.

    All these are hampering and worsening the state’s already badly-stricken economy further.

    From the recent statistics on the Bukit Selambau by-election, they showed that the support from the Malays for Pakatan Rakyat dropped from 46% to 41%, from the Indians from 73% to 55%, but support from the Chinese went from 62% up to 79%.

    Maybe this is the way for PAS Kedah to show their gratitude for the non-Muslims’ support – by demolishing the only pig abattoir in Kedah.

    We do not know what more weird ideas and policies may come, but someone in PAS Kedah has reiterated arrogantly and numerous times in and out of the party that he could do what Umno dared not to do for decades. People are confused.

    Is it PAS for All or All for PAS? It is time that PAS Kedah seriously consider allowing more youthful, friendly, dynamic, committed, efficient and open-minded leaders to administer Kedah’s affairs to avoid not only more damage to the people and state but eventually to PAS itself.

    Please do not underestimate the mentality of the people in Kedah. If they can bring you up, they can bring you down too. If PAS Kedah wishes to be in power for more than one term, hopefully, they will know what to do best next.


  10. Kedah DAP State Committee should think of those who had voted for PR nationwide. They placed so much hope in PR to get the country back on its right track, how could Kedah DAP disappoint them?

  11. No matter how we view PAS as the weak link, the political reality is that PAS is critical to PR’s plans to take over the Fed. govt. Without PAS to battle Umno in the Malay heartlands it cannot be done. The rural Malays do NOT gravitate to PKR.

    I hope some accomodation can be done with both sides compromising. Or is only Anwar capable of solving a problem like this?

  12. Where got CRISTS with PR? Monster says got none la … its all a small family squabble only. Hahahahahaa … and the anti-BN supporters wanna shout 1Malaysia is cracking or is doomed tofail? They should remove that plank in their own eye.

    Its time PR learns to serve the people and not care so much about other nonsense. Serve the people, fortify their position and slowly work to gain more ground. That they cannot seem to do.

    PAS in Kedah comes into power only says let’s chop all the forrest reserve down for money! What did LKS say then? They all seem to be keen to pursue their own interest. I can name a few PR politicians who are working hard but I can name so many who are just so controversial.

  13. It is obvious you don’t understand what I so plainly wrote. I said, if the place is dirty and not complying with the regulations and bylaws, the authority must enforce it.

    If the present place is no longer suitable, find an alternative site before you demolish the structure. What is so difficult?

    I think you have problem understanding simple English, so don’t talk so big here. Do you know the difference between principle and principal?

  14. Kenny … DSAI is the Tok Dalang, he is the master puppeteer … he is no saviour. His true colours are already emerging (No speaking the English in school). Even those anti BN forumers in Malaysia Today are fed up with him.

    What has Anwar really done? He promised us 41 MPs crossing over then says Perak crossing over is wrong. He makes as if he saved the current PAS/UMNO talks issue but PAS YOUTH and UMNO Youth now will hold intellectual discussions. ANWAR has failed to shut the mouth of that racist MP in Kulim Bandar Baru. Anwar beats his chest saying that BN is done for? Has Anwar spoken about the PR issues in Penang and Kedah? Nothing okay … nothing.

  15. Number Two is deemed to be unfriendly, dictatorial and controversial even within his own party. – KennyGan

    Number Two behaved like that because he wanted to compete with Number One for top position. He (Number Two) wanted to show PAS that he is capable – able to close down pig abattoir, able to reject Kedah Buddhist Association’s building plan, able to demolish a Hindu temple etc. His aim is to claim political mileage for himself so that he can rise to the top. He just doesn’t care whether his actions will destroy PR and eventually PAS.

    He is certainly unqualified for the present position he holds.

  16. Politics is talking about the number. When you have just 1, it does not matter if you stay or you pull out, except it is like the situation of former Perak where 1 was very important.

    I could not follow exactly what is this pig issue about. If it is an illegal operation, then legalise it first.

    Surprisingly there are many fire sparks in different states for Pakatan Rakyat government. I hope these sparks will not result in big wild fire.

  17. //Its time PR learns to serve the people and not care so much about other nonsense. Serve the people, fortify their position and slowly work to gain more ground.//

    Define your “serve the people”. Is DAP not trying to serve the people by highlighting the issue there? I guess if you are not a pork eater or pork merchants in Kedah, you will never know. When decisions are so stupidly made and enforced, why must DAP keep quiet? You implied earlier I have no principle (it is not principal, ok, in case you still don’t get it), but didn’t what you have just said amount to expediency – never mind just get along to gain power even though it is against one’s principle.

  18. //What has Anwar really done? He promised us 41 ….. // ShutUP

    Look, it is obvious your hidden agenda have surfaced. Let’s stay focus on this pig issue, why bring up Anwar’s language and other issues here?

  19. what is the big fuss about tulisan jawi? it is part of malay language with arabic letters. it was used widely long before the roman letters replaced it. it was used in tanah melayu hundred of years before your forefathers landed in this country. if DAP kedah is not happy with the use of tulisan jawi in a state with 80% malays, then there is only one phrase for me to say to DAP kedah… GET LOST!

  20. Service … read this:

    Service is not coming to power and changing laws to force developers to allocate 50% to a certain group, service is not walking into Parliament and shouting that the PM is a murdered without any evidence, service is not getting yourself thrown out of Parliament for a year, service is not saying let’s go chit chat with the group we hated so much when we were not in so much power, service is not going out there and starting to bicker with your other political associates over trivial matters.

    Its called DISSERVICE.

    Highlighting people is not a real service, anyone can do it. PRK, ANILNETTO etc. Real service is ensuring that the people are cared for and allowed to create wealth.

    Learn from what happened in the US during the Great Depression. That is the basic needs of people and what a government needs to do for its people. Might you have any idea how it works?

  21. You have the penchant for bringing unrelated issues into discussion. Stay focus of the pig and abattoir issue in Kedah and I will continue to debate with you. As for other issues you have just brought up, please don’t think you must have the final say. In due course we will face each other again. Right now it is difficult for me to respond in context what you have just brought up. Please lah, don’t be a loose cannon. We already have one loose ball flying everywhere already.

  22. dawsheng … We say that BN is not allowing freedom of speech … we argue that it should be allowed BUT when others are not singing the praises of say DSAI or PR they are labelled with nasty names? What I say is substantiated but guess this is a club for LKS lovers only. No dissent allowed. :)

    A point to note … why do many anti BN forumers in places like Malaysia Today and even here always use swear words and call nasty names whilst forumers in places like CheDet do not use such words against others they may not like? Food for thought.

  23. Kit,
    That differences should arise is not surprising. I am actually quite pleased to note that the national leadership of PR is determined to resolve the problems rationally. Out of the current crisis will be born a mechanism to settle the problems by politicians representing different interest groups! This is miles better than having a dominant UMNO in government. I AM DEFINITELT ROOTING FOR PR and MY BET IS STILL ON PR TAKING OVER AS THE GOVERNMENT IN THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. FOR SURE A TWO PARTY SYSTEM WILL EMERGE.

  24. SpeakUp Says:
    Today at 17: 31.50 (4 minutes ago)
    …A point to note … why do many anti BN forumers in places like Malaysia Today and even here always use swear words and call nasty names whilst forumers in places like CheDet do not use such words against others they may not like? Food for thought….
    Interesting observation. I guess the people who visit this blogs are all a pretty frustrated lot (anti-establishment if you like) while those at CheDet are probably more pro-establishment. It is usual for people who are pro-establishment to talk like they have something up their a_s. :)

  25. //BUT when others are not singing the praises of say DSAI or PR they are labelled with nasty names? What I say is substantiated but guess this is a club for LKS lovers only. No dissent allowed. // SpeakUp

    What you said is not totally accurate or true again. I think most us here have no problem criticising LKS if it is rationally done. For instance, read my post above, I just asked him how much time he needs to seek an appointment to see the MB of Kedah. I was implying that he was giving excuses.

    You are not that bad i must say. But please lah, don’t be like that loose ball, that is all i am asking for.

  26. Lkt … true also … :)

    Lim … I am not loose, I say it as it is. No one wants to face the fact that there are issues, we wanna see that its all sweet and wonderful. I will say LGE is not giving excuses, he is in a lousy place now, he needs to ensure whatever ‘solution’ he comes out with pleases everyone. That is not easy and is really a lousy position to be in.

    My only gripe is that his PUBLIC RELATIONS part of handling this problem is lousy. Ok I tighten the ball up a bit ok. :)

  27. Freedom of speech is a general term with many definitions, it means different things to different people. For BN freedom comes with a price and must be control at all cost, I can agree to a certain extent but I disagree when freedom is suppressed to cover up wrongdoings such as corruption. By the way, my previous comment was not meant to be disrespectful, it was an advice and I wasn’t talking about you.

  28. k1980 Says: the politically correct term
    No la, I even looked it up with a search engine. No help at all. I reckon if human flesh is ‘long pig’ the correct term for pigs should be ‘short humans’. No wonder some people won’t eat them.

  29. Why is there no REPORT CARD on the Performance of the PAS Kedah Menteri Besar so far as compare with PKR Selangor MB & DAP Penang CM??
    Is he going to be ONLY a ONE TERM MB & BN return to power in GE13?

  30. “Yesterday, I had a 90-minute meeting with the Kedah DAP State Committee followed by a two-hour dialogue with the people of Kedah in the Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall.” Kit

    people of kedah?? i bet it was to an exclusively chinese audience.

  31. Limkamput…the self confessed MCA member and the biggest slimebag….in this blog is directing a DAP post.
    Both have no manners. Both are braggarts.
    Everyone seems to contribute nothing to this blog….except Limkamput.
    He got the nerves to even say..LKS’s blog is better off without monsterball too.
    Dawsheng is polite and hinted.
    The real dick head …limkamput…felt the cap fits him….got angry.
    I do enjoy one dick head debating with another useless idiot……on pigs and hogs.
    Carry on..you clowns from MCA.
    Your party is filled with clowns….braggarts and crooks.
    You little slimebag worms can continue to out beat each other…and my bet is SpeakUp is 10 times smarter and better than self proclaimed…professor Limkamput.

  32. Of course, the Kedah state government have to provide an alternative site before demolish the illegal site.

    Who else know the information of land avaliable for the alternative site?

    Who else have the authority to approve for the alternative site?

    Unlese the authority purposely want to complete destroy these activities so they don’t intend to provide a solution of an alternative site.

    Only those brainless and stupid persons, hatred persons would say the Kedah state government no need provide an alternative site solution to these problems.

  33. Loose canon ball, well said. Yes, everybody and this blog is better off without you. Let me see, what is your contribution…..
    Oh, yes you had 4 wives before but you can’t maintain anyone of them;
    Oh, you are rich, a couple of millions, but didn’t hawkers also have more than you nowadays.
    Hmmm, that is all i remember about you. So much for your contribution.

  34. people of kedah?? i bet it was to an exclusively chinese audience. dumb

    So what dumb? Did Sdr Lim exclude anybody? Did Sdr Lim have a secret meeting with only certain people. It is open, the issue disccused is a national issue, whether you racist like it or not, got it, dumb?

  35. That’s all my contribution…you remember ..all about me?
    hhhhmmmm…..You got no style…no nothing at all.
    Truths is revealing nicely for both of us.
    Yes…you are worst than SpeakUp.
    You brag…he twist…both in the same boat.
    I guess also small matter MCA supporters ..quarreling with each other in a DAP blog?
    Continue please…..so many are enjoying …the clowns in this blog.
    Signing off……

  36. Wa.. this Limkamput..MCA racialist dumb ass is supporting LKS.
    Anything to satisfy his racialist attitudes.
    But meet face to face…their accepted MCA landlords….his balls shrink and call then masters.
    Ignore me..I contribute nothing….HAHAHAHAHAHA

  37. YB Kit, try to help me to understand something. Your article seems to suggest that you and the Central Committe is totally unaware of the problems in Kedah. I find this hard to comprehend. If it is going to explode soon and in your own words

    “…Barisan Nasional parties particularly Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC are hoping that the Pakatan Rakyat Kedah crisis is the beginning of the end for Pakatan Rakyat….”,

    shouldn’t the state level leaders at least communicate with you or the national DAP leadership first of the problems they are facing in Kedah PR before they took it to the press? If the state DAP leadership had not done this , then I must say I find them highly irresponsible. But if they had, then the central leadership had most certainly failed badly to handle this situation if they had not tried to nip it in the bud. This reminds me of the same problem with Fong Poh Kuan’s decision not to stand for election. The top seems totally unaware of what is happening at the grassroots level until it is too late. If I might say so, it is like the chinese saying of “.. putting snakes into your own backsides.”

  38. Cinapek … maybe the Kedah DAP people did not communicate to Central Committee because they think they can handle it? Rather than be seen to run to Daddy or Mummy over the smallest matter. Most important, the public do not know the full story. It should be laid out clearly for the public to judge it properly.

  39. Zulkifli Noordin, said it was meaningless for DAP to remain in Pakatan if it could not tolerate its two partners in the alliance.

    1-point formula to resolve Pakatan crisis: Ask DAP to leave the fickle ‘coalition’ and go it alone.

  40. Following Abattoir debacle, YB LKS had meeting with DAP Kedah and Kedahans to get first hand information relating to dissatisfaction over state goverment. Also DAP Kedah state leaders gave the reasons through media. Many issues involve in the crisis. These issues are mainly involve local agenda and proper channel must be sought to find amicable solutions. The announcement by Kedah DAP through media to pull out of Pakatan is naive without consultation with DAP national leaders. Very obvious of lack of consultation channel within state Pakatan.

    China Press reported today the sole DAP ADUN as saying that he meets Mentri Besar, Exco member and council chief; fail to solve problem and frustrated. But, the point is his incapability more a concern to find solution and Mentri Besar had never agree to the demolishment. It was a town council actions that make public outcry.

    DAP Kedah lack of quality leadership a great concern. They should be more matured and prove a better choice than BN, so far they are not ready to take over MCA and MIC positions.

  41. Say does anybody remember what happened to the OTHER PIG problem?

    Remember the one by the Malacca BN government? What became of it? Was it a success or failure? In any case the BN still got voted in there didn’t they?

    Anyone can enlighten me on this case?

  42. The facts is BN have too many weak links and easily crumble if no longer a ruling party. BN components will splits faster if they lost federal power; it is the government posts, money and power that bind them together.
    Pakatan will survive because the struggle is for the PEOPLE.

  43. I called my friend in AS today about the abattoir, its really interesting. From her point of view she says its on both sides. One side illegal and the other side perhaps a little hard (not saying they are wrong by being hard since its illegal). The abattoir is not really beside a kampung, its actually beside some shoplots. Those of you who watched the MalaysiaKini video can see the kind of area its located in.

    Still, she says when they slaughter pigs in the middle of the night you can hear the loud squeals. But let’s just put it this way … Malaysian are still very selfish in their ways. Illegal but want the right to carry out business and demand that they be taken care of if they are LAWFULLY shut down.

  44. wow! gotta hand it to you Kit…2 states, 2 issues, 2 races but different approach to handling..one affirmative and the other complete negative! – optimuz

    Wonder why optimuz? That is because you don’t know the meaning of affirmative and negative.

  45. BN components will splits faster if they lost federal power; it is the government posts, money and power that bind them together. – albert308

    It is the wrongdoings like abuse of power and corruptions that keep BN together. The moment MCA and Gerakan try to pull out from BN and Najib will immediately issue a reminder by squeezing Ong Ta Kut and Koh Tsu Kun’s balls. Woof! Woof!

  46. opposition ask federal government buy over toll concessenaire.
    i thinking, if PR took over federal government one day. they still will buy over toll concessenaire even the cost is very high?
    i dont think they will buy. they will blame to BN back if they seize power as what happen in penang now.

  47. abattoir should not been drag into political issue .
    this is more like individual business interest. national issue is more important.
    kedah dap is not make wise decision and action.
    why the abattoir can be illegal for longtime ago ? is the wastage system is clean ? no environment pollution? public health , state enviroment is come 1st.
    the abattoir can move to non residents place.
    all this people only think for convienient and profit margin.

  48. That link posted by SpeakUp is priceless. Su appears to be an idiot.

    not illegal by choice. The authorities have refused to legalise them

    What nonsense is that? A long time ago I read comments on this blog pleading with DAP to organise some sort of retreat or convention where they could all learn to sing from the same hymn sheet. How is ‘not illegal by choice’ coherent with ‘rule of law’?

    Far from the MB checking his facts first, he should check his own. He ‘has proof that illegal Hindu and Chinese temples would be demolished’ – so what? Where is the proof that an illegal mosque is not being demolished? The buildings scheduled for demolition are not related by religion, they’re related by illegality. All he has is proof that the law is being enforced.

    Maybe he’s actually a bright guy and they caught him on a bad day, but that article does neither him nor DAP any favours.

  49. wesuffer … you are one of the few who can see it clearly, hahahaahahaa … you got it spot on. Its an individual’s issue that is made into a DAP or State issue. The selfish inconsiderate individual as sated in Sin Chew’s article about this problem.

    Orang Rojak … I personally have cleared Chinese temples and Indian temples that are all squatters. When faced with legal action they say this: “No court will be willing to enforce against us.” Its pure arrogance knowing that they can play the religious/racial card against the law when they know they are illegal!

    If anyone dares to tell me I am wrong I will say my religion believes that the gate to their house is MY GOD and I can chant there every evening and they should allow me to do so.

  50. “They are not illegal by choice. The authorities have refused to legalise them,” – Thomas Su

    If we can pick a statement and use it as an inference without further discourse, thus completely disregard the nature of its problems, it is just as good as one person’s opinion, we can call it freedom of speech. But not so when one is entrusted with Rakyat’s will, there is a pact with PAS and there are covenants on Kedah DAP’s part to fulfill, and in similarity the KBP case, all parties argue about broken promises, what matter most now is not a statement but action, since words are easily manipulated where action is louder than words.

  51. //If anyone dares to tell me I am wrong I will say my religion believes that the gate to their house is MY GOD and I can chant there every evening and they should allow me to do so. //loose cannon ball II

    It is confirmed beyond doubt that you are also a loose cannon ball. I shall call you a loose cannon ball II or better still phua tang sai commentator or simpleton. You have no ball to debate with me, and yet want to talk so much.

  52. Lim … I love how well you can use the English language, with limited vocabulary I can understand why you need to resort to name calling only. Typical of the low class filth that is present in PR that allows BN to laugh all day long. Typical …

  53. have no choice ? if not legalisme them. how come the illegal abottoir can still last for 30 years? so should they thanks to umnoBN led government ? is this involved in under table money to council during this 30 years ?
    they willing to pay to them. chinese wont stupid to do no benefit business. all is business interest

  54. wesuffer … maybe not everyone is telling the whole truth? Perhaps when the business owners say that Kedah government is not assisting in relocation they may mean they want some place near only (they don’t want far as will have to pay for transport), they want the place built up nicely for them (no expenditure for business), they are not willing to ensure cleanliness (not keen to pay for the proper machinery etc).

    Maybe the Kedah government ‘did not’ assist because the business owners want it all for FREE and are slightly unreasonable. Perhaps the Kedah government got fed up and decided to play hard ball?

    We will not know the truth because it will never be told. What we do know is, its illegal and that is enough.

  55. Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, DAP, Gerakan and MCA are all chinese. Common sense lah they fight basically for chinese interest and often fool the other races who supports them in elections. Outstanding example: Kg Buah Pala, The Tamil High Chapparel of Penang. Bet you the Lims and the rest of the chinese are having a good laugh at the way they fool the indian and malay voters.

  56. It is a simple matter in fact but has now been blown very much out of proportion.

    In this country, when we come to pigs and porks, they are always the loosers.

    No one in this country can beat the religious discrimination imposed unilaterally on the minority.

    It is a losing battle and better to forget about it. It is better to fend ourselves by otrher means to get the pigs and porks in this country.

  57. i suspect the kedah DAP is feeding wrong info to its central committee. he’s taking the situation and deciding ON HIMSELF to pull-out off the alliance .

    i suspect he has been offered handsomely by the corrupted oppositions just like the case of the THREE BETRAYERS OF PERAK!!!
    i hop uncle LKS will do a ‘secret body-check-up’ on this DAP guy!!!

  58. By Wong Choon Mei

    Kedah DAP has withdrawn from the state Pakatan Rakyat coalition, accusing the PAS-led government of not giving equal treatment to all Kedahans after Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak refused to intervene in the demolition of an abbatoir.

    “Although the slaughterhouse was operating on land belonging to the Alor Setar City Council, the state government had the power to postpone demolition work,” Kedah DAP chairman Thomas Su told a press conference on Wednesday.

    “This would have given more time for the Kedah Pigs Trader and Slaughterer Association to find a new site.”

    According to the city council, the slaughterhouse was illegally built 30 years ago and although it had ordered the association to vacate the premises several times through the years, it did not do so.

    The latest directive was issued in May and when the association sought a postponement, it was given until end June to find new premises.

    According to Su, DAP suggested six new sites but they were all rejected and the city council refused to give any further extensions.

    “The trust of the 28 operators has been betrayed. They are now left stranded,” said Su.

    State-level decision

    Meanwhile, Azizan said it was not within his power to stop the demolition, as claimed by Su.

    “I was told that the association has submitted an application to the Pendang district office for a piece of land in Kampung Cina on June 26 and the district office technical team is studying the application,” the MB said.


  59. Maybe the Kedah government ‘did not’ assist because the business owners want it all for FREE and are slightly unreasonable. Perhaps the Kedah government got fed up and decided to play hard ball? – SpeakUp

    DAP suggested six new sites but they were all rejected.

  60. Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, DAP, Gerakan and MCA are all chinese. Common sense lah they fight basically for chinese interest and often fool the other races who supports them in elections. Outstanding example: Kg Buah Pala, The Tamil High Chapparel of Penang. Bet you the Lims and the rest of the chinese are having a good laugh at the way they fool the indian and malay voters. – whattheheckman

    Not true!

    From http://limguaneng.com/index.php/guan-eng-vision-for-penang/

    Q: How do you address the problems of Malays being marginalised in the development of the state? (Mohd Azlan Abdul Majid)

    A: One of the first things I did when I came into power was to increase the allowances of religious teachers by RM600 a year. But let’s not talk of race. We want equal opportunities for all. Once we start talking about race, we fall into Umno’s political trap.//

  61. I am a Kedahan! PAS is too arrogant these days! Luckily, Thomas Su still backs our Chinese and voice out our problems! On the other hand, I can hardly see MCA do something beneficial to us! Where has Chor Chee Heung gone? I understand that PR has a bigger agenda (to form an alternative government next GE), but I hope it is not at the expense of Kedahan! PAS just cannot simply implement what they like or don’t like!

  62. YB,
    I am I dreaming or not……gerakan supporting DAP???

    Kedah Gerakan Youth Urges MB To Investigate DAP’s Allegation

    ALOR SETAR, July 6 (Bernama) — Kedah Gerakan Youth today called on Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak to set up an independent body to investigate the DAP’s allegation that the state government would demolish some Hindu and Chinese temples in the state.

    Its head Tan Keng Liang said Azizan should do this immediately to prove whether the allegation was true or not.

    \This is a serious allegation and the outcome of the investigation should be announced to the public,\ he told Bernama here today.

    He said Azizan should not dilly-dally by saying that he himself did not know of the alleged state government’s decision to demolish Hindu and Chinese temples.

    Azizan was also reported to have said that the DAP was trying to incite racial hatred towards the PAS-led state government.

    Recently, Kedah/Perlis DAP chairman Thomas Su repeated his claim that he had proof of the government’s decision to demolish some Hindu and Chinese temples.

    He said the Menteri Besar should take the matter seriously and not accuse the DAP of inciting racial hatred by raising the issue.

    The Kedah DAP also recently made a shocking announcement of withdrawing from the Pakatan Rakyat state government over alleged unfair treatment of the DAP in the pact and the demolishment of a pig abattoir in Taman Berjaya here by the Alor Setar City Council.


  63. siapatau … what you say, not many will agree, I try that a lot, they call me UMNO goon, MCA b@ll carrier etc. A lot don care right is right and wrong is wrong la. They hate BN so much they dun care …

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