100 reasons why Malaysia needs a new Inspector-General of Police

The passage of the Enforcement Agencies Integrity Commission (SIAP) Bill by Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday is the last nail in the coffin of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) proposed by the Royal Police Commission more than four years ago in May 2005.

It also marks the failure of the Barisan Nasional government and the police leadership to fully honour and implement the 125 recommendations of the Royal Police Commission set up by former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi during his “First 100 Days” to revamp and reform the police, which had raised such high hopes and expectations among Malaysians creating such a national euphoria that Abdullah won an unprecedented landslide victory in the March 2004 general elections winning over 91% of the parliamentary seats!

Who must take the greatest responsibility for such a great national letdown and disappointment, if not the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan?

This is why I said more than once in Parliament in the debate on SIAP Bill that there are over 100 reasons why the country needs a new Inspector-General of Police to set the police force on a new course of direction, with new commitment and vision, which can win public confidence where Malaysians regard the police as their friend and protector – a sentiment Malaysians have lost for over a decade since their loss of two fundamental rights, the right to be free from crime and to be from the fear of crime!

What are the major failures of Musa as Inspector-General of Police?

The three core functions proposed by the Police Royal Commission of Inquiry reflect the three biggest failures of Musa as IGP.

In its report in May 2005, the Police Royal Commission proposed “As an immediate measure, PDRM should target a minimum of 20 per cent decrease in the number of crimes committed for each category within 12 months of this Report’s acceptance and implementation.”

The latest statistics available to the Police Royal Commission at the time was the 156,455 incidence of crime in 2004, which was an increase of 29 per cent from 121,176 cases in 1997.

This was what the Police Royal Commission said:

“The increase seriously dented Malaysia’s reputation as a safe country. Malaysians in general, the business sector and foreign investors grew increasingly concerned with the situation. The fear was that, if the trend continues, there would be major social and economic consequences for Malaysia. A survey of 575 respondents from the public carried out by the Commission clearly demonstrates the extremely widespread concern among all ethnic groups and foreign residents. Between 82.2 per cent and 90 per cent of the respondents, or 8 to 9 persons in every 10, were concerned with the occurrence of crime.” (3.1 p.108 Report)

From the latest statistics given in Parliament, crime index have galloped to break the 200,000 mark, with the incidence of crime shooting up to 209,582 in 2007 and 211,645 in 2008.

Instead of achieving the Police Royal Commission’s target of reducing the intolerably high incidence of crime of 156,455 cases in 2004 by 20 per cent in 12 months (i.e. 125,164 cases), the reverse took place. In the four years after the Royal Police Commission Report, crime index kept “reaching for the stars” . In the seven years from 1997 to 2004, crime index increased by 29%, but in the four years from 2004 to 2008 crime index increased by 35.5%.

How can an Inspector-General of Police who presided over such a deterioration in the crime situation demand an extension of this renewed term of Inspector-General of Police in September?

On the second core function to eradicate corruption, Musa Hassan has also failed. In fact, I had called Musa in Parliament as a ‘lobbyist” for mega-contracts, whether for a proposed RM20 billion police helicopter project or the RM4.2 billion “E-Police Force Solution”, and I have not received any satisfactory answer from Home Minister.

On the third core function to uphold human rights, clearly the Police Royal Commission’s proposal that the police officers should undergo human rights “sensitization” orientation courses have fallen on deaf ears, with police violation of human rights in recent months most blatant and flagrant – with indiscriminate police arrests of Malaysians for wearing black, lighting candles, singing birthday songs and the deployment of hundreds of police personnel who should be catching criminals but were dispatched instead to frustrate the holding of DAP dinners, creating the new phenomenon firstly that Malaysians can eat but cannot talk and later that Malaysians cannot even eat!

I said that more than a hundred reasons can easily be given as to why the country needs a new IGP and a new police leadership, especially in his shocking failure to lead an efficient, incorruptible, professional and world-class police service as proposed by the Police Royal Commission!

I welcome Malaysians to come to my blog to give their reasons why the country needs a new IGP and a new police leadership, so that Malaysians, visitors and investors can feel safe again in this country!

31 Replies to “100 reasons why Malaysia needs a new Inspector-General of Police”

  1. The fact is, I am more afraid of the police than the criminals. The police are well known to cohort with the criminals. The police are more interested to extort money from the general public for slightest violations.
    Major politicians who committ crimes have become “untouchables”. We have a Police force which have blantant disregard for human rights and act like thugs.
    As a Malaysian living and working in Britain, I have nothing but admiration for the professionalism of the British Police Force, especially the MET.(London Metropolitan Police).The police force gets good public support for crime prevention and criminal detection.
    Despite this, in Britain the IPC (Independent Police Commision), the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) will come down on any police officer found to have violated any laws. The Law Enforcement Agencies in Britain is highly professional and are credited for keeping the crime very low in Britain.
    Most importantly the general public have full confidence in thier law enforcement agencies and the policing force. They are a dozen programs about the British Police Force in the UK and you can judge for yourselve the high level of conduct of the personnels.
    I feel very safe in this country because the police force gives you that confidence.
    Sadly, ours have become subservient to the political masters and lost the objective of serving the public.

  2. From the very moment I see a police first thing come to mind is they are worthless. They are not able to protect the general public and to make it worse create more problems. Thet are mostly after the foreign workers, legal or illegal as these people are helpless against the so-called police. The police will “rob” them of their money. So to the royal malaysian police force…your image is so low that people do not trust you anymore.

  3. ///How can an Inspector-General of Police who presided over such a deterioration in the crime situation demand an extension of this renewed term of Inspector-General of Police in September?///– Kit

    In Japan, the head of an organization would resign for serious mistakes made his/her staff. In Malaysia the head is allowed to serve out his term. The IGP certainly cannot expect extension based on his performance.

    The IGP had to go because there were no changes made to the police force which would be able to ensure better performance under his demonstrated capability. A more capable person might improve the performance under existing condition.

    Had the IGP caused IPCMC to be implemented, he might be able to argue that the police performance would improve in the changed environment. He did not take the initiative, and he has not encouraged the public to be confident that there would be improvement under his continued incumbency.

  4. 1. Imagine an OCPD shouting through a loud hailer, 1, 2, 3, tangkap, tangkap, tangkap.
    2. Storming the Perak State Assembly with firearms and dragging Sivakumar like an animal out of the assembly hall and illegally detaining him for more than an hour.
    3. Attending Fathers’ Day Dinner without invitation and bringing along 2 water cannon water trucks.
    4. Arresting lawyers who act for their clients.
    5. Arresting people wearing black attires.
    6. Arresting people holding a birthday party.
    7. Arresting people holding and presenting birthday cake.
    8. Not allow to direct traffic.
    9. Lighting candles.
    10. Arresting people attending Hari Raya Puasa open house.
    11. Arresting elected representatives who attend to the people in time of need.
    12. Creating unneccessary roadblocks causing traffic jams.

    This list is not exhaustive. Please assist to update if you have any idea.

  5. The only way to change the IGP is to change the BN Government. If tomorrow get a new IGP, the problem will still be there. We can not appeal to the ‘kangaroo court’, but we can appeal to whole citizen of Malaysia to vote for PKR in the 13th GE.
    Lets set aside of Pala and Pigs issues, Sabar! Once PKR takes over Putrajaya, all these problems(Justice, Forces, Education, Housing, PKFZ, Media, Public transport, Ouh.. too many to say!) will be solved! If dun solve 100%, i believe it will be 90%.

  6. The thought that comes into my mind when I see the police :-
    1) Fear – that they will find another reason to find fault and possibly get a bribe from you.
    2) Disgust – that a public servant who is entrusted to protect us, is actually acting far worse than drug lords and thugs.
    3) Anger – that bcoz of they are still so loud to say that they have publics interest at heart when they are only interested in filling their pockets.
    4) Prayer – that they will finally meet their Maker and realise that all the \duit haram\ that has been squeezed from citizens and the bullying of foreign workers will put them in the fiery hells forever, and so will their families and children that hv been brought up and fed with all the \duit haram\ too. Like how Dr. M put it, they food that they put into their families’ mouths are likened to ‘makan babi’ coz it is ALL haram.

    Funny how Dr M talks this way now, coz he is \THE ONE who started all the \suap\-ping!

  7. I was questioned by the police officer on why do I want lodge a report regarding two lorries who tried to purposely ram into my car. He told me they only “tried” to ram me and didn’t manage to run me over.

    I’ve had the “pleasure” to lodge several reports in several different police stations in different states. There’s one common and overwhelming theme that I felt from my all experiences and that is the sheer lack of professionalism among the police force.

  8. “How can an Inspector-General of Police who presided over such a deterioration in the crime situation demand an extension of this renewed term of Inspector-General of Police in September” LKS

    simple. what would he stand to gain by unsticking his dirty finger in the pie? as a veteran politician we expect you to be more politically astute than what your statement conveys.

  9. In a country ruled by voodoo it isn’t surprising that a fellow named Zombrie can be forced on the poor citizens of Perak as \mischief minister.\ Where once we had a prime minister, for better or worse, now we must endure the embarrassment of a crime minister whose only known skill is vehement denial and telling routine lies. If Musa Hassan is removed as IGP, the entire Najib regime will collapse. That would be occasion for the whole nation to REJOICE! :-)


  10. I posted this in MT.

    Wondering how the helicopter project comes up to RM20bil. After some search, I have these few facts …. the Govt has approved the recommendation to purchase 21 helicopters for the Police. http://www.bernama.com/bernama…d=352352

    Ok, when we purchase the helicopters we will need training, technology transfer, hangars, heliports, maintenance schedules, and whatever, some of which will probably be packaged into the pricing anyway. So, that works out to be almost a cool RM1bil per helicopter.

    Hmmmm …. and you guys were complaining about that Abdullah (what, RM300mil?) airplane?

    So, I googled again, and come up with some facts and figures again …..

    “AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, has signed a contract worth over 200 million dollars with the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) for the supply of three AW139 helicopters plus options for several additional aircraft. ”

    That’s at end Oct 2008. USD200mil for 3 copters = USD66mil per bird.

    “AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, and Ornge, a Canadian charitable organization, have signed a contract for ten AW139 medium twin helicopters in aero-medical configuration, with an option for two additional aircraft. The overall value is about US 120 million dollars. ”

    This announcement is at the beginning of Oct 2008. Hmmm….. ok lah, Ornge is a charitable organization. 10 for USD120mil = USD12mil per copter. Real charitable supplier.

    Ok lah, our police needs very high specs birdies, so still possible that AgustaWestland is barely breaking even at USD66mil a bird.

    I suppose if our PDRM exercise the option and place a larger order, it would cost the supplier much more per piece to manufacture the helicopters. No such thing as bulk discount here unlike everything else. Otherwise, I just can’t even come close to RM20bil for 21 copters. Assuming they buy another 21 (not balance of 18, ok?),
    that’s 21 x USD66mil = USD1.386bil x RM3.8 (being generous here) = RM5.267bil

    So, we need about RM15bil to construct the rest of the support amenities. Am I right? I’m not suggesting anything but just curious how they come up with the RM20bil figure.

    Anyone else can shed some light?

  11. I call upon the government to implement the Royal Commisssion on IPCMC. It is only then that we can bring back the pride and dignity of the police force to eradicate crime and corruption. We have had enough of the shenanigans and charades of the IGP. The only way forward is to have a new police chief who is committed to reform the police force by instituting the IPCMC.

  12. Saudara LKS,

    I think you are short of saying we need a new PM. I don’t think a new IGP will make Malaysia any better. A new PM – from Pakatan – will make Malaysia a better haven. The BN government has no will power for reformation which Malaysia badly needs.

  13. Normally such a high ranking officer will not ask for extension unless being directed to do so.

    Nobody is indespensible.

    It is all politics. Si Luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya … biarkan …

  14. When his term was extended by Pak Lah, thought he was strong(?) enough to implement the IPCMC but sadly I was wrong.
    That was the main reason why I thought an extension of one or two years would be justified.
    But since he is not able to implement the IPCMC, he should be retired.
    If there are no senior police officers who can push through the necessary reforms of the IPCMC, the goverment can even appoint say an honest army senior officer for the post.
    We should all realise that the system of law enforcement is seriously broken and all of us must find a way to mend it.

  15. all said, i think my1anthony is right – another igp, another one, and another etc etc all same-same. there was such hope after rahim nor and what happens? until that dark web is unravelled, same lah. IPCMC? an ACA like world respected icac? dream on.
    all very specialised ie selective – selective investigation/enforcement, selective prosecution, selective judgements. and a blunt (some say brain-deficit) govt at the centre! latest live example: the demos and press conferences at high chapparel …. what were the cops present doing at those illegal (and rabble rousing) gatherings? why weren’t red trucks and canons cracking heads? i thought HINDRAF has been proscribed and an illegal organisation!!! SO WHO’S BEHIND ALL THAT?
    yes, Waytha who is so brave in London should return to show his bravery and lead the Indians.
    and a note of advice to PAS leaders (re kedah, unity talks): do not expect Pakatan non-malay, non-muslim supporters to understand or accept that it’s all strategy to win Malay support … you deeply risk the loss of especially Chinese support at the next GE.

  16. This IGP must go. Never have in the history of Malaysia, the patriah police have gone so wild and lost control.

    Storming of State Assembly
    High fatality rate of detainee
    Losing the war on Mat Samseng
    Close connection with the underworld

  17. Just the recent short movie on the web showing police violence in a police station involving several policemen in uniform mistreating, harassing and torturing a suspect is enough for the removal of the IGP!

  18. The present IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan was promoted to the post of IGP from the post of the Head of Special Branch.

    Strictly speaking, Special Branch Police should not be made the National Police Chief because the training syllabus of the Special Branch Police was basically against the basic 5 Principles of Nation-Building (the Rukun Negara) and was in violation of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, which by rights requires all the Police Force of Malaysia to pledge loyalty only to the Yang Dipertuan Agong and no one else. However, the Special Branch Police of Malaysia were and are absurdly trained to pledge their loyalty to the Prime Minister instead of the Yang Dipertuan Agong and such a training syllabus has made the Special Branch Police disqualified to head the overall Police Force at the paramount top position. Therefore, IGP Musa Hassan should be replaced with another replacement who is not coming from the Special Branch.

    The Yang Dipertuan Agong should also not approve the extension of Musa Hassan’s service for another one more year after September 2009 because Musa Hassan did not show a strong will of wanting to preserve and protect the integrity of the State Constitution and the Federal Constitution when he tried to keep his eyes closed and took no action in his capacity as the IGP in the following unconstitutional events:

    A) The Perak State Assembly Proceeding had been intruded by some scumbags who empowered Perak Speaker, Mr V. Sivakumar, and forced Perak Speaker out of the Assembly Hall with violence on May 7, 2009 but the IGP Musa Hassan failed to take action of arrest on those scumbags.

    B) The handicapped DAP’s National President cum Member of Parliament Mr Karpal Singh had been violently attacked by a group of scumbags from Umno Youth in the compound of the Sacrosanct Building of Parliament House and the IGP Musa Hassan failed to take action of arrest on those scumbags.

  19. If there are 100 reasons why IGP should be replaced and not done…then it is clear IGP is 100% pro UMNO…and UMNO will 100%.. never sack their chosen stooge……specially one holding the highest position in the Police force.
    That’s where LKS is at his best…keep exposing….working hard for the money.. we pay him to do his job.
    We have somewhat rewarded him…and it will be great to see him ….personally assisting governing the country…..after 13th GE.
    Then we will see…the final judgments to all crooks…put away…for unity objectives.

  20. One Basic Problem that the Police is not work according to Rules and Regulations with Abuse to Human Rights and not taking up their Duty is good enough to ask IGP to get LOSS!!


    They are sided by the KUP, AG as well as the Ministers and PM. The Law is full of Loopholes with deliberately ignorance of Rules and Regulations. LAWS ARE NOT LAW! ADMINISTRATION is just fooling People.

  21. The root of the problem lies in the corrupted leaders, and until and unless we are able to elect a team of good leaders, we will continue to experience low standard of every damn thing.

  22. This all can change when a proper leader comes and leads this nation. PR? DSAI? How can change come about when they are all bickering? Change starts with each one of us … remember what Gandhi said about change?

    You must be the change you wish to see in the world

    Has PAS changed? Has PKR members changed? Has DSAI changed? Has LKS changed?

  23. The water is so muddy and polluted with 50 years of filth! Even sharks and crocodiles cannot survive in this condition. So the only is to completely drain off the water and use powerful disinfectants to kill the germs and virus.
    Vote for a new government, give PR a chance, long live DSAI.

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