What can SIAP do with regard to R K Krishnansamy on the police non-action on the murder of his father, former Tenggaroh Assemblyman and Johore MIC leader Datuk S. Krishnansamy on 11.1.08?

This is the email from Raj Kumar Krishnansamy on the murder of his father Datuk S. Krishnasamy, former Tenggaroh assemblyman and Johore MIC leader Datuk S. Krishnasamy on 11th January 2008, (with various names deleted).

I want to ask what SIAP could do with such a complaint as it is likely to be utterly helpless and powerless to do anything, unlike the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) as proposed by the Royal Police Commission as the key of the 125 recommendations to create a Malaysian police service which is efficient, professional, incorruptible and world-class.

R.K. Krishnasamy’s email on the murder of his father Datuk S.Krishnasamy reads:

Below is a synopsis of the case since Jan 11, 2008.

My father was the state Deputy MIC Chairman. A week before his murder, there was a lot of newspaper articles(Malaysia Nanban) that my father is planning to challenge the current Chairman, Datuk KS Balakrishnan and become the next state chairman. Datuk KS Balakrishnan’s son is Pannir Selvam. He was appointed by Datuk Bala to be the state MIC youth deputy chief. This was a move that my father objected as his son did not have the right character for the position. Both father and son could not go along with my father.

My father went into the lift after lunch at abt 2.20pm. He received a call while he was in the restaurant,then he left the restaurant to the office. Who called him, still a mystery till today as police do not want to reveal it.

Upon arrival, he went into the lift. It was in the lift that he was shot.

We do not know who shot him as the security guard was sent to the next building. Why the next building? The guard was sent to give something to Datuk Bala’s personal secretary. The one who sent the guard was [deleted]. She is also the MIC office clerk and Datuk Bala’s “close friend” for 20 years. She specifically told the guard to sent the letter and buy food for her at 2.20pm. Lunch time was at 12noon, why sent him at 2.20pm. The police does not want to answer to this. Why use the guard to sent a letter to Datuk Bala’s secretary when Datuk Bala would be in the office at 2.30pm, the police do not want talk about it.

Surprisingly, the gunman knew the MIC building very well. Who brought him in there? How did he know about a meeting that is only known to bahagian leaders only? Police does not want to reveal.

She was arrested under remand for 2 weeks and surprisingly, she could afford to hire the best defense lawyer[deleted] along with 8 other lawyers to defend her from the police. Who paid for the 9 lawyers remain a mystery as police do not want to reveal it. Why the “big shot” paid for the 9 lawyers? Why did she send the security guard off at that time, police do not want to answer it. The police has been tight-lipped from day one.

My sister and her husband went to JB police station every week to ask about the case. But during one of her trip there, she was followed by 3 indian guys in a 4 wheel drive. They would park outside her apmt and ask worund the neighbours about my brother in law. The guys were caught in the security CCTV camera and a report was launched with Johor police. But surprisingly, after the CD and report, no action was taken. Who are the 3 guys, why were they harassing my sister and her family, why are the police so quiet about the 3 guys till today?

Then the guy from Kluang, [deleted] a MIC leader was arrested. He was having some problem with my father before and a very close friend to Pannir and Datuk Bala. However, he was released after 2 weeks. This guy, after being released, bragged to his friends in Kluang, how the police was scared of him and how powerful he is in Johor. When we asked police about this, the only answer that we got is that they will look at it again.Till this day, there is no answer from the police.

Then Pannir got arrested under remand and after his remand, he got arrested under EO. Within a few hours of his arrest under EO, he was released middle of the night. But when we called police, they told us “No Comments”. That was when all the other suspects were released and the police told us that they lost the case. They will wait till any new evidence comes in.

The police has never told us anything about the progress of the case. Everytime we meet the police, it must bad news like the fingerprints were not usable, but they do not tell us why. The bullet could not help at all, i do not why as well.

The prime suspect [deleted] was recently appointed MBJB as a city councillor.

19 Replies to “What can SIAP do with regard to R K Krishnansamy on the police non-action on the murder of his father, former Tenggaroh Assemblyman and Johore MIC leader Datuk S. Krishnansamy on 11.1.08?”

  1. That is not much suprising , Malaysia is being run by thugs and gangster govt. Anything is possible , the mogoliian lady murderers are still having a very good time and would continue to do so,
    They are so low , i don’t know what to say , my pet dog is a zillion times better than them , we can’t even say that they are worse than animals.

    The police force in Malaysia is a big joke as well, everything is possible in M’sia as long as the right people are fed with solid bribes at all times, illegal 4d outlets , prostituition , druglords are all well organized and protected by the so call ‘police’ and they all are having a good time just like the person/s who murdered the late Datuk Krisnanasamy, so to get justice would be absolutely impossible as long as the present govt. is in power, only thing one could do for now is to CURSE ths SOB’s ( S o n of B i t c h e s )

  2. So what is RCI in Malaysia?
    Subject to Objection of the Minister, Cabinet, PM and even the Police!!
    They are under KUP and AG and Home Ministry. But, ALL ARE ACT WITH SILENT IN WISH OF “GOLD”!!

  3. They are only interested in attending free dinners organised by DAP together with their water cannon trucks to show off, namely, Fathers’ Day Dinner organised by Klang DAP, etc. Had they returned the things taken away during the Fathers’ Day Dinner in Klang? What rights had they to take away? In future, DAP should put up a banner saying, “Eat only, no “take away” (tar poa).

  4. old devil tun said to him corruption is like makan babi. !
    if makan babi, we use our money to buy and eat ! not the umno BN eating millions millions of duit rakyat ! the idiot old man

  5. [deleted]
    Just look at sister SUJI case. Look like Donald Duck cartoon case.In short we can say all in power are corrupted and so u scratch my back and i scratch yours Uncle Lim.

  6. If this can happen to a state leader in the fold of BN, you can imagine what will be the fate of PR leaders.
    With such strong evidence from the deceased son, the police dare not touch the culprits.
    Therefore it it pertinent that PR wins the GE13 with a strong mandate from the Rakyat so that all these nonsense can be clean up.

  7. I am sorry for the writer but the police just cannot work on suspicions. But I reckon, the police do not have the brains and expertise to catch criminals.
    They are more qualified to go after candle light vigil organizers, those who wear black shirts and throwing out Opposition Speaker from the Assembly.
    Come on, PDRM, don’t fight crime. They have other important things to do like, protecting UMNO and concocting sodomy charges against Anwar Ibrahim.

  8. When it’s some not so important person’s father or son or daughter gets kill or murder,the police simply says sorry ,cannot investigate based on suspicion.If it’s fall on ordinary folk,only God can help them.On the contrary,if it’s happen to some VIPs,the police will go to any length and breath to get the criminal.Almost daily we find double standards being practised by our PDRM.I just ponder whether our police investigetors are conscious of their conscience when dealing with various criminal reports/cases!.Don’t they are trained to follow ethic ?.Most cases I see these officers are following the unethical orders from their superiors !. Police is to enforce and to protect the law,not enforcing and protecting their evil senior officer’s ulterior rnotive to cover up some closely related criminal or criminals.Again don’t they get it ?.

  9. It’s the government of the day to be blamed.
    A beautiful paradise so rich and plenty becomes no better than Myammar.
    Greedy for money and never enough or satisfied plus trained to buy voters…buy up the country with money….is exactly like foreign invaders…but doing so by one race of our own country.
    There dare not use too much guns and forces for the force against them is great,
    So they keep on using con jobs tactics and throwing out sweets to the poor.
    Yes…..one race wants to dominate others…even though .. vast majority of their own race against them.
    It is so peaceful….for Malaysians are by nature…peaceful people.
    They know this too well and take full advantage..to great success….so much so…some even brag……UMNO will rule forever with this formula.
    For me…I spit on MCA for supporting UMNO to enslave his own race for their own selfish objectives..without dignity nor principles in life. It’s such a disease in them….feeling proud to be Chinese first and Malaysian by name only.
    They feel no shame China never recognizes them as Chinese at all. It’s non stop low class acting and actors…always contended to have supporting small parts in the play with no significant contribution to the story.
    Small parts even as old as grandfathers…taking orders from young UMNO Malays…with no shame at all.
    Yes MCA is the real disgrace to the Malaysia Chinese.. encouraging UMNO to play race and religion politics.
    Balless Gerakan talk alot …but no actions.
    So what is MIC…..and what is this post all about?
    The end result…..what you support is what you get.

  10. News is out. Maddoff to spend 150 yrs in prison for fraud.

    Oh that unlucky fella. Lesson for him to learn – he better remember to tick umnoputra, malaysia in his Reincarnation Form. As umnoputra, he would be able to report the matter to macc and then shut the whole country up with this line: “Matters are now in macc’s hands and are therefore out of my hands.” The worst that will ever happen to him is he will be transferred to somewhere. He may be made an ambassador or a ceo of some glc or even vice chancellor of certain world famous malaysian universities.

  11. True, true, if you aspire to be a crook, a big crook
    then you must become a Malaysian
    you must become an Umnoputra or their buddy crony
    then the entire vital force is behind you
    The police, the judiciary, the parliament, the cabinet
    Then you can be a racist
    can waste billions of public money
    can be incredibly filthy rich and powerful
    And you are treated as a national hero
    You are not regarded as Nut but Tun

  12. SIAP – It look like another RCI establishment as under the MACC Act with seet-up running like a Court!!
    1. If SIAP refers to “Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission” it is a declaration that the Adminsitration of those 21 Agency had bankrupted. The Ministries to whom those Agency belong are shattered. A “new commission” is trying to be established a BY-PASS to those existing Disciplinary control of those 21 Departments concenrned into one “Corporate Body”!! So, an Overlapping or Duplication of jobs, increasing an extra step of monitoring or complaint procedures and an excuse for the existing Disciplinary or Complaint Bodies to be idled. What will happened to those complaints filed before the establishment of the Act – the bill?

    2. This is similar to the establishment of the “Tribunal Court” in 2001/2002 under the Ministry of Housing – to bring an “official” merry-go-round to those housing victims. A “Private“Court outside the Jurdiciary System??

    3. The bill will include most of the LOOPHOLES in the MACC Act as mentioned in

    a) The Power of PM is over-stated on the appointment of the Commission with the power of amendment of Schedule, Rules and Regulations. This violates the fundamental Principle that the Parliament is the only legislative body and the overall monitoring function of the Government – heading the PM will be further diminished. A further step into Police State!
    b) The intervention of Agony is far from Constitutional and WHY remuneration should be determined by Agong (Section 6) and can be revoked under Section 7 (4)?
    c) Abusing the Rights of People when the prosecution falls only in the hand of AG, and, the Commission is protected under Public Authority Act….
    d) Activating some sort of Secrecy Act but not the necessary Privacy Act
    e) Section 14. (2) The Commission may appoint any officers from any enforcement agency on secondment basis to be its investigators. – A conflict of Interest will be there!
    f) Section 14 (5) The Commission may, with the approval of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, make regulations with respect to the conditions of service of its officers and staff. – Overriding the power of the Parliament!!
    g) Section 31 (e) to issue a warrant of arrest…
    h) Section 41 Power to search without a warrant
    i) There is no Appealing system!!


    NO PARLIAMENT IN THE WORLD SHOULD CONSIDER SUCH KIND OF BILL!! A clear violation of Principle and Adminstration consistency!


    At least the 86 Opposition MP should object the bill!!

  13. Copy of the Bill can be found:
    1. How can it be a “Corporate Body” when it is strictly a Governmental Set-up over disciplinary forces? It sounds very much Commercial!! (Section 3)

    2. If each Ministry have all the power and organisation to run and monitoring their business cannot be run properly. How big this Commission should be in order to see the 21 Agents working?

    3. How can the size of such set-up and the budget slip through the hand of the Parliament?


    5. They can manipulate the law where AG is the only one to act against any violation. An Absolute Power that lead to more corruption!!


    7. Under the Constitution, the Agong has the power of appointing RCI. But a great number of request from the Public been ignored because the PM and those ministers had not done their job. So, a bill to grant the PM and the Agony the ABSOLUTE POWER is ridiculous besides it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!

    Not “1Malaysia” but “1PM”!!

  14. The above story is sad but let’s be frank, its all mere circumstantial evidence based on who says and what I hear who tells who about what so and so said and its also based on what the writer feels to be something worth investigating.

    Also, its pretty true that the PDRM is pathetic, no arguments about that. My friend was walloped by her bf and she had bruises but after a couple of months the police did nothing. You get all sorts of stuip excuses, waiting for medical reports etc. That is not needed for them to at least pick the bf up for questioning. This is Malaysia.

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