One Perak!

by Martin Jalleh

One man’s catchphrase of reform – “the culture of change” is in reality one potent chicanery and concoction of 4Cs – Corruption, Coercion, Crossovers and Coups. The self-proclaimed “people’s Prime Minister” with his recycled One Malaysia slogan, robs in broad daylight the people of Perak of their right to determine their State Government.

One haughty political party humiliated in the last general election and by a series of by-election losses, hangs on to power desperately. It hijacks a state government by high-handed, hideous and heinous means such as money politics, mysterious disappearances, mobs and manipulative manoeuvrings of the nation’s democratic institutions.

One fraudulent State Government is formed by the crossovers of two assemblymen charged with corruption, one assembly woman who compromised and reduced the price of democracy to cash and Camry – a threesome who made themselves “independent” of the will of the people – and the double-crossing over of one Umno assemblyman.

One – hand-in-glove with its political (pay)master, the one-sided Election Commission (the supposed paragon of democracy) – panders and plays to the tune of and remains pliant to Umno and its power grabbing to prevent the people of Perak from being the one paramount arbitrator to overcome the State’s political deadlock.

One farcical State Government – made up of an overwhelming 27 Umno assembly members, one MCA assembly member and three ‘independent’ hoppers – is portrayed as a strong representation of multiracial unity and governance! The people are expected to believe that the most divisive force, led by the most devious of characters, will make Perak one!

One interfering and intimidating show of force by the police force, assisted by Umno’s thugs and a spineless State Secretary is brazenly displayed to prevent the Menteri Besar (MB) and the Pakatan Rakyat Assembly members from entering the State Assembly. The partisan police who pathetically fail to arrest the rising crime rate in the country rise to every occasion to protect Umno’s “internal security”.

One “small boy” in the Prime Minister’s Department calls the Speaker a “boy speaker” The latter has in fact been amongst the very few who are man enough to stand up to the taunts, threats, tricks of Umno and refuse the tempting offers to commit treachery – in sharp contrast to the Minister who is well-known for his childish temper tantrums and theatrics in Parliament.

The only and only judiciary!

One open-court-shy probationary judge is chosen to decide on a constitutional matter of such monumental significance. He rules that the genuine MB must be represented by the State Legal Advisor – which means that the two political adversaries fighting for the MB’s seat have the same lawyer in the same court case! It was one historic judicial farce!

One further bizarre leap of logic, the “arrogant novice” takes. He extends his judicial purview to the proceedings of a state assembly – which the Federal Constitution clearly forbids. He issues a court order restraining the Speaker from holding any assembly meetings. The trainee judge had his contract extended for another two years! Alas, it pays to be arrogant and asinine in the judiciary!

One jaundiced judgment leads to another. Constitutionally, a Speaker or his acts in a Legislative Assembly cannot be questioned in court. Yet, one High Court judge in Ipoh dismisses the Speaker’s application to strike out the summons of the three turncoat assembly members who sought a declaration that the Speaker’s order to declare their assembly seats vacant was illegal.

One Federal Court of five unanimously myopic judges declares that the three turncoat assembly members are still members of the Perak State Legislature and that the Election Commission is the rightful entity to establish if there was a casual vacancy in the Perak State Legislature and the authority to declare a seat vacant, and not the Speaker.

One bad judgment it surely was when seen against a clause in the Perak Constitution which states: “It is only upon receiving the decision of the Legislative Assembly will the Election Commission be able to establish that there is a vacancy.” As respected and retired Court of Appeal judge N. H. Chan commented: “The Federal Court has put the cart before the horse – in this case, just the cart without the horse.”

One unanimously errant Federal Court five-judge panel declares that the Speaker’s decision to suspend the illegitimate MB and six others was null and void. As was pointed out by the abovementioned “inconvenient” former judge, it was a “perverse ruling”, an “ineffectual thunderbolt”. Or in the infamous words of Justice Augustine Paul – “irrelevant”!

One dead constitution the Federal Court leaves behind. It disgracefully disregards and discards constitutional provisions to treat the doctrine of separation of powers with deference. This dastardly desecration of the Constitution is in stark contrast to the five occasions wherein the Courts had ruled that the judiciary has no jurisdiction over decisions made in legislative assemblies.

Umno & the Police are One

One black day Bolehland will never forget. A fracas takes place in the Perak State Assembly. A fraudulent State Government grabs power. One fake Speaker is installed. Police trespass into the State Assembly, forcibly drag out the Speaker and detain him for about 90 minutes against his will. Public disgust was best captured by one Umno leader, Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz, who called it – “high-handedness at its foulest.”

One silly excuse after another the Home Minister dishes out in parliament for the police’s unlawful and disgraceful action. He says: “The police were merely following the instructions of the ‘new Speaker’ ” – one who was illegitimately installed! In short, the long arm of the law aided and abetted with an illegal Speaker whom Umno smuggled into the State Assembly – a perfect start to a Police State!

One more spin by the humbug Home Minister – “what the police did was in accordance to the law”. As reputed lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar would highlight, the Perak imbroglio has made manifest the fact that the BN “took the law into its own hands”; the BN “appears to see no limits to what it is permitted to do to achieve its objectives” and the BN “considers itself a law unto itself”. The BN, Umno and the police are of course ONE – especially in Perak!

One sad, scandalous and shocking day it was indeed, when the Executive literally laid siege on the Legislature resulting in the death of the Perak and Federal Constitution and the democratic rights of the rakyat of Perak. But one Hishammudin Hussien was “thankful” that no “serious incidents” took place in Perak that day! One more Minister suffering from a very serious deficiency in intelligence!

One big constitutional mess

One new judge (only one month old) in the Court of Appeal continues the judicial circus. He is a one-man panel and grants the usurper MB a permanent stay of the Kuala Lumpur (KL) High Court’s ruling that Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin (Nizar) is the lawful MB. Why choose a new man and a one-man panel when the Court of Appeal has 22 judges? Why stay a declaratory order which is not normally done?

One question crops up after another. Why the “indecent haste” to grant the illegitimate MB a stay? Why was the application of the lawful MB not treated with equal urgency? The court gave a verdict as fast as about only two-and-a-half hours after the usurper made his application. Nizar had to wait eight days before his application was heard! Why?

One further major judicial misstep the Court of Appeal takes by allowing an appeal by the illegitimate MB. In a five-minute oral judgment, the appellate court reversed the brave decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court that declared Nizar the rightful MB. For many “(t)here was no reasoned grounds of judgment but mere findings of the Court of Appeal” (Lim Kit Siang).

One big constitutional mess the learned judges leave the country in. One grave implication of the judgment is that a Sultan can sack his MB without a no-confidence vote in the State Assembly. The Agong can now sack the PM at his pleasure (and surely much to the pleasure of Bolehland) without a motion of no-confidence in Parliament!

One initial shocking piece of news was that there would be no written judgments by the “extraordinary judges in Malaysia with extraordinary abilities” in the cases related to the Perak constitutional crisis. Disturbed perhaps by their pangs of conscience, two federal Court panels explained in writing how each of their solemn mockery was arrived at.

One written judgment by Augustine Paul that the Speaker does not have the power to suspend the usurper MB and his band of six from attending the assembly, is reduced by N. H. Chan to pages of “gobbledegook”. Another by Nik Hashim bin Nik Abd Rahman that it is the EC and not the Speaker which determines a vacancy, Chan rubbishes as the “regurgitation of not administering justice according to law”.

One clear evidence from both the written judgments says N. H/ Chan, is that the Federal Court judges have brought the Judiciary into disrepute or brought discredit to it, by not administering justice according to law (a “besetting sin”). They should be removed from office under the Judges’ Code of Ethics 1994. Alas, they have reduced the judiciary to one big joke!

One month has passed since the Court of Appeal had allowed the appeal by the usurper MB to reverse the KL High Court decision that declared Nizar the rightful MB of Perak. The presiding judge has failed to keep his promise made after his five-minute oral judgment that the written judgment would be given in “one week”.

One working day before the 30-day appeal deadline expires, Nizar files his application for leave to appeal – without the two written grounds of judgment of the Court of Appeal that removed him as MB. He poses one pressing question: “If High Court judge Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim managed to write his 78-page judgment within four days, how come these judges cannot provide the written grounds of their judgments (after one month)?”

One colossal failure

One Perak – a State with two MBs, two Speakers, two State Governments and a police force and judiciary without the two essentials of manhood that would make them bold enough to stand up to Umno’s shameless display of belligerence, brazen high-handedness and unbridled arrogance of power.

One colossal failure it is by the PM and the illegitimate and delusional MB who compares his political struggle to that of Mandela and Gandhi. Tengku Razaleigh hit the nail on the head (of the government) when he declared: “The Perak power grab had reduced Perak into a failed state…(it) is a tragicomedy of errors and bad political judgment that reflects a failure of political leadership.”

One and only way for Perak to move forward is to go back to the people! It of course depends very much on the failed PM and also on His Royal Highness (HRH) Sultan Azlan Shah who has made it very clear that “rulers are above all politics”, and yet, prior to that HRH had very ironically made a decision above all human understanding and logic.

One MB with an indomitable spirit, one Speaker who has become an inspiration to many, one retired judge intensely committed to the law, one intrepid High Court judge who administered justice according to the law – each one of them together with every significant individual and unsung hero – represents a tiny ripple of hope when in continued synergy will surely serve as a surging and unstoppable wave of change…one day!

25 June 2009

(The above is an improved and expanded version of an article which first appeared in the latest issue of Aliran Monthly)

53 Replies to “One Perak!”

  1. It should be 1Perak, but no more now after See4.

    It should be 1Malaysia from 1963 but it was not so for 46 years, and now what is the purpose of 1Malaysia when Sabah and Sarawak are the fixed deposits with meagre 2% interests so down and likely out when we are heading to ‘mozambique’ as Bank Negara Malaysia’s assets also national assets are so down and within a year it could go down to RM150 billions and then where would we be??

    doomed 1Malaysia as it has be rhetoric only.

    pw:suspect 000

  2. The unelected PM fills with strong desire for power and wealth especially for more than is right or reasonable has now resorted to western (Cowboy) state of rules first in Perak,now wants to use it throughout the whole nation. 1malaysia is now 1cowboyMalaysia.

  3. The only way to get 1Malaysia today is to impose emergency federal rule in all the PR-held states. Then appoint KTK as Penang CM, Toyol as Selangor MB, Azalina as Kedah MB and Sharizat as Kelantan MB.

  4. Has the teaching of Maths and Science in English caused these 15-year-olds to attack their teachers?

    MARANG: Police detained 10 secondary school students who went on a rampage at their teacher’s house and damaged two cars.
    According to the police, the group of Form Three students were motivated by revenge because a classmate was caned by the teacher earlier in the day.

    Marang district police chief Deputy Superintendent Ahmad Mazlan Yahya said the students went to the teacher’s house in Taman Paya Resak about 6pm and stood outside the gate, where they were rowdy and challenged the teacher to come out of the house.

    When they were ignored, they started shouting threats. They then climbed over the wall into the porch.

    “They damaged the two cars with stones and left after a few minutes,” he said when contacted.
    The teacher, who was at home with his family, lodged a police report after assessing the damage.

  5. Did you see the “1 Malaysia” photo at the star with children?
    Did you see the crack at the “!” big logo?
    It was Patrick Teoh of “NIAMAH” blog pointed it out.
    Yes that’s the sign…”1 Malaysia” ..will crack up.
    Just like Najib’s UMNO Assembly speech with 66 points and he is the unelected 6th PM = 666 …therefore…the devil is ruling…without the support of the people.
    If the devil is cocksure he has the support of the people…he will declare a snap 13th GE election to stamp his authority legitimately……like all the past 5 PMs.
    He is afraid..very afraid…as you can see in his first 100 days….what are his actions…with a one State with 2 MBs.
    But UMNO are used to be thick skinned….liars and cheaters.
    Lets not be surprised anymore. Let UMNO try to keep fooling Malaysians.
    Lets see….how low will they intend to go.
    Najib inviting Obama to visit Malaysia and see his “! Malaysia” working is the biggest job to date.
    Already trying to fool US President like Obama was born yesterday.
    Is he not ashamed….right now..Indonesia ban maids to Malaysia?
    And we are back at the board of a country…assisting human trafficking center….for prostitution.
    You think Obama does not know UMNO is so corrupted that not one minister is present in Parliament …when LKS wanted to question them on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ matter…..not one UMNO minister is present.
    Are they elected to play hide and seek and using tax payers for their salaries…without serving Malaysian at all?
    Are they elected to do as they like?
    No…they feel they own Malaysia and election is just a formality.
    Still governing..OK…but chuck them out…they will rebel?
    What type of politicians are we dealing with?
    It’s gangsters and crooks….that’s what they are now.
    Brace yourselves..for more bad things to come.
    Never be afraid…for this country belongs to Malaysians….not to, UMNO.
    Defend it with your lives….if and when it is necessary.
    I want to see…Rustam…the Chief Minister of Melaka tell us clearly… UMNO will rule forever.
    That statement inspires me to lay down my life for the country.
    That’s the kind of UMNO Malays….we need to face without fear.

  6. BeEnd C4s (CORRUPTION, COERCION, CROSSOVERS AND COUPS) 308 people appointed Perak State Government. The people of Perak witnessed 7 May 2009 as the darkest day in Perak ever experienced in history. The BeEnd had planned, planted and permitted the “stand-by” police personnel into the compound of the Perak State Assembly. Upon the instruction of the illegimate speaker, the police stormed into the Perak State Assembly hall (bringing along firearms) and illegally dragged people endorsed Speaker Sivakumar like animals out of the hall and illegally detained him for more than an hour.

    The only way and option out for BeEnd to have some salvage values is to dissolve the Perak State Assembly with utmost urgency.

    By the way, can the “court appointed MB” provide the status and progress on the RM9 billion Vale investment in Perak?

  7. There is no 1Malaysia at all, it is only an act to cheat CHINESE and INDIAN.

    That day he recommend unity talk with PAS, that mean he only interest to make One race master the rest as second class.

    No need to talk 1Malaysia, it is cheating.

    Stop cheating MALAYSIAN, fooling them with lies.

  8. WHY blame NR and Umno for the chaos in Perak
    WHY not have a search-your-soul look at PR’s politicians
    Some of them all ready to sell their souls and mothers
    to anyone who gives them millions and asks them to jump
    Admit it, some PR’s politicians are slimy mercenaries
    I jump, you jump – for gold at the end of the rainbow

  9. What have you got to say, wannabe? Have you gone into hiding or now in consultation with your paymaster to come up with a critique? Come on, I thought laws, procedures and constitution are your forte. What happened? I am waiting, please don’t disappoint me.

  10. ///What happened? I am waiting, please don’t disappoint me.///

    Give me one good reason why I should do anything but disappoint you.

    I have not found an interest yet in responding to your comments. Wait till then.

  11. RM25 million dangled in front of the Jelapang bitch. She even denied the “pepper spray” issue despite the “ugly” incident in the Perak State Assembly was captured in video. Even before 4 February 2008, this bitch could not be found in Jalapang. It is better that this bitch gets out of our sight forever and gets lost forever.

  12. The satan of Berak lacks the wisdom to promote peace and harmony. However, if he can undo what he had done, and give the people of Berak a chance to elect a proper leader, his sins can then be forgiven.

  13. Leaving Jeffery to talk to himself is the best..but not practical.
    He is such a smart operator he thinks he is….coming here to lure votes for BN.
    Godfather confronted him..and Jeffery churned out….long long replies…to show how well educated he was.
    We are simply folks…fighting for change of government.
    No time for agree to disagree style…like Jeffery is putting after day..and in the end…it is sitting on the fence..with a hint to vote.. BN in again.
    He likes sitting on the fence.
    He likes to show off his power of English.
    He likes to make everyone feel he is the most intelligent of all.
    Read or ignore he said……but we must not ignore him.
    I have no time to read his long thesis…and not messages at all.
    For or against is simple..yet he keeps talking exactly lie Najib…full of nonsense….sitting on the fence…trying to fool Malaysians..with no specific guide to readers…where is he heading to.
    Yes…he is here on a mission to get voters confused.
    He is a 100% pro BN..trying to be too smart…asking us to ignore him .as he will ignore us too.
    If that’s accepted by commentators…….he actually won and treat all of us …as idiots.
    Let Limkamput ..godfather can continue ..battle him.
    For what’s worth….limkamput do hate smart alexes..with no backbone.

  14. K1980 says/asks ” has the teaching of Maths and Science in English caused the 15 year olds to attack their teacher?.”.Well,my humble answer is “NO”.The real casuse,I think is pretty likely is the Islamists’s jihat method ,some of the Islamic school teachers have been teaching to these 15 year olds before and after 9/11 terrorists attacked on American twin towers.

  15. “I have no time to read his long thesis…and not messages at all” – Monsterball said Today at 07: 28.25 (1 hour ago)
    Promise you’ll continue that?? :)

    Anyway, there are, truly, very few things as satisfying to me as what one such as you said and throw at me above. Anything less savoury or, worst still, more complimentary would have caused profound concern to me.

  16. Do not try to play words and be too smart with me….Jeffery.
    You are nothing but a braggart…sitting on the fence.. pulling others to vote UMNO and BN in again.
    For that…I will scrutinized your messages…and it looks like Limkamput and godfather are doing a good job..watching you.
    And don’t think you can fool others with your different nicks …in other blogs too.

  17. We are not confused nor worried….Jeffery
    It is just that…it is fun to fark a braggart like you…talking kok all the time.
    You messages do not impress others.
    It is not worth one vote more than yours.

  18. Monster balls.. who is this nut? jeffrey! hmmm no worried, he can’t confuse us here, we are not blind. all ravens are black. we know who is white n black. i guess he is colour blind and sick. thats why he confuse in what he said n see. in perak got 3 katak, so i think this jeffrey is one of the TEDPOLE. guys did you ever see tedpole without the tail? hahaha

  19. Great…rabbit
    Now Jeffrey…the colour blind sick tedpole without a tail knows what force he is up against.
    I will ignore this baby toad….you guys fark him right and proper.

  20. To whom it may concern.. Do’nt be BN shoe polisher. like Jeffrey, you wont get a good credit or good statement from BN. only those LEECH like to attach with them, suck all malaysian taxes.. be ware boy n gal.

  21. “And don’t think you can fool others with your different nicks …in other blogs too.” – you’re talking about yourself – monsterballs and rabbit or rabid??? Your endorsement of whoever you mentiomned is an embarrassmnent. However ,I have learnt a new word from you (your contribution to the blog so far) : “fark”! Very original and creative :)

  22. hahahahahaha….smart guy learn from monsterball too??
    Hi….”fark”…I also lean from others. I will not claim credit for something I learn from others. Glad you learn from me…and so learning process goes on and on.
    No two nicks?……why get so angry?…and start accusing rabbit and me have few nicks…….why tit for tat childish style?
    My contributions to this blog is plenty and praised by few….you idiot.
    Now I know you can be….as blind as a bat.
    You are not that really smart….but a braggart..a colour blind tedpole without a tail.. that can turn to be a leech…….rabbit???
    Rabbit….is the kind of person I like.

  23. hahahahahaha…let me group all together…describing Jeffrey{At last!! I got his name right}
    BN shoe polisher…leech..colour blind sick tedpole with no tail…a raven.
    And all the above are from rabbit.
    Ah yes..”wannabe” from limkamput.
    I forgot what Godfather….Onlooker Politics and others have for him.
    From me…simple…one braggart from opposite camp…..trying to brainwash readers….to support UMNO.
    Jeffrey have created the record in LKS’s blog…with most descriptions and variations about him
    He is really…… COLOURFUL!!!..hahahahahahaha

  24. From me..idiot..blind bat….childish….
    I say I say I say….we can really help Jeffrey to be some kind of a hero of this blog….if we submit all these to Guinness Book of Records.
    Yes fark him proper and good!!
    Never too late to revenge….correct…godfather?
    Saw how Chong Wei hentam that 20 year old no manners..braggart badminton player?
    Chinaman beat Taufik and brag…he is after Chong Wei…
    Taufik asked him to go on dreaming.
    Chong Wei responded…even had a injured back.
    Chong Wei and Taufik always respect each other.
    When Taufik looses..Chong Wei also lost in first round to go paint the city red together. Dot dot dot…till their balls aches……….hahahahahahaha

  25. Gawd. I doubt that any of you here are younger than me. But heck. Shouldn’t you guys be discussing important issues!??!???
    You guys are like mud-slinging and bombarding each other with irrelevant stuff lawls. If you wanna crap get lost! seriously. Don’t thrash this otherwise civil blog with bullshit. =,=

  26. ///My contributions to this blog is plenty and praised by few….you idiot/// – Monsterball.

    My friend ……………….have you heard…………………a…………………….man who has a good opinion of himself is usually a poor judge……………………………A tedpole without head calling others a “tedpole without a tail”..??????????????????
    Hahahahaha………………………………….. the most intelligent thing to come out of your mouth bso far is………………………………………. “Yes fark him proper and good!!”………………………………………………………Yes Keep talking………………… Identify then those with whom you could relate most to here in terms of mentality and wave length……………………………………………………………………………..and whose…………………contributions and language …………………….are (undoubtedly) bringing this blog to unprecedented new heights…………………………………… to see one day……………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………not only RPK………………………………but LKS ………………………………………………………will challenge you to a fight…………………………………………….Haha Hahahahaha……………………………..Sorry……………………………. having disjointed staccato thoughts…………………………obviously you are
    infectious…………………………you make my day………………………………………hahahaha

  27. ///Gawd. I doubt that any of you here are younger than me. But heck. Shouldn’t you guys be discussing important issues!??!???/// schoolkid

    Many are unlikely younger than you. Indeed maybe 3 times older!!! However age has a strange effect on some. Not all become wise. Their mouths begin to protrude a snout; they suffer from advance arthritis or atrophy so that even their foot and toes twist and become gnarled like hooves of a horse…looking like “Monsters” and their minds regress to senility responding to matters above their comprehension in the Vulgar Language of the Peasant: “Yes fark him proper and good!!” :)

  28. They then become, in advance age, a cyber/blog virus, spending their excess of idle time in blogs, where abusing others – under guise of engaging in all important political discourse for the betterment of this country – is a form of ‘therapy’ for their devastated condition. Don’t grow old that way.

  29. hahahahahaha…Jeffrey is all shook up!
    Yes…fark him proper and good.
    Grandfather stories…showing his high medical knowledge…which my toes are laughing now.
    Yes..all shook up…is signs of a very guilty person.
    Me and my foul mouth? Why that’s my trade mark. Don’t you know that…idiot?
    Yea smooth talking…refine…..shows you makan gaji la…need to carry UMNO balls… survive.
    Me…boss all my life…answer to no one.
    And have a mission to fark idiots like you…trying to upset unity.
    Strange….witso in Susan’s blog loves your messages.
    Are you his good friend?

  30. Me…a peasant?
    This is the time to show UMNO and MCA who are we….you idiot.
    This is the time…to let all angers out..kept for 53years….you idiot.
    This is the more playing games to survive.
    This is the time to fark guys like you….which rabbit have given all the best descriptions of you…so shameful for me to repeat…yet you feel no shame.
    Yes…I am proud to be a peasant….even though I am much much more knowledgeable than you.
    I never had money problem too…do you?
    So you call me a peasant…is a compliment I by the people…for the people and with the people….we will vote you scums out.
    LKS did that for 44 years. It’s time we give him fullest support.
    Do you agree.Jeffrey?
    Anymore medical signs you see in me?

  31. Mao Tze tung was a peasant…and what is he now..dead for decades?
    Remembered forever and ever by Chinese people.
    Mahatma Gandhi behaved and lived like a peasant….even though a successful lawyer..gave free India.
    UMNO live like landlords and guys like you and MCA are the shameless balls carriers…yet you talk so much..judging me?

  32. schoolkid Says: Shouldn’t you guys be discussing important issues!??!???
    I was going to say something about Armies of yore being led into battle by screaming barbarians, testicles painted blue, bones woven into their hair, throwing handfuls of their own excrement at the enemy before throwing themselves onto enemy spears so that they can’t be used against their own side’s noblemen on horses. That would be monsterball’s role in Malaysia’s political ecosystem.

    But actually, I like LKS’ blog because of the chaotic quality of contributions. It’s like real life. Your question is a really good one, and the answer is yes. It’s only briefly yes though. As any proponent of colonic irrigation will tell you, we all slowly fill with decaying waste matter that interferes with the normal functions of our bodies and minds. You’re in a brief window of clarity at the moment, as the mind moves on from video games and 5318008 to money and politics, before the inevitable effect of substituting takeaway and luxury food for your mother’s cooking starts to show. You have to make the most of it.

    By the time you get to the age of most of the contributors of this blog, you’re past it, quite honestly. Since you rightly observe that the same people you until recently believed were looking after your future are wasting their time with this nonsense, you should resolve to do something about it yourself. It’s time to get political while you have the energy and clarity of vision to do the ‘right thing’.

    Don’t leave it until you get to our age(s). We’re all full of shi+ kid.

  33. Mao Tze tung was a peasant but didn’t remain so all his life….. I don’t remember he talked like you…..But of course you can continue talking peasantly…..I have no problem in that : we believe in equal opportunity here, pleasant, unpleasant, peasant, unpeasant, literate, semi illiterate and illiterate…..even if you claim no “money problem” thats because your problem is beyond money problem….an attitude one that perhaps explains “Me…boss all my life…answer to no one”…..I am very humbled by your self praise “though I am much much more knowledgeable than you” but as i said before he who has a good opinion of himself is usually a poor judge :)
    Susan’s blog ? Never been there but I thought you were evicted from there?

  34. Ah….all shook up calm now.
    You never been to Susan’s blog….then keep your mouth shut.
    Go read and learn.
    Naturally….plenty like you love to return my insults with insults.
    You see…my insults are justifiable…for I am a freedom fighter.
    What are you?
    Yours are just pieces of shit talk.
    You can quote all my comments and put out your smart replies…..and let commentators judge both of us.
    Overwhelming lot fark you proper and good..yet …you think so highly of yourself.
    You do have an onion face.
    You brag..I am challenging you.
    Have you seen everything in life..or just read books and talk to me.
    How old are you?
    What subjects do you know….besides all those you wrote?
    Tell me….what is “1 Malaysia”
    You are humble like half Malay half Indian…that I agree.
    That is not humble. That’s trying to be too smart….keep playing agree to disagree..for MCA.
    All keeping quiet..because I am confronting you.
    I keep quiet…you are finished….just like before…yet you never learn.
    You love to be left alone to proceed with your agendas?
    I have no time for your nonsense..
    I will ignore…..and let others handle you.

  35. Ah….all shook up calm now.
    You never been to Susan’s blog….then keep your mouth shut.
    Go read and learn.
    Naturally….plenty like you love to return my insults with insults.
    You see…my insults are justifiable…for I am a freedom fighter.
    What are you?
    Yours are just pieces of nonsense talk.
    You can quote all my comments and put out your smart replies…..and let commentators judge both of us.
    Overwhelming lot fark you proper and good..yet …you think so highly of yourself.
    You do have an onion face.
    You brag..I am challenging you.
    Have you seen everything in life..or just read books and talk to me.
    How old are you?
    What subjects do you know….besides all those you wrote?
    Tell me….what is “1 Malaysia”
    You are humble like half Malay half Indian…that I agree.
    That is not humble. That’s trying to be too smart….keep playing agree to disagree..for MCA.
    All keeping quiet..because I am confronting you.
    I keep quiet…you are finished….just like before…yet you never learn.
    You love to be left alone to proceed with your agendas?
    I have no time for your nonsense..
    I will ignore…..and let others handle you.

  36. ///Naturally….plenty like you love to return my insults with insults/// Monster’sballs aka freedom fighter.

    Why would I return insults to you? I can`t take the credit for your constant self infliction by…… your own inimical staccato style……stutters !

    ///Have you seen everything in life..or just read books and talk to me.How old are you?///

    I’m 88: how old are you? You have seen so much as not to know the difference between Jean Todt and Michelle Yeoh (spelt Michael Yeoh by you, not to mention LGE becomes LEG)? :)

    ///I can read you like a book….idiot/// – Read yourself first. I read you like a comic.

  37. You are 88…and still carry MCA balls?
    You got some loose screw ah?
    I am 70 and feeling like 50.
    So we both old men can die and go to hell and see Rose Chan one day……no?
    Waaaa…you very punjang umor la…can still stand farking….mean your sense of sensation are dead….sense of reasoning gone hay wild…and sense of smell and touch…ok.

  38. You are 88…and still carry MCA balls?
    I am 70 and feeling like 50.
    So we both old men can die and go to hell and see Rose Chan one day……no?
    Waaaa…you very punjang umor la…can still stand farking….mean your sense of sensation are dead….sense of reasoning gone hay wild…and sense of smell and touch…ok.
    If you are really 88….this will be last last reply.

  39. ///can still stand farking….mean your sense of sensation are dead…./// Monsterball

    Where were you when the Japs occupied? Have you lived in hungle fringes surviving on tapioca… face their bayonets….bowed before them, see heads on top of poles in the streets…faced twin dangers of communists asking for food and risking if caight by the Nips your head being decapitated or hose being forcibly inserted in your mouth and tap being turned on so that they could jump on your stomarch???

    Monsterball where were you – were you sucking your mother’s teats then?? so don’t fark around here.

  40. I expect you being older …should know better ….to treat gentler and more tolerant readers and posters here majority of whom are younger. Instead of being a good role model you set a bad example by your foul mouth!

    I know your type. Like you I have never worked for anybody in my life (except) 1 month because I would fark my matsalleh boss, in fact nearly whacked him and chased him out off the office before I resigned.

    We all have defective temperament thats why we were self employed. But between us at least i know my problem – but not you, dumb old man, somemore chiding and scolding everyone here.

  41. We are all living on borrowed time, everyday is a gift, going to see our Maker soon – so no point you being so abrasive….learn to be more civil to people when conducting discussion in this blog….learn to give more your knowledge and experience than stomp others down by your constant stream insults invectives and foul language…

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