Would Ong propose in Cabinet tomorrow that two former MCA Transport Ministers, Ling Liong Sik and Chan Kong Choy be prosecuted for abuses of power in unlawfully issuing four Letters of Support?

My three questions (No.76 to No. 78 on the 26th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

Question No. 1:
MCA-owned Star, under the headline “Lim knows the facts, say Ong” reported:

PETALING JAYA: DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang deliberately misled the Dewan Rakyat on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) issue despite knowing the facts of the project, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said.

Ong said Lim knew about the RM25 per square foot land purchase as he was engaged in the debate in Parliament, in 2007.

“He rudely interrupted my ministerial statement by accusing me of not referring to the Cabinet decision on Oct 23, 2002, that the land should be acquired at a lower price of RM10.16 per square foot.

“What Kit Siang conveniently omitted to mention was that the decision on Oct 23, was subsequently superseded by the Cabinet in its meeting on Nov 6, 2002,” he said in his blog (www.teekeat.net) yesterday.

Ong challenged Lim to admit that he had deliberately misled and confused the public by failing to disclose the full and proper account of Cabinet decisions on the PKFZ project.

“The DAP leader may not be a Cabinet member but the Parliamentary Hansard, dated Sept 4, 2007, clearly recorded that the decision of the Cabinet on Oct 2, 2002 to purchase the land at RM25 per square foot continued to stand for the reasons mentioned in my parliamentary statement,” he said.

Ong said Lim knew this and he was in fact engaged in a debate on this matter on Sept 4, 2007.

“He even posted excerpts of the Hansard in his blog the very next day.

“And yet he chose to suppress this important fact from the public for the sake of a political gimmick bent on rescuing his fading political career,” Ong said.

I am very surprised as this must be the first case not only in Malaysia but Commonwealth parliamentary history where a Cabinet Minister accuses an Opposition MP for not telling the whole truth about Cabinet decisions on a project, in this case the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal!

Ong claims to be incensed that I had not mentioned the Nov. 6, 2002 Cabinet meeting when he was presenting his Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday.

How could I do so when even to mention the Oct. 23, 2002 Cabinet decision, there were so many protests and objections from the Barisan Nasional Ministers and MPs, led by Ong himself and fully supported by the Deputy Speakers Ronald Kiandee and Wan Junaidi?

Did Ong allow me to talk and reveal more? Didn’t he take the position that with regard to his ministerial statement, no question or interruptions were allowed?

If Ong is claiming that I had misled Parliament, dare he move a motion to refer me to the Committee of Privileges?

This is my first question.

Second Question: Is Ong prepared to present a second Ministerial statement by Monday on all the Cabinet meetings and decisions on the PKFZ scandal right from the beginning, including the Cabinet meetings on the PKFZ on Oct. 2, Oct. 9, Oct. 16 and October 23 as well as on Nov. 6, 2002 as well as in July 2007 when the Cabinet decided on the RM4.6 billion bailout of the PKFZ scandal, which has turned out to be grossly inadequate as it has topped RM7.453 billion and heading towards the astronomical cost of RM12.453 billion?

Third Question:
Does Ong agree that his two predecessors as Transport Minister, Datuk Seri (now Tun) Dr. Ling Liong Sik and Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy had committed gross misuse of power in issuing four Letters of Support , i.e. on 28th May 2003, 23rd April 2004, 8th December 2005 and 23rd May 2006 to guarantee bonds up to RM4.6 billion when they had no power to do so and the four Letters of Support had to be given retrospective approval by the Cabinet in July 2007 and landed the country with the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal.

Would Ong propose at the Cabinet tomorrow that Ling and Chan should be charged in court for gross abuses of power resulting in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

35 Replies to “Would Ong propose in Cabinet tomorrow that two former MCA Transport Ministers, Ling Liong Sik and Chan Kong Choy be prosecuted for abuses of power in unlawfully issuing four Letters of Support?”

  1. If Ong would propose at the Cabinet tomorrow that Ling and Chan should be charged in court for gross abuses of power resulting in the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, then the sun would rise from the west!

  2. And the stars will shine with a bright full moon…even though moon should not be shining tomorrow.
    And Mamak skin tuned black rapidly…..Proton sales hit all time high sale..S.Times out-beat Star paper in sales.
    When miracle happens…all things are possible……….hahahahahaha

  3. i dont think so he will do it, he need to take care of Mca face and his master face. if he plan to tell the true, his member wont stop LKS in the parliament today. see how rude they are. they are cookig ah pong now. this cober close this work n that cover close the other wolk…

  4. They all partners in crime and has been caught red handed with their hands in the cookie jar.

    It is a case of BN partners taking turn to rape the country. As one has taken enough and depart, a new minister takes over and start raping until he have enough before he retires from politics.

    Seen them all done it repeatedly. Look at Samy Vellu. Lost his seat and yet desperately clinging on to whatever power is left with the hope that he may be re-elected.

    LKS – Keep on hammering.

    We are with you !

  5. Impossible OTK has the will to fully investigate PKFZ scandal.
    The moment he signed letter asking Finance Ministry to release over RM 1 billion to KDSB, that is the TRUTH of his resolve. Reading his explaination make him a tainted third transport minister.
    Both former transport minister will walk as free man on land without any charges against them.
    The way OTK handle PKFZ scandal further erode his credibility as MCA President.

  6. OTK and his predecessors are rich towkays who sucked the coffers dry with the help of their taiko UMNO warlords. Their attitude has been to sodomise the public as much as possible if it means bigger returns for them.

    It is a sheer waste of time and space asking this scumbag to answer the many questions that you have raised. He hasn’t got what it takes to be a man and face the truth because truth always hurts corrupt schemers like OTK, LLS and CKC.

    He has sold his soul and the decency to work for the upliftment of the MCA members to the corrupt UMNO warlords. He would rather take the MCA to its downfall by his misdeeds than to be a man and be accountable for his actions.

    So long as there are more towkays of his kind the MCA is going to die a natural death in the 13 GE.

    Anyway if not for people like LKS, these towkays and their UMNO warlord superiors would take Malaysia to the cleaners.

  7. Aiya, why are all of you looking backwards all the time ? Let bygones be bygones. Forget about the past, we have a good future under Najis. Just look forward and help us find tenants for PKFZ and all the problems will be solved.

    Don’t look backwards. Just go forward. The money is all spent, so let’s just worry about the future. All of you folks should help.

    Hahahaha….you stupid rakyat….

  8. Like everything else in Bolehland, the crime has been committed, the money gone. Kaput. The murderers, the snatch thieves, the corrupters, are all gone. We can’t catch them anymore. Let’s just focus on the future – where there will be fewer thefts, fewer snatch thieves, fewer corrupters. That’s what the task force is for – make sure that the future is brighter. Not to dig into the past, because how many crimes have been solved in Bolehland ? Practically none.

    So the Tuns, the Tan Sris, the Datuks – they are all smarter than the taxpayers but wait – the Task Force is here to make sure that the taxpayers are protected for the future.

    And while you are contemplating this fact of life in Bolehland, can we have a few billion more ?

  9. Ong Ta Kut, dare you move a motion to refer brother Kit Siang to the Committee of Privileges? If you dare not, stop all your rubbished talks.

    Ong Ta Kut, where is your promise made in April 2008, as reported by the Star of 8 April 2008 “ONG TO TELL ALL ON THE PORT KLANG FREE ZONE’. Even quoted Ta Kut: “I wish to inform the rakyat about the true situation – whether it was actually squandered, not squandered, and whether it has gone to, as well as the breakdown of the budget.” This was your “tell all” public pledge and the people did not force you to make this promise. When can Ta Kut learn how to honour his words? How can the people trust you any further? Why and what are you hiding from the people?

    Ong Ta Kut, are you daring enough to touch a single hair of Luan Luan Sik and Tong Choy? Tell the people with just a simple answer of either YES or NO.

    Brother Kit Siang, we solidly stand by you, keep the momentum going until we get to the bottom of the PKFZ scandal. RM12.5 billion of the hard-earned money of the taxpayers, just image.

  10. OKT, you are a disgrace to the chinese in general and in particular to your Hainanese clan. Why are you so stupid stooping so low trying to cover up this corruption? Don’t you have any sense of duty and dignity in your life to serve the country and it’s people? Have a back bone and do the right thing and stop the stealing of the public money.

  11. HUH!… nan bodi nan…kui bodi kui…OKT is my suki nan?
    Fortunately I am only half hylam..half hakka…pure chinese…hahahahahahaha
    I recalled my dad told me…that my rich hakka grandfather .. will not let a hylam marry his daughter..my beloved mother.
    But love is stronger than obstructions and busy body….hahahahahaha
    Can you imagine …half Indian marry half Muslim and claim himself to be pure Malay?
    Or is it..the UMNO malays are such non racialists…after Najib….maybe Koh Tsu Koon be next PM?
    Declare that…maybe UMNO will win 13th GE.
    Cocksure win..is declaring Ong Ta Kut….DPM.
    I just switched from a usual high class.. RM20 high class breakfast to RM7 per meal….and still cannot budget.
    I guess roti chani kosong with tea tarik…costing RM3 ..to join the crowd real Malaysians..to budget..is the only choice.
    My cigar days maybe over too.
    Loving children think I am becoming stingy….and is good for my health.
    Malaysian going forward?

  12. “…..Cabinet meetings on the PKFZ on Oct. 2, Oct. 9, Oct. 16 and October 23 as well as on Nov. 6, 2002…”

    2002? That will put it during the era of that “crooked bridge” Tun. He and his Cabinet approved it? Why?

    Maybe you should put pressure on him as well. “Apanama” must have alot to say, I am sure, but is not saying anything. He must bear some blame for the approvals. Thank OTK for pointing the finger at the Tun. Heck. Too many Tuns. CarTuns.

  13. TDM’s two decades + iron rule has created scandals,lots and lots of unsolve scandals.He passes all these unsolve scandals to AAB.In short AAB inherites his predecessor’s scrums.AAB does something to solve these scrums but cannot do any concrete thing at all.He quickly passes these mess to his successor NR to handle all these messy babies and gets away just like TDM.Funny thing though both these irresponsible guys once retire,are awarded a “TUNSHIPS” .Now the problematic babies are with NR. He can do two things.One take responsiblitity,reveal all the worms grown by his two predecessors,arrest them,charge them and trial them for their sins .Two,cover up all their sins,pretend to take action and let the matters drag on and on until the sun arises in the west. It’s a catch 22 situation for NR.Either way,he’s finish.

  14. 1. Can a Chronological Events of the Parliament meetings be listed out to tell the Public if the Project had actually be approved?
    2. If so, what had actually been approved including the Budget?
    3. Things cannot be so wrong with only TWO MOT ministers. And, should Parliament be in the position to act on MOT instead of ONE LKS?
    4. I believe MOT has NO POWER in any form to issue such a letter. Therefore, it should be FRAUDULENT and NOT Abuse of Power!! It is strictly Criminal, isn’t it?
    5. Please refer to which Law or Act that they had “abused” their Power?

    From Port Authority Act:
    Functions of the authority
    (2A) The authority with the approval of the Minister and the
    concurrence of the Minister of Finance, may—
    (a) enter into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of
    interests, cooperation or joint adventure with any person
    or body of persons; or
    (b) establish or promote the establishment and expansion of
    companies under the Companies Act 1965 [Act 125].

    Government may provide the authority with working capital
    6. The authority may be provided with such sums for its working
    capital as the Dewan Rakyat may determine; and any sums so
    provided shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the
    Minister of Finance may specify.


    Power to borrow money
    8A. The authority may, from time to time with the approval of
    the Minister of Finance, borrow, by way of overdraft or otherwise,
    such sums as it may require for meeting its obligations and discharging its functions under this Act and may secure the repayment of any sum borrowed by way of a mortgage or charge, legal or equitable, of any property vested in the authority, or of any revenue received by the authority under this Act.

    Even IF the amount had been approved, and,
    IF Letters of Guarantee be from MOT, (which is not the case here)
    I believe it is totally out of RULES to raise of those billion of fund via Private Companies!!

    The following stipulation is VERY QUESTIONABLE!!
    51. (3) Any dispute arising between the Authority and the
    Administration as to the payment of any loan charges under this
    section shall be referred to the Minister of Finance whose decision
    thereon shall be final.

    1. The Project needs to be provided with ALL Details before any Budget approved by the Parliament be valid. Same goes for any variations. Especially expansion.
    2. All payment (as mentioned by someone in this Blog) that they must be with certified received of the job with the necessary CF, etc..
    3. The Cabinet should only have power within the scope and details of the budgets approved by the Parliament. They are not provided with a blank check from the Parliament just by Topic of a Project.
    4. Same goes for the MOF & MOT.

    Most probably, it HAS BEEN A MUCH OVERRIDING OF AUTHORITIES by the Ministers than that was actually being approved by the Parliament.

  15. New PM looks older but no wiser. He owes the people of Perak a thousand apologies. His view and remarks on the proposed unity government reflect his embattled mind. His facial outlook is like “black cloud over the sky”. The ghost of Altantuya must he haunting him. Will he last another 6 months?

  16. Just completed listening to the 7 videos.
    The 4 letters are so clear,,, MCA committed outright criminal acts…right in front of Mahathir and Treasury.
    Strange …that usual talkative..mamak is so quiet.
    He was the PM…and RM4 billion …he should know.
    Anyway…LKS have exposed all….and lets see what will be the final decision of Najib.
    Right now…it is musical chairs combined with the twist….round and round they go again..up and down again….pass the buck..is the way to hope Malaysians will forget ad focus on “1 Malaysia”
    In 100 days as the unelected PM…Najib have proven..his is the worst and the last of UMNO.
    “RAHMAN” is completed and finished and it takes the last one to show what UMNO really is.
    Need to sleep now.

  17. OTK to begin prosecution of LLS, CKC?

    It’s like asking the dog to bite the hands of its master! No way.

    BTW, wasn’t it LLS who said fish rot begins from its head. Now, who is the big fish?

  18. OTK only knows to do rubbish talks. Is he aware that his talks are always unconstructive and useless? He claimed that Uncle Lim is rescuing his fading political career! What a nonsense! I think this statement is more appropriate to apply on him alone! This again proves that he is misleading public!

    We have heard enough of his slogan “Courage to Change”. What has he changed? Transport Minister ===> AirShow Minister?

  19. Kit:

    I understand that Tiong challenged you yesterday to repeat your allegations outside Parliament. Can you give that BN running dog a chance to sue you ? Tiong’s company KDSB barked furiously at PwC and at PKA with threats to sue, but up to today, there is nothing coming out of them. All sandiwara, so it would be good if you can hold a press conference outside Parliament and invite the running dogs to sue.

  20. “In 100 days as the unelected PM…Najib have proven..his is the worst and the last of UMNO.” monsterball

    there’s no election for prime minister in malaysia. the same would happen in the case of dap. even retards know that.

  21. What GF said was right. Let’s make the running dog Tiong to sue Kit!

    Let’s expose all the running dogs’ wrongdoings in court!

    I would bet anyone RM 100 tat running dog Tiong has got no balls to sue!

  22. mendela says:

    ” I would bet anyone RM100 tat running dog Tiong has got no balls to sue ”

    Dear mendela,

    Did’nt you know tat eunuchs don’t have those things? UMNO took ’em away and made soup with them. Very delicious wor!

  23. TomThumb,you are seeing the tree and missing the forest.Monsterball is correct when he says Najib is the unelected prime minister. Every voters knew that the president of UMNO should Umno/Bn won the 12 GE would be made the prime minister. Umno/Bn won and AAB as president at that time became PM.Where was Najib,oh yeap a DP only.Did you and all of us voters at that time voted Najib for prime minister ?. Surely no,hence Monsterball is absolutely correct,I repeat.

  24. If Tiong wants to sue LKS over this tiny issue, then the people of Malaysia can bring an action to sue Tiong for his “escape” with the whole group of BN MPs during the 916 time. Just what warranted that stupid study trip to Taiwan at that crucial time? Why not any other time? Why the rush? What have they learnt? Study trip to study what? Have they at least learnt to “zhong fan shu” (plant sweet potatoes)?

  25. “Did you and all of us voters at that time voted Najib for prime minister?” frankyapp

    under the parliamentary system, whoever commands the confidence of the majority within his party gets to be PM if his party wins the mandate of the people. and his deputy becomes DPM. the latter is according to convention.

    voters who vote umno-bn do not necessarilly also support the person heading the party nor his deputy to be pm and dpm. this is because there is no direct elections for the two top posts – as you find in come presidential systems.

    there’s nothing requiring the deputy to the party leader who resigns mid-term, both in law and convention to seek confirmation through a motion passed in parliament. our pm is never elected by the electorate to be pm but instead becomes pm by him being leader of his own party that wins the mandate. if he wants to demonstrate his popularity along bipartisan lines it is his choice. but he is not required to do it – both by law and convention. opposition is just having a field day in pointing to the fact that he has engineered his way up and lacks popularity support even within his own ranks. but that doesn’t make it wrong. it is an internal matter and has everything to do with the party constitution.

    you don’t go into someone’s house and tell the head of the household how to run their own house.

    everybody knows that.

  26. Thanks Frankyapp.
    Dumbo can keep dreaming and twisting.
    When UMNO can force Malaysians to accept an unelected PM…what is the big deal of a DPM?
    In actual fact…the whole ministry is unconstitutional and illegal….as it was chosen by an unelected PM.
    Najib wants to prove he is People’s PM?…very easy..call for a snap 13th GE..and stand 10 feet tall…..for the verdict..just as Dollah did..with 92% supporting him.
    As for me..vast majority Malaysians have no legitimate PM.
    It is UMNO members PM!!
    Keep putting out suide shows.’
    Lets see how long they can last…keep fooling people.
    For sure….democracy is dead.

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