Parliament Video : Najib’s first 74 days as Prime Minister is the most uninspiring when compared with the past five Prime Ministers

Part 1 — Minister of Transport or “Minister of International Air Shows”?

Part 2 — “Backdoor Ministers”, KPIs and KRAs

Part 3 — 4 unlawful letters of support issued without the knowledge of Treasury?

Part 4 — RAHMAN political “prophesy: – the end of BN (Umno) Prime Minister?

Part 5 — Pasir Salak : “Stone of a heart”

Part 6 — Crisis of credibility; Crisis of legitimacy; Crisis of integrity

Part 7 — Why has Najib shied away from seeking a confidence motion in the House?

15 Replies to “Parliament Video : Najib’s first 74 days as Prime Minister is the most uninspiring when compared with the past five Prime Ministers”

  1. YB,

    this is an extract from Malaysiakini.

    I think DAP really needs to stand up for the people and tell PAS to buck up in Kedah. Otherwise, it is going to bring down Pakatan Rakyat and drag down DAP.

    And also, please keep up the good work in asking Ong Tee Keat to be an honest minister and just tell the truth. I don’t think he can hide any longer. People are not stupid.

    ‘Save Kedah before PAS destroys it’
    Jun 24, 09 9:46am
    ‘The type of administration by Kedah under PAS really put us Malays in a difficult situation. We don’t really need PAS with their extreme policies.’

    On Kedah PKR, DAP told to abandon PAS

    Fairus Hazli: I am a Malay in Kedah but the type of administration by Kedah under PAS really put us Malays in a difficult situation.

    We don’t really need PAS with their extreme policies.

    Even the bumi quota which was increase from 30% to 50% is ‘killing’ the Malay contractors as there are now less housing projects in Kedah. That means less sub-contract jobs for us.

    I hope that this can be highlighted to Anwar Ibrahim who will request ask PKR to step in before PAS destroys the whole of Kedah.

    Suresh: Pakatan Rakyat is going to lose in the next general election if PAS still controls Kedah.

    The Indians in Kedah get nothing and no assistance from the Kedah government.

    Even after Manikumar given a post of exco following his Bukit Selambau win, the Indian community is being left out.

    I salute Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang’s idea that PKR and DAP should work with BN.

    But PKR and DAP must be given a main role to play in the Kedah government.

  2. Oh yep, under Najib’s 74 days as Prime Minister, Malaysia, along with Zimbabwe, Myanmar and North Korea, topped the list of countries involved in human trafficking.

    It is not at all surprising since both former and present Home Ministers are more interested in crushing Opposition supporters rather than human trafficking syndicates. Their misplaced priorities have undermined the country’s international standing.

  3. The video must be watched by many…breaking up all the time….but knowing LKS..his style and trademark is legendary…..slowly build up the points he want to say…wait for any UMNO impatient and got irritated buggers…release his bomb…..booooom….hahahahahaha
    Smiling and welcoming OTK back to Parliament… cultured he is? That’s one reason UNO cannot stand him. Those BN buggers….totally no manners and arrogant…….how to stand LKS…….who is…just the opposite?…..hahahahahahaha

  4. Dielah, our former sleeping beauty is bad enough, now uncle Lim is saying Najid even worse.


    Your lament is meaningless unless Malays themselves are willing to reprioritize their life priorities. As long as religion is their top & untouchable priority, nothing much can be done. Ambitious dumbos can always hijack or riding on Islam’s back to get trust from the electorate. These dumbos for sure will blow up your fortunes. Lucky enough if there is still food on your dining table.

  5. Part 5 – Pasir Salak

    When I click on it, I don’t get the video, instead:

    This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender’s friend request.

    [admin – fixed, sorry for the inconvenience]

  6. Najib needs the inspiration of a fresh mandate to be able to lead the country out of the doldrums.

    Without a fresh mandate, all talk is brackish, all posturing is sheer sloganeering and all dreams of the people’s support is a sad pipe dream.

  7. I watched the tape.. from 1-7 early wee hours..all OK.
    You all must attempt to see LKS at his best……and pat particular attention to the 4 letters matter.
    He said….OTK should be Minister of Air Shows…..showing a list with 32 shows per year……..hahahahahahaha

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