Unity govt a betrayal all around

by Oon Yeoh
The Edge

The much-hyped, but now abandoned, unity-government concept, first touted by PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang in March, and welcomed by all and sundry within Umno is a betrayal.

From Pakatan Rakyat’s perspective, it is a betrayal of voters’ trust. Malays who voted for PAS did so because they preferred it over Umno. Non-Malays who voted for PAS didn’t do so because they wanted PAS but because they rejected Umno. In either case, PAS teaming up with Umno is the last thing these Malay and non-Malay voters want.

By pushing for unity-government talks, the faction headed by PAS Deputy President Nasharuddin Mat Isa, is betraying PAS’ coalition partners DAP and PKR, which consider Umno the enemy (as do most of PAS’ grassroots).

Lastly, this faction is betraying PAS itself, which campaigned on a platform of a “welfare state”, with justness for everybody, not just Malays or Muslims.

What else could you call a PAS-Umno unity government but a race-exclusive government?

Those who are under the illusion that the unity talks could be aimed at setting up a national unity government involving all parties (including DAP and PKR together with MCA, MIC, Gerakan and a host of East Malaysian parties), should look back at what happened right after the March 8, 2008 general election.

Just days after the election, then-prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi held secret (now, not so secret anymore) unity talks – three such meetings were held according to Abdullah – with a PAS delegation that included Nasharuddin and the current Secretary-General Mustafa Ali.

The idea was for Selangor to be ruled by a new coalition between Umno and PAS. According to PAS MP Khalid Samad, who was present at the first meeting, former Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Khir Toyo was willing to become deputy MB and accept Selangor PAS Commissioner Hassan Ali as MB.

Khalid told Singapore’s Straits Times last July that during the meeting, the Umno side played up the racial issue, voicing concerns over DAP coming to power and the possible erosion of Malay rights and power.

Straits Times reported that other PAS insiders said Umno wanted PAS to cooperate with it in the states ruled by the Islamic party, like Kelantan, Kedah and Perak, and sideline its partners in Pakatan Rakyat. In return, PAS was promised that it would be able to dictate certain terms, such as its choice of MB.

This is the kind of “unity talks” we are talking about. So, if certain factions within PAS were to push on with such unity talks, their actions would be nothing less than a betrayal of voters (both Malay and non-Malay), of its coalition partners, and of the Islamic party itself.

And what of the Umno side, with so many of its leaders jumping on the unity-talks bandwagon?

Umno President and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak got the ball rolling by welcoming such talks. Despite initially being wary and lukewarm about such talks, Umno Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin very quickly changed tack and infamously stated, “We will not impose any conditions and we accept whatever terms set by PAS. As far as I’m concerned, we have to be open.”

Such openness, apparently does not extend to PR component parties DAP and PKR. Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir made it clear that both those parties were not welcome to the talks.

He even rationalised the need for Malay-unity talks on the grounds that Najib’s 1Malaysia concept hinged on it. “If they are not united, how are we going to realise the 1Malaysia concept?” he said. “This will be detrimental not only to the Malays but also to other races.”

Going by his warped logic, Mukhriz should support a gathering that involves DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and East Malaysian parties but excluding PAS and Umno. The purpose of such talks? Non-Malay unity, for the sake of achieving 1Malaysia. You can imagine the ridicule that proposal would draw.

Umno leaders who harp on Malay-unity talks are not only betraying the 1Malaysia concept but their partners in Barisan Nasional, whom they know only too well, are now so weak that they can’t say a word against the notion of being sidelined by Umno in favour of PAS.

Their unwillingness to object to Malay-unity talks is a betrayal to the very constituency they are supposed to represent. Not a word on this matter has been heard from Gerakan President Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon who is the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department for National Unity. Note that it’s “National Unity” not “Malay Unity”.

Datuk Seri Samy Vellu offered the lame proposal of Indian unity talks between MIC and various Indian parties and non-governmental organisations. Of course talking to DAP and PKR – both of which have elected Indian representatives at the state and federal level – is not on the cards.

But, MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat takes the cake by offering a red herring that would be laughable if it was not so weak: “We also want to know, through a dialogue, how far the DAP is committed to informing the people of its relationship with PAS. Whether the relationship is cordial or not.”

I’m sure there are many Chinese people who would like to know, through a dialogue, how far MCA is committed to informing the people of its relationship with Umno. Whether it’s one of subservience or not.

Malaysians may not have yet reached a stage where we can say we are colour blind, but the politicians who are pushing for, or tolerating, the so-called unity talks, must be blind, deaf and dumb if they think the voting public can so easily have wool pulled over their eyes. Unity talks – which is just euphemism for race-based collusion – is a betrayal all around.

33 Replies to “Unity govt a betrayal all around”

  1. ‘1 Malaysia’ is just a hogwash. It is just a desperate attempt to hoodwink Malaysians with sweet words and sentimentality but devoid of sincerity and action. It is just a device to throw a lifeline to a behemoth UMNO gasping for breath in order to make it relevant again.

    But Malaysians are not fooled. Malaysians have woke up after a long slumber and can now discern the machination and chicanery employed by a corrupt and bankrupt government which has so long used the opiate of development and security to pull the wool over the eyes of the people.

    They have used the MSM with diabolical effect to deny the truth but the Internet has now become their nemesis. Soon the Internet will render irrelevant the monstrous MSM spinmeisters. The Internet has spawn a legion of free publishers and broadcasters with low cost. Now to run a newspaper and a TV station does not involve high investment in building, staff and machinery. Technically and practically, the Internet has made it possible for a one-man media outfit to achieve the same result that would require an organization before it.

    Najib is a sleek operator of lies and cunning. His talk of a united Malaysia is a gibberish mix that has not yet put on flesh. His idea of walking around the street, kissing babies and cutting birthday cakes sort of things have become blasé to a discerning population. That was yesterday’s recipe which has become stale. While talking about a united nation without any conviction he was seduced by the Unity government, which seeks to make one race dominant while conveniently jettisons the contributions of other races. This is a diametrical turnaround of his purported ‘1 Malaysia’ and has make it into a big joke.

    Now Najib, who are you kidding?

  2. A piece of good written political analysis.
    MCA new leadership under OTK go no where. While old MIC leadership heading towards end its world and Gerakan leadership under KSK has no hope in total.
    UMNO political dominance in BN set to continue with balance of power strongly backing by Sarawak and Sabah sides.

  3. To understand…..one must know the bulk of UMNO’s and PAS members….where are they living?
    Mostly in backward Terengganu…and Kelatan States.
    22 years brainwashed and pushed to the limits by Mahathir…alot are weak and feeling insecured.
    UMNO and PAS have been fighting for those votes.
    PAS is favoured by Malay racialists….due to a large chunk of them…are devoted Muslims and can see PAS is more sincere and pure..non corrupted.
    What I am driving to say..is ..Malays are large…racialists…due to feeling insecured….need to depend on UMNO to survive..and another group..will leave to.. “god’s will”.
    Not many understands….their survivals and futures will depend on the country’s economical position…and not on a politcal party.
    Socially…UMNO making sure…Malaysians talk race identities….and therefore…can never be united as “1 Malaysia” when Malaysians…are encouraged to take care of their own races.
    UMNO BARU is playing dirty politics to the highest level…..under Najib.
    Back to the Malay race…from th 12th GE results…..you can see alot of Muslims who left Terengganu and Kelantan to seek jobs in big cities mingle with other races freely…have changed their attitudes for the better.
    Added to the fact..Anwar Ibrahim’s keDAILan teaming up with PAS.. give Muslims a clear better choice than UMNO.
    What more.with DAP in too.
    The many months after 12th GE….UMNO as government or as individuals ..their actions…speeches…attitudes…pissed off alot of Muslims…who simply cannot stand UMNO’s arrogance and hypocracies.
    UMNO is cashing in on every issue…..to confuse Malays…frighten other races.
    This is an old trick…to divide and rule…and Malays must unite under PAS and UMNO..under one banner.
    Infact…PAS is not interested at all.
    However..there are still plenty who believe….good or bad…..UMNO is their ow brothers and sisters…same blood..same skin..same religion…that’s how they are taught to think.
    That’s how racialistic they are….all educated this way by UMNO and PAS have no choice…but to play same game… to win votes too.
    Right now ……..political and social positions are being purposely upset by UMNO..for their advantages…..and mostly due to their mis-managements and corruptions.
    But more and more people are dead set.. to vote UMNO out. They know it.
    It will only be fool’s dreams.. from PAS racialists members….to think Malays must unite with UMNO to govern..and PAS will be stronger. If that ever happens…PAS will be the ultimate looser.
    After all…22 years governed .. by a half Malay…half Indian…pure Malay PM is just a joke!
    If USA can have a black President…why must Malaysia must always have a Malay PM.ARE
    Are we racialists or Malaysians?
    Each time I write….I feel angry..how how cruel and selfish Mahathir can be.

  4. ‘1 Malaysia’ is equivalent to the Japanese WW2 propaganda slogans such as \Asia for the Asians!\, about the perceived need to liberate Asian countries from imperialist powers and the \Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere\.

    Japan desired to emerge as the leader of East Asia and the \Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere\ was actually another name for the Japanese Empire. Japanese believe themselves to be superior to other Asian races and the Sphere was merely propaganda intended to mask Japan’s true intention of domination over Asia.

    The Co-Prosperity Sphere collapsed with Japan’s surrender to the Allies.

  5. uncle monterball,
    for sure Malaysian chinese are more pragmatic than the Malay that why Umno need MCA and GERAKAN not dap , based on permanent marriage rather than a courtship like Pakatan relationship or love by the hour ( GRO type ) like Hadi , Anwar and Kit….

  6. (With a thousand apologies to ‘Oh Carol’)

    Oh! Bijan
    You are but a fool
    Standing in Manik Urai
    Knowing you will surely lose
    You think you’re clever
    But you make me laugh
    For you will lose again
    Everything including your pants

    Bijan there will be another loss
    So soon after Bukit Gantang
    Look behind your shoulders
    They are getting ready to let you go
    Just like the one before you
    Now tending goats in K’pala B’tas

  7. BN component parties are just beggar parties! Gerakan, MCA, and MIC are no longer relevant in the current political situation. Sooner or later, UMNO will ultimately sever ties with them if they fail to fish votes for BN.

  8. If Najib’s 1Malaysia concept simply means a reiteration of the race-based Malay Agenda and the formulation of a policy based on the rhetoric racist slogan “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay Supremacy), then this concept is nothing less than a promotional campaign of the Malay Racist Chauvinism.

    While Umno sets both “Born of a Malay Race” and “the Practice of Islamic Religion” as the prequisites for party membership qualification, PAS only requires its member to be “a Muslim who practises the lifestyle of Islamic Religion” disregard of the prospective member’s ethnic background. Generally speaking, there should not be an ideological commonality between Umno and PAS which can provide good basis for a marriage between Umno and PAS. Therefore, PAS should completely discard the unprincipled idea of a Unity Government between Umno and PAS!

  9. “Going by his warped logic, Mukhriz should support a gathering that involves DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and East Malaysian parties but excluding PAS and Umno. The purpose of such talks? Non-Malay unity, for the sake of achieving 1Malaysia. You can imagine the ridicule that proposal would draw.”

    EXCELLENT analogy & observation. These UMNO men are beginning to talk like little boys. In fact, little boys won’t say such stupid things at all.

    Malay Unity talk?? Why would these evil people keep playing the race card??

    They must know that the only racist people in M’sia are themselves.

    I am chinese & like all my other chinese friends, we have many Malay friends, co-workers & neighbours. I can assure you that NONE (yes, NONE) of them behave anything like those punks that suggested this evil, racist unity talk.

    Let me make one thing clear: The Malays are good people. Its only the racist leaders in UMNO that are bad. Only them. No one else.

    So stop trying to mislead or provoke them to gain votes anymore. They are much smarter than you think. The March 08 GE results have proven that. Its time to change, or get outta here.

  10. //If USA can have a black President…why must Malaysia must always have a Malay PM.
    Are we racialists or Malaysians?// Monsterball

    Are you sure? Has anyone or PM declared this officially? So far only the PM of a country( Not very far from here) has made his clear remark ….Apparently, DAP have a high regard for that country….What say you?

  11. Bolehland is a full load of tosh. Where are we heading? Seasoned politicians to young chicks all are for their personal wealth & power. To get and cling on power, they are not even to exercise some common sense and willingly kiss the dung.

    Compare to Ali Rustam, Muhyiddin is tipped to be more sensible and moderate. Just a few months as DPM, he has exposed all his intellectual impairments, power clinging plots, most of all utmost stupidity. He is not even realised English is not a must-pass subject in SPM. I am just curious what he knows about education as Education Minister of this ketuanan nation.

    MCA current pathetic position in BN government is more or less the harbinger of DAP in future PKR federal government, unless there is a sweeping positive change in Malay society. Yes, to live up to your principles, DAP can always break away from PKR, let the PKR government collapses or unstable.

    We can condemn the junior mamak for his double standards, but again most of us our life motto is stern standards are for others definately not for me.

  12. to all PR leaders, come next GE, for sure PR will win 2/3 majority, becos we want changes, but I feared Najib will turn Malaysia into police state, ISA and police will be used the infamous phase “for the security of the people” and we can imagine the situation will be 10 times worst then what happens since short short 3 months Najib become PM. Smooth transaction of power must be nego, give and take and forgive must agree.

  13. PAS should join UMNO…at least we know where the Malays stand in the best interest of the country.

    Our so called ” leaders ” grossly exploiting race and religion are shameless and a disgrace.

  14. Likewise, ‘leaders’ who are hiding behind ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ concept are shameless and a disgrace too….Their action clearly shows that they are favoring a particular ethnic group…not the entire Malaysian….

  15. chengho Says:

    Today at 08: 33.18 (3 hours ago)
    uncle monterball,
    for sure Malaysian chinese are more pragmatic than the Malay that why Umno need MCA and GERAKAN not dap , based on permanent marriage rather than a courtship like Pakatan relationship or love by the hour ( GRO type ) like Hadi , Anwar and Kit….

    Hey young chicko, you are still sucking milk, go and play with your toys.
    If you are lacking in your thinking capacity, at least zip up!…no one will think you are a BN goon…a baton holder.

  16. First it was the stupid Wawasan 2020, then the Cemerlang Gemilang jazz followed by One Malaysia, and now UNITY GOVERNMENT. Just when will BN stop playing all these childish games and get down to the serious business of governing the country?

  17. cintanegara,
    Don’t get yourself be always stuck in the denial symptom! If Perak after 308 General Election was not ready to have a Chinese Malaysian from DAP to be appointed by the Sultan as the Menteri Besar, then what makes you so sure that Malaysia is now ready to accept Lim Kit Siang to become the future Prime Minister even if Pakatan Rakyat is to win the majority seats of the Parliament after the 13th General Election?

    When Singapore’s PM Lee Hsien Loong told people that Singapore was still not ready for a Malay Prime Minister, he was indeed telling the whole world about a unique Singapore’s political reality which no one could legitimately deny at the moment. Singapore was a non-issue on racism! At least Singapore has the advantage of having an honest political leader, whom Malaysia does not have because in Malaysia we only find our Umno Prime Minister or several Former Prime Ministers always tried to fool people that Umno’s Malay Agenda was meant for the greater good of all people – a Big Lie which had always been repetitiously and shamelessly told by Umno goons to all the Malaysian people!

  18. The song that made umno danced is titled “Unity Goobermen”.

    Its the lastest #1 hit song in the last 4 weeks.

    And it also recorded extremely large number of internet downloads over that time span.

    Yo. Unity. Yo. Yo.

    Its Unity.


    Lets dance


  19. Of course, if not due to political realism, DAP will not ‘berpakat’ with PAS. With their exact opposite ideologies, priorities, how could they have a good marriage. To dump PAS and to form federal government, PKR must be able to garner the support of Sabah & Sarawak. As we know these 2 states their politics is a bit weird, much weirder than we can manage. So at the mean time any misconducts, differences just sweep it under the carpet. Until a day when it can no longer be contained, let see how UMNO & MCA laugh till stomach cramp.

  20. Guess wot. Its a trick by pas to get umno dancing.

    Wots better. Umno actually believed that pas was sincere.

    Yo. Yo.


    Lets dance umno.

    U gota move it move it.

    Move it!

    Umno was obviously elated. Isnt it an indication of umno’s weakness and umno’s fear thereof. The expression of joy was a clear sigh of relief by umno – the relief of finally having its badly shakened and weakened position bolstered.

    Throw peanuts at monkeys and they will perform swings and stuff to entertain you for more of the peanuts. Try it.

  21. Dear anyone,
    does anyone got access to Malaysiakini? I am unable to read the article under the link here about asking PKR, DAP to snub PAS.
    Please help to cut and paste a copy.

    Kedah PKR, DAP told to abandon PAS
    Athi Veeranggan | Jun 23, 09 11:01am
    The Kedah Gerakan Youth wing has called on the state PKR and DAP to snub PAS and tie up with Barisan Nasional to form a unity state government in Alor Setar.
    Civil servants dictate
    Rubbish not cleared

  22. Mr Onlooker and Mr Ekans, whom I respect despite pronounced disagreements in the past…..Both of them are educated and sensible ….maintaining a high professional and moral level…always open to hearing different views from others…

    Having said that, Godfather and Monster must learn to mix sense with sensibility in their dealings with others…..….If they disagree with someone on certain points….please do not resort to name calling or regard someone with something bad…..Personal attacks will not help them making solid point to justify their views…..Losing argument sometimes makes them mad….However, it doesn’t mean that it is a licence for them to attack, using foul language, verbal abuse etc….

  23. Najis is just playing along with PAS’s unity talk, so that the focus will be on this rather than PKFZ and other more important issues like how to revive the economies and to prepare our country for the uncertain future.

    As some people said, PAS got no worm in the backside, but try to catch a worm and put it inside its backside to create itchness!!! That’s how PAS likes to do instead of focusing on how to win in the very near re-election, next GE and settle differences with PKR and DAP!!! LOL!!!

  24. Malaysians may not have yet reached a stage where we can say we are colour blind, but the politicians who are pushing for, or tolerating, the so-called unity talks, must be blind, deaf and dumb if they think the voting public can so easily have wool pulled over their eyes. Unity talks – which is just euphemism for race-based collusion – is a betrayal all around. the edge

    I have a simpler version. No need to write long and wide. Why don’t you (oon yeoh) just say UMNO, PAS, MCA MIC no longer have any future in Malaysia’s future.

  25. cintanegara:

    You want to know the definition of what “is a licence for them to attack, using foul language, verbal abuse etc…”, just read what UMNO supporters have been saying about the other races on rockybru.com.my. Maybe you should offer your advice to those people.

  26. UNMO uses the excuse of unity government to include all race-based parties in its fold. It is inviting PAS because all Muslims are Malays, ever since Mammaks are included as Malays.

    If UMNO presides over a government which is not racist, and which is fair to all, people would never question UMNO whether it intends of include PAS members as UMNO members, or invite PAS as a member of BN. Unfortunately UMNO uses its number to govern as a racist authority, to discriminate against the minority groups, and now its intention to have more Malays under its control can only spell doom for the country. The Malays who know the tricks applied by UMNO to enrich the UMNOputras are hoping that PAS would be able to stop UMNO practicing its CCN and racist rule. The discontinuation UMNO in government would also help the non-Malays.

    Now that UMNO chooses to corrupt those Malays in PAS to be like them, it means that the corrupt practices of UMNO since 1969 would continue. The exodus of people who have a choice would continue. The promise of Najib for creating a higher income nation will remain an empty promise. But if PAS members could be swayed by UMNO for personal gains, what good are they for PAS if they remain with PAS. PAS should bid them good bye.

  27. ///When Singapore’s PM Lee Hsien Loong told people that Singapore was still not ready for a Malay Prime Minister, he was indeed telling the whole world about a unique Singapore’s political reality which no one could legitimately deny at the moment. Singapore was a non-issue on racism!///–Onlooker politics

    With only 15 % of the population in the country as Malays, and the Prime Minister is not elected directly by the people such as a Presidential election, PM LHL of Singapore would be a hypocrite to claim that it is likely to have a Malay Prime Minister in Singapore any time soon. Since the electoral constituencies in Singapore are created on almost equal population ratio, it is unlikely that Malays MP would predominate, and hence the chances of having Malay PM is slim. That is statistics.

    Singapore leaders did say that to prevent Malays from having to be torn between the love for Singapore and for the race, if she should fight with Malaysia, they had a policy of preventing Malays holding the top position in arm forces. It should be noted that there are many professional careers in government, and armed forces are the only branch where the careers of Malays could be restricted for specific reasons. Those who are good enough for the top positions in Armed forces would have been able to obtain alternate employment in civilian branches, of equal high standing. It is true that race did become a factor on this particular occupation, but then the need for national service in Singapore was the results of bellicose attitude of UMNO leaders for which the Singapore government has taken it seriously. Malays are not discriminated in all spheres of enterprises that they would choose to undertake, and the circumspection they hold on the security of the country which resulted in some racial biased staff selection in her arm forces is not blatant racism as we see in Malaysia. Racism in Malaysia not only is the source of sadistic enjoyment for UMNO leaders, it is a convenient excuse as a cover for them to use the racist policies to perpetuate legalised corrupt practices.

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