Najib facing deepening of the national and international crisis of credibility, integrity and legitimacy as 6th PM of Malaysia

The Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-election results, with increased majorities for the Pakatan Rakyat candidates as compared to last year, are a clear and unmistakable endorsement of the March 8, 2008 political tsunami telling the nation and the world that what happened in the 12th general elections in March last year was neither accidental nor a fluke, to disappear like fireworks in the skies, but a major political paradigm shift representing the deep-seated and widely-held aspirations of Malaysians regardless of race or religion for democratic change.

Furthermore, that such fundamental political change is here to stay!

Although UMNO and Barisan Nasional leaders had claimed after the March 8 political tsunami, which toppled Barisan Nasional governments in five states and ended its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority, that they had heard and learnt the message of the voters, the verdicts in the Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau by-elections were loud and clear – that UMNO and Barisan Nasional had failed in the past 13 months to heed the message of the 12th general election results.

This was why these two by-elections as well as the Penanti by-election in Penang early this month where the Pakatan Rakyat candidate, Mansor Othman who is now Penang Deputy Chief Minister, won with a 5,558-vote majority although Barisn Nasional did not dare to field a candidate, were a multiple referendum, viz:

  • Resounding rejection of the undemocratic, unethical, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak personally orchestrated by Najib in February, two months before he became the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia, creating a protracted political stalemate and constitutional crisis with two Mentris Besar – the legitimate and popularly-recognised Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin and the “usurper” and popularly-rejected Zambry, two Speakers and a world-famous Perak State Assembly under the Democracy Tree in Ipoh.
  • The deepening of the national and international crisis of credibility, integrity and legitimacy faced by Najib since becoming the sixth Prime Minister because of his refusal to confront and come clean on the host of serious allegations haunting and hounding him, whether over the C4 murder case of Mongolian Altantuya Shariibuu or the defence deal mega-commissions through the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

[Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on Tuesday, 23rd June 2009 in Parliament on the Finance Minister’s motion to reallot 2009 Budget among the various Ministries following the 10th April 2009 Cabinet reshuffle.]

21 Replies to “Najib facing deepening of the national and international crisis of credibility, integrity and legitimacy as 6th PM of Malaysia”

  1. Allow me to borrow Godfather’s favorite sentence….”Don’t look for fault when there is none”…CM Mentor is wasting our time highlighting small issues … Let’s focus on serious issues like land reclamation work in Straits Johor which might cause huge impact to the country….

  2. well, in chinese we always said, b4 take over the city we should remove the bad king.. if we focus on other issue, sure those guys will think they can eazy drop shit on people head. same thing will happen if we focus on others issue! they are still the controler right!!! in the end of the day.. they still use the tax payer moneylike thailand water fastival. 1 case to 1 case. no rojak.if over lap the news no one will paying attention to this anymore, no one will know where the funds go to.

  3. cintanegara’s small-brain logic reads:[Today at 18: 21.59]
    “…is wasting our time highlighting small issues”

    It is a small issue when a life is involved?

    to cintanegara: only your life and brain are small! it is a small issue when a burglar broke into your house, take your money and kill you — it is a small issue. when a snatch thief broke into your car and kill you — it is a small issue.

  4. talking about killer and murderer, i would hypothesize that the bn government is in conspiracy with singapore in order to help sg to maintain competitiveness as a hub of transportation.

    act 1: ‘murder’ port klang by creating a huge scandal.
    act 2: ‘murder’ pasir gudang by building the third bridge.

    who will benefit?

  5. -eC-.small issue.. hahaha kill 1 ann is small case, how about kill a human? hmmm i guess is not a issue. hahaha cinta negara.. you pay tax yearly or did u pay 5% tax after you dine? count how much you had pad to gov and see how they done? remember this.. buru kambing always came from kambing.. bear in mind dont be kambing korban putih hahaha…

  6. “1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now.”

    “1Malaysia” is too much a luxury for Malaysian people to ask for because the Prime Minister Najib is only an expert in the tactics of “Divide and Rule” and all talks about unity are nothing more than a political gimmick to divide and conquer his political enemies!

    “People First” to be sacrificed in the ambitious but hastily made coup attempt of Najib in Perak because Najib is over-enthusiastic in wanting to show off his personal calibre with the case of successfully buying over several heads of corrupted and good-for-nothing political hopping frogs with some illicit money!

    “Performance Now” will always remain a Malaysian Dream which will never come true unless Pakatan Rakyat is to successfully take over the ruling power from Barisan Nasional in order to form the next Federal Government!

  7. hoi..cintanegera…read all the responds.. on your comment?
    Feeling how?
    You idiot..matters concern lives and future of Malaysians,….small issues
    You dare to teach me and godfather how to comment?
    Great to see LKS making sure….Malaysians do not easily forget.
    All should be highlighted again and again…making sure..voters do not easily forget..hoping that will knock some sense into brainless..cintanegara…and wake him up to walk and talk straight.
    But I think he is a gone case cure.

  8. Teacher, teacher, cintanegara is putting words in my mouth. I never said the words he attributed to me. I have been misquoted. All I ever said was that UMNO is a cancer that must be removed. Can cintanegara please set the record straight ?

  9. Two Mentris Besar in Perak – the legitimate and popularly-recognised Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin known as “the people elected MB and the “usurper” and popularly-rejected Zambry known as “the court appointed MB”.

    Two Speakers in Perak – the legitimate Sivakumar known as “the dragged out of Perak State Assembly like a bag of potatoes speaker” and the illegal hee the bitch assigned speaker Ganason.

    Can Najib allow the people of Perak to re-elect a legitimate MB and a legitimate Speaker for Perak before it is too late? The voices of the people of Perak are loud and clear to Najib. Hear us for once.

    The famous press conference in US, where Anifah bragged the “woman whose name cannot be named” to the whole world without being asked to do so.

  10. In the few months that I have been going around Johor Bahru seeking individual opinion on current local politics, most comments I received are not favourable to ruling party. Most Malays view Najib as a pleasure-seeker, no pm material, Mahathir puppet and actually worse than AAB. Majority says UMNO/BN will still govern Johor, albeit with a substantial reduction in the number of seats in the State Assembly. Johoreans do not like Najib.

    The MCA, according to many Chinese, is already a dead party. Their present batch of leaders are dogs in the eyes of UMNO. About voting though, most have reservation supporting PAS. They do not mind voting for PKR or DAP candidates.

    PR should from now on focus on winning in Johor especially, in the more urban areas. The way Najib/UMNO is going about doing so much nonsense, PR creating an upset in the 13th GE cannot be totally ruled out. In politics, the impossible sometimes become possible.

  11. How could Najib, the then ‘would be’ Prime Minister, conspire with Saiful to bring down the Opposition leader. I hope Najib did not actually do it as that was a very immoral thing to do for a ‘would be’ Prime Minister and that would affect his credibility and integrity as 6th PM of Malaysia.

  12. ‘Coming to the subject of kangaroo courts appointed MB’, the definition of the word ‘Court Jester’ is fully defined. We now have in Perak State, a bloke that not only speaks like a court jester, acts like one and is definitely, the most notorious Court Jester in Bolehland!
    Zambry, you make my day!!!!!

  13. Najib’s got much more work to do and that is given. But I think PR on the other hand is seen as a creature with two heads. When the wind blows its way, it says that it is their democratic right, there’s nothing with it etc etc. Remember what happened when the Bota ADUN in Perak jumped to PKR from UMNO? Where were you LKS? Where were your ‘undemocratic, unethical, illegal and unconstitutional power grab’ comments then? As a matter of fact, PR and Nizar clearly said – there is no need for a bi-election then!

    When the wind blows the other way, everything is wrong and PR turns to sour grapes. Only Karpal is a good example of consistency! All the rest, Anwar included, are just bloody politicans twisting, spinning matters to suit their own needs!

  14. you can say that again imranj78. at least someone finally sees things for what they are. pakatan is nothing more than a rag tag band of would be predators waiting in the wings for a shot. Sorry to have to say that. they are all the same. politicians are to be blamed for the mess. malaysia should be ruled by technoracts.

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