Najib’s first 74 days as Prime Minister is the most uninspiring when compared with the past five Prime Ministers

This motion to re-allot the 2009 Budget among the various Ministries is the direct result of the Cabinet reshuffle by the new Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on 10th April 2009 – a week after he replaced Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Najib should be enjoying his first two-and-a-half months as the new Prime Minister but there is no air of expectation, hope or euphoria in the country that is normally associated with the advent of a new national leader – the political honeymoon of the First Hundred Days!

In fact, nobody can really disagree when I say that Najib’s first 74 days as Prime Minister is the most uninspiring when compared with the past Five Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah! Is this a sign of the final fulfillment of the most famous political prophecy in the country, RAHMAN, indicating the end of the line of Umno Prime Ministers in Malaysia as well as the end not only of Umno hegemony but Umno rule in Malaysia?

That we will know in the next general election, whether 2012 or 2011!

That there is no national mood of expectation, hope or euphoria; no political honeymoon and no First Hundred Days on Najib’s takeover as the sixth Prime Minister is not because of lack of trying by Najib.

In fact, Najib has tried very hard and this is why he has coined a new slogan to match the slogans of previous Prime Ministers, like “Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy” of Mahathir and “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” of Abdullah. Najib’s slogan is “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”.

But Najib’s slogan has failed to take the country by storm, which was why Najib suffered a double “no confidence vote” four days after becoming Prime Minister on April 7, 2009 in the impressive Pakatan Rakyat victories in the Bukit Gantang parliamentary and Bukit Selambau state assembly (Kedah) by-elections – which was a second political tsunami in Malaysian electoral politics in 13 months.

[Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on Tuesday, 23rd June 2009 in Parliament on the Finance Minister’s motion to reallot 2009 Budget among the various Ministries following the 10th April 2009 Cabinet reshuffle.]

12 Replies to “Najib’s first 74 days as Prime Minister is the most uninspiring when compared with the past five Prime Ministers”

  1. I rated him F last time.

    Now I would like to vary my rating. (PKFZ can vary the work why can I vary my rating of najib.)

    Since najib has nothing to show except loads of utter rubbish, I cant really rate him. Giving him a Z is overrating him. So I have decided to use a word instead to rate him. I will use this word: “GUTTER”.

    Yo. Yo.
    Umno u got to move it move it
    Move it!

  2. Not one ex PM have ever started as a PM …with such a bad reputations as Najib.
    Not one have so much low class dirty politics performd in 74 what Najib has 74 days. In that…he has created a sort of Malaysian history …politics at it’s dirtiest we have ever UMNO BARU.
    Sex…most terrible murder…..Malaysians have ever heard of…. huge huge corruptions….are the burden of proof rest on his shoulders…unanswered..unsolved…yet accented to be PM.
    He is special too…with his sharp twisted tongue.
    May Allah grant us the real killers of Alantuya. We knows those are falls guys…taking the blame for someone else …for a price.
    Please give us the real killer/killers…Amen.

  3. Unlike the first five prime ministers, there was a power grap in Perak. By right, Najib should have dissolve the Perak State Assembly. Look at the judgments on the Perak crisis delivered recently. The people are shaking their heads at the findings of the courts. The written judgment on the people elected MB vs. the court appointed MB since the extraordinary 5-minute finding at 3.30pm on 22 May 2009 by the Court of Appeal is still pending. Why can this be allowed to happen? Is there a proper system in place in our Malaysian courts, Mr. CJ?

    By the way, the court appointed MB had bragged that the RM9 billion Vale investment agreement would be signed last week, if everything is according to plan? Had it been signed?

  4. monsterball says:

    “Plesae give us the real killer/killers….Amen”

    I look into a bowl of holy water and I keep seeing a man with a big belly and a woman with a big bum. And I also see the words ‘HAMSORBIJAN’

  5. YK Leong Says: the RM9 billion Vale investment agreement
    I read reports online that Vale had been previously in talks with the PR Perak government. Also, the land is reported to have been designated as ‘tourism use’. If (as reported in The Star) the current owners bought the land for tourism use and are now selling it for industrial use, is there an unexpectedly fortuitous increase in its value?

  6. hi the red reds, you are wrong, he is not only famous in mongolia but in republic of china. haha why no one dare to take mongolian lady kid’s DNA to match who is the real father? see where are the father in? at Lon or MAY? then the answer for monster ball can be know. believe everyone of here watch LAV C.S.I woo remember dont’t when MAlaysia got some people said this C.S.I need to be bann in! who is this guy?

  7. I think we should give Najib some time to get into the job. To be fair he has come out with several good ideas. It is the implementation that we should look towards… only with that we can then return and question him on it.

  8. LKS,
    Firstly I think it is time you write something that actually fits your role and stature of a senior politician. I for one think Najib has done well and has brought some fresh approaches with regards to opening up the economy, ISA review etc. and there’s more to come!

    I would dare say that his first 74 days as PM is much better then PR’s first 100 days controlling several new states. Perak is now with BN. Kedah has got nothing new to show. Kelantan is always as it is. Penang continues to harp on past issues without any new significant plans implemented. Selangor has done okay though.

    I pray you write better quality postings next time. It’s easy to criticize, but as we have seen in many PR states, it’s not easy when you’re actually in power!

  9. he’s playing the role of the opposition. surely there’s something that mahathir, abdullah and najib have done which are right and worthy of some praise but no he’s gotta go lambasting each and every time. it goes to credibility as a leader. do you have to politicise everything?

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