What Malaysians need is not another look at the 125 proposals of Police Royal Commission of Inquiry four years ago but another Police RCI to address a very worsened crime crisis in the country

New Sunday Times today carried the front-page headline “Royal Commission Report on Police: Another look at the 125 proposals” together with more than two-pages of interview with the new Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

What Malaysians need is not another look at the 125 proposals of the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) four years ago but another Police Royal Commission of Inquiry to address a very worsened crime crisis in the country as well as to inquire what happened to the 125 proposals of the Dzaiddin RCI in the past four years.

I was quite excited at first that Hishammuddin had given long interview of what he is going to do as Home Minister but after reading its contents, I am most disappointed that Hishammuddin has nothing new or innovative to say as to how he is going to restore to Malaysians, visitors and investors their lost rights for more than a decade to be free from crime and the fear of crime.

Kudos goes to Hishammuddin as the first Home Minister to acknowledge that crime has got out of control in Malaysia, when he admitted that “many Malaysians did not feel safe in their neighbourhoods anymore with rising crime levels”.

Unfortunately, he is still in denial with regard to the radical police reforms that must be instituted if the Barisan Nasional government is to perform its most elementary duty, to ensure the safety of person and property of all Malaysians, visitors and investors!

No great purpose will be achieved by taking another look at the 125 proposals of the Dzaiddin Police RCI as the government and police had failed in the past four years to fulfill the objective of the Police RCI to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service.

There were not only no progress in the past four years, there were serious deterioration in the three core police functions proposed by the RCI, viz: to reduce crime, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights.

In the past five years, the Police had been fighting a losing war against a rising crime index, which worsened from 156,315 cases in 2003 (which RCI described as intolerable and unacceptable as likely to frighten off investors and diminish the quality of life of Malaysians) to crash through the 200,000 crimes a year by 2007!

Police corruption had worsened over the years and police violation of human rights today are the most serious in the past five years, illustrated by rampant and blatant police abuses of power and misallocation of police resources, especially in arresting peaceful protestors for wearing black, light candles, sing birthday song while crime galloped on unchecked!

Tonight at the Klang DAP anniversary 3,000 people dinner, the police has withdrawn an earlier permit issued for DAP leaders to address the dinner crowd, taking the ridiculous line that Malaysians can eat but no speeches are allowed! Will the police cause trouble at the Klang Dinner tonight?

Who must bear responsibility for the utter failure of the police in the past five years to measure up to the three core functions outlined by the RCI in its 125 reccommendations, the key of which is the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) which remains aborted today because of the opposition of the police leadership?

If Hishammuddin is serious about key performance indicators (KPIs) which the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is touting as one of the defining features of his premiership, the Home Minister must admit that the KPIs of the Police are a most dismal one when weighed against the 125 recommendations and three core functions proposed by the RCI.

Who then must take responsibility if not the Inspector-General of Police?

Is Hishammuddin prepared to go for a total revamp of the police service starting with a new Inspector-General of Police or is the culture of impunity and failure continue to hold sway in the Barisan Nasional Government.

I will propose to the Pakatan Rakyat leadership council tomorrow that PR give top priority to the runaway crime incidence and ensuring the safety of Malaysians, visitors and investors by launching a nation-wide campaign to restore to all their fundamental rights to be free from crime and the fear of crime.

Is Hishammuddin sincere and serious in calling for public support in the battle against crime?

If so, is he prepared for a start to support the formation of an Opposition-headed Parliamentary Select Committee on Home Affairs to focus on police, crime and security comprising MPs from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat?

23 Replies to “What Malaysians need is not another look at the 125 proposals of Police Royal Commission of Inquiry four years ago but another Police RCI to address a very worsened crime crisis in the country”

  1. YB Lim,

    Just change the illegal Government and replace it for two years with Interim Government for Good Governance IGGG, then the difficult hidden problems would be gone.

    BN just enjoy the rotten and sucking system of crimes and deaths.

    pw: finagles Mooster

  2. Joshua is right Kit Siang. No point having 1001 police commissions if the same UMNO/BN remains because all these so-called commissions would eventually have to refer to the PM. Even if your the commissions, the people overseeing it would be chose by the PM and the Najis would choose his own UMNO people or people beholden to UMNO. The only solution is to change the federal govt and overnight everything can change because the root of all evil, i.e UMNO has gone. Then you can be sure that all these pro-UMNO police, civil service, commissions, etc. will disappear one by one.

  3. “In the past five years, the Police had been fighting a losing war against a rising crime index,…” kit

    By the way when did the police ever been ‘fighting’. They never did anything but to let crime take its course unimpeded or uninterrupted.

  4. The police may as well tell all wedding couples not to have speeches in their dinner invitation.
    Police have no right to interfere in private parties..in private halls and need no permits.
    Only under UMNO government….so much restrictions with the excuse..to protect trouble Malaysians.
    Actually they do not wish to see more and more voters listen to the oppositions…..exposing them.
    Hishammuddin has no back bone. He is a typical UMNO Malay racialist.
    He has a big mouth to talk things trying hard..to capture votes for UMNO only.
    Malaysians are pleased he acknowledge crimes rampant…his speech as Home Minster. What’s the use for him…to tell us he knows the country is not safe to walk at night,,with no solutions? Have we not heard so many times….Ministers talk of the bad things under their ministry in the past?
    Any improvements?
    He dare not comment on the issue of English for math and science..for he was not sure….how other UMNO ministers…especially how will Najib react. All kept quiet to wait for him to talk. He also kept quiet.
    See how hard working Ling Liong Sik was…last day…also worked ..signing PKZF documents..to complete his job.
    I guess Najib save him again….transferring him to Home Ministry.
    Forget Myhuiddin….another biog mouth.
    Now tell me…what have Hishammudin did for years as a minister for Malaysians?…NOTHING!!
    You need to judge the man by his record.

  5. YB Kit,
    A neighbour of mine just told me to write to remind you not to be too hursh to Hishammuddin on the ever-increasing crime index matter and not to pressurize Hishammuddin too hard in order to force him into taking response or taking action for remedy. This neighbour of mine was very afraid that he would not be able to get to sleep with his wife for every lovely and wonderful night if Hishammuddin, after being pressurized by you, had to find no choice but to adopt his late father’s old tactics for curbing the crime rate by restoring the policy similar to the controversial Rancangan Rukun Tetangga, which required most men to skip a good night sleep with their wife in order to be enlisted into the team of night guards of their neighbourhood for carrying out the duty of home guarding patrol during the midnight!

    This neighbour of mine told me not to harper too much hope on Umno for their planned policy would always be good for nothing since Umno only elected half-past-six people to be their party head or Central Committee Members!

  6. Reforms??? (yhsiew)

    What are you talking about?

    Do you mean that the Police are required to give up all the goodies and candies that have constantly and continually been offered to them by the unlicensed 4-D tycoons, the private-lockup-operation loan-sharks, the drug-trafficking Mafia Head, the Big Boss of erotic Prostitute Parlour, the Taukeh of illegal Jackpot gambling shop, and the Multi-million Dollar Robbery Gang who has Bank-insiders serving as the informer of roberry target?

    If this is what you want, then the Police will rather choose to water canon some DAP supporters who celebrate the Father’s Day at the Organized Group Dinner so that DAP leaders can be taught a lesson on the necessity to keep their big mouth shut when the black-money interest of the Police is largely at stake!

  7. why should they agree to any police reforms when they have all the laws they need to control freedom of speech etc. it is like a nincompoop giving up his dentures. that does not make him less of a nincompoop.

  8. LKS,
    I agree that there is a big room for improvement within our police force. But at this point of time, I disagree that a new royal commission of inquiry is required. What’s the point of having another RCI so soon after the last one when we know that the recommendations from the last one might not have been fully implemented anyway? I say focus on the available recommendations and ensure they are properly executed with the current situation in mind. Kudos to Hishamuddin on his plans but we now need to see action and not just talk.

  9. ///Who must bear responsibility for the utter failure of the police in the past five years to measure up to the three core functions outlined by the RCI in its 125 reccommendations, the key of which is the establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) which remains aborted today because of the opposition of the police leadership?///–Kit

    Kerisman was the one who opposed AAB for setting up IPCMC. The worsening security conditions is because of the refusal by the police in implementing the RCI recommendations, of which IPCMC was the crucial one. But Kerisman escapes responsibility. Now that he is the Home Minister and he needs IGP now more than before, how can we expect him to be able to do the right thing?

  10. lim kit siang has been calling for royal commissions all his life. one more will not make any difference. it would be just another opportunity for the incumbent government to cleanse everything in their way. a poor use of taxpayer money and a high price to pay. it is still poor use of taxpayer money either side of the aisle.

  11. “Royal Commission Report on Police”… all these are just creating non-productive work and employment. Throw the Anti-Corruption Department to the Opposition Leader in Parliament to handle, institutionalize that, and you can be sure that it is effective. And what’s the big problem when the Barisan Nasional will be THE Opposition coalition party after the next general election, LOL.

  12. Meanwhile…BN is still ruling….LKS keep exposing and suggesting Royal Commission….RM 1 pay cut…are why voters keep going to PEOPLE’S PARTY.
    He must have reasons to expose….and dare UMNO to accept his suggestions.
    More UMNO ignores….more votes ran away to PR.
    This is about national interest.
    I thought graduates have better brains to understand what LKS is doing..for them and the country.
    They do…but they are racialists…supporting a band of robbers…for reasons they only know.

  13. Crime can happen while at their custody so just have to accept all the crime outside their custody. Road is not safe stay at home, home is not safe stay at police station, police station also not safe stay where ? Dumb

  14. Another RCI? a really independent IPCMC? Its obvious none of these things is possible or any use in Bolehland… What is needed is a threat to replace the entire police force management, from top to bottom..

    How about the opposition lining up a ‘shadow police management group’. i.e., to be check and monitor everything they do and then to be ready to replace the entire heirarchy of the police force when they take over?

  15. I believe the RCI report done 4 years ago with 125 proposals was for the reference of the Government, naming the Parliament and the Ministries (and so the Ministers) concerned to see that the Police will IMPROVE along that direction.

    WHAT are the INDEXES to monitor the Improvement?
    WHO was assigned or should be responsible for such MONITORING?
    WHERE are those REPORTS on the Monitoring?

    IF SUCH A FOLLOW-UP had not been done? The RCI report had become a kind of THESIS!!

    Do People know so as to monitor and demand what should be done?

    This should be one of the BIG topic of PK to educate People so that they can demand the Government to do accordingly and monitor accordingly!!
    PLEASE ASK FOR THE MONITORING REPORTS from the Responsible Minister!! To be proved with Figures!! before anything can go further.

  16. this is damn funny… police go n disrupt dinner of DAP. i was thinking, what is their reason of doing that?

    there are far more important things they should do. maybe investiage PKFZ issue or some other things. but they rather go n do things that is wasting time, yet digging their own grave.

  17. When Police reports had been launched for Lawyer assaulting Clients case with supporting Photos, witnesses and with NUMEROUS REMINDERS to KUP, AG and even PCB. These Departments simply SILENT!


    THERE ARE CODE OF PRACTICE (CPC), CLIENTS CHARTERS, Public Servant Act, CONSTITUTIONS, etc.. that they have to perform. But, SILENCE is the ONLY ONE thing they had performed!

    Will RCI mean something Special to ANYONE of THEM??


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