Lim Kit Siang

Political H1N1 hits Malaysia!

@limkitsiang – Twitter record of Bayu Tinggi, Klang DAP fundraising dinner:

900 cops ‘attend’ DAP dinner in Klang – Star Some 10,000 police manhrs wasted by IGP 2stop ord DAP dinner IGP nothing 2do?
06/22/2009 08:53 AM

1 final pt. Musa Hassan’s term as IGP ends in Sept. He wants another renewal. Actually he shld be sacked instead of his term renewed.
06/21/2009 11:11 PM

B4 signing off 4nite,pay tribute 2Klang ppl 4 refusing 2cow down 2police bullying tactics.Believe majority of police don’t agree w IGP order
06/21/2009 11:01 PM

Hear Ops “No dinner” order came from very top – IGP himself. Can Musa Hassan explain why he tarnished national image w such stupid action?
06/21/2009 10:54 PM

2 questions asked when I go round table-by-table: why Najib so frightened to allow speeches; what has Ong Tee Keat to hide in PKFZ scandal.
06/21/2009 10:51 PM

Over 300 police but how 2stop 3k people getting into sealedoff area? Police manhrs lost in fighting crime criminal!
06/21/2009 10:35 PM

Cld only cover 2/3 of tables all in high spirits but very angry with BN govt payback time next elections what a start 4Najib’s 1Malaysia
06/21/2009 10:30 PM

300 tables, 3000 handshakes. Long way to go!
06/21/2009 09:24 PM

I’m going round w party leaders table by table 2thank n apologise 4police action
06/21/2009 09:03 PM from mobile web

1st dish has come out 4 most extraordinary dinner n on Father’s Day What has happened 20alaysia? Will 6
06/21/2009 08:44 PM from mobile web

Gobind Charles Ronnie Au Yang Philip here don’t know whether dinner will have added dish of police chemical water
06/21/2009 08:29 PM from mobile web

Malaysians Malays Chinese Indians men women children taking their places 300 tables in good spirits peacefully though w some confusion
06/21/2009 08:20 PM from mobile web

Arrived @ Bayu Tinggi dinner supporters r here dinner banned? How 2 throw away dinner 4 3k peopLe? At least let people eat!
06/21/2009 08:02 PM from mobile web

Don’t get arrested on Father’s Day,my daughter Ming told me.Who wants 2get arrested?But it can happen how sad Malaysia!
06/21/2009 07:36 PM from mobile web

World’s 1st case of political H1N1-Hishamuddin1Najib1.Wear black lite candles sing b’day cake song dinner speeches all cannot.1BlackMalaysia
06/21/2009 06:37 PM from web

DAP MP Charles n Boon Hock negotiated w police. No avail Even dinner with no speeches also cannot.Not bothered dinner 4 3kpeople go 2waste!
06/21/2009 06:29 PM from web

Bayu Tinggi Klang a war zone 6 FRU trucks 2 water cannons Police armed with M16s Area sealed off.Terrorist attack? No.Becos of DAP 3K dinner
06/21/2009 06:05 PM from web

Will police cause trouble 2nite at DAP Klang 3k-dinner Bayu Tinggi (Klang MP office)? 2 FRU trucks just arrived in Klang. C u there 2nite.
06/21/2009 04:45 PM from web