Political H1N1 hits Malaysia!

@limkitsiang – Twitter record of Bayu Tinggi, Klang DAP fundraising dinner:

900 cops ‘attend’ DAP dinner in Klang – Star http://tr.im/pgTV Some 10,000 police manhrs wasted by IGP 2stop ord DAP dinner IGP nothing 2do?
06/22/2009 08:53 AM

1 final pt. Musa Hassan’s term as IGP ends in Sept. He wants another renewal. Actually he shld be sacked instead of his term renewed.
06/21/2009 11:11 PM

B4 signing off 4nite,pay tribute 2Klang ppl 4 refusing 2cow down 2police bullying tactics.Believe majority of police don’t agree w IGP order
06/21/2009 11:01 PM

Hear Ops “No dinner” order came from very top – IGP himself. Can Musa Hassan explain why he tarnished national image w such stupid action?
06/21/2009 10:54 PM

2 questions asked when I go round table-by-table: why Najib so frightened to allow speeches; what has Ong Tee Keat to hide in PKFZ scandal.
06/21/2009 10:51 PM

Over 300 police but how 2stop 3k people getting into sealedoff area? Police manhrs lost in fighting crime criminal!
06/21/2009 10:35 PM

Cld only cover 2/3 of tables all in high spirits but very angry with BN govt payback time next elections what a start 4Najib’s 1Malaysia
06/21/2009 10:30 PM

300 tables, 3000 handshakes. Long way to go!
06/21/2009 09:24 PM

I’m going round w party leaders table by table 2thank n apologise 4police action
06/21/2009 09:03 PM from mobile web

1st dish has come out 4 most extraordinary dinner n on Father’s Day What has happened 20alaysia? Will 6
06/21/2009 08:44 PM from mobile web

Gobind Charles Ronnie Au Yang Philip here don’t know whether dinner will have added dish of police chemical water
06/21/2009 08:29 PM from mobile web

Malaysians Malays Chinese Indians men women children taking their places 300 tables in good spirits peacefully though w some confusion
06/21/2009 08:20 PM from mobile web

Arrived @ Bayu Tinggi dinner supporters r here dinner banned? How 2 throw away dinner 4 3k peopLe? At least let people eat!
06/21/2009 08:02 PM from mobile web

Don’t get arrested on Father’s Day,my daughter Ming told me.Who wants 2get arrested?But it can happen how sad Malaysia!
06/21/2009 07:36 PM from mobile web

World’s 1st case of political H1N1-Hishamuddin1Najib1.Wear black lite candles sing b’day cake song dinner speeches all cannot.1BlackMalaysia
06/21/2009 06:37 PM from web

DAP MP Charles n Boon Hock negotiated w police. No avail Even dinner with no speeches also cannot.Not bothered dinner 4 3kpeople go 2waste!
06/21/2009 06:29 PM from web

Bayu Tinggi Klang a war zone 6 FRU trucks 2 water cannons Police armed with M16s Area sealed off.Terrorist attack? No.Becos of DAP 3K dinner
06/21/2009 06:05 PM from web

Will police cause trouble 2nite at DAP Klang 3k-dinner Bayu Tinggi (Klang MP office)? 2 FRU trucks just arrived in Klang. C u there 2nite.
06/21/2009 04:45 PM from web

53 Replies to “Political H1N1 hits Malaysia!”

  1. Dinner with no speeches also cannot ? It shows only one thing – PR is such a threat that they have to try to stop the information flow from getting to the rakyat. PKFZ anyone ? 1Malaysia anyone ?

  2. How on earth police are carrying M16 rifles at the dining place?

    I just wish that they can carry M16 everyday at Wangsa Maju – a nasty place, where on average, one robbery case takes place everyday.

  3. hope the police wil take the fight to another level. malaysians need to be pushed to the brink before they can be pushed to action. you have been gassed, arrested, detained overnight in police-ups and one entrapped into exposing her damaged goods to the world. all that is not enough?

  4. This is typical Mahathirism – deny the Opposition any means to raise funds, intimidate all supporters, put the leaders under surveillance, and if necessary put them in jail. Remember that Najib and Kerismuddin are trained by the old man.

  5. Someone please put a video of this shameful incident on youtube to show the world that Malaysia is another apartheid country! Please don’t blame the police force as they are just carrying out their duties. The problem lies with UMNO!

  6. Police actions like this is not new.
    They came raiding my Music Industry annual party at Chinese Assembly Hall…with 600 members attending.
    The late welknown lawyer…Lim Cheng Poh..from Penang…stopped them. We just won 7 cases …sued by so call…legitimate recording companies for copying,.which they coined the word….
    “pirating”…saying the 7 are pirators.
    They are afraid of my speech as the President of the Association….not to protect Malaysians..but to protect foreigners….who pay them to raid..who are pirators themselves.I I had a taste on a private business dinner…police want to stop me speaking..but I spoke….and escorted out by Lim Cheng Poh..which they dare not touch….for he was the author for Malaysian government on books on copyright laws.
    Gave him so many copyright law books..he was stunt and learn alot from me on the music industry….throwing all his laws into the basket…hahahahahaha
    Using my advises….we won all 7 cases.

  7. “Remember that Najib and Kerismuddin are trained by the old man.” (Godfather)

    Don’t worry about the revival of Mahathirism! Mahathir is not going to continue having much influence on Umno politics anymore!

    If PAS leaders like Hadi Awang and Nasaruddin are going to be offered Ministerial Post by Najib in the unity-government talk, then when will be the turn for Mahathir’s beloved son Mukhriz to become a Minister?

    Dr. Mahathir will soon be removed from the post of Advisor to Petronas. Why should the old man be kept in the hot seat rendering a big stumbling block to Najib’s plan for squandering much more money from Petronas?

    I think the biggest favour we can do for the sake of the old man now is to ignore him so that he will not continually be bewildered with a false illusionment that he is still an indispensable de facto Prime Minister of Malaysia having Najib as his puppet!

  8. Godfather, I agree with you on what’s the use of having a dinner if there are no speeches. Clearly the purpose of the DAP dinner is to speak up against UMNO and that is why people are willing to, not only pay for the dinner, but give donations to DAP as well. The police disruption is equally as ridiculous as their arrests of people wearing black and even drinking kopi-o on 7 May or something. Has our intelligence been insulted enough? We are impatient for the next GE to drive them out of Putrajaya and pack Najis and his cohorts into exile in Zimbabwe. Fight on DAP. The people are with you!

  9. Don’t blow your trumpet to divert attention monkey. We are not interested in your grandmother’s stories whether you are president or tambi of Retail Music association, blah, blah…right now when we are interested in the latest developments of the dinner, whether anyone got arrested, don’t bore us with your half truths and lies. Godfather, give your godson a good spanking!

  10. The Pohleece r just following UMNO’s orders…..we are just barking up the wrong tree….

    Some of the staunchest supporters of the PR government are in the police force…..BUT…..hands are tied…….remove UMNO and put a highly credible IGP…and everything will fall into place….if you have IGP Musa and CPO Khalid running the show then expect this rempit behavior……

    The DAP should have organised a halal dinner and held it at Dewan Hamzah or at least booked Hokkien or Hin Hua hall in advance……

    Charles needs to be savvy…..

  11. Selangor will remain under PR & a strong DAP grip for a long long long time with many other states to follow…

    Just love this situation – with the media giving publicity, this is a big stepping stone & opportunity for DAP (the innocent) to gain a big political mileage!!!

    I don’t know why BN don’t see this ‘matter’ – but it has helped DAP in the last GE. The more interference/shots/inconveniences etc directed to DAP/PR by BN or the police or Syed Hamid Albar’s ISA (nowHishamuddin) will only result in the rakyat switching sides & supporting PR more!!!

  12. no teddy bears, birthday cakes … now PDRM also say NO to the
    PERMITS ISSUED BY THEMSELVES…if that is the case, PDRM should
    arrest themselves

    wah, really Jantan…having M16s pointing at tax payers coming
    for dinner…..

    I am lost for words…the Malaysian Education system produced
    such Police Officers or is it that the officers were acting not
    on their own accord?

  13. As many of us know, BN lose in GE 2008 because the people were fed up with the repression through ISA, and Hindraf.

    Now after GE 2008, the BN government is becoming even more repessive. I would ask the BN government. If you do your job and take care of the people interest, why is there a need to use all these repressive tactics.

    And, why the need for M16s? Are we talking about of bunch of terrorist. Or is this a sign of heighten persecution by the BN government–scare tactics?

    It is good to know that the BN government is moving rapidly down the path of destruction.

  14. Recommended Godfather could help to create a few songs for PKR regard justice, democracy and fairness.

    Next time, if during their dinner cant allow speech, at least they can singing songs regard justice, democracy and fairness.

    No one can stop your rights to sing, Right?

  15. Yes a2a..good idea…but they will listen to the song and ban it too!!
    if you recall..Nawee’….”Negara ku ku ku” is actually written with love from a smart talented true Malaysian..song writer..exposing the ills of the government.
    Saw what happened…….but that young brave man came back to Malaysia….to stay put and face the music.?
    That’s a real true brave young Malaysian.
    Let them ban this or ban that.
    Let them make life difficult for us…just because we support change of government….more than supporting the opposition.
    Let them plan and do the worst.
    Stay calm….and the time will past so fast..they cannot hold back 13th GE.
    Lets see how do they plan to rule forever..like Melaka CM..Rustam said.
    Since he was caught offering bribes to buy votes….we know…..”Money is power” instructed by Mahathir is their only hope.
    So where will all the money come from?
    LKS is exposing them.

  16. To them all politician may be crook or criminal who will sweet talk and swindle rakyat money. Those that are in position will have the power to decide the spilt so why not please them may be you can influence their decision to give you a bigger piece. Without fair distribution of wealth every party shall scramble for a bigger share. As a Malaysia Malaysian we must ensure equality, fairness and unity to face the national and internatinal. Who are they?

  17. hahahahahaha…kitto…kontiki. I thought you are all eyes to want more datas about me…so I give you more.
    Waaa…you very hard to please la.
    How are you going to treat your future wife…with a character like this? Want some tips?
    Anyway..you read my message…. found…no points to fark me up?……hahhahahahahaha.

  18. The way Police zoned off area…..made in no entry…then allowed entries…..dinner to continue…but PA system….taken away.
    The fickle minded police actions is nothing new..since after 12th GE.
    The idiotic actions will only give DAP more votes.
    That’s what matter most..in the end.

  19. Maybe Police has a different intention after YB Lim issued an alert on the crime trends and so

    Police At Dinners (PAD) is giving the unusual police presence for the ‘safety’ of the diners.. PAD at DAP.. a harsh compliment of sort..

    Was there anybody else to disrupt the event of Fathers’ Day as some people do not want to celebrate the western culture…? The M16s is incredible..

    pw: ing pilfers

  20. I think PR can win the 13th.GE but I’m not so sure they can enter Putrajaya,Kontiki. Now you see they (Umno) can order police to carry M16 to prevent a peaceful permitted dinner by DAP. What you think they will do to obstruct PR to enter Putrajaya without permission ?.All you guys need is a little bit of knowledge to understand what I really want to elaborate.Before the cock could crow three times after mid-night on the evening of counting the votes,should Umno/BN realised they have lost the general election to PR,you would find a change of all Umno’s controls TV programmes and other medias to disconect the news of the PR victory.The next thing you know will be all roads leading to putrajaya and down town KL will be closed to all traffics.The nect thing in the dawn,you find all these road blocks are fulup with police and military personnels heaverily armed with M16 and tanks.This is my scenario in the event that PR wins the 13th general election.My worse kind of scenario is there maybe no 13th general election.

  21. Police carrying M16 are the most welcome in Puchong area, cepat, cepat mari! They are welcome at all the coffee shops there, coffee and drinks will be served for them from 5am to anytime lah!

  22. frankyapp

    History has stories about democratic election results being disregarded – look at Myanmar and now Iran plus what’s that country Mugabe is from?

    If what you said would happen then can the King allow Malaysia to descend into the gutter level which the above mentioned countries?

    What about the various MNCs investing in Malaysia? If the administrators no longer have the confidence and trust of the people but still staying on with the aid of armed forces then the scenarios would be ridiculous – Malaysians being invaded and occupied by Malaysians. I pray that come next GE, Malaysian politicians will play by the rule while the armed forces and police stay loyal to their true masters – the tax payers

  23. What more to expect as all sort of rumours can go around the nation?

    When such scenario appear, what to expect in the near future as we approach Manek Urie N41?

    Was any shot fired?

    so we are all worried what is next?

    pw: It lifeblood

  24. The cops have given 3000+ people another good reason why the BN govt must be voted out. Multiply the 3000+ people with those who hear from them/read the news and feel disgusted and the effect is not small.

    All this happening when crime is rampant and people don’t feel safe in their houses or on the streets. Such police mis-allocation of resources will cause a backlash. The police aren’t smart enough to work it out but they are the biggest campaigners for PR.

  25. Talking about M16…do you all recall…a truck load of M16 plus ammunition…were stole from a military depot.
    I read and cannot help laughing.
    I recalled most were recovered…not all…and some were caught..all Malays. What happen? Saudara saudari….no problem….let lose again?
    Do you know…there is a law….anyone caught with a pistol or even a bullet…without a license can be sentenced to death?
    I said..pistol logical..how come bullets too.
    One police friend told me…if there are bullets…there must be a gun.
    So what happen to those m16 stolen?
    Soon after that…the famous M16 gang was formed and robbing banks.

  26. Recently the police raided a shop and was shocked to find so many assorted types of fire arms..and other deadly weapons.
    Could the truckload not fully recovered…..after so many years.and police hope Malaysians easily forget….so no need to follow up the matter seriously……..until it is solved?

  27. “The central reality is that Malays will have to advance with and not at the expense of non-Malay Malaysians. Likewise, non-Malays would advance along with and not at the expense of Malays. The unity that we should all strive for must not only be among Malays but also among Malaysians. We can begin that process not by pursuing a “unity government” but decreasing the rhetoric that polarizes our society. Demanding that our political leaders be civil and courteous to each other would be an excellent beginning. Oh yes, please also keep those kerises sheathed!”

    Dr Bakri has done an excellent job in his discourse on the “unity talks” issue that has been hogging the headlines lately. On the one hand, Najib’s 1Malaysia concept has drawn flak from many quarters because of its vagueness and ambiguity. Now with Umno and a faction in Pas pushing for a “unity government” to bring all Malays together, it is even clearer that there’s a sinister ring to this move and, by and large, it makes a mockery of the 1Malaysia idea if it ever was a sincere one in the first place.

    If this is the case, then in the eyes of the other races, the unity talks is nothing more than a Malay Agenda strategy which does not bode well for the country. But Umno is more concerned with its survival, and using this ploy it hopes it will be able to continue its hegemony and hold sway in power.

    Pas spiritual leader Nik Aziz has shown he is a man of principle but the way the NST twisted its report on the front page that he has changed his mind and is all for unity talks is another example of how a news media can bend the news. We are going to see lots more of this media propaganda in the days ahead with a new editorial management in place at Balai Berita.

  28. Lee Wee Tak said”I pray that come next GE malaysian politicians will play by the rule while he armed forces and the police stay loyal to their true masters–the tax payers….Well should such be the case,the Perak political crises won’t have happened.History has shown us indeed that our armed forces and police are not loyal to the tax payers but to the Umno masters.The may 13th insident was a good example.

  29. Eeerrr there was a big show not too long ago on fighting mat rempits. So wot has happened to it? Wot about fighting ah longs? Wot has happened to it? Kau tim already. Selesai?. Sudah settled?

    No wonder. Nothing to do now. Must show najib that you guys are not idling and lazying about. Is that why you fellas decided to gate crash dap’s party?

  30. well well… its not at special news in malaysia any moreo…. perhaps next year we should make our fathers dinner at middle of the sea. DAP should get large boat to middle of the sea to get a reunion party. so the M16 wont follow. any way M16 is realy need in Penang. hahaha so the the 20 drug ed who escape can return to camp asap! oh ya…..

  31. The monkey has become so agitated, jumping up and down and chattering endlessly that he actually jumped over to a nearby toilet at the the DAP dinner…and would you believe it….STARTED DRINKING ALL THE PISS THERE!!!!! No wonder he continues to chatter non-stop nonsense. His godfather has also been infected by him

  32. I went but turned back home, I’ve missed my dinner, what a crowed, DAP you all are damed famous lah. This is a true sign for BN, uncle Kit – BN is shaking, and coming down fast…. hahaha, I just love it. DAP shake them (BN) hard, it is the end for BeeEnd.

  33. idiot!!
    I am older than godfather.
    So…I am godfather’s… godfather.
    Hope to get that wood and cover with leaves to let mushroom fungus grow…to be useful .
    Right now..useless blog of wood.

  34. Now H1N1 over the DAP dinner in Klang for 3,000 but PAD (Police at dinner) did it for ghostlike here.

    After writing in JK’s Digest No. 1 of June 2009 (89 of 2009) How many major costly ghosts?, this looks
    like a dinner for Ghosts of PAD – Police At Dinner.



    DAP may sue cops over disruption of dinner
    Jun 22, 09 7:17pm
    DAP may take legal action against the police following its high-handed action in sealing off the DAP dinner in Klang yesterday, its committee member Gobind Singh Deo said today.

    pw: viva five

  35. 13 has been a taboo number to Westerners and they consider it very unlucky. Thus we have Friday, the 13th being declared a black Friday.

    Remember the Apollo project by the US? It stopped at Apollo 13 which “disappeared” in outer space.

    Similarly, GE13 would spell inauspice to BN which they know is their DOWNFALL! Let us bear with their INJUSTICE and BARBARIANISM from another 3 year+. Come GE13, let us send them into a blackhole in outer space just like APOLLO 13!

  36. In fact many Malaysians do believe in the inauspice and evil of the number 13! Houses originally built in my housing estate which consisted of some 13 streets did not have No. 13 houses. I remembered the house No. 15 (which was supposed to be No. 13 as they skipped this number after house No. 11) was the house which caught fire and it was a house facing a T junction. Most people (including the superstitious and non-superstitious) would have avoided this house.

  37. Hi Rabbit,it’s a good idea for DAP to celebrate father’s day dinner in the middle of the sea.But please don’t forget Umno/Bn have coast guards and marine police not just armed with M16 but armed with 16mm fixed modern machineguns complete with sleek latest built boats/cruise ships with max.300 knots,capable of cruising at 120 nautical miles an hour.The best idea is to have it in international water.Question is can DAP affords it !.

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