Lim Kit Siang

The spectre of crime in the daily lives of Malaysians


(This email is reproduced completely unedited, in its pristine atrocious English for two reasons: firstly, it seems to have become the standard Malaysian English; secondly, the subject of the spectre of endemic crime which haunts the daily lives of Malaysians refuses to be buried by the distraction of the atrocious English used, for the writer is able to communicate his genuine cry from his heart and to strike resonance among the Malaysian public.

(Both issues must be addressed: how to improve the command of English language among Malaysians, but even more important, how to start reducing crime to make Malaysia safe again for its citizens, tourists and investors. – Kit)

Greetings to all Member of Parliament,

I write this mail to you all for a reason of snatch thieves in KL has been rising more and more in front of my eyes. Here’s a few incident:

1. I was having my lunch at KL near Tune Hotel. After having my lunch, I was carrying my notebook on my hand and a motorcycle pass through me coming from behind attempt to steal my notebook, but they failed. Then they run away with their motorcycle as fast as they can to another road.

2. I was working on a roadshow at Taman Melawati around CIMB Bank area. My colleagues was walking around promoting something, and heard a voice of shout from a Malay lady and when my colleague saw her, her bag was already with the thief.

3. The incidents where pregnant lady was snatch and she lost her life.

I’m really sad about this issue is happening in our country. As a rakyat, I can’t do much but to aware you all as MP that this is happening in our city. There is no solution AT ALL for this kinda crime, because the thief attack on people walking by the road side and once they snatch, their small little bike will bring them run through small roads where we can’t access. I can’t afford to see this continue happening in our city and country.
Can you all bring up this issue and solve this out? Get the person in charge to come out with some kinda solution. If government can ask everyone who used prepaid line to register their line, because they want to catch loan shark, I’m sure they can do something about snatch thieves as well.

And please question Datuk Hishamuddin as well on what the police is doing while all this is happening. Since he love to protect the police, I guess this question should go to him. Now, all I see in the news everyday is publishing statistic of crime rate and telling us the conclusion whether is getting better or worse. If is getting better, then police will not need to do anything. If is getting worse, they will advise us to be careful. But is this the right solution? In Singapore, if a pregnant lady lost her life because she was snatch, the Commissioner will have to find out who is the thief, or else he will lose his seat as Commissioner. But what is our country’s police doing? Catching activist, doing things that is not needed by the country and not fulfilling their role as a police, moreover they are pay by us.

Please do something about this, there are already life lost, money stolen and etc. I believe more and more worse story will come.

My role as rakyat,
