Muhyiddin pushing for Umno-Pas unity government makes a total mockery of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept, undoing 52 years of Malaysian nation-building by five previous Prime Ministers

At the meeting of DAP MPs in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, I said that Malaysian politics is in the throes of great flux and even lightning change.

This has been borne out by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pushing for Umno-Pas “unity government” talks, trying to expedite an Umno-Pas meeting “in the next few days, anytime, no problem”, even sugarcoating it by declaring that Umno “will not impose any conditions and we accept whatever terms set by PAS”.

If any political leader or observer had been asked before Muhyiddin’s overture in Kuala Krai yesterday whether the No. 1 or No. 2 Umno leader could have made such a public proposition to PAS, nobody would have answered in the positive.

So what game is Muhyiddin up to?

Muhyiddin’s political gambit is all the more intriguing as his latest mentor, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had on the same day expressed his disapproval of the proposed unity talks between Umno and PAS, saying he did not think that the country wants a government which is 100 per cent Malay.

What makes Muhyiddin’s stand even more intriguing is that the Deputy UMNO President should know that even with their full parliamentary representation, Umno with 78 MPs and Pas withy 24 MPs only total 102, which is still 10 short of the requisite majority in the 222-member Parliament!
Why then is the Deputy Prime Minister publicly making the call for Umno-Pas “unity government” talks, knowing that it is not possible to form an all-Malay Umno-Pas government with only 102 parliamentary seats – when the political and nation-building costs would be phenomenal.

This is because Muhyiddin’s pushing for Umno-Pas unity government immediately discredits by making a total mockery of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept, undoing 52 years of Malaysian nation-building by five previous Prime Ministers.

Why then is the Deputy Prime Minister prepared to be so irresponsible to pay such a heavy price in political and nation-building costs?

There could only be two reasons: firstly, the top Umno leadership sees in the present political scenario a golden opportunity to divide PAS and split the Pakatan Rakyat; and secondly, Umno continues to play the role of the political hegemon in the Barisan Nasional, with the other BN component parties whether MCA, MIC, Gerakan, SUPP, PBS totally irrelevant as mere puppets, digits and ciphers.

This episode illustrates the great difference between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. PR is a coalition of equals among DAP, PKR and PAS. BN however continues to be a political grouping headed by a hegemon, Umno, while the other component parties have no say whatsoever in charting their policies and future directions.

Pakatan Rakyat leadership council will meet on Monday and will discuss for the first time the so-called Umno-Pas “unity government” talks, and the sudden subject of “BN-PR unity government” talks.

I do not see any problem with talks but only with the purpose of the talks.

We are all Malaysians and there is no reason why we cannot sit down to talk about issues concerning the people and nation but “Umno-PAS unity government” is inimical to the whole concept of Malaysian nation-building while “BN-PR unity government” talks is more than premature.

Let the BN and PR parties sit down to talk about the burning issues confronting the country like the protracted political and constitutional crisis in Perak caused by the unethical, undemocratic and illegal coup d’etat in Perak; a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal; how to make Najib’s slogan “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” really meaningfully; restoration of public confidence in the independence, impartiality and integrity of the judiciary and key national institutions like the Police, the Elections Commission, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC); parliamentary reforms to have a First-World Parliament; how to unite Malaysians to successfully face the worst global crisis in a century and transform Malaysia into a high-income developed nation; make Malaysia safe for its citizens, tourists and investors; eradicate corruption, etc.

If we cannot even sit down to talk about these burning issues to find solutions to them, any talk of “Umno-Pas unity government” or “BN-PR unity government” is either detrimental to the cause of Malaysian nation-building or utterly unrealistic and just a political ploy to undermine democracy and to impede the process of political change heralded by the political tsunami in the March 8, 2008 general elections.

39 Replies to “Muhyiddin pushing for Umno-Pas unity government makes a total mockery of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept, undoing 52 years of Malaysian nation-building by five previous Prime Ministers”

  1. PAS and Umno cannot work together.
    Majority of PAS members are clean but almost all of BN are corrupt.
    How else are they going to agree with each other.
    PAS are true believers of God but Umno believed only in paper money and power.
    Umno is only trying to create a split between PAS and the opposition.
    They are not sincere!
    Certain members in PAS who agree to the unity government are actually “dreamers” and could easily be swayed.
    One or two of them could have been bought by Umno, in order to create tension among the opposition.
    The opposition have lost Perak and are facing another sort of dirty tactic borned by wicked Umno.
    With Najib’s company doing all those dirty planning, PR will have to be very careful for now.
    Don’t curse or balme each other for any fault!
    Most important is to stick together and try to thwart any attempt or plot that is thrown to them by their “enemy”.
    We’ve to outwit and play smart at certain times!!!

  2. In the history before independent, Malaya have two Malay parties one by late First Prime Minister Tunku Rahman, second was associated with Indonesia.

    Malaysian must be caustious, in the history many indonesian immigrants to Malaya entry point is Johor, and british named them ‘Johor Malay’.

    Any YB politicians from Johor Malaysian must be take extra cautious their background.

    Those politicians want about this UMNO-PAS unity talk are no considering Malaysia unique multi-races culture, they want to alien all non-malay to second class Malaysian, with this fact telling you that they don’t love Malaysian multi-races, they only interest Malay.


    Do you want to be part of INDONESIA?


  3. It’s a Tom and Jerry game.Umno is Tom and PAS is Jerry.In the “sandiwara” Tom is naughty,tricky,nasty and like all hypocrites are willing to completely sacrifice all his integrity for the sake of false unity talk with PAS the Jerry.Quote “will not impose any conditions and we accept whatever terms set by PAS..Muhyiddin Yassin” unquote. Like all Tom & Jerry cartoon shows,Tom has no integrity when he didn’t mean what he says or does is not genuine and true in the end.What a shame. Hopefully,PAS the Jerry will excape the trap set by Umno the Tom.

  4. Big advertisement by UMNO: Those who believe that the Malays have every right to steal and pillage should join UMNO, and perpetuate the looting for the next 50 years.

    Poor Hadi and Nasharuddin just could not resist the temptation.

    Poor Ong Ta Kut and Semi Value simply had no right to argue.

  5. Now that Umno has imposed no condition and accept whatever terms set by PAS for the unity talk between them,I hope this will now also help open the ears and eyes of Sabah based political parties like PBS,UPKO and LDP. These parties have from the beginning always oppose the entry of PAS into Sabah.They always accuse PAS of making people \potong Penxxx’s fore skin\ should they(PAS) rule Sabah.It’s time for them to set terms to protect their fore skins before the unity talk materialises.Please do not drag Sabahan voters and non voters along with you.Hopefully PBS,UPKO and LDP leaders read this message ,act fast to save Sabahan pretty lots of messy and unnescessary losing of fore skins .

  6. Any fool can see they are trying their level best to drive a wedge in Pas and at the same time undermine PR. As for Muhyiddin, he has come across as someone that we all should be wary of. If I were Najib I would be looking over my shoulder now and then.

    The ‘unity talks” play, as it stands, is just that. And recent signals coming out of Umno also indicates a kind of “split” in the party itself. So one can say this is one huge, hilarious merry-go-round doing the political circuit.

    But let us not be blinded by the fact that there are “desperados” in Umno who are trying to bring the Malays together as one close-knit family so that eventually, they think, they will have the numbers to continue holding sway over the rest of us.

    We pray it will never come to that. But lately, some of them are getting vociferous, and obnoxious as well, in their diatribes as we can see in comments on certain blogs, even getting down as low as to spew profanities, hatred, and other expletives in their attempt to cow others. Or is it to show their “warrior” upbringing and dexterity in the usage of colourful language?

    The end result such “warriors” and many other Umno spin doctors are hoping for is loyalty towards Umno. More of this “politics of fear and hate” will fill the pages of Utusan and news items in TV3. Political and cyberspace terrorism is alive and kicking in the Malaysian blogosphere.

  7. “We accept whatever terms set by PAS” is such a stupid statement from the DPM. How about you guys all resign your cabinet positions and give them all to PAS ?

    How about Nik Aziz being made PM ? How about a PAS guy being made CM of Trengganu ?

    Typical of a desperado – when someone says “everything also can” you know that nothing is possible.

  8. This is just the ploy by Mohhyudin to cash in on the current crisis facing Pas, no more and no less.

    Now we shall see how Haji Hadi Awang exercises his political wisdom to resolve this issue in PR which he started in the first place.

    Nasarudin is just the front man and a poor chap as he is not as shrewd as the Selangor Pas leader Hasan Ali who is the real culprit.

  9. i want to say is don’t care about perak politik! we just wait few year! do what YB surpose to do,because people vote PAKATAN RAKYAT to be garvement! just wait few year! if not people will think PAKATAN RAKYAT is making show or making problem! after few year the judment day will come!


  10. The meeting is a poisoned chalice, the act of the meeting has already split PAS leaders and supporters. The PAS support base will be weakened to the advantage of UMNO.

    History as shown that PAS politics and UMNO politics do not mix well. Perhaps PAS needs a refresher. Which ever the out come of this meeting will be to the advantage of UMNO.

  11. /// If we had a Race Relations Act, many Umno politicians including the present prime minister would have been dealt with under such a law.MORE///–Malaysiakini

    The writer meant it to be a joke! We have Sedition Act but we see UMNO members free to incite racial feelings with impunity. We have a police regulation against illegal assembly, but again UMNO members were free to demonstrate, and even to threaten identified individuals and they have full police protection.

    With the government practising double standards any new laws to restrict citizens’ activites are utilised for political ends. Let the government learn to be fair in enfocing laws. Until that is done, there are sufficient laws to allow the ruling government to utilise to their unfair advantage.

  12. We have Brother #1 and Brother #2 in MCA each looking in different directions, now in UMNO, Brother #1 and Brother #2 seemed to be having different ideas! So who to follow?????? Are all these going to end up in Team A and Team B again? Same old nonsense in and out! Stupid POLITICS and more stupid POLITICIANS!

  13. “Umno will not impose any conditions and we accept whatever terms set by PAS”.

    Now that is an outright lie. 40 yrs ago such statements could actually work to trick voters. That is also to say this statement is now obsolete by 40yrs.

    Not many in pas are in favour of the unity thingy. Nonetheless that was enough to make umno jump with joy. In fact they danced as if the song of joy was sang by all in pas. Of course it is another misjudgment by umno (something they are prone to doing) and another own goal scored as the unfolding events of the near future would show. (The other big time recent fatal misjudgment was the illegal power grab in perak.) By their own conduct both the dancing pm and dpm have had the 1malaysia song amended. ‘SIA’ suddenly become a vulgar appendage to that beautiful song.

    Their strangely unified and nicely choereographed moves show clearly to all malaysians that the 1malaysia piece was actually a lipsynced performance merely. It is now more obvious then ever that the 1malaysia cry came from a recorder that was hidden somewhere in the backstage. It matters not actually if umno’s heart was never behind the 1malaysia call (something we all know), but what matters most is that the adam’s apple in umno’s throat was not even troubled into making any sound that resembles “o-n-e-m-a-l-a-y-s-i-a”.

    The conclusion therefore must be this: Like the bait that was thrown at pas (i.e. that umno will impose no terms and will accept any terms impose by pas) the 1malaysia cry is another 40 yr old lie.

    They know well (for they are seasoned politicians) that pas will not be taken in by the bait – not one that is 40 yr old anyway. But they throw it anyhow. So more than as a bait to entice pas, that sickly outdated bait was thrown as an insult to pas and to malaysians. Insulting voters is the last thing a political party would want to do.

    1. Should 1MALAYSIA be for the People or just for the sake of ONE major Ruling Party?

    Any Party who keeps on ignoring the Rights of ALL PEOPLE but only emphasized on the grabbing of Power. But, at the same time keeps ignoring to Perform with Accountability, Credibility, Transparency with Efficiency with due to go!!


    GE13 should not be far away, if most MP can be “1” conscious and not PARTY conscious!! PK should promote their “1” for the sake of GE13!

    Don’t waste too much time to draw the attending of the People towards the Political Show of BN, but, DO YOUR OWN SHOW RIGHT!!

  15. If Muhyiddin simply wants to talk to PAS in order to sabatoge Pakatan Rakyat by creating some suspicions among the component parties of Pakatan Rakyat, then it is much better for PAS to split into a faction of 1/2 Loyalist PAS and a faction of 1/2 Umno-sympathiser PAS so that Pakatan Rakyat can decide on which 1/2 of PAS shall remain as the legitimate member of Pakatan Rakyat.

    If Muhyiddin wants a talk with Pakatan Rakyat which includes DAP, then I believe there will be something for DAP to talk about.

    DAP may talk about things like transferring of many more powers from the Federal Government to Penang State Government, such as the power for the State Government to impose state sales tax, the power for the State Government to approve an intra-state infrastructure construction project or water supply project without seeking the consent of the Federal Government, the power for the State Government to sign a privatisation project with any private businesses, including a foreign-owned private businesses.

    For other matter such as the allocation of post of Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, DAP can leave it for PKR, PAS and Umno to decide among themselves with the acknowledgement necessary to be given to DAP on the outcome of the final talk. However, DAP should try to seek as many state rights as possible for Penang because it can safely be predicted that Penang will be put under the administration of DAP for at least the next 9 years.

    There will never be permanent friends or permanent foes in politics. The most important principle here is that the Federal Government shall not continually be given too much political power and administrative power until the survival of a state government can easily be jeorpadised by the Federal Government’s unfairly withholding the financial allocation falling due to the state government according to the allocation method permitted by the Federal Constitution and/or according to the contractual agreement signed between the State Government and the Federal Government.

    A unity government is not necessary the must-have outcome of the talk. By agreeing to the talk, DAP can at least be given a chance to ask for more to be given by Barisan Nasional, such as Barisan Nasional’s consent to a constitutional amendment in order to lay path for the transfer of more rights from the Federal Government to the Penang State Government!

  16. It is clear UMNO has 3 main objectives in the so-called unity talks with PAS (1) to split PAS right down the middle by weaning away Nasha, Hadi and Mustapha from Nik Aziz, even to give them ministerial positions (2) split PR, by pitting PAS against PKR and DAP and (3) to stop growing numbers of Chinese from supporting PAS. If you look at UMNO’s cunning move, it hopes with one attempt to kill all three birds with one stone – the stone of so-called Malay unity and Islamic solidarity which PAS is very susceptible to as Malay= Islam in Malaysia.UMNO has to do this because it is worried to the point of desperation to see PR consolidating. It wants to stop PR in its tracks and PAS is the easiest to wean away of the 3 PR components. Watch the Manek Urai by-election. UMNO cannot afford to lose, but neither can PAS. If UMNO loses, another bad egg splat in Najis’ face, if PAS loses, split within it will be wider, and Nasha, Hadi and Mustapha will be under a lot of pressure. Watch the series of PR meetings next week to resolve the issue and get the rife in PAS and PR healed.

  17. It is really an irony. Because of 12th GE, UMNO woke up from its slumber and talked about reforms – reforms I believe of trying to be more inclusive and less racist.

    Before they could do one minor thing right (for example, UMNO youth trying to help the poor Indian Malaysians in Melaka to get their birth certificates), they are now talking about unity government with PAS. See, they can’t wait to go back to pre-12 GE. This is their DNA. Can we change one’s DNA?

    This is the last chance. Should oppositions falter and go their separate way, UMNO-BN will come back with a vengeance. This time, they will make sure the oppositions in Malaysia will never see the light of the day again.

  18. I think those who think that UMNO is sincere about a unity Government is naive and has short memory. Tell me when had UMNO had become so accommodating and docile to say \we will not impose any conditions and we accept whatever terms set by PAS”. TO able to make such statement without thinking of the implication openly tells something is suspicious and if you still jumps into it . God helps you. Remember a time when they openly told their no 1 partner, The MCA that they can get out of Barisan anytime they like as they have enough MPs to form the government.
    Would they dare to tell the same thing to MCA now that they are sliding down a slippery slope. The slope is so slippery that their best hope now is to con PAS as they know there are some power hungry leaders in PAS to join them but when they regain strength, they will chuck them out and by then PAS will be so weak that they will never be able to get up again. Well we hope that the evil UMNO will not be able to outsmart PAS spiritual leader, Nik Aziz which we hold high respect for him for his integrity, honestly and steadfastness.
    Lim Kit Siang, I have my confidence in you that you will not fall into UMNO’s trap with your vast experiences and wise thinking.

  19. I think most of us can see the true colors of UMNO except some power hungry politicians who will only dig their own graves they get conned by UMNO. As what limkamput says “once they regained strength, they will finish off the opposition who will never see the light of the day again”
    Always remember they have gone through more experiences than many parties and politics is like a chess game, UMNO is just trying to checkmate PAS. And by taking away one block, they know that the opposition wall will crumble. That is their strategy. There is certainly no sincerity in UMNO for a unity Government except to climb on PAS to crumble the opposition, as the see PAS as the most suitable victim and can be a good decoy to deceive the Malays.

  20. I think most of us can see the true colors of UMNO except some power hungry politicians who will only dig their own graves they get conned by UMNO. As what limkamput says “once they regained strength, they will finish off the opposition who will never see the light of the day again”
    Always remember they have gone through more experiences than many parties and politics is like a chess game, UMNO is just trying to checkmate PAS. And by taking away one block, they know that the opposition wall will crumble. That is their strategy. There is certainly no sincerity in UMNO for a unity Government except to climb on PAS to crumble the opposition, as the see PAS as the most suitable victim and can be a good decoy to deceive the Malays. PAS, please wake up to know who is your enemy and who is your friend.

  21. is our parliament becoming a white elephant soon?

    are all the political parties not talking about unity in the parliament?

    are all the political parties not discussing the economy in the parliament?

    what do they do in the parliament? this is an utter absurdity! Failure to keeping up the functions of the parliament, the speaker and his deputy shall resign!

  22. I think most of us can see the true colors of UMNO except some power hungry politicians who will dig their own graves once they get conned by UMNO. As what limkamput says “once they regained strength, they will finish off the opposition who will never see the light of the day again”
    Always remember UMNO have gone through more ups and downs and had experiences than many parties. Politics is like a chess game and here UMNO is just trying to checkmate PAS. Taking away one block, they know the opposition wall will crumble. That is UMNO’s strategy. There is certainly no sincerity in UMNO for a unity Government except to climb on PAS to crumble or crush the opposition, as they see PAS as the most suitable victim and can be a good decoy to deceive the Malays. PAS, please wake up to know who is your enemy and who is your friend.

  23. Sabah Umno especially the non malays members should set terms to DPM too that they should not be marginalised. Or these guys better leave Umno and PAS to take care of the malays’s interest.Don’t you guys ever have any feeling at all ? So much talk about Umno and Pas and malays unity,yet you guys still have hearts of ice.Non malays Umno members should realised by now that they are not wanted but needed by Umno just to win some mixed constituencies in the state of Sabah.Please wake up now before its sucks.

  24. Onlooker Politics Says:
    Yesterday at 18: 38.05
    For a State to run properly, the Adminstration system must function accordingly. But many are under Federal Laws/Acts that it will always at the mercy of Federal. NOW, almost at the mercy of GOD!! Can you see the Federal are have a lot of POTS without lids? Without the Federal Government doing their jobs with a Fair Law and ACT, this can never be done! Such as Banking, Immigration, Police, Judiciary, Housing, Municipal and the Public Servants, etc..

    If a State Government cannot even has a saying on Public Security on the Police, KUP, AG, etc.. to keep the Public safe, who will invest on that State? Or, rather, People will move out!

    What are the Merits of Penang over other States? The last 15 or more years without proper maintenance and WILD developments had ruined its position even with a Port. The Marine conditions is worse even for the Sewage. The Coastal Road system already cut its throat by allowing Housing Development along Batu Ferringhi and needs coastal bridges if to develop. Even the Federal Government can impose TOLL within old State Road network!


    It is dangerous to be Tempted with some extra terms of possible self-governing offered by BN??

    ONLY A FAIR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT with FAIR CONSTITUTION AND LAWS can provide NOT only the necessary Self-Governing of each State but ALSO THE DIGNITY OF EVERYONE not on basis of Race, Colour or Party!! – NO BEGGING but right demand for necessary Funding and Supports from the Federal!! Only Party with this kind of thinking will work. IF DAP, PKR and PAS do not think deep as being PK but only their own Parties, Malaysia has NO HOPE!!

  25. The PM and the DPM is the worst team of UMNO history.
    Dollah brought back the most corrupted man….because Mat Tyson is the man….Mamak hated most.
    Look at Najib……….bringing back unwanted MCA and Gerakan men. Is that the sign… he is People’s PM?
    Those are the signs…UMNO BARU is not being governed for Malaysians. They govern based on their personal whims and fancies…from the time Mahathir …took over.
    I hope those UMNO BARU members wake up to know…that is not \UMNO\. If they love Allah…they should know UMNO BARU is evil..selfish…corrupted to the core…. racialists…never move forward at all.
    Weak men like Najib and Muhyiddin are used….and the very smart ones are filthy rich…noted to be corrupted too….so cannot be DPM.
    Melaka CM chucked out…because of his bragging……saying \UMNO will rule forever\……and proven to be offering bribes to win votes..the very idea….Mahathir encouraged..for 22 years….now twisting saying others bribed to get him vote out in a small by-election. That man and Samy faces are equally thick and sickening.
    This will be the last team of UMNO.
    53 years….still want one party to govern us? Why…..without UMNO…Malaysia…all gone..conquered by foreign powers?
    Lets see how many more half past sixes can UMNO BARU keep fooling to get votes.

  26. Muhyiddin is not playing any games.
    Firstly he was most of the time in Johore and know next to nothing about governing whole of Malaysia.
    Secondly…he is a slow learner.
    Thirdly…he was chosen because he is the only person…with less stolen money. He seems to b contented with few millions…not so greedy.
    And last of all….not so smart….but must at least can talk Rias Yatim….full of nothing….only acting and crab walking.
    Nothing to catch him for….as UMNO BARU is protected by a tean of professional gangsters.
    Remember…Mahathir said…”Money is power”
    How think.. he can be PM for 22 years?
    Corrupted to the core… is his success.

  27. “It is dangerous to be Tempted with some extra terms of possible self-governing offered by BN?? (House Victim)

    Any danger arising from being “tempted with extra terms of possible self-governing offered by BN” will surely not be a danger much bigger than the danger of PR’s being accused of non-performance in Penang because of lack of necessary funding or lack of legal rights for formulating and implementing a state economic policy which is bound to benefit the Penangites at large!

    Therefore, Penang State Government should ask for much more state rights to be transferred from the Federal level in order to lay path for self-autonomous governmental function in Penang.

  28. Onlooker Politics Says:
    Today at 22: 43.19 (1 hour ago)
    Thanks your input.

    1. The DANGER is the “WE” attitude of PK is not there! And, still dreaming BN to be one o negotiate for more POWER and FINANCE. The Problems of Malaysia is it has been a POWER-SHARING Politics for the past 50 more years than necessary or allowed without a fair JOB-SHARING DEMOCRACY. The former can only be minimized with a Fair Constitution picturing the BIG WE – ONE MALAYSIA for each and Every Malaysian.

    2. Do you think Penang can change even with DAP there, say the next 50 years, without the Stipulation of a Fair Position of Penang in the Federal? A lot of Middle East countries has a huge natural resources and they are in Shit!! Because People are not getting their Rights and the necessary protection from the Government. So, PLEASE BEAR in mind, POWER & Finance are not the Key to Prosperity of a Country but the Respect of Human Rights of People by the country. USA IS ONE OF THE POOREST COUNTRIES AS HE HAS THE BIGGEST DEBT ON EARTH!!

    3. If a Government cannot even provide PEACE TO DAP for a Night (a few hours) for FATHER DAY and been draining the Resource of the Country for at least the past 20 years or more. And, contracted in God knows how many concessionaires or alike for the next 10-20years! DO YOU THINK THIS SHOULD BE A PARTY FOR NEGOTIATION?

    The IDEA of “No permanent enemies or friends but BENEFITS” had put the Benefit of ALL MALAYSIAN on the Table of POLITICAL PARTIES for POWER SHARING. And, this is the main cause of the loss of ETHNICS of Politicians, the Parties and each and every one involved!!

    Did Penang has a bright History before? Even under BN?

    Once again, Please let the PEOPLE decide who should be the PM and what should be BASIC for each and every People and so the State!

    PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, ONLY A ‘ONE PK’ FOR A ‘ONE-MALAYSIA’ will be able to return the POSSIBLE GLORY OF MALAYSIA!! PK must decide now and the near future who should LEAD ONE MALAYSIA!! NOT DAP, PKS or PAS!! There is one BN and they got one of the Richest Resources on earth. They will fall because they had not been Ethically and only talking of Internal Benefits for the past xx years!! How many holes you can find in their Books?

    REFORM THE CONSTITUTION, LAWS and the System – the Rights of People and a fair Job-sharing of ALL States will eventually come – Openly and Transparently – NO MORE BEGGING POLITICS!!

    Let the People as well as the States stand with ALL THE DIGNITIES stipulated and deserved under the Constitutions!! in the Direction of ONE MALAYSIA – with Human Rights!!
    Give People the POWER (Human Rights) to Give the State Government The POWER (AND ALSO THE OBLIGATIONS) to Develop!!
    DAP & PKR cannot even protect the Rights of ONE Penangite against the Police towards one NOTORIOUS lawyer in Penang. Can People expect DAP or PKR to run Penang prosperously? Or, to expect “Prosperity”without “Personal Security”!!

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