Lee Kuan Yew keeps corruption at bay

By Tunku Abdul ziz
In MySinchew

I BEGIN with a confession. I may be fairly described as a dyed in the wool admirer of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s Minister Mentor. I am pleased that his recent visit to our country went well. He was received and treated as an honoured visitor, in the grand palaces and everywhere else he went, as well he should, because Lee undoubtedly played an important and historic role in the creation of Malaysia as a political entity. That is a historical fact.

I am glad that Lee gave Mahathir a wide berth. It would have left a bad taste in the mouth if he had asked to meet the bitter old man of Malaysian politics. Mahathir could have been relied upon to be obnoxious and boorish as only Mahathir knows how. His reference to Lee as the little emperor from a small Middle Kingdom is vintage Mahathir, dripping with venom and uncharitable innuendoes. The man, Mahathir I mean, is a total disgrace to the Malay sense of gracious hospitality and traditional decorum. I suppose the kindest thing to do is to ignore Mahathir and let him continue to entertain the sad fantasy that he is an indispensable part of our country’s process of governance.

Lee Kuan Yew is far from perfect. His record on human rights and media freedom is well documented, and there is not a great deal to choose between his and ours. We should wipe off that feeling of smugness. On balance, though, Lee runs a tight ship and Singapore’s pre-eminent position as a modern, affluent and corruption free society owes entirely to his vision and his determination. What he has achieved for his country in the face of the hopelessly impossible challenges says a great deal about his single minded devotion to public duty in the public interest. Enriching himself or his family has never been part of his game plan.

He has never wavered in his belief right at the outset that corruption, humanity’s greatest curse, was not going to be a feature of Singapore’s governance model. His administration is both clean and efficient, and Singapore’s economy is among the most competitive in the world. Judged against most indicators, Singapore is among the top global performers. While we wallow in corruption and are daily buffeted by one financial scam after another, the ‘Little Red Dot’ – the highly offensive name former President Habibi of Indonesia gave Singapore – continues to notch one accolade after another. Singapore has shown that size does not matter.

I am often asked the reason for my being such a loyal Lee Kuan Yew fan. It goes a long way. As I have said, he is not without a blemish or two, but no man has done more to curb corruption in public life as Lee, to the eternal gratitude of his people who are well served by a corruption free civil service and political leadership. The benefits for Singapore have been enormous in reputational terms. Investors know that their investments are safer in Singapore than in many other jurisdictions because Singapore operates a justice system that is incorruptible.

Singapore has succeeded in curbing corruption to a degree that is rarely achieved elsewhere in Asia, except possibly Hong Kong. Singapore does not need a bloated anti-corruption bureaucracy such as we have with our ineffectual Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that is a drain on public funds. But what Singapore has in large measure is political will riding on the shoulders of a remarkable leader whose abhorrence for corruption takes on an almost messianic crusade. When we think of Singapore before Lee Kuan Yew, what comes to mind was a country that was a corrupt colonial backwater, filthy, ugly and smelly, not unlike Hong Kong at that time in its history.

Today, Singapore has shown the world that by confronting corruption decisively, and by putting in place systems and policies specifically to make unethical public behaviour a high risk and low return business, a country will become competitive which is the name of the game in the globalised economy. How do we fare by comparison?

The government, in spite of protestations to the contrary, tolerates corruption in all its manifestations. I am not just talking about money changing hands. That is bribery, but equally insidious is bending the rules and exploiting loopholes with a view to defrauding the nation’s coffers. The Port Klang Free Zone scandal is a case in point, and yet we are being told to move on without any of the perpetrators being called to account for their part in this multi-billion ringgit swindle. The government must do its duty in ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice. A scandal of this order of magnitude even for a country such as ours that is so used to living cheek by jowl with grand corruption on a daily basis beggars the imagination. We wait with bated breath to see what Najib will do in this case. Or is he no different from Mahathir and Badawi?

Through sheer force of character, and leading by example, Lee Kuan Yew has been able to make a difference to the lives of his people. Singapore is able today to punch way above its weight. It is a respected name, human rights NGOs may disagree, and I for one wish Singapore well in its relentless fight against man’s most debilitating social ill.

94 Replies to “Lee Kuan Yew keeps corruption at bay”

  1. Tunku, despite your age, you still don’t understand. Our MACC is ineffective because there is no corruption. Our investigators have not been able to find any proof of corruption, hence cases closed. No proof means no corruption in Bolehland. What’s so difficult to understand ?

  2. Mamakthir stamped out corruption so forcefully and efficiently that his successors Badawi and Najib did not have to deal with corruption. Bolehland is so clean, so time to sing the praises of your own country instead of praising LKY.

  3. It’s what front that counts.
    Singapore is far far more prosperous…advanced and united than Malaysia…..under Lee Kuan Yew.
    Mahathir is a typical sour grape…full of jealousy and a sickening racialist…so arrogant…so sarcastic..so disgraceful as a Senior Statesman from Malaysia.
    I am delighted to see Lee Kuan Yew have been well received by all he met…making him happy with fond memories..and noting Nik Aziz thumps up for Lee…Mahathir showed his true color with his usual low class comment.

  4. Actually the PKFZ RM12.5 billion loss is not corruption. It is just plain daylight robbery by people wearing coats and ties. That’s why mca leaders get angry when you call them corrupted. Must call them robbers.

  5. “The man, Mahathir I mean, is a total disgrace to the Malay sense of gracious hospitality and traditional decorum.”

    As far as I know Mahathir is a ‘keling’ and his name is Mahathir A/L Naina Kutty.

    Singapore leaders do not boast about their religiosity and holiness or pray five times a day but they are clean. Here our UMNO leaders are all munafik. They give sermons while amassing millions after that.

  6. Very good observation by TAA !

    When S’pore PM steps down, he is an asset to his country. When Dr M steps down, he bullies the new PM.

    He criticizes everything he does, but never criticizes corruption, nepotism or other unfair practices or discrimination.

    TAA is right, the greatest honour for DR M is to live him alone. Let him continue to entertain us with his creative, sometime wild, skit.

    Honestly speaking I really enjoy what Dr M had been saying all this while because it is so refreshingly comical and entertaining.

    Well done Dr Mahathir

  7. Mahathir is one person who does not believe that there are permanent friends and enemies in politics. He can be your very good friend today, but very bitter enemy tomorrow. Look at the way he cursed George Soros but when the Jewish American visited KL for a forum, Mahathir behaved as if Soros was his good buddy! I remember when Mahathir made his first visit to Singapore as PM in 1981, he and LKY became very good friends to the extent that S’pore/Malaysia ties enjoyed one of the best periods. LKY even agreed to turn back Singapore’s time by half and hour in line with Mahathir doing so to bring West and East Malaysia to the same time zone.

    But all these good ties evaporated as fast as they came and Mahathir was certainly at his worst when he called LKY all kinds of names during the latter’s visit to Malaysia.

    However if by some strange stroke of luck, LKY were to agree to Mahathir’s crooked causeway bridge proposal which was aborted by Dollah and which Najib does not want to revive, you can bet your bottom dollar he will make a complete about turn and praise LKY sky high!

  8. Even though MM Lee Kuan Yew’s recent visit to Malaysia had been a very successful one which was being accorded with warm welcome by many Malaysian people (except Dr. Mahathir), I still found that there was an inadequacy which might have skipped the attention of the far-sighted MM Lee.

    Why didn’t MM Lee pay an official visit to the Sultan of Johore first before seeing Najib? Didn’t Singaporean politicians realize that the Sultan of Johore is the most powerful man in Johore? Our former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (AAB) ever attempted to replace present Menteri Besar Abdul Ghani Othman with Khalid Nordin in 2004. However, at the very night before the day of 2004 election nomination, AAB had to change his mind because the Sultan of Johore franked that Abdul Ghani Othman was still the favourite choice of the Sultan for the post of Menteri Besar of Johore.

    If Singapore Government is still keen to see the success of building a Third Link between Singapore and Johore, then Singapore’s PM Lee Hsien Loong or Elected President Mr Nathan will be advisable to pay a courtesy visit to the Sultan or to the heir-apparent Tengku Mahkota Ibrahim of Johore.

    Please do remember that the Court of Appeal of Malaysia has recently ruled that the Sultan has the discretionary power to appoint and the discretionary power to dismiss a Menteri Besar. In other words, the Court of Appeal has just made the Menteri Besar a puppet of the Sultan. How is Singapore going to get a Third Link with Johore if the Sultan does not give his consent to the construction of it?

  9. LKY and Mahathir have one thing in common: they are both dictators.

    But, the similarity between them ends here. While LKY successfully transformed a poor country into one of the world’s best-run country, Mahathir on the other hand squandered a God-blessed country into a nightmare of corruption and a dysfunctional state bordering on anarchy.

    Remember, Singapore and Malaysia have the same set of problems. Singapore has already solved all their problems 40 years ago, while Mahathir and his successor are still grappling with the same problems over and over again without solving even one problem for the past half a century. Worse, while old problems are left festering, new problems are being added to the cauldron of despair for Malaysians who ever wonder why it is so hard to even solve any problem. Can anyone challenge me that Malaysia has ever solved even one problem out of the many problems that it is facing now?

  10. “Singapore has already solved all their problems 40 years ago, while Mahathir and his successor are still grappling with the same problems over and over again without solving even one problem for the past half a century.”

    Why would Mamakthir and his ilk bother to solve our problems ? Through nepotism and cronyism, the solutions purportedly engineered to solve our problems have made the cronies rich beyond belief.

    In Bolehland, problems represent opportunities. You can’t get rich unless there are problems to solve.

  11. Has Singapore produced an individual like Daim who could afford to buy banks in Africa and elsewhere ? Has Singapore produced an individual like Syed Azman who has a helipad at home and commutes to work in his helicopter ? How many Singaporeans have private jets of their own ? When will Singapore have a free trade zone as big as PKFZ ?

    Does Singapore have a Putrajaya, a cyberjaya ? Nah, LKY can’t match the Emperor Mamakthir.

  12. Indeed. Corruption in our beloved country had achieved its “developed” status much earlier than the “developed” status of our country. The “corruption” had evolved from its old or unsophisticated form of simply asking and taking of bribes to what I termed as the “conmannism” of Malaysia.

    There are so many conmen and conwomen of all races, actively thinking, seeking and devising new schemes to swindle the Rakyat monies, not just in millions but in billions. As the amount involved is so big, they not only cheat and steal the “present money”, they also cheat and steal our “future money”.

    The sole intend and purpose of these con artists are to maximise their takes from whatever projects that they proposed. It will be totally naive to expect these con artists to deliver good services or products as so many millions of RM had been wasted in the corruptive processes. Just look at the collapsed roof a brand new of stadium, leaking roof of the newly renovated Parliment House (unbelievable !!) and the nearly collapse fly-overs of the MRR2, etc. What about the many badly designed toll roads (results of cutting corners) and the looped sided concession agreements signed on behalf of us, the Malaysian tax payers and road users. As for the PKFZ case, it is definitely a World classic as it is a record breaking act of these con artists.

    As we know, these selected group of con artists are fully embedded in the political process of our country, just look at the behaviour of various warlords and the “money politics” so prevalent in the present dominant ruling parties. Thanks goodness, we know that we have an alternative now and a better future tomorrow, as there is HOPE in the Pakatan Rakyat.

  13. YB

    Minister Mentor Lee is one of the great thinker + statesmen of the 20th century. He is in the same league as Churchill, Roosevelt , Deng Xiaoping etcs.

    Governments world wide recognize his visions. Countries all over the world welcome him as a honourable guest + listen when he speaks.

    Most of all, he is perhaps the greatest Social Democrat alive + ever live.

    For us Malaysians to look down on him + his achievements, reminds me of what his Foreign Minister (my all time favorite SEA politician, Mr S. Rajaratnam) told the Indian Republic President; \Don’t try to tell us how to suck eggs, when you don’t even have eggs to suck on\.

  14. ///The man, Mahathir I mean, is a total disgrace to the Malay sense of gracious hospitality and traditional decorum. ///–Tunku Abdul Aziz

    The man does not follow Malay custom and he is technically not Malay according to Article 160; he is tru and tru a Mammak.

    If LKY is said to be a dictator, then he is like a benevolent absolute monarch, and he works for the interests of the people.

    Mahathir have good reasons, to himself, to resent the visit of LKY. LKY could have been a very important leader for Malaysia if TDM did nothing to earn the reputation of Malay ultra in the 1960s, and if Jaafar Albar did not organize the 1964 riots on Prophet Mohamad’s birthday procession, which among others led to the eventual separation of Singapore.

    Mahathir said that it would be meaningless to Malays in Malaysia if Malaysia had attained the standards of Singapore if Malays did not rule in Malaysia. To him so long as Malays rule, the country would be perfectly successful even if it has gone down to the level of Zimbabwe or Myanmar. That is the definitional views of a racist.

    TDM considered ten millions and more Malays in Malaysia were happy to remain in low income group compared to the world, so that Mahathir, a NEWMalay barely qualify by the grace of Article 160 of the constitution, could be emperor. As absolute monarch, he was able to dictate to Malay Rulers regarding their personal behaviours and he could choose NEWMalays and original Malays at his pleasure to become fabulously rich through easy to national coffers, or through availing monopolistic rights. Their wealth facilitated money politics. It s the misfortune of Malaysia that the supreme leader for two decades chose to use race to discriminate against other races, at the expense of Malays too.

    Mahathir needs not apologize to Mammaks since Mammaks gain both financial and political power during his reign but true Malays suffered primarily for earning a lower income and purchasing power, compared to the world.

    NEP was utilised by Mahathir to give the impression that Malays enjoyed unparallel benefits. This is especially so when it is looked upon as giving Malays an easy lives, without any consideration to make the race proud of their achievements. A little reflection would reveal that despite their hard work, Malays did not benefit fully from the learning efforts they put in because they had been misled in schools by low quality teachers. The teachers whose quality was suspect because they enrolled at a low entry standard into teachers training colleges and universities as a concession to Malays. Further Malays who failed to meet the prescribed standards were allowed to graduate, because of the special privilege accorded to them. Such graduates lower the standards of performance in government services, and the citizens suffer collectively. But as teachers, they produced low quality students despite the efforts put in by the students, and that contributed to the cause of having some 60,000 unemployable graduates. Certainly some among those of similar standards ended up as teachers who unknowingly mislead their students, and the vicious circle continues. Even as Malays graduates ended up as competent professionals, their capacity was always in doubt. UMNO politicians would only openly criticise successful Malays as the product of NEP when they are no longer in UMNO, and to UMNO leaders all successful Malays owe their gratitude to UMNO. The efforts put in by Malays are not even recognised by UMNO Malays, and non-Malays know the sensitivity to keep assessment to themselves.

    UMNO leader who had graduated from abroad simply have no respect for local graduates, and they had arranged for the sons, daughters and relatives of the cronies to receive overseas scholarships. That was why the list of successful candidates for scholarships award is state secret.

    The ills in the country started after May 13, and TDM had a big hand in Malaysia’s decline. LKY’s visit reminds him of his failings, and TDM had to divert attention. Not all the people can be fooled all the time.

  15. I respect LKS’s analysis of his brother, LKY, LOL. I don’t think any BN leader comes anywhere near to LKY in terms of ability. Singapore will never survive under anyone of them, what with a lack of natural resources, not even water! As for Mahathir’s charade, it seems to reflect only himself and his hypocrisy. Prosper thy neighbour, so he says, and then try to hike the price of water. Water, by the way, is not like other commodity. We have a lot of Pahang River water flowing into the South China Sea. Why not charge China for it, after all, the Sea is named after them. But LKY seems to have a neurosis that may explain his intolerance for opposition and different viewpoints. Otherwise, he would be the perfect man.

  16. Actually the PKFZ RM12.5 billion loss is not corruption. It is just plain daylight robbery by people wearing coats and ties. That’s why mca leaders get angry when you call them corrupted. Must call them robbers.

    Good one, k1980!

  17. Yes we also do not like a Lee Kuan Yew as PM in Malaysia…as he also governed S’pore like a dictator.
    But we don’t mind having him…for he never steal tax payers money.
    Imagine 22 years under him instead of Mahathir….

  18. MM Lee may look like a dictator but his action is for the good of his people not himself.TDM is indeed a kind of a dictator for most of his action is for himself and his cronies,not so much for the people.Singapore is booming ,why ,it’s because it manages pretty well especially corruption which is consider now to be the lowest among Asian countries.For Malaysia,dome is likely as it still struggling unsuccessfully to contain the continueous erosion of corruption and human rights abuse.The current malaysian leaders’s lackadaisical attitudes towards these two matters have made the situation even worst. I think why TDM is so arrogant,sarcastic and jealous of MM Lee,is that he failed and MM Lee succeeded.

  19. You can talk all you want but you can’t deny the fact that…. Negarawan Ulung Tun Dr Mahathir, is an inspiration for all of us…. His guiding principle based on integrity and realism has done a lot of good for the nation….He is truly international statesman who shaped this nation into wonderful destiny,,, Every Malaysians and the rest of the world still look up at Tun Dr Mahathir with respect and praises. Tun Dr. Mahathir, is a truly Malaysian Hero….Thank God…DS Najib has inherited TDM’s intellect and is seen as a safe pair of hands to lead this country…..Needless to say, the oppositions, particularly DAP still lack of a good leader with vision and ability like him

    Majority regrets with DAP’s negative attitude towards our beloved motherland. On the other hand, they seem to admire a TINY country which they claimed to be outstanding in all aspects…Furthermore, majority is disenchanted with DAP’s policies which favor a particular ‘ethnic’ group……

    We should be grateful here that everyone is treated equally and fairly without discrimination……..In a tiny country, 14% of its population is systematically marginalized…… They are prohibited from holding high positions in military/top government agencies…..they cant even fly the fighter jet….given a clerical post in the cabinet… We all know meritocracy does not exist. in the TINY country…… Last but not least, Minister Mentor is nothing compared to Tun Dr Mahathir….

  20. Godfather is right indeed…Through nepotism also an unqualified son can become CM….leaving behind those more senior than him….. In fact, there are similarities between DAP and the leader of a country…… not far from here….The most common one is nepotism…However, that country creates an official post called Minister Mentor while DAP has the similar position which they don’t declare officially (CM Mentor)….

  21. This is my experience – Mahathir did lead Malaysia and Malaysia did improve. Take Perak’s Menglembu new village in 1970s and now. Lee Kuan Yew did lead Singapore and it definitely did improve.

    Both men did lead and improvements did happen.

    Nevertheless, Lee Kuan Yew had put in place a political renewal process and sustainable change continues. He stepped down as PM in 1990 and it’s been almost 20 years. Say what you like, to me, Lee Kuan Yew is no longer running Singapore day-to-day operations now. Lee Hsien Loong is.

    Contrast this to Malaysia. Racial politics and corruption scandals. Are Singapore Malays happier than Malaysian Chinese? note: I use the term happier and it does not means either are perfectly happy. You know the answer.

    YB Lee Kit Siang had even said there is an annual begging period, usually after the release of SPM results.

    Is Mr Lee perfect? No, far from it. Is Mahathir perfect? No, he is not. However, let’s be fair to both. They have changed the countries they had led. Only the degree of change is different.

    One had a more lasting impact and greater change. The other is lesser. But both did manage to change things for the better. Cintanegara and Chengho will have their opinions and I still struggle to fanthom how they reached these conclusions.

    I have live under both their leaderships. My vote goes to Lee Kuan Yew.

  22. Every Malaysians and the rest of the world still look up at Tun Dr Mahathir with respect and praises. – cintanegara

    my answer: I would not totally agree. Only some, not all would look up to Dr M with respect and praises.

    Tun Dr. Mahathir, is a truly Malaysian Hero….Thank God. – cintanegara.

    my answer: Yep agree. He is Malaysian Hero. He might not have been an Indonesian hero or an Indian Hero (Indian as in ‘India’ the country e.g. M.Gandhi, R.Gandhi, I.Gandhi, J.Nehru).

    DS Najib has inherited TDM’s intellect and is seen as a safe pair of hands to lead this country – cintanegara

    my answer: I agree that in sense that it is safest pair of available hands.

  23. Imagine 22 years under him instead of Mahathir…. – monsterball

    Well it depends when the 22 years could have started. If it had been 1965, wow Malaysia could have been much better or maybe destroyed because of racial tensions.

    If the 22 years were to start now, it might not to be enough. Malaysia is too steeped in corruption. But then maybe, just maybe, it can be cleaned up.

    Monsterball, what do you think?

  24. I respect LKS’s analysis of his brother, LKY, LOL. I don’t think any BN leader comes anywhere near to LKY in terms of ability. — ekompute

    I would add: I don’t think any Malaysian political leader comes close. That includes the ones in opposition party as well.

    Agree? Disagree?

  25. Frankyapp says: “I think why TDM is so arrogant,sarcastic and jealous of MM Lee,is that he failed and MM Lee succeeded.”

    As far as principles is concerned, TDM pales by a far shot. We are lucky that Islam is the official religion in Malaysia and TDM is Muslim, otherwise, we will have a Marcos in our hands!

  26. Mahathir is worshipped by Mugabe and other tinpot dictators. That’s why he is so famous. That’s why Cintanegara loves him….for financial corruption, for corruption of the judiciary, for corruption of the PDRM. Mamakthir is a hero indeed to his small band of followers. They all live under the coconut tree.

  27. ekompute Says:
    “We are lucky that Islam is the official religion in Malaysia and TDM is Muslim, otherwise, we will have a Marcos in our hands!”

    I am perplexed. You know how many people you have just insulted. So Mahathir is bad, but not so bad because he is a Muslim? Marcos is bad and very bad because he is not Muslim (I don’t want to mention the religion of Marcos because our half baked moderator may delete what I post here. Suffice to say Theresa Kok may not like it also).

  28. Recently, Dr Chen Man Hin proposed UMNO to abandon old politic and work closely with the TINY country to bring up prosperity and progress…As expected… DAP core supporters welcome the ideas….Most of them, urged the Government to remove NEP and other privileges, enjoyed by majority… of course… the special privileges are stipulated in the Federal Constitution…. What if this really happened?…. certainly…it will cause sudden unfair disadvantage to the majority……Why only one side should sacrifice? Would that country consider appointing minority as the PM? if they agree with the proposal….probably there’s a room for discussion….

  29. Owah, Cintanegara has turned around. Look at his masterpiece here:

    You can talk all you want but you can’t deny the fact that…. Mahathir, is the greatest drag this nation has ever produced. His guiding principle based on cronyism, corruption and nepotism has imposed great toll to this nation….He is truly an international pariah who bring great shame to this nation. Every Malaysians and the rest of the world should be ashamed of him. Mahathir is a truly a Malaysian Zero. Najib has inherited TDM’s traits and it seems the pilfering of this country will go on and on. Needless to say, if the oppositions particularly the DAP with its capable and clean leaders take over, the vision of Malaysia will become reality.

    Increasingly Malaysians are now embracing DAP’s positive and inclusive nation building efforts. To achieve that, DAP is willing to draw first hand experience of our neighbor down south – a tiny country with no resources but has achieved outstanding performance and command admiration from many other countries. Furthermore, more Malaysians are now attracted to DAP’s policies which favor inclusiveness and multiracialism.

    We pray that parochialism and discrimination will soon be over and everyone born here will be treated fairly and equally. Using our neighbor in the south as an example again, Singapore is the only country in South-East Asia where Malay minority need not migrate and shoulder hardship to work as maids or construction workers abroad. When the time is right, they will be given high positions based on merit and loyalty.

    To conclude I just want to say that Mahathir is nothing compared to Minister Mentor.

  30. Owah, C!ntanegara has turned around. Look at his masterpiece here:
    You can talk all you want but you can’t deny the fact that…. Mahathir is the greatest drag this nation has ever produced. His guiding principle based on cronyism, corruption and nepotism has imposed great tolls to this nation….He is truly an international par!ah who bring great shame to this nation. Every Malaysians and the rest of the world should be ashamed of him. Mahathir is a truly a Malaysian Zero. Naj!b has inherited TDM’s traits and it seems the pilfering of this country will go on and on. Needless to say, if the oppositions particularly the DAP with its capable and clean leaders take over, the vision of Malaysia will become reality.
    Increasingly Malaysians are now embracing DAP’s positive and inclusive nation building efforts. To achieve that, DAP is willing to draw first hand experience of our neighbor down south – a tiny country with no resources but has achieved outstanding performance and command admiration from many other countries. Furthermore, more Malaysians are now attracted to DAP’s policies which favor inclusiveness and multiracialism.
    We pray that parochialism and discrimination will soon be over and everyone born here will be treated fairly and equally. Using our neighbor in the south as an example again, Singapore is the only country in South-East Asia where Malay minority need not migrate and shoulder hardship to work as maids or construction workers abroad. When the time is right, they will be given high positions based on merit and loyalty.
    To conclude I just want to say that Mahathir is nothing compared to Minister Mentor.

  31. I think those who want to be involved in corruption stayed on one side. There is no market for them to practice corruption in Singapore. Malays in Singapore are of high moral, and so are the Chinese and Indians. After decades, we could see the gap widen between the two sies of the strait.

  32. Mamakthir is the father of modern corruption. He engineered the award of projects to his cronies and relatives at the highest cost. He built, or approved the building of, the most white elephants that today symbolise the rule of the corrupt: Cyberjaya, Proton, Putrajaya, PKFZ, Bakun, Perwaja…..the list goes on. This will be documented as part of history.

    Mamakthir can’t run, and he can’t hide.

  33. Worse, the father of modern Corruption now insists that Najib must follow in his footsteps. You see, cintanegara, Mamakthir needs more corruption to dilute his corrupt track record so that it won’t look so bad for the next 30 years. If Najib doesn’t agree to Mamakthir’s style of corruption, then Mamakthir will go against Najib and lobby for a more compliant successor.

    This is the UMNO way. “Jom Cari Makan” is the real slogan for UMNO.

  34. ChinNA Says:
    //This is my experience – Mahathir did lead Malaysia and Malaysia did improve. Take Perak’s Menglembu new village in 1970s and now. //

    Owah, so discerning. Tell you what, Menglembu after 30 years does not need Mahathir to improve. Mugabe pun boleh.

  35. Well, I dont blame anybody here for mesmerising what is rightly due. What I dont understand is how we all forget the past, only see the present, and rejocing it. How do we all courted justification, when the owner is being denied of ownership? May be its all about a specie who ran away from their homeland, or being deported and transported, or a gene full of colonial accentuation… They all see things – including justificatin – according to their taste.

  36. So you are. Did you not run or being chased out from your homeland once? Who is the owner here, you? Colonial accentuation? Oh yes, we can’t wait. Look at Africa and elsewhere, colonialism should be bought back a long time ago. At least most natives would have sufficient food and clean water. Look at the situation now. Self native rule, my a**.

  37. khairi ali Says: Well, I dont blame anybody here for mesmerising what is rightly due.
    I for one am very grateful. I’m not sure whether I’ve ever mesmerised what is rightly due or not, but if I have, or ever do mesmerise it, I look forward to relying on khairi ali’s non-judgemental attitude where matters unrelated to ancestry are concerned.

  38. //In a tiny country, 14% of its population is systematically marginalized…… They are prohibited from holding high positions in military/top government agencies…..they cant even fly the fighter jet….given a clerical post in the cabinet… We all know meritocracy does not exist.// by Cintanegara


    Sorry.In that tiny country,the major population has much more talented people than a certain race which accounts for 14% of its population .

    Even in this Bolehland,the minority(the same race as the major population of that tiny country) have more talented people than the major population(the same race as 14% population of that tiny country.Hence ,this Bolehland government has tried to resort to all sorts of quota to prevent the minority from being dominant in all areas.

  39. There is 2 brains here, with a normal yardstick one is superior, one is inferior. Of course there is many different yardsticks, standards and motives to judge these 2 brains. For an ordinary citizen which standard of living is the prime concern, LKY’s shortcomings is within range of tolerance. At least this so call dictator has never been accused as election rigger, the most heinous crime a dictator sure-do thing.

  40. cintanegara:

    You talk about a talented minority race in a tiny little red dot who are prohibited from holding high positions in military/top government agencies…..they can’t even fly the fighter jet….given a clerical post in the cabinet.

    The fact of the matter is that none of the so-called talented people that you picked out of the thin air has ever wanted to migrate to this mother country so that they can enjoyed all the privileges that were denied to them in the so-called accursed red-dot country.

    cintanegara, can you provide the names of this so-called discriminated, talented people? I can assure you that these people frequently cross over the causeway to visit their relatives and to take a holiday but they would never want to be citizens of this country. In fact, they despised their spoilt brother Malays like you.

  41. I always wonder why few keep hero worshiping Mahathir for all the so call…great things he had done.
    Godfather have exposed well..no need to repeat.
    At first I too..thought.. he was a good PM for 10 years and later changed to evil minded.. for the balance 12 years….until I was corrected by few wise Muslims…he was all evil for 22 years and still is..all evil..right now.
    Those white elephant monuments….like the Twin Towers…Putra Jaya…are serving his ego to brag to the world…Malaysia is so filthy rich and successful..to fool the whole world.
    He led the Malays to the typical…braggart character…we are seeing today.
    So we can presume anyone who wishes to hero worship Mahathir….are well trained double headed snaky ..braggart racialists…and most successful of all in blogging is non other than Rocky aka Attan. In this blog.. are some cheap class copycats of Rocky.

  42. VSP….don’t jump into conclusion until you get the facts right….How well do you know Anita Sarawak? She left the TINY country in 1986 to pursue her singing career in Los Angeles…She returned to Malaysia (not the TINY country) after her contract ended… For your kind information…she has been living here for more 10 years…..Furthermore, do you know M.Nasir….the popular composer? He has changed his citizenship to become Malaysian……Despite all the good things about the TINY country, propagated by DAP ….I wonder why every year more and more citizens of the TINY country migrate to other countries (Canada. Britain, USA, Australia, Malaysia etc)…. Consequently…y. they have to import people from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan to overcome the serious decline in their population….

  43. Poor rich little cintanegara:

    The little red-dot dictator LKY that you despised totally has earned the grudging respect of all the nations in this world, while your highly esteemed leader Mahathir has been reduced to a whimpering grouch who thinks that everyone need to bow down to him in homage.

    Wake you will you?

  44. cintanegara:

    Anita Sarawak and M. Nasir? This is where their market is. For your information Anita Sarawak prefers to live in the US.

    Other than that where are the marginalized minority who are prohibited from holding high positions in military/top government agencies…..they can’t even fly the fighter jet….given a clerical post in the cabinet?

    Their choice where their heart still lie is still the accursed little red-dot country.

  45. VSP…it is useless to talk logic to one who does not understand growth needs more workers for a limited populated country..like S’pore..and I have been in the music industry long enough to know..it is useless to talk to one…who knows next to nothing…on singers and songwriters….way of life.
    You challenge anyone to debate you…and look at the reply you get.
    Yes…will the ever wake up……I wonder!!
    Have a nice Sunday!

  46. You know wot? Godfather is absolutely right. Yeah. Corruption does not exist in malaysia. No. Not anymore. Thanks mahathir. Thank Q badawi. And good job najib. I love you all. And you too cintanegara for all your enlightening, profound and highly intelligent comments and views. Btw can I hv a signed photo of yourself pls. I will frame it up and put it next to kwang kong – err no on top of kwang kong. That is a more prominent position.

    Me a “New and proud umno convert”.

  47. Wowww…I never knew Monsterball has been in the music industry for many many years…..Probably he is the famous folk songs composer………..recently, he made such claim that he used to be an activist…being shot by the water cannon etc….Next time if we talked about football….he will probably claim that he was a national player in the 60s…the same team with Ghani Minhat, Robert Choe, Chow Chee Keong. M Chandran etc….

  48. hahahahaha….What do I think..ChinNa asked me.
    I think you pretty smart and cute writer.
    I think Mamak wanted to make Malaysia upside down..but his ego to be Emperor of all races..and love to brag to Lee Kuan Yew….he also got Chinese supporters too. 22 years passed..did as he like..even showing to LKY he can have a plane load travel all over the world..with tax payers money..can LKY dare to do that?
    Now…UMNO is angry…wants to have confrontations with the people…but the people have turned to be so loving…..meek and mild…smiling way…even get arrested….the likes of Malaysians UMNO have never seen before……get them all completely off guard….do not know what to do with us…one apply “1Malaysia”..MCA …OKT.. avoid answering questions..said will sue LKS….Mhyuiddin…talking likev an idiot…..Rais Yatim nonsense talking too. That is the rough picture of what I think.
    Why so?
    UMNO BARU is sailing to no where.
    Just be patient and enjoy…being arrested..hahahahahahaha

  49. cintanegara…concentrate on the music industry.
    What do you know…tell me?
    Why bring this or that out that I have not said anything at all?
    What a low class shit man you are.
    Why are you such an idiot…putting words into my mouth?
    Talk music industry …since you brag you know how singers and songwriters way of life.
    Yes…I eat sleep and work with them for more than 15 years.
    Do not know the MAN…do not try to be too smart!!
    I am humble….but I will expose you no backbone.. racialist voters…to make sure voters do not get influenced by your kind of character.
    Come on!! Talk Music Industry…or shut up!!

  50. cintanegara…concentrate on the music industry.
    What do you know…tell me?
    Why bring this or that out that I have not said anything at all?
    What a low class man you are.
    Why are you such an idiot…putting words into my mouth?
    Talk music industry …since you brag you know how singers and songwriters way of life.
    Yes…I eat sleep and work with them for more many many years.
    Do not know the MAN…” MONSTERBALL? Do not know..just shut and do not try to be too smar with me!!
    I am humble….but I will expose you no backbone.. racialist voters…to make sure voters do not get influenced by your kind of character.
    Come on!! Talk Music Industry…or shut up!!

  51. Get it clear..I was the first President of the Malaysian Retail Music Industry..in Malaysia.
    Want to know more?
    Why do you think I divorced 3 wives…yet all are still my loving friends?……and still have one more….hahahahahahahaha
    Music Industry la….you idiot!!
    If I ever got into the acting industry..I sure cannot tahan…sure dead by now…hahahahahahaha

  52. “Would that country consider appointing minority as the PM? if they agree with the proposal….probably there’s a room for discussion….” (cintanegara)

    You are trying to mislead the Malaysian people with half-truth or false truth here. Don’t you know that the post of the PM is not an assigned post which can be appointed by anyone without the majority consent of the voters? The PM post in Singapore is an elected post and not a designated post like the premiership of Najib which was appointed at the grace and mercy of former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and at the pleasure of the Yang Dipertuan Agong.

    It is also not true to comment that the minority will never be allowed an opportunity to hold a high ranking official post in Singapore. Don’t you ever know that the present Elected President of Republic of Singapore, Mr Nathan, is coming from a minority group which believes in Hinduism?

    I remember during early 1990s, I used to have a short-while encounter with the couple of Mr Nathan at an Indian Restaurant at Geylang Serai, Singapore when Mr Nathan was simply a retired government officer lunching at the restaurant. I was quite impressed by Mr Nathan’s friendly gesture for he was willing to take the initiative to shake hand with me and to greet me even though I was just an ordinary customer eating at the roti plata restaurant. From the brief conversation with Mr Nathan, I could strongly feel that this gentleman was a highly respectable human being for he cared to show his compassion towards a young foreign worker like me who took pain to leave his Malaysian hometown in order to earn a living in Singapore because Malaysia did not provide a good employment opportunity for him.

    In conclusion, Singapore is a nation practising meritocracy. Only those people who are merited will deserve to be elected into the top post of the Government Office, no matter whether he is from the majority ethnic group or from the minority ethnic group.

  53. Suddenly so quiet!
    On sports..I was selling bowling balls..bags .lanes and accessories …..all imported from USA…while you are sucking mother’s milk.
    And I was the bowler of the year and Asian Champion…on a year…bowling was not supported by the government..but competitions are still manage by the same organization.
    Go ask…Dr Nathan and Holloway Cheah…who is monsterball.
    Football you say?…why those are my favorites local players too. Do you know them? At that period….we are second to none…competing first in South East Asia…with South Korea only.
    Now we are the worst in S.E.A.
    I gave up watching local football.
    You see…when you are used to success…you have no time for failures.
    Want to talk world football and players?
    So young man….when are you going to learn to respect people who have eaten more salt than you eat rice?

  54. LKY turned a poor island state into a developed nation surpassing most other developed countries. In the beginning he had to be very firm with trouble makers as those were turbulent times. LKY was aware that a neighbouring country was using race issues to run down his government and his country, hoping to take over the country but, fortunately for Singaporeans now enjoying the fruits of LKY’s labour, their sinister plot failed. LKY – a visionary leader and a statesman respected the world over.

    MM ruled Malaysia for 22 years like a pharaoh. He amassed great wealth for himself and, to keep those around him satisfied, allowed corruptions to go unchecked. Claiming to have the interest of the Malays at heart, he actually made the majority of Malays poorer and struggling to be on par with the other races. Money supposedly meant for the poor Malays mostly went into the bank accounts of Mahathir’s UMNO BARU leaders.

    Malaysia is a blessed nation with abundant natural resources. If only MM had just a little bit of LKY in him, Malaysia could have become one of the riches countries in the world. Sadly, as we can see, it is at the brink of becoming a failed state.

    After comparing the two men and the two countries, LKY is a world-recognised STATESMAN. MM is a self-proclaimed statesman.

  55. well what do you know? in the monkey’s incessant chatter, he tries to talk about many things under the sun to show that he’s a jack of all trades, but master of none! First he says he does not like Lee Kuan Yew but then contradicts himself by saying he does not mind him. Well monkey as everyone in politics knows, if you don’t like some person, you will certainly mind very much his tyranny and will go all out to support those to finish him off. Are you trying to say that you don’t like Najis and UMNO, but do not mind them? But I guess everyone will agree with me this is the warped logic your pea-sized brain works.

    Now the monkey claims to 1st president of Malaysian Music Retail Industry..did he tell anyone that just like he messed up the flowers, he made such a big laughing stock of himself and made Elvis Presley roll in his grave by quoting all the wrong lyrics of Elvis’ famous songs in movies like Jailhouse Rock and King Creole! Not only that! He put Neil Sedaka’s famous song Run Samson Run out of context and made Juanita Hall so ashamed again in the wrong context he messed up her song Happy Talk in South Pacific. Now he monkey boasts so much about Chubby Checker, but if you play him Chubby’s song, he will only end up twisting himself in knots because as they say, he can’t tell his arse from his mouth!

    Oh,now he tries to run down cintanegara by claiming himself to be the Asian bowler! Why he can’t even bowl his own pea-sized balls despite trying very hard to do so to give credence to his ridiculous nick!

    He will spew more and more hot air as he gets more excited and agitated and like William Hung of American idol, he will think he is the greatest commentator when everyone thinks he’s the biggest buffoon…ha ha ha…

    When he has tired himself out with his antics, the monkey realizes that he’s discarded and unwanted, chained to a long pole in the alleys of Chow Kit pitifully holding out a cup for people to drop coins into it…ho ho ho…what a monkey!

  56. cintanegara says:

    “would that country consider appointing minority as PM?

    Dear cintanegare,

    First, you ought to know what a democracy is. The PM and government leaders are voted in by the people, unlike Malaysia where the PM is “appointed” by a race-base party viz, UMNO Baru. Onlooker Politics has made so clear to you. May God help if you still do not understand.

    When PM Lee said that ” Singapore is not ready to have a PM from a minority group” we should appreciate his frankness.

    Being predominantly Chinese, the chances of a PM coming from a minority race is not only dim, but practically nil, more so when the present government is doing a very good job. It is not that a non-Chinese cannot be one. They can form a political party and contest in a GE. Singaporeans are not racists like UMNOputras and many Malays here who even protested strongly when a highly qualified woman from a minority race was appointed to head a government run organisation.

    cintanegara, the minority group you are referring to are very happy and proud of their government. If MM or Najib or even you, cintanegara, were to contest in any election in any constituency where the Chinese voters form the minority, you would lose your deposit.

    The minority there are intelligent people. They are different from the majority here. You are one of them.

  57. well my friend, the godfather,

    Look at the way your godson the monsterball is firing away at all and sundry as if there is no tomorrow, or maybe he has gone beserk or something insulting the intelligence of the people, by boasting of his exploits, blah,blah,blah…and what have you. Aren’t you going to say he should show “respect” to others, especially those who get tired of scrolling through the vast garbage he is spewing just so we can get on to read the next commentator? or are you going to say, carry on monsterball this is your right? Well as the godfather, you the best judge for yourself

  58. “…while you are sucking mother’s milk.”

    didn’t know of anyone who ‘sucks’ his or her mother’s milk?? i thought you drink milk and not suck milk. you learn new things on this blog. this one sucks.

  59. Kontiki:

    Don’t look for fault when there is none. Monsterball is responding to the idiot cintanegara, and he has every right to do so. I would not have done it if I were in his shoes, because it is UMNO’s way to distract and divert attention, but then I am not in monsterball’s shoes.

    “Firing away at all and sundry” is a gross exaggeration.

  60. Godfather,

    Who are you to say whether I should or should not look for faults in what monsterball says?Just as he has every right to respond to cintanegara, why should I or for that matter anyone, not have the same right to criticize what says? I am not siding cintanegara, but who are you to call him an idiot, when it is clear to all and sundry, that monsterball is the bigger idiot here? Whether you are in his shoes or not, nobody bothers, but don’t bring UMNO in as an excuse just to defend monsterball. Of course \firing away at all and sundry\ to describe monsterball’s diatribes is a gross exaggeration to you. Who can blame you, his godfather for saying so. Even to criticize him in the way we did may also be gross exaggeration, right? Do you mean to say all that monsterball has been saying this time, one comment after another on the same issue, is not an exaggeration? Are you trying to keep reminding everyone to allow monsterball to fire away relentlessly to offend all and sundry just because of his age?

  61. Monsterball frequently goes too far in my opinion, but he is also censored from time to time by the admin here. If any of you are at all fond of a future where free speech is in any real sense ‘free’, I should get used to being offended every now and again. You say so when you’re offended and then go and march around somewhere in public holding placards saying “monsterball hold your tongue!”, and then go home and think about what to protest about next. If he writes something that breaks a law, report him and let the police deal with the matter. Ganging up on him is, in its own way, oppression.

    It has nothing to do with his age – there are objectionable commenters of all ages here, I’d say. In the words of that ever-so-respectable fellow, when you see his comments, you should ‘close one eye’.

  62. The way I see it, the idiot Kontiki was out to get monsterball for his comments either from some other blogs or from other threads of this blog. Maybe he is just an MCA agent trying to distract us from the real issues at hand.

  63. Oya, Godfather, someone of your stature should know that it TAKES A BIGGER IDIOT to spot and idiot! And rightly so for someone who just cannot accept the fact that his godson is after all a monkey. If Godfather should visit other blogs, he will die of shock and heart attacks to see all the expletives hurled at his godson. And of course no one buys godfather’s ever tired refrain that anyone criticising his godson is an MCA agent, to distract us from rightfully criticising his godson!

  64. Orang Rojak, precisely when you see his nonsensical comments, you just close one eye or scroll through. But haven’t you noticed that our monkey is adamant, in fact to the point of forcing people who are fed up of his comments, to have to bear with his follow-up succession long-winded diatribes which is nothing but a lot of hot air in disjointed thoughts, bad spelling, etc, etf, such that deliberate obstacles are placed in their way when they scroll through. It is just as if a persistent salesman is trying to sell you his half-past-six product after you have repeatedly told him no. And what’s more our godfather encourages him to do so as if it is his god-given right!

  65. Orang Rojak, while I agree with much of what you say on the controversy regarding monsterball, I’m afraid I don’t buy your line that all those who gang up against monsterball is oppression. You must understand that monsterball has offended a lot of people. All those who gang against him despite their differences do so against a common enemy. Just like DAP, Keadilan and PAS gang up against UMNO because it is their common enemy. I have been following the spat between Kontiki and godfather and am disappointed that godfather called Kontiki an idiot when obviously this is not the case, going by the thread of his arguments. In refuting Kontiki, Godfather can do better than merely giving vent to his exasperation the way monsterball usually does

  66. Excessive name-calling and phillis bustering in someone’s comment will eventually spoil the good image of this blog!

    The moderator sometimes acted too fast to block the posting of some comments which made sense but on the other hand failed to censor those comments which got involved with personal ego problem! Why is there so much inconsistency in the principle of doing moderation for the comments in this blog?

  67. Bossa Roo Says:

    You must understand that monsterball has offended a lot of people. All those who gang against him despite their differences do so against a common enemy

    Theo van Gogh offended a lot of people. He could reasonably be described as offensive, on any number of grounds. His final ‘peer review’ could have been more moderate.

    Monsterball is not your enemy, his contribution just isn’t to your taste. If you don’t want to trade insults with him, just ignore him. If it gets too much, plead with the admin, or try to find a photo of him online, print it out and stick pins in it. I’m not sure, as I’m a fairly recent visitor to this blog, but I don’t think you’ll be able to rally many of the regular commenters here to your cause – you’ll just be amplifying the noise.

  68. “Excessive name-calling and phillis bustering in someone’s comment will eventually spoil the good image of this blog!….. Why is there so much inconsistency in the principle of doing moderation for the comments in this blog? Onlooker Politics commented
    Today at 22: 19.33 (42 minutes ago)

    Yes, it will be interesting to find out what enlightening principles, if any, underpin moderation of this Blog, when a free rein appears often to be accorded to a few commentators in this blog who habitually denigrate and disparage others whose opinions or comments they dislike or disagree – by just conveniently calling or labelling them “idiot” and “moron”.

    Rarely an accurate description on the factual level of those intended to be insulted and more often than not just a means to boost the insulter’s own, they persist in such tactics when they vare unable to refute or rebut in civil and rational opinions or comments they disapprove, dislike or disagree at the emotional level.

    These are people to whom no amount of reasoned argument can possibly influence their position. They are anti-rational and in calling others idiots they forget they are the real Godfathers of all idiots!

    There must must be some profound principle behind Moderator’s tolerance of such characters, though I am yet to divine it.

    Maybe they will bring out the best and patience in the rest! :)

  69. Sorry Typo omissions in 3rd para from the top rectified in capitals: ” …Rarely an accurate description on the factual level of those intended to be insulted and more often than not just a means to boost the insulter’s own EGO, they persist in such tactics when they ARE unable to refute or rebut in civil and rational WAY opinions or comments they disapprove, dislike or disagree at the emotional level…”

  70. mamak kutty,dun blame LKY on the 3-cent water contract,in the first place,it showed that our former pms are not far sighted and lack of knowledge n bargaining power!

    if you can believe whatever black -ink written in Quran thousand year ago,and sometimes yell for ‘jihad’ if someone were to oppose islam,WHY CANT YOU ALSO OBEY AND ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS STIPULATED IN THE CONTRACT JUST FEW DECADES AGO?

    this are the kind of sacrifices we have to pay if we keep on appointing UMNO head as the PM,like the iranians had just said,”WE DUN WANT SELECTION,WE WANT ELECTION!!!!!!”

    is our current PM selected by majority of malaysians?mind you!

  71. hi folks,

    pls give comments base on the red -coloured title above,do not bias to other corners like arguments or personal attacks,we have fed-up with your self-explained defenses!

    pls,go back to basic,if someone gives stupid and naive comments,just ignore them,bcos if you respond to them,they will be more aggresive,right?

  72. Tunku fail to note that while we may criticise Singapore for what it is good at, we unfortunately also copy what Lee Kuan Yew is bad at – poor democracy, poor media freedom, pandering to elite (they their scholars/mandarins while us the UMNOputras)…

  73. Why would anyone need to rebutt or refute the foot-long comments of a narcissistic show-off whose main mission in this blog is to show off his “eloquent English” ? We of poorer English just need to comment in one sentence what a pathological show-off comments in 10 paragraphs, and then complains “teacher, teacher, I’ve been misquoted !”.

  74. Umno and umno supporters have this thing against singapore and they absolutely detest any comparison drawn between malaysia and singapore.

    So lets forget singapore then since umno would be upset. Lets use taiwan or even korea or maybe hk. Well taiwan and hk should not be considered really because they are not countries. They are actually a part of china. Now we are left with korea. Yeah its now down to Malaysia vs Korea.

    More than Malaysia vs Singapore, Malaysia vs Korea will produce a surer loser in malaysia I am afraid. Malaysia’s heavy industry (HICOM started by mahathir) has failed. Malaysia’s car industry (PROTON and PERODUA started my mahathir) also has failed (life line thrown in by the gobermen). Malaysia’s steel industry (PERWAJA started by mahathir) has failed. Malaysia’s multimedia supercorridor (Mahathir’s gift to the world) has failed. Malaysia’s PKFZ (started by Mahathir) has got entangled in big time corruption (mother of all scandals).

    And korea? Needless to say, umno supporters would insist that malaysia is better than korea. Umno supporters would say malaysia is first class, first world, 6 stars and second to none and UiTM is better than Harvard and Oxford combined.

  75. LKY came from a special era in history. Because of him, Singapore transformed for the better.
    Malaysia’s race-based policy is very irrational and unfair. I’m very puzzled that TDM couldn’t have foreseen that the irrational and unfair race-based policy would lead to the country becoming poor and backward. The late Tunku had seen the racial hatred in Dr. Mahathir then and sacked him. In retrospect, we find that we are now suffering from his authoritarian and unfair rule.
    For Singaporeans, it is precisely the opposite. They endured decades of curtained freedom, but most important of all, they understood their leader LKY as a very dedicated and brilliant leader. The Malays supported him because as sincere in helping them though projects like Mendaki. The Singapore government made no secret of their willingness to understand the minority Malays. They studied the Malay mind, built a big mosque in Jurong, etc. Malay couples ho register themselves as husband and wife for the first time are given priority to purchase HDA flats, etc.
    As far as I know, M. Nasir, Anita Sarawak moved to Malaysia to advance their music and other careers, never because they disliked their Singapore government, less still for facing discrimination against them by their government. In fact, M. Nair once earned the dislike of some Malaysians by questioning something like ‘Who is this Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir?’

  76. TAZ in his article LKY keeps corruption at bay is definitely misleading the readers. He says Singapore’s justice system is incorrupitble. I totally disagree. What justice the opposition guys there got from the Singapore judges. By comparison Malaysia to a large extend has a better judicial system. Take for example the numerous law suits filed by Lee against some of the opposition members including the late JB.Jeyaretnam who was literally driven to his grave as a bankrupt. Lee walked away with lots of money from his law suits. Even JBJ sons, Cambridge educated could not get jobs in singapore at one time and they wrote to the goverment complaining. JB Jeyaretnam, a lawyer and a former judge in Singapore could not even sell a book he has written in the book shops in singapore and had to resort to selling them on the five foot way at MRT stations. Lee’s bullying tactics of former Singapore President Mr.Devan Nair is well known globaly that led to his resignation. Compare Lee’s tactics to any malaysian prime minister be TAR. TAR,THO, TDM, AB and Najib. I will say our PM’s had better human rights record compared to LKY. The only credit you can give Lee is that he has economically brought Singapore to a level even comparable to the US . Of course corruption is way down in Singapore. so is their human rights record.

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