Unity government: A case of mid-summer madness

By Tunku Abdul Aziz

It must have to do with the unusually hot weather we are experiencing that has brought about a touch of mid-summer madness among one or two senior members of PAS who have decided against their better judgment to break ranks to engage Umno in talks about the prospects of forming a national unity government. Otherwise why would reasonably sane people want to risk peer condemnation and denunciation by doing the unthinkable? This is the most charitable explanation I can offer.

We need a national unity government like we need a hole in the head. The thought of sleeping with the ethically debased and morally detestable Barisan Nasional government is simply too abhorrent to contemplate. Are we such reckless and irresponsible gluttons for punishment that in spite of having endured the Umno excesses in social, economic and political terms these last three decades, we are now asking for more of the same? That, believe it or not, is what we will get for our trouble. Umno will be more than happy to oblige.

They have nothing to lose and everything to benefit from our mindless gamble with our future. Why are some of us so eager to go to bed with a political party that has not one redeeming feature left to justify our risking our hard-earned reputation? Where are our much trumpeted principles of honesty and integrity? Are we no different, after all, from the Umno that we despise? Don’t we care two hoots about the people up and down the country who campaigned and voted for us and gave us five states to govern because they were disgusted and fed up with the Umno majority government and its antics?

That some members of the top PAS leadership could even think of getting under the blanket with BN, and Umno in particular, is extremely worrying. We must never lose sight of the fact that when voters across the nation threw their very considerable support behind the DAP, PAS, and PKR on that fateful day of March 8, 2008, they wanted change, not just any change, but the sort of transformation that would put paid to the unbridled, wonton political corruption that has left this country in total disarray on every conceivable front.

Yes, this country with all the natural resources at its disposal could quite easily have been catapulted to the top of the high-income countries league table without too much difficulty under a different management. Talking about making Malaysia into a high-income country under BN is self-deluding, and Najib knows it. He must know that corruption and competitiveness make strange bedfellows. Najib, who must know a thing or two about corruption in Umno, must realise without any prompting from me that unless he is prepared to confront corruption decisively, he can kiss goodbye to any dream of a prosperous Malaysia on par with the likes of Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan in our corner of the globe.

That vast numbers of people wanted an incorruptible government was precisely the reason why they cast their votes against the BN component parties to deny them their accustomed two-thirds majority that they had had taken for granted as if it was their divine right. The magical two-thirds gave them the legitimacy to trample on our rights to good governance. They did not give us the votes so that we may traffic with the likes of Umno. They wanted us to act and behave differently and to give substance to the notion of public duty in the public interest.

To be seen associating with Umno whose moral reputation is in tatters is tantamount to giving comfort and succour to the corrupt in our midst, and betraying the trust and confidence of the rakyat in our integrity. That cannot do our own reputation any good at a time when people are starting to ask what is it that we are doing that is going to make a difference to their lives. We had better have the answers ready, sooner rather than later.

What do we hope to achieve by working with Umno when we have absolutely nothing in common with them that will benefit the nation. Umno has been stuck in the same old corruption groove as long as I can remember, and it wants to remain where it is because corruption is the opium that feeds its soul and dulls its sensibilities. Is this really where we see ourselves fitting in? PAS has to think through all this very carefully because it owes to its supporters, well-wishers as well as its partners in Pakatan Rakyat a clear and unequivocal explanation for this aberration. Or there more to this than meets the eye?

We who have long been in the opposition should know how difficult it is to earn public confidence, and surely we do not need this madness now to terrify those sitting on the fence from coming down on our side. If earning confidence is difficult, think how much more difficult it is to retain it. We must not put our supporters’ goodwill to the test by this highly risky and dangerous venture. The consequences are too terrible to imagine.

Umno will like nothing better than see us sow the seed of our own destruction. That party and its leadership have fritted away their ethical capital and have no moral authority to lead this nation. We have and we must protect our reputation by distancing ourselves from the scams and scandals that dog their every step.

A national unity government is totally irrelevant because there will be no change in the way the affairs of this country are managed unless the BN government is shown the door at the first opportunity.

Let us work towards that objective by coming up with practical and sustainable policies based on social justice and equality of opportunity for all Malaysians that will transform this country into one that will have an honoured place at the top table of the world’s respected nations. My advice to Umno is that there is life beyond corruption.

28 Replies to “Unity government: A case of mid-summer madness”

  1. Thank God, PAS has Tok Nik Aziz to put some sanity into this madness or else these madmen – Hadi and Nasaruddin – will destroy the party as UMNO laughs all its way to empty our federal kitty.

    Why do men who love Islam want to unite with the devil?

  2. It was a stupid idea but what worries me is that those in PAS don’t get it that its a stupid idea. If this thing ends with them thinking its not a stupid idea, they are bound to repeat it with another stupid idea…

  3. \That some members of the top PAS leadership could even think of getting under the blanket with BN …\ tunku aziz

    why not? if one wife does not satisfy us, why shouldn’t we go to the next one, and the next until we find one most able to meet our needs? isn’t that what democracy is about? the freedom to choose.

  4. There is no midsummer madness, there is no crisis. Only the mainstream press wants the rakyat to think that there is. It’s just a group of people who think that it is now time to get involved in the politics of Trengganu, especially as the oil royalties are now directly handled by the state. RM 5 billion in funds under management.

    This is what Hadi is eyeing – the power possibly to be CM of Trengganu and the scent of money all around him. You ask PAS supporters in Kelantan. They are all for Tok Guru.

    These cowards realise that the game is up, and they have gone into hiding. What sort of politicians are these ? Not contactable ? Hahahaha…..

  5. For the past 50 years, UMNO has been dividing the rakyat of Malaysia by calling the Malays bumi and the non-Malays non-bumiputra.
    All their past leaders are failures, not only that they did not improve the situation but instead, they are making it worst by coming up with things like ketuanan Melayu.
    On another hand, they are making-up jokes like 1 Malaysia.
    Only fools and the 3 years old will fall for this joke.
    The world is getting smaller and all humans must work together for our future survival, racist tactics use by UMNO is outdated by at least 30 years and the thing is most Malays still don’t know this.

  6. So what do MCA, Gerakan, SUPP say now about UMNO trying to work with PAS? That is, they have to work with PAS as well!

    They used PAS to frighten the Chinese, and now??? UMNO is trying to dump these Chinese parties by combining with PAS, right?

  7. Islam has always been a plaything to UMNO and BN. When it is to their advantage, non-Malay component parties will use it to threaten the rakyat and even openly support the establishment of an Islamic state. This was what was endorsed by Chew Mei Fun and Ong Ka Ting those days when AAB declared Malaysia as an Islamic state! Chew supported the “Malaysia is an ISLAMIC STATE” declared by AAB in early 2008

    If at all Malaysia IS an ISLAMIC STATE, then where would MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP and the other non-Muslim political component parties in BN stand? An Islamic state is solely managed by Muslims and how then can MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP and other BN parties represent the rakyat in Parliament?

    But then, during the previous GEs, MCA has been using this “Islamic state” thing to threaten the Chinese into voting them! So it looks like Islam has been such a useful tool to these BN guys!

    In fact, Islam has been misused and abused by BN all these while and the proposed unity government is yet another way of telling MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP and the others “Your time is up, please get out”! (or convert yourselves to join the FUN)!

  8. The real solution for the impasse of the present rotten BN illegal Govt is that Interim Government for Good Governance of NGOs and other patriotic personalities without bias under Joshua Kong as the PM.

    FAST action now for the YDP Agong.

    pw: renn trition

  9. ///That vast numbers of people wanted an incorruptible government was precisely the reason why they cast their votes against the BN component parties to deny them their accustomed two-thirds majority that they had had taken for granted as if it was their divine right. The magical two-thirds gave them the legitimacy to trample on our rights to good governance. They did not give us the votes so that we may traffic with the likes of Umno. They wanted us to act and behave differently and to give substance to the notion of public duty in the public interest.//–Tunku Abdul Aziz

    The Pakatan members of MP and DUN should be asked to memorise the above lines. Those who have shown a desire to join UMNO or BN should be allowed to go now, after resigning their elected positions.

  10. It’s confirmed!
    PAS will not meet UMNO without DAP and keDAILan…and PAS racialist idiot who proposed it…no where to be seen.
    Let it rest.
    To me…it is a political stunt…with so many interpretations.

  11. Dear Tunku, it is called power and money intoxication. We find this type in all political parties and in all affiliations, including DAP and PKR, not just PAS and UMNO-BN. The only difference is UMNO-BN had enjoyed and is enjoying the power and money now. DAP, PKR and PR have not got the chance yet.

    What then must the right-minded do?

    If we want a clean government, that government must be clean from day one, no if and no but. DAP and PR must be ever vigilant and uncompromising on integrity on all their leaders no matter how inconvenient it is for the party to overlook the weaknesses out of expediency. Lee Kuan Yew visited us recently. That was what I learned from his memoirs – how he went about setting up a clean government from day one. For Malaysia, there is no doubt many want a corruption free government and society. But I think we have passed beyond the threshold to achieve that now. Many are now relying their hope on DAP and PR. Remember, never compromise on integrity, no matter what and no matter who is involved, and begin a clean government from day one, not one day, one week, one month or one year later.

  12. What sort of politicians are these ? Not contactable ? Hahahaha…..

    Hmmm, may be in secret negotiation and the next announcement is the two will join UMNO and switch camp. The same modus operandi like Jelapang, Behrang and ??? what already.

  13. “The only difference is UMNO-BN had enjoyed and is enjoying the power and money now. DAP, PKR and PR have not got the chance yet.”

    yes, it is only fair that they be given the opportunity now and not having to wait. it is dap’s (and pkr and pas) turn to rob, rape and plunder. that’s what power does, isn’t it? it corrupts.

  14. Muhyiddin now desperately trying to push through unity govt of UMNO and PAS not only to split PAS, but the PR itself. Muhyiddin is now playing on crass communal and religious sentiment of Malays and Muslims unite. Unite for what? Against whom? Muhyiddin is appealing to the conservative ulamaks in a desperate attempt to make them hate not only PKRM and DAP, but also the professionals group in PAS.
    The people in PAS who are hit hardest are Nasharudin, Mustapha Ali and Hadi, especially Nasharudin who has gone into hiding. Nasharudin made the biggest mistake of welcoming Najib’s statement on the unity govt which prompted Nik Aziz to demand he joins UMNO. Nasharudin now trapped into choosing either UMNO or PR. If he “welcomes” again Muhyiddin’s offer, I think Nik Aziz will convene special assembly to sack him, which is exactly what UMNO wants. They want him, Hadi and a few others to defect from PAS to join UMNO in exchange for ministerial positions. If he rejects Muhyiddin’s offer, nasharudin will continue to feel unhappy in PAS and PR which he feels sidelines PAS. Will be interesting to see what transpires at proposed meeting between Nasharudin and Nik Aziz. Given that Nik Aziz’s support base is much stronger in PAS than Hadi’s or Nasharudin’s, Nasharudin will be forced to toe the line..because he knows that he will be finished politically if he joins UMNO. Overnight, voters of Bachok in Kelantan will heed Nik Azizs advice to reject him totally. Even if he joins UMNO, Nasharudin will be cast aside once UMNO has no more use for him.

  15. yes, it is only fair that they be given the opportunity now and not having to wait. it is dap’s (and pkr and pas) turn to rob, rape and plunder. that’s what power does, isn’t it? it corrupts. tom dumbo

    Yes, this is what the corrupted dumbo would think and do if he helms the party.

  16. “why not? if one wife does not satisfy us, why shouldn’t we go to the next one, and the next until we find one most able to meet our needs? isn’t that what democracy is about? the freedom to choose.” (TomThumb)

    TomThumbb is trying to preach some occultic beliefs here. Islam does permit a man to marry four five, conditioning upon certain core requirements to be fulfilled in advance to a marriage proposal. Such requirements include the followings:
    1) The man himself must be financially capable to meet the livelihood needs of the existing wife or wives and is still having excessive means to meet the financial needs of the new wife;
    2) The man himself must be sexually capable to satisfy the physical needs of the existing wife or wives and is still having the excessive sexual stamina to satisfy the sexual desire of the new wife;
    3) The man himself must first seek and obtain the approval from his existing wife or wives before he is permitted by the Islamic Law to marry a new wife.

    So, marriage does not mean a man can simply f*ck around until until he “finds one most able to meet his needs!” The marriage bond between a husband and a wife should always be based on mutual good faith between one another, based on personal fidelity, and also based on common inclination towards a same focus of worship!

  17. “it is dap’s (and pkr and pas) turn to rob, rape and plunder. that’s what power does, isn’t it? it corrupts.” -TomThumb

    TomThumb’s crude way of pointing out the obvious. He knows the BN party he supports is filled with shit and has been robbing and raping this country like nobody’s business.

    But he needs to drag everyone else down to his level so that he and the party he supports does not seem so shitty. When you fall into mud, drag everyone else in so that no one else can claim to be cleaner than you.

    No TomThumb, we are not so naive to believe that DAP is filled with incorruptible saints. But we definitely know that DAP is in a better position to be able to tackle corruption much more effectively than the current reigning regime.

    As someone said. “Politicians are like diapers. They should be changed regularly and for exactly the same reason”

  18. “Umno will like nothing better than see us sow the seed of our own destruction. That party and its leadership have fritted away their ethical capital and have no moral authority to lead this nation. We have and we must protect our reputation by distancing ourselves from the scams and scandals that dog their every step.” (Tunku Aziz)

    For any caring parents who have a grown-up daughter, I believe they will surely not allow their daughter to marry a scam as described by Tunku Aziz here. Nik Aziz is doing the right thing by trying to stop Nasaruddin from getting involved with closer intimacy with Umno leaders. There will not be beneficial for any good daughter to mess around with a spoilt prodigal son like those scams in Umno. Moreover, Nasaruddin is not a daughter but he is a son. He should stand up tall like a man and not be like a sissy guy who wants to be sodomised by Umno scams!

  19. One Malaysia, Unity Government, 10 subjects for SPM, all this will take time to implement. What we want are institutions that will implement these policies in a fair manner. Principles need institutions to preserve them. Multi Racial One Malaysia must mean at all levels and not just at the cabinet level. There must also be somekind of respect for placing the right man on the right job. And finally, there must be clear directives to the institutions of government to ensure that a sense of decency towards all citizens irrespective of colour must prevail.

  20. As long as there are some groups with special privileges, there will never be unity. These people are so simple minded or they think that the Chinese and Indians are so simple minded.

    You work harder and get a lesser share and you are asked to stay united. There is no logic in that.

    You work very hard but you will never have a chance to be say governor of Bank Negara, not even head of a State Economic Development Corporation because your kulitfication is not there.

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