Lim Kit Siang

Umno must abandon old politics and work together with Singapore to bring about prosperity and progress for Malaysia and Singapore

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor

PM Najib wants more development for Johore and Malaysia by improving relationships with Singapore. His proposal to build a third bridge to link South East Johore with Changi of Singapore was meant to bring economic development for South East Johore and Singapore.

Umno insisted that selling land to Singapore was akin to giving up Malaysia’s sovereignty. This is ridiculous.

Umno should be aware that large quantities of sand and quarry stone have been sold to Singapore for many years. Yet we have not lost our sovereignty.

Umno must realise that the rural population of South Johore – in particular both South East and South West Johore are still quite poor because development has not come to these places. These places need foreign investment to build factories and bring in tourists and provide employment and create prosperity.

Umno should organise a study trip to visit Shenzen and see the stupendous transformation of Shenzen from a fishing village to dynamic pulsating economic zone in the like of Hong Kong.

If Umno is sincere in wanting to help the rural population of South Johore, it should be serious in bring development to these people. Umno has no objections to open up the ISKANDAR development region to foreigners including Singapore, there is no good reason for refusing Singapore to help in the development of South East Johore.

Times have changed. UMNO’s old politics have no place in modern politics. The days of treating Singapore a suspicious intruder are no more. Both countries have to work together. Admittedly there is no love lost love between Malaysia and Singapore. But the hard facts of world wide recession, negative growth in both countries and a 60% drop in foreign investments are compelling reasons for active lasting co-operation between Malaysia and Singapore.