PKFZ scandal – Ong Tee Keat should explain whether it is true that he had on 10th May 2009 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for PKFZ

My three questions (No.58 to No. 60 on the 20th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

No. 1. – A website,, has appeared which uploaded exchange of letters to show that on 10th May 2009, Ong had on 10th May 2008 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for the PKFZ project to its turnkey developer, Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd and asked why this information was omitted in the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audit report on the PKFZ.

Ong should explain whether it is true that he had on 10th May 2008 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for the PKFZ project and confirm the two letters uploaded on this website.

No. 2 – This website also made a very serious allegation – that Datuk Lee Hwa Beng’s tenure as Port Klang Authority (PKA) Chairman ended on 15th February 2009 and that until today the Yang di Pertuan Agong had never given consent to extend or renew Lee’s term, and that Ong is asking the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to backdate Lee’s appointment. Is this true?

Question No. 3 – Ong has at last admitted on his blog yesterday that he has gone to France to attend the “prestigious” Paris Air Show “to meet up with my French counterpart”.

Couldn’t he send his Deputy Minister to the Paris Air Show? What is there so important about the Paris Air Show except as an excuse for a junket at taxpayers’ expense, when there is the important issue of proper parliamentary accounting by him on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

If Ong’s attending the Paris Air Show is so honourable and above-board, why did he hide it from public knowledge instead of declaring publicly in advance that he was going for the Paris Air Show and would miss Parliament meeting and parliamentary accounting of the PKFZ scandal?

Is Ong prepared to submit to a public opinion poll as to whether he had acted responsiby in going off for a junket for the Paris Air Show instead of being in Parliament on the very first day to account for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

In fact, there is no need for a national opinion poll. Just poll the MCA members and I have no doubt that the overwhelming majority of the ordinary MCA members or more than 90 per cent will agree that Ong was being utterly irresponsible in running away to the Paris Air Show instead of giving proper accounting of the PKFZ scandal in Parliament.

Of course, if the MCA Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and MPs are polled, 99 per cent will agree that Ong was right to go off for the Paris Air Show.

25 Replies to “PKFZ scandal – Ong Tee Keat should explain whether it is true that he had on 10th May 2009 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for PKFZ”

  1. Air show is more important lah. was wondering where he keep the report? hahaha he must be bring it over to france, keep under ther toilet bowl. or keep in hotel safe. hmm no no no he ask France TM to keep for him. hmm AF440 just crash right!! haha

  2. In the eyes of the rakyat, this PKFZ issue is on a much higher priority than some air show almost half the world away, because it involves the serious allegation of abuse and misappropriation of federal government controlled public funds derived from taxpayers’ money.

    If the transport minister has an ounce or a gram of accountability in him, he should have stayed home in Malaysia to answer all questions that would help clear the air over this PKFZ mess…

  3. Since the dishonorable transport minister refuses to accept responsibility, the RM12.5 billion bill should be shouldered by the members of his party, the mca. RM12.5 billion divided by 200,000 members comes to RM62,500. So all mca members must be prepared to pay 62,500 each, to make up for the sins of their parasitic leaders.

  4. Everything they do or act is for winning votes.
    Confronted with 3 questions from LKS…cannot answer..sure to loose votes….if to answer.
    Best thing is run away…..pick a place nevr sen nor try before.
    French toasts are the best…in France…not forgetting french fresh onions …french fries….few more but in actual fact….Najib told him to go…try french love …which he did with a mongol lady there.
    It’s all secrets…like Highland Tower..ran out naked…which girl? one knows.
    Cannot be an idiot to sleep naked ….alone!!

  5. Ekans, i think Malaysia is to small, wondering again here, why no any Paris Press ask him about this issue? haha or maybe he just hide in the hotel till the show off, or on the way to EIFFLE tower right now, or in Paris Disney. hahahaK1980: bill to his member? no bad good idea.. so next week on his desk sure recv thousand of resignation letters. and PKR will form 5 days interviews for those new comers.

  6. YB

    Does procurement of Aircrafts and Helicopters and parts for them for Defence, Police, Navy, Army and for MAS come under OTK’s Ministry? I thought the MINDEF and Prasarna had their own experts to carry out such evaluation and procurement. Or is the Transport Dept going to acquire aircrafts and helicopters to monitor the daily traffic jams in the Klang Valley?

    So, what is so imperative that OTK has to attend the Paris Airshow instead of prioritising his attendance in Parliament? He has probably never attended our own LIMA show in Langkawi before.

    But, don’t knock it. Supposing the Govt wants to acquire new aircrafts for the Airforce or MAS, we have a recent history of dealing with a compliant French Govt and suppliers. So, what then if a certain BBC member who is facing the heat vis-a-vis PKFZ is offered a ‘facilitation, administration and maintenance (but strictly not a commission)’ contract?

    This could be worth 10% of $10 billion i.e. $1 billion which could be diverted to part bailout PKFZ. Unlikely? Think about it. It M’sia all things are possible!!

    And if that piece about the $1.2 billion VO to KDSB is true, it’s clear OTK’s strategy is to off-load the entire $12.5 billion bailout of PKFZ on the Malaysian Taxpayer’s heads! You must stop all these fradulent and scurillous wheeler dealings now. Once the money is paid out, then we can kiss it goodbye forever.

    And the beauty of it all is, likethe RCI on the judiciary, no one will be charged in court for any fraud, breach of fiduciary responsibility, dereliction of duty or complete mismanagement.

    Please get PKR and PAS behind. You should not let this session of Parliament go without putting someone behind bars for the PKFZ scandal and arresting the bleeding permanently.

  7. Najis was pressured to approve because OTK could expose everthing if Najis didnt do so!!! As per Chinese saying, the most for OTK is that they both die hugging together!!!
    I’m counting the amount of money that I’m going to lose daily due to this mother of all scandals!!!

  8. Nobody can be so dumb as to believe that Ong Ta Kut can actually “pressure” his boss into releasing the RM 1.3 billion in May 2009. This scam is a BN project, so the thieves will either swim together or sink together. I think that was the message that Ong Ta Kut gave to Najib.

  9. PwC was hired by PKA to do a “situational review” which is obviously so limited in scope that it is laughable. PwC could not look into third party correspondence if these were not copied to PKA. Hence Ong Ta Kut’s correspondence with the PM was beyond the scope of the PwC mandate. So was the Treasury’s correspondence with the rating agency. So were the subcontracts between Kuala Dimensi and many “nominated” subcontractors.

    They think we are stupid. Soon we will see other correspondence coming out of the woodwork because the people just can’t stand this sort of pillaging anymore.

  10. The next time you see another signboard along the highways with the words “SATU LAGI PROJECT BARISAN NASIONAL”, be ready to dig into your pockets to salvage it the minute the project is “completed”! Why is this a tradition in all BN projects?

    Can anyone enlighten me what happened to the Tuanku Mizan Stadium collapse? No news so far?

  11. Ong Ta Kut try to plug two mangoes from different branches of a tree using one stick throw.Hei yah… this is his lier boss idea.
    He went to Paris to avoid getting trapped for answering the opponent MP and at the same time in Paris he is assined to meet ARNOLD DUBUS and The Submarine Dealers. If possible by them over and shut their mouth.Im sure the secret meeting would have arrnged.

  12. Brother Kit Siang, please reconfirm the date. Was it 10 May 2008 or 10 May 2009 (Sunday)? I think it should be 10 May 2008 because you did asked why this information was omitted in the audit report on PKFZ.

    [Sorry and thanks. The date is 2008 and not 2009. That means the Prime Minister referred to was Abdullah and not Najib. – Kit]

  13. no one dare to voice up. all try to hide or tai chi.. game without rules. sure they win black eat the way. Ong might order new aircraft B778 or A380 for MAS. so dont be so grey in this issue hahaha

  14. YB

    There was a piece in the STAR (pg. 18) this morning that OTK met up with France Sec of State for Transport Dominique Bussereau to review open sky policy and ‘MAINTENANCE OF TRAINS’. The report also says Alstom, the French MNC, is an investor in PKFZ and that Malaysia has the largest fleet of Airbus ‘in the region.’ (Which region? SEA, Asia?)

    Perhaps you should look into how Prasarna operates and why we have such a large fleet of Airbus when MAS is losing its pants. The UMNO bloggers are always raising this issue of Air Asia owing MAHB $65 million. HAs anyone ever asked a question in Parliament if MAS has been paying Prasarna regularly for the aircraft it leases monopolistically and how much is owed by MAS to Prasarna? How many hundreds of RM millions? Why is this issue never brought up? Why don’t you raise it for transaparency’s sake?

    I also thought that IRCON, China Railway and Gamuda etc are all involved in the double tracking and maintenance. Why does OTK want to put his grubby paws in this area? For 30% mark up and fully sub-contracting out to French Co, perhaps?

    Keep digging till we expose all the fraudsters. Be relentless and you will get results!!

  15. YB LKS is very right when said OTK might be the third transport minister to be marred and tarred in the PKFZ scandal March last year.
    KDSB seems to be ‘Gold Mine’ for MCA leadership; we must focus study on this so call TURNKEY DEVELOPER. Surely, several top MCA and BN politicians are culprits; are they ‘untouchable’?
    OTK trip to France just before auditing report made public has confirmed a ‘run away’ trip.

  16. What do we expect Ong Ta Kut or Badawi to do ? If they had not paid up, Tiong’s KDSB would have defaulted on their bonds, and Tiong would have gone public with the real purpose of the scam – to buy elections in Sabah and Sarawak in 2008.

  17. What do you know? The monkey who was kicked out by Raja Petra for messing his flowers in MT got mixed up in trying to flay someone like Ong Tee Keat and ended knocking himself on his head instead! Being from the jungles of Kalimantan, he must have generalized that Paris is one place never seen before by people as he has not seen it himself. So excited is the monkey in jumping up and down, chattering and scratching himself that he is trying to mix Najib,OTK, French love, french toast, etc, with a Mongolian lady and bringing all of them back to Highland Tower where he runs like an idiot – stark naked! He doesn’t know that even if he wants to expose himself indecently, to get even more cheap publicity, technically he can’t do so because he is all covered up with fur! ha ha ha….Ong Tee Keat must he having the last laugh at the antics of this monyet…who ends up having himself tied up in knots…ha ha ha….

  18. Good morning to all!!
    So LKS is not moderating anymore?
    If I respond to kontiki…on his insults to me personally …and not on the subject…I hope LKS knows who started it.
    But he is trying to lure me to talk out of the subject…and I will not entertain him…YET!!
    Meanwhile….I take it that it hurts … so much…his heroes…Najib and.. Ta Kut…got best comment by monsterball??
    I wonder have that log of wood.. made into a raft ever sailed to Paris at all.
    hi idiot..kontiki…have you ever been to Paris at at all?
    Have anyone ever heard a Chinese is covered with fur?
    Young fut want to talk monkey business..UMNO most famous for?
    What bloody idiot he is.

  19. Ong Ta Kut now says that the decision was already made by the PKA board, and he was just following up. What BS. Tell lah to all that you got a phone call from Tiong threatening to reveal all if KDSB didn’t get paid by PKA. Tell lah how you and Tiong cornered Badawi with the threat to expose how the money was used during the 2008 elections.

    Badawi had no choice but to comply, just as Ong Ta Kut had no choice. However, we have a choice. We won’t allow further funds to be used to masquerade this criminal act.

  20. ho ho ho…the monkey continues to screech and chatter and praise himself sky high…but nobody buys his line….you can see him banging his head hard against the computer screen..he will bang what’s left of his peanut balls next…

    The monkey thinks himself as a juggernaut with his big ball rolling down on all and sundry to crush them in his dreams. What’s the reality? what you need is just a pin to puncture, and down he crumbles, his big ego deflated….that’s what the monkey is ho ho ho..remember monkey, the more you rant and rave and scratch, the bigger the fool you make or yourself, and the harder you will fall….your day of reckoning is near….

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