Where in France have you gone to, Tee Keat, that you dare not announce your overseas programme and travel plans?

My three questions (No.52 to No. 54 on the 18th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

No. 1. – Where in France have you gone to, Tee Keat, that you dare not reveal to Parliament and the Malaysian public your actual programme of activities in Paris and your travel plans?

Is it because you know that if your overseas programme is made public, you will be nailed as an utterly irresponsible Minister who could run away from his first duty to account to Parliament on the “scandal of scandals”, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal on the most ridiculous pretext of an overseas trip.

When was your Paris programme finalized. Didn’t you know in advance that the June meeting of Parliament would start yesterday and that the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal will be high on the parliamentary issues of priority?

No. 2 – It is reported that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, has directed the Transport Minister to make a ministerial statement on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal in Parliament on Monday.

Does Ong agree that this is most embarrassing for a Minister who is also the MCA President, that he does not know the right and proper thing he should do in Parliament, i.e. make a ministerial statement on the PKFZ scandal on the first day of Parliament yesterday.

This must be the first time in the history of the MCA where the MCA President has to be directed by the Prime Minister and Umno President to make a Ministerial statement in Parliament. How embarrassing indeed!

Ong had already embarrassed himself and Najib by openly failing to live up to the Prime Minister’s bold public declaration on 29th May 2009 that his government welcomed all questions about the PKFZ scandal and that Ong will will answer “every question raised by any party”.

I had asked whether Ong could ensure that his ministerial statement would be followed by a one-day debate, but there has been thunderous silence from him.

Ong cannot pretend that he is overseas and does not know about my question.

I believe Ong has made arrangements that within minutes of my daily “three questions on the PKFZ scandal”, he would be informed about them, word for word, as in this era of instant communications information travels at the speed of light. Or is Ong claiming he is really cut off from what is happening in the country and does not know developments, in particular my daily three-questions to him on the PKFZ scandal?

No.3 – Is Ong prepared to appear before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to answer all queries about the PKFZ scandal to set the example to all Cabinet Ministers that they must accept full and final responsibility for their respective ministries – a common feature in developed parliamentary democracies where Ministers have no problem in appearing before their PAC but never done in Malaysia?

If this is done by Ong, the two former Transport Ministers, Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik and Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy would be pressured to come forward to account for their roles, whether in PAC or elsewhere, in the “mother of all scandals” of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal – which will be a major step in advancing the cause of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance in Malaysia.

36 Replies to “Where in France have you gone to, Tee Keat, that you dare not announce your overseas programme and travel plans?”

  1. Now it is no longer “malaysians”, BUT “MALAY-SIANS”……..Dr. Mahathir started it, the MCA cows have picked it up and MCA`s Star follows:
    “If there are distortions, Malay-sian children will not have proper understanding of the country’s struggles for nationhood and nation-building,” she added.

    That is 1Malay-sia now. Enjoy.
    “Pendatang” are hyphenated to impose the UMNO Apartheid policy and MCA. MIC, dll agree.

  2. To make up for the loss of RM12.5 billion from the Treasury, bn has done away with the petrol and food subsidies, and increasing the price the man-in-the-street has to pay for the basic amenities of life. And yet there are still fools willing to vote for bn.

  3. Yes, keep on …. for our sake, keep on pestering & hammering.

    THEY can shut you out in the Parliament, … disallowed your debate …. suspended your YB’s from the house ….. but what that – loud mouthed arrogance,[deleted]- cannot do is to prevent the truth from prevailing. We loved your twitter, pls continue your channel open. The UMNO cybersquads & Najib c4 squads, we know you are out there, we know you are at a lost on how to dilute your live twitter. Your Rembau YB twitter seemed to react as a human when he observed that robot speaker as outrageous … & sincerely hope that he continued to equate his PhD to the brain otherwise he a gonna … in the Malaysian politics.

    Cheers. We always follow you. There are more of me from Miri …

  4. “7. All those who met the great man from the little country were lectured on how Malaysia should be run. We should not have anymore problems now. We have been told the direction to take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win. We must ensure this. Sorry PAS. Working with the DAP, the offspring of PAP has not endeared you to Mr Lee.” (Tun Dr. Mahathir)

    When Tun Dr. Mahathir did not get to eat the grapes, then all grapes, according to Tun, would all be sour and would not taste good! Obviously, everything being done by Mr Lee Kuan Yew on his recent official visit to Malaysia would just be belittled and denigrated by Tun as a didactic visit of a little Emperor of the Little Middle Kingdom coming from down south of Peninsular Malaysia.

    No matter what, Tun Dr. Mahathir has insidiously implied in his comment that Mr Lee’s words do have significant influence on MCA. Just take a close look at Tun’s comment, “We have been told (by Lee) the direction to take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win.”

    By saying that “MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win,” Tun is indirectly hinting that MCA President, Ong Tee Keat, would be a puppet of Singapore. Ong Tee Keat would not be required by Najib to answer anything about PKFZ scandal now because Ong has gotten another much more important assignment given by both Najib and Mr Lee. After May 13 incidence of 1969, when have we ever found that the top leader of MCA could be able to think and act independently without having to safely speculate on the desires and wishes of either Umno President or the Singaporean Leader and be cooperative and be resonant with their tune?

    Lim Guan Eng is a much stronger leader than Ong Tee Keat because at least Lim Guan Eng does not have to listen to everything told by Mr Lee.

  5. Since OTK was not around, what happened to the Deputy Minister??? Dont tell me that the Deputy didnt know what happened??? Where got transparency even between the Minister and his Deputy??? Aiyoyo!!!

  6. Malay-sian Foreign Minister is a LIAR:

    Indonesian media quoting official from the Foreign ministry said that our govt has officially sent 36 protest notes to Malaysia govt regarding Ambalat.

    Yet, Malaysian media yesterday quoting the Foreign Minister of malaysia said that ‘No official protest from Indonesia’

  7. YB Kit,

    Off topic.

    Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today denied that he had uttered anti-Chinese statements in 1987, vowing to bathe the keris with Chinese blood.

    Yes he may be right for not uttering the anti-Chinese statements in 1987 but what is he doing leading the demonstration with the ant Chinese banner.

    I am sure DAP or YB must still have all the newspaper clips of the incident. Maybe YB can present them in this blog and ask najib the right questions. What does the banner means and he as umno youth leading this demonstration?

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty one years.

  8. At this rally in Kampung Baru, the politician who is now the Deputy Prime Minister was seen with the crowd that was already hot-tempered. We will recall that the banners and slogans shouted then included warnings such as ‘May 13 Will Happen Again’ and vain boasts such as ‘This Keris Will Drink Chinese Blood’.

    As a young scholar in England at the time, I recall watching televised images of this event where the leaders of the ruling party was seen standing in the middle of the crowd while all this bloodthirsty demagoguery was going on. Odd, to say the least, that a man who was present at such a racist rally could now occupy such a position of power in the country. (Or perhaps not so odd, considering the nature of Malaysia’s divisive communitarian racial politics…)


  9. Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash! If anyone is seditious it is Umno and until today those propagating a blood-bath have not been made accountable for their actions. Was it not Najib, that ex-Selangor Menteri Besar with two Muhamads in his name, and all those others calling for my detention under the ISA who raised their keris above their heads at the TPCA padang in 1987 and threatened to bathe it in Chinese blood?

    Was it not Umno in November 1999 during the ceremony to launch Barisan Nasional’s election machinery in the Bukit Jalil Stadium that warned the Chinese if Barisan Nasional was to lose its two-thirds majority in the 29 November general election, just like on 11 May 1969, then another May 13 may erupt?


  10. He is hiding until the news about PKFZ passes by.

    OTK: “Macam mana boss?”

    Boss: “Pigi holiday dulu lo. Balik nanti balu ciakap. Mana tau bila you balik, pasai PKFZ siap cerita?”

    OTK: “Ok Boss! Saya bawa keluarga pigi makan angin. Habis makan I balik. Ingat Akaun ku masih kosong ah. Masuk sikit expenses kasi ku la…”

    Boss: “Ok ok. Lu pigi makan siok siok la. I akan kao tim kasi lu.”

  11. it is sad to see how a blog dedicated to the promotion of universal values like freedom and democracy, human rights, equality before the law reduced into nothing more than an mca bashing blog

  12. Brother Kit Siang, it is useless to speak to a man who cannot even honour his words. Today he says this and tomorrow he will say that. His “tell all” was made on 8 April 2008 and “the release of the appendices of the PKFZ report” was made on 14 June 2009 but nothing has materialised as at this moment. My MCA friends are telling me that they will vote for PR in the next general elections # 13. They said they have lost confidence in MCA, especially Ong Ta Kut. I am trying to convince them to resign en bloc and form a DAP branch.

  13. a-malaysian Says:
    Today at 16: 05.53

    “I am sure DAP or YB must still have all the newspaper clips of the incident. Maybe YB can present them in this blog and ask najib the right questions.”

    that reminds me of the famous photo of a dinner for three in Paris. 2 men and 1 woman. no more news?

  14. You guys are so wrong ! Ong Ta Kut is on a secret mission in Paris on the instructions of his boss – to find out if there is any truth in the rumour that a photo of his boss and Aminah is going to surface soon…

    Don’t laugh at Ong Ta Kut, he’s the Malaysian zero zero seven…or is it zero zero zero ?

  15. 1. If it is OTK’s vacation, then he deserved to be silent of his programmes . But, shouldn’t he drop the trip when his backyard is “on fire”? If he is on official trip, then, why he left no programme or schedule with MOT or even the PM office.
    Please send an official enquiry to MOT and PM office, signed by whoever MP are interested to be advised.

    2. Where OTK is should not stop MPs to seek reply from MOT on
    a) the thorough approval of the PKA Project which seems to be missing from the PWC report.
    b) The copy of the Guarantee from MOF on the PDS?
    c) Where are those Annual Audited Statements from PKA for the previous which should be presented to the Parliament as stipulated in PAA?

    All of these are within the Rights of all MPs and should not be subject to any MOTION!!

    Write and CC the Secretary of the Parliament, or, the PM!! Both of them has an obligation to chase after MOT.

    PLEASE TRY TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS AS MPs.Either they provide or they prove to be bully!! Please write in a Group if that can be done!!

  16. Ong Ta Kut, behave like a MAN!

    You are on an official trip, should be made known! Mind you, you are not taking personal leave! In that case, you can do whatever you want in France! Meeting “Aminah” pun boleh!

  17. “Is it because you know that if your overseas programme is made public, you will be nailed as an utterly irresponsible Minister who could run away from his first duty ….” lim kit siang

    the fact that he is running is obvious for all to see, what is not is the ineffectual ways of a politician and his party failing to stop him.

  18. It is disgusting to see the Head of MCA went into hiding when he should account to Parliament on the PKFZ scandal.

    This is what people get if they are not careful in choosing the right kind of leader.

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