06/16/2009 11:09 AM
From Nazri, 2,000 PSD foreign s’ships for 2008 SPM students – 1,100 bumiputeras and 900 non-bumiputeras. Cost RM659 million.
06/16/2009 10:44 AM
On why govt not spending more 4PSD s’ships 4topscorers when RM12.5 billion in PKFZ scandal can give places for >1,000 students,no answer.
06/16/2009 10:36 AM
Nazri trotted out standard govt line on this issue n refused 2respond when asked why list of 400 s’ships awarded on merit not made public.
06/16/2009 10:34 AM
I asked why there is still “annual begging season” 4top scholars 4PSD s’ships after 1Malaysia anncd by Najib, which must mean colour-blind?
06/16/2009 10:30 AM
I raised JB student Tan Hao Chong (11A1s 1A2) not given PSD s’hips, though MCA Youth Wee said after SPM 400 places awarded solely on merit
06/16/2009 10:08 AM
Parliament begins with 1st question, Nazri answering, on the annual “begging season” by top scholars for PSD scholarships.
Please ask Nazri for complete analysis of all scholarships awarded by PSD, Petronas, PNB, Telekom, Tenaga and other GLC’s and State ans statutory bodies.
Then we’ll know if they are sincere about the 55%:45% or just indulging in window dressing to try and catch us out!
Keep hammering away in Parliament until all these hypocrisies are exposed so th eRakyat will know w here they should cast their votes in 2013!
There are 2,000 PSD foreign s’ships for 2008 SPM students – 1,100 bumiputeras and 900 non-bumiputeras. Give the detailed SPM results of the 900 non-bumiputeras who succeeded in getting PSD scholarships so that the public can see for themselves why, where and how applicant Tan Hao Chong (11A1s 1A2) failed to get one. And don’t tell me that the 900 non-bumiputeras have more than 12 As each.
donplaypuks makes an important point. GLCs should not be disbursing public funds unless the sums are incorporated in government figures.
Are the allocations made on a first-past-the-post points-only basis, or are there targets for sciences, arts etc?
BN must die. They have been admin Malaysia over 52 years. It is time they step down.
We need PKR admin the gov to have a check in our country Malaysia.
Is Malaysia already bankrupt of corruption and robbed by the BN politicians?
What is Malaysia debt amount?
BN must die.
We need another poltician party like PKR up admin Malaysia to have check and expose ‘Is Malaysia already bankrupt’ ?
We must do it, there is no choice, as long as BN admin the country Malaysia there will not be any transparentcy of our country DEBT.
BN must die. We don’t have a choice.
We need a new politician party like PKR to expose Malaysia debt and practicse fair, democracy and justice.
I can remember PSD scholarships “begging” since 1970 for top spm achievers especially by non bumis.The priority is malays and muslim bumis ,bumis and lastly non bumis.It’s always the non bumis do the begging as the qouta is limited(percentage 10%).Non bumi top spm achievers increased yearly but the limited quota remains still,hence the begging continues to this day.The reason then is NEP and the reason now is still NEP.The limited PSD S’ships are normally given to those whose parents are MCA,SUPP or PBS great financial donnors and supporters or relatives.If you are not in this category,much as you try to beg,it’s useless as the quota is filup before you beg for it.The PSD will never publicize the awards to avoid embarrassment. The NEP is the devil,get rid of it,you have the problem solve instantly.
For Government Funding, Government related bodies and those Public Listed Companies, Transparency must be done. If not all kind of nonsense will be found.
Is there an appeal system to what can be motioned in the Parliament?
Or, what is the job specification of a Speaker in the Parliament? Shouldn’t he be the one to facilitates all MPs the sessions.Shouldn’t it follows the simple Rules of Motioned and Seconded? The urgency should be decided by the MPs and not the Speaker!!
I heard the following TRUE story from one of JPA scholars in 1980’s.
At that time, you do not see many people scoring straight As in SPM. The maximum number of subjects that a student can take, if I’m not mistaken, is 10. There were 9 or 10 students (most of them non-bumi) won award from a local bank for their great achievement in SPM. They either scored 10A1s or 9A1s. Please bear in mind that it is not easy to score such results at that time. The then Education Minister attended the award giving ceremony. After the ceremony and when the minister was about to leave, one of the students, who was quite brave, stopped the minister and asked him: “Mengapa kami tidak dapat biasiswa JPA untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negeri?”. The minister then answered: “Betul ke? Mengapa ini boleh terjadi?” Immediately, the minister told his secretary who stood besides him to record all the details of the students. After two weeks, all the students received an scholarship offer letter from JPA. However, they would not be allowed to do medical as the quota was reserved for non-bumi. These students went oversea for their first degree (sponsored by JPA). They scored good grade (e.g. 1st class) and many of them won scholarships from the UK universitiesK to further their postgraduate studies. Most of them earned a PhD degree at the end. One of them told me… if the student did not stop the minister, then our life would have been totally different. He thanked the JPA and government and the minister for giving him the opportunity.
Prison bashing: Suhakam says excessive force used
Tarani Palani | Jun 15, 09 7:47pm]
Four Sungai Buloh prison inmates who were allegedly beaten by wardens last Thursday are in a bad shape and should be given urgent treatment, said Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) today.
Semua kes-kes jabatan yang di amanahkan oleh rakyat untuk, kawalan keselamatan ) demontrasi ), kawalam banduan di penjara tidak dapat diuruskan. Semua yang dibuat oleh jabatan-jabatan berkenaan tidak betul, menggunakan kekerasan. SUHAKAM jangan cakap duduk dimeja dan tengok CCTV buat komen. Pernahkan mereka berpanas, berhujan untuk mengawal demontrasi. Pernahkan mereka menengok banduan membuat kekerasan jika tidak dikawal akan menjadi rusuhan dalam penjara. Lihatlah dunia bagaimana penjara di beberapa Negara pegawai penjara dipukul dan dibunuh, pegawai Polis di pukul dengan buluh, lihat di Korea dan lain negeri . Haruskah menunggu sedemikain. Kepada polis dan pegawai penjara kalau ada kes-kes begini panggilah bijak pandai di SUHAKAM itu menenangkan keadaan. SUHAKAM Jangan pakai cota atau lain-lain alat. Mudah-mudahan bila mereka Berjaya kita ambil / lantik mereka menjadi Pengaran Keselamatan ./ Ketenteraman Awam.
“06/16/2009 11:09 AM
From Nazri, 2,000 PSD foreign s’ships for 2008 SPM students – 1,100 bumiputeras and 900 non-bumiputeras. Cost RM659 million.”
Though number of allocated given. I don’t think that will be the actual situation. These numbers are up trying to satisfy us shutting our mouth. In fact the percentage is much much lower. Just imagine…
“06/16/2009 10:44 AM
On why govt not spending more 4PSD s’ships 4topscorers when RM12.5 billion in PKFZ scandal can give places for >1,000 students,no answer.”
Rm12.5billion can give at least 600,000 students as Rm50k per head count.
“06/16/2009 10:36 AM
Nazri trotted out standard govt line on this issue n refused 2respond when asked why list of 400 s’ships awarded on merit not made public.”
Cause he dare not reply its transparency.
“06/16/2009 10:34 AM
I asked why there is still “annual begging season” 4top scholars 4PSD s’ships after 1Malaysia anncd by Najib, which must mean colour-blind?”
They wanted us to understand that we’re second class citizen. We need to beg for it. The best is be as dogs licking poo. That’s 1Malaysia = 1AllTimeHumiliation.
“06/16/2009 10:30 AM
I raised JB student Tan Hao Chong (11A1s 1A2) not given PSD s’hips, though MCA Youth Wee said after SPM 400 places awarded solely on merit”
He is not included. Though there are 400, but cant accommodate another 1200. Tan is in the 1200.
“06/16/2009 10:08 AM
Parliament begins with 1st question, Nazri answering, on the annual “begging season” by top scholars for PSD scholarships.”
His intention was to stop us from begging.
one sees an uproar whenever mca is seen not to do anything and reduce the imbalances, check the excesses of umno etc but when mca managed to do something it is never enough. damn if you do damn if you don’t. politicising education does not stop being a wrong when dap indulges in it
I see millions understand …MCA is a balls carrier to UMNO.
Whoever is blind to the truths..sees nothing.
MCA knows only to build temples and fight for chinese schools…to fish for chinese votes.
Ask MCA to fight for equal rights and democracy…..support no corruptions..one better talk to a tree…to get good response.
MCA a puppet to UMNO.
Voters voted MCA out….yet one never learn the reasons why..keep hero worshiping MCA….like a low class dog.
you’re calling someone who disagrees with your views “a low class dog”??
keep it civil
“but when mca managed to do something it is never enough.” -says TomThumb
You are so right. MCA has not done enough. You cannot give breadcrumbs to people and tell tham it is enough.
MCA are elected representative with a huge responsibility to their voters, to ensure freedon and fairness for all. And from their track record in the past 30 years, they have FAILED miserably in carrying out their duties to the expectations of the voters.
Worst, they have indulged and colluded with their UMNO buddies in order to further secure their own political positions to the detriment of voters. In the Mar 2008 elections MCA politicians went around the ground, ‘warning’ chinese voters that their ‘rights’ would be lost if they voted for the opposition. They went around fear mongering trying to scare up votes for their UMNO lords.
And the sad part is, there are many gullible and stupid chinese (who thinks they are very smart because they vote for a ‘progressive’ party like BN) believe this BS and voted for BN in 2008.
if it is their choice to opt for the security political stability brings, then who are you and who am I to tell them they should not??
TomThumb, I would die to protect your right to freely make an idiot of yourself in public.
Am I not also free to suggest that you are being an idiot?
They make their choice. katdog criticises their choice. We make choices that affect each other, and we make different choices. It is only natural to doubt the competence of a person who makes a different choice to the one we make, given the same information on which to make it. The alternative is to doubt our own competence. Since there is no more information as to which one of us is the incompetent one, it would be a fool’s choice to volunteer when he can point the finger.
Do you get out much?
How many merit scholarships are there. Don’t be fooled by the percentage. If only 100 of such scholarships are given, then only 68 are allocated to non-bumi. No big deal.
olang lojak,
a hoosier and a linthead doesn’t become less of a hoosier and a linthead just because he’s living off a chink.
in case you’re not familiar with those terms, they mean white trailer trash
OrangRojak….Notice when you give a fantastic reply….you get insulted. You know why?
BN buggers are trained never to loose a debate..yet complain blog owner allows MCA to be bashed up in his blog….not democratic…he said.
Where in the world.. can you find a dog so smart?
Malaysia sure boleh….with few tong sampah graduates..trying to teach grandfathers ….how to suck eggs.
Apply for PSD for my tertiery studies in the early 90’s but failed coz..quota is already full for non-bumi application. Where my malay friend gets his eventhought his results is less better than me. My family background are not so affordable..my dad work as fitter in oil palm factory..earn not much then.
What to do..go to workforce lo..
Some of rich families can get PSD yet some are poor cant..what an ironic!!
Nowadays, monkeys not only mess up people’s flowers, they also want to teach people how to be stupid like them!
Nowadays….. UMNO monkey business …so many….messing up people’s lives…with small monkeys to divert attention here…talking about flowers and useless stuffs….yet the said flower idea is copy from another….some 3 years ago..old news.
Where UMNO monkeys got brains.