PKFZ scandal – Speaker rejects urgent motion for Royal Commission of Inquiry

The Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin today rejected my emergency motion in Parliament to debate the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry as not urgent on three spurious grounds that:

(i) the Port Klang Authority (PKA) has set up a task force and two committees as follow-up to the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report on the PKFZ;

(ii) a copy of the PwC report has been submitted to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC); and

(iii) the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is conducting investigations on the PKFZ.

My motion read:

“That the House gives leave to MP for Ipoh Timor YB Lim Kit Siang to adjourn the House under S.O. 18 (1) to discuss a definite matter of urgent public importance – the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

“The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) audit report into the PKFZ made public on May 28, 2009 was most unsatisfactory as its terms of reference were restricted to “a position review” instead of wide-ranging inquiry as to how a RM1.1 billion scandal in 2002 under Tun Ling Liong Sik as Transport Minister, could more than quadruple to RM4.6 billion under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister in 2007 and now further doubled to RM7.453 billion and heading towards the figure of RM12.5 billion under the present Transport Minister!

“Although the Prime Minister had on 29th May publicly directed the Transport Minister to answer every question raised by any party on the PwC report on PKFZ, and I had been posing three questions a day on the PKFZ since 30th May, no satisfactory answers had been forthcoming from the Transport Minister.

“RM12.5 billion is not chicken-feed. It is equivalent to five RM2.5 billion BMF scandals. RM12.5 billion can be used to build 25 universities at RM500 million each; 125 hospitals at RM100 million each; 1,250 schools at RM10 million each; 312,500 low-cost houses at RM40,000 each or give everyone of the 27 million Malaysians regardless of age a payout of RM338!

“Only a Royal Commission of Inquiry, where previous Transport Ministers, PKA Chairmen and Board members, as well as the relevant government officials in the Transport Ministry and Finance Ministry are summoned to testify on their role can do justice for accountability and integrity in the ‘scandal of scandals’.”

42 Replies to “PKFZ scandal – Speaker rejects urgent motion for Royal Commission of Inquiry”

  1. Lim Kit Siang is doing the job we paid him to do…to our utmost satisfactory.
    Poor chap…being snubbed here and there……even kicked out from Parliament or suspended…all because he is doing exactly what voters ….voted him to do.
    Come 13th GE…we will reward him more.
    That’s for sure.
    Gangsterism and favoritism do not frighten People’s Power….so easily. We are smart enough to give them no reasons to act too extreme. They are always looking for reasons to throw the country upside down… PKFZ case…no more important.
    All are elected servants and UMNO behave as if….they own the as they like.
    RM12.5 billion….so much mean so little to those that are so used to steal by the billions.
    Their lifestyle have gone up and up and up…needing more and more….knowing they have succeeded in bribery and corruptions….encouraged by Mahathir.
    Ling Liong Sik ….Rafidah.. Samy Vellu simply love Mahathir like a God. Mamak threw Rafidah out. AP Queen still free a a clean…so uncorrupted.

  2. Mr Speaker, how about an urgent motion to discuss the status of our country’s reserves that has dropped by over 100 billion between Dec 2007 and Dec 2008 ? Please, we need an explanation from the Finance whizz-kids at Bank Negara and MOF.

    [I was told that an Islamic conference held in London 2 weeks ago, Governor Zeti was asked this question by a mat salleh member of the audience, and nobody answered the question.]

  3. Mr. Speaker,

    A very very urgent motion which I think you will surely be in favor:

    Suspend all the opposition MPs for the whole of this term for asking too many motions of importance which are detrimental to umno/bn survival. Please, please I beg you to agree to this motion.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty one years.

  4. as the name of the organization reads, it would be sheer folly to deny the obvious. what is the difference between this and another organization that is outwardly non-racist but racist in its aspirations. don’t be misled by the language used which may be cloaked in neutral terms like equality and justice.

  5. Unbelievable that one can say there is no differences between PR and UMNO….hinting lets vote UMNO in 13th GE.
    Unbelievable….such a smart bloke supports to be second class citizen.
    If ever one seeking for a good reason why UMNO should be voted…is UMNO have governed far too long and have become arrogant…..totally corrupted.
    If ever further reasons needed….is 53 years under one party is simply much too long.
    Which developed country do that…..unless you are like S;pore…yet S’pore is ranked 4th non corrupted country in the world. Malaysia ranked one of the worst.
    Do we respect our votes or have sold it?
    Selling it ….is like selling your soul.
    At least a prostitute sells to different customers.
    What are Malaysians?
    Cannot stand on own two feet and be a man?
    It boils down to voters in everything we decide as voters for our family and country…and Malaysians..not just family and self.

  6. Speaker is gagging an initiative to dig into a scandal, does that make him guilty of obstruction of justice, assisting cover up of felony?

    maybe the reason for rejecting the motion is “bukan wang Speaker oleh itu tak payah bincang.”

    the Speaker should be called the Silencer as he is the only thing consistent and predictable in the BN administration – always denying opposition motion. Is he wearing a stiletto on his right foot and a slipper on his left foot? It ain’t look anything like balance….

    As a tax payer, I do not get my money’s worth from him.

  7. Underneath all the regalia, he’s just one spoilt, insecure bully who needs to throw his weight around, to show everyone he is “boss”. Next he might ask MPs to “stand on the chair”.

  8. Now you fellows are talking. Remember PR MPs did not even know how to elect the Speaker? Some voted twice and that included voting this clown.

    We like to say BN MPs are morons, but they did know how to follow instruction and vote their own people. Check it out.

  9. (i) the Port Klang Authority (PKA) has set up a task force and two committees as follow-up to the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report on the PKFZ;
    Reason failed:
    PWC Report probed problems on Minister of MOT (on the Letter of Guarantee), the lacking of further approval from Parliament on the Project and Approval of Parliament on soft-loan from MOF, the Board of PKA
    and other Companies not under PKA.

    Any section under Port Authorities Act provides PKA to set-up Committee to tackle the problems in PWC Report?
    The problems are much outside the jurisdiction of PKA!!

    (ii) a copy of the PwC report has been submitted to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC); and
    Void, for reasons that
    MACC does not have all the jurisdiction on all the parties mentioned above?
    The PWC probed also Misappropriation which is beyond the jurisdiction of MACC.

    From history, ACA and Police already failed to act!!

    (iii) the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is conducting investigations on the PKFZ.
    From PWC report PAC is also a party not doing its job! Even this can be put aside,for reasons above, the Investigation of PAC is to be reported to RCI.

    Can anyone locate the Port Authorities Act?

    Please seek elucidation from the Speaker, AG or other competent bodies.


  10. The speaker is a tool own by NR/Umno/Bn and as expected is used accordingly by the owners.” A bad carpenter blames his tool”.In this case the carpenter NR uses his tool(speaker) pretty well to his great satisfaction. The PKA task force,the MACC and the PAC are all tools of NR/Umno/Bn.None,I repeat,NONE honest malaysian ever trust these institutions. These tools/cronies are well polished ,well kept,well treated and hence would do any task as orders. It’s liken to a pretty well trained german shepherd which attacks with a flick of fingers.There’s no chance at all for any one let alone Lim Kit Siang.These german shepherd dogs are totally loyal,will defend,attack and protect its boss/bosses using whatever means it takes. It’s very dangerous,vicious and cruel of these guys and to deal with them needs extreme care and tact.

  11. Leave it to Limkamput to find faults with PR.
    UMNO 53 years experiences compared to pr few months experiences…yet given no time to settle down….Limbo rocker is dead set to play agree to disagree ..and out he shows his true colour…saying PR MPs are idiots.

  12. 1. The Port Authorities Act (PAA) can be found:

    2. Power to borrow money
    “8A. The authority may, from time to time with the approval of
    the Minister of Finance, borrow, by way of overdraft or otherwise,
    such sums as it may require for meeting its obligations and discharging its functions under this Act and may secure the repayment of any sum borrowed by way of a mortgage or charge, legal or equitable, of any property vested in the authority, or of any revenue received by the authority under this Act.”

    So, letter of Guarantee by MOT (EVEN OFFICIALLY DONE,which was not the case here) is VOID!!

    3. Annual statement of accounts
    “10. (1) As soon as practicable after the end of a financial year the
    authority shall prepare in respect of that financial year a statement
    of accounts in such form as the Minister may direct.
    (2) So soon as the statement of accounts has been audited, the
    authority shall send a copy thereof to the Minister, together with
    any report or observations made by the auditor or auditors on the
    said statement of accounts.
    (3) The Minister shall cause a copy of every statement and
    report or observations referred to in subsection (2) to be laid
    before each House of Parliament.”


    4. Estimates of revenue and expenditure and annual report
    “11. (1) The authority shall, as soon as may be after the end of
    each financial year, make a report to the Minister, dealing generally
    with its activities during that year and its proposed undertakings
    for the ensuing year and the report shall contain such information
    with respect to the proceedings and policy of the authority as the
    Minister may require.
    (2) The authority shall furnish to the Minister such financial
    and statistical returns or such other reports on the financial position of the authority as the Minister may from time to time require.

    (3) Not later than three months before the commencement of
    the financial year to which they relate, the annual estimates of
    revenue and expenditure (including capital expenditure) shall be
    submitted by the authority to the Minister for his approval and the
    Minister may at any time within one month of receipt of the same,
    disallow or amend any item of capital expenditure appearing in
    such estimates, or any portion thereof, and return the same to the
    authority for amendment.
    (4) The authority shall forthwith amend any estimates returned
    to it under subsection (3) and shall resubmit such estimates (as
    amended) to the Minister.”

    5. Supplementary estimates
    “12. (1) The authority may, at any time during the year for which
    estimates have been approved under section 11, cause a supplementary estimates to be prepared and submitted to the Minister.
    (2) Subsections 11(3) and (4) shall apply to supplementary
    estimates aforesaid as they apply to annual estimates of revenue
    and expenditure.”

    6. PCA –




    The Government had not obligation whatsoever on the Project!!

  13. Might I suggest that all top scorers (e.g. top 500) be GUARANTEED a place at a local public university on full scholarships. But their results must be based on STPM not SPM.

    This won’t cost as much as a JPA overseas scholarship but at least they get to enter a university.

  14. In rejecting the emergency motion, the Speaker forgot to offer the following grounds:

    “RM12.5 billion is peanuts. Like an iceberg, what you see is nothing compared to what you don’t see, thanks to UMNO.”

  15. 3.08 General Election time.

    …..: “Lai Lai mari mari! Vote weighing machine will be given RM700.00, come come come!

    Rakyat: “Wow! Cash RM700.00 a person? Lets go get ’em! (After that vote Opposite!)

    Result = Opposite Menang!

    …..: “WTH! Give them money still loose! Tarak guna! Ok! Mau PSD? Read in between the line! Mau Subsidi? Read in between the line! Mau politik kasar? Aku paling kasar!

    Rakyat: “Patutlah Barang Naik! Sebab U Must Not Oppose!

  16. Yea…take the money and vote for PR.
    hhhmmm..RM700 per vote….2 million votes…….RM14 Billion…exactly the amount PKFZ lost!!
    WOW…Few billions can buy up Malaysia.
    No wonder keDAILan and DAP have so much donations…but misused the fund…one sen…donators gone..all gone.
    So far so good….money can buy…money can also destroy the devil.
    Let the show begins…if they dare..on the 13th GE.

  17. Malaysia actually at war with money power created by Mahathir.
    Yes that is the devil reincarnated..and UMNO BARU is his.
    Good against evil…who will win?
    Strangely the devil tries to buy Muslims hearts …building so many mosques to make them contented and satisfied..backfired and vast majority woke up…and can see the devil….so clear.
    Now they know…he is not a Muslim…not even a Malay.
    Have you seen his brother? He dare not show him…nice guy…blacker than charcoal….living in Sungai Petani…….2 hours slow drive from Penang.

  18. I see…….
    1 Malaysia…listen to one person…the PM only.
    1 Malaysia…UMNO is the only 1 to vote for.
    1 Malaysia…so many different races…go and take care of your own race….report to 1..the PM.
    1 Malaysia…1 religion for 1 race…..still no choice..very successful UMNO formula.
    1 Malaysia…1 race rules all.
    1 Malaysia is back to square 1…lets start all over again…..Merdeka……Merdeka…Merdeka.
    I Malaysia aim to out beat race and religion politics by a greater height..back to the jungle…fast track…no need slowly.
    Money is power………time is also money too..and Najib have little time left.

  19. Ha ha ha…

    You have come out with some dialogs as well Mr. Monsterball…

    …..: “1Malaysia!1Malaysia!1Malaysia!” (Whispering to himself…1 = no.1 man of malaysia, that is me la! So all also must work like donkey for me! Me! Me! Me! Bapa Malaysia! Mau buat apa pun boleh! Makan boleh, jalan boleh, bom pun boleh! Tapi saya tidur tak boleh lo..Takut hantu perempuan cari saya malam-malam saya mati lo.)

    RAKYAT who are still dreaming like the 4 Dumbbells we saw here will say: “Hidup! Hidup! Hidup! Bapa saya love you! Makan sampai perut besar buncit pun tarak apa! Habis makan turn saya! Mari sama sama makan!

    …..: “Tapi saya tak boleh tidur lo…”

    Rakyat Dumbbells: “Tarak apa Bapa, bila tidur pikir Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Cindy Crawford..Jangan pikir Al*tan*tu*ya lo. Siang pikir olang, olang muncul. Malam pikir hantu, betul betul keluar lo!” (Rakyat Dumbbells whisper to themselves…Ai apa kita kisah? Bapa kena hantu dia punya pasai. Siapa suruh dia C4 sini sana?”

    GOODNIGHT TO ALL MY ENEMIES TOO. They get lost or get real…but I bet you..they are leeches…will stick to this blog…to suck blood…my blood…all finish…attack LKS blood….woooo waaa wooo
    {monsterball crying}

  21. I am still awake!
    But this will be last message..for awhile…as I need to have 44 winks.
    Ekin….yes I noticed….you come out…all dogs run away!!
    Keep it up!! LKS needs you badly.
    Post again.. 4 hours from now.

  22. The thrust of your emergency motion is to draw the attention of the House to the public importance of having a Royal Commission (RC) to investigate RM 12.5 billion PKFZ scandal equivalent to five RM2.5 billion BMF scandals, which public importance is so urgent within meaning of S.O. 18 that the House is required to pay its immediate attention by interrupting its normal business.

    Unfortunately the arbiter of what is “urgent” under Standing Order (SO) 18 is the prerogative of Parlaimentary Speaker (from BN’s rank) to determine. And he determined, on grounds (i) to (iii) above, that its not “urgent”.

    You may say the grounds were spurious but Tan Sri Pandimar Amin as Speaker is the unquestioned final arbiter of SO 18 on what is urgent. If challenged he could turn around and ask PR whether it wasn’t its position all along that Sivakumar as speaker of Perak Legislative Assembly is the absolute and final arbiter of its standing orders and procedures (including to bar Zambry).

    Also in a Constitutional Monarchy like ours, the King forms the RC on the advice of PM/government. No advice from govt means no RC!

    Ironically here RCs were generally formed for matters of some importance but certainly not great public importance especially those whose outcome would reflect badly on the incumbent BN govt!

    For examples –
    · Royal Commission of Inquiry into the fire at the Bright Sparklers factory in Sungai Buloh New Village (1991)
    · Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate a fire at Sekolah Agama Rakyat Taufikah al-Halimah in Padang Lumat, Yan, Kedah (1989)
    · Royal Commission of Inquiry on the collapse of the upper deck of the Pengkalan Sultan Abdul Halim ferry terminal in Butterworth (1988)
    · Royal Commission on the Teaching Services (1971)
    · Royal Commission of Inquiry to Investigate the Workings of Local Authorities in West Malaysia (1968)
    · Royal Commission on Salaries and Conditions of Service of the Public Service (1965),
    with only 3 exceptions: Royal Commission to investigate alleged injuries suffered by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim while in police custody (1999) (under TDM), Royal Commission for Police Reform (2004) amd Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Video Clip (2007 ) (under Ahmad Badawi).

    One notes that the Anwar issue and public disclosure from RC investigating his assault prison could be one of the reasons for much discontent at ground level against TDM then: he was advised that if he did not step down, UMNO/BN would suffer irreparable loss of goodwill/votes at the polls, which could be one of the reasons he considered stepping down in favour of Badawi.

    Badawi himself led BN to disastrous reverses in 12008 GE in the wake of public disclosure from Royal Commission for Police Reform (2004) and Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Video Clip (2007 ).

    The Opposition will definitely benefit from establishment of a RC on a scandal of epic proportions in which the players implicated are from the ruling coalition – which is precisely for same reason why the government will also definitely not establish it, no matter times you clamour for it, for its not to its benefit and everything adverse to its staying on in power!

    The country may benefit from transparency and disclosure of the sheninegans and abuse of power due to RC’s public deliberations – but the system is such that so far no real reparations for loss have so far been made and anyone made accountable in terms of “punishment” as findings of Royal Commission for Police Reform (2004) and Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Lingam Video Clip (2007 ) evince. The punishment meted to ex IGP for assalting Anwar arising from findings of RC on Anwar’s assault in prison was a slap omn the wrist!

  23. Dear Saudara Lim, There is another scandal potentially far bigger than PKFZ that is being brewed in Pahang. I hope you will highlight this so that we can thwart the plot before it is fully hatched.

    The case I want to highlight is the Tanjong Agas Supply Base & Marine Services Sdn Bhd (TASBMS), which is developing a 1,639-ha oil and gas and maritime industrial park in Pekan, Pahang, expects the mega project to cost about RM8bil initially and take about three years to complete.

    The Pahang State Development Corp has a 30% stake in TASBMS.

    The cost is starting at RM 8 b and if we apply the multiplier of 12 like it did with PKFZ, this could well cost the taxpayer in excess of RM 100b by the time all the parties have sucked us dry.

    All the elements of a potential scandal are in this new project. A nominal 30 % by the state government (so that the state can provide guarantees and indulgences no doubt) and with the PM from the nearby town of Pekan I am sure they will be expecting Federal guarantees and/or funding as well.

    If we have learned anything from PKFZ, we will be asking some intelligent questions. Who owned the land on which this is built? Was it also originally state owned land transfered to cronies for a pittance? Who is actually funding the whole project? Are the parties behind the project really qualified? Several names of companies were announced but most did not sound familiar.

    The information in Press Release when the project was announced was scanty. This is going to be a stinker and I hope for the sake of the rakyat you can dig into this before it explodes in our faces.

  24. (With apologies to Tolkien)

    1Malaysia for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
    1Malaysia to rule them all, 1Malaysia to find them,
    1Malaysia to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

  25. Mr Speaker failed to do his job on behalf of 27 millions population of this country excluding BN/UMMO & Association by throwing RM12.5 billion out of the Parliament window. This disgraceful Speaker shall be sacked with immediate effect for damage done to the country.

    All eyes will be now looking at the new PM Mr Najib Tun Razak, see how his is going to tackle this issue since the Transport Minister OTK already pack his bag and on the run. Mr Najib father used to be famous for very careful with country expenditure, humble and not like the current UMMO fellos owning major banks, listed companies and stuff. We shall see whether the son will emmulate the father and how he will perform as a new PM.

    This will be a major test for Najib as new PM, how is he going to settle the scandal tainted government project. Will anyone be accountable for the losses of billions of taxpayers’ money? Since OTK failed to carry out his duty then his boss ie Najib Tun Razak shall be incharged and take full responsible.

    The ball now in Najib’s court. All eyes are looking at him.

  26. On 16th June 2009 at 07:58.30, bangsamalaysia7 said:

    ……There is another scandal potentially far bigger than PKFZ that is being brewed in Pahang. I hope you will highlight this so that we can thwart the plot before it is fully hatched.

    The case I want to highlight is the Tanjong Agas Supply Base & Marine Services Sdn Bhd (TASBMS), which is developing a 1,639-ha oil and gas and maritime industrial park in Pekan, Pahang, expects the mega project to cost about RM8bil initially and take about three years to complete.

    The Pahang State Development Corp has a 30% stake in TASBMS.

    The cost is starting at RM 8 b and if we apply the multiplier of 12 like it did with PKFZ, this could well cost the taxpayer in excess of RM 100b by the time all the parties have sucked us dry.

    All the elements of a potential scandal are in this new project. A nominal 30 % by the state government (so that the state can provide guarantees and indulgences no doubt) and with the PM from the nearby town of Pekan I am sure they will be expecting Federal guarantees and/or funding as well.

    Aha!!! The plot thickens

  27. As mentioned above, since the Parliament only gave the Preliminary approval on the Project and the rest, especially on details and expand of budgets or expenses had not been properly done, an Emergency Motion is required to declare
    1. The Projects had a list of violations in Procedures starting from PKA to Ministry levels. (List of violations to be attached).
    2. The Parliament (similar to Board of Directors of a Corporation) bears no obligation or liability to PKA who has violated the fundamental procedures in getting approval from the Ministry and so the Parliament for the precise Budget and details of the Project. WHAT HAD BEEN DONE SO FAR BY PKA IS UNOFFICIAL!!
    3. As such a RCI is urgently required to investigate the Problems.
    4. PKA has no jurisdiction to investigate as there are conflict of interest in the matter and many are outside their scope. The liability of PKA under PAA is to furnish an audited account. The report from PWC is not an Audited Account and cannot be taken as such in view of the restrictions imposed. Therefore, either PKA should instruct PWC to furnish full audit report, or, RCI should give the instruction.
    5. As the budget has never been official PCA is not in the position to Audit.
    Anywhere can Parliament Procedures on Project and Budget approval be found? We need copies of Law to find OUTLAWS!!

  28. 5. As the budget has never been official PCA is not in the position to Audit. And, also not until an Audited Report been received.

    6. The PKFZ project has to be Frozen and suspended until all the relevant problems are being sorted out,


  29. Give a man the best tools to govern a country…and tools are misused…change to new ones to suit his whims and fancies…….the ultimate statue craved is so ugly…out of proportions.
    Do not blame the tools…blame the artist.

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