Pandemonium in the house

This is from @limkitsiang (twitter).

06/15/2009 02:02 PM
7 pr mps suspended 4 2days- nizar ngeh koo ham nga kor ming mahfuz mohd hatta dzulkifli gopalakrishnan 4 bubar dun band

06/15/2009 12:47 PM
Press conference Parliament lobby with Anwar, Seng Giaw, Dzulkifli n PR MPs: 3 more PKFZ questions 2OTK, Suspension of Nizar n 6 PR MPs etc

06/15/2009 12:20 PM
speaker pandikar rejects my urgent motion on pkfz scandal on ground it is not urgent n pwc rept submitted 2macc/pac

06/15/2009 11:36 AM
Sorry, mistake.Tsu Koon was asking Penang CM Guan Eng a supplementary question – forgetting who is in govt.Was outside when this happened.

06/15/2009 11:23 AM
1st negative KPI 4Koh Tsu Koon. He stood up during question time to ask Dy Information Minister a supplementary question n was laughed down.

06/15/2009 10:52 AM
As expected, Hishammuddin blindly endorsed the police abuse of power on that Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia.

06/15/2009 10:48 AM
Hishamuddin (Home) answering Anwar’s question on police abuse of power in dragging Perak Speaker out of Perak Assembly on May7 Day of Infamy

06/15/2009 10:46 AM
Unable 2ask supplementary question 2Najib on 1Malaysia.Najib answered several MPs n gave long answer. Speaker refused to allow 3rd sup.query

06/15/2009 10:33 AM
After some 25 minutes of pandemonium, some semblance of order restored with Najib now answering first question on 1Malaysia.

06/15/2009 10:29 AM
Speaker said where in nation’s history an MP taking oath shouted “Bubar Dun” I asked where in nation’s history illegal power grab in Perak?

06/15/2009 10:25 AM
Speaker refused to entertain point of order when I stood up, first time in 52-yr history.

06/15/2009 10:19 AM
so far 2 dap 2pas 2pkr ordered out of hse

06/15/2009 10:16 AM
speaker orders pas mp out 4 wearing headband ‘bubar dun’

06/15/2009 10:12 AM
2 other pr mps ordered outy of house

06/15/2009 10:11 AM
pandemonium in hse nizar ordered out of house by speaker

06/15/2009 10:02 AM
parliament bell rings 3 mins 2start with nizar taking oath as new mp

Nizar and others kicked out of Parliament
Jun 15, 09 10:32am

Seven Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians, including newly sworn-in Bukit Gantang MP Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, were ordered out of the Dewan Rakyat this morning over their call for the Perak state assembly to be dissolved.

Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia ordered them to leave the chambers and subsequently suspended them for two days.

Apart from Nizar, the others were Nga Kor Ming (DAP-Taiping), Ngeh Khoo Ham (DAP-Beruas), N Gobalakrishnan (PKR-Padang Serai), Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena), Zulkifly Ahmad (PAS-Kuala Selangor) and Hatta Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai).

“I didn’t set a definite suspension time but according to the Standing Order, they cannot be suspended for more than 10 days. So (I am suspending them) for two days” said the speaker, explaining that his decision was also based on their violation of the dress code.

He said this does not allow for headbands to be worn, pointing out that Parliament “is not a market”.

Pandikar also reminded MPs not to disrupt the proceedings and to be dignified, noting that “24 minutes were wasted (this morning) for nothing”.

Nga and Ngeh were wearing headbands with the words Bubar DUN (Dissolve the State Assembly) in the House.

This was a reference to the political chaos in Perak, following the collapse of the state government in circumstances that are still being widely disputed. Nizar was the menteri besar at the time.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was present when the ruckus occurred.

Nizar was only sworn in this morning as the member of parliament for Bukit Gantang.

No welcoming speech for Nizar

Trouble started as soon as Nizar was sworn in as a member of parliament when he started saying loudly ‘Hidup rakyat’ (long live the people) and ‘Bubar DUN’ with Pakatan parliamentarians following suit.

Some Pakatan MPs had by now worn the ‘Bubar DUN’ headbands, including Nizar.

Speaker Pandikar Amin tried to get the MPs, especially those from Perak, to be quiet and urged them to remove the headbands.

“Please remove the cloths. That is not part of our uniform,” he pleaded but this only led to more MPs joining in the protest, which resulted in the speaker in first sending off the MPs and then following it up by suspending them.

This was perhaps the first time a newly sworn in MP has been suspended on the same day. Nizar was also denied the opportunity of getting the traditional welcome speech given by the speaker.

“Traditionally after an MP is sworn in, the speaker’s job is to welcome the new member, and in the welcoming speech, the speaker will speak of his hope that the new member will be able to contribute to the House,” Pandikar told the House.

“But this morning I find it difficult to say that, look at the behaviour of the member who was a menteri besar. I don’t care how you behave outside the House, but inside the Parliament please watch your behaviour. And because of this I will not deliver my welcoming address,” he added.

Talking to reporters later, Nizar said he had actually sought permission from the speaker to speak up to inform the House on the situation in Perak.

“In my oath I said that I will defend the constitution therefore I asked for permission from the speaker to inform the members on the constitution which has been sidelined in Perak,” he said.

‘Give Nizar a chance’

According to DAP veteran parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang, a semblance of order was restored after “some 25 minutes of pandemonium”.

Lim, who is providing live twitter updates on the parliamentary proceedings, said Najib then proceeded to answer the first question on 1Malaysia.

Outside the House, security officials told all non-MPs to remove the Bubar DUN headband.

Talking to reporters later, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said it was unfair for Nizar to be suspended without being given a chance to have his say on the Perak issue.

“As a new MP , who was just sworn in, he has to be given a chance… we all know the context in which he was ousted as the Perak menteri besar and the way the way the legislative assembly proceedings had taken place,” said Anwar.

Looking at these aspects, Anwar said, Nizar should be given a chance to express his grievances.

“If we can’t air our views and protest in Parliament, where else will we able to express our grievances,” asked Anwar.

Security in Parliament House has been tight with a heavy police presence. The two-week sitting started today.

Nizar, Pakatan MPs thrown out after his swearing in
Malaysian Insider
May 15, 2009

By Adib Zalkapli and Shannon Teoh
KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was thrown out of Parliament moments after he was sworn in this morning as the new Bukit Gantang MP.

He had led Pakatan Rakyat (PR) MPs in chants of “Hidup rakyat (long live the people)” and “Bubar DUN (dissolve the assembly)” as soon as the swearing-in ceremony ended, with some of them seen wearing headbands with the words “Bubar Dun”.

Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, who was annoyed by the Perak lawmakers, asked Nizar, M. Kulasegaran, Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming to leave the House, after they refused to remove the headbands.

“Please remove the cloths. That is not part of our uniform,” he had said.

As more MPs joined in to protest the action of the Speaker, Datuk Mahfuz Omar (Pokok Sena), N. Gobalakrishnan (Padang Serai), Teo Nie Ching (Serdang), were also asked to leave.

Pandikar later refused to deliver the customary welcoming speech, saying that Nizar had misbehaved.

“Traditionally after an MP is sworn in, the Speaker’s job is to welcome the new member, and in the welcoming speech, the Speaker will speak of his hope that the new member will be able to contribute to the House,” Pandikar told the House.

“But this morning I find it difficult to say that, look at the behaviour of the member who was a mentri besar. I don’t care how you behave outside the House, but inside the Parliament please watch your behaviour. And because of this I will not deliver my welcoming address,” he added.

Speaking to reporters at the Parliament lobby, Nizar said that Barisan Nasional (BN) was hypocritical as Parliament was sitting while the Perak assembly is in crisis.

“In my oath I said that I will defend the constitution therefore I asked for permission from the Speaker to inform the members on the constitution which has been sidelined in Perak,” said Nizar.

Nizar and the other Pakatan MPs speak to the press after they were ordered out of Parliament.

However, the Speaker did not have time to consider his request before Nizar began the chants.

Mahfuz also pointed out that former Speaker, the late Tun Zahir Ismail, had allowed anti-ISA armband during the 10th Parliament session.

Several Perak PR assemblymen were also present to show support to the ousted Perak mentri besar who was asked to step down by the Perak Sultan last February despite asking for fresh polls.

Nizar won the Bukit Gantang seat in April in a by-election seen as a referendum on the takeover of the state government by BN through defections.

A relatively unknown politician until his appointment as mentri besar last year, Nizar early this month was voted into the PAS central working committee and obtained the highest number of votes.

35 Replies to “Pandemonium in the house”

  1. “06/15/2009 10:48 AM
    Hishamuddin (Home) answering Anwar’s question on police abuse of power in dragging Perak Speaker out of Perak Assembly on May7 Day of Infamy”

    As expected. Other than him, who will be the crooks?

    “06/15/2009 11:23 AM
    1st negative KPI 4Koh Tsu Koon. He stood up during question time to ask Dy Information Minister a supplementary question n was laughed down.”

    “06/15/2009 12:20 PM
    speaker pandikar rejects my urgent motion on pkfz scandal on ground it is not urgent n pwc rept submitted 2macc/pac”

    ‘Delay Game’ again..As always…

    “06/15/2009 02:02 PM
    7 pr mps suspended 4 2days- nizar ngeh koo ham nga kor ming mahfuz mohd hatta dzulkifli gopalakrishnan 4 bubar dun band”

    As expected. If you want to sit inside, then keep quiet, or else “GET OUT!”. That is always the scene since 12th GE. You got to speak something that is in favor to them or lick their @ss. Otherwise bye bye…That is the actual ‘Moronic Act’.

    Do continue to update us YB Lim…

    HA HA HA HA HA I am laughing too…Minister?

  2. RM12.5 billions wastage of taxpayers money and Mr Speaker threw the scandal out of the window claiming not urgent?!

    Hey, Mr Sleeping Speaker better knock some sense out of his logic.

    Every Malaysian want to know what happen to our hardearned money and Mr Speaker said not urgent?!

    We shall request this useless/toothless Speaker to step for failure to carry out his duty.

    Shameless scum!

  3. 12.5b pkfz, cracking bridge, collapsed stadium roof, rusting pool complex, leaking parliament hse, fungal infested hospitals, burst water pipes in new government complexes, illegal power grab, inflated prices of supplies made to government bodies, failed economy, unfair and illogical sholarship awards, usm student admission boo-boo, escalating crime rates, and many many more.

    Tell us how much more and how long more must we all endure?

  4. Nizar being evicted out of the house on his first day as MP is no laughing matter. It goes to show how autocratic Najis is and PR have rightly condemned the move.

    But idiots like monsterball and ekin think otherwise and are just the clowns they expose themselves to be. Go and play marbles if you don’t know how to comment.

  5. Has Nizar set a new “National Record” for being the fastest MP to get suspended? He hasn’t even warmed his seat I think.

    Maybe he should file another suit at the High Court against the Speaker’s decision.

  6. Siaran Langsung dari Studio Mini Parlimen ?? Ketulusan ??
    Sikap kerajaan yang ingin menunjukkan ketulusannya menguruskan Kerajaan harus diberi kepujian. Siaran ini diperuntukkan selama satu jam. Kalau tidak silap saya ianya berbayar. Kemusykilannya kenapa disebokan dan diselit dengan temuramah dengan Ahli Parlimen sehinggga persidangan yang sedang berjalan tidak ditumpukkan. Rakyat ingin melihat / mendengar perdebatan berjalan secara langsung. Kalau hendak buat temuramah buatlah masa yang lain. Apa pandangan tuan-tuan keatas ketulusan siaran ini. Contohnya sidang yang berjalan sekarang 15/06/09 semasa Speaker sedang menegur Ipoh Timur bersabit tata cara persidangan, TV menoleh dan tidak menyiarkan peristiwa tersebut seolah-olah melindungi perisiwa itu, Orang ramai ingin juga mendengar teguran spekear tersebut, kenapa berlaku sedemkian ? Itulah ketulusan yang kerajaan cuba di tonjolkan.
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  7. Mr. Monsterball, do you hear? There’s a dog barking over there! Hey! That dog is sitting on its brain! No wonder!

    Oh Mr. Monsterball, that dog who is an idiot calling others idiot…Can a dog talk? Oh my…ha ha ha

  8. whatever issues not in favor of crooked bn is ALWAYS THROWN OUT by the speaker !!! why !!!??? BECAUSE THIS SPEAKER thinks he gets his PAY FROM BN & NOT FROM RAKYAT !!! IS THAT TRUE ??? OR IS IT THAT HE IS FROM SABAH ESPECIALLY !!!

    i feel so ashamed that i’m actually a sabahan TOO !!! though i vote onlt for fairness !!! maybe he’s from a diffrent breed … that’s all i can say ….

  9. hahahahaha….ekin…you told me to keep quiet..remember?
    Calling both of us less intelligent than him?…..hahahahahaha
    Yes ekin..some dogs can talk..but you must learn their language.
    Do you understand what that dog is talking about?
    Me……monsterball..less intelligent than kontiki?…….hahahahaha
    When can I hentam again…ekin?
    Controlling and laughing only?

  10. Ekin….When Lim Kit Siang is chased out of Parliament..I will laugh louder…so will you.
    You see Nizar is so smart to trap those idiots to make wrong moves over and over again.
    Gobinda has done his job.
    LKS trying so hard…no one chase him out.
    Are dogs getting smarter?
    Certainly the dog right here…..thinking he is smarter than both of us..must be a mixed mamak..big mouth…and 22 years cannot unite people. How smart can that PM be?
    Plenty smart on dirty politics….world famous.

  11. Mamakthir could not understand how the tiny red dot can now have a per capita income of US$34,000 – 5 times the per capital income of Bolehland. The Mamakthir was certain that the little red dot would fail within a few years of independence and come crying back to rejoin this corrupt land.

    That’s one thing that Mamakthir will take to his grave – the realisation that stupidity begets stupidity.

  12. He was so jealous of the red dot….keep insulting and applying bully attitudes.
    That’s the nature of an extreme cunning politician…keep churning out slogans and empty promises…to keep fooling Malaysians for 22 years..while encouraging corruptions to the fullest.
    He sure know how to please one race….the Malays.
    Infact….he is killing is own race..a educated young children begin to know the truths and open eyes of their parents.
    Now Malays have woke up…and UMNO is done for good.
    Old man is the architect of the downfall of UMNO BARU…not “UMNO”.
    He betrayed Tunku……the founder and father of Freedom for us..who has to die without a party.
    How cruel can a man be…yet shown again….his cruelty.. with his famous Anwar sting.
    Do you seriously believe he is a Muslim?

  13. Sorry, off-topic

    Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    on June 15, 2009 3:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBacks (0)

    ///1. Ancient China considered itself the centre of the world and called itself the Middle Kingdom. And well it should. It was far more advanced in every way than Europe of the Dark Ages. Maybe China is thinking of making a comeback. ///– TDM

    China calls itself Central Country, as the name is properly translated. She does not mean herself to be the centre of the world. TDM can attribute what he likes, ad China would not care about statement by nobody.

    ///2. But we already have a new Middle Kingdom now. During Lee Kuan Yew’s triumphant visit to Malaysia he made it known to the Malaysian supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6000 miles radius of Singapore as its hinterland. This includes Beijing and Tokyo and of course Malaysia.///— TDM

    The hinterland supplies young brains to Singapore, and they certainly come in large numbers from Malaysia.

    ///3. Of course this self-deluding perception places Singapore at the centre of a vast region. It is therefore the latter day Middle Kingdom. The rest are peripheral and are there to serve the interest of this somewhat tiny Middle Kingdom. ///–TDM

    Geographically, Singapore could be the centre of a vast region, and that is why the SIA has been the most successful airline in the world. The size of the country was not crucial, even in war.

    ///4. Kuan Yew also explained that the fear Singapore Chinese would control Iskandar whatever is not justified. Malays can also work there. It is good to know that Malays can also work in their own country. I wonder as what? Maybe someone should make a study of the Malays of Singapore just to know what it is like to be a Malay minority in their own country.///–TDM

    The message is very clear that besides all the vast spaces of land which Malaysia have, compared to the red dot, Iskandar can still be a place for Malays to work. Malaysia government thinks that Malays cannot compete outside Malaysia, and it was AAB’s idea to have in Malaysia a small red dot where Malays can try to compete with others in the real world. Question is whether opening up Iskandar would make Malays a minority in its own red dot in the country. If that is true, then there is really no hope for Malays, after 52 years of Article 153, and 38 years of NEP which should have been stopped in 1990. Malays are not inferior in capacity except that a non-indigenous Malay, a mammak used the excuse that Malays were weak so that he could be the champion. Tun Ismail cared for the pride of Malay but Mammak did not care for it, for obvious reason that he suffers no pride issue because he only wanted the privilege, but not the indignity attributed to the race. He feels himself divorced from the race if it suits him.

    ///5. As for the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore Lee says it was absurd for the former Prime Minister of hinterland Malaysia to ask to increase it to RM8 per 1000 gallons. I don’t know where he got this. Some Malaysian officers did suggest this figure but we were ready to bargain and maybe settle for RM3. And why not? Johore sells raw water to Melaka for 30 sen, 1000% higher than to Singapore. And Melaka is, I believe, a part of Malaysia! Some Malaysians may see the irony of this.///– TDM

    An agreement reached hundred of years ago, or effective for the next hundred years will have to be honoured, no matter how advantages it has turned out to be for one party, and disadvantage for the others. Alaska was bought from Russia by the USA, and if TDM were a power in Russia he would consider it reasonable to go to war with USA. That is the gist of his argument. That was why the so-called social contract was always harped on by UMNO after they have removed part of the agreement; they removed the provision for a review of Article 153, which was to be done after 15 years from 1957.
    What is done between the Malaysian states in the sale of water has no relevant, because they are extraneous to the Agreement entered between Malaysia and Singapore. That was how TDM twisted arguments to support his perverted thinking.

    ///6. The great 5th Prime Minister has decided that since the people of Johore did not want to sell sand to Singapore, Malaysia would not build any bridge, straight or crooked, or negotiate and settle the other issues like the Central Provident Fund, the Railway land. Maybe the 5th Prime Minister thinks he is punishing Singapore. Actually he is giving Singapore what its wants including the 3 sen per 1000 gallons water until 2061. Think of how many grains of nasi lemak we can buy with 3 sen in 2061. Imagine what 1000 gallons will earn for Singapore at that time. Can’t think of a more astute PM for Malaysia.///-TDM

    There was no restriction on the sale of sands to Singapore until 1997 when TDM got offended because he considered the assistance from Singapore to Malaysia during the financial crisis was not what he expected. He wanted help but was angry when he was disappointed. It seems that neighbours should just share pockets.

    He closed CLOB so that tens of billions of Singapore dollar would not invest here, and KLSE has not recovered from that action. He decided to ban the sale of sand to Singapore, and equating sands with land as a personal revenge, ad he argued that selling sands equalled selling land, as if suddenly part of Malaysian space disappear after sands are removed. He later said that it was necessary to ban sale of sands to protect fishermen which the other prime minister failed to do. Of course, there are hilly region which might be levelled down for development with income from sands too. But that would be the reason he would use if he chose to take an opposite stand.

    AAB was mart enough to drop TDM’s projects but was weak to have announced transition of power. AAB should stop his elegant silence since he might not have long to rebut TDM. Both are old.

    ///7. All those who met the great man from the little country were lectured on how Malaysia should be run. We should not have anymore problems now. We have been told the direction to take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win. We must ensure this. Sorry PAS. Working with the DAP, the offspring of PAP has not endeared you to Mr Lee.///–TDM

    The great man was recognised and he does not need TDM’s statement which he did not mean. President Nixon in his books stated that he would have wished to be a fly on the wall listening to the conversation between Lee Kuan Yew and General MacArther. That was the words of admiration from a great American president who changed the modern world.
    There is no need for the great man to lecture Malaysia. The problems lie in the corrupted UMNO politicians who made use of race and religion to divide this place. The politicians have no loyalty to this land. TDM said that he would migrate when Anwar came into power.

    Confucius said at age 40, one should not think with his heart. At 84 TDM still let his emotions control his head.

    ///8. I have a lot more to say about this little Emperor but I will reserve it for later. ///–TDM

    A lot of score to make, and possible hoping that he could outlive LKY. One can feel the sense of hatred, and he still cannot get over the fact that LKY called him Malay ultra. What a prescient statement from a statesman!

  14. # Godfather Says:
    Yesterday at 19: 37.22

    monsterball, just ignore the two idiots. They are probably one and the same – an MCA supporter out here to distract us. Ignore them and they will go away.


    Godfather – you should call yourself “god-idiot” because that’s what you will become if you associate with the father of all idiots monsterball and his sidekick ekin-idiot.

  15. # monsterball Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 56.58


    [Time for moratorium for the spat involving monsterball, ekin, kontiki, tom thumb, limkamput etc or all will be placed on the moderation list without further notice. – Adm]

  16. I’m back!

    Mr. Monsterball and Godfather.
    Yeah Mr. Monsterball, it was great seeing D Nizar doing a great job showing them some colors. It was out in the tv just now how they escorted him out but before they do, D Nizar wear the ribbon in front of the dumb speaker. So no ribbon wearing, else you’ll be arrested! HA HA HA
    Yeah YB Lim working hard to present them questions which they couldn’t answer but to ‘run’ away. Great job YB Lim! Keep up the good work! 13th GE the parliament is yours! HE HE

  17. Sorry Admin…I will ignore the dumb stooges in order to keep peace in this blog…

    Mr. Monsterball, just ignore them. Otherwise they will complain to the admin that we are bullying them.. You know they are kids…

  18. So many deleted…my masterpiece language…also deleted.
    yes..sorry admin…giving you so much trouble.
    But one stand up comedy man my pick up my idea..FOC.
    Hi ekin…did you see”…”Ahmet the dead terrorist” puppet from YouTube? click to will laugh like hell.

  19. what happen if the Speaker himself being drag out by the guards replaced by BN choosen new Speaker during this setting instead of Nizar?
    The Pandikar speaker would do the same as Mr. Nizar / the Perak Speaker did…
    What I think is the speaker is not neutral but pro to PM , who paymaster to him.
    If Parliment is not a place to speak of rakyat issues by its MP’s then what its functions?
    As a stamp duty for approval only?? Read the RUKUN NEGARA la.
    Dont want to talk more or ISA people will waiting at my house… sad..nt matured people.

    One thing I nt happy..why Govt. only give apartments to FELDA not to other hardcore low-medium income rakyat..non-bumi?? Not enough low cost house for color blind..
    Houses are not cheaper but expensive. why build many semi-d,condos,bungalows..etc. only benefits to the riches only. most of us are not rich people. Who cares..govt. / developers?

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