Did Ong Tee Keat get specific approval from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be on the run from Parliament this week to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

My three questions (No.49 to No. 51 on the 17th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

No. 1. – Did Ong get specific approval from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be on the run from Parliament this week to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, when everybody knows that this will be top on the parliamentary agenda?

Furthermore, Ong should know that last Thursday I had given notice to the Speaker of Parliament, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin that I will move a motion of urgent definite public importance when Parliament reconvenes today on the PKFZ scandal calling for the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

Or was Ong so cocksure that my motion for an urgent debate on the PKFZ scandal today would be rejected by the Speaker that he could just go off overseas, when his first duty as Transport Minister is to be accountable to Parliament for his Ministerial duties and not to scoot off overseas under one pretext or another, like his predecessor Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy in November 2007!

Did Ong get any indication from Parliament, whether Speaker or Deputy Speaker, that my urgent motion to debate the PKFZ scandal today, would definitely be thrown out?

Question No. 2 – New Straits Times reported today that Ong will make a ministerial statement on the PKFZ scandal next Monday and that he is “expected to answer all points raised by opposition MPs”.

I had in fact asked for a ministerial statement from Ong the previous Saturday on June 6 (No. 24 in the current series), viz:

“Parliament is meeting on Monday, June 15. Is Ong prepared to give a Ministerial statement on the PwC audit report on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-off, to be followed by a parliamentary debate on the Ministerial statement and the PwC audit report on the PKFZ?”

Instead of doing so, he has run off abroad and is now forced by increasing public pressures, including from inside Barisan Nasional and even MCA, to make a ministerial statement in Parliament.

But this ministerial statement should be made today and not next Monday. Is Ong prepared to cut short his Paris trip and rush back to Parliament to make a ministerial statement in Parliament on Wednesday or Thursday, to make amends for the contempt he has shown Parliament and MPs by scooting overseas without a proper parliamentary accounting of the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

Is Najib prepared to send out a directive to Ong to cut short his Paris programme to be able to make such a ministerial statement in Parliament on Wednesday or Thursday, to drive home the point that his new government of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” must be taken seriously not only by the Malaysian people but also by Cabinet Ministers themselves?

New Straits Times said that in his ministerial statement, Ong “is expected to answer all points raised by Opposition MPs while outlining the measures taken by the government to save the project”.

Will Ong be answering everyone of the 51 questions I have posed in the past 17 days and at least another 51 questions I have on the PKFZ scandal?

MPs and Malaysians have lost confidence in what Ong is “expected” to do. The only way to ensure that Ong respond to all the points and issues crying out for answer about the PKFZ scandal, in particular how it could balloon from a RM1.1 billion scandal in 2002 under Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik as Transport Minister, more than quadrupled to RM4.6 billion under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister, and now doubling again to RM7.453 billion and heading towards an astronomical total cost of RM12.453 billion under Ong’s watch, is to have a full debate in the House.

Can Ong give an assurance that his Ministerial statement would be followed by a one-day debate in Parliament devoted to his Ministerial statement?

Question No. 3: Although Ong has finally “consented” (does Ong think he has become royalty?) to distribute the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audit report on PKFZ and the appendices to MPs, and we are given to understand by the government portal on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, www.pkfznews.com.my, that MPs could even get the report and appendices today, this is not the case.

I asked the Secretary of Parliament, Datuk Roosme binti Hamzah and she informed me that the PwC report on PKFZ with the appendices will be tabled in the House together with the Public Accounts Committe (PAC) report on the PKFZ scandal.

I do not expect the PAC report on the PKFZ scandal to be ready in time to be tabled in the current meeting of Parliament when it ends on 30th June as the PAC is having a third meeting on the PKFZ on Wednesday.

Furthermore, who will have confidence in the PAC report on the PKFZ scandal if the PAC Chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid refuses to disqualify himself and step aside in the PAC inquiry into the PKFZ scandal because of conflict of interest. Azmi was Minister in the Cabinet which decided on the RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout in July 2007.

What is the use of dangling the PwC report with the appendices in Parliament, promising to give them to MPs but not actually doing so, with the ridiculous condition that they must await the PAC report which would probably be tabled only at the end of the year?

Why can’t the PwC report and appendices be immediately tabled in Parliament and given to MPs without waiting for the PAC report?

If on such a simple matter, the new Najib premiership cannot demonstrate its seriousness with regard to its motto “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”, how can there be any public confidence in the administration of the new Prime Minister?

Finally, is Ong going to apologise for the parliamentary contempt he committed when he restricted access of PAC members to the four-inch high appendices of the PwC report to the 5 total hours when the PAC met on Tuesday and Wednesday and refused to allow PAC members to take back the set of appendices for more detailed study?

20 Replies to “Did Ong Tee Keat get specific approval from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be on the run from Parliament this week to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?”

  1. “Did Ong get specific approval from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be on the run from Parliament this week…..”


    1) He was ordered to do so.
    2) He was just following SOP (standard operating procedures of the 1Malaysia government i.o.w. cabut-lah)
    3) He’s got a date with a Mongolian girl from Ulan Baatar in Paris regarding some government contracts
    4) He’s avoiding Koh Tsu Koon who wants to know why he failed his KPIs
    5) Streamyx connections in Paris is veeeeery baaaaaad
    6) His absence is just a “coincidence” as it was arranged back in March 2008 for him to visit and study “Disneyland” FTZ
    7) All of the above

  2. This is the trademark of Barisan leaders. Whenever there is a massive mismanagement when billions of the rakyat’s money are lost, they will avoid to answer at all cost. Remember Rafidah Aziz. She had perfectly timed her operation to escape the queries and the story ends there. Well time and again that had proven to be an effective escape route but I hope this time we will support the MPs wto hound OTK to take drastic actions against the perpetrators.

  3. Here we go again. The usual mode of operation from our so called MCA and most BN politicians included, to run away from their responsibilities especially when dealing with $$$Billions buck of our poor rakyat money. They are so scared when under questions and answers from the oppositions. What integrity and the so called KPI are we talking about.
    Well, This is Bolehland.

  4. A man on the run does not need to ask anyone for permission.
    A man on leave need to ask for permission.
    So we need to determine is he on the run or on leave.
    LKS said he is on the run….that’s it…he is coward..the ‘Ta Kut” label suits him…maybe Ong Talk Kok too.
    Abdullah on the run several times…..avoiding responsibilities.
    If anyone doubts Ta Kut is on the run…recall Dollah’s famous runs..which he did confessed.
    Not interested in all the Agencies appointed by UMNO to investigate this or that.
    Have we not seen too many investigations…no actions?
    But it is the duty of LKS to yell like hell for Royal Commission or independent investigations and give UMNO no choice…but to comply..as voters do agree on this kind of su8ggestions … to clear things up.
    So UMNO comply… the wayang kulit show starts.
    On the PKFZ matter…do we see any PR parliamentarians appointed?
    Najib said he want to be people’s PM.
    Voters put PR in charge of Selangor.
    Is he not disrespecting people…right now?
    So you see…in corruptions …no need ask for this or that proofs.
    The many signs are so clear.
    Now 3 UMNO guys are hurled up for questioning..published in 15th instant papers.
    Is that another wayang kulit show?
    Lets presume charged and to appear in court.
    Have we not see too many kangaroo court cases?
    Go step by step…each and every way….UMNO uses money to but their way out.
    Almost cases.. not one crocodiles caught or sent to jail…..always small fishes..ready to go to jail or die…for a price.
    Just look at Ling Liong Sik,.,.Mahathir… Rafidah and Samy Vellu…welknown crooks…all are decorated with false titles…free..confident.. as birds.
    PKFZ again points to Ling Liong Sik…is the main culprit.
    Why dingle and dangle?
    He signed the last document on his last day as a minister.
    What did that document say? Why so hard working?…when he was famous to break all promises..talk kok…and biggest MCA balls carrier to Mahathir?
    So much proofs are there….now UMNO will ask for witnesses.
    And finally…..have you not seen witnesses disappear..found dead?
    Malaysians can wait and wait for the endings of all investigations.
    I am just waiting for 13th GE.
    Fooling Malaysians……by UMNO… have gone much much too long.

  5. monsterball Says:
    Today at 15: 39.07 (56 minutes ago)

    LKS said he is on the run….that’s it…he is coward..the ‘Ta Kut” label suits him…maybe Ong Talk Kok too. ???

    Abdullah on the run several times…..avoiding responsibilities.
    If anyone doubts Ta Kut is on the run…recall Dollah’s famous runs..which he did confessed. ???

    What did that document say? Why so hard working?…when he was famous to break all promises..talk kok…and biggest MCA balls carrier to Mahathir? ????


    Perfect example of someone with a senile and disjointed mind talking cock and garbage!

  6. Ong Ta Kut needs not get specific approval from the PM to be on the run from Parliament and he tells the PM that this is a special previlege he has. He even dares to defy the PM, who had instructed him to answer all questions on the PKFZ scandal raised. He has opened his “trump card” to the PM to see already. See 76% answered that MCA should leave BN. Immediately, the PM says nice words such as “it is an academic exercise only.”

    The people must not believe what Ong Ta Kut says. Today, he says this and tomorrow he will say that. The only solution is to get rid of him in the next general election.

  7. hahahahaha…You are a good joker.
    What he meant was …can be last as long as he can…till 13th GE.
    I wonder how long has he been commenting.
    Digging out grandfather stories of me….he knows long I have been posting.
    Marathon run he says?…why I will give him as much handicap he chooses …and it the end…one who walks like Johnny Walker will out run him……no problem.
    Want to fool around with a man…who had 3 wives and one more now?…..hahahahahahahaha

  8. Want to talk so big for what. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you “had” three wives. May be the present one is also on the verge of leaving. May be she is already sharing with someone else, :)

  9. All MCA should feel ashamed that their president dare not even come to Parliament to face the oppositions on PKFZ issues. The overseas visit can always be postponed or represented by his deputies. What can we expect from a leader like otk?

  10. I always have room for one more…idiot.
    That’s my life..you dare to try?
    All are still close friends with me….you know how?
    I knew I can fish you out to talk and let me enjoy farking you..hahahahahahahaha

  11. imkamput Says:
    Yesterday at 20: 58.27

    Want to talk so big for what. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you “had” three wives. May be the present one is also on the verge of leaving. May be she is already sharing with someone else



    that monsterball idiot can even have 30 wives and it makes no difference because ….his dick simply can’t work! No wonder all of them left him…ho ho ho……

  12. # monsterball Says:
    Today at 00: 00.01 (1 hour ago)


    [ time for moratorium for the spat involving monsterball, ekin, kontiki, tom thumb, limkamput etc or all will be placed on the moderation list without further notice. – Adm]


  13. Dear Kit

    Remember what happen to Chan or even Ling when the same issue pop up. Now we Malaysia know why they are assigned the post of Transport Minister.

    They are just very mobile and can run around! Sound interesting?

    Another issue is about Syabas. I hate Syabas because they supplies Kopi O or Milo instead of Clean clear water. The Rain Water that I collected from the KL poluted sky is a lot better than Syabas…


    Can PR take over the control of water supply under state control?

    Shiok Guy

  14. Hi guys when was the last time some three dozens of MPs being sent by fedex express to some distance land to avoid the “take over” ?.This time around OTK,and some undisclosed officials were bundled off DHL to some far away bonanza land to avoid “PKFZ BOMBARDMENT”. I wonder the PAC would know anything on this matter.Or as usual is asleep.

  15. Someone or more then one in the BN team has taken a big cut in this project.
    They will not easily pin point thier members to go to jail.
    That is the BN Policy , racism and corruption and no thanks to those stupid fools who voted them.

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