UMNO is no bully in BN? Then why instant removal of poll on MCA President’s blog where 78.1 per cent or 2409 out of 3084 persons want MCA out of Barisan Nasional!

The instant removal of the poll “Should MCA leave BN” on the blog of the MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat where 78.1 per cent or 2,409 out of 3,084 persons polled want MCA out of the Barisan Nasional reminds me of last October’s MCA General Assembly.

In his opening speech, the then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi denied that UMNO was a “bully” party in the Barisan Nasional.

Abdullah’s denial, responding to the earlier speech of the outgoing MCA President, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting’s “Umno is bully in Barisan Nasional”, made the newspaper frontpage headlines like “UMNO IS NO BULLY” (New Sunday Times 19.10.08) and “Umno bukan pembuli: PM” (Berita Minggu).

If UMNO is no bully in BN, then why the instant removal of the poll “Should MCA leave BN” on MCA President’s blog immediately after the UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak expressed his displeasure at such a poll in the MCA President’s blog?

Although Najib was very diplomatic, saying that the MCA President’s online poll “Should MCA leave BN” was “an academic exercise” and that “As far as I am concerned, MCA has no intention of leaving the BN”, there can be no mistaking of his displeasure.

What have both Najib and Ong to say about the one-sided result in the poll, with 78.1 per cent or 2,409 out of 3,084 persons polled want MCA out of Barisan Nasional?

The latest poll results were published in today’s Utusan Malaysia before the poll was unceremoniously removed from Ong’s blog!


57 Replies to “UMNO is no bully in BN? Then why instant removal of poll on MCA President’s blog where 78.1 per cent or 2409 out of 3084 persons want MCA out of Barisan Nasional!”

  1. No good news..remove.
    Good matter how small..headlines in papers too.
    How else do you expect them to keep on poisoning minds to vote for them?
    But then…OTK brain.. not so sharp. He needs Najib to hint…then remove it.

  2. This is Malaysia. What doesn’t exist can’t harm you. Every tried to follow links to NST articles more than a few days old?

    I notice Zaid followed Baginda’s lead and played the ‘Malay’ card as he joined PKR. Now we just need CSL to say “Chinese” as he joins DAP and PR will be indistinguishable from BN. Can you arrange for PAS to have CSL? It might be the best thing that ever happened to both of them. Maybe it’s not too late to set up the Malaysian Heritage Party for all the allegedly incoming MCA members who are worried who’s going to feed them after the next election.

  3. By removing the poll finding from his blog, Ong Tee Kiat is sending a difinitive confirmation to the whole nation that he is nothing but a subservient UMNO’s “running dog” clothed in MCA’s presidentship. What can Chinese hope in a leader like that???????????????Sigh!

  4. Who was the idiot who suggested putting up the poll on Ong Ta Kut’s website ? They must be ultra confident of the outpouring of support or else they would not have done it. Turns out that their expectations were all wrong – just like March 8, 2008.

    Would these clowns learn something from the results of the poll ? I don’t think so. They do what they know best for over 50 years – first deny, then sweep under the carpet, then decree that it is haram to even talk about it, then charge those who harp on the issue with sedition or whatever.

  5. nr is saying umno does not need mca, umno has the back door gerakan, cukuplah. mca can leave with their ministers in cabinet and all the mca shits will be exposed.


    otherwise speak soft (or better don’t speak) and do not offense the master.

  6. “Although Najib was very diplomatic, saying that the MCA President’s online poll “Should MCA leave BN” was “an academic exercise” and that “As far as I am concerned, MCA has no intention of leaving the BN”, there can be no mistaking of his displeasure.”

    This is another example which implies that Barisan Nasional(UMNO/MIC/MCA) would not listen to the wishes of the people. Whatever wishes of the people are treated as ‘academic’ – and to be ignored by Barisan Nasional.

    The concept of OneMalaysia is merely political rhetoric to try to fool the non-Malays.

    The people should ‘suspend’ Barisan Nasional from power for at least 2 parliamentary terms to enable many corrupt practices by Barisan Nasional government to be properly investigated -such as the the ‘mother of all scandal -PKFZ’, substandard workmanship of Trengganu stadium, leaking parliament-though millions been spend to repair it, Scorpeen Submarine purchase-unusual quantum of commission paid , the ‘Linggam’s -correct…correct…correct scandal’ and many more…….. what is known to the public is just the tip of an iceberg…..

  7. Yes .after the shocking 12th GE…MCA guys were shouting for change and so many members asked it to be pulled out from BN.
    “Or Kui Tow” made a fury farewell speech as MCA President…scolding UMNO..right infront of Dollah.
    Dollah response was good enough to prove…MCA can talk…but cannot act.
    OKT was cocksure MCA is gone.
    Then came Najib…who prove he can make the dead alive too…..put back all MCA puppets.
    OKT suddenly changed and is now the usual puppet we are so used to see.

  8. The poll must be something of an embarrassment, but I don’t think anyone is going to have very much faith in it, unless they’re a bit confused. I’m still wondering if monsterball is going to own up to himself voting several hundred times on OTK’s poll…

    This is the Internet, which if it was really representative of the wishes of the majority of Malaysians, would mean that we would have been living in a high-tech, liberal, secular, well-policed, metrosexual, celebrity-pundit, hard-bodied, pop-art, free-love, zealot-baiting, proportional representation republic for as long as many of us could remember.

    I think the thing that’s easiest to criticise (as Godfather points out) is the wisdom of putting such a poll up in the first place. Najib is the PM and has a popular blog – but come on, do you really think he’d get the result he wants if he put up an online poll asking “Do Malaysians hate me? Yes/No”? It might be a good way to attract a lot of extra traffic to his blog during the poll!

  9. Vast majority have answered so many pools .all against UMNO..foremost of all…is Anwar guilty of sodomy…..all said no…..yet they started another stunt..same charges.
    You see…they must get Anwar…and only sodomy seems to shut Muslims mouth…opposing.
    Using religion to the fullest onto Anwar…just go and talk to Muslims people on the streets. They hate UMNO….crucifying Anwar this way…but because UMNO have poisoned minds of Muslims so long…there is a great amount of fanatical muslims that do not listen to reasons ..but keep quoting the Koran…sodomy is guilty as hell…that’s it…case close…….and it needs a corrupted judge knows how easy to take the money and pass an unlawful sentence…knowing Muslims must keep comments.
    UMNO have played religion politics for so long…PAS cannot get out of it…if they want to win elections.
    And PAS is winning…because when come to Islam…PAS is far far more sincere than UMNO. One must understand PAS difficult political position too.
    Yet…DAP must shout like hell…to prove champions of freedom and democracy.
    Such open opinions from PR guys…openly spoken..makes UMNO weaker.

  10. Although Najib was very diplomatic, saying that the MCA President’s online poll “Should MCA leave BN” was “an academic exercise” and that “As far as I am concerned, MCA has no intention of leaving the BN”, there can be no mistaking of his displeasure.

    It is normal for a political party to sometimes gain and sometimes lose support of the people – there is nothing shameful about it.

    As Head of the BN coalition, Najib must face the fact and find ways to reinvigorate his party instead of sweeping the problem under the carpet.

    A good is leader is one who dares admit mistakes and finds way to overcome them instead of making denial of the problem.

  11. “UMNO is no bully in BN? Then why instant removal of poll on MCA President’s blog where 78.1 per cent or 2409 out of 3084 persons want MCA out of Barisan Nasional!”

    There’s no reason to be in there actually. They can’t represent the Chinese nor defend them. They are just a lion without its teeth. They shouldn’t even exist. I believed, and in fact the people in the country too as well think there’s no point for and MCA won’t go anywhere. Might as well close shop or join some other parties to fight for freedom and democracy..Oh well…..

  12. ‘Badawi denied that UMNO was a “bully” party in the Barisan Nasional’.

    Which bully will admit it is a bully and rub salt in wound of the bullied?

    Puzzle remains why such a question was polled in OTK’s blog? Are they so detached from realities as not anticipate potentially poll results damaging to MCA’s leaders image?

    Maybe it is deliberate, someone wants Bully to note a point.

    Don’t scapegoat past present leaders of MCA in RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal if heads really got to roll (be sacrificed) to appease public anger. You do that, we leave. See 78.1 per cent of those polled support us leaving. When our our backs are pressed against the wall, don’t think we dare not. What have we to lose?

  13. All race and religious based parties on both sides should be de-registered immediately to stop all those unending problems of bias and discriminations. They are actually against the Federal Constitution. It has been a major mistake of Society Act to allow such parties.

    There are other reasons why UMNO should be de-registered as UMNO has many project IC as members.

    So damned those parties in racial and social disunity.

    pw:diann ther = diely them.

  14. The instant removal of the poll “Should MCA leave BN” on the blog of the MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat as well as the instant disappearance of MCA from Malaysia. To me, MCA is invisible and irrelevant.

    MCA even cannot safeguard the interests of the people, for example, in the PKFZ “mother of all scandals.” Why is Tee Keat kept on avoiding the numerous and umpteen questions raised by the people and the Opposition? Is he not directed by Najib to provide answers to the people or is it Najib is saying for the sake of saying only? Even to an extend of not showing his face in Parliament next week to fulfill his parliamentary duties as a duly elected representative by the people. Why keep on avoiding? He can run away today but can he run away from the PKFZ issue forever. The facts and figures are the truth.

  15. That can only be done…when we vote UMNO out in the 13th GE..Joshua.
    Most important is the amendments of the Constitution to free Malays to choose any religion they want.
    Let minds be free!!
    Secondly.get rid of NEP….must help Malays and all stand on their own feet and not depend on God or anyone.
    Magic word is right attitudes for productive results in working life.
    Millions understand how to unite..yet UMNO buggers find it so difficult.
    They are no fools…year in year out….trying to fool us.
    In any case…bottom line…53 years under UMNO is enough…is simply too much. Change it and give others a chance.
    No good …change it again.

  16. WOW!! Lim Kit Siang hentam pro UMNO buggers in Susan Loone’s blog on this subject.
    That’s the to go brother…to protect your great reputation.
    Good news too! Ex UMNO law minister joined RPK.
    Actuially all expected it. It’s just when he will do it officially.
    Now check out who joined BN. So proud of Hee…pondan ex Anwar Sec…what’s his name.forgot… of all..the return of the Super star actor…Mamak..act in 2 by-elections…UMNO lost more votes.
    The return of the jedi….Anwar Ibrahim…will clobber all.from jail .or from anywhere….the 13th GE..results certain.
    That’s why we have an UMNO elected PM…who dare not call for a general snap election…making sure Malaysians support him…like we did for Dollah.
    Najib is enjoying his dream world with no shame whatsoever.
    “1 Malaysia” …what is that from a guy like him?

  17. No use removing the poll. The results are within everyone’s expectation and is not new actually. This is because most chinese now distrust barisan as a result of umno’s bully and arrogant attitude and umno’s corrupt ways. Most chinese are very eager for a political change. They want a change that will take the country to the next higher level, i.e. where a two party system exist and where one party could oversee and check the performance of the other.

    The effectiveness of this system requires the presence of two parties or blocks of parties that are capable of forming the government and ruling the country. They have have enough of the Annual Begging Festival (for scholarship monies) and many many more. They worked hard and pay taxes. They do not mind if their monies are used to build the country or even to help the poor especially malays and indians etc. They just do not want their monies taken away by the same few umnoputras year in year out in the name of some ketuanan this and that.

    As a result of their pilfering the country is being depleted of its monies and wealth and resources. The direct result is the rest of the people are left to fight for leftovers. Malaysia is a wealthy country. Malaysians need not fight and compete against each other actually. There are enough to go round to everyone. Common malays need not degrade themselves by making special claims based on some special rights. They can properly work and earn them.

    Malaysians are caught in this sick situation because of one dominant political party that has through the years gain an unhealthy and unsatiable greed for wealth and power. Vote them out.

  18. Talking about sweeping problems under the carpet, UMNO, and by extension BN, have not been able to solve even one problem out of the many problems that have been bedeviling the country for decades.

    In fact, Singapore and Malaysia have the same set of problems 40 years ago. But what is amazing is that Singapore have already solve all its problems 30 years ago while Malaysia is still grappling with the same problems which keep recycled every 3–5 years. Not only has Malaysia not solve any of its problems but old problems are getting worse and insolvable and new problems are cropping up. It’s no wonder that Singapore has climbed the rung towards First World status, while Malaysia is on the slippery slope from a Third World to a Fourth World.

    I believe UMNO and BN do not want to solve any problems but instead to use them as justifications to launch costly and ineffective white-elephant projects as a means of self-enrichment and aggrandizement. This is Bolehland’s method of problem-solving and it failed miserably. With the rate things are going, Malaysia will be following Zimbabwe’s footsteps, sooner than later, into the league of failed nations.

  19. Stop wasting valuable bandwith in Kit Siang’s blog monsterball. There is nothing new in what you say. Don’t turn Kit Siang’s blog into another Susan Loone’s blog with your boring comments

  20. tomdumbo, did i say ‘…take MCA out of UMNO…’? and is not BN = UMNO and UMNO = BN? Wow, the lapdog Only Talk Kok couldn’t yelp fast enough after being smacked!

    All you MCA running dogs – there are only 15% of you who still support Only Talk Kok – if you happen to follow this blog, time to GET OUT! Join DAP or PKR but don’t make the mistake of listening to chenghog. That’s an UMNO underling-a ling.

  21. monsterball Says:

    Today at 20: 03.12 (2 hours ago)
    That can only be done…when we vote UMNO out in the 13th GE..Joshua.

    That may happen in Peninsula but the fixed states may not contribute to the defeat of UMNO.

    Sabah’s electoral rolls is loaded with 40% project IC [return a favour] to UMNO as Musa Aman had given as many as 400,000 ICs to the illegals when he was Chairman of the Federal Task force according to exposure of some people in that FTF.
    So how vote our Sabah UMNO in GE 13 when the people are always tempted by bribes.

    Also it would make no difference if federal based parties rule Sabah.

    pw: 31) The pious

  22. I am more optimistic than you..Joshua.
    People change and have conscience.
    UMNO can change ballot boxes..from the helicopters….everyone knows that fact..but they have a limit to put out false votes.
    I think..Sabahans are like all of us…they need more understandings…with more road shows talks from PR guys.
    The timing should be…one year from 13th GE. Talk now…not effective.
    But in West Malaysia…I think UMNO will loose all…except Johore…still cannot say…as I voted from a place…always 75% or more to UMNO…since Merdeka time..and last 12th GE…PR won with clear vast majority…which means UMNO members..have turned against the party leaders…not the party.

  23. UMNO’s tactic has always been to throw crumbs at minority party leaders who then enrich themselves in the process. The Chinese and the Indians are now smarter, and they know what is going on. They are rejecting the leadership of Ong Ta Kut and Semi Value.

    To borrow a line from Obama – CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN can only come with a new regime.

  24. hahahahahaha….LKS also got insulted at Susan’s blog too.
    Who appears to defend again?
    Go la…fark those UMNO idiots…especially kaisu …right and proper.
    They are trying so hard…to upset Susan’s blog.
    I guess an NGO thinks different from a parliamentarian political blogger and both are from a political blog owner..three kinds of characters.

  25. – Mr. OTK has to take this poll seriously, if he wants the same from the public.

    – Academic research or otherwise, in the context of politics in reality, the poll is akin to a mini-referendum. To not pay heed is to disregard public opinion, a recipe for disaster to his political career.

  26. MCA is only a “yes, sir” party. Do you all expect them to voice out rakyat’s grievance. MCA is history in modern politics.

    For example, when OTK is supposed to answer all the PKFZ scandal questions, he is the first to flee. We should send this kind of irresponsible MP to hell, shouldn’t we?

  27. red said it all.
    MCA have chosen to enhanced balls carrying UMNO to a higher level.
    What matter most is how many MCA members agrees with them.
    Do the have the guts to resign or love supporting race their children disadvantages .
    Will they be so selfish…..cannot think for Malaysians and country…making a fool of the intelligence Chinese are famous for..all because they are selfish minded blokes??

  28. By having this poll, i can think of 2 benefits for OTK:

    1. Bargain with UMNO — See now there are many think we should quit BN, u better treat me nicely.

    2. Leaving a backdoor for MCA — If MCA quits BN, he can say its because he respects chinese opinions.

    Everyone in MCA knows that most chinese dont prefer BN, this poll is like asking a question that you already knew the answer.

  29. The fact that MCA uses the Chinese term “ZHENG QU” goes to show that it is indeed a BEGGAR partner in the ruling coalition. As a partner in the coalition, wouldn’t it be right to think that everything is to be shared amongst all component parties? Yet you find MCA using this term “ZHENG QU” which means to “fight for something”. Indirectly, these leaders of MCA are admitting that they are Class #2 partners in BN, or they are declaring that they are “the OPPOSITION WITHIN THE RULING PARTY”!

  30. Altantuya shadow quotes;

    “MCA President’s online poll “Should MCA leave BN” was “an academic exercise” and that “As far as I am concerned, MCA has no intention of leaving the BN”, there can be no mistaking of his displeasure.”

    Who is the President of MCA….a Chinese leader to lead the party or a Ketuanan Melayu…?
    Beggars are not chosers!….so MCA, what support do you get from the Chinese community… you are history.

  31. kontiki Says:

    Yesterday at 21: 14.58
    Stop wasting valuable bandwith in Kit Siang’s blog monsterball. There is nothing new in what you say. Don’t turn Kit Siang’s blog into another Susan Loone’s blog with your boring comments”

    you cannot speak that way of dap’s standard bearer and cheerleader. he’s among the best dap got to offer on this failing blog.

  32. The Gallup poll that predicts the US presidential election has only 2,000 respondents, and it could predict results within 4% margin of errors. 3000 respondents would predict with a higher accuracy.

    The survey which ended has confirmed that people who could respond to that blog have decided, and the results would be the same even if it is extended, except if there is a spam. If MCA blog attracts only MCA supporters, then we can safely say that MCA members if given the vote would want MCA out of BN. It would be a majority decision, and would be more than 2/3 majority. If MCA blog attracts only the Chinese, then it could still be said that the Chinese irrespective of political party affliation would want MCA to get out of BN.

    Whether the survey is on or off, the Chinese have spoken. MCA should start to work out a post BN life, and pershaps get the voters to decide again.

    I would just tell UMNO to reinstate the provision of review for Article 153, or leave BN.

  33. Tomthumb,

    If LKS thinks he’s got a standard bearer in his blog through that idiot monsterball, then LKS is really bringing disrepute to his blog! Everyone knows that idiotic moron is a trouble maker, shoving is shitty comments in every blog to pollute it. He used to pollute Malaysia Today,till RPK kicked him. He caused so much trouble in Dr Hsu Da Ren’s blog as well as Rocky’s bru and Susan’s blog. Most in fact all of the time that monsterball idiot talks, nonsense. It is as if he is shitting through his mouth.. He gets all his facts wrong, writes in very very bad English, grammar,spelling, etc, and spews obscenities and vulgarities. The trouble he thinks he’s one smart ass, but most of the time he ends up making a fool of himself.You need to google and see what a lot of people like Simon Wee have said of this idiot and trouble maker in cyberspace monsterball. On top of that he is a big, in fact the biggest hypocrite.While he accused others of carrying balls, he forgot to mention that while in Malaysia Today, he was carrying Dollah’s balls and got whacked day in and day out. He is such a big load of trouble that even Raja Petra who is the most tolerant towards all kinds of views banned him. THAT SPEAKS VOLUMES ABOUT THAT IDIOT MONSTERBALL WHO SHOULD RIGHTLY BE BANNED FROM CYBERSPACE TO CLEAN IT OF ALL THE POLLUTION HE HAS CAUSED!!!

  34. 2 seconds after Ong Tk announces he’s taking mca out of bn, the macc will arrest him for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal.
    3 minutes later, the macc will announce that there is a case against him.
    4 hours later, he will be convicted by the court.
    5 days later, his appeal will be dismissed.

    So you see why the online polls has been taken down from his blog.

  35. Hey mr.monsterball,

    Did you hear dogs barking? I heard them! HA HA HA…

    Everyone, looks like that dumbbell came out with another nick to disturb and criticize. Look at their words, just similar. The dumbbell had forgotten those were the exact words he said before in his past comments. He really thought we’re dumb. Looks like that’s what UMNO BN can offer for their next generation…Dumb generation…

  36. Ekin…Dogs are trained to bark.
    Unfortunately this dog belongs to trained to bark at us..for a piece of dog biscuit…or a pad on his idiotic head……so loyal for so chap prices.
    He has to be dumb to qualify.
    Too smart…may run away.

  37. Hey Mr. Monsterball, YB Lim really comments at susan loone’s blog? I only saw one nick LKS, is that him? Hey, what other blogs are you in? Let me join the fun as well man… (^^)

  38. It looks like it….ekin.
    Just click to the red words..and out come his post.
    Maybe his assistant cannot stand those guys belittling LKS…….posted on his behalf?
    But pro UMNO buggers.. continue insulting him.
    I torak them back and …also got a handful….but never mind…many are our side..toroking ..all ran away.
    Those are just out to disturb Susan..more than anything else.
    Maybe LKS is thinking….”poor monsterball…getting so many bullets. Let me go and help”….got fired too?……..hahahahahaha

  39. ho ho ho…what an idiot you are monsterball! trying to give yourself big airs by coming to help of LKS as if he needs help from idiots like you and your sidekick erin. LKS alone can handle all those UMNO goons, and they don’t call him Mr Opposition for nothing. So what you trying to drive at monsterball? Everyone one knows you say all those things which LKS already knows like the back of his hand, just to give yourself airs and he is so kind as to let you comment, which he knows everyone will scroll through when they see that idiotic name…just like they saw in Hsu Dar Ren’s blog, RPK’s MT today..remember what your good friend Brenda did to you in MT, Ho ho…But you abuse LKS hospitality by polluting his blog with your shitty comments one after another till people got fed up…why do you think I blast you? And you think I am an UMNO member? ho ho ho, get your numbskull examined monsterball. People whack you and you say they whack you because they support UMNO.No sir. they whack you because they can’t stand the shit you are pouring out non-stop!! Dont fool yourslef monsterball. Just remember that people will whack you irrespective of what you say whether you carried Pak Lah’s balls or pretend to carry LKS, just to get cheap publicity. because whatever it is it is just pure shit! And that’s what your are..ho ho ho….before you shoot aeroplanes at your computer screen, go jump into a bucket of shit first….ho ho ho….and if you need company get your new bosom buddy erin to also put his face in the same bucket of shit….

  40. UMNO is no bully in BN?

    I’m sure that most would recall how supporters of the major sore loser of UMNO’s Bukit Bendera went on a photo-tearing spree, which included tearing up the photos of the former Penang CM, who’s also the leader of UMNO’s ally, Gerakan.
    But after some close door meetings, UMNO’s leadership saw it fitting to only punish this Bukit Bendera sore loser with a 3-year suspension, a slap on the wrist.
    Obviously, UMNO doesn’t take it very seriously when its member bullies an ally in BN.
    After all, it’s actually UMNO’s BN…

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