PKFZ scandal – OTK should cancel overseas trip and not emulate Kong Choy to run overseas to avoid parliamentary accounting

On Thursday, I gave notice to Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin that I will move an emergency motion in Parliament on Monday to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

The notice under S.O. (18)(2) to move a motion of urgent definite public importance in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, 15th June 2009, is as follows:

“That the House gives leave to MP for Ipoh Timor YB Lim Kit Siang to adjourn the House under S.O. 18 (1) to discuss a definite matter of urgent public importance – the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

“The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) audit report into the PKFZ made public on May 28, 2009 was most unsatisfactory as its terms of reference were restricted to “a position review” instead of wide-ranging inquiry as to how a RM1.1 billion scandal in 2002 under Tun Ling Liong Sik as Transport Minister, could more than quadruple to RM4.6 billion under Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy as Transport Minister in 2007 and now further doubled to RM7.453 billion and heading towards the figure of RM12.5 billion under the present Transport Minister!

“Although the Prime Minister had on 29th May publicly directed the Transport Minister to answer every question raised by any party on the PwC report on PKFZ, and I had been posing three questions a day on the PKFZ since 30th May, no satisfactory answers had been forthcoming from the Transport Minister.

“RM12.5 billion is not chicken-feed. It is equivalent to five RM2.5 billion BMF scandals. RM12.5 billion can be used to build 25 universities at RM500 million each; 125 hospitals at RM100 million each; 1,250 schools at RM100 million each; 312,500 low-cost houses at RM40,000 each or give everyone of the 27 million Malaysians regardless of age a payout of RM338!

“Only a Royal Commission of Inquiry, where previous Transport Ministers, PKA Chairmen and Board members, as well as the relevant government officials in can do justice for accountability and integrity in the ‘scandal of scandals’.”

One of the major personalities responsible for the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, former Transport Minister and MCA President, Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik, has said that he is prepared to be summoned by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to assist in the investigations into the PKFZ scandal.

This is no credit to MACC whatsoever, for it shows that nobody is worried by any MACC investigation as the MACC in its short life of five months has proved that it is no different from its predecessor, the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) as basically a toothless tiger as far as investigation into scandals involving top Barisan Nasional personalities are concerned.

This is why the instruction by the Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to the Port Klang Authority (PKA) Chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng to submit a copy of the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audit report on PKFZ to the MACC is so farcical and ridiculous!

Is Liong Sik prepared to support the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?

Is Liong Sik prepared to appear before the Public Accounts Committee to assist it in its investigation into the PKFZ scandal?

Is Liong Sik in agreement that the PAC Chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid should disqualify himself and step aside in the PAC inquiry into the PKFZ scandal because of conflict of interest as he was Minister in the Cabinet which decided on the RM4.6 billion PKFZ bailout in July 2007, and that the PAC investigation into the PKFZ scandal should be conducted by the PAC Deputy Chairman, Dr. Tan Seng Giaw?

In fact, Azmi should appear before the PAC inquiry into the PKFZ scandal as a witness to explain his role in the Cabinet in July 2007 in supporting a RM4.6 billion bailout of PKFZ, instead of leading a PAC inquiry into PKFZ.

In this connection, I call on Ong Tee Keat not to emulate his predecessor as Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy, who ran away overseas to avoid a parliamentary accounting of the PKFZ in November 2007.

I understand that Ong Tee Keat is running overseas to avoid having to stand up in Parliament next week to account for the PKFZ scandal, which has become even worse than the time of Liong Sik and Kong Choy as Transport Ministers – ballooning from RM1.1 billion in 2002 to RM4.6 billion in 2007 and now reaching RM7.453 billion and heading towards RM12.453 billion.

Ong is not stupid. He knows that the PKFZ scandal, now the mother of all scandals in Malaysia, will be the No. 1 topic when Parliament reconvenes on Monday, and he deliberately schedules an overseas trip to avoid having to be in Parliament.

As MCA President, Ong should not emulate Kong Choy to run away from his Ministerial responsibility of parliamentary accountability. No Umno or MIC Minister had ever done such a thing. Why are MCA Ministers making a habit of scooting overseas to run away from a parliamentary questioning?

Ong should cancel his overseas trip, stay behind, even give his agreement for an emergency debate on the PKFZ scandal on Monday, and explain to Parliament and the nation what has he done on the PKFZ scandal in his 15 months as Transport Minister.

18 Replies to “PKFZ scandal – OTK should cancel overseas trip and not emulate Kong Choy to run overseas to avoid parliamentary accounting”

  1. Even if Ong Ta Kut is not around, Najib should do the answering since this is clearly a BN project to rip off the public with the collusion between MCA, UMNO and SDPP. The betting, however, is that the Speaker will rule that the PKFZ scandal is not a matter of urgency.

  2. Backbenchers Club chairperson and Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing not running away. He accused the Transport Ministry for not clarifying the scandal. He said “not scared” of your attacks in the upcoming parliamentary sitting/debate.

    Malaysiakini has reported –

    When asked whether Ong’s absence will mean that he is now the main target of opposition’s attack, Tiong laughed, “If they (the opposition) want to come, let them come. I don’t fear of them.” Tiong, a multi-millionaire politician, reiterated that his company did not commit any wrongdoing in the PKFZ deal and warned Lim against hurling allegations at him. “I will sue Lim for defamation if he makes baseless allegations against me,” said Tiong.

    LOL, as if he does not know you have parliamentary immunity.

  3. And you cannot jail a Tun.
    This no brainer can only copy….memorize what to away,,,like the usual ways… irresponsible people BN are famous for.
    Only Abdullah asked for forgiveness….admitting the run away acts .
    OTK was never a welknown politician.
    All of a sudden he emerged …chosen by Ling Liong Sik..for reason…no need to explain.
    Look back and tell me what have OKT done for the country and people?
    Over his dead body…if he dares to reveal all of PKFZ corrupted deals.

  4. 1. To emphasize the URGENCY, the Motion should also be supported by signatures of all MP who are in favor of the Motion.
    2. Or, the Motion to reschedule the Debate with a definite time frame for Answers or Findings to those Queries posted in the PWC Report to be tabled from respective Departments. Without such material, the Debates (as usual) will only be a “Mouth to Nose” talking.
    3. At least the following should be made available to the MP (where I assume the Ministry are obliged to provide and cannot use OSA in the Parliament:
    a) Copies of the Letter of Guarantee
    b) The Approval of those Soft-Loan being approved?
    c) The Approval of those Agreements signed by the General Manager and/or Manager of PKA.
    d) The investigation on the Issue and Flow of those RM3.685b raised and the Flow of PDS in SPV and its subsidiaries.
    And, surely, those responsible for answering should be present.

    4.This scandal, as well as many others, were made possible due to the “possibility” of issuing PDS or similar without the monitoring of MOF and the Government. In other words, they are printing “money” without any material support. Similar practice in having Standard S&P for the Housing under Housing Developer Acts but the MOH was/is closing their eyes and then came a lot of Abandon Projects!!

    With such a practice, which is quite popular, could mean that the Financial system is having a great number of HOLLOW PDS!! Has any banks or financial system having these PDS in their books?

    The crisis does not only matter on a single PKFZ project but a ROT that are eating the Financial system. Or, at least the Treasury (MOF) such that the Government has to press each and everyone for their Income Tax with delays in Pension release!! This should not be for an OIL producing country!!

  5. If it hasn’t been installed, I would suggest that DAP forms a body , untouchable by UMNO, to record case by case of different crimes and atrocities committed by those monsters in power since 1969. This body should be similar also to MOSSAD but to include all forms of
    corruption,embezzlement,laundering,mismanagement,cronism,fronts.The whereabouts of such criminals should be tracked and traced all the way at all times till each and every one of such criminal pays for the crime committed and their ill-gotten wealth to be recovered and confiscated to be returned to the treasury. Many feathered nests are already well situated in the Aussy continent. South America is truly faraway but plenty of ill-gotten MY-RM are long ago there. MY-RM are being parked all over the world by those criminals and are still fervently draining the nation dry. So, just moniter their moves each time should one/s go overseas.Let them tremble each time MOSSAD is mentioned. Let MOSSAD be their nightly nightmares !

  6. It is always a practice for MCA ministers or deputies to leave the country whenever fail to tackle issues.
    CJMeng took leave to Australia after a pandemic.
    CKChoy went to Australia for a month leave after PKFZ debacle.
    Now, OTKeat arrange overseas trip to avoid Parliament session.

  7. Parliament will meet on 15 June 2009. We appeal to Ong Tee Keat to be present in Parliament to resolve unanswered PKFZ issue in the interests of the people. If the planned 7-day visit to France was done ahead of the intended Parliament sitting, can Tee Keat send a representative. What a coincidence? The same thing happened to Tong Choy, when brother Kit Siang raised 5 questions on PKFZ “mother of all scandals” in Parliament previously. Is the overseas trip by Tee Keat more important than the taxpayers’ hard earned money of RM12.5 billion, which is at stake? Tee Keat cannot forever escape or avoid the facts and figures of this “mother of all scandals,” just by thinking that the people have short memories. This “mother of all scandals” will forever haunt MCA until the very truth eventually surfaces into the open.

    We leave it to Tee Keat to visualize the RM12.5 billion, which is at stake. The people are very anxious and eager to know what is going to happen to their hard earned money. Which is more important – 7-day visit to France or Parliament sitting? Tee Keat’s presence in Parliament is of great significance.

    Tee Keat stops buying time into the PKFZ “mother of all scandals” once and for all. The people are waiting anxiously and eagerly for results. The people’s message to Tee Keat is clear and loud.

  8. Now, the multi-million and multi-billion scandal cover up each other kind like the “mang-cha kuih” that selling on Penang streets. The guy have 8 pan that running hot, ONLY have 4~6 cover. He always trying very hard to move the cover from one to another while prevent the kuih get toasted.

  9. This is typical of Ong takut. Ask any mca members, you will know.
    Ong takut does not walk the talk as he likes to claim. Summer in Paris must be wonderful for the superman to spend a week there, says a friend of mine. Paris summer is hot though, but certainly not as hot as parliament here next week.

  10. Phone conversation.

    OTK : Hey LKS! Give me a break will ya?

    LKS : OTK, no problem if you answer the daily 3 questions and accounted for PKFZ!

    Line disconnected…”Tu…..Tu…..Tu…..”

    LKS dialed again…..

    OTK picked up…..

    OTK : (OTK’s voice) Please leave a message after a beep……….BEEP!

    The next day…
    OTK in speaking to himself in the flight…..(LKS! Adios partner!)

  11. part 2…
    LKS:..’Where are you?”
    OKT..”Why? what’s up?”
    LKS….”You did not answer my 3 questions”
    OKT..”Ask Najib…not me. I answer to him only”
    LKS..”You are answerable to Malaysians, first and fore most and my questions put out to you are on behalf on the people”
    OKT..”Fark you LKS!! My RM500 spent…no juice come out.”
    LKS..”Where are you?”
    OKT….”Near near…won’t tell you. This sexy Chinese girl..very co-operative..very good…yet no juice come out”
    LKS.:So you are in China”
    OKT.”How do you know? Who told you?
    LKS.”Enjoy yourself. I will wait”
    OKT.”wait wait,..who told you?”
    Line disconnected.

  12. I thought the signboard leading to the PKFZ said “Satu Lagi Projek Barisan Nasional” ? Why should we wait for Ong Ta Kut to answer ? Najib or Muhyiddin or Tiong should answer.

  13. Every BN politician facing trouble will become a HOUDINI of Malaysia – just dissappear! The worst was the mass disappearance during 916 when Tiong led the whole team of BN MPs to Taiwan for an agricultural study.

    Hey Tiong, what did you all learn from Taiwan? Did not see anyone of you implement your agricultural knowledge in Malaysia to improve the agricultural sector, not even any advanced skill in planting SWEET POTATOES! So what the hell did all of you learn from that agricultural trip?????

  14. why should he do the bidding of dap?

    he wants to avoid the flak for obvious reasons. avoiding the flak is not what is wrong, it is allowing a project like that to take off the ground is what is wrong. dap is not interested in solving anything but just to make political fodder of it.

    is making political fodder of an issue wrong? no. but at least see it for what it is. and call it by its name.

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