Why is Ong Tee Keat afraid of a Selangor Exco member sitting on the PKA Board and insist on having his own appointee representing Selangor State Govt?

My three questions (No.37 to No. 39 on the 13th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

1. In his blog from Beijing on 3rd June 2009, Ong wrote:

“At this very moment, professional experts and entrepreneurs have been roped in to provide their views and expertise on how to bring PKFZ back on track for which it was originally conceived.

“ We are not sitting still and playing rhetoric. In the weeks and months ahead, my Ministry and PKA will put in place a series of action plans to lessen the pain on taxpayers.”

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) submitted its “position review” report of the Port Klang Free Zone (PFKZ) on 3rd February 2009, which means Ong had more than four months to digest it.

Can he explain what he had done in these four months apart from “sitting still and playing rhetoric” to “put in place a series of action plans to lessen the pain on taxpayers” with regard to the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal and why he needs four months just to announce a blue-ribboned Task Force to make some more studies in the next two months to make recommendations “for follow-up actions” to be taken by the Government? Isn’t this a colossal waste of four months after the PwC report on PKFZ?

2. In the same blog, Ong had written:

“PKA has been requested to submit fourteen (14) copies of the report as well as the appendices to members of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), and it will do so as soon as possible.”

At yesterday’s meeting of the PAC, which was attended by the PKA Chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, PAC members were informed that the 14 sets of appendices were only available for them during PAC meetings and not meant for them to take back for detailed study.

What is Ong afraid of that he is prepared to commit the parliamentary contempt of imposing such a ridiculous condition restricting access of the PwC Report appendices to PAC members which make a total mockery of his ministerial responsibility and accountability to Parliament?

3. Why is Ong so afraid of a Selangor Exco member sitting on the Port Klang Authority (PKA) Board that he insists on having his own appointee representing Selangor State Government instead of the Selangor State Government’s choice?

Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s proposal to have a state exco member sitting on the PKA Board met with immediate and quite violent opposition from the PKA Chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, who claimed:

“For me, there is no need for an exco to be in PKA. I’m an accountant by profession, I was a chairman of a public-listed logistic company before I resigned. I know the business well.”

Lee insisted that the Selangor state government’s representative on the PKA Board should continue to be a civil servant and not a State exco member.

Why is Lee reeking with fear at the very suggestion of a Selangor State exco member sitting on PKA Board?

Since Ong had been micro-managing every step, decision and pronouncement of the PKA Chairman, as evident in the past two weeks, one cannot be very wrong in assuming that Lee was speaking on behalf of the Minister in responding to Khalid’s proposal.

This is most extraordinary, where the Transport Minister, who is the appointing authority for the PKA Board members, wants to overrule the Selangor State Government as who should be the PKA Board member representing the Selangor State Government.

Why is Ong so afraid to allow a Selangor State Exco member to sit on the PKA Board?

Why is Ong vetoing the Selangor State Exco as to who should represent the Selangor State Government on the PKA Board?

42 Replies to “Why is Ong Tee Keat afraid of a Selangor Exco member sitting on the PKA Board and insist on having his own appointee representing Selangor State Govt?”

  1. Mr. Ong Tee Keat should be aware that he can put in place the best professional teams to manage PKFZ now but the public will not be impressed if no heads roll over this scandal.

    If no heads roll, prepare for election backlash, Mr. Ong. The best corporate governance and project management team in the world will make no difference

  2. Why is Ong Tee Keat afraid of a Selangor Exco member sitting on the PKA Board and insist on having his own appointee representing Selangor State Govt?

    It’s because he’s afraid that the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government is able to expose what he wants to cover up especially after the way SELCAT had exposed the dubious shenanigans of the broom-giving dentist.
    Anyway, since PKFZ is within the state of Selangor itself, having a Selangor state exco member on the PKA Board should not be problem unless the transport minister thinks that it remains a problem as long as the state exco member is from ‘the other team’…

  3. Ong Ta Kut says that if he cannot let the PAC take away copies of the appendices to the PwC report, how on earth is he going to let you nominate a Selangor Exco member to sit on the PKA board ?

    Maybe he will say OK, you can nominate someone to sit on the PKA board, but he/she will be searched every day when he/she leaves the office for unauthorised taking of documents.

  4. Wow self made heros huh. Its easy. Do it this way. First conceive a super mega project. Any project will do. The only condition is it must be mega. Those that run into billions. Then abuse, steal, pilfer, mismanage etc etc so that the project cost balloon to something like 3 or 4 or 5 times the original cost. Then play HERO by roping in experts and by putting in place a series of action plans to “LESSEN THE PAIN ON TAXPAYERS”.


  5. Not all the money has gone out of the door, and Ong Ta Kut is hell-bent on ensuring that all the money goes to those who conceive the PKFZ project in the first place.

    Ong Ta Kut has been told to play his sandiwara but to make sure that undisbursed funds are disbursed as originally planned by the perpetrators.

    Ong Ta Kut, we will hold you responsible even if a single sen goes out to the thieves from now onwards.

  6. Ong Tee Keat is a low class MCA puppet to Ling Liong Sik and afraid of Chan Koon Choy.
    Reveal…his head will be gone. That’s a fact.
    All the exercises are just play acting….hoping people will easily forget….move on.
    Lingam case also no charges…when Royal Commission have made the report …so clear.
    In the end…the final say….is from UMNO..and Mahathir was the PM.
    Have you ever seen any UMNO.,MCA..MIC.. big fishes.. gone to jail?
    Lim Kit Siang knows very well all his shouts and cries and demands will go into deaf ears of UMNO and MCA.
    But it is LKS’s efforts to expose corruptions.without fear that we admire most and will continue to support change of government.
    So much was revealed by Tony at the forum..so easy to understand…..so clear huge corruptions are in PKFZ fiasco.
    OKT is trying very hard to capture Chinese confidence and votes….doing a poor job out of it.
    But then…for his efforts.he is again decorate with another false title recently…hinting UMNO is well pleased of his play acting skills.

  7. Aiya, brother Kit Siang, your question #39 is very simple and even my grandchildren in the kindergarten can answer it. The answer is “WHY SHOULD I PUT A MOUSE IN MY RICE TANK?” (In Cantonese, it is “chok loh si lok mine kong.”) The RM150 million minister of nurseries will also tell you that the children can answer your very easy question.

  8. The answer to your question #38 is “we cannot reveal too much, if not the relevant parties will sue PKFZ and we will have to indemnify a substantial amount of money that may run into another few billions. You will use this as a political point in the next general election, then MCA will be finished. Cari makan saja, lu pun hot.”

  9. OTK will “appeal” or “shuqio” to Najis to reshuffle the cabinet and let Chua SL to be transport minister as soon as possible, so that he can have a breather from the puffing of LKS hot air down his neck!!! Good job LKS, I wrote LKY and then I noticed my mistake. Very soon LKS will be like LKY anyway!!!

  10. Pitty OTK for he has to clean up all the siht that others had berak every way and enjoying themselves while continue to watch him how to clean up!!! May be he or his gang may still get something out of this scandal by giving the siht clean up job to his cronies. Head and tail also BN won!!! The losing parties are the Rakyat who paid taxes whether directly or indirectly in the past and into the future even under PR!!!

  11. Dont think to clean up siht job is cheap!!! It cost few hundred million and more. It may be few percent of the total siht of 4.6 Billions or more now. Sometimes like what some BN Ministers said before, just forget about looking for the cuiprits because it will cost more to dig deeper!!! Just let it be like what Paul McCartney sang!!! LOL!!!

  12. Keep on talking!
    Keep on digging!
    In the end, everybody will be so boring that there were no more be an issue.
    This is Malaysia!!!
    A land where truth and facts can be twisted, right under everyone’s nose.
    Remember the previous Bank Bumi case and the Perwaja steel scandal.
    Money all gone and just some few “scapegoats” that got convicted.
    Many more cases that is merely forgotten.
    Malaysia is a haven for crooks and corruptors.
    As for us commoner, we’ve to accept whatever it as it is.

  13. Answer to question #37:-
    1. PKFZ – from 3 February to 10 June, I am helping Perak to get in RM9 billion investment.
    2. Perak crisis – from 5 February to 10 June, RM9 billion investment in Perak. This is not bullsh*t. According to plan, agreement will be signed on or before 20 June 2009. Is this GREAT or NOT GREAT.


    “# TomThumb Says:
    Today at 20: 45.25 (13 minutes ago)

    “Why is Ong so afraid to allow a Selangor State Exco member to sit on the PKA Board?”

    the presense of people like elizabeth wong would be nice.” – SOME DUMB COMMENTS AGAIN. THE ABSENCE OF YOU IN THIS SITE IS WELL TAKEN TO BE THE NICEST THING ON EARTH.

  15. the presense of people like elizabeth wong would be nice.

    Dumb dumb, what are you trying to imply. NObody is worse than a whore in three-piece suit, got it? In case you look around, no, I am referring to you.

  16. Limkamput…Are you referring Elizabeth Wong as a prostitute?
    Please clearify. You are so learned…your double meaning is an art…only cunning people love to master.
    Do you know Elizabeth that well…or based on hearsay and conclude?

  17. The only way OKT can “lessen the pain on taxpayers” is to put all those involved in this corruption scandal and stop wasting anymore of the taxpayers time and money. The people has enough of your umno corruption and abuses.

  18. In his blog from Beijing on 3rd June 2009, Ong wrote:
    “At this very moment, professional experts and entrepreneurs have been roped in to provide their views and expertise on how to bring PKFZ back on track for which it was originally conceived.”

    Well, Mr. Transport Minister, all of this unpleasantness, unnecessary stress, unwanted pressure & uncalled for stupidity would have been avoided in the first place if those professional experts & entrepreneurs were much earlier roped in to devise a strong and good enough plan to keep this PKFZ project well managed and properly on track from the beginning when it was first originally conceived.

    In his blog from Beijing on 3rd June 2009, Ong wrote:
    “ We are not sitting still and playing rhetoric. In the weeks and months ahead, my Ministry and PKA will put in place a series of action plans to lessen the pain on taxpayers.”

    Mr. Transport Minister, if a series of proactive prevention measures had been put into place from the beginning several years ago, there wouldn’t be any pain on the taxpayers in the first place!

  19. Monsterball, No,i have no double meanings. If i am miscontrued, i apologise to you and also to Eli. I am only referring to one whore here, the intellectually corrupt, the whore who wears a three-piece suit.

  20. “For me, there is no need for an exco to be in PKA. I’m an accountant by profession, I was a chairman of a public-listed logistic company before I resigned. I know the business well.”

    Wow what a statement by lee hwa beng!


    Still wowing.

    Still wowing.

  21. If he just read all those responses to him….a normal person will run..hide with shame.
    But he has a mutt face….with onion skin…big pimples .. all over.
    What face is that?
    Looks like my adorable pug dog face.
    Dog is adorable. Humans…dung face….get far far away from him..smell like shit.

  22. If he just read all those responses to him….a normal person will run..hide with shame.
    But he has a mutt face….with onion skin…big pimples .. all over.
    What face is that?
    Looks like my adorable pug dog face.
    Dog is adorable. Humans…dung face….get far far away from him..smell like s…t.


    “# TomThumb Says:
    Today at 13: 16.52 (2 hours ago)

    mutt face does not understand what he’s writing’ – LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND YOURS? YOUR DUMB REMEMBER?

  24. why is Ong so afraid to allow a Sel State Exco member to sit on the PKA board?

    because Only Talk Kok is planning on a Lingamgate-style closure to the scandal. It’s easier if you have an Ongbudsman whom you can instruct to strap C4 to the case and blow it to bits.

    and tomdumbo? he is an agent provocateur

  25. He can’t even provoke his brother john to get angry and pee….saying…”Come on…you prick…let out the water!!”…all stuck in…because worms are controlling his brain….prick is independent..up or down or let go..he cannot control.
    But it is not all night long suffering.
    It is at the first stage…that from his messages..you can actually know…when prick is relaxed and he is comfortable.
    That’s when GF is in good mood.

  26. “and tomdumbo? he is an agent provocateur” kerisdinitis

    you’re very perceptive. now make sure you put that talent to good use. you hear me? you’re my choice for dap spokesman on this failing blog


    “# TomThumb Says:
    Today at 00: 25.39 (2 hours ago)

    “and tomdumbo? he is an agent provocateur” kerisdinitis

    you’re very perceptive. now make sure you put that talent to good use. you hear me? you’re my choice for dap spokesman on this failing blog” – HE IS TALKING ABOUT YOU TOMDUMBO, YOU LOVE THAT NAME? THERE YOU GO LAUGH OUT LOUD. YES THIS BLOG IS FAILING TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO YOU CAUSE YOU’RE TOO DUMB TO UNDERSTAND! WHAT A SAD TIME FOR YOU DUMBBELL…GUESS YOUR PARENTS TOO…

  28. Lee Hwa Beng Said :

    “For me, there is no need for an exco to be in PKA. I’m an accountant by profession, I was a chairman of a public-listed logistic company before I resigned. I know the business well.”

    It is not because of lack of professionalism that an Exco should be appointed to the board. This you can buy. What is lacking is transparency and this you can’t buy. There must be some accounting by the people who had been given so much of the public’s money.

    If OTK couldn’t even do this, assuming that Lee is taking his marching orders from OTK, then he is in dereliction of his public duties. If Lee is not taking his dancing instructions from OTK would Lee be willing to assume all the responsibilities of bringing public shame to the organisation he is running ?

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