Lim Kit Siang

The simple things that we ask…

by Malaysian student overseas

Regarding:Koh Chon Weng case recently.

I sincerely think that this should not even happen. I felt really shocked after finding out the news from . Not just me alone who felt this, but my other friends as well. Even friends from other countries. We are also shocked why they’re not much news covered on this topic by local media.

As a student studying abroad, we choose to leave the country for higher education because

1. The certification here is more recognized.

2. We can obtain a Permanent Residents here once we finish our study. WHY?? because we don’t believe that younger generation like us will be able to live in Malaysia in future. A country where we were born. This is somehow sad.

Kugan’s death was something that shocked us, but why after a short while this happens again?

We the nation is not looking for a party that can make us rich, study the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and understand it. What we want is a party that can provide us safety and future.

I know nothing is perfect and we don’t ask for it to be completely perfect. I also studied Yin n Yang and understand that “the evil cannot be fully vanquished, but it can be controlled.” Therefore, we are not hoping to close down the entire PDRM but at least make those who are responsible to face the law, make us ( Missing-home students overseas) believe that there’s no place like home and we will want to go back to serve our country once we graduate.

Look at places like Hongkong, why do cops in Hongkong have their respectfulness from the people, why don’t Hongkong citizens feel bad about joining the police force.

Their police force consist of Chinese only??? No, they have Indians, and white and some Portugese and some Malaysia born Chinese as well.

The entertainment industry made a big success in projecting Hongkong police?? No, Malaysia has its own “Gerak Khas”( and i think that’s a good series) as well.

I strongly recommend that you read the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and you will find that what we – the nation – is asking for.

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best in fighting for the nation and hope you are blessed with health and happiness.