Home Ministry bans T shirts


On 2nd June 2009, the Publications & Quranic Texts Division of the Home Ministry raided my T-shirt stall in Central Market for the 3rd time and seized 83 shirts they claim are “obscene and contain Communist elements”. You can see the images they confiscated by following this link…

That the Ministry is clamping down on items they allege glorify (Chinese) Communism at the very moment our beloved leader is grinning for photocalls with the flatcaps in Beijing is flash-bulb irony so blinding it requires uncommon talent to miss it. The Ministry, of course, missed it by a mile.

Not many people know this but lightweight, low level officers of the Publications & Quranic Texts Division are entrusted with absolute power to make on-the-spot judgments about what is obscene, subversive, subliminally seditious, distasteful, inartistic, drug drenched, Communist, radical, Swedish. Er, ok, maybe not Swedish, Continue reading “Home Ministry bans T shirts”

Public Forum – RM12.5 billion PKFZ Scandal: Will Heads Roll?

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Public forum – RM12.5 billion PKFZ Scandal: Will Heads Roll?

Venue : KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, KL (MAP)
Date : 10 June 2009
Time : 8.00 pm

Panelist :

  • Tan Sri Dr Ramon Navaratnam – Chairman of the Asli-Center of Public Policy Studies, former President of Transparency International Malaysia*, prominent Malaysian economist, former Transport Ministry Secretary-General
  • Captain Yusof Ahmad – former pilot superintendent of the Klang Port Authority and pioneer general manager of West Port
  • Teh Chi Chang – Economic Advisor to DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng
  • Tony Pua – DAP Publicity Secretary, MP for PJ Utara
  • Lim Kit Siang – DAP Parliamentary Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur
  • Dr Tan Seng Giaw – DAP Deputy Chairman, PAC Deputy Chairman, MP for Kepong

Enquiries Continue reading “Public Forum – RM12.5 billion PKFZ Scandal: Will Heads Roll?”

PKFZ scandal — suspend Chor as deputy finance minister until he is cleared of conflict-of-interest

My three questions to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:

Question No. 1 (No. 25 in series): What are the real reasons for the sudden resignation of Ong’s hand-picked Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager and Port Klang Free Zone Sdn. Bhd (PKFZSB) executive chairman Lim Thean Shiang.

Is it because of his failure to perform in his two positions to bring in investors and tenants to PKFZ, which continues to be a “ghost town” and a white elephant?

Is it also because of the special briefing of Barisan Nasional MPs on the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) audit report on the PKFZ, allegedly without the knowledge or authority of the Transport Minister?

Who organized the mysterious briefing of BN MPs on the PKFZ, was it the Barisan Nasional Backbenchers Club Chairman Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, who is also the main stakeholder of the PKFZ turnkey developer Kuala Dimensi Sdn.Bhd?

How many BN MPs attended the special briefing and can the Minister give a full list of the MPs concerned, or is it covered by the Official Secrets Act?

What exactly transpired at the “special briefing”?

Question No. 2: Continue reading “PKFZ scandal — suspend Chor as deputy finance minister until he is cleared of conflict-of-interest”

Confidence motion in Parliament June 15 – another reason why Najib needs it

There is another reason why the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should seek a motion of confidence when Parliament reconvenes on June 15 to secure a clear-cut mandate to establish credibility, integrity and legitimacy of his premiership.

This is to secure parliamentary sanction for his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan.

Najib said yesterday that the 1Malaysia concept does not deviate from the essence of the Federal Constitution, express or implied.

He said it is not a new concept or formula and that its ultimate objective is national unity, which was the primary vision of previous administrators translated into various forms over the last five decades.

But is Najib prepared to ascertain why his 1Malaysia concept had generated so much division and discord among Malaysians, which was not the case with, for instance, the Bangsa Malaysia concept introduced by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad when proclaiming the Vision 2020 in 1991?

In fact, the very need for Najib to come up with a 1Malaysia slogan is eloquent testimony of the failure of Malaysian nation-building efforts in the past five decades to create one united Malaysian nation. Continue reading “Confidence motion in Parliament June 15 – another reason why Najib needs it”