Has Malaysia lost the battle to become a developed nation and entered the cycle to become a failed state?

The collapse of the roof of the RM300 million 50,000-capacity Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium in Gong Badak within a year of completion provoked disbelief, shock and outrage with a whole spectrum of unflattering comments and reactions.

One reaction is that the shocking collapse of the RM300 million stadium within a year of completion is a disaster waiting to happen. An engineer, A. Mohamed who often jogged in the area, has told the media that he had noticed that the space frame which held the roof was getting bent out of shape but his efforts to warn government agencies and the media of the stadium defects were ignored.

Another is that the collapse is the inevitable consequence of a system which gives premium to “know who” than “know how”, the curse of Umno cronyism hiding under the guise of New Economic Policy. Will the Umno cronies responsible for the infamous collapse of the RM300 million stadium roof within a year of completion be exposed and fully penalized?

I was told this morning that the collapse of the Gong Badak Stadium symbolizes the collapse of the “1Malaysia” slogan of Datuk Seri Najib Razak marking his second month as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Another opined that it marked the fulfilment of the most famous Malaysian political prophecy, RAHMAN, with Najib as the last Umno Prime Minister.

From the larger national macro perspective, the collapse of the roof of the RM300 million stadium within a year of its completion is the latest warning of the serious and quite terminal breakdown of standards and benchmarks of excellence with the consequence that far from realizing Vision 2020 and becoming a developed nation, Malaysia risks entering the cycle of being a failed state.

There is no shortage of such shocking examples in recent months, viz:

  • The collapse of the five-storey portion of the Jaya supermarket in Petaling Jaya during demolition work, killing seven, when in developed countries the implosion of skyscrapers without mishap has become a routine.
  • The Universiti Sains Malaysia Apex University fiasco where 4,574 university students suffered emotional havoc when they were told that they had been mistakenly informed that they had been successful in their applications for admission;
  • Universal broadband complaints, such as the complaint in Penang since last evening of sheer inability to access Internet even when trebly insured, having Streamyx, Maxis 3G and Celcom 3G.
  • Ah Longs having parallel system of underground IGP, CPOs, OCPDs and prisons, with endemic crime and police inability to ensure that Malaysians, tourists and investors are safe in the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes.

The list can go on. As if these signs are not bad enough, Kuala Lumpur has been named No. 4 as the riskiest locations in the world for outsourcing by the “Black Book of Outsourcing”, in a survey of 50 international locations. Singapore tops the list of the world’s safest location in the world for outsourcing.

On “Personal Crime Rate & Police-to-citizen ratio”, Kuala Lumpur is ranked the fourth worst of 50 locations while Singapore is ranked the top best!

Cabinet and Parliament must focus on the issue whether Malaysia has lost the battle to become a developed nation and has entered the cycle to become a failed state under Najib as Prime Minister.

161 Replies to “Has Malaysia lost the battle to become a developed nation and entered the cycle to become a failed state?”

  1. The engineers and contractor of the RM300 million Gong Badak stadium must come out and explain why its roof collapsed. They must also use their own funds to reconstruct the roof, failing which they are to be declared bankrupts

  2. Another example of MALAYSIA BOLEH mati!!!

    We had the leaking Parliament House after spending tens of millions renovating it.

    We had a new courts complex which turned into a fish pond in the basement.

    We had a flyover which cracked and nearly collapsed.

    We had a highway which gave problems due to bad workmanship.

    We had ceilings crashing down in the Syariah Courts.

    So this incident is nothing new! MALAYSIA benar-benar BOLEH mati!

    Why is it that contracts must always be awarded to BUMIPUTRA contractors who know nothing about how to build them? All these are ALI BABA companies formed just for the purpose of securing government projects with NO INTENTION to build them! They start appointing SUB CONTRACTORS who in turn appoint Sub-sub contractors and then sub-sub-sub contractors. By the time the project is actually implemented, it would have been “subbed” many many times and the guy who actually performs the job finds no profits. So the only way for him to profit is to provide “cheap materials and lousy labour”. This system is analogous to the “DIRECT SALE” tactics where commissions are cut all the way down in the pyramid, and the guys in the middle just take their share without putting in the least effort.

    So, as long as a building still stands a month or a year after completion, count your blessings. 1 Malaysia just crumbled in Gong Badak!!!

  3. Well, reading in Nanyang online on this news just now.

    Am i really surprise on this news? Seriously NO.

    Is this the first time that such similar incident happen, with outcry from public demanding for through investigation? NO.

    Anyway, at the end of the day, i don’t think that we did see much action taken to seriously deal with those in the wrong doing.

    Apart from that, i believe a lot of us will have a sense of what is really went wrong. I know, you know, without having us to spell it out.

  4. Imagine the following scenario:
    The contractor(s) of the RM300 million Gong Badak stadium had been involved in building the Olympic Stadium in Beijing and its roof had collapsed during the Opening Ceremony on 8th August 2008.

    Are these engineers the same SPM-level PSD scholarship-holders sent overseas to study engineering?

  5. It has become so familiar a scene in Malaysia that people are beginning to get really fed-up with such state of affairs in this country. What needs to be done?

    We can blame the government. Yes, and it should take the blame. More than that, it should bring the culprits to court and get them to compensate. The main contractors should be hauled up and be dealt with severely. This incident is in fact worse than the Highland Towers incident.

    For the future, the system of tender awards needs a complete overhauling with greater transparency. No more sub-sub-sub-sub contractors business so that projects do not get ‘sub’otaged!.

    When will BN ever learn? Time is running out for BN if it does not do something drastic NOW.

  6. Only one year old….roof collapsed.
    So lucky no events which makes UMNO job easier to find scapegoats.
    The scapegoat is the Korean contractors.
    Saying iti an open tender…as if that do not involve bribery.
    Mhyuhiddin continues saying… the contractors must be punished severely.
    He totally ignored ..it is the government engineers that give the certificate of fitness.
    It is always protecting UMNO people in every which way they can think of.
    Tensile strengths of material never tested. So important…so easy to expose poor qualities even before building it. But when bribery and corruptions are involved…..this is the end result. All fools understand that.
    A Malaysian engineer …jogging every morning… saw the bent rot few months ago….reported officially…went to deaf ears.
    Everyone in government Dept do not work at all.
    Only know how to pray 5 times a day…..makan gaji buta…take long tea…lunch break time…plus prayer time. All them all together…one is already a good worker..if one works for 3 hours per day.
    More collapses will come……especially freeways.
    The roof….Smart Tunnel…floods in coastal areas…..same as before….no improvements..yet hundreds of millions are spent year by year… dong this…doing that.
    Roof also collapse in a school.
    Both these incident……no one there.
    Putra Jaya roof leaking…so was KLCC.
    Malaysians do not easily forget.

  7. Thank God no lives were lost. Next time we won’t be that lucky. Whos says corruption doesn’t affect us, the man in the street.

    Your life could be at risk whenever you use one of the poorly built infrastructures which often cost too much because of ‘other added costs’, yet at the same time do not guarantee safety, quality and value?

    Corruption does affect us all one way or another.

  8. Over the recent years, Malaysia seems to have no development at all, except produces some rubbish Guiness World Records such as the biggest cake, biggest flag, and to to name a few….

    Our competitiveness has plunged to a new low level under Najib’s government. Malaysia is going nowhere, not to mention to achieve Vision 2020, under the present government.

    Mahathir’s Vision 2020 remains a dream!!!

  9. Roof collapse, highway collapse, high-rise building collapse, then 1Malaysia collapse, and finally BN/UMNO kaput!

    One bad thing leads to another until the whole country finally collapse!

    Malaysia Tak Boleh lah!

  10. “Will the Umno cronies responsible for the infamous collapse of the RM300 million stadium roof within a year of completion be exposed and fully penalized?” – Kit

    NO! Because they can sue you know.

  11. “An engineer, A. Mohamed who often jogged in the area, has told the media that he had noticed that the space frame which held the roof was getting bent out of shape but his efforts to warn government agencies and the media of the stadium defects were ignored.”

    UMNO just lost one precious vote from A. Mohamed.

  12. this is already a failed nation when things and rotten system already corroded.

    Even the RM300m mini putrajaya (Federal Offices in Sabah) in Jln Sulaman, near Uni Mal Sabah has its walls of marbles falling within a year of OC, and now replaced with plywood only.

    I will post this pix soon.

  13. When MRR2 developed cracks, Samy Vellu the then Works Minister said, “THIS IS NOT DESIGN FAULT. THE CONSULTANT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SUE IF ANYONE SAYS IT IS DESIGN FAULT”. (something like that lah).

    When this roof collapes, our DPM is quick (VERY QUICK) to say “Contractor to face music if negligence involved, says DPM”.

    I really wonder why DPM just mention the Contractor only. It can be many other factors mah……

  14. I really like Monsterball’s comment on “Tensile strengths of material never tested”.

    I also like his comment when he said, “A Malaysian engineer …jogging every morning… saw the bent rot few months ago….reported officially…went to deaf ears.”.

    From Monsterball’s comments, there were clear signs that the roof was going to fail but no action were taken.

  15. Feeling angry and desperately helpless towards news of this and
    the earlier PKFZ, USM and all those before this.
    ” Investigation ” or RCI may be held with recommendations but
    follow up leads to nothing or improvement.
    Do what can be done – vote wisely when the time comes.

  16. Hi Kit,

    We must not dwell on the symptoms. We must treat the disease.
    Is it worthwhile for someone who knows to list down all the building collapses that have occured in the last 5 years, to show that it is a disease amongst Malaysian contractors. Just no standard, corrupt who look for short term gain, ignoring the danger to the public and also their own pride in their work.

  17. UMNOputras had run out of ideas on project to build. They have resorted to rebuilding. For that buildings have to collapse before rebuilding can take place. That is sustainability in building economy. They might have taken into consideratiion the best timing that the building should collapse; the timeing was excellent in the collapse of Gong Badak Stadium.

  18. We must thank Dr Mahathir for calling in the Koreans and the Japanese to build the Pride of Ownership, the Petronas Twin Towers. It won’t be still standing, had it been done by close-tender Malaysian contractors. In terms of technological capability, the Petronas Twin Towers is as good a symbol of technological advancement as sending a monkey on a Russian spacecraft, deluding ourselves into thinking that we are sending an astronaut to outer space when in actual fact, we are sending a passenger who comes back knowing next to nothing except the fact that it is pitch dark in outer space.

  19. Stadium roof collapse. Why? Structure weak so cannot support the weight above.

    1) Contractor put up the stucture.
    2) Architect put up the design/drawing.
    3) Civil & Electrical Engineers do the calculation and recommend the materials.
    4) The relevant Government authorities go through and approve the project.
    5) During construction, the contractors and his management teams come and go, the architects come and go, the engineers come and go, the many Government departments with their experts come and go during periodic inspections but yet no body see anything is wrong?!?


    1) Maybe they are blind.
    2) Maybe the standard of the architects, engineers, etc. produced by our Universities is substandard that they cannot see or visualize the problems.
    3) Maybe they are corrupted.
    4) Maybe they are too lazy to check while wor in progress, etc.
    5) Maybe they are not paid enough salaries so couldn’t less attitude.

    You can go on and on……..



    They were thinking like what you are thinking but it’s the damned VCD, dummy! If a mak cik like Aminah Abdullah knows how to record, what more those cunning contractors. Those who took were pressed by their balls so much so they could hardly utter a word, except aaargghhhh, arrrghhhhh, LOL. When it comes to money, there is no difference between a professional and a non-professional.

  21. RM300million for the gong-badak stadium???

    I think uncle lim should also push for a committee to audit how they award this contract of RM300million!!

    I guess this will be one of the design-and-build, negotiated contract where the contractor gets to write the check.

  22. You have not mentioned Malaysia is now one of the dirtiest place in the world. Please just look into the drains of all towns and cities in the country. Please also look at the hawker centres, eateries and places near pasar malam. I think we are the most filthy people in the world even though many of us drive a BMW or a Mercz. No standard people, and of course no standard government and half baked politicians.

    It is not just the failure of Najib’s 1Malaysia. The seed of collapse has started long ago by none other than Mahathir, the mother of all corruption, nepotism, cronyism, parochialism, racism and jingoism in this country. He was the one who propagate expediency at the expense of all standards, checks and balances and procedures. Those who think that his idea shuold make a come back are mega morons.

  23. Malaysians do not easily forget. monsterball

    No, you are wrong, Malaysians in general are stupid, gullible, filthy people, easily bullied, selfish to the core, and easily forget. How you think Mahathir managed to hoodwink us for 22 years and now many of us are still longing for his return.

    ekompute, i don’t care it is syurga or neraka. He should be called to account now, not next world.

    If we always have this habit of forgiving past politicians, it means the present politicians are also hoping for the same treatment when they retire. This bloody Asian culture must go. We owe no gratitude or gratefulness to all past leaders. They were already compensated adequately when in office and upon retirement.

  24. This failed state needs consultants, consultants and more consultants.

    After 52 years, we are still not capable, we still need a lot of consultants.

    Its a paradise here. Its a land for consultants.

  25. To be fair to Mamakthir, when he was in charge, people tended to at least deliver the projects on time and according to specification. Of course the projects were all at inflated prices, but still they work e.g. KLIA, Putrajaya, Twin Towers, ERL, Light Rail. Woe betide those who did not deliver under Mamakthir.

    After Badawi came in, the culture became one of deliberate negligence, and where even projects at inflated prices all started falling apart. Some could not even start e.g. Penang second bridge due to squabbles amongst the nominated subcontractors.

    If you read Muhyiddin’s reaction to the Gong Badak collapse, you will want to puke. He tried to put the blame on the Korean contractor, and he conveniently overlooked the fact that there were nominated subcontractors involved – Class F contractors with little or no experience, but with the right connections to Idris Jusoh. Muhyiddin also forgot that the JKR were the project managers. Of course the architect and structural engineers were all local.

    RM300 million is a lot of money to pay for a stadium and like everything else in Bolehland, the culture of know-who means that everything will be swept under the carpet.

    I wonder if the Agong is sleeping easy at night knowing that the roof of his palace in K Trengganu might also collapse at any time.

  26. Remember it was mamathir who started all these nonsense. I think the problems of putrajaya will emerge sooner or later. Ya, sure, the LRT have four or five systems that don’t “talk” to each other. KLIA is still only 30% utilised even after more than 10 years and yet we are talking about building more low cost terminals. Don’t we ever forget, he started all these nonsense in this country.

  27. Just see how prompt Muhyiddin is in trying to put all the blame to the Korean contractor.Why? Isn’t he aware the failure of any big project cannot come from a single source?What about the designer,the engineer,architect,JKR as the project managers,the various civil servants who approve the various sections of the project etc,etc?

    Muhyiddin,have you ever heard of the collapse Sampoong Departmental Store in Seoul,and know how many people were found guilty and punished with imprisonment? A whole list ranging from the owner and son who bribed to carry out changes to original approved plan in the course of construction,city officials despatched to oversee the project closing one eye to the changes from plan during construction stage,contractors,engineers,architects and chief administractor who approved the project.Can you Muhyiddin be transparent enough to carry out investigations to get not just the contractor but like the collapse of the building in Seoul,get people like government civil servants involved in overseeing the project,administructors who approved the project,engineers designers etc, etc?

  28. …the collapse of the Gong Badak Stadium symbolizes the collapse of the “1Malaysia” slogan of Datuk Seri Najib Razak marking his second month as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    Tun Dr M also does not know what 1Malaysia is. Pressed further, he said: “I don’t know what the basic concept is about as I was not told about it.” – (The Malaysian Insider).

    If Tun Dr M does not know what 1Malaysia is, I wonder how Najib is going to persuade Malaysians to accept the concept of 1Malaysia?

  29. Singapore follows a meritocratic system. That is why they have the best engineers, the best government ministers, the best doctors etc. Malaysia follows the NEP and the country is paying dearly for it – some Malays admitted that they are afraid to go to a Malay doctor!

  30. 1Malaysia is the new name for Malaysia. The name of the country has changed recently. This would be the first country in the world to start with a numeric instead of an alphabet, like a telephone number.

    Why roof collapse is a problem whereas many people got buried by the mountain was not a problem? If mountain failure was a problem why we heard no more voice from Uncle Lim? Who investigated the failure? Where is the report? What did the report say? Is the report saying something true? Mountain failure was in Selangor state under Pakatan rakyat. So what is PR doing?

    Never mind, human are having short memory. We will soon forget about the roof collapse like mountain collapse, after Najib bans it in the media.

  31. Godfather, don’t forget, most Putrajaya buildings have no CF.

    When Jaya-supermarket collapsed, the Human Resource Minister said no approval was given yet for them to start work. How convenient. My question to him is why work was allowed to commence when no approval was given. This is typical of excuses given by most ministers to cover their own asses. When lorries and express buses got into serious accidents, the first statement made was the drivers have multiple summons pending. Same question, why no action taken when drivers have so many summons pending.

    Now Nazri (the taxi minister) is talking about asking taxi drivers to buy tyres from one source to “save cost”. This is a typical renting seeking and anti-competition mentality. Hello, Malaysia still have some remaining features of a free enterprise economy, so please let it work. Nazri, your job is to give the taxi permits to whoever who want it. Let the market economy takes care of the rest.

    We have so many ministers are next to idiot about basic principles of economics and yet want to talk so much. Real waster of oxygen.

  32. A government funded project is a project purposed as high price as possible, and cut material, production cost as low as possible using any half past six work, to take money from government treasurery.



  33. It is a blessing in disguise. At least now everyone knows. Even the royal rooftop is collapsed. In relation to the fitness of the facility, did anyone check ? Yes. Did they check in a detailed manner ? No. So this is what can be called irresponsible responsibility. Again let me be a parrot. We god money but the money we god is not enough. Enough to buy but not enough to do more like maintenance. Genuine checking and correcting takes time and follow up. You cannot do it in a day. In a day where everyone can make things look so good and go so well. But after that one day, anything else can happen for the rest of the days when there is no checking and no correcting. Back to money. If this is your personal and private stadium, you will have a mental breakdown because your money is wasted. But even though it is not your private and personal stadium, part of your money still went to this building.

  34. other than the collapse of sampoong departmental store in seoul , no one mention about the collapse of nicoll highway in singapore ?????

    foreign or local contractors , sub contractors , engineers from govt & private sector , designer , land transport authority etc etc were all being investigated by the authorities to determine which parties contributed to the collapse nicoll highway……….

  35. Kit,
    This became a big issue because it is a roof of a RM 300 million statdium. But do you know that such ‘collapses’ or damages happen all the time but these are small projects and so not reported in the media.
    Example: Road, pavements, culverts breakdown weeks after completion.
    Plants, trees and shrubs dying days after being planted.
    News roof leaking after completion.
    Wow, need I go on.

  36. “…Malaysia still have some remaining features of a free enterprise economy, so please let it work. Nazri, your job is to give the taxi permits to whoever who want it.”

    Limkamput: I want some taxi permits, but I’m of a different skin colour. It means Nazri’s kid, the one who loves Heineken beer, will rank ahead of me in getting taxi permits.

  37. Najib won’t be able to get rid of the rent-seeking culture put in place by Mamakthir. If we didn’t make noise on the Eurocopter deal, he was going to proceed with it. Open tenders are simply a pipedream with this bunch of thieves.

  38. “Nazri, your job is to give the taxi permits to whoever who want it” limkamfart

    so whoever wants a permit should be given one?? even if he doesn’t know how to drive, or has no license to drive? call that free market? how stupid can that be?

  39. “He tried to put the blame on the Korean contractor, and he conveniently overlooked the fact that there were nominated subcontractors ..” Godfather

    what’s wrong with putting blame on the contractor? the fact that sub-contractors are liable does not make the main contractor less liable.

  40. I don’t see anything wrong with faulting the Korean contractor fo the roof. As a matter of fact, they should be the primary liable party in this matter. Of course the gov agency overseeing the work should be faulted as well, but nevertheless it is the main contractor who should mainly shoulder the blame and clear this mess. The contract was given via open tender hence `closed contract’ is a non-issue here.

    LKS, while what you have raised is correct, your `habit’ of indiscriminately and unreasonably putting blame to everything that goes wrong to Najib reflects your poor sense of judgement and shows the `spinner’ in you.

  41. Likely all Malaysian are asleep.

    They do not care and do not realised that the government borrow billions dollars of loan outside malaysia will place all Malaysian and Malaysan land as the guarantor of the loans.

    Indirectly, all Malaysian and his children is bearing the repsonsibility to pay the loan or passing the land to people gave the loans.




  42. The Consultant Engineer (someone with P.E. qualification) should be the key person in signing the confirmation about the completion of a construction project.

    Who is the Consultant Engineer who is responsible for this collapse case? Does anybody know? Don’t forget to tell us also the educational background of the Consultant Engineer, please! I hope he was not a graduate from a local university administered by Barisan Nasional Government!

  43. if you want to apportion blame, blame has to be apportioned to all responsible. the buck does not begin with the party who bids for the contractor nor end with the party that issues the certificate of fitness

  44. “TomThumb Says:

    Today at 22: 01.25 (1 minute ago)
    ‘act of god’ is just code for saying nobody is to be blamed. deal with it.”

    TomThumb is just a novice commentator who knows nothing about the engineering criteria or the construction methods. The Consultant Engineer may be accused for negligence in his supervisory duty and for not seeing properly that the stadium roof had not been constructed in accordance with right construction method. How could we simply blame God for a fault that was caused by our human folly and negligence?

    A rightly and accurately constructed building will usually be able to sustain for at least two years, unless there is something truly wrong in the structural design of the building!

  45. “How could we simply blame God for a fault that was caused by our human folly and negligence?” onlooker politics

    why do you think they build so many mosques (and temples and churches) so they could blame god? no. so they could ask for god’s forgiveness.

  46. TomDumb:

    In Bolehland, you don’t have to have any experience in construction to win construction contracts. You don’t need to have any experience in running power plants to be an IPP. In Bolehland, drinking alcohol is haram, but having the monopoly to affix holograms to liquor bottles is halal.

    Ask Taxi Nazri if one needs a driving licence to own a taxi licence. Ask Lee Hwa Beng what experience he has in running a port authority. Ask Razak Baginda what experience he has in maintaining submarines.

    So, TomDumb, we don’t ask how old you are, we just assume that you are wet behind your ears.

  47. “Ask Razak Baginda what experience he has in maintaining submarines.”

    It wasn’t his job to maintain submarines. hell it wasn’t his job to choose submarines. his job was to make money for his boss.

    that mongolian woman would not have died had not god willed so. it was an act of god

  48. Even if there is always the wonderful grace and mercy of God, which permit our sins be forgiven, that does not mean that BN Government can always get off easily without having to repent and cleanse up all the past sins which had been committed by the BN government itself!

    BN leaders may be forgiven, but the forgiveness may not come so soon until BN has been wiped out totally from the power holding position in the political arena for at least a political tenure of 5 years. It is predestined that BN has to yield and give way to Pakatan Rakyat on the polling day of the 13th General Election. This is the will of God!

  49. ” It is predestined that BN has to yield and give way to Pakatan Rakyat on the polling day of the 13th General Election. This is the will of God!” onlooker politics

    it was a mistake. god makes mistakes too. look at yourself. god makes us in his image but yet we turned against him.

  50. It’s the fault of gravity. Everything goes up must come down within the confinement of the gravitational field.

    God does not blog direct to right the wrong. Thou shalt make indirect reference and wise the dumbs for them to know the truth, given the passage of time.

  51. If the will of God does not prevail at the moment, we are bound to see cases of collapse again and again, whether a financial market collapse, construction building collapse, constitutional function collapse, court integrity collapse, royal neutrality collapse, marriage harmony collapse, personal safety collapse, family tie collapse, business bankruptcy collapse, brethren love collapse, morality collapse, national unity collapse, banking system collapse, food security collapse, epidemics quarantine collapse, Drug Control Collapse, Government Management Control Collapse, Police Discipline Collapse, Peace Pact promise-breaking and government trustworthiness collapse, and study loan system collapse.

    The will of God is for BN Government be totally wiped out and be replaced by Pakatan Rakyat Government in the next coming General Election!

  52. “it was a mistake. god makes mistakes too. look at yourself. god makes us in his image but yet we turned against him.” (TomThumb)

    God does not make mistake. God is infallible.

    God purportedly gives people like you the free will to rebel against Him so that your sins will make you sick someday in the future. By then you will begin to know how mighty is God and have the wish to learn to seek God for forgiveness of your sin in order for God to heal you from the unendurable suffering and pains.

    God does not make mistake, even though God may have permitted Satan to entice us to do wrong by deception and blinding our eyes from seeing the right! I pray that God will make you repent very soon! Please turn to vote for Pakatan Rakyat as soon as you can before God has taken your life away!

  53. Just read the news on Nanyang Onliine againi. Apparently, some minister had come out clarifying that the project is not a project under Federal Government, but under Terengganu state government.

    BUT, who is in charged of Terengganu state government? It is still BN (UMNO more specifically).

    Again, the minister was being quoted in news that the stadium was build by some consortium. BUT, what are the parties that give green light to the building? Aren’t that the building need to be verified fit before it can be used? Don’t tell me that those who give a stamping of fitness had no responsibilities at all?

    So, apart from the constructor, those that give the green light on fitness of the building should also be investigated. Is there under-table transaction happen here? kick back? bribery?

    And if there indeed are bribery involved, who are the recipient? To what extend was the bribery take place? Just the site engineer who give certification? Or a lot more layer involved?

    I guess all those are the answer that need to be given. However, i doubt that we will able to really go that far. As there will obviously open another big can of worm.

  54. God allows us to sin, simply because God wants us to realize our sins will make us suffer from sickness, pains and retribution! God’s has a wonder plan for us to follow. God wants us to realize our past wrong and turn to seek Him for forgiveness! There will be someday for each one of us to finally realize that no one is truly indispensable in the world except God! In order for us to realize the importance of God to each one of us, God will allow each one of us a chance to leave Him. Once we stay far away from God, we are bound to miss God again and again! We will feel like coming back to seek God sooner or later. This is the way God allows us to build up a closer relationship with Him, that is, through the experience of finding about the truth that we cannot live comfortably without the blessing of God!

    The stadium roof collapse is just a omen sent by God to warn us about BN’s arrogance, which could have already annoyed God beyond our control!

  55. “God purportedly gives people like you the free will to rebel against Him so that your sins will make you sick someday in the future.” onlooker politics

    that’s not what god told adam and eve some time ago

  56. “So, apart from the constructor, those that give the green light on fitness of the building should also be investigated. Is there under-table transaction happen here”. pohsoon Tan

    person issuing the certificate of fitness acts according to god’s will

  57. God does allow Satan to entice us to rebel against God, just like what had been allowed by God to happen on Job! However, when Job had proven his love to God, Job was finally being rewarded in multiplication by God!

    Therefore, TomThumb should learn to listen to God. Be repentant and turn to give your support to Pakatan Rakyat, for PR has the ultimate mandate from God to rule over us by the next coming General Election!

  58. “PR has the ultimate mandate from God to rule over us by the next coming General Election!” onlooker politics

    this is the first time i hear PR has received its mandate from god. i thought you receive mandate from the people? which god did it come from? money god?

  59. TomThumb,
    Issuing a certificate of fitness for occupation is not a will of God. The certificate can only be issued when a Consultant Engineer has certified the 100% completion of the construction work! The certificate is issued based on the will of the Consultant Engineer, not the will of God!

    Hopefully, the Consultant Engineer in this case did not act God without going through a proper checking and inspection on the work done!

  60. The ultimate mandate will still be coming from God, even though God borrows the voters’ hand to allow such a mandate to be prevailing and be carried out after the polling day of the General Election! When Najib could only receive 45% support, then the other 55% would be the sign of God’s giving mandate to Pakatan Rakyat by the next coming General Election!

  61. “why should anybody be afraid of meeting 72 virgins??” (TomThumb)

    No one can be sure about where he/she will go after this life, unless he/she obeys God.

    God wants us to give support to Pakatan Rakyat now and from now on until the BN Federal Government has been replaced with the PR Federal Government!

  62. Shhhhh!!!

    They banned the word “Altantuya” and any adverse references to Najib Tun Razak.

    They may soon ban words like “failed state”, “PKFZ”, “Ong Tee Keat”, “corruption”, soon or declare them seditious.

  63. I don’t mean a racist, but Asian countries admin by chinese related people nearly all of them turned into economic tigers/dragon like CHINA, SINGAPORE, HONG KONG, TAIWAN, JAPAN AND KOREA.

    It is a fact, we do not wish to be racist but it is a fact.

    CHINESE good in admit the country, especially with Malaysian natural resources will be an easier job.

    AND THE INDIAN is coming up in the race too.

    Why Malaysia still lay far and far behind each year? Many Malaysian are still asleep and selfish they do not know how to utilise a proven fact people and give them authority to admin.

    In the end, ALL MALAYSIAN AND MALAYISA ARE LOSER because of their narrow mind and selfish.

  64. YB Lim Kit Siang,

    If you just glance through this blog you will notice 3 conspicuous idiots having their “names” appearing very often. After sometime, their arguments become childish and they begin to sound like school boys or girls trying to out smart each other.

    Maybe that is LKS idea of “freedom of speech”??

  65. Sad isn’t it? Some of you know some of them is here to distract us yet some of you still fall into the trap. They want to make this blog irrelevant yet some of you guys are make it easier. It is just so sad!

  66. “It is a fact, we do not wish to be racist but it is a fact.” a2a

    what is a fact?? the fact that you are a racist or the fact that you do not want to be a racist but are a racist. which?? what more facts you want?

    (TomThumb – this is final notice that you will be put on the Moderation List if you continue to trivialise and show disrespect of this blog and visitors. . Nick change is no licence for this. – Admin}

  67. Too many scandals (not acts of God) and too much profligacy under the double greed namely GREED in Rahman or Games of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit and Government Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) plus the impact of road tolls is devastation for Malaysia under the scourge of GREED-TWIN in Game of Rampant Evil Elitism Deceit (GREED) in RAHMAN and Governments’ Rampant Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction (GREED) resulting in profligacy of RM30 trillions in rotten system. With this come SHIT or Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap of UMNO and illegal elite gang. Now some in the leadership call it SMART -Sure Make All Rotten Through – when illegal UMNO had ruled Malaysia since 1957.

    so some people not only suck the thumbs but all the toes to get back to their positions despite failed efforts and corruption. GREED, SHIT and SMART have overwhelmed many.

  68. Najib said in Great Hall:

    Najib said he would not only be following footsteps of his father but intended to take Malaysia-China relations to greater heights, especially with the fact that “China had advanced so far ahead.”

    so be definition Malaysia is a failed state on the way to the 6th PM – end of the sad story.

  69. there are bigger disasters waiting to happen.

    buildings have collapsed before and lives lost. the courts did not think it was due to negligence. the court today is not about to rule negligence as the cause of the latest collapse – which is the roof of a $300 million stadium. the next time it could be the lrt or klia or the petronas towers or the loss of a french made submarine. there are lives waiting to be lost.

    if you have to travel it is better to drive. if you have to work it’s better you work in a two storey building. if you have to take a bus to work it is better you cycle. if you have to take a submarine it is better you swiim.

    (TomThumb – this is final notice that you will be put on the Moderation List if you continue to trivialise and show disrespect of this blog and visitors. . Nick change is no licence for this. – Admin}

  70. seriously, there are a lot of things went wrong in msia such as stadium collapse, broadband failure, university admission fiasco etc. i feel that malaysian education system is imbalanced. less attention is given to vocational and technic schools. malaysians seem not realizing the existence of vocational schools as secondary education institutions apart from ‘sekolah menengah kebangsaan’. if anyone thinks malaysia is loosing skilled blue-collar workers, they are definitely right. instead, we have more half-baked white-collar wannabe’s and active mat rempits around.

  71. TomThumb can sure twist and turn and be very sarcastic over a disaster post than may have killed hundred of lives.
    I wonder what will be his respond …if indeed the roof collapsed with the stadium full.
    We certainly are practicing what we are preaching…TomThumb.
    Did you not notice People’s Power at work in by-elections?
    And …we will keep on preaching…until more and more readers from UMNO understand…that it is not will of God that the roof collapsed.
    It is pure irresponsible government servants…who are on the take…drunk with money…ignoring building houses lives.
    Buildings are supposed to last a lifetime.
    Here we witness….a RM300 million building last one year.
    Jaya Supermarket is different story. It is the irresponsible people…hired to demolish it.
    Putra Jaya….KLLC…new school roofs…Smart Tunnel..and so many…all have poor workmanship and no quality control at all.
    Putting the blame on contractors….never the government itself who should give final inspections…never tested the quality of building materials.
    These are clear signs….bribery given…all are happy…and it need God to show us….the truths.

  72. there are 129 responses as I write.
    tomdumbo has made 41 comments, in many instances a string of multiple commentaries consecutively. and he has succeeded in diverting discussion from the topic and managed to engage all and sundry in mumbo jumbo….hmmmm, quite effective I must say
    tomdumbo has been particularly active on this posting…I wonder why so.

    anyway, this gong badak fiasco simply means that we take a very high risk everytime we have to walk into a gomen or gomen-related building built in the last 10 years.

    pity the gomen servants-lah. they need personal M&H and Accident insurance for sure at this rate. they don’t know when their office is going to crash down on their heads.

  73. If you read the comments of Mat Said, the Trengganu MB, you’d be shocked. The state government knew that the stadium roof was unsafe, and yet they allowed SUKMA to proceed last year. There was no CF on the stadium structure. If the roof had come down then, it would really have put us on the world map.

    It now transpires that the Korean company that built the roof was a subcontractor, and the main contractor is a local company.

  74. There’s an ongoing investigation into a money printing company in Australia that won deals in Nepal and Malaysia by paying “large” commissions. It was reported that the commissions paid were too large relative to the size of the printing contracts. Let’s hope that Australia reveals the name(s) of the Malaysian parties receiving the commissions.

    Satu lagi projek Barisan Nasional.

  75. We want the best for our country and her ordinary people – in education, safety and protection, public accountability and responsibility, permanent and rewarding job opportunity, fair and equal opportunity in all aspects of life and etc. – but the government could not deliver!

  76. Last weekend, we were in our kampung, and the road leading there had a police roadblock. Suddenly one of the cars in the queue made an abrupt u-turn and drove away hastily from the scene. In the car were 2 Indians with no seatbelts on. The police didn’t even bother to take down the numberplates, let alone chase the car that broke from the queue.

    What’s the use of roadblocks if people with something to hide can easily turn around the drive away ? Another sign of the 3rd world country.

  77. so what?so what?so what?

    no ppl die,no lives were lost,you say god bless,or luckly or whatever,if 100 die during this collapse,u thnk the exUMNO MB will commit suicide?

    see what happened to the tmn international land-slide incident last year,so many lives were barried under the soil,so what?

    the heads of judiciary there are standing by to protect their own ppl,what to worry?sue melah,BODOH!!!!!

  78. The little red dot is easy to rule lah
    no big deal for it to be first here, first there
    Malaysia looking with green eyes, red eyes
    cannot beat the LRD, cannot join the LRD
    Never mind lah
    cannot be the first
    then be the last or almost the last
    can still be almost famous or infamous, notorious
    Look, everyone in this world knows Malaysia
    ‘cos our 1Malaysia PM is a bosom buddy of Altantuya

  79. Korea is well known for many collapsed buildings and bridges. We definitely made a wrong decision by going cheap. It would be even worst if going to China. What Korean contractor is this? Let’s publish its name!

  80. The list of calamities continues. The MRRII fiasco, Putrajaya leaking roofs, the collapsiing navy complex in Bandar Penawar, the Kuching Prison, defective finishing and fungi infested new hospitals and now this collapsing roof of the stadium.

    When we encourage a culture of mediocrity bred by corruption and bereft of meritocracy, this is what we reap. We reap what we sow. Any contractor who gets involved in a public sector project knows what the score is. They will have to bribe many people and after doing so, shoddy work can be accepted.

    Until the day we have the will to punish all these wrong doers and send them to jail for long terms, this problem will never end. The powerful and well connected will get away with murder – literally. And with a tainted judiciary that is ever so willing to do the bidding of the Executive, how will we ever get out of this quagmire?

  81. Sudah runtuh, bising apa?

    Now what we really need to do is to ensure other tofu buildings not to collapse, at least not during there are people around. The best solution is to put “NO ENTRY” sign in front of the tofu or near-tofu buildings. Next day you may see 90% of our government buildings are with this sign. Congratulations.

  82. now we know why Peep-Tom-Thumbsucker likes this space. it has a room full of boys! you pervert TomThumb! may your god have mercy on you, uhh… god willing.
    you stink up this forum. go back to where you come from. hint, starts with an “a” ends with “e”. gosh, what is that smell? ah… embellished excrement spewing from your mouth is still filth. my goodness, you defecate between the lips! get help!

  83. Dear Yb Lim,it’s an over statement when you said malaysia is a developed state. How could it be when we can’t even take good care of our public toilets ?. Failed state ,yes it’s it.

  84. no such issue as becoming a failed state,it’s already a failed state!

    just like pdrm says,dun tarnish their image,do u ppl think pdrm still has image?yes,but very bad bad bad image!

    no wonder our nga-brothers frm ipoh said,pdrm sud be prdm,polis raja di m’sia.

  85. Just returned to the country and immediately discovered wot a rotten place malaysia is.

    12.5b missing.

    Building collapsed.

    Stadium roof collapsed.

    Along with the perak assembly fiascos.

    The scholarship fiasco.

    The usm fiasco.

    The ah long menace (didnt ong ka ting declare war on ah long – oh yeah he is no longer in office now).

    Snatch thieves menace.

    The 5 riskiest outsourcing destination ranking.

    The wonton arrest of people in black or who carry lit candles.

    The murder and disintegration of a mongolian woman and her unborn child.

    The 6.2% contraction of our economy.

    I agree with LKS. We are definitely heading in the direction of a failed state.

    At least in sichuan buildings collapsed under the force for a massive earthquake. Our stadium in terengganu collapsed in the absence of any design live load.

    From news report and pictures shown in the papers one half of the roof went down. Cant tell the precise state of the other half (i.e. the other roof covering the opposite part of the stadium). Chances are its construction fault again. The roof must be supported by a space frame – a steel structure. Structural design of space frames of such size is no longer a novel thing today. A malaysian structural engineer, DR YS Lau (an old man then) designed the largest space frame in the world more than 25 yrs ago – the changi airport hanger – still standing. Computer software could do that work for engineers today. So it is actually lame for muhideen to comment that the stadium should not collapse after one year. Steel structures should last ages. Look at eiffel tower – built 120 yrs ago. He should have said something like the government will get to the bottom of it and charge those responsible with criminal wrongs. I am quite certain some criminal wrongs have been committed here.

    Structural steel space-frame is a wonderful structure. It is light (in engineering terms but in actual fact still very heavy because of the steel used) and it can span a very large distance thus giving the possibility of column free space beneath. It is called a space frame because the structure is not merely planar. It occupies a certain amount of space – i.e. three dimensional space and hollow looking. The structure consist of mainly straight structural elements and those elements are linked together at a series of nodes which for construction purposes take the form of steel balls. For a stadium the entire weight of the roof structure (and including its life loads) would have to be borne by a series of columns at the rear of the stadium. Since the structure is only supported at one end, the whole roof would protrude from the columns as a cantilever structure. So the columns are very important structural elements in such designs. The columns must be able to take vertical loads and more critically bending loads coming from the protruding cantilevers. Wind load can also be nasty (and tricky) especially because the structure is very large. So during design stage wind load must be taken into consideration as well. The columns may be in steel or in concrete (concrete better for structural stability) but the joints between the column and the space frame must be adequately strong because the whole roof load would be transferred to the columns through the joints.

    I saw an unclear pic of the stadium (downloaded from the Web) when it was in use (stadium was full of spectators). Strangely, I thought the roof does not look like a full space structure. The underside of the roof has a somewhat ribbed like appearance which gave me the impression of a series of closely spaced curved space-beams without any horizontal straight elements linking the bottom of those beams together. (That is an unstable roof structure!) Has anyone got a clear pic of the underside of the roof showing the support structure? Pls post it here or email to me at [email protected]

  86. No doubt the problems of BN Government are almost endless due to the corruption and malfunction of the administration. Since the Police and the Judiciary system are under Federal, there are little that the PKR Government can do. But, shouldn’t PKR Government be at least in the position to collect what are grievance to the People and give a reminder to the Federal?

    People are here in hope that they can voice out, at least to PKR to draw the attention of the People what REALLY happened and hope more People will come to support PKR. And, surely, there are and will be what PKR will do!

    When DAP was/is bully by the Police, what do you feel?
    Can you feel the grievance of a normal person when he was bully by the lawyer and then the Police, KUP and AG and also PCB for two years and more?
    When this happened, do you think it is offensive to ask in this blog, what the DAP Government “could do”?


  87. I personally think that the main contractor who tendered for the project should be made 100% answerable for the collapse. After all, he is the one who CLAIMED to be able to undertake the job when he tendered for it, so he shouldn’t pass the bug down to the guy who actually executed the works. This will serve a lesson to those ALI BABAS who intend to tender for government projects in the future!!!!!

    In order for the country to move forwards, case study are the best to provide facts and reflect problems. For construction problems, I believe the following worth mentioning,
    1. Politics or rather relationship in most cases override the technical or economical consideration of a project and so the tender.
    2. Project monitoring or rules goes along with Political decision rather than Professional and technical requirements. How can a Minister (Sammy) waived the need of CF for Government buildings? (I believe he declared this when Palace of Justice was in heavy problems!!). And, of course, when those Government agents involved in monitoring are closing their eyes. At least a lot can be found in the housing problem. The problem was worsen when the Government had passed the bucket to the private sector when the Government had not done their jobs, such as the issue of CF for housing (in time!!).
    3. The Independency of those Professional bodies – such as the Architect, Construction, Survey, etc.
    When anything happened in this country, did any professional parties dare to provide their fair opinion or investigating from their professions what could be the problems.

    The overall are
    1. Legislation did not make the suitable laws with clear specification of jobs and responsibility. The Government or its agents are generally the one to enforce, but, very often they are almost immune from prosecution with the incorporate of Public Servant Act. How can a housing property be under 3 Laws – Housing Developer Act, Strata Title Act, Building Management Act without even synchronizing on the wordings or in clear connection!! Whereas same was under two Act and then finally one in Singapore!!
    2. The enforcing are almost at the agents’ disposal without much liabilities or being specified.
    3. The efficiency of the Judiciary system is another loophole even when problems can be identified and should be justified in court. Finding a good and reliable lawyer and fair judge, sometimes, is more difficult than building a project!!
    4. When Professional bodies are not able to give a fair view when cases come, it is also hard to rectify, enforce or get justice.


    Anything goes political than they should be will collapse!! Surely corruption is another deadlock!!

  89. We can forget about developed nation, and rather op for a ‘BANKRUPT NATION’ even before 2020
    The new PM will help to speed up the demise of our nation, before he says good-bye to us, en route to meet Altantuya in hell where they will get married and live happily ever after, while Roast Mah will migrate to Mongolia to look after Altantuya’s son.

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