Najib should seek a vote of confidence as the first item of June meeting of Parliament starting on June 15

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s win in the Penanti by-election is nothing to boast about as it cannot be used as a yardstick to gauge the popularity of any political parties.

He told reporters at the 20th Asean-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit on Jeju Island that Mansor Othman’s win was “not exciting” as the voter turnout was less than 50 per cent and “a win against independent candidates is not an absolute win…something that one can be proud of”.

This is really sour grapes by Najib, who should be ashamed of himself that the UMNO and Barisan Nasional that he leads dare not contest in Penanti, for fear that it would be his third consecutive by-election defeat in the Peninsular since becoming Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional’s fifth consecutive defeat since the March 8 political tsunami in last year’s general election.

The Penanti by-election results are very telling. Although Umno sponsored one independent candidate and Gerakan sponsored another Independent candidate, all three independent candidates lost their deposits – although the Gerakan-sponsored candidate beat the Umno-sponsored candidate by 102 votes!

Mansor Othman garnered 6,052 votes to win the Sunday by-election against the three independent candidates — Aminah Abdullah (392 votes), Nai Khan Ari Nai Keow (494 notes) and Kamarul Ramizu Idris (56 votes).

Many Pakatan Rakyat voters did not come out to vote, especially those working outside the constituency who did not take the trouble to return to the constituency to cast their votes as they regard it as a certain victory for PKR.

If Barisan Nasional had contested, the Umno candidate would have got a thrashing even worse than in last year’s general election.

As it is, the one-sided by-election result was a clear repudiation of Najib’s premiership.

Coming together with the latest opinion poll which showed that he is the most unpopular Prime Minister in the first two months in office in the nation’s 52-year history of six Prime Ministers, it is Najib who should feel the heat that his record is nothing to be proud about.

It is indeed shocking that less than two months into his administration, Najib could only muster the approval of 45 per cent of Malaysians polled recently in a Merdeka Centre survey.

It is clear that Najib is still in the very throes of a crisis of confidence in the credibility, integrity and legitimacy of his premiership, compounded by his refusal to dissolve the Perak State Assembly to hold general elections in the state to allow Perakians to elect the government of their choice – the only fair, democratic and honourable solution to the Perak political and constitutional crisis for which Najib must bear the greatest responsibility.

Najib should seek a vote of confidence as the first item of parliamentary business when Parliament reconvenes on June 15 for the next meeting, or is Najib afraid that he would not be able to get 100 per cent support from UMNO and Barisan Nasional MPs?

Both Tun Hussein Onn and Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sought a vote of confidence from Parliament in their first month in office as Prime Minister. Why is Najib afraid to follow in their footsteps?

Kuala Lumpur was named among the 10 riskiest locations in the world for outsourcing by the “Black Book of Outsourcing”. Kuala Lumpur was named the 4th riskiest location, while Singapore tops the list of the world’s safest location in the world for outsourcing.

This is an indication of the continuous erosion of national and international confidence in Malaysia under Najib’s premiership, an added reason why Najib should be brave enough to seek a vote of confidence in Parliament on June 15.

45 Replies to “Najib should seek a vote of confidence as the first item of June meeting of Parliament starting on June 15”

  1. Vote of confidence is meaningless in a questioned Parliament based on rigged general elections 2004 and 2008.

    Najib’s share of majorities in 1999 was 200+ votes (almost lost) while 2004 was 22,922 – an unusual swings with arithmetic discrepancies of ballot papers issued of 1,502 for Pekan in GE2004.

    Then there were the allegations still unchallenged of the exEC chairman Rashid as corrupted and bias to BN.

    I went to the High Court which refused to hear the case and simply strike out the two cases for a technical reason.

    The best is still a Royal Commission of Inquiry over the rigged conduct of GE 2004 and GE 2008.

    The rotten system based on rigged GEs since long time.

  2. Here we go again … calling people names. When will it stop? When will we just do what we were elected to do … SERVE the people?

    Eh what is so great about the win? It is EXPECTED la … stop beating the drum when there is nothing to shout about. When Batang Ai was lost did you all cry? It was EXPECTED too because its not your stronghold.

    Najib has indeed pulled a nice pr coup by not joining in. And in fact Mr LKS many who voted opposition in GE12 are sick of all this by elections. The know it is a ploy by Anwar to remind people that BN is a loser. Money is really being wasted.

    Stop all the nonsense and govern the nation properly. Let BN or UMNO or MIC say what they want la. Come on … time to grow up you old man.

    I am still waiting to see your stand on the bloody mess in Perak and then to use the same stand against what Anwar did last year and what PAS is planning to do with one BN DUN member.

    I shall now listen to all the Opposition fanatics who will lambast me and not even dare to reply on specific issues. Calling me an UMNO Goon again? :)

  3. ///He (Najib) told reporters at the 20th Asean-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit on Jeju Island that Mansor Othman’s win was “not exciting” as the voter turnout was less than 50 per cent and “a win against independent candidates is not an absolute win…something that one can be proud of”.///

    Some 46% of the voters cast their votes. Had the turnout be 80% and the balance voted for UMNO, BN would not get more than 4,500 votes. The majority would still be more than 1,500 votes. Since UMNO knew all along that it would lose, and loser would never claim the game to be exciting. Certainly among the absentees were those who would have voted for Mansor. They were confident of the win and stayed away. UMNO would have shown to have lost more votes if BN took part. Najib was smarter than TDM by not contesting, but his statement shows that it only by a small margin.

    If UMNO and Gerakan did not support independent candidates, Najib would have said that the win was not a win when return unopposed. His UMNO Presidency was not a win, but the regulations in UMNO ensured that there was no challenger. Had Tengku Razaleigh been allowed to contest we would have known for certain whether Najib ascension was something that he could be proud of.

  4. Mr Lim … please attempt to pass a motion for a vote of no confidence, I know the BN Speaker will not let it happen but let’s see how many boos you get when you propose it. That will show you that the PM still have the numbers in Parliament. Unlike Anwar Ibrahim who talks only that he can get cross overs.

    Wake up man … you have no clout in there. You have clout in your PR held states, serve them well and you will cling on to it them and I think you may whittle away the BN votes in the other states too. Come on … do that and win it eventually rather than just bark bark bark …

  5. Please don’t waste your time harping hope on Najib to give due respect to Federal Constitution which requires the new Prime Minister to seek a vote of confidence in the Parliament in order to prove that he really commands the majority of the Members of Parliament. If such a proof of parliamentary confidence is required in compliance with the provision of the Federal Constitution, then Najib will most probably get all MPs of Barisan Nasional to sign a statutory declaration, which declares the support to Najib for the appointment of the Prime Minister post, and then submit the statutory declaration to the Agong.

    Najib is the first Prime Minister who has surrendered all the powers of the Prime Minister cum the head of the ruling party to the Monarchs. In Perak, he surrendered his power as the head of the ruling party to the Sultan and permitted the Sultan to sack a Menteri Besar and permitted the Sultan the power to reappoint another Menteri Besar. In the whole Malaysia, is Najib going to show us that he is ready to give up his power as the Prime Minister for requesting a vote of confidence by the Members of Parliament and is ready to yield to the Agong, by simply requesting the Agong to determine whether he truly commands the confidence of the majority of the Members of Parliament? Najib is going to be the lame duck Prime Minister of Malaysia, whose performance will be much worse than another lame duck former Prime Minister, namely Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. This is because the Sultans and the Agong have much more powers than Najib now!

  6. We feel ashamed of our No. 1 and No. 2 men who are so lacking in statesmanship and sportsmanship . To shame us and themselves at home is bad enough. To do it in a foreign country is careless and clumsy .

  7. SpeakUp is not an UMNO goon. He’s just some lost idiot when he writes statements like:

    “Stop all the nonsense and govern the nation properly.”

    Helloooooooo….can you write on pro-government blogs like KMU,, etc etc.

  8. Rosemary is constantly having nightmares about Aminah….not the Aminah of Penanti but the foreign Aminah…and Kit’s call of a vote of confidence will add to her nightmares.

  9. When entry record to our country can be “DELETED” at will, it has to be very frightening & risk bearing for any foreigner to visit Malaysia, let alone to invest their money here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who deleted the record??????Who authorised the deletion???????????

  10. Penanti is a white wash for UMNO in particular and BN overall.

    The by-election in Penanti will go down in history that the BN had chickened out knowing that they are no hoper there.

    Najib knew they had no hope there and yet he refused to be gracious to admit the fact and say so to media.

    It is very unbecoming and ugly of a country’s leaders to twist and turn their tongues in defeat just to try win some virtual points in their political career. That is an extremely low level of politics and leadership.

  11. The remarks made by NTR as a PM is not appropriate. He should have congratulated Mansor and PR to earn some respect. I am sure his popularity and current-standing will slide down further. He may not survive until 31 December 2009.

  12. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 16: 26.17 (2 hours ago)
    Please don’t waste your time harping hope on Najib to give due respect to Federal Constitution which requires the new Prime Minister to seek a vote of confidence in the Parliament in order to prove that he really commands the majority of the Members of Parliament.”

    where got such thing?? article number ….? sub-clause …??

  13. Najib was never elected UMNO Deputy President nor its President.

    In fact his popularity was never tested. However in Parliament I wonder any BN MPs will have the courage to vote against him. Being a coward I doubt he will want to call a vote of confidence.

  14. Sorry, off-topic

    Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    on June 2, 2009 12:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

    ///1. We need a law against corruption just as we need laws against all crimes. But sometimes the laws are so framed that they promote crime rather than prevent them. Such a law is the Malaysian law on corruption.///– TDM

    The Malaysian government under BN has the knack to do the wrong thing for the right reason.

    ///2. It seems logical and right that those who receive illegal gratification should be considered guilty of breaking the law and should therefore be punished. But when we talk of corruption we think of those endowed with power abusing their power in order to gain personal benefit. We think that those who offer gratification as being the victim and should be given some consideration.///– TDM

    Corruption of the largest case has the government as the victim. Government projects and purchases have always been awarded based on public tender until TDM came along. Negotiated contracts reduced the worth of ringgit to a fraction of it, possible less than 30 sen. The persons who have the authority to approve projects have the authority to use the power to benefit whoever they wish to. The profit can find ways to return to the approving authority. In this case nobody offers gratification.

    The so-called ‘service’ for the maintenance of the well known submarine was worth 500 million ringgit, said to be provided by the vendor. Clearly that money could have been retained had the government decided to conduct the ‘service’ itself. That could be easily done since the company which were supposed to provide the so-called service was set up by Baginda Razak who is not known to possess specialist knowledge on submarine. The Defence Ministry would have more experts and the required personnel to undertake those services. There is no law against hundreds of millions of ringgit paid out of discretion.

    ///3. But the law says that those who pay for the service they receive should also be considered as guilty and should be equally deserving of punishment.

    4. Since both the giver and the recipient may be charged with corruption, both would be unwilling to report the incident. This of course make corruption difficult if not impossible to be brought to a court of law and tried successfully.///– TDM

    The argument sounds reasonable. But when sodomy carried out with mutual consent will have both parties found guilty of the act, yet Saiful chose to report the case to police, it appears that there is exception to common sense.

    ///5. Besides the process of law would be much prolonged, as each would seek lawyers to argue on his behalf. Not only will the trial take ages but the result can be quite unpredictable.///– TDM

    The results of court case depend on the interest the government has on them. Lingam was known to be able to fix them.

    ///6. But there is another factor. The person reporting would be marked by those sympathetic to the other party so that it would affect his dealings with them as well. If they are Government servants whose approval would be needed, the approvals may not be forthcoming at all later, even if other officers are involved.///– TDM

    This is a profound statement. TDM cannot be said not to have intimate knowledge of the mechanics of corruption.

    ///7. Because of the ineffectiveness of the laws corrupt people often get away with their corrupt practices.///– TDM

    It is the enforcement. There were 18 sharks whose cases were ripe for prosecution during TDM’s reign but left unprosecuted. It was not the law that was the problem. Had the cases been put through the court, the government would have been able to pinpoint the so-called ineffective clauses in the law.

    ///8. Yet corruption is such a bane on society that it must be stopped somehow. If the law is ineffective then it must be made to be effective. One of the ways is to give immunity to the aggrieved party reporting the case, provided that the evidence was substantial and not perjury.///– TDM

    When political master used the evidence of corruption to ensure loyalty at pain of being charged, they did not think it was necessary to stop corruption. They in fact encouraged corruption so that the perpetrators could be filmed for record to ensure compliance. Giving immunity to whistle blowers would help, provided the acts coincide with the interest of the powers-that-be.

    ///9. In the case of political corruption both parties may be willing participants. The bribe is given by a candidate to a willing recipient to gain support for himself. Both are therefore unlikely to complain and reveal the act.///– TDM

    Political corruption is secondary corruption after the politicians had laid their hands on government coffers with impunity. It is because of the availability of funds which allows people to buy support, and it is because political positions enable them to make enormous gains that it pays to buy support. Without corruption in the government, there will not be money politics

    ///10. The recipients on the other hand would be glad to receive the bribe, unless he is a person of high principal unwilling to betray the cause his party was fighting for.

    11. In political corruption it would be extremely difficult to get evidence of the bribe being given or received. Electronics now play a role to hide the act. The money is deposited into the account of the person (voter) concerned via the ATM machines. The recipient would be called via phone to ask whether the money had been received, giving the name of the candidate.///– TDM

    If the government is sincere to wipe out money politics, it should stop easy access to government funds to politicians. The issue of money politics has been raised only to prevent persons of the opposite camp from winning. It is politics of money politics that was in play.

    ///12. Despite the difficulties for detection, a Government that is truly determined to prevent corruption can find ways of detecting corruption. But if the Government itself is corrupt then corruption cannot be stopped. In fact corruption would spread in every direction and would become a way of life. At this stage nothing can really be done. ///– TDM

    If the statement of ‘at this stage nothing can really be done’ means that TDM has detected ubiquitous corruption, then he should realise that for it to be so widespread, it could not have started only during AAB time as PM. Was TDM trying to plead ignorance of corruption during his time? Nice try, but who believes him?

  15. BN also got low turnout in N13 Likas byelection 2001

    Bigger Majority For BN In Likas
    (21 July 2001)

    KOTA KINABALU, July 21 (Bernama) — Voters in Likas on Saturday demonstrated strong support for the Barisan Nasional government when they returned BN candidate Datuk Yong Teck Lee with a bigger majority in the by-election for the seat.

    Yong, who is also Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president, garnered 9,758 votes to beat three other challengers with a 7,541 majority.

    Dr Chong Eng Leong of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) polled 2,217 votes and Parti Keadilan Nasional’s Christina Liew received 1,724 votes while independent candidate Joshua Kong managed a mere 50 votes and lost his deposit.

    Yong’s victory was all the more significant as he achieved the bigger majority despite a lower voter turnout of 52.95 per cent as against 68.25 per cent in the 1999 state election.

  16. Federal Constitution of Malaysia has the following two provisions about the post of Prime Minister and Cabinet:

    “Article 43 (3). The Cabinet shall be collectively responsible to Parliament.”

    “Article 43 (4). If the Prime Minister ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, then, unless at his request the Yang di-Pertuan Agong dissolves Parliament, the Prime Minister shall tender the resignation of the Cabinet.”

    If Najib is really a true man, he should allow “a motion of confidence in favour of Najib for the appointment of him as the Prime Minister” be tabled and be voted in the Parliament. Otherwise, Najib is but a backdoor Prime Minister holding the post of Prime Minister only at the pleasure, the grace and the mercy of former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Najib has to prove to the people that he is really a self-made Prime Minister and not just a puppet of someone else!

  17. ///Najib has to prove to the people that he is really a self-made Prime Minister and not just a puppet of someone else!///

    He would not do it. He cannot afford to have any BN MPs loitering in the toilet when the vote is called.

  18. “He would not do it. He cannot afford to have any BN MPs loitering in the toilet when the vote is called.” (Loh)

    If a vote of confidence in favour of him through a motion in Parliamentary session of sitting is not viable, then he should at least gather adequate numbers of signatures from his supporters on the statutory declaration which pleges full support in favour of his appointment as the Prime Minister. Anyway, he may use the same tactics as disclosed by Raja Pedra Kamaruddin on the death story of Zakaria Deros in order to obtain adequate numbers of supporters.

    Otherwise, he will always remain as a backdoor Prime Minister who has no followers but is given the post of Prime Minister at the pleasure, grace and mercy of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi until it is proven that he can really pass any bill in the Parliament.

  19. Obviously the convincing win by Mansor has soured NTR’s taste-buds. He must have expected something less impressive, or some surprises from the independent candidates, so that he can make strong remarks to ridicule PR, but ended up saying the grapes are sour.

  20. Someone is trying to bring the readers’ attention to Dr Mahathir’s blog.

    Dr. Mahathir could not even see to it that the promises made by him through Tan Sri Rahim Nor as the Government Representative in the negotiation and peace pact signing with the dissolved Malayan Communist Party (MCP) could be honoured in a respectable manner. It is ridiculous to find that Najib could cite some ambiguous reasons, such as the devilish emotion of long-lingering hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness of certain members of UMNO casulties who suffered during the Malayan Civil War between the Umno and the MCP, as the rationale for breaking the promise of Barisan Nasional Government at the bare eyes of many by rejecting the home-coming application of former Secretary-General of MCP, Chin Peng.

    If Najib is willing to risk loss of Government integrity by making a decision in breach of the terms and conditions of the peace pact which had already been agreed upon by Dr. Mahathir as a Prime Minister on 12.12.1989, how are we going to trust that Najib’s government will never break its promise even when a law of anti-corruption which is meant to give immunity and protection to the whistle blowers is going to be moved and passed in the Parliament?

  21. Sometime is wrong,I think among our political leaders.Everyday we see these guys hitting and trying to kill each other,all because of power and creed and nothing for the country.Can’t all of them for the sake of the country,leave their personal grudges and act like true stateman ?.True,we are a democracy and are free to express our views and opinions but most of these statements made by our top politicians were not conducive to national unity. Umno/Bn top leaders especially,you guys are not making us (rakyat) feeling good and respecting you right now.Come on out and be real nationalists and help make us feeling proud as malaysian.

  22. SpeakUp Says:

    Today at 16: 21.42 (6 hours ago)
    Here we go again … calling people names. When will it stop? When will we just do what we were elected to do … SERVE the people?

    Oh no, not UMNO goon. How about UMNO dickhead! Mine you definitely have a good taste for C4’s tunes. You sing like him and beat the drum like him…even more shallow than him!!
    Have life friend and eat your heart out!

  23. Tomdumbo,

    Mari Urut will be the next occasion the people of Malaysia tell Born Nincompoops and Utter Moronic Nincompoop Organisation that they are…. well, blown to smithereens. Najib didn’t want to urut the Penanti but now has now choice but to nanti Mari Urut. Soon!

    Suck my tom.

  24. When a complaint to PCB of the PM Department cannot even get a confirmation of Receipt from the Director General, the Director of the respective Department and the officer and their PA for close to ONE month, can the PM manage others?

    The People Parliament is having a Poll on IGP Musa. Can YB do the same for the PM?
    1) Try to get an estimation of how many Malaysian could be online.
    2) Start the Polling in a Blog to avoid multi-polling
    3) Ask most, if not all, the Malaysian Blogger to put a link to this Poll.
    4) See how many will turn out, say within ONE month.

    Let Malaysians have a way to Poll their PM!!

  25. chengho,

    Only his constituents can vote him out of his Parliamentary seat but have to wait for the next GE for this to happen. Still, he has a good chance of retaining his seat unless he contests elsewhere…

  26. until now i could’nt believe NAJIB himself uttered those words…swear to god his late father will be very disappointed seeing his son acting like a 10+ years old kids….my respect for najib eroded after that immature the hell he can utter something like that…does he got balls? the party that he currently leads..dont even dare to stand for the election..yet he wants to talk c*ck instead of giving credit to the winning candidate…really disappointed…not only as a malaysian..but also a human/man…pity his late dad…having a stupid son like him..he is nothing if he’s not the son of Tun Abdul Razak..

  27. Damn, if only I have a chance of registering MY ONE vote on Najib. I know that everyone in my immediate circle of family, friends and acquaintances absolutely cannot stand the bugger – they will vote against him. Guaranteed! And for the rest I know who couldn’t give a hoot about what’s going on, they will just go with the flow.

    As for the poor porcine imbecile, chengho is living in denial. There will come a time when Malaysians will be able to vote directly for the PM we want, not the party and by default the leader of the party. The current system is flawed, amazingly, terribly flawed…which is why Najib can just sashay into the top job in the country without so much as batting his eye.

    No, he is the least-liked ever PM, worse than Abdullah…it is on the streets.

  28. What a SOUR LOSER he is!

    First, he got NO BALL to contest yet sponsored a “TOILET CLEANING LADY” to stand in his place!

    The scoreboard is 6-1, lets make it 7-1 in Kelantan…let him eat 6 rotten eggs!

  29. “It is indeed shocking that less than two months into his administration, Najib could only muster the approval of 45 per cent of Malaysians polled recently in a Merdeka Centre survey.”

    Mr LKS you are such a politician … the Merdeka survey results are as follows:

    45% – SATISFIED
    39% – NO OPINION

    They all do it … they all use part of the whole statement to twist things to their advantage. What is the difference?

  30. Okay … I love this … typical, only can use nasty names and not deal with issues raised in a civilised manner.

    This is typical of the LOW CLASS mentality that we still have in Malaysia still but these LOW CLASS mentality forumers want to talk politics? Sounds more like coffee shop politics to me. Smart to talk … dare not die. No Action Talk Only forumers.

  31. Najib is torn between wanting to look like a hero for the people and the UMNO warlords who need $$$ to feed their appetite. Najib has a superb opportunity to be known as the PM who transformed Malaysia into a new era but this of course will never happen. Money and greed speaks louder than the Rakyat’s needs. This is politics.

    On the local opposition front let’s all revel and rejoice with PKR latest antics. A party run by a questionable MP this is what they are up to:

    “Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP) members from Parti Keadilan Rakyat may boycott today’s swearing-in ceremony for the new council president in protest against the state government’s refusal to appoint their candidate to the post.

    PKR’s whip in the MPSP, Johari Kassim, said they might also resign as councillors while blasting Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for allegedly running the state ‘like his own backyard’.”

    Now, let’s see what happens for Mr LKS and LGE. I have seen LGE working hard or doing his best to give to Penang whatever that can be had.

    Hence, I said before, Mr LKS stop complaining about others. Get your own act together. Now you have such a wonderful partner who is sabotaging your political stability in Penang and giving BN more ammo to use in their pr drive against the Opposition.

    PKR are generally all useless (katak DUNs, MPs who only becomes one because he held a videocam but smokes in a non-smoking zone, MPs who are photographed naked, MPs who serve the people by ending up in jail) with a useless General who can only talk and does not have the guts to state clearly on issues but use other to front for him.

    Mr LKS … time to do some house keeping ok.

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