Lim Kit Siang

Policy changes to be made to expand and strengthen Malaysian-China relationship

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life advisor

From a poor communist country has been transformed into the fourth richest country in the world after USA, Japan and Germany, the man who started the phenomenal change was Deng Xiao Peng who introduced liberal and modernisation policies.

Although it still keep its communist ideology, China now intend to be friends with the whole world. She has won friends with the West, the developed countries and has given large financial handouts to the poor countries of the world. Her diplomacy offensive as a friend of the world has won tremendous appeal.

Malaysia ostensibly also adopt a policy of being a friend to the whole world, and PM Najib’s visit to China tomorrow is meant to expand and strengthen Malaysia-China relationship.


if we are friendly with China, then why is Chin Peng denied his desire to return to Malaysia as he is a citizen of this country?

He has long given up the communist struggle of world domination which was the battle cry of Communism last century. He is no longer a threat to the security of Malayaia.

Historically speaking, Chin Peng was a freedom fighter during the Japanese occupation of Malaya. Many of his comrades died in the struggle to free Malaya from imperialist Japan.

Those who opposed the return of Chin Peng said that he was responsible for the deaths of many Malayan army and police officers. True, but was not Japanese soldiers responsible for the killing of untold innocent people of Malaya during the Japanese occupation.

The war with Japan is over, and Malaysia and Japan are now friends. If Japan could be forgiven for countless atrocities, why cannot be Chin Peng be forgiven. He fought not as a murderer but as a solider in the service of communism.

Communism in Malaysia is not a threat any longer, as is communism in Russia and China.

It is time to allow Chin Peng to return. Relationship with China would become warmer and stronger. PM Najib should announce this while visiting Chinese, to show ‘let bygones be bygones’.

To forgive Japan, but not Chin Peng is a grave injustice.