Don’t tell Najib the truth or risk charge of sedition/criminal defamation!

I believe the overwhelming majority of the people, in Perak and Malaysia, agree with what I said at the Guar Perahu ceramah – that Najib must bear the greatest responsibility for the protracted Perak political and constitutional crisis, set off by Najib’s unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak, which has now broadened into a larger national crisis of confidence of key national institutions, like police, election commission, MACC, civil service, judiciary, whose credibility, legitimacy and integrity have been compromised in serving Najib’s political agenda.

Are there enough court houses for the police to prosecute the overwhelming majority of Malaysians who think alike with me and are there enough prisons for them if they are convicted of the serious offences of sedition and criminal defamation of the Prime Minister?

What really surprised me is not that the police are investigating a police report lodged against me for sedition and criminal defamation, but that the police report was lodged by the police itself.

Chief Inspector Pang Meng Tuck lodged the police report against me because, as the police recording officer for the PKR Penanti by-election ceramah in Guar Perahu, Kubang Semang on Sunday, 24th May 2009, he was of the view that my speech defamed the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and was seditious.

If my speech is defamatory of Najib’s character and reputation, why is the Prime Minister not instituting civil legal proceedings to clear his name and secure just compensation from me?

When did the Police acquire the new task of protecting the reputation or lack of reputation of Barisan Nasional leaders in government?

Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research conducted several polls on the popularity ratings from Feb. 08 to Dec. 8 of the then Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy Prime Minister, Najib.

Although Abdullah’s popularity rating had plunged from a record high of 91 per cent in November 2004 to 61 per cent in January 2008 (just before the March 8, 2008 general election), down to 46 per cent in Dec 2008, he was at all times more popular than Najib, as demonstrated by the following surveys by Merdeka Centre:

Popularity rating Abdullah Najib
Feb. 08 62% 45%
Mar. 08 54% 46%
Jul. 08 42% 34%
Sept 08 43% 40%
Oct. 08 45% 43%
Dec. 08 46% 41%

I do not think anyone will dispute that if an opinion poll is now conducted, Najib’s popularity would have fallen further even below the lowest point of 34% recorded in July last year.

Is it going to be an offence, whether sedition or criminal defamation, to speak the truth in holding Najib responsible for the protracted Perak political and constitutional crisis or to express Najib’s e unpopularity held by the public towards him?

The lodging of a police report by Chief Inspector Pang Meng Tuck against me for sedition and criminal defamation over my Penanti by-election ceramah last Sunday is a clear abuse of police powers, betraying the total lack of independence, impartiality and non-partisan position which the police and all branches of government should maintain towards the roiling political storms whether the Perak political crisis which sees no light at the end of the tunnel or over the credibility, integrity and legitimacy of Najib as Prime Minister among 27 million Malaysians.

Was Pang acting under the directive from the “highest up” to lodge the police report against me for sedition and criminal defamation? If not, Najib and Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein should publicly dissociate themselves from Chief Inspector Pang’s action.

Otherwise, Malaysians are safe to conclude that Chief Inspector Pang’s lodging of a police report against me has the blessing and support Najib and Hishamnmudin – a clear message of Malaysia moving towards a Police State in a darkening national landscape particularly on political rights, civil liberties and human rights..

(Media Conference Statement in Penanti, Penang on Sunday, 31st May 2009 at 8.30 am)

45 Replies to “Don’t tell Najib the truth or risk charge of sedition/criminal defamation!”

  1. Dear YB

    This continuous bias shown by the Police must not be left unchallenged.

    Please harass the PM, Home Minister, IGP and the Chief Justice of Malaysia on this issue of Police filing ISA and Sedition reports and then investigating it themselves.

    The courts should throw out such cases if the complainant is a police personnel.

    Explore every angle in the Constitution to force the Police to back of and do what they are suuposed to be doing – prevent and investigate crime and protect the PEOPLE.

  2. This was 1986 in the Philippines. We are at least 20+ years behind Philippines:-

    Aquino admitted that she faced numerous challenges as the new Filipino president. The release of 441 political prisoners and the forced retirement of 22 pro-Marcos generals were among her first actions as president. She also reinstated the writ of habeas corpus, the right of a prisoner to appear before a judge, and abolished the government’s ability to imprison people at will, which had been in effect since 1981.

  3. Kit, pls set up a bank account to collect donations from the public and the world for you and others to fund the court cases.

    Let’s counter-sue Najis and all his scumbags too.

    Let’s sue all of them!

  4. Hey Mr.Prime Minister,how’s it you do not use your power with responsibility ? Is it your pleasure to keep on arresting innocent citizens ? How many more people you would wanna to arrest and detain to attain your highest level of desires ?.Don’t you realise within 60 days,you have arrested 160 your so-called enimies ,an average of 2.7 innocent malaysians a day ?.Are you trying to break into the Guiness world book of record for our beloved mother land ?.Don’t you know that your doing is damaging the quality of the malaysian’s society especially our democracy and economy ?. Are you innocent of the C4 case ?. Are you guilty and falling down and wish to drag the nation down with you ?Datuk Seri Najib,you said you wanna be the people’s prime minister but what you are doing now is contrary to your intention ?.Please tell us why if you really love your people and country.Otherwise,I think enough is enough.Please stop all your nonsense immediately because the whole world is laughing at you and us as well.

  5. Najib has gone crazy and is like a mad dog. I predict he will succumb to the pressure of trying to stay alive. Conscience alone will kill him. The ghost of Altantuya will continue to haunt him and his family for the next three generations …..KARMA!

  6. Just like Ali Jinnah of Pakistan and his father, who knew that they have little time to live, they were adamant to carry out their agendas which would lead to the genocides that would unfold, I have the uncanny feeling that Najib’s health is suspected.

  7. Pink Lips, already condemned by his own unfortunate destiny (or else he wouldn’t have been ensnared by a corpulent and ruthless sorceress!), is doomed by each and every ignoble action he takes to suppress the growing tsunami of rebellion against authoritarian, patriarchal leadership. I predict he won’t survive 2009 as crime minister! May all who endorse outright evil be faced with equally evil karma of their own creation…


  8. We(malaysian) want to break free
    We(malaysian) want to break free
    We(malaysian) want to break free from your(BN) lies
    You’re so self satisfied We don’t need you
    We’ve got to break free
    God knows God knows we(malaysian) want to break free

    We(malaysian) fallen in love with justice, anti-corruption and democracy
    We(malaysian) fallen in love for the first time
    And this time we(malaysian) know it’s for real
    We(malaysian) fallen in love yeah
    God knows God knows We’ve fallen in love with justice anti-corruption and democracy


    We(malaysian) want to break free
    We(malaysian) want to break free
    We(malaysian) want to break free from your(BN) lies
    You’re so self satisfied We don’t need you
    We’ve got to break free
    God knows God knows we(malaysian) want to break free

    We(malaysian) fallen in love with justice, anti-corruption and democracy

    And this time we(malaysian) know it’s for real

  9. Let Mongolian beauty rain her curses on the head of C4…where can you hide, where can you go…pink lips.
    Your ‘Operation P#g A##’ to haress the public will not deter anyone, we will not be cowed……..we have outgrown UMNO samseng mentality.

  10. June 2009 – Najib steps down and Moo Hee Din takes over

    July 2009 – Moo Hee Din appoints Mook Kris as DPM

    August 2009 – Mook Kris usurps power and appoints TDM adviser

    September 2009 – MCA, MIC and Gerakan left BN

    October 2009 – Snap election, opposition wins, but cannot form the government, emergency rule for the rest of the year.

  11. Was Pang Meng Tuck around
    when the cousins raised their keris n
    demanded the blood of non Malays?
    Did he make polis report against them?

    Only in this Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku
    politicians who publicly raised keris n
    yelled for blood of fellow Malaysians
    are not considered as seditious
    No polis made polis report against them
    They are considered no problemo
    Are now be in charge of the nation and prisons

    So LKS, plz say to that P M T(or F)uck
    Chill out, dickwad
    Hasta la vista, baby

  12. China should accord Najib the same treatment as UMNO accorded the non-Malays in Malaysia, i.e. second-class treatment. Put him up in a 3-star hotel and make him wait for appointments, LOL. By the way, what he is doing in a communist country? Doesn’t he want to arrest them too?

  13. ///(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1) an act, speech,
    words, publication or other thing SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO BE
    SEDITIOUS by reason only that it has a tendency—
    (a) to show that any Ruler has been misled or mistaken in
    any of his measures;
    (b) to point out errors or defects in any Government or
    constitution as by law established (except in respect of
    any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty
    or prerogative referred to in paragraph (1)(f) otherwise
    than in relation to the implementation of any provision
    relating thereto) or in legislation or in the administration
    of justice with a view to the remedying of the errors or
    defects;///—Sedition Act 1948

    Briefly, it is not considered seditious if words have the tendency to show that Ruler has been misled or mistaken in any of his measures.

    The appointment by the Ruler of a second MB when the duly elected MB had not vacated his post was considered a mistake of the Ruler in taking the measure, and the court was sought to settle the issue.

    When Najib was said to be responsible for the Perak debacle, it has to be understood that Najib did not have the authority to appoint the MB, but he had caused the Ruler to be mistaken in taking that measure. So Najib can be said to have misled the Ruler, and words showing those effect shall not be deemed seditious as provided for in Paragraph of the Act.

    The Inspector Pang MT was stupid not to have understood the meaning of the Act.

    Malaysia is entitled to vote in elections as provided under the constitution. It is only natural that during the campaign contending parties list out facts and truth to tell about the wrongs of the adversaries. The statements serve to convince the voters to choose the party that they like, and the voters were not encouraged to go out to disturb peace, or to take laws in the hands should they feel disaffection with the government of the day. It is to prevent citizens taking extra-parliamentary mode to overthrow the government that the Sedition Act was need. Since voting has been legally sanctioned by the Election Commission, and voters only channel their disaffection with the government in the ballot box, peace would never be disturbed because of speeches at election campaign. To prevent political parties telling the truth is to undermine the ability of political parties from communicating relevant information to voters. That is a misuse of law aiming at influencing the outcome of elections.

    The action by the police to investigate reports made by police officer against political opponents of the federal government confirms that the police was partial to the government and is actively involved in politics. The action by the police could cause civil disobedience. Can the police prosecute every member of the public who choose to repeat statements which police consider seditions? It would be selective prosecution if Police only act on a few. That is not professionalism, though Police has nothing to defend on that score. Why then should police choose to show openly that it is involved in politics which it is not allowed to do legally?

  14. uncle Kit,
    only the minority agree with you mostly your contemporaries..
    majority of ppl tired with your rhetoric without hard fact evidence…very much like Anwar and Nik Aziz rhetoric…

  15. The truth always hurt, the more truth you spill out the more is the hurt. As usual UMNO will use all its power to stop people from telling the truth. They will be only happy with liars who say good about them.

  16. “only the minority agree with you mostly your contemporaries..
    majority of ppl tired with your rhetoric without hard fact evidence…very much like Anwar and Nik Aziz rhetoric…”

    Hi Cheng Ho, you made a very interesting statement. Can you share your “hard fact evidence” on your observation that “only the minority agree with [LKS], mostly [his] contemporaries”? How many percent is that minority, and how do you know it is only contemporaries and not those in their early 20s, for example? Would be glad to learn how to be as perceptive as you. As a matter of fact, I was also trying to find out LKS’s support now, after Najib stole his signature song and rebrand it 1Malaysia. I really do wish him well after all these years of struggle against racial discrimination.

  17. “Is it going to be an offence, whether sedition or criminal defamation, to speak the truth …”

    no but it is an offence to continue to smear the image of someone the court has seen it fit not to even call as witness in a murder case.

  18. chengho,

    you are speaking through your posterior end, you pig!
    That’s a popularity poll – it’s a survey conducted amongst the people, therefore it is a reflection of the people’s sentiment.

    Basically, it says the people think Najib is worse than Abdullah.

    you are trying to muddy the thread with stupid statements about LKS’s rhetoric. geez, what a pig!

  19. Agreed that NR n RM kena a lot of attacks
    left, right n center by Malaysians and foreigners
    NR should do the right thing
    Take these people to civil courts n sue them
    Sue them for defamation
    Why need to hide behind polis, IGP, AG, ISA, sedition act
    Why waste rakyat money to gag n terrorise people
    Plain TRUTH like true love should withstand fire
    Unless TRUTH has gone AWOL

  20. Where was the Chief Inspector
    when Umno mob took down Koh TK’s photo
    and publicly decapitated him, tore him up
    sh!t, p!ss n stepped on his face
    Not seditious?
    Did he make a mata-mata report?
    Takut Umno? No brownie points?

  21. Don’t tell NR the truth, OK
    But do tell the TRUTH to all young people
    who are going to be voters come GE13
    Tell them to vote for CHANGE
    CHANGE the federal government
    before the federal government n polis chain them
    C’mon start now
    CHANGE old and young people now
    CHANGE people in East n West M’sia now
    These should have been done yesterday

  22. There is no difference between pork meat and beef. Both types of meat are suitable for human consumption. But the Buddhist do not eat beef. It is all in the mind. Imagine if God says water is haram!

  23. I agree that we should not tell Najib the truth.

    If he does not get it, he is an overgrown child. And if that is the case, and he goes ahead and charge Sdr. Lim with these inane charges, I say we show him what his parents and teachers like Dr. M failed to teach him: We take to the streets, tear down the jail that they will be holding Sdr. Lim and march with Sdr. Lim all the way into his office/official residence in Putrajaya and give him and his overindulged with too much power underlings the spanking lessons they desperately need.

  24. ekompute:

    Halal or not halal, Najis is hugging the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party this week. Najis supporters like tomThumb don’t care whether communist money is halal or not – they’ll still try to steal it.

  25. TomThumb Says:
    Today at 00: 57.45 (7 hours ago)
    yes, pigs are smart. they are smarter than visitors to this blog.

    See how the no brainer works. He does not even know pig is smarter than him. He just doesn’t get it lah.

  26. LKS warned against telling najib the truth or face the risk of sedition or defamation.

    What utter gibber by LKS.

    Hey Jib-bro dont listen to LKS. Let me tell you something. I had dinner with altantuya yesterday. She is so beautiful and attractive. We had warm horse milk and horse steak with wild gobi mushroom sauce. It was a totally wonderful meal. We enjoy it throughly. And guess what? After that we went to bed. And she confided to me you were actually not involved in the submarine deal and she has never met you. Well I guess baginda was right after all.

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