39 Replies to “The DAP HQ Raid : Video”

  1. This is not a first. I got a friend who’s office was raided also – took photos for complaints. But I guess the best is to give it to the press / media. But not BN media, but alternative media.

  2. These police officers should really be in Wangsa Maju – a place which is notorious for robberies.

    On average there is one robbery case per day in Wangsa Maju and the victim is often hurt by the weapons the robbers carry with them.

    The residents there are very unhappy that the police have failed to protect their safety.

  3. Didn’t Najib know that what the police did is nullifying his effort to win back the rakyat’s confidence in BN?

    A smart PM would/should not allow others to spoil his plan of reinvigorating his party.

  4. I think for our own safety and freedom, we should avoid the rage of PDXM. Given that they claimed UMNO has acted within the law all along, these idiotic PDXM will use the purported laws of the land to further suppress freedom fighters.
    I just can’t wait for GE13 to punish these bastxxds.

    Very soon, some of us will be killed under the brutality of PDXM.
    Just mark my words.

    Malaysia is raked along Myammar. Even President Mugabe looks like angels when compared to najis.

  5. So sad events like this is unfolding in Malaysia.

    Personally, I think Keris and Jis@S Hit is much worse than their predecessor SHA and Sleepyhead.

    chengho … why worry ? you should be very happy instead for this type of senseless arrest. Our country really lack one thing, freedom of expression. our democracy is only skin depth. so sad.

  6. “I just can’t wait for GE13 to punish these bastxxds.”

    BN didn’t foresee a tsunami,
    so they didn’t “prepare” for GE12.

    they will “prepare” for GE13.

  7. What is Najib going to say about the PDRM police’s illegal intrusion into the DAP HQ? Is Najib going to give a silent consent to the police for them to make such an unlawful intrusion without first obtaining a search warrant from the magistrate ot the OCPD? Does Najib really know how to rule the country by sensing the urgency for the cabinet to implement rules and regulations for purpose of tightening up the discipline of the Police Force before the Police Force has been turned into a vehicle being made use by some ambitionists with malicious intent of turning Malaysia into an Authoritative Police State like Myanmar Military Junta State?

  8. If Najib continues to permit the Police Force to abuse its power by harassing and detaining the DAP people, I am in great doubt that Najib is able to show a good report card in October 2009 in the Umno Annual General Meeting. It looks like there is always an invisible hand working behind the scene for downgrading Najib’s political image much further in order to lay path for the quicker downfall of Najib and faster ascendance of Muhyiddin Yassin to the top political reputation in order to take over Najib in the shortest possible period. By looking at the disgusting behaviour of the Police Force, I think Najib is nothing more than a seat warmer for Muhyiddin Yassin because it will not be too long for the political image of Najib to hit the valley-bottom in order to facilitate the smooth takeover of the Premiership by Muhyiddin Yassin from Najib after the Umno annual general meeting!

  9. They do this…because they know judiciary is just another branch of UMNO…….so apa mau takut undang undang…warrant atau takda warant doesnt bother them…..DAP can bring all the lawyers they want…..you sure you want to go to court or not??????

  10. On 23 May 2009 at 22:59.21, chengho said:
    From the video nothing to worry…

    But the general public are worried about the crime rate while the PDRM is obviously paying more attention to the political opponents of UMNO’s BN than criminals, especially after that shocking triple murder/daytime robbery at Taman Pinji Seni in Ipoh recently.
    Where were the cops actually?
    Congegrating around the Perak state secretariat building, hoping to prevent elected PR politicians from taking their rightful places?

    On 23 May 2009 at 22:59.21, chengho said:
    very calm and professional from both party…..

    Have to lah. Surely, the PDRM does not want to suffer further degradation of its already battered image, and DAP wants to abide by the law to prevent more unnecessary arrests of its people…

    On 23 May 2009 at 22:59.21, chengho said:
    probably normal investigation by the police…..

    PDRM’s ‘normal investigation’ had concluded that the lion MP should be charged with sedition when he said that the HRH Sultan of Perak constitutionally has no power to dismiss MB Nizar, but obviously PDRM’s ‘normal investigation’ had concluded that similar action is not necessary when the old doctor says the same thing…

    On 23 May 2009 at 22:59.21, chengho said:
    let the police do their job…

    As public servants who enforce law and order in the interest of the people, or as minions in the interest of UMNO’s BN?
    Thanks to PDRM’s growing ‘special interest’ in the political climate, private security firms are doing good business as more residential areas are hiring them to guard & patrol in gated communities…

  11. my conclusion after watching the video: the police acted civilly. However this does not mean, they have or have not acted within reasons.

    That is another matter.

    I am wondering why is computer being taken? What the charges?

  12. i don’t dare to dream for GE13 cos by then is not needed anymore…
    by then, everyone will be so intimidated and frighten to stand against the BN/UNMO… end up ‘PRU13 BN MENANG TANPA BERTANDING’ for all seats…

    I guess this is their direction towards GE13…

  13. i think they r trying very hard to push the people or opposition party over the limit to create a riot so they can ruled all other states thru declaring ‘state of emergency’…

  14. NameWee should make another Negarakuku with these new footage.

    Its curious to me why the cousins are doing this. Sure its part of 80s-90s established philosophy of using an iron glove while publicly professing something else.

    The issue really is the whole Perak issue has no subsided, there is PKFZ, Hindraf leaders release is looked more as a victory for Hindraf than something given, why the iron glove now when they need to be more popular? Even if you think an iron glove is needed why this raid on DAP over 1BlackMalaysia?

    It just seem unprofitable…

  15. A reminder for all those fence-sitters:

    First they came for the candlelight vigilists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a candlelight vigilist;
    Then they came for the protesters, and I did not speak out – because I was not a protester;
    Then they came for the dissidents, and I did not speak out – because I was not a dissident;
    Then they came for the ungratefuls, and I did not speak out – because I was not an ungrateful;
    Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me

  16. Arrest DAP suppoters.
    Jail DAP politicians
    Raid DAP Hq.
    What does that tell you?
    Besides the reasons I posted in the previous post…yes..this is is irritate DAP supporters to go to the streets.
    They are waiting for signals from Lim Kit Siang and he is just sitting pretty.. .giggling.
    Supporters understand the signal…all ignored…getting UMNO mad.
    Next plan?

  17. If you believe the JUSTICE and DEMOCRACY are on your side.

    The harder they hit you the harder you stand, should win the battle of justice.

    Now, to win the battle it is all depend on you stand up or give up.

  18. Congratulations
    Our PDRM has become a law unto themselves
    or above the law
    Smack of neo-
    Blackshirts, camicie nere
    Gestapo, Geheime Staatspolizei
    Schutzstaffel (SS)
    KGB, Komityet Gosudarstvjennoj Biezopasnosti

  19. Correct, correct, correct, this is robbery at DAP Hq. These 11 “head hunters” do not even know under what provision they are robbing. They have already resorted to lawlessness.

    The people must stand up now and say a resounding YES to defend Malaysia. Let us work together to bring lawfulness back into Malaysia.

  20. It about time DAP started securing their computers. Encryption using external drive , creating a USB drive PC lock that prevents unauthorized people from using your computer. Securing all your communication lines with encryption.
    I use an external buffalo drive and encrypt it for all my important data.
    Here are some freeware links


    Without warrant these 11 policeman have committed robbery. DAP should pursue this. Do not use these computers or any of the device they return. It could be bugged with listening device or Trojan horse. In fact do sweep of your HQ just to make they didn’t plan any device.

  21. Need I say anymore?

    PDXM is confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt that they are siding UMNO/BN. They are the ‘Anjing’ for UMNO.

    In this part of Asia ranging from Iran, Pakistan, Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines, all the ruling parties have the backing of the armed thugs. Malaysia is no different. To think otherwise will be naive.

    Oppressing any oppositions is not a suppress to anyone who knows even a little bit about Malaysian politics and UMNO’s racist grand scheme.

    After 513, 1969 and 40 years on, anyone who are brought up, fed, educated, given jobs and sheltered by UMNO since then will be in the prime of ensuring UMNO survive for another 40 years. All these bastxxds are now holding all the key positions in the nation’s vital organs that can easily overcome those who dare to oppose them.

    Raiding DAP HQ is a small matter to UMNO, we are lucky the PDXM do not go around practicing their target shootings.

    Just strive on, the time will come and my wish is bury UMNO into the dungeon of political obscurity comes GE13. “Deny their majority”

    To think UMNO will be “prepared” by then is also naive, tell me have they not being “prepared” all these while?

  22. uncle kit,

    i strongly think that you should check your hq for any bugs…. anyway I think there aree many other methods that can be used to spy on DAP.

    take care and be well.

  23. Common sense told me they (the police) are not allowed to force themselves into private property without search warrants.

    They are nothing better than thugs endorsed by the government.

  24. What a bunch of samseng la. These guys are supposed to uphold the law and order in Bolehland. See how lawless they portrayed themselves recently. Thousands and thousands of crimes, snatch thieves, murders happening every week and yet these guys instead of focusing their energy catching them, they unlawfully raided an opposition office without a warrant. As if the oppositions are terrorists. Perhaps they are upholding the “laws” of their masters in BN. What a shameful bunch.
    Its high time the rakyat wake up and help PKR throw out the present BN government for good.

  25. Mr Pathetic Laksamana(Disguised) Cheng Ho AKA one of 3 stooges,

    “From the video nothing to worry , very calm and professional from both party…..probably normal investigation by the police …..let the police do their job…” – Clearly you had seen the video but on silenced mode or you’re one deaf duck. Can’t you hear the conversations? If you could hear then you should be able to know what actually happened. They went in searching and raiding without a warrant. When asked why do not have a warrant they said it was according to orders given by PSD. When asked they came raiding on what ground or section they don’t even know! They had to call back the pathetic PSD to enquire under what section they are raiding! They tried to persue the accused to sign that piece of rubbish containing items should be consficated even before the lawyer came! Furthermore the items are properties of DAP and not the accused’s belongings!. What a shame! 11 policemen came with plain clothing! If they have nothing to hide why don’t they come with uniforms and number tags? So scared of being recognized if this should be brought to court and lawsuit? Why they needed 11 policemen just to carry away a cpu, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and a ‘pen’? Too heavy? If the 11 policemen put on patrolling the streets, plenty of crime scenes could be solve! SHAME ON PDRM!

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