Khir Toyo – Suspend him from Selangor State Assembly but not his assemblyman’s allowances

The Selangor State Assembly should not suspend Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Khir Toyo’s state assemblyman allowances even if it endorses the Selangor State Assembly Rights and Privileges Committee recommendations to punish and suspend the former Selangor Mentri Besar from the Assembly for grave breach of privileges.

The Selangor State Assembly Rights and Privileges Committee has recommended that Khir be suspended for a year from the state assembly without state assemblyman’s allowances and privileges for not attending an inquiry conducted by the state’s Select Committee on Competence, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) in March on the disbursement of state agency funds to Balis – the Wives of Selangor Assemblymen and MPs Welfare and Charity Organisation.

Khir is also found guilty of three other charges of making disparaging remarks and negative statements about Selcat in the media and on his blog, with the recommended sentence of six months’ suspension each, with all the suspensions to run concurrently.

Four other Barisan Nasional assemblymen Datuk Warno Dogol (Sabak Bernam), Datuk Mohd Idris Abu Bakar (Hulu Bernam), Mohd Isa Abu Kassim (Batang Kali) and Datuk Marsum Paing (Dengkil) have also been found guilty of attacking Selcat in the media, all to be suspended six months each without allowances and privileges.

These findings and recommendations of the Rights and Privileges Committee will be presented to the July meeting of the Selangor State Assembly for endorsement before they could take effect.

The Selangor State Assembly should not suspend Khir Toyo’s allowances – or the allowances of the other four Barisan Nasional Assemblymen – even if it endorses the recommendations of the Selangor State Assembly Rights and Privileges Committee to punish the former Selangor Mentri Besar and the other four Barisan Nasional Assemblymen for gross breach of privileges.

The Selangor State Assembly can suspend Assembly members from attending the Assembly for gross breach of privileges but it should not suspend their allowances as State Assembly members are elected by the voters to represent them at the state government level and voters should not be placed in a limbo of not having an elected Assemblyman to represent them as an intermediary with the state government even if he is suspended from State Assembly sittings.

Suspending state assembly members from the State Assembly for gross breach of privilege is appropriate punishment.

It is only recently that the Barisan Nasional embarked on the unhealthy and undemocratic practice not only in suspending members from the legislature but also their allowances.

This is a deplorable practice which Pakatan Rakyat-controlled legislatures should not follow.

There can be no dispute that Khir had been guilty of gross breach of privileges in boycotting the Selcat inquiry into the Balkis financial scandal and he has only himself to blame if he is suspended from the Selangor State Assembly for defying the Assembly’s concerns about good governance, in particular with regard to accountability and transparency in the Balkis financial scandal..

Khir’s contention that it was unfair to make him face an inquiry chaired by his political nemesis does not hold water. Is Khir prepared to face an independent public inquiry specially set up to inquire into the Balkis scandal?

If so, let Khir show his sincerity and honesty by announcing that he and his wife are prepared to attend and fully co-operate with such a separate public inquiry set up to probe into the Balkis scandal.

44 Replies to “Khir Toyo – Suspend him from Selangor State Assembly but not his assemblyman’s allowances”

  1. Yes, this is the correct way to do. No matter how unreasonable BN behaved, there is no excuse for PR to retaliate. BN is not PR’s teacher and role model. Stay faithfully to “gentlemanship” and honourable politics, I think people will respect PR more, and it will also inculcate among Malaysians the right approach to politics in the future.

  2. Makan gaji buta to stay absolutely loyal to UMNO.
    It’s an indirect lawful bribery idea.
    Just look at how UMNO manages tax payers money….always think they own all and do as the like.

  3. Yes, by no circumstances PKR should reduce themselves to BN’s thuggery behaviour. Khir with his big bulk of ill-gotten wealth snatched during MBship, surely doesn’t give a shit to the allowance.

  4. How about reinstating his allowance and getting him to repay back the millions that he had squandered?

    Don’t think that would be term as ‘revenge’ but rather APPROPIATE.

  5. Me, no worry, why worry, said Toyol
    Toyol is busy looking for a hybrid orchid
    to be named after his wife Zahrah Kechik
    Singapore has Dendrobium Najib Rosmah
    Selangor should have Dendrobium Toyol Zahrah
    KL should have Dendrobium Najib Razak Altantuya
    O rose, rose
    That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet

  6. Actually I am not for suspending him. Khir Toyo is the best weapon PR has against BN in Selangor. Sure he need to be punished but if there is poetic justice, he need to pay back that some RM2million (with interest and fines) he spend on his holliday.

    OR forced to spend RM2 million taking orphans and poor people to Disneyland and Hawaii?? Anyone got suggestion?

  7. NR in Singapore gave a speech last night
    In it, he mentioned
    “There was no traffic jam at all today. I wonder why.”

    Asking the obvious, a bit dumb, no?
    Or still a katak beneath a tempurung
    Maybe NR should see for himself
    the huge talented Malaysian diaspora
    working in the little red dot
    helping to ensure not only smooth traffic
    and absence of traffic jam
    but also economic growth and gain in global value chain

    Don’t lah just have eyes for pretty foreign girls

  8. WELL what can we expect of the Nizar vs Zambri case, dirty ruling party will stoop as low as needed with no boundaries to hold on to power, dirty cops, judges with both hands tied to the back(maybe)!
    The rot has gone gangrenous. Amputations will not be good enough. BeEnd loves the current state of affairs as it suits them to have corrupt people that it can reel in as and when needed. A kegacy left by MahaFiraun!

    PK can shout \unfair\ etc or that good mechanisms should be in place, till the cows come home; but nothing will improve. BERSIH walks and candle light vigils have not worked.

    So what’s another option? Wait of GE13? We cannot be assured of a repeat of 0803; that’s for sure.

    BeEnd will pull out every dirty trick in the bag to win GE13. Malaysians scare easily, and to top that we have very short memory. A large majority have NEVER stood up for what they believe. 100% of the million odd civil servants cannot do anything against the grain as long as BeEnd is in power! So what does that leave us with?

    Over to you Malaysian Bar Council!
    Your resolution to call for the resignation of AG, IGP and Home Minister has fallen on deaf ears. If you as a group have strong conviction towards this; let it not be in vain.

    As a united group YOU can bring about CHANGE. How?
    Just stop going to court (for all matters) from Monday for 3 months or longer. [b]Just don’t go to work. Refuse going to court.[/b] I know there are many lawyers who will be worried about their rice-bowl. For this the more financially able ones will have to tide the others over. If you stand united, the judges can be brought to their senses I think.

    If docs in the private sector can also join in, it will help to drive the point home.

  9. I think Selangor PR government is going down the same unhealthy path as BN.

    Khir Toyo (despite how despicable he is) and the 4 BN not only should NOT have their allowances suspended, they should NOT be suspended from the state assembly.

    SELCAT is an opposition led enquiry. Secondly it is merely an enquiry. No charges are being brought up so why must Khir Toyo answer for anything? If you have evidence of any wrong doing then bring up formal charges. Else, as suggested, it should be a public enquiry by independent experts or auditors into the management of state run companies. Politicians should not be the ones making the enquiries.

    Making disparaging remarks should not be valid enough justification to suspend an assembly member. DAP members make disparaging remarks about the BN government all the time. Should all of them be suspended? We should respect the rights of people to criticize us.

    If we feel that we are being defamed then please bring up formal lawsuits. We even have sedition law, OSA etc. Let’s not suspend people for just making remarks we don’t like, just like what BN practices.

    PR leaders should get their heads examined and take a look into the mirror. Aren’t they becoming nothing more than another BN if they go ahead with this?

  10. I dont quite understand why toyol was not subjected to MACC while all the evidents clearly showed that he and his wife were misusing their positions (power corruption) and should be dealed with accordingly, instead of giving him and his wife to escape from wrong doings which they supposed to pay!!! is PR setting a bad eg by not pursuing the matter fully and thoroughly!!! least it be seen by voters that all are the same after they hold power.

    As long as the allowances are not meant for attending the assembly siting, it would be fine for toyol to claim!!! But what is the limit???

  11. Latest news //Former South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun, who was at the centre of a multi-million dollar corruption probe, plunged to his death off a mountainside Saturday in a possible suicide. //

    Thief Toyo, when will you do the same honorable thing too?

  12. Eunch chengho, which court…. a kangaroo court?
    UMNO judges have no blooming morals and need not defend their reputation or despicable actions…as long they get promoted by their political masters.
    Of course, you feel comfortable with them, they are your type!

  13. If Toyol has what the chinese call ‘hou chi’ he should take up Kit’s suggestion of availing himself and wife to an independent public enquiry specially set up to probe into BAlkis scandal.Nah this thief would not dare, he thinks that it is his right to steal from the state just like his other UMNOPUTRAS mate, a god damn right!

  14. I cannot agree with this….in government service…..if you are charged in court for a criminal offence….you are immediately suspended without pay till the case is settled….why should there now be another rule for Toyol…

  15. Sorry, off-topic

    ///(CNN) — Former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun apologized Thursday for his connection to a corruption probe, saying he felt “ashamed and sorry” for disappointing his fellow citizens, the Yonhap news agency reported.

    President Roh later committed suicide.///

    The President dies so that the society thrives.

    We will not see this happen in the country, not that there is no corruption, but the people who had the power made all the institutions, the police, the AG office, the courts and other government agencies serves their interest to ensure that the charges will not stick.

    We still pretend to be a constitutional democracy. The Court of Appeal’s decison confirming Zambry as MB implies that when the King or the Sultan decides that a new PM or MB should be appointed, he can do it, even though he has no right to create vacancy. Voters can decide who to vote, but the King and the Sultan will decide if the party had the control of government institutions, that party would rule eventually, despite the election results. Sounds scary isn’t it?

  16. The Korean will have a sense of shame, so also the Japanese but for an UMNOPUTRA to have that,NEVER! In fact they would feel it is their god damn right to ‘take’ (not steal, mind you) from the state.

  17. He must remember that he is not above the law. Gone are the hanky panky days. Please respect the state government of the day. If the citizens of Selangor were to compare his administration and the p[resent PR’s administration there is difference between heaven and hell. He is even allowed to bring his lawyers. Fair isn’t it? They should cut his asssemblyman’s allowance and reserve it for the needy.

  18. I know many politicians.Khir T is one who cakap tak serupa bikin. Many in the so-called the second largest Chinese party in the world do the same thing– do not practise what they preach. OTK is one of them. So are the two brothers, who both aspire to be ambassador to China!

  19. This corrupted Indo migrant assemblyman’s allowances is just a small change for him…matter of fact, he should be made to refund all monies not legally spent by him and his family…that includes money spent on two of his maids. This is not seen as a revenge…this is a clean govt in action!
    Ketuanan UMNO melayu, shame is just like taking a cookie… does not run in their veins.

  20. I would have suspended him 24-month and at the same time fine him (if this is provided for in law). In the name of ketuanan melayu he and his kind had deceived a lot of common malays (just look for instance at Bkt Botak scam).

  21. Sorry, off-topic
    Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
    on May 22, 2009 5:45 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

    ///2. At one time Lee Kuan Yew labeled me as a Malay ultra. After that caught on, I could do nothing that would not be labeled as extreme. Even if I make the most innocent statement, it would be considered as extreme, as racist.///

    Lee Kuan Yew had said it when he was an MP in Malaysian parliament before Singapore was asked to leave. It was a prescient statement of truth which the people took time to confirm, and once confirmed, remains forever. The other notorious ultra was Albar Jaafar who organised riot in Singapore on Prophet Mohamds birth day procession in 1964. The two ultras together made May 13 possible, and they contributed to a divided Malaysia. TDM was not only a racist when he was in power, which might be considered the evil of the occupation. But he is today still a racist as evidenced by his claim that non-Malays deserve to be discriminated for refusing to become Malay, like him.

  22. Call a spade a spade
    Call an Indian an Indian
    When an Indian does not acknowledge himself as an Indian
    A spade becomes a club
    And Hamidah Osman is confused between snake and ……..

  23. On May 23rd, 2009 at 08:53.59, chengho said:
    Bring KT ,his wife and Balkis to court…

    Supporters of UMNO’s BN have alleged that the Perak MB, who was ousted in early February 2009, is a traitor.
    Why don’t they bring him to court to face charges of treason?

  24. On 23/5/2009 at 11:32.21, katdog said:

    I think Selangor PR government is going down the same unhealthy path as BN.

    Khir Toyo (despite how despicable he is) and the 4 BN not only should NOT have their allowances suspended, they should NOT be suspended from the state assembly.

    SELCAT is an opposition led enquiry. Secondly it is merely an enquiry. No charges are being brought up so why must Khir Toyo answer for anything? If you have evidence of any wrong doing then bring up formal charges. Else, as suggested, it should be a public enquiry by independent experts or auditors into the management of state run companies. Politicians should not be the ones making the enquiries.

    Making disparaging remarks should not be valid enough justification to suspend an assembly member. DAP members make disparaging remarks about the BN government all the time. Should all of them be suspended? We should respect the rights of people to criticize us.

    If we feel that we are being defamed then please bring up formal lawsuits. We even have sedition law, OSA etc. Let’s not suspend people for just making remarks we don’t like, just like what BN practices.

    PR leaders should get their heads examined and take a look into the mirror. Aren’t they becoming nothing more than another BN if they go ahead with this?

    I recall that the answers given by this broom-giving dentist in a newspaper interview, in response to the allegations against by SELCAT, had bordered on being ridiculous for a person who once served as the head of a state government.

    I think what should finally matter is that all right thinking citizens in this country should not vote for him in any future election, or else, they are the ones who should take a look in the mirror and have their heads examined…

  25. Khir’s contention that it was unfair to make him face an inquiry chaired by his political nemesis does not hold water. Is Khir prepared to face an independent public inquiry specially set up to inquire into the Balkis scandal?
    If so, let Khir show his sincerity and honesty by announcing that he and his wife are prepared to attend and fully co-operate with such a separate public inquiry set up to probe into the Balkis scandal.

    If Selcat’s allegations against the broom-giving dentist is libellous or slanderous, he should have no problem taking legal action against them.
    If so, what is he waiting for?
    Or is he waiting for some of the Pekan MP’s public relations / damage control resources to be freed up for him?

  26. Yes..It is small change to Toyo…but these are greedy bas..teds…and every sen they can steal from tax payer is considered a victory to boost up their egos.. they can do as they like.
    Since stealing RM lawful….tips money also sapu.

  27. If after one full year in position, the opposition cannot backtrack the wrong doing of the high officials in the well-known corrupted state in Malaysia and take them to court, can the Opposition established any image that they can run the government? How many damages they had caused the country and continue to be so because of the illegal alienation of land or adverse transfer of land and manipulation of semi-governmental companies?
    IF NO PUNISHMENT ARE IMPOSED, CAN THEY STOP THE WRONG DOING OR ENCOURAGE RULES AND REGULATION TO BE FOLLOWS? Please put fairness of the citizens as first priority than those well-known wrong-doers!!

  28. Just present to Toyo a Golden Broom

    With the price of gold at hundreds of USD an ounce, Toyol would laugh all the way to the bank with that golden broom. Enough to cover the loss of his assemblyman allowances for 50 years!

  29. Anyway..Toyo is one if the many reasons why we must vote UMNO out..period!
    Are we not sick of their mentalities and behaviors….inspite of being proven… corrupted crooks..still smiling like Mahathir…teaching Malaysians how to be noble and righteous?
    I keep trying hard to understand how they think…and conclude…they really think they own Malaysia and Royalties are actually their subjects to toy with …in politics.
    Toyo’s behaviors and personality is a product from Mahathir’s leadership for 22 years….almost all are copying way out..corrupted to the core.stick together….sink or swim.
    But Mamak …plenty smart…to distance himself from most of his loyal save his sons.
    UMNO BARU politics is shit stuff.

  30. Anyway..Toyo is one if the many reasons why we must vote UMNO out..period!
    Are we not sick of their mentalities and behaviors….inspite of being proven… corrupted crooks..still smiling like Mahathir…teaching Malaysians how to be noble and righteous?
    I keep trying hard to understand how they think…and conclude…they really think they own Malaysia..and everyone.
    Toyo’s behaviors and personality is a product from Mahathir’s leadership for 22 years….almost all are copying way out..corrupted to the core.stick together….sink or swim.
    But Mamak …plenty smart…to distance himself from most of his loyal save his sons.
    UMNO BARU politics is all nonsense stuffs.

  31. I can understand Khir Toyo’s suspension. But I do not understand why the other 4 had to be suspended as well for merely criticizing the S’gor state government? Is PR also going to follow the same illogical path as BN? Surely seems like it.

    Nevertheless, I support LKS in this particular matter w.r.t. Khir Toyo’s suspension and his allowances.

  32. I fail to understand why MACC is so quiet and so slow to take actions against Khir Toyo the Romeo who took bribes and abused his power when he was the MB of Selangor.

    Do not tell me that MACC only changed its name instead of taking actions against the powerful.

    The inaction of MACC cannot be ignored.

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