Zambry’s first Black 100 Days as squatter/usurper Perak MB – will Perak be Umno’s graveyard and Zambry the cause of Najib’s downfall as the last Umno PM?

Today is Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir’s 100 days as the squatter and usurper Perak Mentri Besar – and the question on everybody’s mind on Zambry’s first Black 100 Days is whether Perak would be Umno’s graveyard in the 13th national general election and Zambry the cause of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s downfall as the last Umno Prime Minister in Malaysia.

Professor Shad Saleem Faruqi has coined the most apt and powerful imagery when he likened the Perak political and constitutional crisis to a “hydra-headed monster that cannot be eliminated by ding-dong judicial decisions”.

Shad Faruqi opined that recourse to the courts is pointless and called for a stop to “this insane and naked show of unprincipled politics”.

The only way to end the hydra-headed monster of the Perak political and constitutional crisis is to return to first principles of democracy and the Constitution as spelt out by the landmark Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim judgment on the Nizar vs Zambry case last Monday that once a mentri besar is appointed, he is only answerable to the state legislative assembly and he could only be removed by a vote of no-confidence in the State Assembly and not by the Sultan.

Already, the hydra-headed monster of the Perak crisis has, to borrow another powerful imagery by and the words of Shad Faruqi, like “a malignant cancer” is “voraciously spreading to the lympn nodes of our other institutions – the Sultanate, the judiciary, the federal executive, the civil service, the law officers of the crown, the court registry, the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Election Commission”.

Shad Faruqi said: “The longer we wait, the farther the affliction will spread. It is time, therefore, to stop this madness, this divisiveness, this polarisation.”

Is Najib, the man who orchestrated the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak in early February, prepared to divine the temper of the people, see the sign of the times and heed such a call?

Even Mother Nature is on the side of righteousness – as evident from the shrivelling in less than a month of the 19 saplings planted by usurper Zambry regime directly beneath the famous Democracy Tree in Ipoh which hosted the famous “Tree Perak State Assembly” on March 3, 2009.

If Najib is not prepared to recognise the enormity of his mistake in Perak and cut losses, the hydra-headed monster he created in Perak will mutate and mushroom into hydra-headed monster throughout Malaysia which will ruin not only his premiership but also Umno rule in Malaysia in the next general election.

In March, I had invoked the imagery of “Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burns” to deplore Najib’s failure to act boldly to end the protracted political and constitutional crisis in the face of the world economic crisis.

More than two months later, Shad Faruqi has invoked the same imagery of the Roman emperor.

Najib should take heed and assume responsibility for the unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab he had orchestrated in early February by agreeing to dissolve the Perak state assembly to return the mandate to Perakians to elect the government of their choice.

If Najib had heard and acted on my call on February 20 for a swift and democratic resolution of the Perak crisis to avoid months of stand-off and stalemate in the Perak political and constitutional crisis, i.e.a snap Perak state elections to held within 30 days, the Perak hydra-headed monster would have been slain and the Perak political and constitutional crisis behind Perakians and Malaysians for more than two months!

How long more is Najib going to wait before he faces up to the reality that there is no viable solution to the Perak crisis other than the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and the holding of Perak state general elections?


22 Replies to “Zambry’s first Black 100 Days as squatter/usurper Perak MB – will Perak be Umno’s graveyard and Zambry the cause of Najib’s downfall as the last Umno PM?”

  1. Unfortunately Najib , UMNo,BN are trapped between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. There’s no way out for them. They still don’t get it. People are sick and tired of this politics. PR governed states are leading the way in clean, transparent manner of administration. They performing their duties for the betterment of the people.
    All the UMNO men and their horses cannot put BN back togather again. All what the rakyat is hearing is Corruption after corruption, but no action.

  2. Najib is surely making himself and BN more loathy as he continue to speak of 1Malaysia and so-called “Nation first” when he on the other hand manipulating the country’s judiciary system and raping the rakyat’s democracy.

    Can’t he just let go of Perak and gain confidence of the nation. Else, he’s going to create the collapse of BN and his dad’s (Bapa Malaysia) hard work will be destroyed by himself.

  3. Zambry should not occupy the MB’s seat when the court is still deliberating on his status.

    I remember when I was a senior administrator in a certain college, I used to sit on the Chairman’s chair (nice and comfortable) when he was not in the office. Having done that a number of times, one day I was caught and scolded by my senior. He said since I was not the Chairman I was not qualified to sit on his chair! He added that I must give the Chairman his due respect.

  4. BN is like the monkey whose hand can pass through a hole made in a coconut and clench the food placed inside but cannot withdraw its hand as long as it clenches the food. Even if you approach the monkey to beat it or capture it, it will never think of escaping by releasing the food.

    Similarly, BN will never think of letting go of Perak even though it suffers grave political damage or is threatened with being voted out into oblivion.

  5. From malaysiakini:
    “The AG said that Nizar, in his affidavit, had indirectly admitted that he has lost the majority in the state assembly by admitting that there was a deadlock in the assembly with both Pakatan and BN having 28 seats each.

    However Abdul Gani said that since speaker V Sivakumar was also part of Pakatan’s 28 elected representatives, his position as a speaker would have disallowed him to vote in the vote of no-confidence if it was called.

    The speaker can only vote if there was equality in the house, meaning that both BN and Pakatan had equal number of seats, minus the speaker’s elected seat.

    As such, he said if such a vote was taken, BN would have had 28 seats compared to Pakatan’s 27.”


    The A-G’s reasoning that PR will lose the vote of no confidence is incorrect. The speaker can resign and deadlock the Assembly at 28-28. No proceeding can be conducted until a new speaker is elected but this cannot be done as the Assembly is deadlocked so it must be dissolved.

  6. The Perak issue and the Altantuyaa case aside, we must admit that Najib appears to be doing an extremely excellent job to date. It is obvious that he is not another Badawi and therefore the 13th general election is going to be a very tough fight for the Opposition, sad to say. No more BN kicking the ball into its own goalpost, so PR has to change its strategy if it wants to win. Looking back, I think Anwar was overambitious to take over the government too soon, but truth be said, this is on hindsight. If he had succeeded, I won’t be saying this, LOL.

  7. PKR must follow AlGore conceded defeat in the US presidential election year 2000 after the Supreme Court decided NO RECOUNT..
    life will go on for the rakyat …..ballot box again in GE 13…

  8. “PKR must follow Al Gore conceded defeat in the US presidential election year 2000 after the Supreme Court decided NO RECOUNT..”

    Actually, it is a case of black eat black, with PR starting the game first. In my opinion, crossovers should be declared illegal for the simple reason that it makes a mockery out of democracy. Why have elections then when MPs and ADUNs, being human, can easily be bought over by some promise, whether monetary or otherwise.

  9. The AG Abdul Ghani has made an unsound conclusion in court by saying that when PR has 28 members and BN also has 28 members and the Speaker is from PR, then PR will lose in the voting process because the Speaker is not allowed to vote and the voting result will be BN 28 versus PR 27. The AG’s conclusion is unsound because the Perak State Constitution does allow a Speaker be elected from a non-member whom has been brought into the State Legislative Assembly through the nomination being made by the Menteri Besar.

    The legitimate Menteri Besar Nizar can simply get the present Speaker V Sivakumar to resign and then nominate Raja Nazrin (assume Raja Nazrin agrees to it) to be the Speaker. Then the Perak State Assembly will be deadlocked forever and ever again and the deadlock will only be unlocked through the dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly by the royal consent of the Sultan of Perak!

  10. Najib said to reach where he was now, he did not “take an express bus” but a “normal bus which journeyed 33 years in his political career”.


    Yes Najib finally arrived in a bus chockful with 33 years of baggages and skeletons. Well said, Najib!

  11. nice description of the bus, vsp!

    And this guy claims he has poor PR….he still is in the same bus he started with 33 years ago.
    Poorly maintained and the engine is almost falling off. GEE! I thought Badawi had a poor speech writer…this guy really needs a major overhaul for a speech-writer.
    It’s the kind of bus that you have to bribe the cops around the corner.

  12. Zambry’s first Black 100 Days as squatter/usurper Perak MB –

    It kind of reminds me of this song Paint It BLACK by The Rolling Stones

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colors anymore I want them to turn black
    I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black
    With flowers and my love both never to come back
    I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
    Like a new born baby it just happens every day

    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my red door and must have it painted black
    Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
    It’s not easy facin’ up when your whole world is black

    No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
    I could not foresee this thing happening to you

    If I look hard enough into the settin’ sun
    My love will laugh with me before the mornin’ comes

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colors anymore I want them to turn black
    I see the girls go by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

    I wanna see it painted, painted black
    Black as night, black as coal
    I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
    I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black

    Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

  13. Zambry’s first Black 100 Days as squatter/usurper Perak MB –

    It kind of reminds me of this song ‘Paint It BLACK’ by The Rolling Stones…

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colors anymore I want them to turn black
    I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black
    With flowers and my love both never to come back
    I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
    Like a new born baby it just happens every day

    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my red door and must have it painted black
    Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
    It’s not easy facin’ up when your whole world is black

    No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
    I could not foresee this thing happening to you

    If I look hard enough into the settin’ sun
    My love will laugh with me before the mornin’ comes

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colors anymore I want them to turn black
    I see the girls go by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

    I wanna see it painted, painted black
    Black as night, black as coal
    I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
    I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black

    Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

  14. On 21/5/2009 at 19:22.53, chengho said:
    PKR must follow AlGore conceded defeat in the US presidential election year 2000 after the Supreme Court decided NO RECOUNT..
    life will go on for the rakyat …..ballot box again in GE 13…

    Before conceding defeat in an election, shouldn’t the election itself be held first?

    In the 12th GE, it was evident that PR had won the majority of the Perak DUN seats. Therefore, why should they concede defeat?

    True, life will go on for the rakyat, and they’ll decide what kind of life they want through the ballot box, not only in the 13th GE, but also in any election that comes along…

  15. Seems like Najib is now singing LKS’s song in Singapore and if BBC News’ “Malaysia’s PM vows ethnic reforms” is to go by, he seems to be singing it pretty well, maybe even better than LKS who has been singing it for four decades. So where does that leave us? Maybe DAP and UMNO can now join hand-in-hand if its PR partners are not so cooperative. I mean, there is now another option, LOL.

  16. Well, in the next GE, it is BN who will be in the graveyard. Unfortunately, UMNO still will have a PM as a leader. Though nowhere in the constitution it is stated that the Malaysian PM must be from UMNO, it has always been the tradition – and as we know, traditions cannot be broken. While it is possible (and why not) for any capable person as long as he or she is a Muslim and from any political party to be the PM, UMNO will not accept it at any cost because they’re ruled for 52 years and they don’t want their comforts to be removed. See how much problems they’ve caused in Selangor, Kedah, Penang and worst of all in Perak?

    Ya, UMNO has been too comfortable. They crave for many things and anything; they simply won’t let go after half a century of control. See… they won’t even consider having an MCA person as a Deputy PM. Could other parties or coalitions break this tradition in the next GE, and do so peacefully? This is another question to ponder.

  17. From RPK’s blog—

    Najib, just like Mahathir before that, has outsourced the services of a team of experts. And they have come up with a great plan on how to ensure that Umno not only wins the next general election, but wins back all the states it has lost plus its two-thirds majority in parliament as well.

    Najib’s plan is a multi-prong. First he has to give the impression that he is bringing reforms to Malaysia. The New Economic Policy will be reviewed. Some liberalisation and relaxation of the rules will be introduced. Even the FIC may be closed down to give more confidence to investors and the Chinese business population that the government is really serious about abolishing the many rules and regulations that favour the Bumiputeras. There will be a lot of window-dressing and some will be made to appear as more than just window-dressing. But what is going to be the thrust of the strategy will be the battle on the political front.

    Pakatan Rakyat is seen to have made great inroads in the recent general election on 8 March 2008. Since then it has displayed impressive wins in four out of five by-elections, outdoing even how they performed on 8 March 2008. Najib cannot afford to allow Pakatan Rakyat to be seen as still on a winning streak. And Anwar Ibrahim, in particular, must be made to appear like he has lost the wind in his sails. To steal Anwar’s thunder, Najib decided to refrain from contesting the Penanti by-election. It appears like Najib made this decision against the wishes of Mahathir. It would be good if people are thinking that because then it would also appear like Najib is in total control and no one is dictating what he should do, in particular Mahathir.

    If they were to contest Penanti they would lose anyway, and lose worse than on 8 March 2008. But now, since Umno is not contesting that by-election, Umno will not have to lose. And if Umno did not lose then Anwar’s party did not win as well. This would be the first step — deny Anwar the pleasure of victory. Who, after all, is going to be impressed with a walkover or menang tanpa tanding. Call Umno chicken or whatever. The bottom line is it did not lose Penanti and therefore Anwar’s party did not win as well.

    The next issue would be Perak. They know Perak is a no-go. Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional are equally matched. Then we have the three so-called independents who vote with Barisan Nasional. But two of the three have corruption charges hanging over their heads. And if they are convicted, then there would be two by-elections, which Pakatan Rakyat will easily win — and this would mean the opposition would now have a one-seat majority over Barisan Nasional in the Perak state government.

    The alternative would be to drop the corruption charges against these two ‘independent’ state assemblymen. But that has already been predicted and would come as no surprise. Umno would be expected to do just that. So how would they explain that it was all done above board and that there is no manipulation?

    Say what you like, if the charges are dropped, public perception would still be that they are guilty as hell and the only reason the charges were dropped is because Umno wants to avoid two by-elections, which they are going to lose badly. Anyway, even Mahathir is against Umno taking these two. So they will have to remain as independents without being allowed into Umno until the day they lose their case and get sent to jail.

  18. ///Najib, just like Mahathir before that, has outsourced the services of a team of experts. And they have come up with a great plan on how to ensure that Umno not only wins the next general election, but wins back all the states it has lost plus its two-thirds majority in parliament as well.///

    Well – outsourcing services of a team of experts helped Mahathir stay in power for over 22 years. Pak Lah on the other hand listened more to narrow circle of family members, which didn’t help.

    Is Pakatan Rakyat/Anwar going to outsource the services of a team of counter experts to come up with a great plan on how to ensure that PR not only wins the next general election, but also wins two-thirds majority in parliament as well??? :)

  19. BeEnd had aready said good bye to the Penanti bye-election.

    My condolence to Ismail Yaacob’s family on the passing away of Ismail Yaacob.

    Is BeEnd going to say good bye to the bye-election #7?

  20. chengho, when PR wins, Dumbry gets a stay order within a day…and we have to accept it. When Dumbry is presented with a 5-min judgement in his favour, PR must accept the result?

    Dumbry aka Dumbdela aka Dumbdhi has no idea that with each despicable action and instance of high-handed arrogance, more and more rakyat fence-sitters have gotten down on the PR side to join in the call to kick Born Nincompoops out by the next GE13.

    the momentum is growing…the people’s anger showing
    …and you should stop blowing!

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