6As get PSD scholarship for engineering but 13, 14As no scholarships – whole Cabinet should be sacked for allowing such nonsense year in year out

This is simply outrageous – a student with 6A1s getting a Public Services Department (PSD) scholarship to study engineering while students with 13A1s and 14A1s not getting any scholarships!

The whole Cabinet should be sacked for allowing such nonsense, year in year out!

It is none other than the Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong, who revealed this shocking example of the gross injustices and sheer perversity of the PSD scholarship scheme, which makes Malaysians wonder about the quality of the political and civil service leadership in the country.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” was torn into shreds by the JPA scholarship exercise this year, with thousands of the young generation’s best and brightest burning with protest in their hearts at the injustices of the JPA scholarship system, which is likely to remain with them for life influencing their outlook and mindset.

A typical case is 18-year-old Chin Ee Lyn, former student of SMK Convent Taiping (9A1s and 2As) who is unsuccessful in applying for a JPA scholarship to do accountancy in the UK. She is also not given a “consolation prize” of an offer for matriculation.
Chin has had straight A’s for all her public exams and was the top scorer in the state of Perak for her PMR exam.

She recently completed National Service in Kem Sungai Bakap. In school she was a well-rounded achiever. Her co-curricular achievements include being the head of library, prefect, vice-president of the karate club, president of the tennis club, and in the editorial board of her school magazine.

She was also a member of a choir which was the district champion, and received a bronze medal in a state-level Perak Goshin-ryu tournament. She received a merit award in the Wordsmith Competition – Search for Malaysia’s Best Teenage Writer in 2007.

Yesterday, together with DAP MPs Fong Kui Lun (Bukit Bintang), Anthony Loke (Rasah) and Tony Pua (Petaling Jaya Utara), I met the PSD director-general Tan Sri Ismail Adam at PSD headquarters at Putrajaya.

Conveying the nation-wide outrage at the injustices of the current PSD scholarship exercise, we asked that the full criteria for scholarship selection as well as the full list of scholarship receipients together with their results be published in the interests of fairness and transparency.
I also personally invited Ismail to the public forum on PSD scholarship awards to be held at the Kuala Lumpur/Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall tonight so that he could address the queries and grievances of the disappointed students and their parents.

On both questions, Ismail said he needed clearance from his political superiors.

After the noon meeting yesterday, I faxed to Ismail an official invitation to the public forum tonight. I hope he would be able to personally attend the public forum after getting the necessary clearance.

As for the authorization for the publication of the full criteria for scholarship selection as well as the full list of scholarship receipients together with their results in the name of fairness, accountability and transparency – this is the least that the Cabinet should do at its meeting tomorrow.

If the Cabinet tomorrow could not even take a policy decision to authorize and direct the PSD to make public the full criteria for scholarship selection as well as the full list of scholarship receipients with the individual results, then the first Najib Cabinet is beyond redemption!
In keeping with the Najib motto of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”, the Cabinet at its meeting tomorrow must come up with a swift and just solution to the scandal of the PSD scholarship awards, based on the following three principles:

• Firstly, it would be unfair and unjust to withdraw any PSD scholarship which had been awarded last Friday;

• Secondly, all students with 9A1s and above should be awarded PSD scholarships – which means an increased allocation of RM300 million for JPA scholarships from RM700 million to RM1 billion. A special supplementary estimate of RM300 million for 2009 should be presented to the June meeting for this new allocation and the government can be assured of support from Pakatan Rakyat MPs. I don’t think any Barisan Nasional Minister or MP could argue against such an increased allocation when there is gross misuse of public funds – like the RM12 billion Port Klang Free Port scandal.

• Thirdly, the whole system of PSD scholarship awards should be revamped from next year onwards to end the perennial complaints every year about the injustices of the awards so that it is in full accord with the slogan “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”. A Parliamentary Select Committee headed by an Opposition MP should be formed in June meeting of Parliament to completely revamp the PSD scholarship system.


56 Replies to “6As get PSD scholarship for engineering but 13, 14As no scholarships – whole Cabinet should be sacked for allowing such nonsense year in year out”

  1. As for everything else ever demanded by Uncle Lim and DAP/PKR/PAS, we are expecting the same responses from the government. Something along these lines:



  2. “The name list for all recipients are confidential and must not be released!”.SocratesPlato.

    Should be appended to “The name list for all recipients are confidential and in accordance with THE OFFICIAL SECRECY ACT,it therefore cannot be released for public consumption.”.

  3. Part of the problem arises because of the composition of the PSD itself. Frankly I have not the slightest idea who’s on the board but I’ll bet my bottom dollar that it’s predominantly from a single race. I think the board should composed of not only a racial mix but also should include senior people who have been exposed to industry and civil service. As an example, who is better than an engineer or a doctor to interview candidates who apply for an engineering or a medicine scholarship? There should also be proper evaluation of candidates rather than ad hoc selection. I know for a fact that the Chairman tends to make the final decision so personal relationship is sometimes the main criteria. This is wrong. It’s the rakyat money, not the BN or anybody’s. By the way, I thought MCA like to claim they are responsible for many scholarships given to Chinese?

  4. ““The name list for all recipients are confidential and must not be released!”.SocratesPlato.

    Should be appended to “The name list for all recipients are confidential and in accordance with THE OFFICIAL SECRECY ACT,it therefore cannot be released for public consumption.”.”

    I say should be appended to “The name list are for the officials, not for lower minority nor public view. Shut up! No question ask!”

  5. this type of idio tic mindset is the exact cause of brain drain from Malaysia.

    Singapore and Australia would be very happy year after year …. many opt to study in Singapore/Australia under a study loan and thereafter a bond. Before the period ended, these quality graduates are then offered Permanent Residency. Who are the ones losing … Malaysia. UMNO is and will not be able to see through this forever.

    Offering scholarship to substandard and undeserving applicant produces substandard graduates.Sadly this is what that is happening in Malaysia.

    It is very common to find successful ex-Malaysian all over the world. Why ? That the answer to it !!!

  6. If the Tan Sri only acts upon instructions from politicians and cannot exercise his moral discretion, then my cleaning lady also can do the job. I assure you she will be happy to work for half his salary.

  7. This grossly unjustified and mischievous act of UMNO whereby PSD is just an agent to carry out the injustice. I am sure the recipient must have strong cables to pull. That is the face of UMNO and they will never change, just slogan only.
    I am just the father of another victim of such injustices.

  8. Surprisingly, all the names listed above are from the same ethnic background….. And it really makes me wonder……is DAP really represent the entire Malaysians regardless of race, religion etc….Essentially…. i sympathize with those students and understand how they feel….Just that DAP is doing this to gain political mileage…..DAP will not be successful in its struggle if the leaders are not sincere and lacked of leadership, calibre and integrity…..

  9. This is the chain of Malaysia’s brain drain which started 30 years ago. Our Malaysian education system has always worked against the interest of non-bumi academic achievers. When I was in my Lower 6 back in the 70s, the bumi fella in my class was a MCE 3rd Grader. He couldn’t “differentiate nor integrate” in my Double Maths Class. 2nd Graders Bumi went to matriculation courses in local uni. The 1st Graders were sent overseas by PSD!

    So instead of complaining about PSD policy, let’s do something positive about our young’s future. Brain drain notwithstanding, we can’t be selfish. It’s these bright kids future so I am going to give some pointers here.

    When you feel the system works against you, you can try other ways of getting your coveted varsity education! When you have the brains, money is no issue. Here are some tips to our bright students. But you may have to leave our shores in pursuit of your dream ….!

    for SPM students …

    a) Try the Singapore ASEAN Scholarship. You get to study for your A-levels at one of Singapore’s Junior colleges and u take off from there! Excellence in English and Mandarin is a must!

    b) Try the United World College (www.uwc.org) – apply in April/May of the year you are taking your SPM – you need excellent academic results and active extra-curricular activities. There are 5 colleges located in India, USA, Italy, Norway and Canada which give full scholarships for a 2-year programme leading to the IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate).

    for STPM students …

    a) Try the Ivy Leagues in USA … Havard, Princeton, Brown, Cornell, Duke, Dartmouth, Yale, Rice, UCLA, Stanford, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, etc., and apply for financial aid.

    b) Try Public Service Commission, Singapore for a scholarship to study at the National University of Singapore.

    So when you have the brains, never give up. Money is not an issue. Opportunities a plenty out there …. though may not be from our own home shores, … unfortunately!

  10. Dear SURPRISED cintanegara,

    Unfortunately the political scene in Malaysia is such that all the unfortunate ones are from non-Bumi,non-Malay,non-Muslim ethnic and religious groups. You mean you are surprised? Oh, I am surprised that you are surprised! I must have lived in the cave or probably you for the last 52 years.

    DAP/PKR/PAS really hopes it can fight for all races, religions, etc. but like I said above, unfortunately all the unfortunate ones are non-Bumi, non-Malay, non-Muslim. Therefore, there are no chances to show that it is fighting for everyone since the government chooses to make it so.

    As for political mileage, it should be for MCA and Gerakan instead because they are under BN. They are under the same umbrella so everyone knows BN and UMNO will pull the same stunt each year. Then, we have such unfortunate cases. Then MCA and Gerakan will come out and sympathize with all these unfortunate non-Malay, non-Bumi and non-Muslim students. Then, there will be an appeal and some of them will be awarded later. Then, MCA and Gerakan are saviours of non-Malay, non-Bumi, non-Muslim students.

    Oh, are you surprised again? I am surprised yet again you are surprised.

  11. With students having A1 in English and not being able to handle the language with ease both in it spoken and written form it is no small wonder that we have so many students scoring 14As,15As and above that it makes one wonder whether it is possible to separate the chaff from the wheat in the first place,not to add to the confusion of how on earth the 6As chappy can be selected over a sea of 14As,15As and 16As.The whole exercise is laughable and this comedy can only arise from the fiddling and lowering of standards in all our public exams.
    Take a trip down south to the favourite red dot of cintanegara.Here the Education Department of Singapore has never taken the liberty of thinking of setting up a local Examination Syndicate to take over the Cambridge Examination Syndicate to conduct and issue certificates for successful candidates in public exams in the little dot.Malaysia did and you find a sea of candidates with 9 or 10As and above whereas in Singapore one can at best achieve 10A1s which is achieved by a Malaysian student Haw Sue Hern who came up top in the O level last year and following close behind is her classmate and fellow Malaysian and Anderson Secondary student Low Wan Ting.Both of them scored 9A1s and 1A2.For sure they won’t be trying for a scholarship from the Malaysian government and we can also expect to lose these brains!
    But the point I am trying to make is the policy of giving scholarships to SPM holders should be entirely scrapped.In fact it is a scam!A better gauge for whether a student merits a scholarship should be assessed from the STPM results.This would probably cause less outcry.It would certainly also be able to ascertain whether the student is university material or not!

  12. DAP should really stop bringing up this issue again and again since a meeting has been held to resolve it. Further, it is not the problem of the government but the problem of the politicians from DAP. DAP is making use of few isolated cases and maybe a slip from the authority to create social unrest. PKR and PAS did not raise this an issue but only DAP make a hell lot of noise on it, trying to create problem in the country. What does DAP want and what does the Chinese want? The government has done so much to help the Chinese but did they support BN? If the answer is no then why should BN help them? Above all, I would like to reiterate that UMNO is trying not to be racist here but if the public want to perceive UMNO as a racist party then there is nothing we can do about it.

  13. Kasim Amat,
    Are you saying that because it is just a small number of students (10 or so, compared to a total of 8000… hey that’s less than even 1%!), that it is of no importance?
    Based on your logic, I guess police should never investigate break ins, robberies and murders… since those people who faced these problems are minorities of the minorities (even less that 0.1%!!).
    Very interesting logic indeed Kasim Amat!

  14. Kasim Amat, im not a DAP/PKR Supporter so this is neutral.

    Your response show your thinking is very limited, non logical and racial.Anyone who does well must be rewarded, simple as that. But i do agree with the above comment also that the SPM lacks standard hence getting anything above 6A1 may not be such a remarkable achievement.

    But the point is one cannot deny a person get more than 10A1s scholarship when it is instead given to a 6A1. if this happens, it shows that the country are run by idiots. And it is. If you are an UMNO member, please answer me why the GDp in Malaysia is way below Singapore and South Korea when we were above them in the 70s (and i believe also 80s). It is impossible to imaigne how Singapore economy can exceed ours when we are abundant with resources and they were poorer than Penang when we kicked them out.

    Its simple, besides policies and administration (which UMNO clearly suck in), the local talent is extremely important to build the country. Money goes to where business and brains are. Do nothing and all the top talent will leave the country. Yes like one big UMNO idiot once condemned Malaysians who were unloyal and left the country, UMNO have themselves only to blame cos the economy sunk further. Unless you are a beneficiary of the cryonism contracts, surely you can see the valueless ringgit you earn.

    When Japan were in shambles after world war, everyone worked together to be the society they are today. Malaysians did the same too (although ours wasnt a nuclear holocaust), but there was very little result. INstead silly discriminatory policies like NEP came out and the unbelievalbe cryonism involving government contracts which just sucked the REAL riches of the country. People gave up and told their children to go to US, HK, Singapore to work to have a better life. I know MANY malays who now have that thinking. I dont like pointing to a particular race, but would just like to make a point.

    Denying cryonism is just silly, there are so many entrepreneurs/contracts out there who can tell you about it. EVEN bumiputera contractors are complaining bcos the contracts are going out to UMNO Puteras.

    I look anti govt above but really i am disillusioned with UMNO. As i said it before, i cannot imagine a non-racist educated person to support UMNO/BN. The ministers are really poor and stupid (had to say it). Does PKR and DAP have better talent? I DONT KNOW but im sick of UMNO and want a change. You may disagree but this is a collected voice.

  15. “More likely than not,the 6As fella will drop out of his engineering course after 1 semester to take up a Liberal Arts course.” k1980.

    But how can if one takes the view that the qualities of holders of 15As or 16As are suspect.The 6As chap is no university material.The guy is probably fit to be admitted to a trade school!

  16. I disagree with publishing the results because that is private information. However, making the list itself public should be done in the spirit of transparency and accountability. The tax-payers have every right to know who are receiving their dollars.

    While I sympathise with the 14A1 student, personally, I would reserve judgement on whether or not that student is eligible for a scholarship.

    As for the RM300 million, how many students will that actually help? I think that it’ll only benefit a couple of hundred, depending on the mix of courses and countries.

    However, I strongly agree that the JPA system should be revamped. There are just too many holes in it at the moment.

  17. The other thing that is always puzzling to me is why does our Examination Syndicate insist on our putting our names on answer scrips,and not as what students did in the 40s,50s,60s and perhaps even into the early 70s,they put down their examination numbers allotted to them by Cambridge Examination Syndicate on their answer scrips.
    Strange isn’t it and can you tell us why Kasim Amat and cintanegara?

  18. Kasim Amat,
    from your writing ‘What does DAP want and what does the Chinese want?’, i think you have misunderstandings towards us chinese. We did not raise this PSD issue to create problem in the country or for the government. We student jst feel unfair. I’m a student from Ipoh. There are lots of students scoring 13A1s, 12A1s, 11A1s in my school but only 3 of them get the scholarship. Why do students with 13A1s, 12A1s and good co-curricular achievements do not get the scholarship while students with 6A1s get it? Their hard work are not paying off!!! It is very sad i think. We just want to voice out and try our best to appeal for the scholarship. Some of us really need it. We do not intend to create problem in the country or for the government… Please do not say that we’re trying to disturb the peace and harmony in the country, we’re just students who want to voice out our opinion…

  19. Kasim, that’s the problem with BN , NATO . no action talk only. now, Rakyat is rejecting BN outright. The cronies are those benefited from your so called national lopsided policy.
    merits should always be used as the yardstick, not a society where mediocracy prevail. non Malays have not gain much from BN’s policy, so please do not claim that you have done so much for non Bumis.
    BN is in this bad shape today because of cronyism as well as practising mediocracy. Carry on and BN will lose everything.
    BN will be 1-Opposition one day bacause of it’s own self destructing policy.

  20. I would reserve my judgement on 6As chap, who knows he may do well in the Engineering course. PSD system is a crap, abused the the well connected. And to those who said only non bumi are being neglected, spare some thougts to non-umno malays who being treated much worst.

  21. My nephew obtained 11A1s and 1A2 in his SPM last year. His application for JPA scholarship was rejected. I assure whoever thinks this is only an isolated case to demand a full disclosure by JPA before he makes his ignorant comment.
    I was the top MCE student in 1975 in Pahang with 7 As but I couldn’t get any government scholarship. So it is correct what “poor dad” said that this problem started a long time ago.

  22. Outrageous, outrageous
    a student with 6A1s getting a PSD scholarship
    while students with 13A1s and 14A1s no scholarship

    Why outrageous?
    No lah
    PSD recognized and rewarded potential mah
    6A1 student still got plenty room for improvement
    still got hunger n drive to improve to reach top
    the right person to get s’ship
    13 n 14 A1 students
    alreadi achieved full potential
    no more kick n drive to reach summit one
    so no s’ship lah
    You no understand logic of PSD aah?

  23. ///DAP should really stop bringing up this issue again and again since a meeting has been held to resolve it. Further, it is not the problem of the government but the problem of the politicians from DAP. DAP is making use of few isolated cases and maybe a slip from the authority to create social unrest.///

    The few cases listed by DAP maybe a slip from the authority; interesting justification. The slip would have gone unnoticed if not for DAP. Were the slips only happened to benefit Malays that Kassim Amat found it necessary to ask people to stop discussing. Surely he would be most happy to have the slips publicised if it had been the other way around. But he could guess better even without the list.

    People do want to have full list from PSD to see how the slips worked. PSD might have the slip-formula written into computer programs.

    The reasons for the slip would tell us whether Najib is taking Malaysians to 1blackMalaysia, or Malaysian Malaysia.

  24. He or she can have 12 A1s, he or she can be the best student in the school, he or she can be a choir member, can be a Chief Scout/ Chief Girl Guide, top musician……whatever…….BUT HE or SHE IS A CHINESE!!!!!!

    So don’t be stupid, because race cannot be changed!!!!

  25. ///pwcheng Says:

    Today at 15: 39.54 (3 hours ago)
    Hope you can keep us updated whether Tan Sri Ismail Adam is coming to the forum. Thanks

    [Ismail emailed he is unable to attend forum. – kit]///

    Is he happy not being able to attend, I wonder.

  26. a good all rounded student won’t wail and make this as national issue and shame the government (and she’s even applying JPA) …. if she’s so good, she would probably have better offer from foreign land than JPA. who knows the one score 6As is much better than her in like national sportman/sportwoman or won award in some international competition. einstein also did badly in schools but won nobel prize for physics in his 20s.

  27. The solution to this problem is simple. Split any awards based on race or social or financial status to another scheme. Scholarships should only be for those with high academic achievements.

    For the rest, there should be separate schemes llike maybe we can call it ‘Skim Bantuan Pendidikan Pelajar Miskin’ or ‘Skim Bantuan Pendidikan Pelajar Bumiputera’.

    The whole point is, it is unfair that i am unable to obtain a scholarship although i scored extremely well simply because there happened to be a lot of more financially poor students applying for the same scholarship and they are ‘more deserving’ just because they are poorer.

    Any financial aid should have very clear cut criteria. It should not be a mish mash of criteria like the current JPA scholarship whereby some obtain it by virtue of their race, others obtain it by virtue of their poor financial background and only you obtain it by virtue of your academic performance.

  28. k1980 Says:
    More likely than not, the 6As fella will drop out of his engineering course after 1 semester to take up a Liberal Arts course.

    or even worse..somewhere along the way, some of them would end up being mat rempits or bohsia..

  29. einstein did badly in school and came out theory of relativity

    o. heaviside did not have academic background but pioneer mathematical and electrical studies.,

    edison did not even attend formal school and became great inventor.

    bill gates and steve jobs are university dropouts.

    if you’re good, you’re good everywhere, why want to complain and make an issue when kena rejected. no wonder jpa rejected her coz she is weak and not resilient…..

  30. Kasim Amat Says:
    What does DAP want and what does the Chinese want?

    Are the Chinese not human? Are the Chinese staying in Malaysia not Malaysian citizen? Why want to marginalize?
    1Malaysia? My foot!

  31. Even more shocking is that 70% of the scholarships are given out on the basis of ethnic quota and socio-economic status.

    The Star also mentions this: “DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had reiterated in Parliament that 55% of the scholarships would be given to bumiputras while the rest was reserved for non-Malays.”

    PR is supposed to be multi racial. Quota’s for bumis and non-bumis are not in line with this stand. PR should tell Nazri Aziz to shove his quota’s up his behind.

    The non-Malays are not asking for racial quota’s. They are asking for the awards to be competed for based on achievements. At least then, if i don’t get the scholarship, i can say i lost and a better person got the scholarship.

    When awards are distributed based on race, then i have no chance to compete as i have already lost because of my incorrect skin color.

  32. RM12 billion PKFZ scandal. King Ta Kut, why are you keeping us in suspense over the long overdue audited RM12 billion PKFZ report? Do you want to release the audited report or not?

  33. The BN Government should stop immediately abusing and suck away the tax payers money, thus allocating more fund to ensure those qualify and intent to study overseas has a chance to do so.

    secondly to be transparent disclose all recipients of PSD scholarship and this should not be problem is BN SAY THERE IS NOTHING TO HIDE.

    Just a personal advise, for those who score goods A and have intention to pursue ACCOUNTANCY studies, i STILL BELIEVE THE best may not necessary go to university overseas, they should chose the professional SUCH AS ACCA, CIMA OR ICSA. These three qualification are internationally recognized and can can easily enrol in the local colleges. One qualified they can go anywhere as they wish. These professional course are superior to any of the local accountancy degree offer by local U and it is as good as any of the accountancy degree from overseas.

    Have a think on this if you really can not get the PSD to do accountancy overseas.

  34. LKS, you said `Secondly, all students with 9A1s and above should be awarded PSD scholarships’
    I disagree. You must take into consideration other matters such as co-curricular activity, personal adeptness etc. Grades is just one item in the equation. Besides, there are just too many 9A1s nowadays. And you should not be giving scholarships to the scorers with well-to-do parents!!

    On a separate but related note, its good to hear that the Education Ministry is looking at moving our education system to a less exam oriented system. This should create a more rounded person.

  35. My daughter has 9A1s and 2A2 too. She was a school prefect, had been president, secretary and treasurer of various societies. She was in school band and also took part in and organized various inter-school activities for her school. She also has a ABRSM Grade 8 for piano.

    Her application for PSD scholarship was rejected. More than 10 of her friends with similar or even better results also did not get the PSD scholarship. Yes, they are all Chinese!!!

    If anyone were to think that these are isolated cases or omission by the PSD, I would say either they are naive or they are very STUPID!!!

  36. Kassim amat and cintanegara”

    Do you know why scholarships are not given to clever Malays, Chinese, Indians and others?

    Because UMNO do not trust clever people. Most of the scholarships are given to their own children or to those who they think are malleable and do not pose a threat to their hegemony.

    Just look at UMNO today, there are no clever, conscientious and honest people left in the party. All that are left are deadwood and get-rich-quick people. Or look at our public institutions – the judiciary, the Police, the civil servants and the universities. These are populated with mediocre people. Most of these people got scholarships anyway but they are not productive at all. So how can our beloved Malaysia rise above mediocrity?

  37. I once interviewed a JPA scholarship student who graduated from a state university in the USA. As usual, in the first few minutes, I asked some ice-breaker questions. The interviewee remained silent, just nodding and smiling. Then much to my surprise, she said in BM, “Tuan boleh cakap dalam Bahasa Malaysia tak?” I was so disgusted and decided to cut the interview short. Gosh, imagine all the tax payers money going down the drain on undeserving students! I don’t think I need to say more here.

  38. I have full compassion with negarawan on the poor English standard of many scholarship winners, especially those from Uitm, UUM, UPM and even some from UM. Most of the interviewees I used to interview could not even utter a complete sentence of English from their mouth. Since the job vacancy required a staff who could speak and write legible English in order to have an effective communication with the foreign suppliers, I eventually placed a foreign worker from Pakistan who could speak and write fluent English on the job position for filling the immediate vacancy.

    I started to understand better now that why Dr. Mahathir adopted a son from Pakistan and not a local Muslim kid.

  39. After the noon meeting yesterday, I faxed to Ismail an official invitation to the public forum tonight. I hope he would be able to personally attend the public forum after getting the necessary clearance.

    I doubt if Ismail would attend the forum; why must he come to the forum to get all the bashing and get himself humiliated in front of multitudes of Internet viewers.

    Anyhow, BN would not give Ismail clearance to attend the forum lest he leaked out BN’s dark secrets of handling the awards of PSD scholarships.

  40. A Parliamentary Select Committee headed by an Opposition MP should be formed in June meeting of Parliament to completely revamp the PSD scholarship system.


    With due respect, the above statement is very unrealistic. If BN does not want MCA or MIC to handle important positions or matters, how can one expect BN allow an Opposition MP to handle such sensitive issue as allocation of scholarships to scholars??!!

  41. Lee Kuang Yew said: When a government is governed by fools, there will be chaos!

    We see chaos in every aspect of our institutions. This will spell the end of Malaysia unless there is a hero taking over the government.

    I am not pessimist but this is true if you read history of Chinese dynasties.

  42. Didnt someone here say (in another thread) it is all about giving poorer performers a chance. That is why the nep means giving contracts worth billions to inexperienced umnoputras. That is why our immigration policy favours labourers and lowly skilled workers. They if given a chance could one day rise to become highly successful and make us all proud.

    Is it any wonder why we are now as rich as some african nations? Is it any wonder why indonesian universities have caught up with our universities on world ranking? Is it any wonder why a small plot of land with few people on it and no resources to depend on have overtaken us in almost all aspects?

  43. yes,if you dont display flag during national day,they say you betrayed and not loyal to the country,in this scholarship issue,how do you expect rakyat to show patriotism?


    they will also ask you to balik from where you belong,let’s tell them,we were born here,so there is no such issue,balik pun balik negara sendiri,awak?jangan jadi cacing!jadi mahklok yang ada maruah,ada maruah maksud berusaha,bukan asyik tunggu bantuan kerajaaaaaaan saja,bodoh!

  44. Malaysian always know that given them the scholarship or not those Chinese fellow will some how get their way to study and not only study they will study dam hard and get good grade. This was their surviving instinct. Many many have made good on their own effort and have contributing greatly towards the nation despite the shouting from those going back from our forefather has come from.

    oraclespeak was one of them, included myself. For all of us who has the will to suceed in life we will find the way out.

    And I bet this was one of the reason why the government could not care less on these group of people. After all they are too many and many will be good academically and they also know that they will be good tax payers. So why border to assist them any way.

  45. The BN politicians and PSD people
    are true believers of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s
    “Ask not what the country can do for you,
    but what you can do for your country”

    Pay your taxes
    Feed your family
    Educate your children
    These are what you can do for M’sia
    Ask not the BN gomen to do them for you
    just becos your kids have 9 or more As

    Of cos, also question not the BN gomen
    what it chooses to do for selected groups of citizens

  46. every time you apply to PSD they say boh-liao. Hi Chinese fellow ask your father to pay the taxes and not ask for PSD. It is for those who has power and money and not for you and me. boh-liao as they always so to you because you wu liao

  47. How about letting all shortlisted scholars sit for a common ‘PSD Scholarship Qualifying Examination’ to proof their worth before deciding who will get the scholarships?

    Scholars who pass the examination will be given the scholarships and scholars who fail will have to re-take the examination next year.

    Every shortlisted scholar is given 3 chances to sit for the Qualifying Examination, after that, he will be disqualified for the scholarship.

    The idea of having a ‘Qualifying Examination’ not only helps identify the cream of the crop but it also helps in tackling the problem of too many candidates competing for too few scholarships.

  48. “She also has a ABRSM Grade 8 for piano.”
    PSD will say this to you:
    That’s fantastic, well done, congrats
    Piano lessons not cheap, cheap
    Thank you for paying for piano lessons for your girl
    You OK financially
    Please continue to pay for her univ education
    No need scholarship from PSD lah
    Give other fellow Malaysians a chance lah

  49. Mr Pathetic Laksamana(disguised) Cheng Ho,

    “Surprisingly, all the names listed above are from the same ethnic background….. And it really makes me wonder……is DAP really represent the entire Malaysians regardless of race, religion etc….Essentially…. i sympathize with those students and understand how they feel….Just that DAP is doing this to gain political mileage…..DAP will not be successful in its struggle if the leaders are not sincere and lacked of leadership, calibre and integrity…..” – You seriously need a NEUROLOGIST! DAP not sincere? If not then why are they bringing this out for the injustice top potential students? Oh, so if anything doesn’t benefits you means insincere? You are really selfish and NUTS!

    Mr Pathetic Kassim Amat,

    “DAP should really stop bringing up this issue again and again since a meeting has been held to resolve it.” – Really? So now the number of scholarships will be given to all top students regardless or race? Let me see the prove!

    “Further, it is not the problem of the government but the problem of the politicians from DAP. DAP is making use of few isolated cases and maybe a slip from the authority to create social unrest. PKR and PAS did not raise this an issue but only DAP make a hell lot of noise on it, trying to create problem in the country.” – If DAP do not raise this issue then keep quiet and let the ill fair goes on? If keeping quiet means good, then you should keep quiet because we are good.

    “What does DAP want and what does the Chinese want? The government has done so much to help the Chinese but did they support BN? If the answer is no then why should BN help them? – Why see present when in the past had shown all the evidence and proves of ill treatment to the Chinese? Why DAP is raising this up because not only Chinese or Indians, it is the top students(but what to do? happens all the smart and top students are the Chinese and Indians HA HA) we’re talking about. I know you are not(top student) HA HA

    “Above all, I would like to reiterate that UMNO is trying not to be racist here but if the public want to perceive UMNO as a racist party then there is nothing we can do about it.” – “Trying not to be racist?” That means they had been racist all the time right? And now only start to be less a little bit racist? I had seen many of UMNO BN ceramah, I ain’t a fool, nor all Malaysians a fool. Think before you write, it’ll only slaps you back as it is now…

    Man I’m amazed with these guys! Laugh Out Loud!

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