Anifah broke new ground as Foreign Minister – admit internationally Najib’s credibility problem because of Mongolian C4 murder case

New Foreign Minister, Datuk Anifah Aman broke new ground when he admitted internationally the credibility problem faced by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak because of the Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu C4 murder case but he failed to bring it to a closure.

It was remarkable that Anifah raised the subject although he was not specifically asked about the Mongolian murder case in his joint press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington on Friday, as the question posed to him was for his comment on Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim facing another sodomy trial, starting from July 1 and fixed for 24 days, which the US State Department in the annual human rights report described as “politically motivated”.

Apart from declaring “utmost faith in our judicial system”, Anifah launched into a political attack on Anwar. Anwar had responded to it through his lawyers.

What interests me is that without being asked specifically, Anifah raised the Altantuya Shaariibuu C4 murder case, yet failing to address the host of serious questions and allegations haunting and hounding Najib about his involvement in the murder case.

Since Anifah has internationally admitted to Najib’s credibility problem stemming from the Altantuya Shaariibuu C4 murder case, is he prepared to propose at the Cabinet the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry or even an independent international inquiry to once and for all clear Najib of all the haunting and hounding allegations dogging the Malaysian Prime Minister, whether in international circles or even inside the country?

Two other issues which Anifah adverted, though tangentially, in his joint press conference with Hilary Clinton were the independence of the judiciary and corruption in Malaysia, but he failed to give any convincing case that in both instances, Malaysia is making progress in achieving greater national and international confidence in restoring a just rule of law and a truly independent judiciary as well as improving in national integrity efforts to eradicate corruption.

Anifah should be better prepared to make a convincing case to the international community that Malaysia has reason to be proud of improvements in restoring national and international confidence in the independence, impartiality and integrity of the judiciary as well as in combatting corruption as both are important factors in determining Malaysia’s international competitiveness to attract foreign investments.

40 Replies to “Anifah broke new ground as Foreign Minister – admit internationally Najib’s credibility problem because of Mongolian C4 murder case”

  1. Najib has lots of credibility issues even without the Mongolian “problem”.

    He can’t even get Ong Ta Kut to release the PKFZ report which will demonstrate a clear embezzlement of public funds.

    He can’t even explain why his crony JJ is going to be made the ambassador to the US (with full ministerial status), when the US knows of JJ’s colourful past.

    He can’t even explain why a judge recommended by Lingam and elevated a few months ago to the court of appeals decided to extend the deadlock in Perak by allowing a stay to BN on the judge’s own volition.

    Nah, Najib fails the standard US tests for transparency, meritocracy and anti-corruption.

  2. “Najis must choose someone whom he can trust to be Foreign Minister – certainly not someone who is keen to expose his (Najis) past.” –yhsiew

    i happen to know someone — rosmah. nr can do the senator way to put her as foreign minister. or can appoint her as ambassador to u.s so that nr can have all his time with others w****.

  3. His conscience start pricking him.
    Contradicting….self confessing…are signs of a guilty person.
    He now challenge Anwar to sue him….hoping Malaysians will say..”yea Anwar do it”
    Anwar will be most stupid to sue anyone… when he is not a PM yet.
    Tolerate ….sacrifice and control emotions…UMNO is finished.
    React and revenge…UMNO may win more votes.

  4. Datuk Anifah Aman could not be that stupid to raise Najib’s suspected involvement in the Altantuya C4 murder case. I prefer to believe that his job it was to try convincing the international community of his innocence, but he clearly failed.

    Nobody can blame Datuk Anifah for his failure because nobody can clear Najib’s name except Najib himself who should be man enough to setup a ROYAL Commission of Inquiry for that purpose. Swearing on the Holy Quaran, though enough to ‘convince’ UNMO’s Islam Hahdhari muslims, is not going to help salvage his battered image internationally.

    For as long as Najib evades the RCI, Nobody will believe him, even his own Party members! Those who say they do are either mentally retarded or apple polishers.

  5. Najib’s attempts to clear his name in whatever ways other than through the one and only way – to present himself in front of the RCI – will be futile.

    There is this Chinese saying: A pool of human waste, if left alone, will give out unpleasant odour. But if stirred ( like what Najib is doing now ), the stench will become UNBEARABLE. It is to the PM’s interest to ponder over this saying.

  6. What a blunder on the part of the FM ! Reflects on the poor quality of many of our ministers. What can PM do about it now . Sack the inefficient through a cabinet reshuffle ?

  7. What happens when a wanabe monster meets a true monster?

    Shakes, shivers, offers info without solicitation and then breaks ground (to bury head).

    Its true! It is no different from a child who when approached (not even questioned) about a certain missing thing would say “I didnt take it” or “I didnt eat it” or “I didnt touch it.”

    All the I didnt this and that actually means I did or that. Its true. Betuuul.

  8. thank you to the najib’s administration for sending such a “bodoh” to represent malaysian to deliver such a stupid statement.

    najib’s definetly need more such “bodoh” to run the government. instead of defending his boss, anifah himself is questioning the credibility of the hand who feed him without even being asked by the press. thank you anifah.

    i guess anifah must have been too used to the parliament sitting.

    malaysia boleh.

  9. Aiyah,why Najib, your conscience pricking you isn’t it otherwise why ask your new foreign minister to make an attempt to squash away your crediblility problem arising from the C4 murder of Altantuya when especially this was not asked in his joint press conference with Hillary Clinton.Why, you should have followed the advice of so many people,not to mention Tengku Razaleigh and proceed to sue the pants off the 5 or 6 foreign publications that spread such malicious untruths about you.But you instead follow the advice from your own inner circle and went for swearing on the holy koran,that’s why your guilty conscience is still there!

  10. Why do we only put clowns as FM…one previous idiot is not enough, do Malaysia need to top it up with another UMNO goon?
    Surely, this country is not so lacking in brains and talents that we have to depend on dumbheads from the Borneo jungle and Indo island to make them unworthy ministers!

  11. Many times, people do act smart but that leads to their foolishness…

    If you are really innocent, why are you justifying yourself?

    There’s a saying in chinese again…”Explain means cover up”

    In my life, many times I was being wrongly accused by people around me to be the bad guy. In my early days, naively I always explained myself but one thing I’d learned throughout the years, if you’re not in a wrong, why explain yourself? Who will believe in your explanations? If you explain, that will only lead to more complications..

    Though sometimes some things need to be explained for the sake of certain parties but sometimes some need not..

    Only those who are wise will come for the truth in you…

    So in Datuk Anifah’s case, you should know what i mean…..

  12. Being the little brother of Musa Aman, millions! Being appointed as Foreign Minister for the same reason, few more millions! Linking Najib and Altantuya out of the blue to the international press on your first visit as Foreign Minister to the most powerful nation on earth, priceless!!!

  13. What a shame! Foreign Minister really said it! So what is Najib next cause of action? Sack Anifah? Anifah you are Foreign minister, you should know how to carry yourself when talking to the top gunners out side of Malaysia. Malaysia image drop further under your arm. Anifah you are not professional, you are just a kampung boy, ‘katak di bawah tempurung’. For sure no investor wants to invest in Malaysia. Anifah you really don’t know when to keep your big mouth SHUT. Najib you got big big problem and very big hole to cover here.

  14. The US together with Hilary Clinton must have been having such a great laugh in the backstage or in some sound proof room lest they show disrespect to the Rookie of the Year foreign minister!

  15. What a joke, the Local press and TV stations are not supposed to play up this issue but the new foreign minister, without even being asked specifically, has raised Altantuya case before international press??? :)

  16. ///Najib’s attempts to clear his name in whatever ways other than through the one and only way – to present himself in front of the RCI – will be futile.///–Taxidriver

    There can be other ways too. The public are not convinced that the two accused of and convicted for murdering the Mongolian beauty were the masterminds themselves. Najib can easily clear is name if he directs openly that the police and the AG continue to investigate the murder case, taking into consideration all police reports, including the statutory declarations by the private detective who has since disappeared from Malaysia, and the SD by RPK. Until the murder case is fully explained, there will be no closure.

  17. What is it that prompts Najib to get his new Foreign Minister raise the credibility problem faced by him arising from the C4 murder of Altantuya when this was not even asked in a press conference with Hillary Clinton? Desparation of course desparation to make himself look a proper Prime Minister of his country.But then again in desparation he did not see this move a foolish one!

  18. it is telling something is smelly within the inner circle, maybe somebody wants a bmw but could not get it, and so no better way that speak to others…. i think this is called blackmailing…a goon’s weapon of choice.

  19. Rookie FM Anifah thought he could help his boss NR to clear his bad image without realizing it’s counter productive.It’s the spirit of Atantuya which huanted him and used him to reveal NR’s guilt. Anifah told AAB that he had enough of experience,thus the offer of another term of assistant ministerial post was not acceptable.Well what’s experience has he got,when on his first oversea trip to the US,exposing his own boss’s dirty secret. Yeap TomThumb your right,NR had anifah’s back end kicked. I know anifah,he’s quite an arrogant man. Anwar may get an apology soon from him. Latest information from pretty closed anifah’s aides told me he’s threatening NR to leave Umno and join PKR. It’s likely there will be another round of political frogs ,this time from Umno/Bn jumping into PR’s well .Hence PR this time ensure the mouth of your well is wide so when these frogs jump they won’t miss it.

  20. the most capable foreign minister…should get some sort of Minister of the year? …wanted to be smart..but not at the right place at the right time..i believe Najib has made a poor choice.

  21. Most of our foreign ministers have made ludicrous statements which reflect their naivety and/or ignorance of the consequences of the “foot in the mouth syndrome”. This recent statement take the cake.

    It is not surprising that the US find the sodomy charges against DSAI “politically motivated”. Only the most dim witted will conclude otherwise.

  22. Taxidriver Says:

    Yesterday at 12: 55.45
    Datuk Anifah Aman could not be that stupid to raise Najib’s suspected involvement in the Altantuya C4 murder case. I prefer to believe that his job it was to try convincing the international community of his innocence, but he clearly failed.


    Or it may just simply be job security. If Najib sacks him, he can cry foul to the international community i.e. he was fired cos’ Najib took his comments personally. :)

  23. Very Very Good ! I like this clown a lot …HAHA . Najid will u C4 this clowns? FBI and CIA r working round the clock to locate missing Bala…….HAHAHAHA……….Najid ur day is doomed ………..

  24. Remember the only criteria Najis picked Anifah as FM was his relatively fluent English?

    How could Najis expect Anifah to achieve much if Anifah does not know anything about international relationships and common sense?

  25. It will not be easy to for Anifah to convince Uncle Sam that Najib is innocent in regard to the Mongolian woman’s murder as the story has already been widely published by journalists in both Western and Eastern countries.

  26. Just imagine, 19 countries are still talking about this even though it had been a long time(2 years?).

    well, there’s a saying in Chinese – “10 bottles with only 5 caps, how to cover all the 10 bottles?”

    In this case, there are already too many bottles plus with this genius talking, its going to be endless movie taking. Won’t be forgotten easily..

    I say our minister here should keep up the good work! Speak the truth! And nothing but only the truth! HA HA

  27. Anifah is doing what the BN and Rais said Malaysia should not do i.e. make use of foreign media.

    I guess like many things, it is alright for BN/UMNO to do but not others. One law for BN/UMNO and another for the rest.

    Anifah is sucking up to his foreign guest, Hilary Clinton, using America?

    Finally, makes an accusation but have no courage to defend it. Does he have anything between the legs?

  28. It takes high authority to make the immigration of Altantuya to disappear!

    And the two scapegoats found guilty of murder? My little knowledge of criminal law tells me that to establish murder, there must be a motive (mens rea). What is the mens rea for these two innocent folks who has nothing to do with Altantuya? Is this another area of Malaysian law that is going to the dogs? Our constitutional law is already gone to the dogs with the case of Perak. Now, even our criminal law. Soon, we will only have BN/UMNO uncommon law!

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