Lim Kit Siang

Is JJ the best choice for the plum appointment of Malaysian Ambassador to the US?

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should explain whether Datuk Seri Jamaludin Jarjis is the best choice for the plum appointment of Malaysian Ambassador to the United States.

Would Jamaludin be representing the interests of Malaysia or just Najib Razak, which are two completely different agendas.

The Malaysian Insider reported early this month that Jamaludin’s appointment has been submitted to the Obama administration and is being vetted by the US State Department.

News of Jamaludin’s appointment as Malaysian Ambassador to the United States has created not only general public concern but raised the eyebrows of many in the establishment, whether political or the civil service.

The first question is how a politician who was finally dropped from the first Najib Cabinet because of his highly controversial record could be deemed to be appropriate and suitable for the choice overseas appointment as the nation’s Ambassador to the US?

It is reported that Jamaludin will enjoy the status of a minister in his new appointment. Is this Jamaludin’s back-door entry into the Cabinet after having failed to get in from the front door?

If Malaysia practises the United States system of subjecting all prospective ambassadorial appointments to Congressional public hearings, scrutiny and approval, there could be no doubt that Jamaluddin would not be able to successfully pass through such a gauntlet.

The reason being put forward for Jamaludin’s nomination to be ambassador is that he has a “good network” in the US.

It is public knowledge that Jamaludin’s record of “good networking” in the US is not something which could bear public scrutiny, whether for his” role in the labyrinth of seedy Washington lobby politics when he was Tenaga Nasional Chairman but also for the controversial remarks he made about Malaysian Indians while on a trip to the United States a couple of years ago as Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation.

Is Jamaludin prepared to publicly apologise for the latter episode?

In view of Jamaludin’s other equally infamous controversial roles, Najib should convince Parliamentarians and the Malaysian public that Jamaludin is the nation’s best choice as Ambassador to the United States.

How could someone who was dropped “with a bang” in the last Abdullah cabinet reshuffle, and not deemed to be suitable to be in the first Najib Cabinet despite all speculation because of his close connection with the new Prime Minister, be regarded as the most ideal “flag bearer” for Malaysia in the US?

Would Jamaludin be able to represent the national interests and not just the interest of one man, be he the Prime Minister of Malaysia, in Washington?