No more “May 13” spectre – now its “May 7” spectre!

Thousands of Malaysians from all races and religions are gathered here tonight on the 40th anniversary of the traumatic May 13 riots in 1969 to send out a clear and unmistakable message – that after the March 8 “political tsunami” last year, Malaysians have put the 40-year spectre of “May 13” behind them as the new haunting image is the “May 7” Day of Infamy of the Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar physically dragged out of the Assembly.

This is an image which has instilled such fear in the Barisan Nasional that it has banned television stations from playing video footages of the “May 7” Day of Infamy in the Perak State Assembly – which will be as effective as the book-burning orgies of tyrants of olden ages.

Barisan Nasional leaders do not seem to realize that while they can ban television stations and mainstream media from reproducing the horrifying images of the Perak Speaker being physically dragged out of the Assembly, in Speaker robes and Speaker chair, there is no way to wipe out the pictures from the minds of Malaysians, for the pictures and video footages can be played in every home and in fact are already viewed and disseminated worldwide through the Internet.

The spectre of May 13, recycled in every general election in the past 40 years to intimidate and blackmail voters to cast their votes for the Barisan Nasional, had been used to stunt the healthy growth of Malaysian nation building and demoracy, as it had been used to:

  • Perpetuate Umno/Barisan Nasional divide-and-rule of the ethnic groups in the country;
  • Consolidate Umno rule and hegemony in Barisan Nasional and the country, turning all the other Barisan Nasional component parties into subservient subordinates;
  • Crack down on human rights and fundamental liberties;
  • Spawn the culture of corruption and power abuse;
  • Transform Malaysia from a nation of meritocracy to one of mediocrity with the emigration of two million of the best and brightest Malaysians to foreign shores;
  • Frustrate Malaysia’s destiny from becoming a developed high-income state ahead of other nations, losing out to one economy after another, whether Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong and in peril of losing to others like Thailand and Vietnam.

As a result, Malaysia is taking on the contours of a failed state like Zimbabwe, Sudan and Somali in Africa, particularly after the May 6 Day of Infamy, when the police and goons violated the sanctity of the Perak State Assembly to bodily drag out the lawful and legitimate Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar from the Assembly.

Despite Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s new slogan of “1Malaysia”, it is the Pakatan Rakyat comprising DAP, PKR and PAS which is more Malaysian and legitimate than the Barisan Nasional, which is why the Barisan Nasional is mortally afraid to do what is right to resolve the Perak crisis – dissolution of the Perak State Assembly to return the mandate to Perakians to elect the state government of their choice.

Today is not only the 40th anniversary of the May 13 riots of 1969, it is also the 40th Day of Najib’s premiership.

What has Najib achieved in the first 40 days of his premiership? His slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” is fast degenerating into a cruel joke.

His various initiatives for reform and other promises of change have failed to enable him to overcome the crisis of credibility, integrity and legitimacy he immediately faced as Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The only credit he might be able to claim in his first 40 days as Prime Minister is the discovery of the political wonder-boy, the “3-in-1 Mandela. Gandhi. King” usurper Perak Mentri Besar, Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir!

The Perak crisis had been a traumatic time for Perakians and Malaysians – particularly the unethnical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in February and the May 7 Day of Infamy at the Perak State Assembly.

After the May 7 Day of Infamy, it would have been quite impossible for anyone to produce another scenario to plunge public confidence in Umno and Barisan Nasional to a new low, but this was what happened in the past two days.

Malaysians were never so hopeful for decades about the judiciary than on Monday, 11th May, when the Kuala Lumpur High Court produced a new star in the judicial firmament with the landmark judgment by Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim to uphold the law and the constitution declaring that Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin is the lawful Mentri Besar of Perak.

These hopes were cruelly crushed in less than 21 hours when Zambry’s appeal and application for a “stay of execution” was fasttracked and granted by a single-judge Court of Appeal the next morning.

However, when Nizar applied to discharge Zambry’s “stay” today, the hearing fixed is Monday, 18th May 2009.

Questions that are immediately asked are:

  1. Why the Court of Appeal could fast-track to hear Zambry’s application for “stay” in two hours and grant it in another hour; while it is snail-pace in needing five days to hear Nizar’s application to discharge Zambry’s “stay”; and
  2. Whether Malaysians can expect justice in cases involving top Umno leaders when there is an Umno Chief Justice, Tan Sri Zaki Azmi?

There is not only the question of the “stay” granted by the single-judge Court of Appeal, but also how Zambry could operate as Perak Mentri Besar.

This is because the “stay” granted to Zambry by the single-judge Court of Appeal “stayed” Nizar from returning to his lawful office as Mentri Besar, but did not overturn the High Court decision that Zambry is usurper Mentri Besar and could be no licence for him to re-usurp the office of Mentri Besar.

Zambry has cast Perak into a constitutional limbo where there is no Mentri Besar – as Nizar is prevented from carrying out his lawful duties by the “stay” order, while an illegal and illegitimate Zambry cannot under any stretch of imagination be allowed to usurp the MB’s office!

Let the spectre of May 13 haunting and stunting the growth of Malaysia and democracy be put firmly behind all Malaysians, so that we can unite our strength and energies to exorcise the spectre of May 7 which is preventing the birth of a New Democracy and a New Malaysia.

(Speech at the public forum “From May 13 to 1Malaysia – The Future of Malaysian Nation Building” at the Petaling Jaya Civic Centre on Wednesday, 13th May 2009)

71 Replies to “No more “May 13” spectre – now its “May 7” spectre!”

  1. Uncle Lim,

    Can you / or someone upload yesterday’s forum on YOUTUBE. It was terribly slow and lagging during yesterday’s live broadcast ( streamyx problem…I guess)?

    I am now trying to watch the saved broadcast on justinTV which is also superbly slow.

    Uncle Lim, if Pakatan Rakyat leaders are to meet with PM Najib…safety must come first. PM Najib cannot be trusted, I’m afraid he might kidnap PR leaders…etc. His ignorance and arrogance for power are becoming crazy and beyond control which he could be declared as a tyrant as any point of the time now…

    Stay safe…

  2. Entering into negotiations with bijan now after the May 7 Day of Infamy would be like President Roosevelt going to Tokyo to plea for peace after the Japs’ sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

  3. Dear brother Yb Lim,it’s not Umno/Bn do not realised the baning of news media will not help them much. On the contrary,it helps them.Umno/Bn know that most of it’s members/supporters are rural folks who are poor,pc illiterate and only own a tv set. It’s pretty effective as I know many of these poor folks who only know what’s happening in the country through the square box. So now you know brother Lim why Umno has not teached most of these poor kampong folks to fish for more than 5 decades.On the contrary,umno would have been dead,buried and forgotten.In another word,for decades Umno has managed to keep most of it’s own race “on dependence ” on them {top Umno leaders} to survive.Once this dependency syndrome is get rid of,the mighty umno will slowly but steadily fall to an evolutionary dead . I think PR should act to hasten the dead of Umno.

  4. BN/UMNO will lose more should the ongoing Perak crisis ultimately lead to the breakup of the ruling coalition. Why not choose the best way out – returning the mandate to the Perakians and hence see for yourselves by how much BN has lost or gained ground since the 12th GE of last year? Even a secondary school student can tell you that with all this acrimonious politics and intransigence, how is PM going to make a success of the 1Malaysia concept which is vital in realizing a successful Malaysia with its people united as one and enjoying ever higher standards of living. All that PM Najib wants to accomplish, including his 1Malaysia concept, may go down the drains just because BN/Umno cannot reconcile themselves to the reality of losing to PR in a state election.
    PR will no doubt use the May 7 photo showing legitimate Speaker Sivakumar being forcibly dragged out of the Perak State Assembly Building in any future elections. A picture tells all. BN now finds it to their regret that the more they tried to unconstitutionally upstage the PR, the more difficult their position becomes.
    May 13 is the black spot in our country’s history, better forgotten than remembered. For younger generation Malaysians, they are more familiar with 308, and now 507.

  5. …..Umno/Bn know that most of it’s members/supporters are rural folks who are poor,pc illiterate and only own a tv set…..(frankyapp)

    That is the reason why Umno/Bn is never interested in extending the Internet penetration into rural areas.

  6. As predicted, by fixing Nizar’s hearing on 18 May, BN wants to move a vote of no-confidence against Nizar – presumably through an emergency state assembly (see news report below)

    Dr M calls for assembly vote on MB as Pakatan will win Perak polls
    By Neville Spykerman (The Malaysian Insider)

    PUTRAJAYA, May 14 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today admitted the Pakatan Rakyat will sweep Perak if fresh elections are called but recommended the state assembly meets to decide on the mentri besar post.

    \It’s not good for the world to see the musical chairs in Perak where the MB is changing because of the decision of the courts,\ Dr Mahathir said.

    When asked if the current impasse in Perak would affect the ruling Barisan Nasional’s chances in the next elections, he said: \I hope people will have short memories.\

  7. The old wanna be tyrant (Dr. Mahathir) just said on Malaysiakini :

    “Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Pakatan Rakyat would win a snap state election in Perak and thus he is against it being held to resolve the political impasse.”

    Dr. Mahathir has either proven himself as a tyrant/dictator (wannabe) that want to rule without the democratic principle of the will of the people OR he is senile …

    Such a foolish statement from a stateman…

  8. “It’s not good for the world to see the musical chairs in Perak where the MB is changing because of the decision of the courts.”
    Says whooooo?
    No, no, no
    this is gooooooood
    Only like this get into world news mah
    Now Ipoh Perak famous
    Ipoh kai fun n dim sum famous too
    More tourists going to Ipoh
    see Democracy Tree and Speaker
    3-in-1 Zombrie, pleaz carry on ……

  9. “Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Pakatan Rakyat would win a snap state election in Perak…..” (Malaysiakini)

    if Dr.M is certain that pakatan would win, then it is clear the winner is chosen by the people.

    That is to say, the winner is the legitimate government.

    going by Dr.M’s logic, BN might find excuses not to hold the next general elections if it is certain that pakatan would win.

  10. When asked if the current impasse in Perak would affect the ruling Barisan Nasional’s chances in the next elections, he (Dr. Mahathir) said: \I hope people will have short memories.\

    I am speechless, for the sake of UMNO’s face and greed for power. Dr. Mahathir hopes Malaysians will have short memories…not only selfish, desperate, he wants Malaysians to be puppet, underdeveloped in their minds, hearts and right. He is proven himself again as a tyrrant OR he is senile…

  11. Tun Dr M’s suggestion to hold a state assembly sitting to determine the fate of Nizar probably has drown out MCA and Gerakan’s call for a state-wide election.

    Hi MCA and Gerakan, where are you?

  12. The last sentense from Tun M is really a sedition & self centered statement ..( I hope people will have short memories..)
    Used to admired him as example leader during my school days..(he been PM for 22 years!) of his achievement. But after his retire..his EGO’s is so big,proud & dictatorship plus sarcastic critics against his successor (Tun Abdullah Badawi).. like nobody business.
    He thinks that Malaysia is belongs to himself only.
    Its wise once you retired..out of politic scene Badawi or other ex-PM’s in the past. If not..why he need to retired so soon if he still want to be BOSS!!?
    Better then Mahathir vs Anuar..part 2 in future!

  13. To Najib and Zambry,

    Here we see Mahathir even admitted directly or indirectly that the majority of the Perakians supported PR. Thus Zambry and Najib, BN does not have the majority support in the Perak. The 3 kataks are illegally bought with $$$. 2 are real crooks and one is a traitor. They are much hatred by the people. Why are you still associating with them? Are you also crooks? Prostitutes?

    Dear Najib and Zambry, you have stooped yourselves so low – immorally, unethically and ruthlessly. Why do you still want to hold on to power when the real power is with the people of Perak. I appeal to your conscience to let the mandate of the Perak government be given back to the people. Holding to power now will make things worst for you and the people. Yes you probably will lose in the state re-election but at least you have gain some respect and credibility from some oppositions and independent by-standers. Now you may have won a battle but actually you are losing the war.

  14. The Perak Darul Twister circus
    should be kept going
    ding ding dong dong
    for the next couple of years
    till the next GE
    Then judgement day
    Send in the terminators n clones

  15. One comment on Mahathir’s comment. Mahathir is Power Crazy Centred (a strong, distinct characteristic of UMNO) and does not put People First.

    To PM Najib, hope you will change UMNO to be People First and not Power First.

  16. I don’t understand what PR is hoping to achieve by talking to Najib. He is like some sort of wounded wild cat at this point and will never agree to anything reasonable. There is no cajoling a hurt wild cat, you only can trap it, lock it up and put it down.

    Unless PR has a trap waiting to spring on Najib, meeting him just allow them to behave wildly and intimidate people, make people tired of this whole thing. In the end, people will just get tired of both sides and switch off, which is to BN advantage because they have the resources and machinery.

  17. The future of Malaysia
    is in the hands of our YOUNG VOTERS
    Youngsters who are now
    in upper secondary schools
    in universities n polys
    in the open job market
    struggling for a living

    Please please
    Start educating these youngsters now
    Make sure they become registered voters
    Convince them to be masters
    of their own destiny
    Be the real bosses
    and cast their votes wisely
    in the next GE
    to appoint political servants
    who work for them n
    for the nation!
    Not to be seduced, conned n cowed by
    the BN EVER again!

    What is needed to be done now
    for the future
    should have been done yesterday.
    Just do it!
    And do it do it again with love!

    (Raffaella Carra’s Do It Again With Love – YouTube)

  18. yb lim,

    just wanna ask u these questions?

    1) Parliament members and state assemblmn elected by rakyat, to serve the rakyat. When they are elected by rakyat, how is it possible for Pakatan rakyat to force them to sign the undated resignation letter? Where is the priciple of democracy and intergrity which pakatan championing?

    2) Do you or YB Guan Eng, YB Karpal Singh or even YB Anwar Ibrahim also signed the undated resignation letter? I 100% believe its not. Why there is double standard?


  19. Malaysia is a free country but we will not tolerate anyone who put up the video footage to any public domain such as youtube to tarnish the image of the country. Whoever do this is acting as traitor of Malaysia and should be charged under the Sedition Act.

    BN is not afraid of calling fresh poll in Perak but we think it is entirely unnecessary since the it is clear that BN forms the majority in the State Assembly. It is clear that people in Perak has changed their support to BN after the three State Assemblymen followed the will of their people and switched their party. Isn’t it evident enough that BN’s candidate should be the MB?

    Datuk Zambry is a real fighter who sacrifice his own interest for the State. He did not have enough rest but he is still working. He even did not give up after High Court ruling goes in favour of Nizar. This is the leader we need in Malaysia. Like he said, he is our Martin Luther King in Malaysia and I think he deserves the title. He will keep fighting even though he knows that the public does not like him. He knows what is right and he will prove to the people that he is the best choice for MB in the State who can bring real benefits to the people. Datuk Zambry is our hero and he deserves to be the MB.

  20. Well uncle Lim, how about letting the Perak people do their political business. And Perak people include the Sultan. Do you seriously think that the Sultan will heed your advice or your opinion? Do you seriously think the Sultan dont know what he is doing? Do you really believe that the Sultan is acting above that special constitution of constitutional monarch? Dont you know that even the formation of Malaysia is under the signature of the Sultan? So what is there in New Malaysia or New Democracy?

  21. Kasim Amat Says:
    It is clear that people in Perak has changed their support to BN after the three State Assemblymen followed the will of their people and switched their party.

    How do you know that people in Perak has changed their support to BN after the three State Assemblymen followed the will of their people and switched their party? TDM says BN will probably lose if fresh elections are held. The truth is nobody knows, is’t it? The only way out is allowing the Perak people to have the government of their choice. I’m sorry to say that it is unreasonable people like you who will cause the downfall of BN. People now go for reason, not like you sho argues that it is white when in fact it is black.

  22. Mahathir is still Mahathir. He said PR will sweep perak in a fresh election, so he is not for one. He wants Assembly to vote for a new MB………..

    He is eccouraging Najib to use whatever foul means to take over the Perak State government! Guys, especially you young ones, that is Mahathir for you. My shallow vocabulary permits only allows me to describe this man: The most shameless, unscrupulous, corrupt and lawless politician on earth!

  23. Uncle Lim, Can you please replay yesterday forum? Very slow n breaking. If you leaders meet up with najib please be carefull, that guy unpredictable. BN apa pun boleh, killing also boleh. We need people like you all. If you need any help pls let me know.

  24. Kasim Amat says: (Today at 16:52.53)

    You have just shot your own foot!!!!! If the video footage of Speaker Sivakumar being dragged out of the Dewan like an animal can tarnish the image of Malaysia, then it only means UMNO , supported by PDRM gansters acted in an uncivilized manner. The lawlessness, unMalay and unIslamic actions of UMNO have angered even many practising muslims.

    Kasim Amat, sometimes I got this feeling that you are doing a good job of helping PR win more votes with your silly comments to put the Malays to shame. Keep it up. I can see my Malay brothers are intelligent enough to differentiate right from wrong. I am so happy le……..

  25. Taxidriver Says:

    He is eccouraging Najib to use whatever foul means to take over the Perak State government! Guys, especially you young ones, that is Mahathir for you. My shallow vocabulary permits only allows me to describe this man: The most shameless, unscrupulous, corrupt and lawles politician on earth!

    You use superlatives to describe TDM! It means you are very very angry with him.

    Don’t take seriously what TDM sayslah. He is in his mid-80s, a man from another era. You see, people like Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu never wants to make his opinion public after his retirement simply because he believes that the world now belongs to us the younger generation, and he probably reasons that for how long can he give his sound advice even if he does so? Not for TDM. He could be the one…. Anyway, I sincerely wish TDM good health and live to be a centenarian.
    I’m sorry to tell TDM that from what I see Mahathirism is an idea whose time has passed, not has come.

  26. Correction: Kasim Amat, sometimes I got this feeling that you are doing a good job of helping PR win more votes with your silly comments to put UMNO to shame ( with apology to my Malay brothers)

  27. Dear Uncle Kit,

    Can someone upload the public forum “From May 13 to 1Malaysia – The Future of Malaysian Nation Building” held at the MPPJ Civic hall. only manage to watch speech by DSAI from his blog.

  28. I guess Kassim Amat was embarassed and disgusted by what was done to siva the speaker in the perak state assembly. So I guess Kassim Amat has hope. He has some feelings for basic human dignity and rights. He is not like the others in umno or those silly umno cybertroopers here in this blogsite.

  29. Of course the PR will win in a snap elections and we really don’t need the “wisdom” of the former PM to enlighten us on that.

    So what if BN loses? The world will not end suddenly as after all, it is only politics and BN is not ordained to rule us forever.
    Looking at the way Perakians are being robbed of their elected government by various institutions like the EC, the Judiciary and the Police under the BN, I daresay that if we have general elections for the whole nation, the BN will also lose that after the latest application of corrupted power.

  30. ctc537 says:

    “You use superlatives to describe TDM! It means you are very very angry with him”

    Very very angry….YES. Cursing him? Oh! that’s not me. On the contrary, I wish him good health.

    As a matter of fact, I saw through this man…..the way he was ruining the country. For over 35 years I never gave up hope that a day will come when more educated Malaysians will rise up to fight for this corrupt UMNO/BN government. That day is finally here.

    I keep doing my little bit to talk and explain to all my friends and all those I meet when I have the chance. While I cannot say they all will agree with me, I can say many will listen to me……Happy le

  31. Kassim Amat keep it up with such comments. We need them for BN’s downfall. They showed how corrupt, how ruthless, how disgusting and beastly are the acts and conducts of the BN, pro-BN agencies, police,etc. I fully agreed that the public video footage of their acts and conducts will tarnish the image of our country.

    Another thing Zambry is a “fighter” but not like Martin Luther King but like Robert Mugabe. The police, the army, the federal & state legal advisers, the federal & state secretaries, the federal government & agencies, EC, MACC all supported our Mugabe to have him stay in power by all and any means. Isn’t he our Robert Mugabe?

  32. kassim amat,

    Dr M: Pakatan will win Perak snap polls
    Andrew Ong | May 14, 09 12:54pm
    updated 1.59pm The former premier is against a snap state election to solve the Perak crisis as the outcome was a foregone conclusion.

    are you sure the perakians are for BN? if so then why TDM made such statement? look at those words… “foregone conclusion”…i hope you are not discourage by these mr kassim amat.

    i can see BN will try their best to avoid snap polls..lets look and see what new wayang from them…

  33. On another note, Najib appears to be dishing out “favours” to all his supporters by appointing those rejected by the rakyat in plum positions. Ong Ka Chuan as ambassador to China, and Jamaluddin Jarjis as ambassador to the US – with full ministerial status. Wow ! Maybe Semi Value will get to be ambassador to New Delhi now…

    Thieves will always be loyal to thieves. It’s always a case of having each other by the b@lls.

  34. DR. M is a captain of the pirates/robbers.

    Of course, pirates/robbers love corruption, injustice, robberies and hijackers.

    Luckily he stepped down from the Post otherwise mayb 20% of population here could be imported Mama foreign labourers.

    We should not be threaten by these corrupted people.

    We must not avoid the fresh re-election of Perak else it lead our children to believe corrupted and injustice is good practise in Malaysia reward of alot of money.

    The fresh re-election is very important our people here and children to defence democracy and justice.




  35. TDM is not foolish,he is not illogical but pretty smart to prevent fresh election in Perak.TDM opinion is based on fact .This matter has been pricking on him now and he knows Umno/Bn will lose miserablely against PR. You guys ,remember Sabah and the then PBS sometime in 1986 ?. The scenario was PBS won 32 seats,BN won 16 out of total of 48 seats in the then sabah state assembly.BN attempted to grab power ,taking the six nominated assembly seat plus a couple of PBS’s frogs at gun point forcing the then governor to appoint TunM as chief minister before Datuk Parin,the PBS president could make an appointment with the head of state.Sabahan called it the ” istana scandal “. The BN led by TDM and Datuk Harris realised the imminent fatal clashes between PBS’s supporters and Unso/Bn supporters,aborted their power grab.Later Datuk Parin called for fresh election and won handsomely. (42-6).The current Perak political scenario reminds TDM that power grab works against him or umno/bn .That’s the very reason why he did not wish PM NR to disolve the Perak state assembly.

  36. lastime TUN said BN never worry about election.
    today he give excuse said too more by election make ppl boring and waste ppl money. but ntv7 poll result show 97% voter want by election to end perak crisis.
    i thinking when BN is so concern about ppl money use to ?thought from our eye they were keep wasting ppl money here and there.
    TUN. you are legend. wrong or right during your 22years as PM. should be respected so pls useful your balance time with family..
    dont malukan yourself. you are irrelevent now. more you say..more ppl hate you and BN

  37. Money…Money…Money….
    Alway sunny
    In the BN’s world

    Ma..ri..lah semu…aaaa
    Curi rakyat’s Money
    It so very easy
    In UNMO and BN’s World

  38. Ong Ka Chuan as ambassador to China, and Jamaluddin Jarjis as ambassador to the US – with full ministerial status. Wow ! Maybe Semi Value will get to be ambassador to New Delhi now… godfather

    So how many ministers do we have now?

    TomThumb is Undergrad2.

  39. UMNO is shameless and utterly sickening racialist politicians.
    If these munafik muslims dare to dress up with false titles and steal our money….what else will they not dare to do?
    UMNO PMs slogans are totally insincere.

  40. It shows one thing, it is just so difficult to remove an incumbent government in a third world country.

    It is not about law, constitution, judiciary and judges. It is about raw power, animal instinct, and cannibalism. Upbringing, education and religions all do make an iota of difference – just look at Shih Hwang Ti to Mugabe. Human being must be compelled to do good, period.

  41. Saw you’d posted the latest videos, but a bit disappointed, I thought it was going to be Nizar’s speech.

    Only kidding ;-)

    If it’s worth anything, I thought you all looked like the sort of people who could credibly shake hands with superpower leaders, for free. I can’t imagine what the current crop of so-called leaders of Malaysia would have to pay to get their handshake photo-opportunities.

    I don’t agree with any of the people who say “Nizar too inexperienced”. How experienced was Ronald Reagan, or Dubya FFS? And Nizar will be the same age at GE13 as Najib is now, even if you might put them further apart based on appearances alone. I think Nizar PM and dropping the voting age to 18 would be a winning combo.

  42. Like he said, he is our Martin Luther King in Malaysia and I think he deserves the title. He will keep fighting even though he knows that the public does not like him. ––– kassim amat


    As I told you a few months back, your brain is between your legs. Your recent comments confirmed how intelligently challenged you are.

    How can you say that Zombie is Martin Luther King when 3/4 of Perakians hated his guts? You, yourself, say that the public does not like him. And furthermore, your great hero Mahathir has confirmed that BN will lose the state if a by-election is to be held. Does that aligned with the picture you are painting showing that the people has changed their support to the BN?


    Now, coming back to Zombie. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Obama would be insulted to be associated with such a nefarious character. These people that Zombie is trying to fake are honourable icons. They don’t steal a state government and lie through their teeth, but they suffered much to make society better.

    Zombie is a big-mouth braggart. He got Perak on a silver platter from Najib’s misadventure. Next he disposed of Siva, the legitimate speaker through the good offices of the police goons and the imbecile state officials. Also the Sultan pampered him by giving him a big bauble to pin on his chest for not contributing anything to the state. After a big slap from the High Court, he used the Appeal Court to fast-track his stay application to frustrate the High Court decision.

    Mathama Gandhi and Martin Luther King would be rolling in their graves for such a pretender and impostor to despoil their good names.

    What’s next? Elevated himself to the status of Prophet Muhammad or Jesus Christ? With such silly adulation from imbeciles such as Kassim amat and fellow nuts like chengdol and the likes, Zombie will finally decide to declare himself on an equal footing with God.

  43. Wow……..Tun Dr.M…we really needs to take our hats off for this chap.I never like him though…..but nevertheless we shall try to respect him for his shrewdness and also he is what i call a “Sly”.
    Remember the cartoon “Thundercat”?
    So, why I call him a sly(very smart indeed)?
    He says if Perak goes for snap election then Bn will be thrashed and screwed.He is right though.But indirectly he is “daring” Najib to go for it since Dr M already made public the consequences if Bn were to go for an election in the state of Perak.This really leaves Najib with little choice to save face.
    Who will be the loser if Bn goes for a snap election and also who will be a loser if there isn’t any snap election? The answer is of course Najib.
    You see…………if Najib goes to Perak and loses….then Najib position in Umno will be shaky.And if he is shaky……then chances of Murkhriz(gosh..i can never spell this chap name apologies to him)going higher up in the hierachy is of course much better.But with Najib being strong….what chance does Murkhriz have anyway since Hishamuddin is around the corner.
    But some will argue that Najib should not encourage a snap election there since he got more to lose than the opposite.Well…like i said earlier..either way he losses.And what THE SLY Dr,M did was to just get najib push to a corner..and i guess he successfully did it already.

  44. TomThumb Says: I thought this blog is a respectable blog
    Oh how wrong you were! LKS’s articles are pretty good, but after the ‘Responses’ caption, it all goes downhill pretty fast, most days. That’s the problem with freedom of speech – it’s a bit like the big outlet pipes on Port Dickson’s beaches, not all output is to your taste or even fit for consumption!

  45. “It is clear that people in Perak has changed their support to BN after the three State Assemblymen followed the will of their people and switched their party.” (Kasim Amat)

    hello, 3 persons do not represent the entire perak electorate.
    if they followed the will of the people, then they shouldn’t switch sides, because it was the people’s will that pakatan was elected in the first place.

    can someone represent kasim amat without getting prior consent from kasim amat ?

    Dr.M already said, snap polls is a forgone conclusion because pakatan will win.

  46. Orang Rojak,

    Among all these young upstarts who can barely write English, you stick out like a sore thumb! To them freedom of speech means to bad mouth anybody who disagrees with them.

  47. I see Mahathir pointed out that the voters already chose hopping candidates, so they are really getting exactly what they voted for! Is it really impossible for the voters to claim that the ballot slip is a contract and the kataks are in breach of contract? I would assume (like the UK MPs who are currently going back to their constituents to ask them if they’re still wanted after stealing all that expense money) that there is an obligation of some kind on the elected person to do what their voters expect. Did the kataks consult their constituents before hopping? Is there no opportunity for a ‘no confidence’ action by voters?

    Did any of the kataks have manifestos or pre-election pledges? I still think an attempt should be made by a (or several) Jelapang (for example) voter to sue for breach of contract, if only to exhaust the possibility. It would be useful for voters to know, in the worst case, that the affiliation expressed on the ballot slip is only valid until the vote is cast. If that really is the case, then perhaps the Election Commission could entertain a proposal to remove party affiliation from the ballot slip, as it could be seen as misleading for voters.

    Just think, all this pain could have been avoided if there had been no party affiliation expressed on the ballot slip. The State Government could have been selected by a simple show of hands. Perak could have had a vote of no-confidence every week in such circumstances! Victory speeches could have been very short: “Thank you DAP, and thank you Jelapang! Now … up yours, suckers!”

    Am I alone in wishing for a more concrete standard for the inclusion of party affiliation on ballot slips?

  48. agreeing to hold talks is probably a BN tactic, to get pakatan to commit to something before a court of appeal verdict that is unfavourable to BN, becomes a reality.

    probably it is meant to split opinions in pakatan, which is clearly not happening.

    it is best to wait for the outcome of the court of appeal before agreeing to anything. i think.

  49. If Zambry and BN have any self respect and dignity and are not cowards……an election must be held immediately.

    A hero? First one must show a true mark of a man by not being a coward!!

  50. Locter Zombie and his gang
    had won a Pyrrhic victory
    They thought they won the battle
    but they will eventually lose the war

    For someone who is locter
    pity can’t see the forest for the trees
    He no see n no faham
    Sometimes people
    Lose the battle to win the war

    The long march has begun

  51. YB,

    Suggest to make May 13th every year as Day Of Reconciliation to foster reconciliation between different racial groups in Malaysia!!!
    Make it a day to remember the incident to remind ourselves that such things should not happen again in the future!!! Tell our children and our children’s children about this!!!

    On that day, each person shall hug a person (of the same sex) from another racial group (best 3 or more but mimimum one)!!!
    We want to do it by action but we need the support from everyone!!!

  52. We want to make May 13 (513) as a day of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control!!! Not a day to be fearful of one another because of different race!!!

  53. Kasim Amat,

    Zambry might think that he is on equal footing with the Greats, I think Najis should be afraid of him as he will sooner or later want to take over from Najis by any means as he is a person who can justify the end with any means!!! Sama serupa Najis!!! Perak is too small a state for Zambry, he wants to take over the world by any means!!!

  54. Suddenly cross my mind after reading your article whether there will ever be another general election after march 8. Seems to me BN will always try to maintain power no matter what. Lets hope MAGERAN will never be revived just because they wanted to avoid handing the reigne over to the winning party.

  55. hahahahaha ..TomThumb commented Orang Rojak bad English..out came a log message from Orang Rojak in excellent English..and LKS must have enough of his nonsense….deleting his response.
    Thumb sucking Tom will not go away..that’s for sure.

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