Lim Kit Siang

Zambry (self-claimed 3-in-1 Mandela, Gandhi, King) returns to SUK as a doubly illegitimate Perak MB

Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir (self-claimed 3-in-1 Mandela, Gandhi, King) returns to the Mentri Besar’s office in SUK (State Secretariat) Perak this morning as a doubly illegitimate Perak Mentri Besar.

When Zambry first entered the Perak Mentri Besar’s office on Feb. 6, 2009, he was just illegitimate Mentri Besar as it was the result of an unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab based on three “political frogs” who have since disappeared from public view and dared not return to their constituency to meet their voters.

When Zambry re-entered the SUK today, he had become doubly illegitimate Mentri Besar as a result of the landmark Kuala Lumpur High Court judgment that there was never a vacancy for him to become a lawful and legitimate MB.

Zambry knew that since Monday, he had become doubly illegitimate as pretender Mentri Besar after the judgment by Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim declaring Datuk Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin as the lawful Mentri Besar.

The extraordinary “stay” the single-judge Court of Appeal granted to Zambry “stayed” Nizar from returning to his lawful office as Mentri Besar, but did not overturn the High Court decision that Zambry is usurper Mentri Besar and could be no licence for him to re-enter SUK to re-usurp the office of Mentri Besar.

Zambry has cast Perak into a constitutional limbo where there is no Mentri Besar – as Nizar is prevented from carrying out his lawful duties by the “stay” order, while an illegal and illegitimate Zambry cannot under any stretch of imagination be allowed to usurp the MB’s office!

It is because Zambry knows that he has become “doubly illegitimate” that he evaded all questions about the legitimacy of his claim as Mentri Besar when asked by reporters this morning.

Zambry said lamely: “You should not ask me that question. You should ask that question to the court.”

No court ever said that Zambry is the lawful and legitimate Mentri Besar, so how could Zambry who claims to be “3-in-1 Mandela. Gandhi. King” gate-crash another time to re-occupy the Mentri Besar’s office?

Zambry should prove that he is worthy to mention the names of Gandhi, Mandela and King by agreeing to the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and going back to Perakians for mandate as to who should form the state government of Perak.

This is why there is escalating chorus of calls for the dissolution of Perak State Assembly as the only viable solution to the four-month-long Perak constitutional and political impasse – coming not only from the Senate President, Tan Sri Dr. Abdul Hamid Pawanteh but from Suhakam yesterday.

If there is a single Gandhi, Mandela or King cell in Zambry, with a minimal moral sense of right and wrong, the Perak Assemblyman for Pangkor would have declared that following the Abdul Aziz judgment, he would not enter the Mentri Besar’s office in SUK until and unless he is pronounced as the lawful Mentri Besar – instead of gatecrashing the MB’s office and even presiding over a meeting of an illegal, unlawful, illegitimate and pretender State Exco!