Lim Kit Siang

2nd twittering morning – Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment : Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment

12/05/09 11:49
(The below are from the PC by Ngeh at the SUK)

12/05/09 11:47
“Sukan Perak this year cancelled – allocation chanelled towards districts sports level. We’ll redeem the 3 month wasted during Perak crisis.

12/05/09 11:46
“Industries in Perak given a boost with Invest Perak to be more active in attracting investments.

12/05/09 11:45
“Parking fees to be reduced to 30 sen ASAP. Premier University to launch in July ’09 with groudbreaking ceremony – intake of 2K students.

12/05/09 11:43
“Ipoh Central Bus project to proceed as planned. Sultan Azland Shah Airport to resume flights ASAP. Airasia keen to fly from Ipoh Airport.

12/05/09 11:42
“Also 817 village chiefs have been issued letters to carry out their duties. Land Office also instructed to issue freehold titles.

12/05/09 11:42
“All Exco has started working w’out wasting time. 14 local councils to swear in councillors latest by tmr in order to function properly.

12/05/09 11:40
PC starts with senior Exco Ngeh Koo Ham announcing that MB is still at the Istana. Exco will meet tomorrow at 10am.

12/05/09 11:19
Finally, MB press conference is going to begin any moment after the press are allowed in.

12/05/09 11:18
The letters of suspension State Secretary/State Legal Adviser now posted on all notice boards in and around SUK building

12/05/09 11:12
In Ipoh SUK, press barred from entering to attend the MB press conference.

12/05/09 10:59
From Thomas – Zambry’s application for stay is fixed for today.

12/05/09 10:59
From Thomas – All Excos gathering at MB’s office for the PC. Some members and supporters are here too.

12/05/09 10:28
From Kula – At 11 am press conference on latest at SUK MB office. Security at SUK entrance is relaxed now.

12/05/09 09:49
Nizar is at Istana Kuala Kangsar to attend investiture ceremony. Audience with Sultan to seek dissolution still be be fixed.

12/05/09 09:45
Exco Tai Sin Ng (PKR) also cannot get into his room as usurper Exco Hamidah has not vacated it yet. Stuck in the reception area.

MB Nizar at his desk – Uploaded by Exco Thomas Su – 9.26am

12/05/09 09:26
All the MB’s secretary room is empty except chairs and tables. All files also missing.

12/05/09 09:24
State Excos getting into their rooms, except Thomas Su Keong Siong and Seah Leong Peng – rooms locked and PAs not around

12/05/09 09:14
From Thomas Su – informed letters of suspension on State Secretary and State Legal Adviser served at about 8.15 am

12/05/09 09:11
State Exco (Local Government) Nga Kor Ming instructed Zakuan (Ketua Penolong SUK) to appoint all 342 local councillors immediate effect

12/05/09 08:30
May 7 – Police lockdown of Ipoh. May 11- SUK Exco offices locked down?

12/05/09 08:21
excos still locked out of their offices – all waiting in mb office

12/05/09 08:10
exco thomas su goes 2 his office – locked. Pa also not in

12/05/09 08:01
MB Nizar has left for Istana Kuala Kangsar for its first official function – to attend investiture ceremony 8.30 am

12/05/09 07:51
Process to serve suspension letters on State Secretary and State Legal Adviser underway – at their respective offices in SUK.

12/05/09 07:49
Excos still waiting for keys. With them, Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar and MP Ipoh Barat Kulasegaran

12/05/09 07:45
Excos now waiting at the MB’s office – waiting for keys to their respective offices.

12/05/09 07:42
MB’s office empty except some stationery.

12/05/09 07:38
entering mb office now

12/05/09 07:37
greeted by civil servants

12/05/09 07:36
mb excos allowed into offices

12/05/09 07:35
stopped by police – instruction of suspended state secretary

12/05/09 07:32
nizar arrived. Walking with excos to suk

12/05/09 07:29
in ipoh now pakatan rakyat excos gathering near democract tree to return to their rightful offices at state secretariat. Wait 4 nizar

12/05/09 07:27
a great fine day. Hope we see democracy in perak + malaysia upheld


Nizar back to work, Zambry files appeal
Malaysiakini | May 12, 09 7:53am

A large contingent of riot police took up positions at the state secretariat building in Ipoh as Perak Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin returned to office this morning.

Police have been deployed in the area since yesterday evening, soon after the Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled that Nizar is the legitimate menteri besar.

Five Federal Reserve Unit trucks, one water cannon and at least about 50 uniformed policemen were seen milling around.

Nizar, his wife Fatimah Taad, and his eight exco members arrived at the building about 7.30am, but were not allowed immediate entry.

A police officer said that only the Nizar and his exco members would be admitted.

Although civil servant vehicles were allowed easy entry, the entrance gate was only opened slightly to allow Nizar and his exco members to slip into the compound.

Pakatan’s assembly speaker S Sivakumar, who was unceremoniously sacked by the BN last Thursday, was also in Nizar’s entourage.

Nizar however did not protest against the treatment or the denial of entry to journalists, who were kept out.

Just before entering the premises, Nizar and the exco members said prayers by the roadside.

Since early this morning, the police have blocked one side of the road leading to the building. Traffic was at a crawl. As a number of schools are located nearby, students were also affected by the heavy security.

At 7.45am, Nizar left for Kuala Kangsar, to attend a ceremony at the palace where the Regent of Perak will be present.

This will be his first function as menteri besar following the court decision yesterday.

However, Nizar said late yesterday that he has yet to be granted an audience with the regent. The sultan is said to be abroad.

Nizar will ask for the state assembly to be dissolved when he is granted an audience.

At the state secretariat, the police eased up security in stages by 9am although the FRU remained.

Meanwhile in Kuala Lumpur, Zambry’s lawyers have filed a notice of appeal against the decision yesterday. They are now pushing for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Appeal today.

They have also filed an application to stay the decision yesterday pending the appeal.