2nd twittering morning – Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment

http://twitter.com/limkitsiang : Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment

12/05/09 11:49
(The below are from the PC by Ngeh at the SUK)

12/05/09 11:47
“Sukan Perak this year cancelled – allocation chanelled towards districts sports level. We’ll redeem the 3 month wasted during Perak crisis.

12/05/09 11:46
“Industries in Perak given a boost with Invest Perak to be more active in attracting investments.

12/05/09 11:45
“Parking fees to be reduced to 30 sen ASAP. Premier University to launch in July ’09 with groudbreaking ceremony – intake of 2K students.

12/05/09 11:43
“Ipoh Central Bus project to proceed as planned. Sultan Azland Shah Airport to resume flights ASAP. Airasia keen to fly from Ipoh Airport.

12/05/09 11:42
“Also 817 village chiefs have been issued letters to carry out their duties. Land Office also instructed to issue freehold titles.

12/05/09 11:42
“All Exco has started working w’out wasting time. 14 local councils to swear in councillors latest by tmr in order to function properly.

12/05/09 11:40
PC starts with senior Exco Ngeh Koo Ham announcing that MB is still at the Istana. Exco will meet tomorrow at 10am.

12/05/09 11:19
Finally, MB press conference is going to begin any moment after the press are allowed in.

12/05/09 11:18
The letters of suspension State Secretary/State Legal Adviser now posted on all notice boards in and around SUK building

12/05/09 11:12
In Ipoh SUK, press barred from entering to attend the MB press conference.

12/05/09 10:59
From Thomas – Zambry’s application for stay is fixed for today.

12/05/09 10:59
From Thomas – All Excos gathering at MB’s office for the PC. Some members and supporters are here too.

12/05/09 10:28
From Kula – At 11 am press conference on latest at SUK MB office. Security at SUK entrance is relaxed now.

12/05/09 09:49
Nizar is at Istana Kuala Kangsar to attend investiture ceremony. Audience with Sultan to seek dissolution still be be fixed.

12/05/09 09:45
Exco Tai Sin Ng (PKR) also cannot get into his room as usurper Exco Hamidah has not vacated it yet. Stuck in the reception area.

MB Nizar at his desk – Uploaded by Exco Thomas Su – 9.26am

12/05/09 09:26
All the MB’s secretary room is empty except chairs and tables. All files also missing.

12/05/09 09:24
State Excos getting into their rooms, except Thomas Su Keong Siong and Seah Leong Peng – rooms locked and PAs not around

12/05/09 09:14
From Thomas Su – informed letters of suspension on State Secretary and State Legal Adviser served at about 8.15 am

12/05/09 09:11
State Exco (Local Government) Nga Kor Ming instructed Zakuan (Ketua Penolong SUK) to appoint all 342 local councillors immediate effect

12/05/09 08:30
May 7 – Police lockdown of Ipoh. May 11- SUK Exco offices locked down?

12/05/09 08:21
excos still locked out of their offices – all waiting in mb office

12/05/09 08:10
exco thomas su goes 2 his office – locked. Pa also not in

12/05/09 08:01
MB Nizar has left for Istana Kuala Kangsar for its first official function – to attend investiture ceremony 8.30 am

12/05/09 07:51
Process to serve suspension letters on State Secretary and State Legal Adviser underway – at their respective offices in SUK.

12/05/09 07:49
Excos still waiting for keys. With them, Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar and MP Ipoh Barat Kulasegaran

12/05/09 07:45
Excos now waiting at the MB’s office – waiting for keys to their respective offices.

12/05/09 07:42
MB’s office empty except some stationery.

12/05/09 07:38
entering mb office now

12/05/09 07:37
greeted by civil servants

12/05/09 07:36
mb excos allowed into offices

12/05/09 07:35
stopped by police – instruction of suspended state secretary

12/05/09 07:32
nizar arrived. Walking with excos to suk

12/05/09 07:29
in ipoh now pakatan rakyat excos gathering near democract tree to return to their rightful offices at state secretariat. Wait 4 nizar

12/05/09 07:27
a great fine day. Hope we see democracy in perak + malaysia upheld


Nizar back to work, Zambry files appeal
Malaysiakini | May 12, 09 7:53am

A large contingent of riot police took up positions at the state secretariat building in Ipoh as Perak Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin returned to office this morning.

Police have been deployed in the area since yesterday evening, soon after the Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled that Nizar is the legitimate menteri besar.

Five Federal Reserve Unit trucks, one water cannon and at least about 50 uniformed policemen were seen milling around.

Nizar, his wife Fatimah Taad, and his eight exco members arrived at the building about 7.30am, but were not allowed immediate entry.

A police officer said that only the Nizar and his exco members would be admitted.

Although civil servant vehicles were allowed easy entry, the entrance gate was only opened slightly to allow Nizar and his exco members to slip into the compound.

Pakatan’s assembly speaker S Sivakumar, who was unceremoniously sacked by the BN last Thursday, was also in Nizar’s entourage.

Nizar however did not protest against the treatment or the denial of entry to journalists, who were kept out.

Just before entering the premises, Nizar and the exco members said prayers by the roadside.

Since early this morning, the police have blocked one side of the road leading to the building. Traffic was at a crawl. As a number of schools are located nearby, students were also affected by the heavy security.

At 7.45am, Nizar left for Kuala Kangsar, to attend a ceremony at the palace where the Regent of Perak will be present.

This will be his first function as menteri besar following the court decision yesterday.

However, Nizar said late yesterday that he has yet to be granted an audience with the regent. The sultan is said to be abroad.

Nizar will ask for the state assembly to be dissolved when he is granted an audience.

At the state secretariat, the police eased up security in stages by 9am although the FRU remained.

Meanwhile in Kuala Lumpur, Zambry’s lawyers have filed a notice of appeal against the decision yesterday. They are now pushing for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Appeal today.

They have also filed an application to stay the decision yesterday pending the appeal.

47 Replies to “2nd twittering morning – Nizar and Excos return to office after judgment”

  1. anything will change in coming days
    zambry already filed appeal against court decision.
    hishamudin said all parties should respect court decision. is he hint something?
    watch out pakatan..

  2. Files missing from MB’s office? How can files be missing. Aren’t these the properties of the govt of the day and not the sole ownership of any particular individual or groups of individuals?????

  3. Just as other hundreds thousands of Perakians, and millions of Malaysia. I urge His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak to give His Royal consent to the dissolution of Perak State Assembly as soon as possible. Just as the Perakians have lost nearly 100 days of developments and state building, let the Sultan with His wisdom by paving a fresh state election and end the constituitional crisis within 60 days.

    Just the Malaysian Bar Council has said, the only viable solution does not lie in the realms of courts. The only viable solution is to return the voters of Perak their rightful and constituitional duty to elect a legitimate government.

    If Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is true to the People of Malaysia, He wouldn’t have plan this unconstituitional coup at the first place. He is already the Prime Minister, what else does he wants? More power? More money?

    If PM Najib continue to persist in his quest of a power coup in Perak, he is just going to hand Pakatan Rakyat a two-third majority in the next General Election in the Parliament.

    Given a very very very optimistic view, Barisan Nasional may come back again as the Federal Government after the next general election due in 2013, even with a slim majority in the Parliamentary seats, it is an obvious prediction that Pakatan Rakyat will definitely gain more than 50% of the popular votes. (Remember, Pakatan Rakyat has already about 47.2% of the popular votes in the 8th March 2008 General Election)

  4. The more strategic concern for DAP is what happens after PR win and PAS will have most of the state assembly seats NOT DAP. Its an incredible blessing in disguise that Nizar was chosen as MB as he has good relationship with DAP but DAP Perak has problem. The Ngeh-Nga cousins are not the best line-up for the future of DAP in Perak.

    Its time to put capable, young and more qualified people in second-line of DAP in Perak after this, put them in for elections, clean house so to speak.

    DAP need to lay the foundation for strong relationship with PAS in Perak for the long term and it means young people who trust each other and not ideological. Ngeh-Nga not the right combo…

  5. Saudara Lim, This could be just a temporary win. The higher courts (if specific judges are appointed) may change everything. In accordance to law, is there any possibility (along with the Bar Council) where one can request for the rejection of specific judges not be to present to hear a case. May be some ex-judges could provide their comments

  6. This is worst than children playing musical chairs.
    The whole world is laughing at UMNO clowns..yet feeling no shame at all.
    Desperate to avoid loosing grip of governing by all hook or by cook…to avoid court cases against them…they keep on shaming the country ad the people.
    Remember..from UMNO’s own well respected veteran….Tunku Ahmad Rithauddin said…”UMNO is corrupted to the core”

  7. Last time, when Nizar vacated the office, he did not touched any of the files. But this time, all the files and documents are missing. The State Secretary must answer for this. It has become a culture of Umno, whenever they are out of office, they will destroy all their wrongdoings evidence.

  8. Welcome back to Perak, MB YB Datuk Seri Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin, Pakatan state exco members and other Pakatan lawmakers as the legitimate Perak state government after nearly four months out in the cold because of BN’s dirty play of politics. Justice at last has prevailed over the law of the jungle!

    The next move for Pakatan is get the nod from the Perak Sultan for the dissolution of the State Assembly which is long overdue due to the political impasse. Let Perakians decide who they want as their state government once and for all so that the state can go back to normalcy in its daily dealings!

  9. I agree with Bigjoe that the Ngeh and Nga cousins are not the best line-up for DAP, but they have been proven to be loyal and it would be difficult to sideline them for the next elections. In fact, it would be difficult to sideline anyone from the PR side as they have demonstrated leadership and unity in the face of all the intimidation and inducements by BN.

    All Kit needs to do is to get the Ngeh and Nga cousins to be less arrogant, and more people-centric. I suggest that all PR candidates make a public pledge that if they leave their parties, their resignations as ADUNs come with their leaving. That way, the voters can sue them for breach of promise if they decide to be kataks.

  10. This Perak circus is
    in out in out in out
    until no know who is in, who is out

    Civil servants also no know
    who to call boss
    Ding ding dong dong

    How to expect Perak
    to grow economically?
    Anyone dare to invest in
    1Malaysia, 1Perak?
    Blackout lah
    Ooops, no use black
    Whiteout lah

  11. I don’t think BN is going to give up so easily even if the outcome of Zambry’s appeal at the Court of Appeal turns out to be negative today or in the near future.

    Judging from the blatant police repression against PR representatives in the state assembly last week, one cannot rule out that Najib may resort to emergency rule to cling on to power in Perak.

  12. A friendly advise to zam-zam, najib and umno. Dont push on with the appeal. The illegal and unconstitutional power grab is bad enough. Then you have the illegal wrestling for control during the recent illegal Assembly sitting. Two boo-boos are more than enough for anyone and the country. Wait for your chance in GE13.

    Remember if you lose the appeal, victory for pakatan will grow twice larger. And if you win the appeal, it will be seen as a continuation of your unconstitutional power grab and the illegal as well as no-brainer wrestling for control on 507. Win or lose the appeal, you stand to lose voters’ support further in any event. Its no way out for your guys. You set the scene and the stage. Now face it. Its checkmate. In other words, whatever the appeal outcome you are bound to suffer three times the damage from the same stupid and foolish and illegal act.

    I may be a supporter of pakatan but this advise is given in the wider interest of the country. Then again who am I to advise you people? Money and power talks and I have none of either. Well rot on then will you? The country will just have to deal with your ‘carcass’ later.

  13. It’s not over yet. The Court of Appeals in now hearing the appeal by Mamak Zamry against Justice Abd Aziz’s refusal to grant him a stay of execution. Zamry’s lawyers filed the appeal at 9.30 a.m. and the Court of Appeals is hearing it at 11.30 a.m. Has there ever been such an efficient judiciary ?

  14. When all these are over, when Nizar and team are in control, can someone please sack these PA’s and civil servants who are obstructing? As long as they fail to see where to place their loyalty (to the government of the day), they should not be working there.

  15. It’s not over yet. The saga is still being played out with Zambry appealing to the Court of Appeal which will be heard today. Why so fast? This imply judicial favouritism and does not augur well for PR.

    Zambry may well be reinstated by the Court of Appeal today. Before this happens, what can PR do? Actually, nothing much but watch helplessly. All hopes are on the Regent now to dissolve the Assembly.

    The insistence of BN to cling on to power instead of going back to the people is abhorrent. A govt supported by 3 morally tainted defectors is untenable and against all public opinion. Perak will be BN’s graveyard.

  16. BN is still having the trump card if the court of appeal decided on its favour. The same reason will be given that when the judegment is on PR favour, they abide and now the court of appeal decided on its favour, all should abide, too!!!

  17. It’s not easy as what I think.
    With Nutjib in control, it will not be an easy fight.
    Now the sultan is playing a “disappearing” act.
    On a emergency overseas trip, I presume!
    This sort of “drama” will continues.
    Perakians will not rest till there’s a snap election happening and when will it be???

  18. It will the height of idiocy for the appeals court to make a ruling today unless everything has been preplanned and prearranged.
    Nazir’s lawyers are fortunately there and will want to argue the case. They might even apply time (postponement) for preparation of their arguments. They can also apply for one of the jackass judges to recuse himself.
    I don’t see how the court can come to a decision without giving time for Nazir’s counsel time to prepare his case.

  19. Three months is a long time for the illegal MB and his gang to sabotage the Perak state e.g. transfer all state money into someone else’s account!!! destroy legal documents etc!!!

    There’s no proper handover of documents etc to the legal MB today!!! Could the illegal MB be sued for reading “Rahsia” or “Sulit” documents??? What if Perak state is having nuclear weapon and the illegal MB had accessed to them??? many many questions to be answered!!! What if this happened to Malaysia i.e. two PMs???

  20. If the Appeal Court make a ruling against Nizar today, it will be the height of judicial mockery and only digs BN’s grave deeper. It shows BN using puppet courts to enforce their illegal power grab. An appeal filed at 9.30am is heard 2 hours later! The haste itself is indecent.

  21. Will the Regent of Perak emerged at the HERO for the people, upholding the rule of law, democracy and constituitional monarchy?

    With Perak Mentri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin still at Istana Kuala Kangsar, what is truly transpiring at the very second?

    The decision by His Royal Highness in the next couple of minutes or latest the next several hours will ultimately end the Perak Constituitional Crisis in 60 days or prolong the on going crisis in months and years to come?

    I reaffirm that the only legal, constituitional, ethical, democratic viable option to end the Perak crisis is through the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and a fresh state-wide election with both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional can equally wins the hearts and minds of the Perakians.

    I urge His Royal Highness Regent of Perak to give His consent to dissolve the Perak State Assembly immediately.

    Just a note to the illegal MB of Perak Zambry, you are/ were never the Mentri Besar, any proceedings done during your illegal tenure of the MB Office is therefore deemed illegal including the May 7th provocative, coup of the Perak State Assembly Speaker. Shame on you!

  22. When BN is in trouble, they can do anything to save their butts within 2 seconds!!! If people are dying in NS camps, hospitals, road accidents, snatch thief, rape cases etc, they need to wait ages!!!

  23. BN installed speaker, R Ganesan in an immediate reaction to the High court decision yesterday, said that being a law abiding coalition, BN would definitely obey the decision of the high court. “But we will look as to how we are to go about this legally,” he told The Malaysian Insider. He said that since BN had a majority in the state assembly, it would be easy to move a motion of no confidence against Nizar.// – MalaysiaInsider Report by Syed Jamal Zahiid and Lee Wei Lian of 12th May.

    R Ganesan has got it wrong. He can’t have BN obey or respect the decision of High Court and yet at the same time have BN seek a legal avenue “to move a motion of no confidence against Nizar”

    Ganesan should ask the other question of whether he could still be the Speaker who will allow such a motion to be put and passed by BN alleged majority numbers.

    The High Court decision yesterday reinstating PR’s Nizar legitimate Perak MB has in effect tainted with illegality the May 7 legislative state assembly proceedings and all 4 motions purportedly passed during the sitting, including the installation of R Ganesan as the speaker.

    So if Ganesan never has been validly appointed as Speaker, Sivakumar will remain the validly appointed Speaker and predictably he will not allow a motion of no confidence on himself to be put, let alone passed, unless Zamry and 6 cohorts are outside the Legislative assembly and could not be counted in the voting.

    This also necessarily implies that the constitutional impasse in Perak Legislative assembly will continue until the earlier of whichever of the two events occurs:-

    (a) In response to Nizar fast tracking handing letter to Raja Nazrin, seeking audience to request assembly dissolution, Perak Ruler allows a dissolution of the Perak Assembly; or

    (b) In response to Zambri’s fast tracking appeal (to be heard today) the Court of Appeal confirms Zambry’s or Nizar’s position as MB with legal finality. Here again there’s possibility that losing side will fast track another appeal to Federal Court.

    Addressing the guests at a dinner last night to celebrate Umno’s 63rd anniversary, Umno president and PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak contradicted Shakespeare’s, “The evil that men do lives after them; ‘The good is oft interred with their bones’,” –… in Julius Caesar (when Marc Anthony buried Julius Caesar).

    Najib added: “I do not agree with Shakespeare because mankind will always value the good.”

    It is well to say the value of good. However it remains perennial problem of who defines which, for example, – between (a) and (b) – is good and what is evil, and also good and evil from whose perspectives and interests ? From PR’s, BN’s, Perakians’ or Monarchy’s or Rule of Law/Constitution?

    Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah reportedly urged the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the state assembly. He said that “this is the decent thing to do, but also the only way out of a crisis which has already spiralled out of Perak, damaged the rule of law, compromised the judiciary, the police and the state civil service, and damaged the monarchy in public opinion.” – The MalaysiaInsider

    Even for the BN, it is arguably good for it to consider cutting losses at this juncture (the earlier reasons for such an adventure being no more relevant). The Perak power grab has become a festering sore that will not go away.

  24. A simple sort of law which even some judges could’nt understand.
    Either some of these judges are ignorant or they are not really fit to be judges.
    In the very first place, those three frogs are not suppose to be doing the right thing because what they are doing is on their very own accord.
    The voters have voted them as a “party” and even if they need to be an independent, they have to get the consent from the voters first and not by their own decision.
    This is common sense and there’s no need for a pro to “translate” it.
    When we don’t understand about simple law, how are we gonna follow other sorts of complicated law.
    No such thing as an “appeal” in this sort of case.
    Sheesh man!!!

  25. Five Federal Reserve Unit trucks, one water cannon and at least about 50 uniformed policemen were seen milling around.

    Files still went missing!
    Illegal back door MB, the great pretender, still managed to empty everything in his office…must be his complexion that gave him the advantage when he did it in darkness…and ‘blinded police’ guards.

    No sure now, whether malaysians are angry or greatly amused…when professional scums are behaving like clowns!

  26. Don’t wasting your times to make noisy.

    Get the Perak Assembly Dissolve as soon as possible.

    Calling all Perakian voice your wills wanting PERAK ASSEMBLE DISSOLVE to reach the VVIP.


  27. I have spoken over the past few years about UMNO’s insurance policy in the judiciary. Let’s see if UMNO calls on their insurance policy now, or leave it for a bigger occasion like the 2013 GE.

  28. We must not under-estimate their resolve to stay in power, and we must not forget their so-called “government” appointed allies.

    Guys, I was “bruised and battered” in the Sarawak Batang Ai buy-election, where it rained ringgit, where it rained promises. But that is another story for another day, but I saw how desperate they need to cling to power – I just wonder why and was it worth their souls!? I know it was worth their money and power but was it worth their characters?

    The appeal by Dr Zambry is on. Who is their ally (ies) in the court? If this government is truthful (as they claim), return the power to the people. There is no need to appeal.

  29. where can you find minority representatives sideline the majority and be in the government…

    only in malaysia, state of perak….

    get it straight, siva was ousted by 31 duns who voted him out. soon it will nizar and his cohorts, it’s just matter of time only. the ruling proves that the court is not biased and uphold justice, so next time pembangkang don pin the judiciary puppet of the executives. so what if state election be withheld and the outcome 30 bn -29 p-r, will there be another election again until significant gap arrives ? please respect the wisdom of HRH for refusing dissolving the dun, the previous election was not even 3 yrs old and what business from the troublemakers of other states in perak affair when most perakians want peace and stable government which can be achieved by bn (under ngeh-nga, i will be not surprise if another dap becomes turncoat just like hee. blame it on perak dap being arrogant and bad leadership instead).

  30. I wonder any of the PR rep or State Exco read this blog.

    Its a good day where we c PR return to power and start running business. I know everybody is happy and celebrating. But there is a time where everything has to settle down and everyone has a job to do. Supporters and MP’s at SUK should return to their work and life. Let the exco’s start their work rather than entertaining supporters, press and so on. There is alot of catching up to do and to fix, to get Perak back in shape as what the majority Perakians wants.

    With supporters gathering there, cheering and greeting, its makes the exco and elected adun as though they are superstars. This is what we would not like to see. Personally, I have come across some exco and adun who are not that humble as they are. They don’t produce a warm welcome face. We only c those warm welcoming faces before election. I hope with the power and status, PR rep remain as humble as ever, hardworking, understanding and willingness. Or else they will not last long in politic.

    Now, all eyes is on dissolving the State Assembly and make way for by election.

  31. “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”
    Zombie loves the rakyat
    NR loves the rakyat
    No say sorry lah.

    In out in out the MB office
    Love story no end yet
    To be or not to be
    O Paul, Paul! wherefore art thou Paul
    Come to thy court
    and make judgement
    to save thy master in distress, again!

  32. Raja Nazrin must move fast if he wants to restore the reputation of the royal house. Once the court reinstates Zambry as MB, he will be unable to consider Nizar’s request to dissolve the Assembly.

    This may happen in the next few hours as we wait for the Court of Appeal’s decision. By the way, I hope Augustine Paul in not in the panel of judges.

  33. Zambry’s lawyer filed the appeal at 9.30am and the Court of Appeals is hearing it at 11.30am.Such nimbleness and efficiency coming out from our courts!! Is that real and believable?That is why this has a fishy smell to it.
    This political fracas engineered by Najis to grab power is not going to end just like this with the High Court declaring Nizar as the legitimate MB.You can be almost pretty sure that the judge hearing it is Najis’s insurance much like Sabah is insurance policy to UMNO he has admitted.

  34. Malaysiakini’s Hafiz Yatim reported on May 12, 09 that one man panel Court of Appeal (Ramly Mohd Ali) heard and granted Zambry’s application for a stay (ie putting on hold) against a High Court decision yesterday which proclaimed Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as the rightful Perak menteri besar.

    Can Nizar’s lawyers immediately also apply to Federal Court for a stay to the court of Appeal’s stay of the High Court Decision? :)

    Malaysiakini further reported that “Zambry’s lawyers argued that the stay was important to stop Nizar from trying seek the approval of the Perak sultan to dissolve the state assembly; that his lead counsel Cecil Abraham added that if dissolution was granted, Zambry’s appeal would be academic”.

    There is something inconsistent and selective about Zambry’s basis for asking a stay against a High Court decision.

    In the beginning he was asking everyone to respect the Ruler’s decision appointing him as menteri besar. It was a royal decision in his and BN’s favour.

    However he is now asking the Court to grant a stay to stop Nizar from trying to seek the approval of the Perak sultan to dissolve the state assembly. In other words he can’t even contemplate the mere possibility of the Ruler making another decision (to dissolve assembly) in Nizar’s or PR’s interest.

    This I read as respecting the Ruler’s decision if he made one in his and BN’s favour but preventing the Ruler from making another decision – even if it were a mere possibility – that may be against Zambry’s or in favour of PR’s wishes. Is this some kind of selective respect?

    Also one can’t have it both ways – as Zambry and his lawyers seem to putting forward – by asserting on one hand the Perak Ruler then had the prerogative to decide against dissolving Perak legislative assembly requested by Nizar but now (on the other hand) could be precluded by the Appeal Court’s stay of High court decision from changing His mind to grant dissolution of legislative assembly, if requested once again by Nizar!

    A prerogative is a prerogative. It is a reference to absolute liberty or power or discretion of the Ruler to decide whether or not to grant or withold a request from a MB for dissolution of legislative assembly.

    Zambry lawyers’ grounds supporting his application to court of appeal for stay of High court judgment is unabashedly expressed to be specifically for the purpose of preventing, blocking and thwarting the Ruler from exercising that very prerogative once again that might now favour the opposition when in the past such an exercise had favoured BN and Zambry! This tantamount to subjecting exercise of royal prerogative to cases only where the ruling coalition gains and in other cases it is restrianed by court order, if necessary.

  35. Needless to say, this legal impasse will definitely go on unless, the Perak Monarch or his Regent decide to dissolve the state assembly and called for a by election. Perak Umno especially Zambry is the major culprit in this whole never ending episode. To save the Government in Perak. The HRH had to do what is righteous in dissolving the State Assembly.

  36. Zambry O Dumbry
    Dumbry O Dumbdhi
    Dumbdhi O Dumbdela

    How many clowns does it take to destroy Perak? Only 3.

    Dumbry aka Dumbdela aka Dumbdhi
    And their sultans of slime, grime and crime.

    How many clowns does it take to destroy Malaysian? Only 1.

    SLIME BALL…in 1 month and fast-tracking!

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