Najib’s “open mind” to resolve Perak constitutional/political crisis with PR leaders “refreshing”

At a media conference in Alor Setar on Saturday, I said that the time had come for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to meet with Pakatan Rakyat leaders to resolve the three-month-long Perak constitutional and political impasse so that Malaysians in Perak and the country can focus single-mindedly on tiding the nation through the world’s worst economic crisis in a century.

This had become imperative after the May 7 Day of Infamy which brought unprecedented international shame to Malaysia as a modern and developed country not only by the trampling of human rights and the rule of law in the gross abuse of police powers in the completely unjustifiable lock-down of Ipoh but also in the flagrant violation of the doctrine of separation of powers highlighted by the photographs and video clips flashed around the world of the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar in Speaker robes and in Speaker Chair being bodily dragged out of the Legislative Assembly.

The image that the May 7 Day of Infamy projected to the world is that Perak and Malaysia are degenerating into failed states like Zimbabwe, Somalia and Congo in Africa rather than a nation aspiring to first-world developed-nation status.

This was why my first reaction to the scandalous spectacle not only of two Mentris Besar but also two Speakers and two Assemblies in Perak, and the physical removal of the Speaker – the most shameful episode in the history of parliamentary democracy, not only in Perak, Malaysia but also the world – was to point out that the biggest casualty of all was Najib’s “1Malaysia” slogan, which had been “shredded into smithereens” by the May 7 Day of Infamy.

Is it any wonder that Najib’s 1Malaysia could not produce resonance or inspire meaning among Malaysians, as all the people see is 1Divided Malaysia, even 1Black Malaysia. How can there be 1Malaysia when he had played the most critical role in ensuring that there is no 1Perak?

The maltreatment of the Perak Speaker is all the more unacceptable as it happened at a time when Malaysia is Chairman of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association – with Malaysia reduced to a laughing-stock in world parliaments when we should be at the acme of international parliamentary reputation.

I do not know whether Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal is going to resign in shame as Chairman of the worldwide Commonwealth Parliamentary Association but Perakians and Malaysians have to hold their heads in shame at the May 7 Day of Infamy.

I have been receiving a lot of mail from Malaysians outraged that Malaysia is becoming a failed state, with ordinary Malaysians suffering from endemic crime, pregnant women being killed by snatch theft killers, young girls raped in daylight when taking taxies, while massive police are deployed not to ensure the safety of citizens and visitors but the political security of Barisan Nasional politicians.

This letter from Azmin Ahmad Hasmat Ali is one such letter:

Dear YB Lim,

It’s time we as Malaysian, stop politicking at pool our strength and address the things that matters.

I read with great sadness and dismay the report below on NST online. While the politicians are busy fighting each other on petty one-upmanship, a poor your girl’s life has been ruined….permanently.

(This is the case of a 17-year-old girl in Subang Jaya who wanted to go from SS14 to SS15 to meet a friend, but the short trip turned into a nightmare when she was assaulted and raped by a taxi driver.)

Why can’t the leaders who the rakyat elected, get on with their job?

Is it too hard to expect that our citizens are fundamentally safe?

How many more cases of rape, snatch theft, crime must we read before any action is taken.

Let’s rise above stupidity of who said what, and who is more religious than the other.

Spare a thought for the young girl below.

I am sad to be a Malaysian. No…I am utterly ashamed to be a Malaysian because we have failed to protect our citizens. We have failed and we need leadership….decisive leadership to move us out of this darkness of hate, crime and jealousy.

Are there any good leaders out there? Will someone step up??

It is indeed time that all leaders, whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat, listen and respond to these cries and outrages from the people.

I find Najib’s open mind to resolve Perak crisis with Pakatan Rakyat leaders “refreshing” coming from a person who had tied the knot and who have to untie it or may even to cut the Gordian knot to end the debilitating political and constitutional crisis in Perak which has become a national and even international problem for Malaysia.

Nobody is talking about the formation of a coalition government between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat to resolve the three-month-long political and constitutional crisis, which had also undermined the credibility and public confidence of important national institutions like the Police, the Election Commission, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency, the Judiciary and the Monarchy.

But a solution must be found, based on fully respecting the sovereign rights of the voters of Perak to elect the government of their choice – to end the haemorrhage of the credibility and confidence in governance in Perak and Malaysia.

I will discuss with Pakatan Rakyat leaders on Najib’s preparedness to have an open mind on the matter and will then contact the Prime Minister.

I should have something to announce when I attend the public forum “May 13 to 1Malaysia – Future of Nation Building” at the Petaling Jaya Civics Centre on Wednesday night (May 13) in conjunction with the “May 13” 40th anniversary.

67 Replies to “Najib’s “open mind” to resolve Perak constitutional/political crisis with PR leaders “refreshing””

  1. I feel sorry for such victims of violence and power mania.
    But we all saw how the Legislature too was raped when the Police went in and took out the Perak Speaker.
    No they did not blow him up with C4 but the effect is just as damaging.
    Yes we have an open mind. Let us open up all the skeletons in the many cupboards of Putrajaya!

  2. I seriously dunno why YOU (Uncle Kit) just don’t have the little luck to be pushed up there to be our country’s leader!

    You have just about everything Malaysians dream of a leader.

    I am sick of BN’s clowns and monkeys.

    Can’t you just do something, Uncle Kit?

  3. Mr LKS … this is a good start if all involved are sincere and reasonable. Hope that with your vast experience you can pull a rabbit out of the hat for all to see. Make something good out of this! :)

  4. i think Pakatan should not compromise with Umno/BN. Umno had been checkmated by the rakyat in this Perak coup d’etat. The Perakians have totally thrown their support behind Pakatan. There’s no reason for Pakatan to backtrack now just to pacify Umno’s death wish.

  5. “she was assaulted and raped by a taxi driver”
    Surprise? Why?
    Quite expected, no?
    Taxi driver, day in day out
    Dengar the rape of democracy
    Rape here rape there
    In the streets
    Outside polis stations
    In the berak state assembly
    Everywhere rape
    BN politicians rape democracy
    Polis also rape democracy
    Polis busy manhandling speaker
    Polis busy catching people in black
    So taxi driver
    juga join in
    RAPE lah!

  6. Speak Up,

    LKS wrote in his posting: “But a solution must be found, based on fully respecting the sovereign rights of the voters of Perak to elect the government of their choice”

    If you can not to understand a simple and clear statement of his position then I think you should just shut up.

  7. ///This had become imperative after the May 7 Day of Infamy which brought unprecedented international shame to Malaysia as a modern and developed country not only by the trampling of human rights and the rule of law in the gross abuse of police powers in the completely unjustifiable lock-down of Ipoh but also in the flagrant violation of the doctrine of separation of powers highlighted by the photographs and video clips flashed around the world of the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar in Speaker robes and in Speaker Chair being bodily dragged out of the Legislative Assembly./// –Kit

    It only shows that BN had gone all out to capture power. Since BN has all the forces at its disposal, it can play the game by removing the Speaker, and with that a total control of the Perak government. Thepeople even if allowed to vote would be a few years later. But who says that all the ballots papers in the ballots were those submitted by voters.

    If they had to shoot and kill to gain total control, they would have done it.

  8. LKS,
    I understand you want to talk to Najib or he wants to talk to you to solve the Perak crisis.
    There are 4 wishes and solution from the ppl of Perak which are the main focal points if you ever consider talking to Najib/UMNO/BN.

    No1 : State by election for Perak and let the ppl to decide the gov.

    No2 : State by election for Perak and let the ppl to decide the gov.

    No3 : State by election for Perak and let the ppl to decide the gov.

    No4 : State by election for Perak and let the ppl to decide the gov.

    Perak ppl only want this and nothing else. No other items to be discussed with Najib.

    Being ppl trusted leader don’t give way to any other alternative other then state by election.

  9. sightseeing … I shall not lower myself to your standards. Here we are saying that we hope Mr LKS can do something good out of it and there you go shooting others down. Amazing! They really let people like you vote?

  10. The only way to solve the Perak crisis is to go back to basics and not let politicians try to work out the deal.
    Of course having a discussion on the rules of engagement before the state elections are held is OK.
    I believe Malaysians now realise that they are masters of their own destiny and cannot trust others, especially fork-tongued political leaders.

  11. Perak state assembly is in a mess caused by the big bully UMNO and the best & only way is to go back to the rakyat afresh to find out who should govern the state. Unless Sultan Azlan’s hands are tied, its easy for him to see the wisdom of taking this path.

    UMNO is just trying their cheeky ‘SHORT TERM’ damage control exercises now. Do you think they are REALLY sincere in looking after the interest of the people?????

  12. I think it is difficult for a tiger to change its stripe. It is still a bully of the jungle whether it has a stripe or not.

    Because the ground swell against BN and UMNO is so strong, it is singing a slighty different tune to appease the people. But the moment people stop, the bullies will be back.

    I do not fully agree that Pakatan cooperate with BN. BN will use this to fool the people. And if Pakatan is not careful, it will use the opportunity to destroy Pakatan.

    If you are the goat, would trust the tiger – stripe or no stripe.

  13. LKS, as long as you don’t fall into the trap of Najib than it’s fine to meet up with him for parlay. Remember, he has foreign expert advisers plus Tun Mahathir to cook up strategies to buy time and cover up the public relations 7th May debacle by BN. Your meeting should cover nothing less than a Perak state by-election. Remember after the March 8 tsunami? UMNO wanted to team up with PAS as part of damage control and win back the Malays. Now Najib and BN wants to cover up their umpteenth folly by wanting to parlay. Like in ‘Pirates of the Carrebean’ “the pirates want to parlay”. Now the Pirates of Perak want to parlay.

  14. LKS, please do not fall into the psychological trap of being propped up by Najib/BN for you to be seen as a significant champion in these tumultous times but lose all focus on the needs of the people of Perak. Don’t give BN any chance of a lifeline or even straws to grab by having a meeting to solve the problem in Perak. It should be no less than a Perak state election.

  15. LKS, an old-fashioned politician is no longer fit into today’s political phenomenon…’s about time for him to retire and stay at home .. He should have followed the example of TDM, Tun Abdullah, Tun Ling Liong Sik, Dr Lim KY, etc……The negative minded person need never hope to develop a strong, vigorous mind as long as he continues to allow his mind to dwell upon the negative things of life

  16. It remains to be seen whether the May 7 Day of Infamy would be followed by the dismissal of the state governments in Selangor, Penang, Kedah and Kelantan, whereby Federal rule will be imposed in those 4 states. This has been done in India and elsewhere.

  17. Malaysia has reached a state where police is not meant to protect our normal citizens from being victims of crimes. Police will only protect high-profile ruling coalition’s politician! It is a real sad story in Malaysia! Sigh…..

  18. Uncle Kit,

    When you meet with Najib, remember to bring along Loh Gwo Burne and his camera. If Najib does not allow MP Loh and camera, you can tell Najib to go and fly kite.

  19. Tahniah and Congratulations to PDRM for detaining the suspected terrorist…. A year ago, this guy managed to slip through despite the so called tight security……. DAP always talk about this ‘world class’ police force for policy making and benchmarking

  20. Kit,
    What else can Najib propose to resolve this issue? There is only one choice – the Hobson’s choice – to have fresh state elections.
    There is nothing more anyone can do.

  21. Pakatan has to start with the basic demand that power must be returned to the people, and fresh elections called. The only variable will be the timing i.e. if BN thinks that the country can’t afford financially the fresh elections next month, then you can consider an interim government for the next 12 months, after which the Assembly must be dissolved and new elections called.

    We can’t trust these goons, but our worst case scenario is elections in 2013, whereas BN’s worst case scenario is a total rejection by the rakyat so soon after Najib’s inauguration.

  22. Malaysia 3:26pm and still no court decision coming from Justice Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim on who is the Mentri Besar of Perak. Is this court decision being put on hold (under someone’s instruction) until certain term & conditions are met just like the PKFZ audit report from PwC????????

  23. I am dreadfully sorry for the loss of a young innocent girl. Yes, her live would not have been sacrificed if only if ourpolice can get serious in solving crimes.
    They were more preoccupied in ensuring that Sivakumar is shoved from speaker’s seat and then happily escort Ganesan to be the new unlawful one.
    Anyway, Naji’s open mindedness must be taken with a pinch of salt, i would say a bucket of salt.
    He knows that Perak case would not happen if Zamri is not given the courage to bulldoze his way to unseat Sivakumar.
    He knows fukll wel that if election is held in Perak, BN will loose more seats.

  24. Looks like the High Court is not a kangaroo court as what some forumers have been claiming. Its not the end yet. You can rest assure it will be appealed and that Zambry will try his best to obtain a stay if any can be obtained.

    Best now to just dissolve the DUN and let it go back to the Perakians. No more merry-go-round.

  25. So now Nizar moves back to the MB’s residence, all the Camrys will be given back to the legitimate state exco, Hee Hee Hee will still be crying all the way to the bank, Ganesan has to store his Speaker’s robe, the police who carried Sivakumar out forcibly will be sued, the State Legal Advisor fired, the Sergeant in Arms fired, the State Secretary fired ? And then MB-wannable Zamry goes play beach football in Pangkor ?

    Rest assured BN will appeal this to the court of appeal and will obtain an interim stay.

    Question is this: Will royalty be moved sufficiently to do the right thing so that we don’t have to depend on the court of appeal ?

  26. Nizar is rightful MB: High Court

    KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here ruled rule on Monday that Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak Mentri Besar, and not Barisan Nasional’s Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.

    In an immediate response, Zambry said he would apply for a stay pending appeal.

    In his ruling, Justice Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim said that a new mentri besar could not be appointed as the office had not been vacated.

    He said a mentri besar can only be dismissed by a vote of no confidence, and upheld the Stephen Kalong Ningkan ruling.

    He noted that the Perak State Legislative did not hold a vote of no confidence.

    In 1966, Sarawak Chief Minister Datuk Stephen Kalong Ningkan was ousted when the state governor showed him a letter of no confidence issued by 21 out of 42 legislators and asked Ningkan to resign.

    Ningkan refused, saying the letters were not tantamount to a vote of no confidence in the state legislative assembly. He was sacked by the governor but eventually reinstated by the Borneo High Court, which saw the necessity of a formal vote of no confidence.

    According to the Nutgraph, the judge ruled ruled that the governor can only dismiss the chief minister when both these conditions are satisfied:

    (a) The chief minister has lost the confidence of the House, and

    (b) The chief minister has refused to resign and failed to advise a dissolution.

    Nizar had filed for a judicial review on Feb 13, seeking a declaration that he is the rightful mentri besar of Perak and an injunction to bar Dr Zambry from discharging his duties as the mentri besar.

    On March 6, Justice Lau Bee Lan had ruled that there were constitutional issues involving the interpretation of Article 16 (6) of the Perak Constitution and later referred four consitutional questions to the Federal Court for determination.

    However, on March 23, the Federal Court ruled that the case of who the rightful mentri besar is should be heard by the High Court.

    Nizar’s lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah, in wrapping up his submissions last week, said the Constitution was the “genius of the Malaysian people”, adding that the court had a duty to uphold it. Over the last few days, he had submitted that the Sultan, while granted powers in the Perak Constitution to appoint a mentri besar, could not dismiss him.

    The only way Nizar could be dismissed, he said, was through a vote of no-confidence in the House.

    He also said that a mentri besar could request for the State Assembly to be dissolved in the middle of a term without losing the confidence of the majority of the House.

    Dr Zambry’s lawyer Datuk Cecil Abraham, however, argued that Nizar went by Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution when he sought an audience with the Sultan – this article specifically provides for the mentri besar to request for a dissolution when he has lost the confidence of the majority in the House.

    Under the article, Nizar is required to tender the resignation of his executive councillors when his request was rejected, he said.

  27. ///BREAKING NEWS The Kuala Lumpur High Court today paved the way for a fresh round of battle in Perak by declaring that BN’s Zambry Abd Kadir was not the legitimate menteri besar of Perak

    BREAKING NEWS The Kuala Lumpur High Court also orders BN MB Zambry Abdul Kadir and his six executive councillors to vacate their posts with immediate effect.///– Malaysiakini

    If the meeting under the tree was not considered valid, and the meeting held on 7 may cannot be valid since the fake MB and his 6 followers did not follow order to leave the meeting, and the Speaker was carried out, the State Assembly of Perak stands dissolved on 13 May 2009.

  28. Aiya, what is there to celebrate. Once in a while we get a good judge but the Federal Court will surely over rule this decision. All the judicial scums are put in the federal court to safeguard UMNO’s interests.

  29. YB Kit

    PR leaders should go ahead to talk to Datuk Seri Najib Razak. He knows that costs outweigh the benefit in persisting with the original adventure of takeover of Perak via defections. The BN will never get the moral legitimacy it seeks in relation to this forcible takeover…He just want a face saving way out of the impasse.

    I read the Kuala Lumpur High Court decision today legitimizing PR’s Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin over BN’s Zambry Abd Kadir – indirectly vitiating Perak Ruler’s interpretation of the Constitution and appointment of Zambry- as the clearest sign of recognition by the powers- that-be (and their advisers) that a legal judgment ie. legal legitimacy cannot substitute and make up for the lack and loss of moral legitimacy of the BN’s claims of a takeover not supported by Perakians’ mandate, and that further pursuit of this issue (that has lost its raison de etre) is counter productive to Najib’s goverment, and unnecessarily compounds his other baggage.

    Najib/BN just want a face saving way out : one can’t go back to status quo but only forward – which is a Joint Request by PR and BN to the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the Perak State Assembly, so that BOTH get the honours of altering and making sacrifices of their original hard fought positions in the name and for the cause of Democracy.

    In this way PR leaders can go back to tell their rank and file that fresh state elections in all 59 constitutencies will see PR returned with more than 2/3 majority………and BN can go back to tell their rank and file that state elections in 59 constitutencies at a minimum of RM500,000 per constitutency will deplete and empty PR’s coffers by RM30 million so as to be bereft of sufficient funds to contest the key Sarawak state elections that BN will make a clean sweep.

    It does not matter whether all these are true or not true. What matters is that each has a storyline to tell how the outcome of a certain course of action (ie asking by joint petition the Perak Sultan to dissolve the Legislative Assembly) can (outwardly) show a deference for the people’s mandate as final arbiter of an otherwise bitter impasse and (behind scenes) get the better of the other side. :)

  30. Pangkor Pele says that he had no time to warm his seat. Ganesan says the Perak BN hasn’t reimbursed him for making the Speaker’s gown. Hee Hee Hee says that she should have pointed a gun instead of a can of pepper spray.

    Instead of appeals and stay of execution, let’s just agree to go for state elections in the next 6 months. No point holding on to the advantage given by the KL High Court which could be overturned by the court of appeal. Just let the rakyat decide – and this time, even Najib can’t say “No”.

  31. Just hope that sultan perak will make the right decision this time.
    Let Perakians decide, whether BN or PR. Perak is in a shambles now.

    Have mercy your Highness. Please make ir correct this time.

  32. i agree with Jeffrey, YB Kit and all PR leaders will have to meet to discuss a joint statement for dissolving the state assembly or this will probably just carry on until the next GE.

    We just do not know what BN still have in their sleeve.

  33. Woohoo…

    Perakians and Malaysians now call for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly with immediate effect!

    Pakatan Rakyat should take a clean sweep of all the 59 State Assembly Legislative seats except one for the illegal Mentri Besar Zambry with V. Sivakumar continued as the Speaker.

    First motion of the new Perak State Assembly of 58 strong Pakatan State Assemblymen:

    – suspend Zambry for 5 years! from the State Assembly for his past contempt of the State Legislative body and also contempt against the constituition.

    Second motion of the new Perak State Assembly:

    – evict the prostitute of Jelapang out of Perak! (sent either to Pangkor or Pekan)

    Third motion of the new Perak State Assembly:

    – sack the state secretary!

    – send Perak and Districts Chief police and their deputies and those who entered the Perak State Assembly on 7th May 2009 to PRISON!

  34. The High Court Judge tried to prove he is a brave judge but he is wrong. We trust the Court of Appeal will make the right decision so there is nothing for the PR to be happy about at this juncture. I just want to reiterate that no one in Malaysia could betray the intention of our Sultans.

    Our police has the duty to make sure all political parties are behaving themselves and not crossing their boundaries. For the crime situation in Malaysia, it is being used by the Opposition parties as a weapon to attack the government, which is nothing more than a despicable act. The media and newspaper has overstated the level of crime in Malaysia and this will create negative publicity in the tourism industry. I have not known any friend or heard anyone who has been robbed in Malaysia. I and my family live safely in KL and are happy about the security. Thanks to our Polis Malaysia Diraja. The newspapers, especially Chinese newspapers are purely making an issue out of it to attract readers and this should be stopped and do not let the overstated news frighten our tourists away.

  35. Kasim Amat:

    “None so blind as those who will not see.”
    You are probably sightless, clueless or a BN stooge.
    Trying to sound morally upright while spewing lies is so pathetic.

    Your day of reckoning will come soon enough because you’re on the wrong side of history.

  36. According to Malaysiakini’s report May 11, 09 4:05pm “ousted” menteri besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin “is currently on his way to seek an audience with Perak ruler Sultan Azlan Shah in Ipoh.”

    This is good move. As of now, the High Judgment stands as law!

    Until High Court decision is overturned by the higher Court of Appeal, Barisan Nasional’s Zambry Abd Kadir’s appointment as Perak Menteri Besar and his concomitant appointment of 6 other executive councillors are of no legal and constitutional effect, a nullity so to speak.

    Interesting that Nizar asked Zambry & 6 cohorts “to vacate their posts with immediate effect” (per Malaysiakini report), which raises the question whether one can vacate a post that has no legal effect in the first instance. It is like being asked to give up something that one never had or owned.

    Malaysiakini further reported : “However, BN could still have the upper hand with regards to the state assembly, especially with its strength in numbers. Along with its appointed speaker R Ganesan, the BN bloc can call for an emergency assembly sitting where a motion of no-confidence can be moved against Mohammad Nizar.
    With its ’28 + 3′ assemblypersons as opposed to Pakatan’s 28, BN should have no problem in pushing the motion through.”

    The above view expressed by Malaysiakini is arguably untrue.

    I have always maintained before that Zambry & the 6 should not push for May 7th Perak legislative assembly prior to High Court judgment on the validity/constitutionality of Zambry’s position as MB (delivered today).

    The May 7th Legislative assembly meeting was premature. It was convened – and it proceeded – on the basis of one fundamental assumption : that Zambry was validly appointed MB, and with it, the other 6 also validly appointed.

    With the High Court judgment invalidating the MB’s appointment and with it the other 6 as well, the entire proceedings taken in Perak Legislative assembly on 7th May to sack Sivakumar, and appoint R Ganesan in his stead as speaker are a nullity and void – as the law stands today!

    So this alleged strength in numbers – with BN ’28 + 3′ together with Speaker Ganesan with casting vote voting enbloc as opposed to Pakatan’s 28 – in a case of motion of no-confidence against Mohammad Nizar, cannot be true because if Sivakumar’s position reinstated (by reason of invalidity of 7th May proceedings), there can be no such motion (as Siva had ruled against it).

    If it can be proven that the convening of 7th May legislative assembly was invalid, and no court of appeal can sit in time faster than 14th May 2009 to overrule the High Court judgment, then necessarily the Perak Legislative assembly will have to dissolve for having not being convened for 6 months since Sept last year, it being the case that 7th May meeting is treated as not having legally taken place! :)

  37. I dont understand what is there to discuss with the man who is responsible for turning Perak into a mess in the first place. It is just thankful that the judiciary had not been armtwisted into judging for the big bullies otherwise we will still be fighting. You cannot get gold from manure. Better to spend your time brainstorming with your Pakatan allies on how to battle crime and poverty in your own constituencies from the ground up. Work with the people who voted for you, so that they may see that they have made the right choice. Right now it seems there are not enough real signs of this. Really, it is time DAP and PKR etc stop being opposition parties and start reinventing yourselves as government, at least in your states.

  38. Kasim Amat:

    You idiot, don’t insult the people who have fallen victims to crime. You think you will be safe?

    I predict that you will be a victim yourself in the next few days. But you will not die but will be a cripple and be useless for the rest of your life.

    So be it.

  39. On 11 May 2009 at 15:12.13, cintanegara said:
    Tahniah and Congratulations to PDRM for detaining the suspected terrorist…. A year ago, this guy managed to slip through despite the so called tight security……. DAP always talk about this ‘world class’ police force for policy making and benchmarking

    You should also congratulate the PDRM up north. Although their prisoner had also successfully performed the ‘toilet break’, unfortunately for him and luckily for PDRM, this fugitive wasn’t as smart enough to cross into a neighbouring country and make himself inconspicuous enough. By the way, don’t also forget that thanks to PDRM, those private security guard companies are also making good business in this country…

    Lock-up escapee recaptured


    PADANG BESAR: The 21-year-old detainee who escaped from the Padang Besar police station after going to the toilet on Wednesday, was nabbed at the Butterworth bus terminal on Thursday. He was seen roaming around the terminal, believed to be waiting for a friend.
    Padang Besar district police chief Superintendent Che Man Md Dros said the escaped prisoner was detained in connection with motorcycle thefts, and was in a different set of clothes and without handcuffs when recaptured.

  40. On 11 May 2009 at 14:46.40, cintanegara said:
    LKS, an old-fashioned politician is no longer fit into today’s political phenomenon…’s about time for him to retire and stay at home .. He should have followed the example of TDM, Tun Abdullah, Tun Ling Liong Sik, Dr Lim KY, etc……The negative minded person need never hope to develop a strong, vigorous mind as long as he continues to allow his mind to dwell upon the negative things of life

    We should respectfully let these old-timer politicians decide for themselves when to retire lah.
    I think you may have noticed that your hero, the old doctor, doesn’t seem to heed you advice about retiring and staying at home since he left public office…

  41. Today at 18:29.20, chengho said:

    It could be that Zambry & Co. are also trembling at the possibility of facing the ballot box after the KL High Court had ruled in favour of Nizar…

  42. ///If it can be proven that the convening of 7th May legislative assembly was invalid, and no court of appeal can sit in time faster than 14th May 2009 to overrule the High Court judgment, then necessarily the Perak Legislative assembly will have to dissolve for having not being convened for 6 months since Sept last year, it being the case that 7th May meeting is treated as not having legally taken place! ///—Jeffrey

    By 13 May, if the ruling of the High court is not overturned by the Federal court, then the meeting under the tree with the Speaker conducted it and the rightful MB in attendance should be valid. That meeting resolved that the State Assembly be dissolved.

  43. Today at 17:22.39, Kasim Amat said:
    The High Court Judge tried to prove he is a brave judge but he is wrong. We trust the Court of Appeal will make the right decision so there is nothing for the PR to be happy about at this juncture. I just want to reiterate that no one in Malaysia could betray the intention of our Sultans.

    That High Court judge is just trying to state the obvious, that the monarch is not the sole source of political power in a constitutional monarchy which has a democratic system of government. Of course, as much as a loyal citizen would not want to question of the position of the monarchy within the constitution, the monarch is also expected to act in the interest of the people.

    Today at 17:22.39, Kasim Amat said:
    Our police has the duty to make sure all political parties are behaving themselves and not crossing their boundaries. For the crime situation in Malaysia, it is being used by the Opposition parties as a weapon to attack the government, which is nothing more than a despicable act. The media and newspaper has overstated the level of crime in Malaysia and this will create negative publicity in the tourism industry. I have not known any friend or heard anyone who has been robbed in Malaysia. I and my family live safely in KL and are happy about the security. Thanks to our Polis Malaysia Diraja. The newspapers, especially Chinese newspapers are purely making an issue out of it to attract readers and this should be stopped and do not let the overstated news frighten our tourists away.

    I do respect the achievements of our PDRM in the past when they battled communist insurgents, secret societies, drug dealers and the other scumbags which threaten our society, but unfortunately, the PDRM of today has been seen acting as the minions of UMNO’s BN. But it’s very very strange that you state that you have not heard or known of any friend or anyone else being a victim of crime in this country. It’s not something which had been overly exaggerated by the media, and even non-Chinese newspapers are reporting the same news.
    Kita semua ni bukan ibarat katak dibawah tempurung…

  44. On 11 May 2009 at 16:03.56, SpeakUp Says:
    Looks like the High Court is not a kangaroo court as what some forumers have been claiming.

    Let’s not forget about that Ipoh High Court judicial commissioner who had kept insisting on ruling who can and cannot provide legal representation for V. Sivakumar until his ruling was overturned by an appeal to the Federal Court. Eventually, this judicial commissioner had to excuse himself from presiding over the case…

  45. Kasim Amat said “He has not heard of his family or his friends being the victim of robbery or bulgary or rape”

    You must be kidding.

    If you have not, then just watch out for one coming your way soon if you take it for granted.

  46. To do justice for the ordinary people and our country for the decades of bad leadeship, gross mismanagement, gross excesses and abuses and etc…….we need an immediate change of government with priority for radical reform necessary to protect the ordinary people.

  47. I urge everyone not to panic. The Court has made a decision and it is better for everyone to follow it at the moment. I believe once the appeal is lodged there is still chance for BN. PR should not be overly excited about the news. They should do their best to serve the people and not creating havoc.

    It was also good that Nizar has won. Jika Nizar kalah tadi, esok akan ada demonstrasi oleh PR. Macam tu susahlah rakyat negeri ini.

  48. Saudara Kasim Amat,
    Kalau rakyat negeri Perak ditimpa kesusahan, ia bukan kerana kebanyakan daripada mereka telah mengundi PR untuk memimpin kerajaan negeri mereka, tetapi kerana rampasan kuasa oleh BN kepunyaan UMNO…

  49. “Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir has likened himself to Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, causing all-round derision, outrage and revulsion.”

    Is Zambry trying to raise himself to the level of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, or is it trying to bring them down to his level? As all of us know, the two men sacrificed a big part of their life in their fight for independence. What has Zambry sacrificed? Maybe his face, by claiming to be in the same category, LOL.

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