Why Najib’s good Vesak Day message fell flat

I commend the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak for a great Vesak Day message, when he called on Malaysians not to focus on differences between one another, but to look for similarities and common ground,

Although Najib invoked the call “In the spirit of human progress, in the spirit of developing this great country, in the spirit of 1Malaysia”, it unfortunately fell flat because the actions of his government in his first month as Prime Minister failed to match his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

Despite his attendance at the Vesak celebrations at the Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Buddhist Temple in Jenjarom yesterday, Najib had not been able to evoke the electrifying effect his predecessor, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi created in his first Christmas message as Prime Minister in his second month in office in December 2003, and when he was guest-of-honour at the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM)’s Christmas reception in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur six years ago.

Najib and his think-tank should give deep and serious study as to why his premiership has not been able to launch off successfully despite various goodies and promises of more to come.

One important reason is that Najib came to the premiership with very heavy political baggage which he failed to unburden himself. Secondly, his slogan could not catch fire like Tun Mahathir’s “Amanah, Bersih, Cekap” or Tun Abdullah’s “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” during their respective premierships simply because government actions in his first month of Najib premiership were the very opposite of his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

Just three examples.

Firstly, the May 7 Day of Infamy at the Perak State Assembly. As Najib rightly said, the pandemonium at the Perak State Assembly was shameful, tragic and tarnished Malaysia’s image. However Najib did not complete the sentence, as it was Najib who must hold the greatest responsibility for the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia as the “original sin” of these infamous events was the February 5 unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak which he had personally orchestrated.

This has produced two Mentris Besar, two Perak Speakers, even two Assemblies.

Is it any wonder that Najib’s 1Malaysia could not produce resonance or inspire meaning among Malaysians, as all the people see is 1Divided Malaysia, even 1Black Malaysia. How can there be 1Malaysia when he had played the most critical role in ensuring that there is no 1Perak?

Secondly, police misconduct and gross abuse of power in the first month of Najib premiership, reminiscent of the return of Mahathirism with arbitrary arrests of 116 people in three days last week, while Malaysians are exposed in peril of their life because of endemic crime as highlighted by the death of two pregnant women, Saripah Mohd in Kota Baru and Jamilah Selamat in Batu Pahat within 72 hours, both killed in two separate snatch thefts when they fell off their motorcycles!

Furthermore, how could the police be so crass and high-handed as to:

(i) arrest anyone in black in the Ipoh lockdown on May 7, as if the peaceful “1Black Malaysia” protest campaign is a greater threat to national security and public safety than big-time criminals and snatch-theft killers?

(ii) Arrest five lawyers, Fadiah Nadwa Fikri, Murnie Hidayah Anuar, Puspawati Rosman, Ravinder Singh Dhalliwal and Syuhaini Safwan, all members of the Bar Council legal aid centre for going to the aid of those arrested in candlelight vigils in Kuala Lumpur in protest at the detention of BERSIH spokesman Wong Chin Huat for sedition?

(iii) Violate the sanctity of the Perak State Assembly in bodily dragging the Perak Speaker, V. Sivakumar in Speaker robes and in the Speaker Chair, recorded on camera and video, from the Assembly?

Now the police are ashamed as their misdeeds at the Perak State Assembly on the May 7 Day of Infamy are recorded on camera and video, available nation-wide and world-wide on the internet, resulting in even more crass police actions, as in the arrest of one person and police confiscation of one DVD player, three projectors, two mobile screens and other equipment at the thousand-people DAP dinner in Sitiawan last night for playing the video clip of the “Day of Infamy”!

When the police become full-time video, lap-top and mobile handphone snatchers, like the book-burners of tyrants and emperors in olden ages, does Najib really expect Malaysians to buy his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now”?

Thirdly, Najib is grossly mistaken if he thinks that he had reached out to the aggrieved and marginalized Indians who have been awakened to their rights by the Hindraf and Makkal Sakti phenomena with the release of the five Hindraf leaders under the Internal Security Act – the trio, P. Uthayakumar, DAP Selangor Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah M. Manoharan and K. Vasanthakumar yesterday while Ganapathi Rao and R. Kenghadharan were released a month ago.

Najib should not behave like the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, expecting Makkal Sakti to “membalas budi” for the release of the five Hindraf leaders for two reasons.

Firstly, the five Hindraf leaders should not have been detained under the ISA in the first place as they should be tried in court if they had committed any offence against the law of the country.

Secondly, by imposing restrictive and draconian conditions for the release of the five Hindraf leaders, the government is sending out a clear, unmistakable and unacceptable message that it is not prepared to fully address the long-standing grievances of marginalization, discrimination and alienation suffered by the Malaysian Indians in the country.

Instead of praising Najib sky-high for the ISA releases, MIC President Datuk Seri Samy Vellu should tell Najib that what the Prime Minister had done were just not good enough, that more is expected, including:

• Removal of all the conditions imposed on the five Hindraf leaders for their ISA release;

• Lift the government ban on Hindraf as an unlawful organisation so that it could take part in the nation-building process; and

• Appoint Uthayakumar as a member of Royal Commission of Inquiry into the marginalisation of Malaysian Indians which have reduced them into a new underclass in Malaysia after half-a-century of nationhood.

Samy Vellu should boldly and bravely inform Najib that unless these three conditions are met, his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” would not have much meaning for the marginalized Malaysian Indians who are the backbone of the Makkal Sakti movement.

Similarly, Najib should wake up to the brutal truth that unless there is a total change of mindset among the Barisan Nasional political leadership and the government institutions so as to address outstanding problems like the May 7 Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia and the police gross abuses of power, the slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” will be regarded as a cruel joke among Malaysians even before the end of Najib’s First 100 Days.


59 Replies to “Why Najib’s good Vesak Day message fell flat”

  1. to the criminals of malaysia….do ur worse to increase crimes in this country….im happy 2 see that b’coz im sad 2 see the politicans fighting each other like kids….

  2. I listened to his speech and cannot help laughing at his low class hypocritical act.
    All Malaysians can compile all his speeches from day one…as PM..his actions and reactions…his promises….his slogan..so much contradictions….exposing his unreliable and unpredictable character.
    He is walking…mixing…to show he is people’s PM…more than Abdullah…and certainly out doing Mahathir …the Dictator.
    UMNO PMs are great cunning actors….but Najib will be the worst.
    Still a long way to 13th GE. God help us all!!
    Just stay cool and smile away all their stunts.
    It is actually not going their way…all along..after 12th GE…and getting worst.
    Najib knew that with 4-1 by elections lost.
    Penanti forgone conclusion too.
    So he will keep on arresting…and ..”what next boss?” will be Police question to Najib. No answer..all releases…no case…so shamelessly thick skin…yet keep repeating them.
    Stay as we are…peaceful..smiling….behaving like idiots. That will get them real mad..and truths will conquer all.
    We have come a long way to free our country from little napoleons….free it to be real free citizens in this rich and blessed country…spoil by crooks.
    We are about to achieve it…real freedom and democratic rights for all. …for your children. Do not fear threats….nor commotions…..just to make voters …..preparing to vote for UMNO for peace and harmony. Fall into this trap…you are very selfish and narrow minded….and you will forever be rule by dictators……including Muslims.
    Do you really cherish People’s Power?
    It is real and UMNO is afraid of it….right now.

  3. Like Pak Lah and Mahathir, Najib is trying to outdo them in slogan making.
    Now there are two speakers in the dewan Perak, who is the genuine one?
    By my reasoning Sivakumar is still the SPEAKER TULEN and GANESAN IS SPEAKER CELUP! Just like Zamri who is MB CELUP too.
    Why do I say Siva is still the legal speaker?
    If the house followed the proceeding , Sivakumar at the outset had expelled Hee yit Fong and zamri and a few others. By right legally and technically both of them were not suppose to be there.
    On top of that How can Hee took over the speakership when Siva Kumar was physically within the vicinity of the Dewan?
    Thety litteraly shove Sivakumar out of his chair and Hee shamelessly and foolishly proclaim ganesan as the speaker.
    Isn’t this amounting to robbing. And what were those sergeant in arms do? Siding only the BN.
    No, Ganesan is the Speaker Celup!! Sivakumar is the REAL one!!!

  4. Just watch the 11 seconds video clip of Speaker V Sivakumar dragged out by special branch. It afirms the rule of the jungle really practise by the Umno/Bn government.Can Umno/Bn also show a similar video to prove that PR is just as quilty ?.It’s just proves that Dr Zambry is a great hypocrite. Now this video clip can tell alot of true stories unless proven it’s fake. NR’s good Vesak Day message could prove it’s another side of the hypocricy of Umno/Bn leaders. NR is quite naive or just an act of his hypocricy when he said in a TV interview that various races joining in the Vesak Day celebration dance proved that his 1malaysia.people first and performance now works pretty well. One swallow does not bring the summer.Decades of educational intergration among the different communities had failed. Do we have to remind the PM that that it needs thousands of thousands of swallows to bring the summer.In another word,the PM must prove all his acts or deeds (present and near future are good for the people/rakyat.. only then he can claim 1Malaysia, people first and performance now works . But right now,what NR did does not correspond to what he said.It’s a great pity for our nation to have a hypocrite prime minister.

  5. Yesterday, he spoke about his great and slogan for the nation so proudly and so ambitiously…

    Today, he slaps his own mouth by forcely applying all dirty tricks to the citizens and illegally, undemocratically and unethnically take over the state government, which ppl have chosen…

    Tomorrow, needless to say, you’ll still see him creating again all the bu11sh1t talks to cover what he has done yesterday…

    He contradicts his own talks every moment, to entertain his people and fooling rakyat around. This is the way he learned to rule our beloved country, and still he pretends to be a good leader to everyone…

    Such a ‘great’ and ‘amazing’ hypocrite! Truly speaking, it’s kinda hard to find one in the world nowadays, but.. guess what.. Malaysia Boleh!

    Yeah, you’ve got it right! there’s one in our country, and i’m sure that you and I know who’s he!

  6. ///One important reason is that Najib came to the premiership with very heavy political baggage which he failed to unburden himself. Secondly, his slogan could not catch fire like Tun Mahathir’s “Amanah, Bersih, Cekap” or Tun Abdullah’s “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” during their respective premierships simply because government actions in his first month of Najib premiership were the very opposite of his slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”///– najib

    Najib also carries baggage of his father Razak and TDM.

    TDM and Abdullah used the slogan to pretend to be a good leader, and Bersih TDM’s regime certainly not. AAB’s chemerlang is of course a joke.

    Najib must have known if he is not in denial that the ills in the country are caused by NEP. NEP divides Malaysians and thus Najib pretends to call for Malaysians to be one people in the sense that those who suffer at the discriminatry policies continue to smart the pain, and those who gain unfair advantage to continue enjoy them without rubbing salt to others wound. That is delaying the conflicts only.

    Najib does not need to create slogan. He needs only to make Malaysia NEPsia. Sia in Myanmar language means not having it. NEPsia says that the country does not practice NEP. For that he has to distance himself from TDM. Has Najib the guts?

  7. I am not able to talk sense and logic given what has happened lately so as I departure, I am gonna try humour

    “KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday called on Malaysians not to focus on differences between one another, but to look for similarities and common ground.” – Najib is right, most of the Perakians and perhaps Malaysians want another round of state wide election in Perak so for Buddha’s sake, GO FOR IT!

    “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.” – after putting in the missing words, it becomes clearer: should be “Of course there is only 1Malaysia Duh!, Screw People First; Don’t bother about Performance now”

    “What I admire the most about this faith is that it encourages all Buddhists to achieve this state of fulfillment through peaceful ways…but the officers in Perak that day are not Buddhist, ok?!”

    “This is a community that firmly believes in doing good to ensure long-lasting returns and accepting others amidst our differences….but I will take Perak and worry about it later, ok?!”

    Najib hoped to hear more from the Buddhist community in his interactions with the people, whether on streets, at events, or through his website…if he ever take the LRT to Petaling Street again

  8. “Hamidah Osman claimed she and other female Barisan Nasional assemblymen (suppose this includes the Hee Hee Whore Whore chap) were sexually harassed during the controversial Perak state assembly sitting.”

    Santa Maria, holy cow
    sexual harassment?
    These desperate animals
    must first stand in front of a mirror
    and then ask themselves:
    would any berak state assemblyguy
    bother to even raba raba them
    with a pole?
    With a snake, maybe.
    Even then
    got pepper spray leh.

  9. Firstly, the May 7 Day of Infamy at the Perak State Assembly. As Najib rightly said, the pandemonium at the Perak State Assembly was shameful, tragic and tarnished Malaysia’s image. However Najib did not complete the sentence, as it was Najib who must hold the greatest responsibility for the Day of Infamy for Perak and Malaysia as the “original sin” of these infamous events was the February 5 unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak which he had personally orchestrated.

    It’s like when a company gets into trouble when its CEO makes a bad business decision, but then the CEO refuses to admit error, and implies that somebody else, especially his adversaries/rivals/competitors, is to be blamed…

  10. Secondly, police misconduct and gross abuse of power in the first month of Najib premiership, reminiscent of the return of Mahathirism with arbitrary arrests of 116 people in three days last week, while Malaysians are exposed in peril of their life because of endemic crime as highlighted by the death of two pregnant women, Saripah Mohd in Kota Baru and Jamilah Selamat in Batu Pahat within 72 hours, both killed in two separate snatch thefts when they fell off their motorcycles!

    No surprise that PDRM has already realised that their recent obviously politically motivated actions, especially during the events at the May 7th Perak State Assembly, had put themselves in a bad light in the public’s eye, especially when it appears that at the same time, the cops are not doing enough against snatch thieves and mat rempits which the people now see as the biggest enemies of the public. Thus, with permission from UMNO’s BN of course, they have recently proceeded with

    1) Damage control number one: the recent release of more ISA detainees to imply that this nation is not a ‘police state’;

    2) Damage control number two: the recent revelation that they had much earlier captured a JI terrorist who had escaped from Singapore, to imply that the PDRM is also just as efficient in ‘non-politically motivated’ work.

  11. 1Malaysia is well said but there’s old Chinese Proverb, talk doesn’t cook rice. What’s good are words when deeds contradict action? What we see are vivid images of plainclothes policemen forcibly hauling a sitting speaker out of the Perak legislative assembly hall and escorting another of ruling coalition’s choice to take over! Even immediate release of ISA detainees cannot ameliorate the sense of outrage.

  12. Thirdly, Najib is grossly mistaken if he thinks that he had reached out to the aggrieved and marginalized Indians who have been awakened to their rights by the Hindraf and Makkal Sakti phenomena with the release of the five Hindraf leaders under the Internal Security Act – the trio, P. Uthayakumar, DAP Selangor Assemblyman for Kota Alam Shah M. Manoharan and K. Vasanthakumar yesterday while Ganapathi Rao and R. Kenghadharan were released a month ago.

    A month ago, he thought this action will get UMNO’s BN more votes from the Indian community to win the by-elections, but he was proven wrong.
    But he does not appear to be giving up on his public relation exercise so easily, or as somebody has commented earlier elsewhere, that the man is just clearing up some space in the ISA detention centres to make more room for future (dissident) detainees…

  13. Najib wishing “Happy Mothers’ Day” to all mothers is good… good…good. But he must also make sure not to arrest all mothers’ sons and daughters, otherwise how can they be happy??????

  14. “It seems that Malaysian police have no concept about democracy and human rights – I believe many of them are just SPM graduates.” (yhsiew)

    There is a questionable logical reasoning here by trying to relate the fact of having no concept about democracy and human rights to SPM educational level of the Policemen. The policemen’s knowledge about democracy and human rights may be at the reasonable level comparable to that of the ordinary man on the street. However, since the Police Force is a disciplined armed troop entrusted with the responsibility of peace-keeping, therefore the leadership quality of the Police Force is very critical. If it happens that certain group of the Police Force is being led by a State Police Chief of tyrannic character, then it is quite likely that such group pf the Police Force which takes the instruction from the State Police Chief will act in accordance with the tyrannic order given by the tyrannic State Police Chief. This tyrannic State Police Chief who got himself involved actively in partisan politics would tend to behave like a tyrant and then caused the image of the whole Police Force to be tainted and spoilt by his self-pompousness and callousness on the action to crack down dissidents or dissenters. Things would be made worse when the Police Force was to be given the order to use excessive violence and overpower force in order to suppress the disobedients and the protesters who protested in a peaceful manner through a peaceful roadside demonstration.

    As far as the current Malaysia is concerned, there are three State Police Chiefs who always like to behave like a hooligan or a tyrant. One is from Selangor, one is from Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, and another one is from Perak. Pakatan Rakyat leader must remember to charge them in court under the MACC act for abuse of official power when Pakatan Rakyat is to form the next Federal Government.

  15. Several BN female assemblymen and “friendly” independent Hee Yit Foong claimed that DAP and PKR assemblymen had manhandled them in the chaotic Perak Legislative Assembly sitting. They claimed that the manhandling had caused them to suffer “fatigue and bad body aches” and was “tantamount to sexual harassment” – Clara Chooi reported in The Star Friday May 8, 2009.

    What has PR have to say about these allegations? Keeping silent would not help.

    Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong wanted to snatch Speaker’s microphone to announce that she was taking over the chair from Siva. There could be some jostling as PR assembly men were “protecting” Siva from being unseated. Who would be thinking of sexy thoughts? And at these BN assemblywomen? Ha Ha Ha. This is hilarious.

    These women wanted to show loyalty to and be counted on BN’s side in the fracas. There is this saying. If you can’t stand the heat in kitchen, don’t be a cook, so if you don’t want to be jostled or manhandled, don’t join the fracas.

    These complainants are crybabies.

    Just like a woman jostling and pushing her way up a crowded LRT train or bus during peak hours and later complain other male passengers are deliberately pushing their bodies to have physical contact with her!

  16. “Despite his attendance at the Vesak celebrations at the Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Buddhist Temple in Jenjarom yesterday, Najib had not been able to evoke the electrifying effect his predecessor, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi created in his first Christmas message as Prime Minister in his second month in office in December 2003, and when he was guest-of-honour at the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM)’s Christmas reception in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur six years ago.” (Lim Kit Siang)

    The electrifying effect of him may be perceived from a different perspective.

    Perhaps the monks would assist him by saying prayers much more often for him and for Altantuya in order to reduce his Karma and to appease the spirit of Altantuya. However, according to Buddhism, saying prayers on one’s behalf will only be able to help by reducing the slight 10% only of the Karma. For elimination of the rest 90% of the Karma, one will still need to do a lot of good deeds and self-reincarnation by changing of heart through a true repentance and true belief and practice of religious doctrine.

    I hope that Dr. Koh Tsu Koon and Ong Tee Keat will always provide him guidance in order to help him to obtain a complete healing and turn himself into a much better person who is able to get rid of the cunning character and tyrannic personal trait of this controversial politician!

  17. Fondling Ms Hee? When she had a dangerous weapon, a pepper spray with her? Can’t be PR.

    Must be her BN and “friendly” Independent colleagues, the State Secretary, the Antong fellow or the “officials”.

    They’ve been locked up in the hotel for too long. Don’t they have a “Health Club” there? Room service?

  18. During the early days before NEP chinese population her is about 40%.

    If his father is friendly to chinese and indian, his cabinet would not be only one chinese deputy minister and one indian deputy minister.

    He visited to China was trying to cover up his NEP plan from chinese that NEP would be unfair to non-malay.

    Don’t believe what they say and tell.

    They are liars showing friendly to you infront and behind he is planning some plot to against you.

    They are not trust worthy.

  19. Tai Lo Chin (Today at 19:00.48)

    I think there is no necessity to refute their claims. As boh-liao said earlier, they should look themselves in the mirror first before making such allegations. People will only believe if they have looks and figures like JLO.

    Also, being women they should stand aside when there was pushing and shoving in the hall. Looking for cheap but stupid publicity, I guess.

  20. THE WORST :




  21. uncle Kit ,
    are u celebrating vesak or X’mas ?
    for one in your life time let’s celebrate Vesak and put aside ur political diff for 24 hrs…from u seem like nothing is fair in this world
    ur son already CM …. Karpal still struggling to position Deo…

  22. To that chengho…take note and learn…
    1. Celebrating Wesak or Christmas or both….by humans from different faiths..nothing to be surprised. Only narrow minded idiot will ask another such an idiotic question.
    2. LKS is not interested in world affairs…except Malaysia…and if after so long…you still cannot comprehend….you are first class idiot.
    3. Keep trying to tell you the greatness of LKS is feeling the pains and sufferings of Malaysians…non stop ..never lost inters to expose all unfair and unjust UMNO government….you keep on…unable to understand and appreciate LKS’s great contribution to Malaysians…to learn and wake up to the truths.
    4. From your idiotic mouth..you gave uttered LKS’s reward…but you use that for your stupid logic.
    5. Karpal is struggling what?? Finish the sentence…you idiot!!

  23. hi chengho…Why do you skip a comment on this Port Klang Free Trade Zone…involving MCA great corruption?
    You plenty smart…why no… “uncle LKS”..and fire off your usual insults?
    You know why?…because you know your MCA masters are crooks ….so skip it…..ignore truths and start looking for reasons to insult.
    What a jerk you are!

  24. Dear chengho,

    UMNO has said they will not depend on MCA to win over Chinese voters; that they will do it themselves. To UMNO, MCA’s role in the coalition is no longer needed. UMNO…very insulting. Tak pandang MCA didalam mata. But never mind because MCA can switch role with MIC, which is also rejected by the Indians. I think this swapping of role will be perfect, makes both parties relevant again.

  25. Firstly, the five Hindraf leaders should not have been detained under the ISA in the first place………

    The Hindraf leaders should sue the government for unlawful detention under ISA and claim compensation.

    Don’t let the government get away with its mistake so easily!

  26. We can’t blame samy value and other mca and gerakan goons for praising najib sky hgh for the release of the Isa detainees.Their script were all written by UMno anyway just like every script in a state assembly and parliament opening are done BY the monacrh.Anyway i stand to be corrected.

  27. \1Malaysia is well said but there’s old Chinese Proverb, talk doesn’t cook rice. What’s good are words when deeds contradict action? What we see are vivid images of plainclothes policemen forcibly hauling a sitting speaker out of the Perak legislative assembly hall and escorting another of ruling coalition’s choice to take over! Even immediate release of ISA detainees cannot ameliorate the sense of outrage.\ quote TruthEnquirer

    well said 100% agreed most Malaysian know what was happen on 7 May.

  28. Actually, I have no quarrels with Najib’s Vesak Day message. He seems to be mostly saying the right thing ever since he assumes the premiership, except that “ada yang tak kena….” I mean he sounds like a democrat praising communism, and vice versa. That credibility gap needs to be bridged, but I don’t know how it can be done after all these years of 2Malaysia. Anyway, he seems to be very much better than his half-past six predecessor.

  29. Dear chengho,

    MCA rejected by chinese….no big deal. UMNO now gives new assignment to steal rakyat money. See PKFZ……12b. MCA gives bigger to UNMO. But smaller portion also good…..also many millions.MACC will not take action because also involved. don’t worry, be happy

  30. Let Cheng Ho has his say. LKS’s stature as a politician will not be dented by any criticism. His past track record is enough insurance to cover him many times over. LKS has never waivered on his Malaysian Malaysia policy, inspite of being incarcerated under the Internal Security Act for various imaginary wrongs. And is it ironical that after 50 years, it is the Barisan Nasional that is now coming round to his thinking with their 1Malaysia, which is moving towards LKS’s vision for Malaysia (although not quite yet)? Well, I think his son deserved to be the Chief Minister of Penang, after all the father has put in so much effort with his Tanjung 1, Tanjung 2, Tanjung 3 and Tanjung 4, LOL.

  31. Enough say.

    If germany dare enough to torn down communist east berlin wall with people power.

    Will Malaysian courage standup to tear down the BN blocking wall down which blocking our rightful democracy and justice?

    Think for your next generation.

    Make right decision to vote.

  32. “If germany dare enough to torn down communist east berlin wall with people power. ”

    Well, if America dare to have a black President, does Malaysia dare to have a non-Malay Prime Minister? Well, you may say that Mahathir is Indian by descent (albeit Malay by constitutional definition), LOL, and you are not wrong. Maybe I should say, non-Muslim Prime Minister… after all, we still have an Agong to take care of the state religion.

  33. cintanegara,

    Like most UMNOputras, you are a RACIST!!! Why are you so concerned about a Malay holding the top post in another country? If you want your question answered, you should go ask them.

    In our own country, we have Malay PMs the last 52 years. The non-Malays do not have a problem with that kind of arragement. It is only when they are marginalised by corrupt and unjust PMs that they ‘revolt’ through the ballot box.

    The Malays in that country not far from here are treated equally by their government. In a sense, they practise the Islamic principle of treating their citizens fairly and equally. The Malays there are happy. They all own houses like the other citizens; unlike in Malaysia where even a big number of Malays are still living below poverty line….forced to become squatters on state land and often have their houses flattened with bulldozers on orders from the government helm by one from their own race-MALAY.

    Open your eyes, cintanegara. We are now living in the 21st century. WE should put aside race and, together struggle for a common cause-DEMOCRACY…JUSTICE…FREEDOM for us and for the generations after us. In life, there is no place for selfishness.

  34. cintanegara Says: ekompute, simple question to you…will a country not far from here accept a malay to be their PM?

    Cintanegara, Yusof bin Ishak was their first President. Will Malaysia allow the Governor of Penang or Melaka to be a non-Malay? By the way, does their Constitution bar a Malay to be the Prime Minister, like in Malaysia where they bar a non-Malay to become one?

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