50 Replies to “Uproar in Perak state assembly”

  1. After seing this video, only one thing I could say…BN will definately fall next term..they are not Party of people anymore…I hate this new Malaysian goverment and its a disgrace to all Malaysian….They conduct the assembly like Parya…politik Kampung ….malu lah BN….Very sickening….I will make sure all my family members go against BN after this…..I will go against my own race Malay if they are BN….It is a time to teach them a lesson….Hidup Pakatan……

  2. STUPID JELAPANG FROG! I wonder how she could have anymore dignity to sit there, and wave to the camera! (puke)

    And to Bee-End – it’s a definite THE END of you.
    By all this act of blatant disregard to constitution and rakyat’s choice, it has hastened the BN’s demise in this country!

    Hidup pakatan!

  3. Uncle Kit

    Get your DAP Information section to compile all the reports and videos of this unfortunate incident and send to all the Int’l NGOs such as Reporters without Borders, Human Rights, American & Europeans news agencies, etc for their support and pressure to the UMNO/BN.

    Highlight to all and sundry that it can be view on Youtube, Google videos, etc; let the reach be far and wide. Let Millions and even Billions of people from around the world knows that legislature in Msia can be bully by Judiciary and Police acting on behalf of the Federal Govt.

  4. No post-mortem, no medical samples. Just imagine what would happen if Sujatha were to be Anwar’s personal assistant!

  5. It is pointless to talk about laws, the constitution and legality anymore. Think strategy, not reaction. The issue is what “strategy” will make the Sultan listen and change his mind. Have PR and people who feel strongly of the events unfolding thought sufficiently hard enough. I don’t think so. We are just reacting accordingly to the “inevitable” and for some wannabes showing more legal prowess. This is sad, sad, sad.

  6. Yesterday’s incidence is godsent – yes, produce VCD showing that incidence, make it in all languages and dialects used in Malaysia, and distribute the VCD free to all people and villages.

    Of course, upload it on YouTube.

    Let people who support BN see the shameful act of their BN kaki. How they desecrate the state assembly by inviting bullies to physically manhandle the Speaker and state assemblymen.

    The time to vote BN out in GE13 starts NOW!

    Yeah, the government will release 13 more Internal Security Act detainees – looks like to make space for the next group of detainees nabbed under ISA and Sedition ACt.

  7. Uncle Lim, I’m thinking out of the box, this Zombie man act was definitely a direction by another BN people and not Najib. Sorry Najib I’m not giving you credit but you got enemy under your own blanket. Sure it a SHAMEFUL act to such a thing in Dewan yesterday, but why Zombie still want to do it. If they do it, a question ask what will rakyat think of BN future? Look like Zombie are not professional, name Dr., doctor of what?, making people sickening?

  8. So many nincompoops here are talking about the 13th general election. It is so predictable and conventional. Let me ask you fellows some questions:

    1. If they can do all those things they did in the Perak Assembly yesterday, what make you think they will hold the next election when due?

    2. Assuming they will honour the election, what assurance do you have that they will hold the election in accordance to the dictates of the law and constitution (wannabes will say yes, for sure)?

    3. Do you have any idea how they would handle the outcome of the 13th election if it is not favourable to them?

    4. Past performance is no assurance of future behaviour, my friend. True enough the country has held elections since independence without fail. But that is because they had always won or expected to win. The 12th general election result was a surprise and therefore they were shell shocked and unprepared. Do you think they will still be as unprepared in the 13th election when the result does not favour them again?

    Think and act strategically, not merely reacting to events unfolding. Read more Jeffrey’s postings and all of us would become half baked lawyers trying to explain why certain events have happened (which are totally useless) rather than anticipating what events are likely to happen and how we should prepared ourselves to mitigate or change the events to our favour.

  9. Now the whole world get to witness a group of BN bullies doing “power grab” by bulldozing its way in a state assembly with the help of UMNO police.


  10. Haunted Jelapang! How unlucky can the Jelapang people be? Double-crossed by a low class fierce bitch without any mercy. BrumNo, the rapist of democracy. We are living in a Darkland!

  11. RPK is putting forward the theory that the forceful eviction of Siva because he was Indian Hindu and a non Malay and this will never happen in Kelantan. Well think of it it does make sense. Malaysia has never come to the stage like America where a black has become President. Malaysia still long long way to go as this Perak fiasco has proof on this theory. Now putting aside race issue.

    Let look at it in more common sense. The biggest loser is not PR but BN. While BN is fighting teeth and tooth for Non Malay votes yesterday fiasco has put a total damage to all its efforts, and this damages beyond repairs.

    Chinese has solidly behind PAS now not to say DAP AND PKR. The PR as an alternative is here to stay and the next government change is no longer a dream but a reality to wait for the right wind to blow, so to say.

    PR has better prepare themselves in the taking over the rule as the people is all ready NOW.

    PR should do more consolidation as to the allocation of Ministers posts and ensure they are ready as the people are all ready NOW.

  12. BN is doing its damage control by announcing the release of 13 more ISA detainees included 3 Hidndraft leaders. An act look to please people? Hi never fall on BN trap. There is nothing to shout about for thing that those never should be detain in the first place. Never give credit as there is no credit to talk about.

    Never loose your focus come next GE we shall go.

  13. Look at the Hee Victory gesture really cause me wanted to vomit.

    Releasing ISA detainees will not give credit to BN, unless they:
    1. apologise for what they did in the first place
    2. Review (and reppeal) the law
    3. Give proper compensation (Lockup people for years for nothing)

  14. Do they expect us to commend them and be grateful for releasing ISA detainees who have been unjustly imprisoned? Are you grateful to thugs who hold your children hostage and then release them?

    Apparently the Hee woman isn’t aware of how much she his hated but is stirring the pot again. It makes you wonder what her intelligence level is like.

  15. go back to basic , let’s malay handle politic we handle the commerce world….. – Chengho

    I presumed when you said “we handle the commerce world” you mean Chinese, but can you separate politic and commerce in the first place, if yes or no and still, what is that basic you are talking about?

  16. It was an eye soar to see Speaker Sivakumar chased out by the police (little video on the far right of the posting). The police looked like barbarians who just came out from the cave, rather than security officers. How could they treat a Speaker like that? Even if he was an ex-Speaker he did not deserve this kind of treatment.

  17. Those be Be End baboons will never change. It is exactly the same method that they used to attack Mr. Karpal at the parliament. Bloody shameful. If you want to gain rakyat’s support you don’t have to resort to gangsterism.

    The lap dog showing victory sign? …

    Those days can move about in Jelapang freely. Nowadays need some to take care of her. Is it worth it to see your freedom? Is it worth the money to be cursed day and night by the voters of Jelapang. What bloody disgrace. From today onwards the lap dog will be at the mercy of its master.

  18. If UMNO’s BN so much as smell defeat in the 13th GE, they’ll try to create an atmosphere of fear to deny victory to Pakatan Rakyat.

    Yesterday’s events at the Perak State Secretariat building is some sort of preview of what the minions of UMNO’s BN in law enforcement, civil service, judiciary, etc, can & will resort to in order to keep UMNO’s BN in power…

  19. We had the “massacre” of the judges more than 20 years ago but the events were not so well published.
    Now we have the “rape” of the legislature that is being shown to thousands almost live on You Tube.
    I don’t believe Malaysians are going to take this quietly and the mass protest of the lawyers is a sign of future trends.
    The police may have won this round but they will not be able to overcome the collective will of the people.
    It is time we took back all the powers we have entrusted to such third parties as that trust has been totally violated.

  20. “Read more Jeffrey’s postings and all of us would become half baked lawyers trying to explain why certain events have happened (which are totally useless) rather than anticipating what events are likely to happen and how we should prepared ourselves to mitigate or change the events to our favour.” limkamput

    Yeah! Tell us how. Do not open your big mouth for the sake of opening. Flies may enter to make it their home.

  21. The Malaysia’s mass media is almost completely subservient to the ruling party. Therefore it is people like you who will make a difference. You all have to create an alternative mass media so that the public can see the differences for themselves. Even in South Korea or Japan or Taiwan, politicians punch and kick each other. That is the reality of genuine democracy. Not a half past six type of democracy.

  22. Yeah! Tell us how. Do not open your big mouth for the sake of opening. Flies may enter to make it their home. TomThumb

    I think you are dying to know the “how” part, am i right? Well that is is the most difficult part which most of you here don’t even have the slightest idea. Never mind, tell you what, if you want to know, you just come and kiss my ass and may be i will share some strategies and wisdom with you. Give me your private email and i will write to you.

  23. TomThumb, you have to face the fact. No one has written so far on what i wrote above. I guess only time will tell whether what i said is going to happen. But I wish you will remember what i said and we will see. I am not a politician, so i don’t have to say nice things or the most popular things. I find most postings here half baked and devoid of substance. In fact they only serve to lower the standard of this blog – the blog that i love dearly for years now.

  24. Thumbs up to UMNO for the way they handled the Perak issue.
    They just painted a huge bulls eye on their backs.

    And Gerakan, MCA and MIC all very quiet about all this. MIC man was made the new illegitimate speaker. MIC cannot blame UMNO for what happened. MCA men were involved in the negotiations with Hee Yit Foong. MCA cannot say they had nothing to do with it.

    The only party who could say that they were not directly involved was the party of political rejects, Gerakan. But then they are guilty of doing nothing as well.

  25. TomThumb Says:

    Today at 20: 43.45 (28 minutes ago)This is not a bakery. If you want to bake go to a bakery.

    No problem, if you don’t like half baked, you can use phua tang sai, if you are a hokkien, sor luh if you are a cantonese or setengah masak if you are a Malay.

  26. Moderator, i see that you are acting like Malaysian Police, very fast in showing your biasness against me. Never mind, you don’t have to moderate me, i quit despite the fact that i love this blog and have been contributing probably when you were still sucking milk.

    It is not just the qualities of bloggers have gone down, even the moderator is also a phua tang sai (half baked in case you don’t understand).

  27. BN are challenge all Malaysian.






  28. Aiyah, this Hee hee hor hor monster forgot that she needs the money people gave her.

    Instead of tearing the money, she should keep the money for her duit ‘kua cha’ (duit keranda), just in case her car (is it a camary or mercedes benz?) fails her on the sloppy road next to Jelapang.

  29. It is said that probably the worst sin, even worse than murder, is to betray the trust of somebody else.
    It is also said that the person who commits this worst sin of betrayal, should deserve a fate worst than death, which is to live a long life devoid of any form of credibility, where as long as this person lives, he or she will never gain the trust of any other person…

  30. It takes two hands to clap. Malaysians can still blog in the midst of some being detained. Singaporeans are being scrutinized strictly each time they just enter the internet. Compare to them, Malaysians fare better probably because everyone knows the true meaning of democracy except that doing it is harder than preaching about it. In anger, you throw your money when you are so disgusted by it. Between dirty money and all the years of loyalty, ask yourself if the love of money is the root of all evil, why didn’t it happen much much earlier on ? And without money, as a politician, ask yourself if anything can walk ? Face the fact. Money, clean or dirty, is still money which is something that is so important that without it, lives can die. RM 1 can buy you at least one packet of maggie mee. You seldom, in fact, you do not find cold solid cash notes and coins falling from the sky. Look up now into the sky. What is falling down ?

  31. “Moderator, i see that you are acting like Malaysian Police, very fast in showing your biasness against me”, a poster limkamput complains on May 8th, 2009 (2 days ago) at 21: 50.16

    Moderator is present at blog owner LKS request. He/she is chosen for judgment and fairness in moderating forum and discussion.

    The moderator is here to help. It is smetimes an unenviable task. Instead of being appreciated, he is rewarded by being attacked.

    By nature of job he is not supposed to engage in arguments here to defend himself.

    One would however wonder why of all “half baked” people, moderator would be bias against this particular poster only.

    “It is not just the qualities of bloggers have gone down, even the moderator is also a phua tang sai (half baked in case you don’t understand)”

    It looks as if when picking a bone with other visitors here is running out, moderator is also fair game.

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