Najib’s 1Malaysia shredded into smithereens – disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and scandalous spectacle of 2 Speakers, 2 Assemblies

Flash – So far 64 people (including 4 MPs and 5 SAs from Pakatan Rakyat) arrested by police in the Ipoh lock-down!

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia has been shredded into smithereens by the disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and the scandalous spectacle of two Speakers and two Assemblies – as if the constitutional scandal of two Mentris Besar is not bad enough for Perak and Malaysia!

It is unlikely that Najib will be able to live down the political baggage of having orchestrated the three-month Perak constitutional and political crisis and stalemate spawning two Mentris Besar, two Speakers, two Assemblies together with three renegade State Assembly members and a renegade State Assembly clerk unless he is prepared to act boldly to admit his colossal error and misjudgement and agree to the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly for the holding of Perak state-wide general election to return the mandate to Perakians.

For the sake of an unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab, Najib has brought important institutions of the country into greater disrepute, whether the police, the MACC, the judiciary and seriously impaired the vital doctrine of separation of powers.

Perakians, Malaysians and the world today witness another unethical, undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional power grab – the office and powers of the Speaker when the Perak State Assembly has not officially met.

The mass arrests including Pakatan Rakyat MPs and State Assembly representatives in the police lockdown of Ipoh, turning the Perak capital into a war-zone, must be condemned in the strongest possible terms illustrating the ludicrous lengths of such a baseless police crackdown.

127 Replies to “Najib’s 1Malaysia shredded into smithereens – disgraceful police lockdown of Ipoh and scandalous spectacle of 2 Speakers, 2 Assemblies”

  1. What is going on so far this morning at the Perak State Assembly is an utter disgrace. Their behaviours are like hooligans or Mat Rempits. Now they fight verbally and it is hope, they do not loose control themselves and become physical.

    PM Najib thought he was great initiating the takeover of Perak Government but is all the silly and childish happenings that is going on now worth it? What is Power without Integrity?

  2. 1malaysia reminds me of One-way Street. In malaysia one-way streets does not mean one way. Nor two ways. But multiple ways. One-way street means vehicles may travel from left to right as well as right to left. Vehicles can also travel from pavement to road or road to pavement. Or pavement to road to pavement or road to pavement and then back to road. And oh yes it also means you may park on the road or on the pavement or partly on the road and partly on the pavement. And if there isnt sufficient road side to park, you may of course double or treble park.

    1malaysia is something like that. Look at perak. You will understand my one-way street analogy.

    Absolute rubbish.

    Najib resign.

    Umno get out.

  3. every law in the book is broken.

    the latest – isn’t it unlawful to destroy our malaysian ringgit note? ex-dap hee tore away the 50 ringgit note.

    that’s what the bn is teaching the nation, with all our children at large – break every law!




  5. National security will be threatened if the scenario of 2 MBs and 2 Speakers is allowed to degenerate into 2 Peraks (of which one is illegitimate).

    Hope Najib will not enforce emergency rule in Perak.


    Her action only reflects the kind of character and discipline she has as a person.

    She is a \frog\ and has forsaken all the DAP supporters who voted for her.

    Got the cheek to take over the Speaker’s chair!

  7. Now there are many illegal official in Perak Assembly and ‘government’… Illegal Menteri Besar, illegal speaker, illegal excos, illegal ADUNs

    ….contributed by works of Chief Political Pirate ‘N’ and Assistant Chief Political Pirate – Z

    It is an insult to Rakyat……. democracy is raped……by the ‘pirates’

  8. This is excellent, wunderbar!!!

    A creative person should immediately produce a VCD about this incidence. It will be a hot item and a great reminder to voters in the next GE!

    Possible titles of the movie or cartoon:
    “Men in Black and Women in Black”
    “Black is Scary”
    “A Tale of Two MBs and Two Speakers”

    Let BN dig their own grave, the bigger, the deeper, the better. This should be the beginning of the end of BEnd!

  9. Hee must be proud of herself for being someone that has brought the Perak state to chaos and made every People from top to bottom including the Yellows in an unrest state. A Wonder Woman indeed, from Bolehland, not the Amazons. May be her gooood deed will be recorded in Malaysian history lah – the first local Chinese woman in Bolehland that helped the gomen to acquire more power. Bravo, keep it up Hee and sleep well….

  10. It’s a sad day !. Although I am not Perakian, but jus look at this… People voices for mandate is ignore and BN is really desperately
    hunger for power…NOT GENTLEMAN…shameful. It is in line
    with 1Malaysia ?. Disappointing.. MEN IN BLACK CAPTURED BY

  11. By what process was the speaker removed when the assembly has not even been officially opened? Any motion conducted by the illegal speaker is of course illegal and can be disregarded.

    Even after today, after BN has exerted their brute power to take over the assembly, they still remain illegitimate.

  12. Our Malaysian RM50 note carries the portrait of HRH Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

    Has ex-DAP Hee insulted the Agong by tearing the RM50 note? What’s more … it’s done in front of Perak lawmakers!!!

    Such contempt must not be condoned!

  13. Hey guys,very interesting indeed, 2Speakers,2MBs and 2Assemblies,shall I add 2Perak state governmets.Would NR like to have also in the federal government to have 2Speakers,2prime ministers,2DewanRakyat and 2Federal Government ? In fact we already have 2Malaysias,namely West Malaysia and East Malaysia and also 2Malaysians ie WestMalaysian and EastMalaysian .What’s else guys ?.

  14. To all Perakians,

    My condolence.
    This time the people’s power has failed.
    How can you win when the ruler, civil servants, PDRM, AG, COURTS, MACC are with the dark force?

    Damn BN/UMNO.




  16. I cry for Perak. For Perakians. And for democracy in malaysia.
    Siva’s stand for democracy and common good is definately not in vain and has not failed. The events of today in perak is the strongest indication of umno’s failure, of umno’s final chapter.

  17. The cops have proven themselves to be very efficient when they are acting as minions of UMNO’s BN against Pakatan Rakyat politicians.
    However, it’s strange that they were not efficient enough to hunt down a man who ignored a court order to return his baby to the custody of his ex-wife.
    And after several years, the cops are still seem to be engaged in a neverending war against mat rempits & snatch thieves, and their boss had said that it’s a difficult war because they can’t be everywhere.
    But they were everywhere at the Perak State Secretariat Building as minions of UMNO’s BN to battle Pakatan Rakyat’s legitimately elected politicians.

  18. ///2.41pm: A group of men, some clad in jackets, grab hold of Sivakumar and forcibly remove him from the House. Sivakumar resists and shouts, “I am the legal speaker. Why am I being treated like this?” It cannot be ascertained if these were police personnel.///– Malaysiakini

    That is how BN won control of government by force.

  19. “Has ex-DAP Hee insulted the Agong by tearing the RM50 note? What’s more … it’s done in front of Perak lawmakers!!!”

    The law is for you to follow, Freddy. For the lawmakers, if they have the right to make the law, then they have the right to break it also.

  20. ///2.41pm: A group of men, some clad in jackets, grab hold of Sivakumar and forcibly remove him from the House. Sivakumar resists and shouts, “I am the legal speaker. Why am I being treated like this?” It cannot be ascertained if these were police personnel.///– Malaysiakini

    That is how BN won control of government by force.

    Looks like Tiananmen Square, right?

  21. The top cop also did say that his people has no jurisdiction to act within the Parliament, in response to UMNO Youth’s ‘celaka’ act of harrassing the lion MP.
    But his people suddenly has the jurisdiction to forcefully eject Speaker Sivakumar out of the Perak State Assembly.
    Obviously, the cops, as minions of UMNO’s BN, would suddenly have jurisdiction anywhere in order to act against anyone from Pakatan Rakyat…

  22. I, and you, orang awam Malaysia; as armless citizen, nothing much you or me can do; what can we do? wait, wait for 13th GE to vote for better future.

    Advise, personal opinion, don’t put ourselves into ‘betrayer (hee -dog dog -katak katak) trap’ or ‘korban diri’ blindly. Again, wait for 13th GE to show ‘power of rakyat’.

    PS : No offensive to the abovementioned.

    Warmest regards.

  23. 1malaysia? My foot!
    Tell me how can they be lawmakers when they break laws at will and ease.
    No better than Mat Rempits!
    They are outlaws pretending to be lawmakers!
    Najib, is this the way you are going to teach our children ie, if you cannot get a things done lawfully, use force like Mat Rempits.
    Lowest class of lawmakers, oop! outlawmakers!!!

  24. OCsunny,
    do you think those outlaws know the meaning of disgrace?
    It never exist in their head.
    If they have pride they would not grab power in the first place knowing that they were rejects.
    They are a SHAMELESS LOT. Their faces are thicker than ‘coffin planks’!!
    That Hi fella has sold her soul. In my religious belief, she is beyond redemption.

  25. The ‘1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.’ project is all rubbish. To the speaker mr Siva, hang on there. A lot of us are with u, don’t give up. Bn r digging their own grave much bigger and deeper in next round election it will be the end of BN. Funny!! The cops have proven themselves to be very efficient against Pakatan Rakyat politicians. How about this few days mat rempit cases, they kill!. The female dog of Jelapang she still dare to come back to perak. You should go to hell \kau nah\

  26. YES I am angry, very very angry.
    NO I am not bringing out the GUILLOTINE nor am I going to start a REVOLUTION.
    BUT YES I am going to start a BIG time registration campaign to gather a MASSIVE force of new voters from among the TIDAK APA and those who have just come of age. I plead to all of you out there to do the same and if each of us can persuade 100 new voters to register, I guarantee that by the next GE13, we shall have a new government. Leave the white hair fella alone, nature will take its own course.

  27. “On the manner he was elected, Ganesan says the issue of an ‘illegal speaker’ does not arise because BN has the majority.
    “Sivakumar was removed as per standing order.” – Malaysiakini reports, May 7.

    What standing order? He was forcibly removed by a group of men!

    Such deployment of brute physical force could no more vest the proceedings in Perak Legislative Assembly today with legal constitutional and moral legitimacy than a rape being vested the legitimacy of urgent spontaneous love.

  28. 7th May 2009- Democracy buried alive in Perak!

    Malaysians now in need of “Justice Bao” who will administer justice without fear or favour! Let us all cry out to God for His help and justice!

    Personally, now I would like to see the 13th General Election sooner than later. I pray for a nation wide election that will send Pakatan Rakyat a two third majority win in the Parliament with V. Sivakumar as the next Dewan Rakyat Speaker.

    As for Hee Yit Fong, let God deal with her, I could only imagine in years to come, she would be begging Uncle Lim Kit Siang for forgiveness and mercy. Unfortunately Uncle Lim Kit Siang is not God and therefore has no power to save her.

    I pray that God will smite and strike those who oppresses His people, opposes the proud like Zambry and give grace to the humble people like Perak Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin.

    God save Perak, save Malaysia!

  29. 1BlackMalaysia

    Say NO to 1BarbaricBN!

    Where is MCA? Where’s MIC?? those who shouted for revolution to serve rakyat better, where are they now? why all stay so quiet now??? or are they agree with barbarian act of Umno today??

    Malaysia won’t become better until the day when Naji$ steps down! Worst PM ever in history of Malaysia! So many cases haunted him e.g. Atlantuya’s case, corruption, undemocratic act over Perak, racism issues..etc and yet such a disputed people can be our PM!

    Creating such a ‘great’ slogan ‘1Malaysia’ and yet he himself doesn’t know how to explain its meanings to the press! Shame!!!

    Step down now, you’ve FAILED big to become PM of all rakyat! Useless piece of $hlt ******…

    too emo, sorry for being rude… but we, definitely won’t forget what’s happening today! Your days are numbered!

  30. I don’t know about International reputation – seen the BBC’s version of the events? It doesn’t look quite … representative. People will feel sorry for the dogs though.

  31. Now this is where it gets interesting below. Can lawyers look at Perak Standing Order 3 and 4 and interpret it.

    Here it says what shall be done whenever there is a vacancy for Speaker. But there was no vacancy. The position was filled. So under what provision did they remove him? Did they even remove him then? Did they vote him out?

    Perak Standing Order 3 and 4
    3. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office
    of Speaker whether as the result of a dissolution of Assembly or otherwise the
    Assembly shall, as soon as a quorum is
    present, proceed to elect a Speaker.

    4. The procedure for the election of a
    Speaker shall be as follows:
    (1) Every member who wishes to propose
    a member for election as Speaker shall
    ascertain previously that the member is
    willing to serve if elected, and shall notify
    the Secretary to Assembly of his
    proposal in writing at least seven days
    before the meeting.
    (2) A member addressing himself to the
    Secretary to the Assembly, shall propose
    some other member then present to the
    Assembly for its Speaker. and move “That
    ……………………………………… (naming
    the member) do take the Chair of this Assembly
    as Speaker”. The proposal shall be
    seconded but no debate shall be allowed.
    (3) if only one member be so proposed
    and seconded as Speaker, he shall be
    declared by the Secretary to the Assembly
    without question put, to have been elected.
    If more than one member be so proposed
    and seconded the Assembly shall proceed
    to elect a Speaker by ballot.

    And it goes on.

    The other point that seems to have been missed is that the speaker has to be a member. From this I would assume that he has to be a member of the house, i.e. a State Assemblyman. The person who was sworn in isn’t even an elected rep. So has Perak assembly even had a legal sitting today? I very much doubt it. Which means that in 1 weeks time, all the bn seats shall be vacated, and we should see fresh election in the bn seats in Perak.

    Perhaps Justice NH Chan can give us his comments on this.

  32. Does Zambry honestly believe that today’s events will bolster his position in the eyes of the people of Perak after ‘suffering’ from the ‘humiliation’ of being ‘ignored’ by the Perakians at Bukit Gantang who gave a by-election victory to his adversary, Nizar, exactly a month ago?

    Zambry & Co. may have the resources of UMNO’s BN minions in law enforcement, civil service, judiciary, etc, to hold on to the reins of the Perak state government, but to date, they have not proven that they have the mandate of the people via the ballot box…

  33. Freddy,
    tearing RM50 note is definitely wrong in law, if I am not mistaken.
    The rouge that you are referring to has BN and UMNO’s support!
    If you tear the RM50 note you definitely will go in.
    But she has tai ko at the back, she get away scott free.
    Hey, tell me when do the police arrest UMNO and BN men for the same offences committed by you and me?
    Sedition- Look at Karpal, he is charged for words which is within the bounds of laws. But charge,
    On the other hand, Ahmad ismail’s explosive racist remark is not seditious. This is the double standard practised by thepolice.
    Aiya, Rm 50 to hi is loose change.

  34. Malaysia was said to follow rule by law rather than rule of law. After what happened in Perak today, it is more appropriate to say that the country follows rule of force.

    The proceedings of the legislative assembly cannot be questioned by court. So they can commit murder inside the hall. If BN has no respect for the hall in which they conduct meeting, they only use the hall to do as it peases, and now they cannot be challenged. Of course, before that they did not even respect the law which says that what was decided by the speaker with regard to the status of ADUNs was final. The three kataks had no right to be in the assembly, after having submitted their resignation. The election commision abused its power in not organizing by-elections, but the speaker need not follow the election commission’s ruling in conducting the meeting. Thus, there was hung assembly, and decisions taken were null and void.

    All the arguments are only for argument sake. The illegal MB has been ruling as though he was legal. The police has lost the sense of neutrality, and considered itself part of the ruling party. The ruling party bahaves like secret society. The political stability of this country is no different from Zimbawe.

  35. Wannabes, if you fellows have any respect for me, didn’t this was what I said days before this even took place.

    BN, you just watch, this day will forever go into infamy for you. I think the hearts of Malaysians have changed forever. NO amount of prompting and probing will bring us back again. So take as much as you can, but we will get it back even if you have migrated to Zimbabwe. When PR come into power, they shall pass law to recoup from the descendents of those who took public money. You just watch.

  36. The two kataks were under MACC investigation before they became kataks. What happen to the corruption case involving the two kataks? Was it a plea bargain that the corruption investigation would end with the hop over? So MACC did not pursue the case because of politics. So MACC serves only the political party in power rather than the country. If MACC serves political party, then we can be assured that members of that party will have no case to answer with regards to corruption allegations. When corruption investigation of yet-to-be party members can be stopped on conversion, the true blue members of the party are certainly beyond MACC reach.

    So 1malaysia means that in that party members are all one protected for wrong doings, perhaps including murder.

  37. The Perak Assembly episode only reconfirmed one truth of the cruel world:
    TRUTH NO. 1 The survival of the fittest.
    Whoever is able to control the gun will finally grab the ruling power!

    Perhaps this event will make many Perakian people start to miss Chin Peng… No matter what, Chin Peng is longer of use to Malaysian people now. He is already 85 years’ old! Why don’t Pakatan Rakyat people try to approach Dato Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi… if the gun is really so important in the game of power struggle?

  38. Kit,

    Based on Perak standing orders cited by Lakshy, it does appear (if these standing orders are correctly cited and in force and effect)that the Speaker of Perak Legislative Assembly has to be an elected state representative. (Note the words in standing order 4 in capitals “Every member who wishes to propose a MEMBER for election as Speaker shall ascertain previously that the MEMBER is
    willing to serve if elected, and shall notify the Secretary to Assembly of his proposal in writing at least seven days
    before the meeting.”

    What does “MEMBER” mean here? I take him to be an elected state assembly person in the “current” context. It cannot mean a past or ex one.

    Based on reports (which I don’t know true or not), MIC R Ganesan is described as a FORMER MIC Sungkai state assemblyperson and not a current one. He is therefore not a member in current sense.

    This could mean that he does not meet eligibility requirements to be Speaker of the Legislative Assembly under Perak standing orders and his appointment is legally a nullity and void.

    If and assuming that’s the correct inference, then he had no authority as speaker to call the police and state government personnel to come inside the Legislative hall to carry away Sivakumar.

    Worse still, all proceedings conducted in manner as directed by him purportedly as Speaker – when his appointment as Speaker was ultra vires as meaning outside the eligibility conditions prescribed by standing orders – could likewise be argued as not actions taken by the Speaker, tainting in the process and thowing into question whether the proceedings and sitting presided by him as newly minted Speaker today including all motions passed are constitutionally and legally valid.

    What a mess up for Zambry if they were not! :)

  39. If someone who was not a State Assemblyman like Ganesan could be nominated and elected as the Assembly Speaker, then I would also like to recommend myself to MB Nizar so that I could be nominated and elected as the Deputy Assembly Speaker in order to replace Hee Yit Foong. I believe I can do a much better Deputy Speaker’s job than Hee Yit Foong. At least I would not have conducted such a foolish behaviour like picking up 2 pieces of RM1 note from the floor and then torn them off in the State Assembly Hall in front of many cameras!

    Was Dr. Zambry trying to play a fool with every people of Malaysia? May 7 is not the April Fool Day. Did Zambry know of it?

  40. Lakshy,

    What I said is true only if what you cited as standing orders 3 and 4 for Perak assembly per your posting above at 19: 30.22 (1 hour ago) is absolutely correct, in force and not amended…..

    I think the New Straits Times on 1st May 2009 suggested that Dr S Vasan, who contested against ousted Perak menteri besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin for the Pasir Panjang state seat in the general election, could be appointed as the new speaker. NST also noted that the “ Perak constitution provides for the appointment of a non state assemblyperson as speaker” – such as former MIC Sungkai state assemblyperson R Ganesan.

    So Lakshy is your citation of Perak standing order correct or the NST? This is important.

    I am inclined to think you could have cited wrongly – I am glad if you could prove me wrong – because I find somewhat difficult to imagine how Zambry & the BN experts could have overlooked such a basic point on pre-eligibility qualifications of a Speaker.

  41. true intentions exposed , now electorate can see pristine clarity what is more desperate who is more desperate but why are they so damn desperate…face…money…fame…

    Outrageous…bullies at play

  42. Malaysiakini (Chinese Version) said the appointment of a new Speaker was not valid because Hee had violated the constitution:

    a) She could only represent Sivakumar when the latter was not in the assembly. But in actual fact Sivakumar was in the assembly.

    b) There was no vacancy for a new Speaker as Sivakumar was in the assembly.

  43. Jeffrey,

    This is what I got from NH Chan or Malaysia Today posting some weeks ago. Cant remember when. But I dont know if its been amended since. This came into force on 1st May 1988 says the document. How can I pass it to you?

    Anyone have access to a later version?

  44. A few weeks ago, BN Experts already commented to Sin Chew Daily reporters that Hee could have the legal standing to take over V Sivakumar as the acting Assembly Speaker when the motion being tabled had the conflict of interest with V Sivakumar. If the Sultan of Perak recognized the validity of the assembly meeting, then it was quite difficult for PR to challenge its validity in court.

    However, if Ganesan could be proven as a disqualified person for the post of Assembly Speaker, then the assembly meeting would most likely be invalidated because the meeting had been chaired by an illegal Speaker!

    I wonder why it is so difficult to get a copy of the State Constitution of Perak and the relevant Standing Orders of State Assembly. Can someone please put all these on the blog?

  45. Rules of the jungle.
    Kit, can those unlawful seize of power be challenged in court.
    But susah la.
    This time the court will say article 72 applies.
    I give up.

    in court, police station or what have you, the game goes like this
    “Head BN win and PR loose”
    “If tail PR looses and BN wins”

  46. Jeffrey,

    This is what it states in the Perak Constitution

    3 6 Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
    ( 1 ) The Legislative Assembly shall from time to time elect- [subs. En.
    (a) as Speaker, such person as the Assembly may determine rn
    who is a member or qualified to be a member of the Legislative
    Assembly; and
    (b) a Deputy Speaker from among members of the Legislative
    and shall transact no business when the office of the Speaker is
    vacant other than the election of the Speaker.
    Any person elected as Speaker who is not a member of the
    Legislative Assembly-
    (a) shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take
    and subscribe before the Assembly an oath of office; and
    (b) shall, by virtue of holding his office, be a member of the
    Assembly additional to the members elected to the Assembly:
    Provided that paragraph (b) shall not have effect for the purposes
    of the provisions of Article 16 and no person shall be entitled by
    virtue of that paragraph to vote on any matter before the Assembly.
    (2) The Speaker may at any time resign his office and shall
    vacate his office-
    (a) when the Legislative Assembly firstt meets after a general
    (b) on his ceasing to be a member of the Assembly otherwise
    than by reason of a dissolution thereof or, if he is a member
    by virtue only of paragraph (b) of Clause ( l A ) on his ceasing
    to be qualified to be a member;
    (c) upon being disqualified under Clause (5); or
    (4 if the Assembly at any time so resolves.

    It says no other matter can be handled besides the appointment of the speaker during that sitting. Which then means that all the other motions passed are illegal as per the constitution. Which means the previous PR committees all remain in power. They must act fast.

  47. Perak is in a state of chaos and distress.

    It’s time for people to fly the Perak state flag upside down (to signify a state in distress) and at half mast (to mourn the death of democracy) until the BN is booted out!!

  48. The most disgusting part of the ruckus today is the manner in which the traitor Hee conducted herself. No doubt, she has drawn more anger and hatred from the people towards herself.

  49. In a strange way, what is happening here can be viewed in a positive way… that it is a sign that Malaysians is a step closer to the so called 1-Malaysia. All races can be found on both sides of the divide. If you think BN is a ‘bad” guy in this drama, you can find Chinese and Malay and Indian “traitors” in the BN camp, and you can find your Malay, Indian and Chinese “heroes” in PR. At least, this is not a Malay vs Chinese or an Indian vs Malay or a Chinese vs Indian confict…

  50. I won’t use the word “traitors” and “heroes” because it smacks of biasness. LKS used a better term, i.e. “BN-friendly politicians” or something like that.

    But the switch of the 3 ADUNs over to BN is no loss for the Pakatan. At least, they reveal their true selves before they do any harm. “Good riddance” is a better word. To me, the signs are crystal-clear. BN is on its way down and there is no salvation. The people have lost their trust in the UMNO-led government, together with their stooges and keris-waving antics. Perceptions are hard to change. I won’t dare bet that they will continue to form the government in the next election.

  51. The State Constitution of Perak did permit appointment of a non-member of the State Legislative Assembly to be the Assembly Speaker. Therefore Ganesan could be invited by Zambry to contest for the post of Perak Assembly Speaker. However, I have to take back my words in my previous comment because I am not a Perak State Assemblymen and therefore I am not qualified to be appointed as the replacement of Deputy Speaker Hee Yit Foong. This is because the State Constitution required that a Deputy Speaker must be a member of the State Legislative Assembly.

    However, I read through the whole book of State Constitution of Perak and could never find any provision in it which permits the removal of the Assembly Speaker. Perhaps Zambry refer to the common law practice in order to call for a removal of Assembly Speaker V Sivakumar. If it is going to be confirmed by the legal Court that the removal of V Sivakumar from the post of Assembly Speaker is a validly passed motion, then the appointment of Ganesan as the new Assembly Speaker will also be valid.

    Then there should be the end of the power grab game of Perak.

    I don’t mind to wait for another three or four years in order to see a PR COME BACK with a landslide win in Perak in the 13th General Election. Let’s forget about Raja Nazrin for the time being. When he told Nizar that he needed a cooperation from Pakatan Rakyat, he might actually mean that the cooperation was going to be needed only after 3 or 4 years later.

    Right now, Pakatan Rakyat should change its focus to the coming Sarawak state-wide election and work hard to get a landslide win in Sarawak then! Don’t be bogged down with Perak crisis again!

  52. It is quite a heat discussion. Like others, I feel terrible about what’s going on in our country. However, in a positive sense, I think that it is a good thing that people are still angry and annoyed by political oppression rather than being indifferent or resigned themselves to fate. As someone who just returned home after living abroad for years, I find the political atmosphere in Malaysia particularly unbearable as if we are in the state of nature. Seeing that making complaints or expressing our concerns does not help since certain people are so powerful and unresponsive to people’s voice, I wonder is there anything that we as ordinary citizens can do for the country and for the promotion of social justice other than waiting for elections, keeping silent, being “obedient” or moving to other countries? Is there any hope for One Malaysia?

  53. “instead of serving the people who elected her,
    the katak prefer to serve the party which people didn’t elect.”

    Aiyaaa, so clear also don’t know… politics to her is like business laaaa. Who can give better offer, who gets. She joined opposition last time because MCA that time don’t want her maaaa…. hehehehe

  54. When Nizar and Ngeh Koo Ham greeted Raja Nazrin in the State Assembly Hall with due respect, it was clearly indicated that Pakatan Rakyat leaders had already shown a high level of loyalty to the Royalty. I hope that the Royalty will never give trouble to Pakatan Rakyat MB candidate in the future if Pakatan Rakyat is going to regain the ruling power in the 13th General Election!

    Let’s make it clear to the Royalty that a monarch shall always stay above the partisan politics and shall not take side when carrying out the royal function of a monarch! We shall go back to the basic maxim of democracy and follow it through: LET THE MAJORITY RULE!

    However, we shall give Pakatan Rakyat a two thirds majority in the 13th General Election in order to give PR the mandate to pass a law for banning political hopping by the greedy political frogs! Remember: Once bitten twice shy!

  55. The way it is going it is likely that the pandemonium will last till the next election. When that day finally arrive I just cannot figure out how BN is going to maintain its hold on Perak given that they have lost every single by election in the Penisular. The traitor Hee now may think she is macho being deputy speaker and so but I am willing to bet that if she is to stand for election in any place from now on she will loose her deposit. When UMNO can no longer protect her it will be pay back time. Three years is not so far away.

  56. Poor Hee Yit Foong. She’s too stupid to realize it but she’s a real goner.

    After this, no political party would dare to be associated with her, not even a party of political rejects like Gerakan. (Remember it was MCA that was originally courting her to cross over).
    For her unpopularity is too great.

    And as deputy speaker what can she expect to get? The UMNO goons sure is not going to kow tow or serve her whims. She’ll just probably quietly enjoy her ‘priviledges’ for the next 2-3 years. And after that she will be given the boot by UMNO.

    I sure hope her ‘retirement funds’ that she got from UMNO will be enough for her early retirement soon to come.

  57. police force used against non-BN politicians, non-BN members of parliament, non-BN supporters, the seated speaker Sivakumar, and those wearing black.

    it is a one-sided privilege BN enjoys to the fullest.

    why has the police become a tool which favors one side of the democracy, and the other side of the democracy is arrested at will although they are the people’s rep?

  58. When Pakatan were in power, BN abided by the principal that they were the majority. But now when BN have a majority of 31, the same principal is not accorded to them by the desperate Pakatan ruffians!

    Pakatan can only blame the irresponsible “party hopping” policy endorsed by its psycho leader Anwar before venting their anger at a government that beat Pakatan at their own selfish game.

  59. the police are used in the most illegal of ways against members of the public. It is not like they are marauders, rioters, looters, robbers, rapist or killers.

    when the police can no longer differentiate between the above and members of the public who merely wants to express their rights and choices in a democratic society, then democracy becomes hostage to a police state.

  60. All is not loss and it is now the time that the people of Perak to take back their rightful power. There is something all the people can do without getting into trouble with the thieves.

    Withhold or delay as long as possible any payment to the illegal government. There is no reason why you should pay to someone who is not legally elected to do so. This is like depositing your money to a bank run by all thieves.

    Challenge all their illegal approvals, payments etc and boycott all companies connected with all these thieves.

    If the people can do all these, they can bring down the illegal government for sure.

  61. The turn of event in Perak today has obviously open our eye big enough.

    It had proof how important it is that we Rakyat need to VOTE wisely, else the same event which happen today might happen over and over again.

    Its ok to be silent and let them get their way today.

    We will get our way by next GENERAL ELECTION!!

    As a side note, i had wear black as a moral support although i’m not in the country. However, don’t worry i will definitely came back to vote when the time come.

  62. I can’t believe what DrZambry said especially accusing PR using the law of the jungle and claimed that he and Umno/Bn were using the rule of the land after what they did in side the Assembly.The rough and rude manner used by Zambry and his supporters to remove and take over the speaker’s place was indeed exactly like the rule of the jungle. What a hypocrite he is. I would be surprised the MB will terrorise his opponents and all those who refuse to submit to his demands I pray and hope between now and the 13 GE,most Perakians in particular and majority of Malaysians in general that the Almighty God will help these good and sincere people..

  63. An excerpt from Perak’s Constitution on DUN Speaker
    Perak Constitution : PART I

    3 6 A. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
    Speakerof the LegislativeAssembly.
    (1) TheLegislative Assembly shallfrom time to timeEn.
    (a) as Speaker, such person as the Assembly may determine who is a member or qualified to be a member of the Legis-lativeAssembly;and
    (b) a Deputy Speaker from among members of the Legislative Assembly,
    and shall transact no business when the office of the Speaker is vacant other than the electionof theSpeaker.
    Any person elected as Speaker who is not a member of the LegislativeAssembly
    (a) shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe beforethe Assembly an oath of office;and
    (b) shall, by virtue of holding his office, be a member of the Assembly additional to the members elected to the Assem¬bly:
    Provided that paragraph (b)shall not have effect for the purposes of the provisions of Article 16 and no person shall be entitled by virtueof paragraph to voteon any matter before the Assembly.
    (2) The Speaker may at any time resign his office and shallEn.
    vacate his 2/95]
    (a) when the Legislative Assembly meets after a general election;
    (b) on his ceasing to be a member of the Assembly otherwise than by reason of a dissolution thereof or, if he is a member

    by virtueonly of paragraph(b) of Clause on his
    to be to be a member;
    (c) upon beingunder Clause(5); or if the Assemblyat any timeso resolves.
    Deputy Speaker may at any time resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, and shall vacatehis
    (a) on his ceasing to be a member of the Assembly;
    (b) upon being disqualifiedunder Clause (5); or
    (c) if the Assembly at any timeso resolves.
    (3) During the absenceof theSpeakerfrom a sitting of theLegis-lative Assembly such member as may be determined by the rules of procedureof the Assembly shallact as Speaker.
    (4) The Legislatureshall by law provide for the remuneration of the Speaker and the remuneration so provided shall be charged on the ConsolidatedFund.
    ( 5) A member who is elected to be the Speaker shall be disquali-fied from holding such office if after three months of his election to such office or at any time thereafter he is or becomes a member of any board of directors or board of management, or an officer or employee, or engages in the affairs or business, of any organisation or body, whethercorporateor otherwise, or of any commercial,indus-trial or other undertaking, whether or not he receives any remu-neration,reward, profit or benefitfromit;
    Provided that such disqualification shall not apply where such organisation or body carries out any welfare or voluntary work or objective beneficial to the community or any part thereof, or any other work or objective of a charitable or social nature, and the member does not receive any remuneration, reward, profit or benefitfromit.
    (6) Where any question arises regarding the
    of the Speaker under Clause (5) the decision of the Legislative Assembly shall be takenand shall be final.


    So, was Sivakumar’s removal legal?

  64. How about removing Parliament’s speaker? If Perak’s speaker can be removed despite of no provision in the constitution that he/she can be removed other than for reason stated in Article 36A(5), why can’t the speaker of Parliament be removed for whatsoever reason?

    So who actually use the ‘Jungle Law’ as mentioned by Barisan Nasional’s Zambry -The illegal /pirate Menteri Besar of Perak?

  65. Well. Hello everybody. what did I miss??

    # chengho Says:
    Yesterday at 14: 30.41

    Najib must not behave like AAB , when karate chop necessary go ahead no hesitation.. learn from Sun Tzu …

    What-learn how to make chicken chop oriental style? or mamak style-that’ a new one.

    # Freddy Says:
    Yesterday at 14: 34.34

    Has ex-DAP Hee insulted the Agong by tearing the RM50 note? What’s more … it’s done in front of Perak lawmakers!!!

    Yeah, its an insult to the Agong. RM50 only? She should have torn a RM100 ringgit note! cheapskate!

    *sigh* So Perak is where the road to perdition is. and whilst the politicians were busy trying to become speaker, MB ,Pak Guard,Money Changer etc as YB Lim correctly pointed out-The rakyat had to put up with ludicrous and baseless actions of the police in making their lives akin to living in war zone.
    What the Four letter word.Stay under tree pun tak boleh. Kedai mamak pun kena target.Guess police was afraid of roti bomb-which can have devastating effects from 500 metres.

    All the resources-could have been better use to reduce crime- Now when we have ‘Watchmen’/Vigilantes wannabe-
    “IGP: Let the law deal with criminals” How meh? your personnel too busy barricading Secretariat Building- I guess it is easier to catch politicians than criminals.

    It was indeed a Black Day for Perakians. The day when they saw the sanctity of the Assembly ‘raped’, the Monarchs reduced to a mere spectator to the shenanigans of his attention deficit syndrome subjects in the Hall, and foremost their democratic rights continue to be denied by the Powers that be.


  66. The Sultan of Perak who was once inducted into the Hall of Fame has descended into the Rogues’ Gallery of Shame. The people had held him in high esteem and had respected the monarchy because at one time he stood for the rule of law, decent human conduct and had acted as a beacon and bulwark against the unruly encroachment of the Executive.

    Along the way, the sultan has lost his vision and shine and has succumbed to the stink of money and the barbarity of raw power. He has plunged the office of the monarchy into odium and renewed sense of anachronism by collaborating against his own subjects. In fact, he is a danger to the monarchy itself.

    Years ago one of his brother rulers had imperilled this august office and had nearly wiped out the rationale of maintaining the monarchy. The rulers had quaked in fear then, and had agreed to check on their own excesses and abuses.

    Unfortunately, one of the brightest stars of the monarchy has turned out to be the renegade as is evident in the lastest episode of the Perak imbroglio of 2 Mentri besars, 2 Speakers and minions of an increasing unpopular federal government usurping the powers of a legitimate state government.

    The sultan would have stopped all the shenanigans by returning to the power and wisdom of the people. But he has not, and events has spiralled into a heinous display of illegalities upon illegalities. Now the people have witnessed firsthand the shameless grab of power with the use of brute force, unsavoury characters and an illegal Speaker who is not even a member of the legislature.

    Sultan Azlan Shah, you are a disgrace and a mockery to the monarchy. Now that you are in the gallery of rogues you deserve to be peppered with curses and scorn.

  67. based on no one is guilty until proven, and the fact that all 64 are release without charge (if i’m not mistaken). the out come only leads to two possible explanation.

    1) the police do not have enough evidence hence its a mistake in capturing those 64. the police should apologize to public in public.

    2) the police have enough evidence but still decided to release the captive. the police has acted as judge and sentence that the 64 free to go, which is over their given power and should be penalize.

    also, can the 64 sue ministry of home affair for making statement like they are already guilty? again based on not guilty until proven?

  68. Powerful images of the speaker being “physically removed”.
    At the end of it all “Raw Power” is seen to have prevailed. However “True Strength” lies in the heart of the people. The take over of the symbol of the seat of power (the legislative assembly) has been completed and as the mainstream quite rightly reported the “new speaker” has been installed.

    The democracy tree still stands. Should they decide to remove the tree as well the people still have memories of what happened. Losing the mind constructed symbols is of no consequence as far as the truth is concerned. Time to move on…

    Is it still meaningful for the pakatan rakyat state assemblymen to attend future state asembly meetings as opposition? Yes, it will be useful in order that they know what is goinb on in the seat of power.

    Can the pakatan government continue to function without the symbolic seat of power? Yes it can:


    How can it function without the seat of power? Anywhere! Just like when the state assembly meeting was carried out under the tree. Kit, PR should work out a strategy to continue to help the people who voted for them in whatever small ways. Example, start up a nationwide fund raising campaign to keep the people’s government going in Perak. Nevermind that you have lost ths symbol of power. You still have the people’s mandate. Good Luck!

  69. So, this is what 1MALAYSIA is all about.

    1MAN – Peletup Mongolia and a downright Slime Ball

    1AMBITION – To be PM at all costs, even if it means crushing the rakyat and democracy

    1LIE – on the one hand promises of change, on the other even more crushing blows to democracy, the pounding and crushing of dissent of any kind, the robbing rakyat of the right to determining their government, the blinfolding of the people, the stealing from the people where corruption is so very massive while the one that could not escape the rakyat is made a scrificial lamb

    1CRY – that the rakyat MUST sack BN in the next GE13. This call to the RAKYAT to regain control of the goverenment we put in place must be kept alive, nurtured and grow into TSUNAMI 2, GE13. Let’s start now!

  70. What is striking to me is the blatant partisanship of the civil servants, the police and we know the judiciary. People can forget Monday’s High Court decision – its already decided (the judge made the arguments FOR Zambry’s attorney when he guided him to concluding the Constitution fired Nizar).

    But the issue really is the behaviour of the police and civil servants. If PR takes over the Federal Govt, it will be clear the police, army and civil servants will not only be a stumbling block but will enable the BN to seize power back illegally somehow.

    Meaning that violence is inevitable if reform is to take place. Its just a question of things taking it course. We have gone pass avoiding it. The issue really is when we will pay the price for it.

  71. The following was taken from Today’s ‘theSun’.

    Crisis best resolved by people, says Bar Council

    PETALING JAYA: The Perak crisis should be resolved by the people and not the courts, as there are many issues ‘which cannot be resolved in a court of law’, said Bar Council president Ragunath Kesevan.

    ‘I do not think it can be resolved in the courts, it has to go back to the people. There are so many legal issues which cannot be resolved in a court of law – whether Sivakumar can reject a vote of no confidence, and whether his removal by police was necessary,’ said Ragunath, adding that such technical legal debates would solve nothing.

    ‘If you talk about when it (the assembly session) starts, you will be talking about technical matters of timing. It will not solve the problem either way. The best thing would be to go back to the crux of the problem and let the people decide who they want for the Perak government,’ he said.

    ‘The arrest of people dressed in black was completely unnecessary, as well as the roadblocks. All of that was completely unnecessary,’ said Ragunath, adding that such actions raised public doubt in the police force.

  72. What is perceptively a simple problem has developed to become one of the biggest national disgrace. It’s obvious that he Perak voters are the ones who should decide to break the impasse.
    My view is that PM Najib could have won more respect from the people if he had returned the mandate to the Perakians. Now that you have won the battle (Perak government) but you are probably going to lose the war (13 GE). For the Opposition PR, they may have lost the battle but they are slowly and surely going to win the war. With this national disgrace the tipping point in Malaysian politics has reached. What I can’t understand is that why didn’t the BN government want to give themselves a chance to win back the respect and confidence of the people and hence selling his IMalaysia concept well?

  73. I am terribly sorry to say that “I feel ashame to be a Malaysian”. Not even a word for the PM regarding the Perak State Assembly yesterday??!! Shame on you (Najib) and shame on all Malaysian who have focibly chosen this man to represent the nation. Utmost, thanks to these morons from BN who laid a perfect path of hell to the next general election.

  74. As can be expected, UMNO and BN has taken Malaysia to the dark ages. This will certainly go down as a dark chapter in Malaysian history. Malaysia has become a country where lawlessness prevails, corruption unchecked, crime rampant. Our constitution has also been made a mockery by these usurpers and tyrants. For all Malaysians who continue to support this regime please ask yourself if this is what you want for your yourself and your children.

  75. i strongly urge that the DAP will make a police report, for the incident where Hee Yit Fong tearing off the RM 1 note (with the evident from a youtube clip posted)

    tearing off Malaysia currency note is the same as an insult to the country, and it is consider a criminal

    this opportunity should be well taking since each time police gave excuse that whenever there is a reported lodge, investigation will be carried out.

  76. It says in the Perak Constitution that no other matter can be handled besides the appointment of the speaker during that sitting. Which then means that all the other motions passed cannot be done as per the constitution. Which means the previous PR committees all remain in power. They must act fast.

    Suspend the Hee katak and the Snake Hamidah for their misconduct yesterday. See who else can be suspended too.

  77. “How can the police simply arrest the 5 lawyers? ”

    Do they ever need a reason to arrest anyone? They have a history of acting like mad dogs once their self-interest is at stake, or as Ahmad Ismail said, “running amok”, and this medical history is going to bring them down, come the next general election. As far as I perceive, they are no different from secret societies.

  78. “Wasn’t this Hee woman a DAP member?? How could people trust the DAP again??” -TomThumb

    Well we have not much choice. We can only hope that DAP grooms and produces better quality candidates by the next elections.

    The other way is to bankrupt the UMNOputra’s so that they don’t have enough money to pay off everyone.

    Hee Yit Foong was supposedly paid 25 million by UMNOputra Vincent Tan. We can avoid employing the services and goods of companies under him. For example stop gambling.

    You can also avoid alcohol as a substantial amount of money we pay actually goes to the federal government as liquor taxes.

    The money we save we can donate to PR state governments so that PR can buy their own kataks from BN. Now wouldn’t that be ironic. Gee…i wonder if we get tax exemptions from donating to PR state governments?

  79. katdog Says:

    Today at 21: 28.45 (1 hour ago
    Hee Yit Foong was supposedly paid 25 million by UMNOputra Vincent Tan”

    What does she do for a living prior to this – a full time politician? How much does an ADUN earn?

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