Lim Kit Siang

Flash updates from Perak

Sivakumar(centre) removed from the chamber by the Sergeant-at-Arms and special branch officers. Pic by sun2surf

4.36 pm – Pakatan Rakyat ADUNs are having press conference at state assembly library. The flash updates ends here.

Sivakumar being dragged out of the House (Pic courtesy of Sinar Harian)

2. 40 pm – Speaker Siva was dragged out by 10 police officers.

50 security personnel in dewan.

2.38 pm – the police and civil servant and BN are trying to get rid of speaker in what ever way they can, including using brute power.

2.36 pm – Police, special branch, men in black and traditional malay costume, all trying to approach Speaker. Shouting and scuffling.

2.34 pm – Special Branch and sergeant at arm trying to attack Speaker. 6 PR men surrounding Speaker.

2.23 pm – Scuffle for mike in assembly. Uniformed and plainclothes police entered assembly to drag out PR Assemblyman for Teja Chang Li Kang. Total Chaos.

2.06 pmunconfirmed news…FRU now entering SUK building

1.59 pm – BN ADUNs taking their seat again.

1.45 pm

Getting ready for any eventuality… Speaker still in his seat !!! Viva PR

1.43 pm Reported by Chong Eng, MP for Bukit Mertajam – Karpal, Kula, Manogaran and myself, together with another DAP lawyer are in the FRU Sg. Senam now. We are negotiating with DSP Wong to see all the 64 arrested. There are 4 MPs (Ampang, Sg Siput, Kubang Keriang and Parit Buntar) and 5 DAP State Assemblymen. We are now waiting for Deputy OCPD to see us. We want to see all detainees, but police want us to wait till they finish recording their statement.

Malaysiakini Update for 12.45pm: Things are turning ugly in the house. Pakatan rep Thomas Su (Pasir Pinji) ridicules Ganesan by offering him RM50 and shouting ‘Go and die’ in Cantonese.
BN-friendly independent state rep and deputy speaker Hee comes to Ganesan’s defence by snatching away the money and tearing in into pieces.

13.07 pm – At FRU Sg Senam – Karpal, Manogaran, Chong Eng, M.Kula and lawyer Augustine allowed into FRU area.
Meeting Ampang and Sg Siput MPs.
64 arrested thus far.

12.56 pm – Illegal speaker Ganesan adjourned assembly for another hour

12.34 pm – Pandemonium in the assembly.

Star online now refers to Siva as ‘former’ speaker. Where’s their sense of decency?!

12.20 pm – Ganesan wanted to sit at Secretary place. Speaker ordered him to get out.

12.10 pm – via FaceBook : Thomas Su is anxiously counting down to the penultimate battle now.. The BN goons seems to be getting ready and something is cooking now… I wonder what it is…..

12.07 pm – Ganesan entered hall with speaker attire and seated at BN place (opposition side)

11.53 am – Speaker still seated. Seems like Regent will be coming in for his royal address.

Malaysiakini updates :

11.30am: “As long as I am here, the other speaker (Ganesan) is haram,” said Sivakumar while attempting to start the assembly sitting. His microphone is still turned off.

11.25am: Pakatan reps walk over to their ousted MB Mohammad Nizar to discuss their next strategy. The verbal salvos continue in the background.

11.23am: Sivakumar once again asks the 10 BN reps to leave the House. Failing which, he warns that he will not reconvene the sitting. But as far as BN reps are concerned, their speaker has adjourned the sitting. A shouting match erupts again.

11.21am: Amidst the pandemonium in the House, BN still manages to pass four motions. These include to remove Sivakumar as the speaker, to appoint Ganesan as the new speaker, to appoint new state committee members and to declare the tree assembly illegal.

11.31am – All seated … Ganesan left hall.
Idham Lim – Sidan Haram umum tangguh sidang namun ADUN BN masih tidak mahu keluar dewan.

Update from Idham Lim’s blog (11.17 am) – corrected

Speaker umumkan semua usul telah ditolaknya di dalam kamar bertarikh 7 Mei dan sementara itu Zambry mengusulkan sidang ditangguh sejam dan diterima oleh sidang haram iaitu selama sejam sebagaimana yang diumumkan oleh Speaker haramnya.

Dewan menjadi senyap setelah sidang haram berakhir beberapa minit yang lepas.

Sidang Haram BN inside the Dewan

Malaysiakini Update :
11.05am: Deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong, who is now a BN-friendly independent, announces that she has taken over from Sivakumar. Standing behind a cordon of BN state reps, she orders the sergeant-at-arms to expel Sivakumar. However, no action is taken by the sergeant-at-arms.

Zambry again reads out the motion to sack Sivakumar. All BN state reps raise their hands in support. Zambry also moves the motion to appoint R Ganesan as the new speaker. This is again backed by BN reps and the three BN-friendly Independents.

Ganesan walks into the assembly hall to accept the speaker’s gown. He is quickly sworn in among the turmoil and signs the appointment document at the BN side of the assembly.

Sivakumar, who is still occupying the speaker’s seat, keeps shouting “Speaker ini haram” (He is an illegal speaker) referring to Ganesan.

Ganesan conducts the assembly meeting from the floor among the BN state reps. Zambry tries to move other motions to change a number of key posts.

11.19 am – All seated down at own place in Dewan. “Guest” or audience in the dewan laughing that all ADUN keeping quiet. V. Sivakumar the legitimate Speaker is waiting for 10 people (Zambry+6 illegal excos+3 frogs) to get out from dewan.

11.16 am – Now BN tabled the motion for the meeting under the tree is invalid and meeting to be “ditangguh” sejam but nobody leaving.

10.55 am

Swearing in of speaker haram

11.09 am – Update from ADUN Idham Lim:

Ganesesan sedang meneruskan Sidang Haram.

Ganesan sedang mengendalikan beberapa usul berikutnya dengan mengumumkan usul perlantikan Jawatan Kuasa Dewan yang baru sesuai dengan peraturan tetap dewan negeri.

Keadaan menarik ini saya umumkan sebagai sidang “Bawah Syiling”. Sidang kebudak-budakan dan macam lakonan itu disaksikan oleh seluruh dunia dan mencemarkan demokrasi.

Lucu, aneh, tapi benar…

Update from The Nut Graph :

10.56am State assemblyperson from MIC Datuk R Ganesan is taking his oath of office as the Perak Speaker after the motion was proposed by Zambry and seconded by Hee, and supported by all BN elected representatives and the three independents friendly to the BN. Shouts of protests by Pakatan Rakyat side.

Speaker V Sivakumar’s microphone has been turned off. Deputy Speaker Hee Yit Foong, the DAP assemblyperson who quit the Pakatan Rakyat to become a BN-friendly elected representative, has declared the majority of the House has voted Sivakumar out and he should leave. Hee now asks the Bentara to remove Sivakumar. Tee BN ADUNs are shouting “Tronoh turun! Tronoh turun!” Sivakumar is the Tronoh assemblyperson.

11.00 am

The Nut Graph – Chaos in state assembly sitting

10.55 am

V. Sivakumar the Speaker!

10.50 am

Hee trying to snatch Speaker’s chair

10.47 am – BN ask Hee Yit Fong to announce sacking of speaker V. Sivakumar.
– From ADUN Idham Lim’s blog :

Hee, timbalan speaker cuba ambill kuasa speaker yang masih sah.

ADUN Jelapang yang digantung dan dihalau keluar oleh Speaker cuba merampas kuasa dengan cuba membuat pengumuman tetapi cuba digagalkan oleh kebanyakan ADUN Pakatan Rakyat.

Cubaan terbaharu itu nampaknya gagap dan nampak sangat menyalahi peraturan sidang. Hee nampaknya cuba memberikan pengumuman namun dihalang oleh ADUN Pakatan.

Saya tidak pasti sampai bila keadaan kecoh ini akan berakhir.

10.46 am

Scene inside the dewan

10.38 am – Facebook update by exco Thomas Su – the dewan is at a deadlock now. The 10 aduns refused to leave dewan and speaker will not start until they leave dewan….

Photo by The Nut Graph – Police in action

10.29 am – (from Dewan) The sacked Secretary Assembly wants to start doa. Was refrained physically.

10.21 am – DAP Ayer Tawar Councillor Phang Hean Chong and Ipoh Councillor Chan Tong Tuan arrested.

10.18 am – Parit Buntar MP Mujahid arrested.

10.14 am – From M. Kula – Those arrested at FRU Sg. Senam. We are waiting outside, not allowed in to see them.

10.11 am – Sg Siput MP Jeyakumar arrested under the democracy tree.

From inside the Dewan, Speaker reading announcement to send out 7 BN ADUNs.

From The Star : 10:01am PAS Youth chief Salahuddin Ayub detained for illegal assembly about 20m from the so-called “democracy tree” where the historic “under the tree” assembly was held on March 3.

10.04 am – Three ordered out. But all still seated inside. BN is extremely cool.

10.02 am – Announcement from speaker was made before proceeding starts. Speaker Sivakumar announced all seven (Zambry, and his usurpers excos) be out.

10.01 am – State Legal Advisor seated together with BN ADUNs (left, opposition). Speaker ordered him to move to the right side of the dewan. He refused, and was ordered out of the dewan.

9.55 am – All ADUN entering Dewan, PR are sitting govt side (right side of Speaker). (Update) Seat arrangement was that BN seat on the right. This was corrected by rightful PR Perak govt.

9.42 am – Lau Dak Kee, DAP Veteran Chairman arrested

9.37 am – Our previous Teja ADUN R. K. Muthu arrested

9.32 am – Blogger Zorro arrested. Kula and lawyers going to Sg Senam police station to check out all the OKT (orang kena tahan) now

9.28 am – Lee Kong Hing, previous NS State Organising Secretary arrested

9.20 am – (from Dewan) The arrival of our speaker now.

9.19 am – Patron of coffee shop ground floor of DAP hq chased away or arrested by police.
“This has become a war zone. This is a national and international disgrace. Even when we have received official invites from the speaker, we are refused entry,”

9.08 am – (PG) Sg Pinang ADUN Koid Teng Guan arrested

8.59 am – Ipoh Timur MP Lim Kit Siang, Ipoh Barat MP M. Kula and Teluk Intan MP Manogaran trying to go into dewan bearing Speaker invitation letter but stopped by police. Police says Speaker’s letter tak laku.

8.53 am – The ADUNs are not allowed into the dewan now. The hall will only be opened at 9.45 am. All the ADUN locked out of the hall now.

8.48 am – List of those arrested : (NS) Bahau ADUN Tey Kok Seong, (NS) Temiang ADUN Ng Chin Tsai, (Sel) Teratai ADUN Jenice Lee

8.33 am – List of those arrested : Melaka ADUN Khoo Poay Tiong, Taiping Councillor Simon, a Sg Siput councillor, DAPSY Taiping Chief Tey Kok Lim

8.31 am – ADUN approaching dewan, 1km away. Helicopter hovering around. Police at every coner.

8.23 am – Police arresting people in black outside DAP HQ.

Pictures :

The two kataks

Fake excos… Sitting on opposition seat

Katak on the phone in the dewan

Zambry trying out the mike to make sure it works


Photo by The Malaysian Insider Teratai ADUN Jenice Lee arrested earlier


Picture taken at 11am