Stop Press : Serdang MP among those arrested outside Brickfields police station

Update 11.10pm : Teo Nie Ching, Serdang MP was released.

Update : Arrested count is now 14

Update : 11 arrested by police.

8 people including Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching was arrested while holding a vigil in support of Wong Chin Huat infront of Brickfields police station.

29 Replies to “Stop Press : Serdang MP among those arrested outside Brickfields police station”

  1. It seems that IGP Musa Hassan is going to turn Malaysia into another Myanmar, where the junta totalitarian government shows no mercy on human rights activists at all!

    Perhaps Pakatan Rakyat should change the political strategy right now. Why don’t Anwar go give a good offer to the present Defence Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, inviting Dato Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to join Pakatan Rakyat and offering him to be the interim Prime Minister until the date of the 13th General Election?

    After all… Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was the best friend of Anwar during Anwar’s clash with Dr. Mahathir in 1998! Pakatan Rakyat people shall give it a try to approach Ahmad Zahid Hamidi before Najib and Hishammuddin Hussein are going to create further damages through the human rights encroachment upon Pakatan Rakyat’s supporters! The ISA detention, if being invoked on Pakatan Rakyat’s supporters, will create irreparable damages to the detainees in terms of personal mental health and physical health, as the darkness experience in the ISA detention camp will always haunt the ex ISA detainees with nightmare for many years!

    Let’s come together to put a STOP on the tyranny of Najib, Hishammuddin and IGP Musa Hassan now!

  2. No rules?

    As armless citizen, 13th GE is the best ever choice.
    Vote for our right, bring and looking for better future.

    Warmest regards.

    PS : No offensive to the abovementioned.

  3. it is shameful that police are making the laws of this country, not the law makers.

    cannot wear black, cannot mention altantuya’s name, cannot hold candles, even an unarmed member of the public delivering a cake also got arrested.

    people are arrested not under Malaysian enacted laws, but laws made and enforced by the police.

  4. This time the IGP are going too far.

    They should not involve in political matters.

    Their jobs is protect the citizen from criminals not abuse power to arrest people get involve in politics.

    It is better for Malaysia someone who have the authority ask the responsible abusing power to resign/step down/earlier retirement.

  5. We try to speak nicely.

    Reading the news that IPOH police threaten people cant wear the black color clothing….well….this is too much indeed….what authority is the IPOH police have act like a king in the street ordering Malaysian cant wear black clothing….are all Malaysian under arrest…who give them the authority to threaten malaysian cant wear black clothing….

    Are the police peace keeper or ganster use threat to stay in power?

    The responsible IPOH POLICE better step down/earlier retirement to keep Malaysian Police reputation else its act like a bunch of gan….





    IT IS SO TERRIBLE – a gift to PERAKIAN from the ferdera gov.

  7. One Black Hole Mysia, Power First, Performance for Show.
    Thought read n/ppr few days ago that the ISA is to be reviewed and hardly 3 days, ISA being used on Rakyat. Wow, don’t play play, everything is sensitive nowadays. Syok syok tangkap bagi u orang tengok, syok syok bagi balik. Jangan main main kat najis…..

  8. People are allowed to wear black clothing even in Myanmar where the junta totalitarian government shows no mercy on human rights activists at all.

    Isn’t Malaysia worse than Myanmar when the police forbid ordinary Malaysians to wear black clothing?

  9. Sorry, is the english word for “hitam” a forbidden word now? Very well, I shall have my family members to wear hitam then. God bless Wong and God bless RPK. Hidup Demokrasi.

  10. 2 pregnant woman and 2 unborn baby lifes gone and yet no arrest been make while those ass**** IGP ,PDRM rubbish keep arrest citizen and not protect the citizen from the criminal who commit real crime and murder the innocent. What going on in Malaysia??????????? What the F is going on ?????????????

  11. What a joke,released a dozen,arrested another dozen. Who’s the joker to issue the order,disallowing people to wear black.Don’t the government realize it’s touching the sensitivity of certain chinese traditional rites.What’s wrong with black all of a sudden ?.What’s wrong with the Umno/Bn leaders ?.Are they suddenly becoming insane and afraid to see people wearing black clothing ?.What’s next PDRM ? Another of your crazy joke ordering people to,come in naked should you/rakyat must want to demonstrate.Frankly I can’t believe,all these kinds of jokes are happening more and more in Malaysia.

  12. It’s just ridiculous! Malaysia has changed a lot and became worst ever within these few weeks after Naji$ took over as PM. Look at all local newspapers, they became so coward to speak out the truth to rakyat, especially in the case of Atlantuya and even the 1BlackMalaysia. And now not only the presses are limited, our rakyat’s basic right to vote and to choose what to wear have gone too!

    Go Naji$, Go and ban all Black-colored shirt in Malaysia, Go to retent all Malaysians who wear in black, Go and eliminate the word ‘Black’ or ‘Hitam’ in all literatures! [deleted]

    Well, talk too much won’t bring any changes, let’s show it through our actions, let’s be together not to forget what BN has done these days!

    – Chill~ no offence =)

  13. BN has chosen the road of self destruction. Who ever is the PM as far as he is from BN there will be no future. Time for change has inch closer by the day. For what all happen now none can please the majority of the people. If people the basic unit of democracy, it is natural that change will come.

    passion marketing

  14. To the police burning candles is more dangerous than waving the parang and the kris. To them sitting in silent protest is more dangerous than dragging someone off her bike and killing her. Its hard for the rest of us to understand this very profound logic. But trust me, they can. Umno can. Coz umno is special. Umno has magical powers. Umno is bomoh. Umno knows how to mumbo jumbo. Bardus. Absolutely.

  15. “It is the law of love that rules mankind. Had violence, i.e. hate, ruled us we should have become extinct long ago. And yet, the tragedy of it is that the so-called civilized men and nations conduct themselves as if the basis of society was violence.” Mahatma Gandhi.

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  16. We must stick to our own kind – the kind that want to see fairness and justice for all, in particular the poor, needy and deserving irrespective of race and religion.

    Decades of bad leadership and gross mismanagement of the country must stop to protect the best interest of our country.

  17. Umno still control the police, next election will come soon, please wake up to all citizens, a new government is required.
    All people do not like the police abuse of power.

  18. Hey DunFlaMe,should ” Black or Hitam ” is ban or like you said eliminated,then aren’t you and the rest of the rakyat be feeling sorry for Tun Musa Hitam and other Hitams in the country! Ha hahahh haaaaaaa LOL.

  19. another junta state, we are becoming another Myanmar, less foreign investments will flow in, bravo BN, we die 2gether in this country. Even China’s communist party is better than BN police junta party.

    we need to keep focus, need to win negeri sembilan and pahang and part of johor and sabah, so can kit umno goons from turning malaysia into another junta state.

    pls, kerismudin and najiss, keep on suppress people, let show your true face to all malaysia, u two “ye shai zou”(canton)

    16,707,180,399 cuckold

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